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Mentioned regarding the webinar I hosted this last weekend, I activated 3 Indigos.
What does that mean and by what authority can I offer this?

Indigos, Starseeds, Rainbow Children, Crystal Children, BlueRays, these are all
terms to indicate a certain type of being on this planet during this Stellar
Activation Cycle that are here, each one under contract. They are not "from here",
they are not "human", and they have never been like Angelic Humans here. Angelic
Human Krystos beings are here inside of their own Time Matrix, under the care of
the Emerald Covenant, and protected by the Guardian Alliance of the Emerald Order.
They are not expected to "perform" anything. They entered into manifestation
through their Birthing Contracts to experience the 15 Level Time Matrix of Gaia.
They were CODED to this planet, meaning this planet is "theirs", and they have
nothing to prove, nothing to do, and no one to serve here. This was and remains,
theirs exclusively. They do not have to help anyone do anything while in manifest
form here in order to evolve out of this Time Matrix.

Who is the Guardian Alliance exactly? The founding fathers of the Angelic Human
Krystos species known as the "Turanuesiam-1 and 2 Projects", placed the Angelics
here for their exclusive and highly protected (+) evolution of the ultimate species
ever undertaken at the time of their creation 980 million years ago when the
project began. 430 millions years later, after their DNA had been perfected, they
were seeded to this planet. These "founding fathers" were geneticists from across
the spectrum of this Time Matrix as well as others from the cosmayas who chose to
undertake the most ambitious species-creation to date at that time and the
Turaneusiam Project was casually referred to all along as the "grand experiment", a
term that has trickled down to you now in this final moment of your final cycle
that you have even heard of here on surface earth yourself.

The fathers of this creation are official members of what is called the "IAFW", or
the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds – Universal Service Organization.
Yes, it is a "real" organization and is not from some sci-fi fantasy. This highly
organized and functional association was created 250 billion years ago by the
"Melchizedek Cloister Order of the Yunasai Eternal Gestalts". This just so happens
to be the highest level of the Deity Planes where creation is concepted and
realized by beings from both of the two sides of creation where sound and light are
produced. This may be the first time you have heard about it, but makes it no less

The Yunasai are made up of a group called the “Yanas” who represent the "Primal
Sound Fields of God Source", and also by the group known as the “Breneau", who
represent the "Primal Plasma (light) Fields", also of the Deity Planes of God
Source, and both of which are referred to universally and simply as the "Eternal

The IAFW recognizes and supports the agreement made by the Turaneusiam Project
Founders and the Emerald Order for the earth-based placement and evolution of the
"Angelic Human Krystos" species, a holy-grail-line sub-species of the collective
known as the "Elohim". The "holy grail" reference is to the KRYSTOS connection that
this species has to the eternal standing energy fields of God Source. A power that
had as of yet until their creation 980 billion years ago, never even remotely been
achieved, making all "grail line" sub species beings to those founding fathers,
clearly and without any hesitation, the most powerful beings ever within physical
manifest existence. You are hearing about them now.

The Turanuesiam Project was created out of five individual sub-species of the
Elohim that had been evolved through the Halls of Palaidor by a group of beings who
had also carried through the grail line of the Krystos called the "Oraphim
Angelics" ("angelics" always referring to the GRAIL KRYSTOS lineage), based on a
planet called Sirius-B. Each of these beings, though unique in their own special
and highly evolved senses and abilities, were all categorized as "Krystos", because
they shared the power of the unlimited command of the unlimited energy of the
Eternal Unified Fields of the Standing Energy of God Source. All five were to
interbreed while within the 15 Level Time Matrix of Gaia to create what had been
considered for hundreds of millions of years of intense development as "the" super-
race within all of manifest creation. THOSE are the Angelic Humans.

10 million years BEFORE the outset of the very first seeding of the AHK (Angelic
Human Krystos), a group of beings (made up of a small collective of the original
Elohim) breached the walls of the Gaia Time Matrix in order to terraform and "own"
earth in order to set the stage to prevent this "perfect" human form from ever
evolving from this Time Matrix. This story has been explained in previous articles
and is far too long to get into here. Hence, the beings who had been contracted to
come here to stop AHK from actually evolving their super-race species, considered
earth "theirs", since they came here BEFORE you. Nothing could be further from the
truth, since the Gaia Time Matrix had been CREATED for the Angelic Humans to begin
with, under authority of the IAFW.

And now, you find yourself here, in your final few days within manifestation within
the 3rd Dimension of Gaia, trying to move forward after 550 million years of
blockage, separated from your higher selves, separated from your higher senses and
separated from your past memories from the millions, trillions or billions of years
that you have created (YOU create your reality, and always have), not knowing
anything about who you are, why you are here, or what you are supposed to "do".

