Email - Avalon Sol, ReTrump - 200317 (March) Open Letter

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Avalon Sol - Donald Trump Ashkenazi Jew - OWO

Now that Trump is the president and has promised big things for America and thus
the world, it would behove you know who he has hired for his important positions
within his cabinet, who got him elected and who actually pulls the strings.

He has made it perfectly clear in his interviews that he will support and back
Israel "100%", and makes this point incredibly clear, putting emphasis on "100%!".

He would, since he is from Ashkenazi descent. What you don't know about Israel is
that those who are attempting to clear the real estate of all the "scum" from their
midst who they claim are illegally squatting on holy ground and willing to commit
the ugliest genocide we have seen in eons to do it, are not who they say they are.
In fact you would be hard-pressed to find anyone coming forward with a religious
claim to be from the bloodline of Abraham who even has any idea of who Abraham is
descended from, or who the real god is they are actually worshipping. Other than
the Priest Class that is. The KoHaNiM.

In my book I am covering (in rather great detail) exactly who the leaders of the
Jews actually are. Since this is a VERY sensitive subject, I am cautious to even
broach the subject, since I have been slapped down my council on this issue
repeatedly. But after a few hundred hours of research to get the details more
precise, I have decided to bring this subject forward and present my manuscript
when it is finished for review by the IAFW Council to see if I finally have the
facts straight enough to disclose to the public exactly who "Jews" are, and who
their leaders are, and trust me, they are not the same things.

Jews are made up of all sorts of people from every corner of the globe. Many are
simply choosing a religious position which is their right to make. Some are
actually from Hebrew ancestry. But only the real leaders, and I do mean the
anointed, not the wannabes, are actually "Hebrew Jew" by the standards of the gods
of muslim ideologies. The rest are being taken for a very scary ride.

Since I could never go into the detail here that it would take to fully show you
exactly what I mean, I will simply say that the terms "Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews"
are terms that the people of Germany and Spain have come up with on their own to
distinguish between the Jewish peoples of their areas and those who just arrived in
a covered wagon with no history, no family, no connection of any kind in their area
and even though they look nothing like the new local Jewish collective, claim to be
the chosen-elect of god and "real Jews!". I didn't make up these terms, the
governments of countries have been forced by their populous from around the globe
to enter them into official registry to identify Jews from "Gypsy Jews". And it has
to do with concerns from their constituencies that revolve around very real
concerns regarding their own health.

I am not vilifying Judaism, and I am not vilifying a race. What I am doing is

showing black-and-white proof dating back to ancient Sumeria complete with blood
type haplogroups who these leaders are and how they are hiding among you today.
They are not human and are not interested in the welfare OF humans to put it
mildly. You already know they run the banks, all world governments, the United
Nations, the Federal Reserve, the Vatican, the Council of Foreign Relations, the
NSA, the CIA, NASA, the FBI, MI5, MI6, Majestic 12, all social media, all new
media, all major motion-picture media, all mainstream TV, all official news
channels and pretty much every single governing board of corporations that have
anything to do with mental or physical health such as the Red Cross, the CDC, Child
Protective Services and all the rest. What you didn't likely know is that these are
specifically the suns of Zion and the One World Order league with hidden bloodline
to the most destructive entity ever to grace the pages of religion dating back to
nearly 1 million years before the flood.
There is a great deal to this story of course, and I can't speak freely about it in
public due to the unreal backlash it would likely trigger, but trust me when I say
that it will not be possible to refute the evidence regarding "Jewry" once you have
read the book. That is, if it passes council's critical reviews. They don't want me
associated with "anti-semitism" because it is counter-productive. But showing you
exactly who their gods are and what their agenda is isn't anti-anything other than
100% slavery.

For those of you into Gematria and Numerology, you will appreciate the fact that
each of the elements associated with Trump's results below are millions-to-one they
could ever come up in the way they did by accident. More than that, the chances of
his matrilineage as well as patrilineage coming down exactly as it does would be
more like billions or possibly trillions-to-one odds. You can be the judge:

On inauguration Jan 20, 2017 (1,2020,1,7= 777) Trump Turned 70yrs,7mo,7days old,
Hebrew year 2017 is 5777
In Gematria 777 means age of aquarius; the second beast rises as King of Kings and
Lord of Lords
Jesus adds up to 888
Christ adds up to 888
Donald Trump adds up to 888
Trump adds up to 88
He spent 88 million dollars of his own money for his run
His message number on his podium starts with 88
He had 88 campaign offices
He ran 88 campaign stops
He had 88 retired military leaders backing him
The Trump Plaza is built at 88 Morgan St
He posted 88 statements on Fortune 500 Magazine
On News Nation 88% republicans support Trump
The Trump/Brexit threats lined up 88 million in Mexico loans
The 6/14/1946 solar eclipse happened on Trump's birthday
The next total eclipse of the sun is on 8/21/2017, 69 days after his birthday on
6/14/17 (this is the CENTER of the Heathalon Magnetic Peak)
Now look at his parents and grandparents carefully:
His father was named CHRIST
His mother is named MARY
His great grandfather was named CHRIST
His grandmother was Elizabeth (Eli-SHIVA in German, the Hindu god the destroyer)
the name of John the Baptist's mother
Elizabeth's last name: CHRIST
She was born on on Oct 10, 1880, 10/10/1/88/0
She died on Jun 6, 1966 6/6/66
She died in Queens, New York.
You can tell me all about how these are just coinkidinks, but the numbers don't
I will leave you with this link that names off the new members of his cabinet and
who his supporters are, so you can see for yourself that it is no fluke that his
daughter converted to Orthodox Judaism, that she married an Ashkenazi Jew, that
Trump's wives are repeatedly Ashkenazi Jews, that Trumps entire family line goes
directly back to Ashkenazi (German) heritage or that he has surrounded himself with
nothing but Sephardi and Askhenazi (fake) Jews to help him support Israel "no
matter what".

If you don't think this is the clear and present arrival of the One World Order,
then perhaps I am missing something.
Avalon Sol
warriorsoftara dot com

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