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Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2021) 50, 20200133

© 2021 The Authors. Published by the British Institute of Radiology

DMFR 50th Anniversary: Review Article

The way we were (and how we got here): fifty years of

technology changes in dental and maxillofacial radiology
Roberto Molteni

Localita` Lubiara 119, Caprino Veronese VR, Italy

The history of the last 50 years (1970–2020) of technological changes and progresses for
equipment and procedures in dental and maxillofacial radiology is related from the insider
perspec-tive of an industrial physicist and technologist who has been instrumental at innovating
and developing medical equipment in different parts of the world. The onset and improvement
of all major categories of dental and maxillofacial radiographic equipment is presented, from
the standpoint of their practical acceptance and impact among common dentists and
maxillofacial radiologists: X-ray sources and detectors for intraoral radiography, and panoramic
systems, both film-based and digital (including photo-stimulated phosphor plates); and cone
beam CT.
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2021) 50, 20200133. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20200133

Cite this article as: Molteni R. The way we were (and how we got here): fifty years of tech-
nology changes in dental and maxillofacial radiology. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2021; 50:

Keywords: Radiology History; Dentistry History; Digital Imaging; Dental Radiology; With e
Beam CT


“According to laws of aerodynamics, the bumble bee and socials, word processors, “smart devices,” tablets,
cannot fly; its body is too heavy for its wings and that's cellular phones, personal computers, digital cameras,
the simple reason why. But the bumble bee doesn't microprocessors, solid-state digital memories (RAM),
know this fact, and so it flies anyway for all to see.” (ACE electronic pocket calculators, fax machines, flat LCD
Waldrop) I have repeatedly encountered examples of color screens (we had only bulky monochromatic CRT
this fake scientific aphorism (sometimes apocryphally terminals, without any graphic capability, and they were
attributed to Albert Einstein) during my professional life, for large centralized industrial or scientific computers,
and dental and maxillofacial radiology is a prom-inent not for personal use). Storage of digital data (for big
area to demonstrate it. computers) would occur through magnetic tape,
More than half a century ago, in August 1968, the perforated paper tape, or punched cards. Even
International Association of Dento-Maxillo-Facial photocopying was a still-immature awkward business,
Radiology was founded at the conclusion of its first with ammonia-stinking paper that would fade away after
congress in Santiago, Chile, hosted by Professor some time; reports were handwritten and handed over
Gregorio Faivovich. to a secretary who would typewrite them in the required
Even for those who were already adults at that time number of copies using carbon paper on tissue paper sheets.
(and more so for those who were not yet born!), it is Consequently, retrieving documents and data from
difficult now to realize or remember how different the current XXI century, when a huge amount of
everyday life was back then, as far as requisite gadgets information in standard digital formats is available
go. We did not have Internet and electronic mail, SMS, Whatsapp through the Internet, or from various storage media, is
immensely less challenging than for the XX century—
Correspondence to: Dr Roberto Molteni, E-mail: robertodocmolteni@yahoo. especially if such information was not published on
com easily available public media. In writing this insider
Received 03 April 2020; revised April 26, 2020; accepted 27 April 2020 excursus about the technology changes of dental and
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maxillofacial radiology in the last 50 years, I had to rely

largely on my own memory (with the help of a few other
old-timers), and on a few scraps of scattered documents
in my possession that have not been dispersed with the
continuous changes and vicissitudes of the dental and
radiological industry. My tale is not focused on theoret-
ical scientific advancements as reported in professional
papers and discussed in academia (which may precede
mass adoption by many years), but rather about the
practical conditions experienced by the ordinary dentist
and maxillofacial radiologist. The year of introduction of
commercially available equipment reported here are
often approximate, because there may not be a precise
and univocal date: prototypes or pre-production units
are installed at pilot sites in advance of regular
production, and frequently companies start
commercialization of a new product only in the country
of their domestic market, before making it available to
the international market. The years indicated here refer
to when the products are generally available in the international market.
For almost four decades, I have been a manager of
R&D and innovation for several manufacturers of
radiographic and electromedical equipment, and I have
witnessed that the scenario of technologies and
procedures for dental and maxillofacial radiology has
also changed enormously (albeit perhaps not so much
as for the paraphernalia of daily life).

X-ray sources for dental intraoral radiography

After World War II, the dental profession became
accustomed to the “monoblock” (or “tubehead”) design
of dental intra oral X-ray sources (ie with X-ray tube, Figure 1 The tubehead of Oralix 50 by Philips, a popular dental
high-voltage transformers, collimation, and other intraoral X-ray of the '70s (50 kV AC, short pointed cone). AC,
alterna-nate current.
necessary components all enclosed in a sealed metallic
housing: no more exposed high voltage wires, a
significant cause of fatal accident in the prior decades), quality—depending, however, also on the detector, the
all suspended from the wall with a pantographic arm diagnostic task, and the observer preferences and habits.
(Figure 1). The control was an electromechanical timer. In the same timeframe, in new products the “short
Initially, the high-voltage was around 50 kV or even 45 cone” formerly used (or “coning device” actually shaped
kV, just adequate for proper dental imaging, especially as a pointed cone) was being replaced with a “long
with alternate current (AC) anodic power supply. In the cone”—and concurrently, the older bisecting tech-nique
70's and 80's, induced by changes in regulations and was generally supplanted by paralleling technique
standards under the pressure from professional opinion- (note*). This was made possible by the greater X-ray
leading radiologists (not from the dentists themselves, beam flux (dose rate) attained with the higher kV, which
who were and are the overwhelming current clientele), is required for retaining adequate dosage (without
the manufacturers gradually increased the high voltage increasing too much the exposure time) with the larger
to 65 kV and eventually 70 kV in new products. Not all source-to-detector distance that paralleling technique
dentists were completely happy of the change, longing implies. This also brought about the wide adoption of
for the sharper image contrast associated with film-holder and positioner devices (inconvenient with
moderately low kV, as opposed to the “softer” images pointed short cones and bisecting technique), especially
associated with higher kV and favored by trained in USA where full-mouth surveys are common.
(general) radiologists. The control became an electronic timer. [Note *: a cone (or coning device) combines in a
Various studies published in the scientific literature single device a positioning indicating device (PID) and a
over several decades have claimed and proven that any collimator, also formally known as beam limiting device
high-voltage in the 50–90 kV range is adequate for (BLD).]
dental intraoral imaging. There is a broad optimum of X- It should be clarified that when I say “short” and “long”
ray hardness (ie kV) at 70 kV for best image in this context, I mean typically about 10cm

