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All three pages of your captor's heritages have now been placed down this wall.
There will be many out there who will consider these posts as "theory" and
"speculation", just as has gone on before now for hundreds of millions of years of
your captivity. The difference between these posts and those you are going to read
from the "Galactic Federation", messages from "Mythi", from "Zeta Talk", "Archangel
Michael" and the list goes on, is that these beings, their star groups, their
original appearance, current appearances, have all been verified as fact along with
the dates coinciding with their most recent arrivals directly face to face with me
from my contact who is without any question, authentically here for the monitoring
of welfare and assuring of the enforcement of the Emerald Covenant, the evolution
of the Angelic Human as well as other beings on this planet who are currently here
under what is called a Co-Evolution, BioRegenesis Agreement under the Emerald

Every being on this planet, regardless of "who was your daddy", is now able to
ascend and leave this dimension and this prison Time Matrix, and their ascension is
being guarded and guided by the Guardian Alliance (Corey Goode calls the "sphere
being alliance").

If you ever wanted to know fact and not fiction, if you wanted real answers to what
happened here, and who was involved, then this was for you. Just remember, that
there is no such thing as identifying "the bad guys", just because they look like a
Praying Mantis, and not like a "human". Just because they don't look like your
species doesn't make them nefarious. And in fact, you need to be aware of the fact
that MANY of the "people" around you now, once looked like a dragon, a
velociraptor, snakes, birds, crocodiles, horses, bulls, lions, and many other forms
that were very much "animals" and nothing like "human" until after they cross-bred
with the Angelic Humans here, and began to take on the full shape of what you now
consider "human". A form that is ANYTHING OTHER than true "human" in shape today.

"Humans", once first seeded to this plane, was over 9 feet tall, very thin, had
blue skin, very long craniums, were fully mentally telepathic breathairians who
never had to eat, sleep or drink to maintain perfect health "forever", as they were
eternal beings. So judging someone as "not human" because they don't look like what
your current society looks like now, is like saying "that's not a duck", just
because it doesn't look like your current version of duck appears today. That duck
didn't look like "that" when it was first created either, because everything inside
your Chimera Reality field looks far different than what it had been intended to
appear to begin with. Hold off your judgement, because you may just be talking
about your own star group while pointing your finger.

What will come as the biggest shock to the widest spectrum of people here, will be
the fact that there is a VERY good chance that your own forefathers were in fact
dragons, lizards and snakes, and you are no more "human" than the beings being
revealed in this post today. You can't help it if your lineage came from gargoyels,
but you can help yourself from remaining in a war-mentality that that original DNA
template had been designed with. No one on this planet "has to be" service to self.
You can embrace the Law of ONE, regardless of who your parents were. Take at look
at Simon Parkes for a very good example of that.

I don't post this to freak you out, I post it because you have asked to know the
truth now, thousands of times since the beginning of my contract. I had no idea
when I had been asking for the same, that the truth might just be something that I
would have been happy to have never learned. But since these happen to be the
facts, I post it faithfully so you can either rejoice someone finally told you the
truth, or reject it because it is so disconcerting. Either way, now you know.
All love,


K.Y.A.= Thousands of Years Ago

GROUP (Biblical Times known as: Sumerians, Atlas, Romulus, Horus, Enlil) made up of
Leviathan Insectoids, Avian-Reptiles (Aquatic-Ape, Crocodiles, Birds, Reptilians,
Beatles, Mantids, Gargoyles) Infiltrated Human lines: Germans, Egyptians, Incans,
Native Americans, Mexicans, Hawaiians, Polyesians, South Americans, South Africans,
Greeks, England, Germans. Run: the Nights Templars, FreeMasons, Galactic
Federation, Ashtar Command, Illuminati, Voo-Doo, Crocodile Cults, Falcon Cults,
Christian Churches. Hybrids are called Reptilians.

Humans (Biblical Times known as: Isis, Knights Templars, Nordics, FreeMasons,
Cathari, Saxon Kings, posed as “Olympian Gods” of ancient Rome and Greece) Marduk-
Luciferian Anunnaki raided Sister-Race of Angelic Earth Humans line of Aryan
Palaidoreans of Alcyone and Procyon Pleiades, producing tall, elegant, “perfect
humans” with typically blond or dark hair with stunning blue eyes (Humanoid) Human
Infiltration: Russia, Germany, England, France, Scotland, North and South America.
Run: Protestant Christian Churches, Isis Mystical books, Pleiadean Channels, “UFO”
Contact, Mahatma and Rosecrution Spiritual Teachings, Galactic Federation, Ashatar
Command, Pleiadean/Nibiruean Council, Anunnaki portions of World Management Team
Illuminati, Alpha-Omega Melchizedek Schools, Mother Mary Phenomenas. Hybrids are
called Samjase Nordics.

1903 A.D. FROM LYRA-VEGA: The ZEPHELIUM BLUES made up of Zeta Grays, one Rigelian,
one Rutilia (Grey “Alien” and “Tall Grays” Blue-Skinned Insectoid-Reptilian-
Serpent) Human Infiltration: wide abductions and cloning of humans. Run: Military
Montauk Boys, MJ-12, world wide animal mutilations, Nazi Zeta Treaties, enslaved
Zeta-Reticuli (did not "originate" from Zeta Reticuli, but came here as their
species' captors), Zeta Talk, Thule Society, Allister Crowley/ Black Sun/ Golden
Dawn/ Enochian Watchtowers metaphysical Cults. Hybrids called "Grays".

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