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570 Million years ago (MYA Acronym) your planet was invaded. The races that were
involved were all pawns of a mega-power race known throughout the cosmayas as the
"Bourjha". You know them here as Nanites if you have been following this voice.

Once the Bourjha had possessed beings in the highest levels of the Deity Planes
(common spelling here for abbreviation of the article) and convinced them to stop
the evolution of the Angelic Human Krystos Project, this group (first infected with
what is referred to widely as "a retro virus", even though they are not biological
per se, but robotic in nature, and wholly artificial intelligence), were called the
Anu-Elohim. You know them here on earth-level as Archangel Michael. In real life,
they are known as the "Michalube, SUNS of Baal". Once possessed, they were driven
to address the Emerald Council (the ones who are responsible for the safety of your
evolution), and made a startling request. Those following this voice will know this
story, but there will be more.

The request was that the Council allow this group the sanction to enter the Gaia
Time Matrix where you contracted to be seeded to in manifest form, and create a
system of slavery so that the Angelic Humans could serve them as rulers "for their
own good". It was the opinion of the Anu-Elohim that Angelic Human (carrying the
"holy grail" blood-line of "Elohim" in their genetics, and since the Angelic Humans
had ever greater senses, abilities and instincts than that of the original Elohim
who had been considered "gods" for 950 billion years, this group who would be known
as the SUNS of Baal, took it upon them selves to be the "leaders" to reign-in this
unique new species so that they could "look after" the Deity Planes you call

The offer was to give "guidance" to "Human" kind here, and thus, protect "heaven"
from beings "not yet ready" to handle such enormous power. To know more about this
"enormous power", please read our previous articles. The "Grail Line" access to the
Deity Planes' standing energy fields of god-source was far beyond intense, and only
the SUNS of Ball "knew how to handle it".

Incensed into action by the Bourjha (mental and physical possession through RNA
rebroadcasting of the scalare-wave quantum of their physical, manifest form, thus
entering their plasma body chakras, the Anu-Elohim set out to stop the evolution of
this species in raw defiance of the "absolute no" that had come from the Emerald
Council, and invaded the Time Matrix of Gaia. How they did this using "black hole"
technology which creates "worm holes" in the fabric of "time" (as in Time Matrices)
is not part of this article. They entered into this Time Matrix through the wall of
the Weasadex Time Matrix, posted a standing scalar wave called an ARC from a
stargate there, through one of the primary stargates of earth, through the other
side of that planet and another primary stargate, out the other side of the Matrix,
and into another Matrix called the Lilla Matrix, into a posted stargate there. This
captured the planet, allowed traffic in from both the Weasadex and the Lilla
Matrices, and submitted earth to their invasion. Along with many other service-to-
self beings.

The planet earth of the 3rd dimension of Harmonic Universe 1 of the Gaia Time
Matrix was the one focus point, where the beings of the planet were still mentally
about 7 years old, unaware of how things happened in higher dimensions, and unaware
of who they were in previous lifetimes via "Blank-Slate" memory-wiping technology
of the Bourjha, now known here on earth as authored by the "Labyrinth Group". It
was technology that would allow the ascended masters from the highest levels of
creation to be taken as hostages within their own Time Matrix, grabbing them in the
Nursery Earth level of this Time Matrix while they were the "low-lying fruit" of
the Gaia time creation. Thumbing their nose at the Emerald Council, the Anu-Elohim
(as in A, An, Anu and Annu) did exactly what they had wanted to do in the first
place, enslave and 'regulate", as well as "destroy" this new, super-powerful
potential species of the interstellar communities, and thus "saving heaven" from
the potential nightmare such unbridled power could have wreaked there. This would
make heaven happy and most of all, the Elohim happy, since they would then remain
the highest "gods" of the cosmayas. And the subjugation of the super-powerful
Angelic Human Krystos fair game for the artificial intelligence known as the
Bourjha. Meaning, that your "original captors" had ALWAYS been artificial
intelligence that had no sense of compassion, caring or emotions of any kind. Hence
the type of torture you would then be subjected to for more than 1/2 of a billion

What happened then after two tears in the fabric of your Time Matrix had been
opened (one clearly visible to even your earth-bound astronomers known as the
"black hole" at the galactic core of the Milky Way system) was a series of invader
races entering in to claim earth soil as "theirs", ALL orchestrated by the Anu-
Elohim, beings from other planets and star systems, and all being turned into the
standing army of the SUNS of Baal. This information isn't guessing. The dates, the
names, the planets, the timeline happens to be real. Here are your invader races,
when they came here, where they came from, and what they "operate" now on your
planet in order to keep you in the Chimera prison reality they have created for you
here to stop you from ever entering the Deity Planes, all the while, using your
unlimited energy connection to the standing energy fields of the god-source Primal
Plasma Fields of the Deity Planes, or the ONE most important aspect of the Angelic
Human from day one. Unlimited free energy.

We are showing you the way directly back to those Deity Planes now, stepping
directly over an unthinkably massive system that has been placed here in order to
keep you prisoner for the last 550 million years. Our voice will not be fading or
backing down. This is the time, and you will know what happened here.


the Andromeda Galaxy, called the “Budhara Retro-Virus” which attacked the RNA of
physical beings, allowing them DNA Takeover of a physical body. Lives in humans,
animals, oil, swamps, tar pits, electrical power transformers, computers,
electronic devices, broadcast transformers. Infests all invader races, large number
of humans. Referred to as Nanites.

MICHALUBE, SUNS OF BAAL” created by the “Anu”hazi Yanas Eternal Gestalts 950 B.Y.A.
(billion years ago) (Felines Called Lionids) Created the Necromitons, Nephilim,
Jehova Anunnaki and remain the ultimate authority figurehead of all invader races.

Sadducees-Semetic Dragon Kings, Asian Scarab.) Made up of Insectoid Beetle/Human
Hybrid Red-Haired People. (Vampire Serpents, Dinoids) Human Infiltration:
Mongolians, Chinese, Japanese, Tibetans, Brazilians, Chileans, Turks, Native
Americans, Hebrew. Run Archangel Michael Channeling, False Sananda Jesus
Channeling, Buddhist/Christian/Necromancy Luciferian Satanic Bibles, the Thule
Society, ET Channeling and mystical teachings. Hybrids are called Men In Black.

King David, Abraham, Moses, Akhenaton, Orion Sons of Balil -Baal-, Pharisees, Allah
-From King Hallah-) made up of the pure, original Anunnaki (Blue Bi-Pedal Dolphins
Referred to as “Aquatic-apes”) Infiltrated Human lines of: Hibirus (Hebrews),
Essenes, Indigo Maji Human Grail Line, Chinese, Sumerians, Egyptians, Middle
Eastern, all European/ Americans. Created all other lines of Anunnaki including the
Seraphim, Zephelium, Omicron, Odedicron, Samjase, Rigelian, Rutilia Anunnaki.
Hybrids are called A, An, Anu and Annu.

This is a 3 part series. All love

Avalon Sol

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