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(4”) and 20 cm (8”) respectively. Later, when all new by its sales force to increase the product line with a 75
collimators become suitable for paralleling technique, a kV model (AC), launched in the second half of that
commercial “long cone” would typically mean 30cm decade. It was a memorable commercial failure, with
(12”), a size that never become really popular. As to the only very few hundred units sold in North America over
40cm (16”) cones (obtained with special modifications a span of several years. Scaling up with kV is not at all
of the standard ones) which are occasionally mentioned linear with size, weight, and cost, and in fact the resulting
in scientific literature, essentially they have never existed design was bulky and expensive, and images generally
outside some academic milieus. The 80's also saw the less contrasted (hence, less palatable) than with the
introduction of the first rectangular-field dental colli- prior models.
mators, which slowly began to attain popularity initially In the 80's, the advent of DC dental intraoral X-ray
in Sweden, then in North Europe in general. sources, that is with direct current (DC) anodic high-
There is a particular model of dental X-ray source voltage supply, changed this paradigm. DC X-ray
that deserves a special mention for its uniqueness: sources offer many advantages over AC (especially in
General Electric GE 1000 (later by Gendex). This device association with the fast digital detectors that would
(or its direct predecessor) was developed and launched come into use in the 90's, as we shall see, less so with
in the 50's and was produced virtually unchanged for 50 chemically processed X-ray films): lighter construction,
years, quite a record! Undoubtedly, it must have been much more accurate exposure time and possibility to
state-of-the-art when it was first launched, but became impart very short irradiations, stability of the technical
a very mature and ordinary technology in the subsequent factors; The radiation hardness with a DC X-ray source
decades. However, it possessed a unique feature: like is approximately equivalent to that from an AC X-ray
in the bigger X-ray sources for medical radiology, the source with anodic voltage 5 kVp higher.
operator had the capability of directly setting all three The first commercial DC dental intraoral X-ray
technique factors—anodic current (mA), AC anodic high- sources was the American-made Intrex by SS White in
voltage (kVp), exposure time (s)—independently from 1980,1 the second was MinRay DC by Soredex of
each other and over a broad range. Of course, the Finland in 1984.2
control was achieved with rotary switches, There is no basic technical reason why a DC and an
potentiometers and analog dials, given the technology AC dental X-ray source of good quality construction
of the time. This made it precious in certain dental should have a significantly different cost (although a
schools for teaching and investigative purposes— cheap design can be achieved for AC systems, without
although not much so for the general dentist who rather compromising too much the reliability, by renouncing on
seeks ease and immediacy of use. It was also quite features and performances). But at the beginning, DC
sturdily built, as it was weighted twice as much as the systems were offered at prices generally higher than
average dental X-ray source, with a cyclopean AC systems, on the ground of the additional cost for the
suspension arm that let it be slammed against the wall electronic converter board, not present in the AC
by careless students, without too much damage (to the systems. So, initially salesmen needed an argument to
arm, not to the wall!). It was produced and sold until push the new technology into the market. However, the
the early 2000s in ever dwin-dling minuscule numbers, argument chosen, the “scalar figure” usually flaunted,
before being discontinued to the dismay of dental old-school was an erroneous one: it was claimed that DC
It is a mantra of the entire industry that it must be technology involved significantly less radiation dose for
“market-oriented”, ie it must strive to satisfy the the patient than AC.
expectations and needs of the user, both expressed I believe that, to some extent, this questionable belief
and unaware. But the practical application of this originated from a misunderstanding of the early studies
principle usually passes through asking the input of the salesman in theon the first DC dental intraoral X-ray sources,
Hence, “market-oriented” often becomes the needs and including studies conducted around 1985 by Erkki
expectations of the salesmen, who may be more skilled Tammisalo, Ebba Helmrot and Olof Eckerdal in Sweden,
and motivated at immediately selling products rather in which the radiation dose from Min-Ray DC was
than with technology and clinical applications. What measured and compared with that from the Philips
almost all salesmen want above all is the same product Oralix 65 AC dental X-ray source.1–4 In these studies,
as their competitors, but better performing, bigger, it was found that the DC unit implies a slightly lower (a
faster… and less expensive; and the better performance decrease of 20% or less) entrance dose (skin dose) to
should be quantifiable with a scalar number. For a dental the (simulated) patient. Immediate comparison of input
dose readout between X-ray sources of different kinds
is problematic, since a different set of technical factors
may be optimal for the different cases. But the main
problem was that many recipients of this study didn't
As an example of the above, in the 80's the company understand (or choose not to understand) the difference
for which I worked, that had already updated its offering between entrance dose (or skin dose), and total
for North America with a 70 kV model, was requested absorbed dose and/or equivalent dose (E). Entrance dose alone is Dentomaxillofac Radiol , 50, 20200133

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an easily measured practical index that can be various models of automatic processors for dental X-ray
associated with radiation-induced risk only in a general films, which for the most part were designed essentially
way, whereas small differences are substantially as a-down of the larger models used in scaling scaling
irrelevant (especially at the very-low-doses involved with medical radiology. One notable exception was the fairly
dental radiology). A higher kV (=harder) X-ray beam compact British-made Velopex by Medivance (still being
deposits less energy to the skin than in the deeper produced), which transports the X-ray films through the
tissues, but the situation is further complicated by the processing baths via a nylon mesh.
shielding action of the intraoral detector itself.
At the beginning, the adoption of DC dental intra-oral
Panoramic radiography
X-ray sources was frequently fraught with reliability
problems, and the failure of the power stage of the
converter board was not infrequent. The tech-nology Notwithstanding the importance of intraoral radiography,
for (moderate) power electronics was still relatively the device, technology, and application whose expansion
immature in the 80's and early 90's, and technical and consolidation characterized the last quarter of the
competence was not easy to find. We had to wait for the XX century was panoramic radiography.
next millennium for this technology to fully mature and Panoramic radiography as we know today had been
achieve complete reliability. I have observed that, oddly, conceived and also practically developed back in the
systems designed in Europe tended to fail more 50's, with the pioneering work of Yrjo Veli Paatero in
frequently in America, and vice versa; I believe this Finland, who had been anticipated—but with different
and more embryonic technical approaches—eg by K.
might have been caused by the different nature of the
Heckmann in Germany and by Hisaji Numata in Japan
electrical power mains in the two continents (not just
and supplemented, eg by Sydney Blackman in UK, J.
voltage and frequency, but, eg also network impedance
Duchamel in France, and D. Hudson and Henry Hollman
and protection devices). in USA.5–9
The 70's and 80's saw a lot of activity not only with
By the 70's, many commercial models were estab-
the X-ray source, but also with the X-ray detector, ie at
lished in the marked, notably the Orthopantomograph
that time the X-ray film. The discussion resonated in the
by the Finnish Palomex resulting from the implementation
professional and scientific literature about whether and
of the original works of Paatero by Timo Nieminen, and
when the faster intraoral X-ray E-film would eventually
co-produced and marketed by Siemens (that provided
supplant the prior D-film in the market (the even-faster
the X-ray generation subsystem); and, eg Panoral by
F-film was also considered). Proponents of the E-class Ritter X-ray; Panellipse by General Electrics; Panorex
film contended and demonstrated, in many scientific by SS White; various models by Japanese brands, eg
articles, that the E-film—when properly processed— Asahi Roentgen, Yoshida, Hida, and J Morita (Figure
It offers essentially the same image quality, contrast, 2); the old Rotograph produced by the short-lived
sharpness, and noise properties, as the slower D-film, Watson in UK and the subsequent homonymous long-
therefore it should be universally adopted because of lived Rotograph (1975) by FIAD (later Villa Sistemi
the advantages in reduced radiation dose to patient Medicali, Italy) (Figure 3); and Cranex by Soredex. In
(and also less cause of movement blurring). “When America, this technique was generally known as
properly processed”: this was the key; many ordinary “panoramic,” in Europe and also in Japan as
dentists were aware that their chemical processing of “pantomography” or “orthopantomography” (OPT,
dental X-ray films frequently run short of being optimal OPTG) (a term that was claimed by Siemens as its own
(spent developer, wrong temperature and time, trade name, but that had already been used primarily in
inadequate safelights, …). The perception was that the public scientific literature since 1958, eg by Paatero
slower D-film was more tolerant to mishandling, whereas himself). Finn, Japanese, American, Italian, German,
in such condition the E-film turned out grainier. This has and lately Korean brands have dominated the world
slowed down the general replacement of the D-film by market for this kind of devices ever since.
the E-film, especially in USA where the latter never fully In the USA, initially the fortune of panoramic radiology
took over the former—until the rise of digital radiology was greatly facilitated by its procurement by the Armed
made the matter moot. Forces, who needed an effective method to screen
The United States was also rather dissimilar from the mass military personnel during and after the Korean
rest of the world in the much more popular adoption of War and later the Vietnam War, also for the purpose
automatic film processors at (small) dental clinics, (sadly) of post-mortem identification of corpses via the dentition.
starting from the late 80's. Undoubtedly, this was caused The technology of the early systems focused on
by the frequent habit of submitting patients to peri-odic implementing the proper cinematic trajectories through
full-mouth intraoral radiographic surveys, a practice not purely mechanical means, such as cams and/or
universally adopted elsewhere. This required processing eccentric levers. All movements—that of the rotating
many dental intraoral X-ray films in a short period of gantry and that of the film cassette—were synchronously
time, which was inconvenient and lengthy if done driven by a single electric motor. With this design,
manually (or semi-manually). The industry offered essentially only one kind of trajectory and projection was possible in a

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Figure 2 Panex by J. Morita, a panoramic machine from 1971.

