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For those who work with crystals, I found this on the FB page I thought y'all might

find interesting...


Your crystals will not clear just because they are in sea salt for a day or week or
100 years. They will not clear just because you "grounded them" to earth through
your physical conduit to the planet by touching the positive end (the faceted end)
with one hand and touching the magnetic end (the base end where the crystal grew
from) and somehow "discharging" every unhappy memory or abuse they have
experienced. All this will do is give the crystal more energy from your own
frequency now traveling into the crystal just like recharging a battery with a
charger. But its not going to "clear" it.
Crystals are alive, they are aware, and they never "forget" anything without being
commanded to do so. And I don't mean abusively, as if they are slaves, I mean
command as in the language of their computer code. Crystals in their MANY forms are
the "carbon silicate matrix" memory-bank of all Soul Essence moments of observation
within the "Density" of Harmonic Universe-1 of your 5 Density, 15 Level Time Matrix
you are in now. They are CODED to this plane very precisely and are the foundation
of the KRYST code of your own genetic creation that supports eternal biological
As it was explained to me directly, the crystal silicate matrix within this
particular density of material manifestation, that each cell has access to
unlimited power, and by that virtue alone, they all have unlimited ability to
absorb and retain the imprint of all of the moments, or "snapshots" of each
millisecond of occurrence they have been present to stand as witness to. Good and
It has been shown innumerable times by quantum science through the Double Slit
Experiment, no "event" can occur unless something aware is there to experience it.
And that "awareness" is always SENTIENT. Because the particles of the god-source
energy fields only do the bidding of sentient commands and expectations. When a
scientist watches a particle enter through the two slits of the piece of paper
between it and the wall behind, then the particles act like they should in this
dimension, and become light wave in form, striking the wall diffused, creating the
visual effect on the wall that those particles have been commanded to create if
they are being observed by a person within this playing field. But if the scientist
do NOT watch when the particle is fired at the two slits, then when it passes
through the slits, it chooses one of the two to pass through all on its own, and
then strikes the wall in random particles of 3 or 7 or 8, in random locations and
no two experiments will ever produce the same results, because there is no "command
station" of a sentient awareness observing it, so the particle just does what it
wants to do, preparing for its next command in the next dimension, in this
dimension, or in 7 dimensions away from this one. It is simply waiting for its next
command or the expectation of the observer.
If a scientist performs an experiment with a particle of DNA that has been cut in
half, with one half in one petri dish, and the other half in another petri dish,
and applies a treatment, let's say, puts some bleach in one dish, the effect of the
bleach not only effects that half, but at the very same moment, it effects the
other half of that DNA cell. In fact, the scientist can separate the two petri
dishes by 100 miles in different laboratories, and the same thing will happen. This
is because the two DNA halves are quantum entangled and distance between them has
no relevance. This is because the particles that make up your world are supposed to
work in unison to reveal to your eyes a uniform experience here based on the
functions of the DNA around you that you call ether, and what to present to you a
3rd Dimensional experience. This is immutable, just as gravity is a law of physics
that always makes the apple come back down again, so you can rely on a set of rules
where you can expect certain realities while living out your dramas.
The photonic particles around you are encoded to act a certain way while you
observe them, and will even go back in time in order to do that. How so? In the
Double Slit experiment, a scientist will be stationed with a super high-speed
camera when a particle is fired towards the two slits in the paper, and the
scientist himself will have his eyes closed. Once the particle is fired, and then
reaches just beyond the two slits, now on its way to the wall behind, the scientist
opens his eyes to observe what the particles will do now that they have been
"tricked" into not being observed after being commanded. When that happens, the
camera records the particles stopping, (vanishing), and RE-ENTERING the two slits,
only now this time, enters BOTH slits, and then reflecting on the wall behind as a
wave form instead of random particles hitting just anywhere. Meaning that both time
and space are merely a holograph, and are relative only to the eyes of the sentient
observer. As long as no sentient being is watching, the particles cannot be shown
to ever act the same way, but if they are being observed, they can repeatedly be
shown to do each and every time.
And how does this tie into clearing crystals of past memories? Because what has
also been shown about these "rogue" particles that make up your existence here, is
yet another thing that science simply cannot explain, and that is when a scientist