The Ra Confederacy is the leading arm of the front-lines of the Guardian Alliance,
and have been for hundreds of millions of years. They stand between you and your
oppressors. Yes, you have been abused and tortured for your entire experience
within this Time Matrix, but just the fact that you are here to read this alone is
testament to the fact that they have been successful at protecting you to this one
final moment of your final ascension. If you want to thank the Guardian Alliance
for your last breath you just took, thank the Ra Confederacy first.

The Indigos are here by the authority of the Emerald Alliance, backed by the
Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds as ambassadors from Sirius-B, the
Oraphim Angelics who are your direct founding fathers of your grail bloodline to
protect you through this ascension should you choose it. They have been here from
FAR before there was ever such a thing as "Angelic Humans", and they CHOSE to come
here during your final moments of this war-torn hell to stand between you and your
oppressors. These are called the "Warriors of Tara", a term taken from the name of
earth when he had once been in the office of the host planet of Harmonic Universe 2
of the Gaia Time Matrix. Each one considered in the Deity Planes as heroes of
unparalleled courage.

When I identify you as "an Indigo", I am identifying you as a factual Warrior of

Tara, carrying the 48-Strand DNA Template of the GRAIL line of the Elohim. This
will not be by guess, it will be by science fact. You will either have the
abilities of the Oraphim Angelics, or you won't. You will learn what your role is
you have SINED your contract for here, and how to fulfill it. And I will NOT be
charging you $5000.00 to do so. None of the Guardian Alliance is getting rich from
their roles here, roles they have sworn to uphold at all costs which has nothing to
do with their glory here on the surface of this one playing field.

Yes, I do ask for a donation of $50 for a one hour personal consultation so I can
hear your story and identify you if you are one of the Warriors of Tara, but I also
often hold those consultations free of charge if that person simply has no way to
donate at this time. As long as the voice remains alive, you will have the voice to
come to. YOU will keep this voice speaking, not us. The Warriors of Tara are here
to see that the evolution of THEIR super race becomes a reality, and there is NO
SUCH THING as money in higher dimension, so that has never been our purpose here.
We merely have to survive mortal form while here to do our job. If you want us to
dig ditches instead of activate your contract, or to explain the hidden truth held
back from you all this time until now, the end of your long cycle, then we will in
order to survive. We would rather help you with your final transition.

If you would like to have one-on-one personal consultation time, and you can help
us in our drive to create the sanctuary here in the pristine lands where we will
base our currency-less society, just send the amount to cover how much time you
would like to have in Skype connection to through
Paypal, and I will find a time that will work for both of us.

And if you think I am trying to say "hope you are an Indigo", you are MISTAKEN. I
HOPE you aren't. No one asks for this job here from a surface-earth prospective,
hoping to face such challenges. You would have signed up for this LONG ago from a
position of strength you would never know anything about here on this plane. If you
are HUMAN, I ENVY YOU and I hope to be able to help you as a Wayshower from this

If you are Indigo, it is time you set aside your surface-earth concerns, you will
now be shown your next direction by higher self once you have been activated to
your contract, just as I have. It will be clear, you will struggle understanding
initially, but since you are under contract, then you need to know that you have
multiple elements that are in play here you have known nothing about, and those
elements will come clearly to the surface once you accept your role. You will never
be handed your final directions in your role here until you have freely accepted
your position. Once you do, you will experience things that have seemed fantasy
until this point.

Ingidos: You are NOT HERE to experience "human" life from this moment on, you are
only here as Wayshowers to those you have contracted to help during their extremely
difficult and arduous days making the transition from more than 1/2 billion years
of slavery to their ultimate freedom. You will either embrace fully your oath to
show them how to achieve that, or you will shrink from your vow. We did not come
here to shrink from this journey. We came KNOWING we were able to fulfill this
promise. When you come away from our consultation, you will know for certain I am
speaking truth and not offering some arbitrary earth-level concept that you are
either under contract or not. I will show you the proof.

If you are Indigo, you will already know it, and will just need verification and a
way to get to the details of your contract. If you are a true, AUTHENTIC Angelic
Human, you will rejoice. Either way, the voice is here to lead you there.

All love


(+) Protection here has been met with BRUTAL force from your captors, with
extinction of the entire species continuously threatened for hundreds of millions
of years. The Guardian Alliance has sought to protect you as has been possible the
entire time of your capture without sacrificing your entire species. The fact you
are here now is proof of that.

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