(Picture courtesy of Yoshito Sugihara, J.Morita Mfg. Corporation)

given machine. Compared to today, the early systems

were massive, weighing several hundred of kg and
requiring shipment in separate parts and partial assembly
on site; sometimes, the walls had to be reinforced in
order to bear the weight of the machine. However, these
machines usually offered the advantage of being very
The SS White Panorex displaced the position of the
rotational center for the right and left side for better
projection geometry and to avoid casting the shadow of
the spine onto the anterior teeth. Initially, this was Figure 3 Rotograph (first series) by FIAD, a panoramic machine of
achieved by shifting (by a predetermined distance) the the late 70's. (Picture courtesy of Fabio Curti, Villa Sistemi Medicali)
patient himself (ie, the chair onto which the patient was
seated), in a later design by shifting the mechanical
center of rotation in the machine. The general consensus rotational centers (for the right, central, and left parts of
was that the image quality was quite good geometry- the jaws).
wise, but the overall image was made of two contiguous Cranex by Soredex, Finland, was the first model
pieces, separated by a white (radiolucent) band at the featuring a DC power generator for the X-ray source, in
middle. This made counting the (partially overlapping) 1977. The company was established as a start-up by a
teeth in the dentition less immediate, which was deemed group of technical managers who defected from Palomex
by many to be inconvenient. The Panellipse by General when the top management at Siemens stated that DC
Electrics owed its name to the elliptical trajectory of the power generators would have no market in dental
center of rotation. The European machines stemming radiology.
from Paatero work soon implemented projection geom- It was in the 80's and early 90's that panoramic
etries based upon the uninterrupted shift between three systems became a common staple of private dentists (at least in Dentomaxillofac Radiol , 50, 20200133

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Europe, North America, and Japan). That period also

saw substantial advances in the detailed understanding
of the theoretical basis of rotational panoramic
radiography, through many studies by the late Ulf
Welander (then at the University of Umeå, Sweden,
and Editor-in-Chief of DentomaxilloFacial Radiology)
and of his allied team at the UTHCSA led by William
Doss McDavid.10–13 Additionally providing for a
comprehensive mathematical framework for rotational
panoramic radio-ography, they also pioneered (with a
working prototype) the foundations of digital panoramic radiology.14,15
They used a linear array of sensors (stripe arrays as
customary today were not yet available). No “tomo-
graphic” effects are possible with a strictly linear array,
and their practical results showed (surprisingly to many)
that the tomographic effect is not essential to produce
panoramic images similar to those we are accustomed
to seeing. Among the very many other contributions to
the theory of panoramic radiography, the work by EH
Tammisalo, by Jan Van Aken, by Gerard Sanderink, by
Masaru Shiojima, and by William Scarfe should not be
I run myself into an instance of the bumblebee myth
in the mid-80's, when I set forth to lead the development
of a new panoramic system (Philips Orthoralix SD),
where the complex movements required to implement
the panoramic projections would be driven, robotwise ,
by a set of independently operated stepping motors
under the control of a microprocessor (“software-
driven,” rather than by mechanical cams, levers, and Figure 4 Planmeca PM 2002 CC (late 80's), one of the first pano-
chains), one of the first of this kind to become ramic machines to be microprocessor-controlled (with SCARA
commercially available.17 Some senior expert at the robotic technology), and the first to feature patient standing at 90°
from the wall, thus facilitating its accurate positioning by the operator.
headquar-ters' Research & Development facilities (Picture courtesy of Timo Muller, Planmeca)
declared that this approach could not work, because
the intrinsically discrete movement originated by
stepping motors would result into intolerable striping somewhat superseeded by the advent of CBCT. Sore-
artifacts. Like the bumblebee, I went forth on my way, dex's Scanora (1988) (Figure 5) and later Cranex Tome
and of course, no striping was even detected by (1996) were panoramic systems that included a small-
anybody (the mechanical inertia of the system damps field spiral tomography function for the maxillofacial
out completely the discrete-ness). The same technology region, primarily for transverse tomographic cuts of the
was soon gradually adopted also by all other jaws for implant planning purpose.
manufacturers; in 1986 also Planmeca had launched a The new-generation panoramic systems produced
panoramic machine (PM 2002 CC) with microprocessor- and marketed since the late 80's were also superior in
controlled operation, and—for the first time—patient- that all used DC X-ray generators, and generally had a
oriented sideway (instead of facing the wall) which leaner and lighter construction than their predecessors.
facilitated positioning (Figure 4) . This new technology From this time, almost all commercial panoramic
made possible by selecting different types of radiographic machines had the option—or a version—of an additional
projections in the same system, tuned to the specific arm with cephalostat (sometime nabbed a
diagnostic task, such as, for instance, special projections “teleradiograph”) for cephalometric radiography, for
for the TMJ and for the frontal sinuses. This was (and orthodontic plan-ning purposes. The geometric
still is) a feature greatly advertised to demon-strate and arrangement of such arm and cephalostat with respect
promote the high class of a panoramic system (although to the X-ray source is supposed to implement the same
I think that only a tiny fraction of all users actually take projection geometry (with Source–Object Distance of
much advantage of it). One of the features most sought 150 cm = 60 in.) according to the criteria in the
by several manufacturers, and most difficult to fundamental Broadbent-Bolton “Roentgenographic
satisfactorily implement, was the transversal Cephalometer” described by Wingate Todd in 1931,
scannographic cuts (aka transtomography) of the jaw (a which is generally considered a basis for cephalometric
sequence of linear pseudo tomographies) for the purpose of tracing
implantandplanning, whichtreatment.18,19
orthodontic was subsequently I will not enter into the specific

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Figure 6 Zonarc by Siemens (early 80's), a panoramic machine for

supine patient with multiple choice of image layer shapes.

conjunction with the spread of digital imaging. For

instance: Zonarc by Palomex/Siemens, a remarkable
variation of rotational panoramic radiography for supine
Figure 5 Scanora by Soredex, a panoramic system that included patients (instead of standing or seated) featuring
spiral-tomographic capabilities for cross-sectional views of the jaws different selectable modes of projection (Figure 6); and
and the TMJs (early 90's). the Axial-Tom, Com-Cat by ISI, Quint Sectograph,
dedicated linear or spiral tomographs for the head
but I observe that a seemingly simple device as a (especially for the TMJ).
ceph-alometric arm has been the object, over the As in the case of intraoral imaging, the 70's and
years, of a surprisingly vast and complex assortment 80's witnessed significant progress also with the
of insights and controversies, about humble items detectors for panoramic and cephalometric radiography,
such as, for instance, the wedge filter and the ear which then consisted of cassettes with film and
plugs – much of which is now superseded by the intensifying screen combinations. The antiquated
advent of digital and three-dimensional (3D) technologies. calcium tungstate (CaWO4 ) intensifying screen, dating
The 80's also saw the demise of a technology that back to the early times of radiology, was replaced by
had previously enjoyed some popularity with a niche new materials based upon rare-earths compounds,
of users: intraoral panoramic radiography—offered by where the wavelength of the emitted fluorescent light
Siemens (Status-X), Philips (StatOralix), and Koch & was specifically tuned to the spectral sensitivity of the correspondi
Sterzel (Panoramix). These systems used a tiny There was a small number of important manufacturers,
“pencil-like” X-ray source to be positioned inside the notably Kodak, Fujifilm, 3M-Ferrania, DuPont, and
oral cavity, with the detector (the film with intensifying Agfa/CaWo. The battle raged in the market and in the
screen) wrapped externally around the jaws. The scientific and professional publications as to whether
resulting image was quite sharp, but of course the the “blue” or the “green” combination was superior,
geometrical accuracy was completely lacking. Also, until the introduction of digital imaging rendered the
having a high-voltage X-ray tube placed inside the issue moot. A topic of note was that the new rare-earth-
mouth was not well accepted by the patient, and the based screens—with the possible exception of the
skin dose to the oral mucosa and the effective dose to DuPont make—generally provided more contrast
the other radiosensitive organs in the region was (perhaps too much contrast for the panoramic
dismayingly high by today's standards, So with the application) with respect to the older CaWO4 screens .
growing awareness about radiation risk reduction, this technique was dismissed.
Other uncommon devices and technological Digital intraoral radiography
applications saw their culmination in the 80's and—for The first approaches to electronic imaging pertinent to
the most part—their demise in the subsequent years, in dental and maxillofacial radiology was xerography, Dentomaxillofac Radiol , 50, 20200133