approaches the one half of the DNA cell to do another experiment, and the other
half is 100 miles away in another laboratory, it has been recorded that the other
DNA half NOT being experimented on will "respond" to the exact experiment the
scientist was ABOUT to perform on the test half, BEFORE he actually applies the
test. The remote DNA half KNEW BEFORE the experiment what was about to happen, and
simply reflected that outcome prior to being subjected to the test. This shows you
that the quantum particles of DNA or should I say the LIQUID silicate matrix
(crystal) inside the blood makeup of the particles not only anticipate the
immediate future, but record each and every observed moment for all time. This
means that not only is each particle of solid or liquid crystal (water) storing the
memories of past hardships, it is also storing the ANTICIPATED FEAR of being
effected negatively as well as being effected negatively. Double-imprinted with
these hardships in permanent memory banks, something called "distortions" that
literally effect its own DNA, and therefore, its vibration. And yes, all crystals
have measurable vibrations, just as the liquid crystals in your body (the water
inside your blood cells).
When you get a new crystal, it is filled with millions or billions of years of
hardships and the fear that preceded the distortion. This could be merely the
hardship of having been "found" in its home and then ripped out of the earth to be
sold just to you after a billion years of being undisturbed, or it could mean
bearing witness and recording the murder of thousands of beings over thousands of
years of laying next to a regularly-used battlefield. All of that FEAR the crystal
now has in its database then is in your possession, maybe in your pocket, or around
your neck, and the vibrations of the crystal reflect this lowered frequency, and
carry with them the blood of all those victims. This should always be cleared,
releasing all of the memories, all of the fear, and all of the distortions back
into the standing energy of god-source where they are whole again. A crystal cannot
do this itself. It is programmed to hold all those imprints forever unless it is
commanded to "reset".
To clear anything that has previously absorbed negative energies from past
experiences, such as all forms of the silicate matrix of crystal, whether it be the
liquid crystal in the veins of all your food (either red or clear), you need to
grant this clearing from your INTENT. To do this, perform a meditation. It doesn't
have to be but even a few seconds long to effect your command. Eyes open or closed,
quiet or noisy, your INTENT to restore it to wholeness again is still there.
Envision a beam of pale silver light coming from your heart chakra out of your
chest, out around the salt, the crystal, your food, your water, and circling in a
clockwise fashion around it. See this in your minds eye. While it is fully
encircled by the light, imagine black upside-down droplets of water rising from
whatever it is, as if it is expelling all the distortion, all the pollution, the
abuse it has been through, all the chemicals it has been poisoned with, all simply
rising into the ether and popping after it get a few inches above, until the final
raindrop of negative energy has been released back into the standing energy of god-
source. You are giving all these distortions freedom back through Bardo Return, to
once again become inert, static pure energy so they may be at the service of any
command once again, and at the same time, returning all of the cells of the item
back to what its original genetic components had been cast to be originally. In
other words, its original DNA.
Once the last black raindrop pops (this should only take a few seconds), then
imagine a 6 point star of David (hierophant) in full 3-d inside of a sphere slowly
turning clockwise around the now cleansed object in the middle of the hierophant.
Both the hierophant and the sphere are translucent in pale silver. While this
sphere/star turn, smile at the object. This process is used to clear distortions,
something neither the distortions themselves, nor the item can do for themselves.
Like a genie in a bottle that can do nothing on its own, it must be commanded by a
sentient being in order to "do" anything, you have now done something for both that
they could never have done alone. Your smile is you sending them back into their
organic states with all love and joy for their freedom, and you are also thanking
them for what they will do next for you. Whether to serve your body in the form of
your water or food, or simply await your next command to do something else, as in
the particles that used to be distortions, but are now purified and restored.
This process of clearing DNA fields without using a single reverse-encoded word,
prevents the particles and the items from getting confused on their journey. It is
pure intent alone that will effect the process you desire without playing into the
hands of your captors. Remember this next time you are tempted to say "thank you
water" or "thank you for your sacrifice for my health vegetables", which might be
heard by them as "I take your life for granted, now do as I say". Since you don't
know what they are REALLY hearing using the BABEL of spoken, thought, or your
written language as handed to you by your captors, always use pure intent alone to
manifest the power of white magic and never use any words either intoned or
All love
Avalon Sol

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