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pursued with various experimental studies during the with Jean Pierre Camus of Reims, France, in a project
70's and 80's.20–23 However, it never got much traction very similar in scope and technical approach to the
in industry and the clinical arena. Digital imaging, the former (aside from the fiber-optics not being curved).
great technological revolution in dentomaxillofacial A live demonstration with a prototype of canal treatment
radiology, began its practical maturation in the 80's. on a volunteer, in front of a public audience of hundreds
When talking about digital imaging in radiology, it is of French dentists, was organized as part of the 1988
customary to divide between computed radiography meeting of SITAD (Salon des Industries et Techniques
(CR) and digital radiography (DR). The former technology des Equipements pour l'Art Dentaire) in Paris. The
(CR) (which is also referred to as photo-stimulated outcome was an embarrassing fiasco. The equipment
phosphors plates or PSP, and also as storage phosphors) stopped to work after a fraction of a minute, midway
is regarded by some as an incomplete form of digital through the treatment, during which only vague shadows
imaging (because of the analogy with the conduct in of something that could have been constructed as an
chemically processed film -based “analog” radiography), endodontic file and the outline of a tooth were discernible
transitional toward the latter (DR) which would be the on the large screen above the surgical theater.
only ultimate and full form of digital imaging. I disagree This outcome should not be surprising. Handling
with this perception, and see both CR and DR as two microchips and other miniaturized and delicate parts
valid technologies that complement each other for necessary for the video chain is a risky and complicated
different applications in oral radiology. I am comforted in busi-ness even for well-equipped laboratories and
this view by the observation that PSP has retained its technically competent research team, and the reliability
diffusion and popularity in dental and maxillofacial of early prototypes is finicky, until a robust manufacturing
radiology a quarter of a century after its appearance know-how. how is established, which may take years.
(although not drawing much attention anymore in Taking into account the modest X-ray flux from a dental
scientific literature: perhaps all has been written already!). radio-graphic source, the inherent inefficiencies and
losses in the optical chain, and the approximately 20 ms
But the first foray into digital or electronic imaging for time window for each frame, it was to be expected that
dental radiology came with DR technologies, at the the image signal-noise- ratio would be awfully poor,
beginning of the 80's. My own first exposure to such which was in fact the case. Furthermore, it become clear
innovative technology took place in May 1984, at a busi- that the radiation cumulative load to the operator (the
ness product meeting in Stresa, Italy, where I met a dentist, even more than to the patient) would be
young Paul Van de Stelt, then freshly appointed professor inacceptable. It became also evident that a real-time live
at the recently established ACTA in Amsterdam, NL. He fluoroscopy in endodontics would be very impractical, or
presented the prototype of a novel fluoroscopic intra- impossible, because the dentist could not simultaneously
oral system at which he had been working in co- keep the detector in position and drill the tooth; and
operation with the Philips corporation. The imaging part unnecessary, because the progress of the file could be
of the system consisted of a hook-shaped fiber-optics, checked with a discrete sequence of images as well.
with a scintillator screen glued to the front face, that At that time, I was in charge of supervising the business
conveyed the image forming on the scintillator screen to and technical feasibility of those projects, and after that
a video camera at the opposite end, all of which was event I immediately recommended to the company that
rigidly connected to the X-ray source supported by an they be stopped and the focus be moved away from
articulated arm. Interestingly, the video chain was not fluo-roscopic to single-shot techniques.
perceived as the only important part of the system; the Small-area CCD image sensors were already well
ergonomics and the geometric arrangement of the X-ray established for optical video cameras, in combina-tion
source also was. A lot of thinking had gone into how to with optical components. But for intraoral oral radiology
maneuver the source & detector gantry while retaining one needs a sensor with an active area suffi-ciently
isocentric projection for the object being fluoroscoped. large for direct coverage of at least one tooth (which was
All this was evidently inspired by C-arm interventional considered to be about 20 × 30mm), because X-rays
fluoroscopy, which then constituted the kind of electronic cannot practically be refracted and focused like optical
imaging already popular in general radiology. light can (except in several-meter-long orbiting space X-
ray telescopes). The problem was that such large-area
It is difficult to understand, from today's perspective, sensors didn't exist yet; the feasibility of manufacturing
that at that time the main, or only, scope conceived for them with sufficient reliability, production yield, and not-
electronic radiography in dentistry was to check in real too-astronomical cost was questioned and doubted by
time (ie live) the progression of an endodontic file down many; and the mere investment cost necessary for
the root during a canal treatment , to prevent drilling production even of one prototype was in the order of half
beyond the apex into the bone. Hence, interventional a million dollars, money that companies were not willing
fluoroscopic C-arms was the reference application. to venture for a yet unproven business. The closest thing
In addition to Van de Stelt's team in Amsterdam, also existing (ie, the largest sensor commercially available)
another team of Philips LEP in Paris was co-operating was the 7883 CCD from

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Thompson Semiconductor that measured 9 × 13mm rest of Europe and elsewhere, so great was the need
(and was meant for video cameras, not radiography). and demand for electronic imaging. The commercial
Already in the early 80's Francis Mouyen, a French success in France was also helped by the fact that the
dentist from Toulouse, had embarked on a path that French pertinent authority later established a
would start the industrial and practical application of reimbursement rate for dental X-rays made with this
electronic imaging in dental radiology. Mouyen was not new technology, at a level fivefold higher than with the
a trained engineer or a physicist, in those fields he was chemical-processed X-ray film. This ranged a loud bell
rather a passionate amateur, but he understood well for all other manufacturers of dental radiographic
the practical needs and expectations of his profession, equipment, who then real-ized that investing in electronic
and had vision and ebullient enthusiasm. Having filed imaging was not only possible and desirable, but even
for patents since 1983, he persuaded Trophy, then a a necessity in order to retain prominence in the market.
small dental X-ray equipment company active The shrewd reader may have noticed that I have
predominantly in their French domestic market, to fund carefully refrained from using the term “digital imaging”
him with a very modest grant to build, demonstrate, and in the last few sections, and used “electronic imaging”
validate the prototype of a dental intraoral electronic instead. This is because the technology implemented
radiography system. It worked. He had the brilliant idea in the early RVG systems, and their prototypal
to resize the visible-light image radiographically forming predecessors, although “electronic” was not “digital”.
on a 17 × 26mm intensifying screen down to the 9 × Images were not captured and exposed as digital files
13mm of the CCD sensor, through a carefully fabricated (in some standard format like, eg the now common
short tapering fiber optics, shaped like a squat truncated JPEG or TIFF). Instead, they were transmitted to the
pyramid. The whole detector, 14mm thick, could thus analog CRT display as a continuous video signal. When
be accommodated inside the oral cavity. another radiograph was taken (or if the equipment was
Francis Mouyen was the bumblebee that, not with- switched off) the prior image was lost forever. The only
standing the lack of sound technological background, way to retain a record of the radiograph was to print it
the paucity of funds, the absence of a prior references, with a (optional) thermal paper printer. Of course, this
dared to fly high and went where no man had gone before. bears the imprint of the fluoroscopic interventional C-
He should forever be remembered and commended for
arms of that age, where the “digital memory” was an
that accomplishment. extra option. This was to change very soon, and already
That led to production and commercialization of the second version, RVG32000 launched in 1990, had
Trophy RVG 25000 in 1987 (RVG staying for Radio the option for producing TIFF digital image files, through
Visio Graphy) (Figure 7).24–27 To today's standards, a frame-grabber and the associated software program
the performances of these early RVG systems were mini-Julie.28,29
rather questionable. Image quality was far below the
In partnership with the Trophy company, Francis
current standards; the bulky detector was uncomfortable
Mouyen applied for a number of patents with broad
for the patient and difficult to position, not standing in
claims for products that they would manufacture. In
an active area so modest to border usability; and the
essence, they tried to secure the priority for any kind of
price was quite high compared to what we are accused
electronic imaging application in dentistry. In fact, when
of now. In spite of these shortcomings it was an instant
the first direct competitors appeared, initially Trophy
success, at the beginning in France then in the
attempted to aggressively use its patent to shut the
others off the market. At the 1992 exhibition of the ADF
in Paris, a Trophy representative surveyed the booths
of competitors accompanied by a uniformed policeman
(a “flic”), threatening them of immediate coerced closure
and harsh criminal consequences for patent infringement.
In fact, the French patent application that was ultimately
granted by the patent authorities described a very
specific invention encompassing a combination of
various features that had all to be present. The
extension to dentistry of technologies that were already
established for general radiography was not considered
to be a significant invention. So, the claims in his
patents had to be strictly restricted to certain specific
technical aspects of the product, resulting into Mouyen's
second patent related to the X-ray detector, filed in
1992 and published in 1995. Maybe, the legal strictures
Figure 7 A young Francis Mouyen and a young patient being
radiographically examined with Trophy RVG 25000 (late 80's), the
of the patenting process have hampered Francis
first dental electronic imaging system. (Picture courtesy of Bruno Mouyen from taking full credit and full advantage from
Ehrmann, CS Dental) his innovative impetus. Dentomaxillofac Radiol , 50, 20200133

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For those who are not familiar with how the patenting In the immediately following years, ie the early 90's, a
process works, I need to clarify that granting a patent does real avalanche of innovations hit the dental radiology milieu,
not imply that the Patent Office validates and certifies that with several intraoral digital imaging systems becoming
the invention actually works, or that it is based upon solid commercially available, that used a full-area sensor without
scientific grounds. The essential duties of a Patent Office the inconvenience of image-resizing fiber optics.
are just to verify that: (i) the patent application and description
is formally structured in the prescribed manner; (ii) the “prior The first one was Visualix by Philips Dental Systems
art” is described and referenced; (iii) the invention and a (soon to morph into Gendex Dental Systems) launched in
“preferred embodiment” is fully described (it is supposed October 1991 at the Expodental trade show in Milan, in
that a prototype has been manufactured); (iv) the “claims” conjunction with the annual FDI meeting. It was a truly digital
are fully and clearly stated; (v) the same invention or parts system with a flat intraoral detector using a purposely
thereof, leading to the claims, has not been previously developed (and radiation hardened) CCD sensor 18 ×
publicly “disclosed” (in the country for which the patent is 24mm, 288 × 386 isometric pixels 63µm, 8-bit grayscale,
applied for), for instance by publication in the press and directly coupled with a Gd2 O2 S (gadox) scintillator ( after
media, or at conferences, or by any other openly accessible an initial stint with direct X-ray conversion in the silicon
manner; and of course that (vi) all fees and taxes have duly sensor). It operated as a peripheral of a standard personal
been paid. That the invention really works the way it is computer (DOS-based, Windows wasn't out yet), and saved
alleged or makes scientific sense is not a concern of the images in standard file format (TIFF, JPEG, BMP) that were
Patent Office. I think that was also the case for some stored in the computer memory and could be exported
aspects of the patents that Mouyen got granted. In fiber ( Figure 8).30,31
optics, a small fraction of the fibers may be made of opaque That was followed almost immediately by Sens-A-Ray
extramural absorbent (EMA) fibers, interspersed among the of Regam Medical Systems, with very similar characteristics,
mass of other optically transparent fibers, whose purpose is developed in Sundsvall, Sweden, by Per Nelvig (a dental
actually to suppress the light scattered out of the optical radiologist) with the help of his brother Lars Nelvig (an
fibers, which would otherwise fog the image. One essential electronic engineer), in cooperation with EEV, a large
feature of the Mouyen patents was that the fiber optics English electronic components manufacturer, and with
should incorporate “metallic particles” translucent to visible some (modest) financial support by the Swedish
light but blocking X-rays (sic!?) (presumably EMAs made government.32 The Nelvig brothers had worked at the
of high-atomic-number material) to shield rays from directly development of their invention for some years, and a
hitting the underlying semi-conductor chip, and damaging it. functional prototype was already built in 1985, but the
A simple physical analysis reveals that this assumption is paucity of financial resources caused the project to progress
unjustified. 12mm of glass of the fiber optics interposed at relatively slow pace and delayed industrialization.
between the entry face and the semi-conductor chip already
absorb some 90% of the X-ray traversing the scintillator Many other companies followed suit in Europe and
screen, and the presence a small percent of fully X-ray- elsewhere (Siemens, J Morita, …) and by the mid-90's the
absorbing EMA would not significantly change it. users could choose from a diverse range of products. The
Flashdent by Villa Sistemi Medicali, released in 1991, used
a design for the detector also based upon resizing (focusing)
the scintillating image onto a smaller sensor via optical
I believe Mouyen may have been frustrated by the media; This approach was fraught with some inherent
failures and malfunctions that he must have encountered physical difficulties, and ultimately did not enjoy much
with the very early prototypes (for the reasons to which I success. Trophy also abandoned the design with the
have already alluded), and convinced himself that the cause truncated-pyramid fiber optics, which must have been the
was radiation damage. This led to an amusing episode that most expensive component of their system and a was cause
I will report later. It has also had one long-lasting of positioning difficulties and discomfort for the patient, and
repercussion: scintillator-coated fiber-optics faceplates adopted a full-area sensor with RVG-S in 1993 .
(typically 3mm thin) for intraoral detectors are still advertised
as advisable in order to provide radiation protection for the The spread of general awareness and knowledge about
underlaying semi-conductor sensor. But semi-conductor dental digital radiography was greatly promoted by a series
sensors specific for X-ray imaging are designed to withstand, of five symposia—“Digital Imaging in Dental Radiology”—
without degradation, cumulative loads of radiation dose organized by Paul Van de Stelt and Gerard Sanderink of
which are orders of magnitude greater than what they can ACTA, between 1990 and 1998 in the Netherlands (this bi-
reasonably undergo in a lifetime of service in dentistry. I am annual meeting was later succeeded by the computerized
not aware of any commercial detector ever returned from maxillofacial imaging (CMI) congress founded and convened
the field with failures or symptoms of degradation that could by Allan G. Farman).
be attributed to radiation damage; not even The second symposium held in Amsterdam in June 1992
was especially memorable. Various manufacturers
one. introduced their newly developed digital dental radiographic

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RVG, as an attachment to an e-mail. In the associated

abstract, he concluded that “Pilot investigations using
electronic mail networks … have proven successful for
the transmission of 32 kByte images with intercontinental
relay in as little as 20 s. However, the rate of transmission
does vary with traffic in the system and image
reconstruction on receipt can take several minutes. …”.
The audience stared in amazement.
This far, digital dental radiographic systems had
spread mostly in Europe, but by 1992 David Schick of
New York filed for a US patent for a dental intraoral
radiographic detector, and later began production.33 In
1997, he filed for another patent about using a so-called
active pixel sensor (APS) CMOS; this is a technology
that was already well-known and established at that time,
but he could have the patent granted by restricting the
scope to X-ray detectors for dental radiography, a
limitation that the US patent office deemed sufficient for
the requirement of “ innovation” (whether or not that
could stand have a rigorous legal challenge, is left to be
seen).34 Anyway, Schick had the merit of toppling the
cliché that the (less-expensive) CMOS technology was
not suitable for X-ray imaging , and inferior to CCD, and
rapidly obtained a vast commercial success in the USA.

In the years to come, the debate resounded in the

professional press about the presumed superiority of the
image quality with CCD-based detectors over CMOS-
based ones, or vice-versa, arguably incited by the
commercial interests of companies relying on one or the
other technology. Certain articles in the scientific press
compared apples to oranges, ie compared and rated the
Figure 8 The author at the EADMFR congress in Turin, Italy, in July performances of specific detectors as if being CCD or
1993, holding an early version of the Gendex Visualix dental intraoral CMOS was the only determinant, neglecting a multi-
X-ray digital detector, with holder/positioner), next to a Gendex tude of other unrelated factors. Time has demonstrated
Oralix DC, one of the first direct-voltage dental X-ray sources, with
rectangular collimator/PID. (Picture courtesy of Yoshi-hiko that the argument was irrelevant, and the image quality
Hayakawa, Kitami Technical College). PID, positioning indicating achievable with a CMOS sensor is at least as good as
device with CCD sensors, plus CMOS offers other benefits such
as the greatly reduced power consumption (which in turn
systems. Among those, Ulf Welander presented Sens- brings along various advantages) and lower
A-Ray, on behalf of Regam Medical Systems, showing manufacturing costs. In fact, almost all manufactures
intraoral images obtained with a new full-area CCD have gradually converted to CMOS, including the
sensor that directly converted X-rays into charges in the successors of Trophy (at the beginning a resolved
silicon substrate. At the conclusion of the presentation, supporter of CCD) with a product that still stands among the best ava
Francis Mouyen, who was in the public, contended from By the early 2000s, a real plethora of digital intraoral
the floor that those images could not possibly have been detectors from a multitude of vendors was commercially
taken with a detector like the one described, because available.35 In their case, the quantifiable scalar number
the unshielded direct exposure to X-radiation would claimed to support their worth was, and still is, the
promptly deteriorate the sensor and cause the “geometrical (or theoretical) maximum spatial reso-
appearance of severe permanent artifacts. Undeterred, lution,” in line-pairs/mm, although, being a theoretical
Ulf Welander calmly turned around to watch at the X-ray maximum, that is just one of the several factors affecting
images being displayed, and just commented: “Well, if the actual practical spatial resolving power or acuity, and
these are artifacts, they are artifacts that look pretty the latter being just one of the factors (together with
much like teeth.” That settled the matter. signal-to-noise ratio and grayscale latitude) that determine
At the same meeting another momentous event took the overall imaging diagnostic value.
place: from Louisville, Kentucky, Allan G. Farman Alongside with the hardware (ie the detector and the
demonstrated the transmission in quasi-real-time of a associated electronics) also the related imaging software
digital dental radiograph freshly taken with a Trophy moved forth in great strides during the 90's. There were Dentomaxillofac Radiol , 50, 20200133

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(and still are) two distinct lines of conceptual archi- such option. Over the years, the DICOM standard and
tecture: those of imaging software basically programs its knowledge has evolved for better, and its diffusion
developed by the equipment vendors, and those orig- in dentistry has increased with the appearance of the
inated by software houses already active in the dental more complex CBCT systems, but the situation is still
environment with practice management software, that in progress.
is programs to organize the patients and materials In 1997, the economist Clayton M. Christensen
workflow in the (private) dental practice and the related (recently passed away) authored a best-selling book by
administration. The former focus on processing and the title “The innovator's dilemma.”36 The central thesis
analysis of the X-ray images themselves, the latter on expounded in the book is that large, mature, market-
database arrangement of images and patient dominating corporations are structurally incapable of
information. Interestingly, in certain countries (notably disrupting innovation (a term that he coined), because
France and USA) a lot of traction to the diffusion of new technologies would become profitable only in the
intra-oral digital imaging systems came from the practice medium-to-long terms, while in the short-term they
management software, that had already introduced the would compete against those established products that
required computers, and familiarity with the same, to a make their immediate profit (that short term profit
vast network of private dental practices. The software against which the management is gauged and rewarded
houses perceive the dental imaging system as an or penalized by the company's proprietors and/or the
optional adjunct to their practice management software, stock market analysts). The only way for such
and the interconnection between practice/patient corporations to innovate would be to spin-off or acquire
management and imaging is often achieved through a smaller autonomous entities. I think one of the best
“bridge” between two unrelated (and often poorly examples of this construct was Kodak in the 90's. At
harmonized) pieces of software programs. the beginning of that decade, Kodak dominated the film
This has brought along the still-debated and not well- market and the X-ray film market as well, with over 90%
resolved issue of intraoperability and accessibility of market share in America and similar leading positions
image and patient databases between equipment from in many other parts of the world. As the ascent of digital
different vendors. Starting from the late 90's, a lot of radiology in dentistry become apparent, in 1990–1991
efforts have been put into addressing this through the Kodak Medical Systems reacted by setting up a
DICOM standard (Digital Imaging and Communication scientific advisory panel, staffed with several among
in Medicine), especially with the work of the DICOM the most illustrious dental and maxillofacial radiologists
Working Group for Dentistry, devotedly led and in the world, with the purpose ( more or less explicit) of
animated for several years by Allan G. Farman and … finding arguments to support the superiority of the X-
composed of representatives from many of the major ray film and slow down the adoption of dental digital
dental industries and from academia. DICOM has radiography! The fear was that their highly profitable
become, for many years now, an indispensable and market of X-ray film (and chemicals, and screens)
undisputed requirement for medical diagnostic systems would be compromised (as in fact the case was in a few years).
in hospital environments. However, the situation with In retrospect that was like trying to stop a waterfall with
private dental practices is quite different. Most dentists bare hands. The paradox was that, at the same time
do not feel the urge to share their images and records span, the photographic film and camera division of
with other users outside their practice (and may not Kodak was resolutely trying to migrate to digital
even know what DICOM is). One might wonder why photography in earnest. In a few years Kodak Medical
DICOM hasn't promptly become the standard universally Systems must have realized that they also needed to
adopted by the manufacturers. The problem is that: (i) jump on the bandwagon right away, and caught the lost
at least initially, it did not comprise provisions time by acquiring Trophy in France, Practiceworks (a
specifically suited to dentistry; and (ii) it is (or is major software house for practice management software
perceived as being) extremely complex, to the point in USA), and in 2005 Orex (an Israeli manufacturer of
that very special competences are required to properly dental panoramic CR scanners).
implement it—competences that the large medical The practical availability of X-ray digital detectors
equipment corporations necessarily have, but the has made possible the development and application to
medium-to-small size dental company often don't. dental intraoral imaging, since the very early 90's, of
Consequently, implementation of DICOM functionalities tuned aperture CT (TACT), a kind of tomosynthesis
by dental companies was often achieved through that provides stereoscopic or pseudo-3D imaging from
standard software libraries licensed from specialized a small number of conventional radiographic projections
independent software houses, at not-negligible cost per taken with different geometry (ie from different
individual license. Such cost is relatively minor in angulations). Its application to dentistry was developed
relation to that of large medical radiographic equipment, largely thanks to the researches of Richard Webber
but not so for the less expensive dental radiographic and coworkers at the University of North Carolina, and
equipment, hence it is usually offered as a separate pay-for has
seen practical implementation in commercial
Only a fraction of dentists have proven willing to pay for equipment, notably by Instrumentarium of Finland that

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enabled it in panoramic machines since 1997. TACT is down to larger format). Probably, most of the people
said to provide superior diagnostic performances, from large and leading manufacturers that manned the
respect to conventional two-dimensional radiography, working groups of IEC at that time were not involved
eg in the detection of caries and cracks, and in the with panoramic machines (and possibly barely knew
analysis of periodontal bone. However, it has not spread about them), and were not aware of the need to include
to general adoption and, so far, remains mostly a tool that size in the standard , and in the capability of the
for a minority of specialists and hobbyists. CR scanners.
In the early 90's I had worked at projects to
circumvent this obstacle, like eg a modified panoramic
Digital panoramic radiography machine that would carry a 24 × 30cm cassette with a
The 90's saw the adoption of CR also for dental and PSP plate where only the lower part would be exposed
maxillofacial applications. The production of photo- to the X-ray beam and produce an image for the
stimulated phosphor plates and of the related scanners customary 15 cm height when scanned, and to other
for medical radiography, and the relevant patents, was like contrasts. But it was clear that dental-specific CR
(and still is) essentially monopolized by three great scanners would be eventually needed for panoramic
medical device manufacturers: Fuji Film in Japan, Agfa (and ceph-allometric) and for intraoral radiography as
in Europe (via the controlled CaWo in Germany), Kodak well, also because the ordinary dentist customer could
in North America.
not afford the large cost of a regular medical CR scanner.
Already in 1985 Isamu Kashima from Kanagawa, However, the first commercial dental PSP scanner
Japan, had shown that photo-stimulated phosphor
was for intraoral plates only, the Digora by Soredex
plates could be advantageously used for panoramic
launched in 1994. Basically, its design was a scaling
radiography.37 A distinct practical advantage of PSP
down of the architecture used for large-area medical
and CR in panoramic radiography was that the user
CR scanners, based upon a linear progressing laser
already owning (or having access to) a film-based X-ray
scanning beam , and it would do one intraoral plate at the time.
machine would not need to scrap and replace his
Since a cassette cannot be used intraorally, dental
(expensive) panoramic machine in order to “go digital.”
intra-oral PSP plates must be complemented with
He would just need to replace the intensifying-screen
disposable opaque plastic covers or pouches (or
cassette with one with a PSP plate, and add a CR/PSP
scanner; in a large radiological clinical environment, the “barriers”), having the double purpose of preventing
latter might have already been available for general cross-infection among patients, and avoiding the
medical radiology. ambient light to partially erase the latent image on the
But the early experimental field applications of this plate after the radiographic exposure and before the scanning.
technology encountered a bizarre obstacle, whose That was followed in 1997 by DenOptix from Gendex,
explanation requires a short excursus about how electro- developed in California, the first dental PSP scanner to
medical companies set the specifications of their accommodate both panoramic/cephalometric size
products. Generally speaking, they are specified to imaging plates and intraoral plates. At about the same
conform at least with the minimum essential provisions time, also Orex, an Israeli start-up, also presented a
of accepted international standards. Conversely, the scanner for panoramic and cephalometric PSP plates
standards are written to encompass and describe what (but not intraoral); this was the only company to use
the largest and leading manufacturers have produced Kodak PSP outside Kodak itself, in fact it was later
and successfully distributed to the market. For X-ray acquired by Kodak. After a few years also Dÿrr Dental
films—and, by extension, intensifying screens, and, by of Germany (Air Technique in USA) launched a dental
further extension, PSP plates—the applicable standard panoramic and intra oral PSP scanner (Scan-X), and
is published by ISO (International Standards other companies followed later. All the above-mentioned
Organization), and substantially describes the sizes systems adopted different kinds of design than the
offered by Kodak over a long period of time. However, original Digora and the medical CR systems, eg based
the cassette hosting film and screen is considered to be upon a rotating drum.
a part or accessory of a medical electrical equipment, While the immediate yearning for digital panoramic
and as such is of relevance to another standardization had been quenched by PSP imaging plates and
body, IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). scanners (using existing panoramic machines), that for
One may think that the sets of sizes foreseen in both direct and immediate panoramic imaging, with a digital
standards coincide (since standard cassettes are made sensor, persisted.38 Already in 1995 a kit (DXIS) for
to accommodate standard films and screens and plates) conversion of panoramic systems to “fully digital” was
and in fact that is the case … with one exception: available from SIGNET of Catalin Stoichita, a start-up in Paris.
panoramic size (15 × 30 cm and the now obsolete 5 × The problem with such kind of add-on kits was that they
12 in.). Initially, most medical CR scanners already required an invasive adaptation into the hosting
available in hospitals had not been designed to accept panoramic machine, which—among else—would
cassettes in the 15 × 30 cm panoramic size, although invalidate the warranty and technical support from the
PSP plates of that size could be easily made ( eg cutting manu-facturer of the same. Dentomaxillofac Radiol , 50, 20200133

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Digital panoramic radiography is usually achieved by (conceptually, even automatically), thus relieving from the
the so-called time deferred integration (TDI), where the need of accurate patient positioning. In spite of early
signal accumulating in the short (but not infinitesimal) experiments, eg by Asahi Roentgen in Japan, the
width of the detector integrates in a manner similar to widespread adoption of CdTe-based detector has so far
what physically happens with an analog detector (film or been slow, probably because of cost, production capacity,
plate). Such mechanism is inherent with the operation of and patent infringement issues.
CCD stripe sensors, and is electronically emulated in
case of CMOS stripe sensors. Cone beam CT
By late 90's, the time was ripe for fully integrated digital
panoramic systems to be originally designed by various
major manufacturers. In 1997 it was DigiPan by Trophy, At the end of the 90's, the other great revolution in
which was distributed in OEM as an upgrade for panoramic maxillofacial radiology began: volumetric radiography (3D)
machines of other manufac-tures like the OP100 by via cone beam CT (CBCT). The theoretical and
mathematical basis of CBCT have been well-known
Instrumentarium, Panoura by Yoshida, Orthoralix DPI by
Gendex, etc. In the same general timeframe also other among mathematicians for many years.21 In 1978, a sole
vendors launched machines with their own digital detector: CBCT system was built and installed at the Mayo Clinic
Dimax by Planmeca (Finland); Orthophos DS by Siemens in Rochester, Minnesota, for cardiac and pulmonary
(later Sirona–Germany); and by J Morita. Almost all other diagnostic applications.42 It It was 5.6 × 6.3 m large,
weighted about 17 tons, used 14 separate X-ray sources
manufactures followed suite soon.
and image-intensifier X-ray detectors, and required two
large shielded rooms to operate; it cost a fortune in yearly
The need to complement direct digital panoramic also
maintenance; and cardiology and pulmonary do not seem
with (optional) direct digital cephalometrics was soon
to be the best elective applications for CBCT, which
apparent. The latter was (and is) more costly than the
requires a stationary radiographic object. None-the-less,
former, given the need for a longer scanning detector to
it was mightily popular and appreciated at Mayo Clinic,
cover the full height of the head (typically 24cm). Also,
and was reluctantly decommissioned more than 20 years
the cephalometric scanning time would be a few seconds,
later, when the obsolescence of the main components
which is not well received by some ortho-dontists who
made maintenance impractical or impossible.
wish instant imaging to preclude the (very hypothetical)
Already since 1994 QR, a small start-up in Verona,
problem of geometrical distortions caused by patient
Italy, then virtually unknown in the dental milieu, technically
movements. The work is still in progress to speed-up the
led by Pierluigi Mozzo and Attilio Tacconi, physicists,
scanning or to achieve single-shot cephalo-metrics with undertook to develop and patent a maxillofacial-specific
a large area flat panel detector. CBCT, named NewTom 9000, using a 9” image intensifier
By the 2000's, a new technology became available to detector (Figure 9). At the very beginning of 1997, the
enhance the diagnostic value of panoramic radiography: first three units were sold and permanently installed at the
laminographic tomosynthesis reconstruction.39,40 This private radiology practices of Giovanni Polizzi in Verona,
technology was introduced and then patented by AJAT of Italy, Paolo Sart-orato in Noale, Venice, Italy, and of
Helsinki, Finland, a start-up founded in 2001 and led by Silvio Diego Bianchi in Turin, Italy. The new machine was
Konstantinos Spartiotis and partially financed by the also presented at the 1998 ECR in Vienna, and a paper
Finnish government.41 This line of development was also was published in the November 1998 issue of EJR, which
investigated in Japan at about the same time. is still one of the most highly cited articles in our
AJAT implemented an add-on kit that combined a new specialty.43,44 At the start, many experts expressed
type of high-speed, high-resolution and high-efficiency doubts that a system like that could work or have any
digital imaging detector made of a combination of single- diagnostic value, but the bumblebee kept flying.
crystal Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) detecting material with
an underlying CMOS array sensor, and an image However, at the very beginning the dental profession
tomosynthetic reconstruction method consisting of the for the most part failed to notice this disrupting innovation,
collection of a large number of raw images that are then because the inventors and the company were not rooted
processed by a reconstruction algorithm into a panoramic in the dental milieu, and the journals and exhibitions
image after the acquisition. Actually, the CdTe-based where it was first presented were medical rather than
detector and the reconstruction method are two separate dental and maxillofacial.
and distinct aspects that complement each other In July 1999, at the fifth CMI (computed maxillofa-cial
advantageously but not necessarily. In fact, the imaging) section of the CARS (computer-assisted
laminographic tomosynthesis reconstruction has since radiology and surgery) congress in Paris, the convenor
been adopted in a number of commercial machines Allan G. Farman announced that one of the planned
without being associated with a CdTe detector, eg by featured lectures on the last day of the congress would
Instrumentarium, Vatech, and Sirona, offering the be replaced by a different conference, to present an
advantage that the position and shape of the position innovation of great importance. This was unheard off! I
layer can be determined after the panoramic irradiation had never ever witnessed, at a major international congress

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improve in the future. This time the audience of

international maxillofacial radiologists definitively took
notice (although his presentation never made into the
proceedings of the congress, which had already been
edited in advance), and the CBCT revolution took off in
earnest (Figure 10 ) . NewTom began sales in North
America in 2000, promoted by renowned orthodontist
Carl Guggino.
Simultaneously, also in Japan practical work had
independently begun to develop commercial CBCT
machines, animated primarily by the indefatigable
Yoshinori Araki, and by others.45,46 J Morita introduced
the first Accuitomo small-field CBCT machine after
2000. Shortly later, following the researches of Rika
Baba and others, Hitachi also launched Mercuray, a
sophisticated and powerful CBCT machine with a large
field detector.47,48 Baba and Ueda also investigated
appli-cations of CBCT in chest and orthopedic imaging,
and the adoption of large-area flat panels detectors,
which however did not result into commercial products.49–52
But Hitachi was (and is) a purely medical company with
no application experience and commercial footprint in
Figure 9 The prototype of NewTom 9000 by QR (1996), the first dentistry, so their product was overdesigned (and over-
commercial dentomaxillofacial CBCT machine. (Picture courtesy of priced) for dentomaxillofacial applications and achieved
Attilio Tacconi). CBCT cone beam CT. limited penetration outside Japan.
Initially, all available CBCT models utilized image
prepared long in advance, that a planned lecture would intensifiers, bulky and heavy, as image detector, which
be substituted at the last moment, except for force constrained size, weight, and image quality. In the late
majeure. The next day Pierluigi Mozzo explained the 90's, Predrag Sukovic, a post-graduate student of
operation of CBCT to the audience and showed clinical Biomedical Engineering at the University of Michigan
images, with an image quality that he himself admitted at Ann Harbor, and his mentor Neal Clinthorne at the
was just adequate, but—he said—could be expected to Department of Radiology of the Medical School,

Figure 10 An early NewTom 9000 installed at the radiology department of the Sundsvall Hospital, Sweden, with Per Nelvig and staff. (Picture
courtesy of Claudiano Tagliareni) Dentomaxillofac Radiol , 50, 20200133

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at the Dental School of the University of Michigan in

February 2004. iCat enjoyed vast popularity in North
America during the 2000s, thus fostering a veritable rush
to implement this 3D technology by all other vendors in
maxillofacial radiology (like it had been for digital
radiography one (decay earlier).
At the 2005 IDS in Cologne, Planmeca presented a
prototype of small-field CBCT, with a 12 × 12cm flat
panel, that was built as a modification of their panoramic
machine, hence more compact and leaner than the other
system then available. The machine began being
commercialized 2 years later, in 2007. By the early
2010s, some 40 or 50 models from different vendors
were commercially available.
The following decade, the 2010s, is recent history,
and witnessed the continuous success, evolution, and
expansion of CBCT. Among else, a vast variety of hybrid
CBCT & panoramic (and cephalometric) machines have
become available and popular (outnumbering the purely
CBCT systems), with separate detectors for CBCT and
Panoramic or, more recently, a single detector for both
modalities. More and more machines have adopted the
offset detector technique, which makes it possible to
increase—up to a factor 2—the radius of the
reconstructed volume for a given width of the detector's
active area. This, however, requires that a scan over a
complete 360° full rotation, or more, is performed, which
may not be possible in machines whose original
mechanical design was just for panoramic, where usually
the rotation is only about 270°.
In the vast majority (or the totality) of maxillofacial
CBCT machines, the 3D reconstruction is based upon
Figure 11 A young Predrag Sukovic sitting in the first pre-production
the well-known and well-proven FDK (Feldkamp–
unit of DentoCat/iCat (that he was instrumental in developing), at Davis–Kress) filtered back projection algorithm (it is
the Dental School of the University of Michigan in 2003. (Picture virtually impossible to have an accurate and compre-
cour-tesy of Neil Clinthorne, University of Michigan) hensive information on this, since all manufacturers
jealously guard it as a secret). Various scientific studies
have advocated the transition to other more advanced
investigated at the application of the TFT flat panel as and accurate 3D reconstruction methods (ART, itera-
image detector for 3D radiography. It was already evident tive, etc.), which require more computing power and
that the flat panel offers many advantages over the image substantial software and mathematical development,
intensifier, in image quality and else, and its cost was in but the challenge generally has not yet been taken up ;
the process of decreasing to a level compatible with evidently, in maxillofacial imaging the approximate FDK
industrial deployment. With the fundamental help by algorithm is good enough for the task (for now).
Sharon L Brooks at the Dental School (later Editor-in- A technique that has its roots many years earlier with
Chief of DMFR), by 2002 they had prototyped a classic CT scanning has also received great impetus,
maxillofacial CBCT, based upon the mechanical that is the use of 3D radiographic data from CBCT
structure of an existing panoramic machine (by Panoramic scanning, and their integration and merging with visible-
Corporation) and featuring a large-area TFT flat panel as light surface data from facial photography and endoscopic
image detector.53,54 In 2003 Sukovic and Clinthorne intraoral optical scanner or camera, plus the associated
started up a company called Xoran (which would later 3D printing of surgical models, templates and masks, for
manufacture CBCT machines for ENT applications, the purpose of dental implant planning and computer-
initially with the name MiniCat), and licensed the design guided surgery.
for dentomaxillofacial applications to ISI (Imaging
Sciences International) of Hatfield, Pennsylvania, which
re-adapted it on the mechanical structure of an old and Handheld dental X-ray sources
discontinued panoramic machine of theirs, and since
2004 produced it with the name iCat (Figure 11) . This historical excursion would not be complete without
The first unit (“DentoCat”) was delivered and installed mentioning an innovative type of product that has not

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stirred very much attention in the scientific literature, but is There is no conclusion.
proving a game-changer of its kind in the field: hand-held The technological progress does not stop, does not
dental X-ray sources (distinct from X-ray sources that are come to an end or conclusion. We may expect to be sure
just portable). Probably, the first of this type of products that the existing technologies and products will continue to
was Nomad, designed and initially manufactured by enjoy evolutionary improvements in the years to come.
Aribex of Orem, Utah, founded in 2003 and led by Clark There isn't a crystal ball to predict what will be the next
Turner, a physicist. Nomad was initially intended for disruptive innovations, and when. But I dare to say that, at
forensics and for special applications in the field, and was some future time, we may expect to see the ascent in
being presented at a forensic meeting in Bangkok, practical, daily radiology, including dental and maxillofacial
Thailand, when the terrible tsunami of 2004 hit the Far radiology, of:
East coast. The few units that were present at the meeting,
and others promptly shipped from the factory, were •More effective X-ray image detectors, with dual energy
immediately transported to the disaster area to help in the and/or single-photon counting capabilities (and variation
rescue operations (identification of corpses, etc.). This thereof), and new detecting materi-als.
brought the product, and the very concept of handheld
dental X-ray sources, into the spotlight. From that moment, •Phase-contrast X-ray imaging (as opposed to mass-
its adoption spread quickly among dentists in the USA, attenuation radiography).
where nowadays it is among the most popular dental X-ray •Improved tomosynthesis.
sources. Almost simultaneously with Nomad, also several •Artificial intelligence assisted diagnosis.
companies in South Korea entered the market with a •Last but not least, a new generation of X-ray sources (for
variety of models. In Far East, the devices produced by instance, tubes with cold cathode emission), after a
Korean manufacturers (Vatech, Genoray, Dexcowin, substantial technological stagnation lasting for almost a
Rexstar, …) have enjoyed a large, growing popularity. In century!
continental Europe, the penetration is still marginal, mostly
due to regulatory restrictions and radiation safety concerns,
that many studies in the USA have refuted as unfounded
or excessive.55–60

I wish to thank the following people (among several others)

for providing precious advice and help with this work: Björn
Conclusion Svenson, Ebba Helmrot, Paul Van de Stelt, Pierluigi
Mozzo, Sharon Brooks, Silvio Diego Bianchi, Stuart White,
What else? Yoshihiko Hayakawa.


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