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1. Banning the Afghan team from the 2000 Olympics was a__________________ decision.

It caused significant

friction between the West and some other countries.

2. A recording__________________ is used to keep a record of all the police interviews.

3. At the conference there will be four sessions running__________________, so you will have to choose which

one you wish to attend.

4. In the UK, you drive on the left-hand side of the road, but in the US the ___________________ applies.

5. The actor’s popularity has ________________over the years. Everybody used to know him, but few people do


6. The software that I bought was not______________________with Windows 11. It will only operate with

earlier versions of Windows.

7. Building work ___________________in October last year. It should be finished by December of this year.

8. I gave an interview to the newspaper but they ____________________ everything I said. The message that

comes across is completely different to what I meant.

9. He has always enjoyed helping people. He __________________his life to helping several charities.

10. They closed ward 9 in the hospital. Someone had a contagious disease and they wanted to

____________________ it to that part of the hospital so it would not spread.

11. The university was __________________in 1873. It was the first to be established in the country.

12. The cliffs that make up the coastline of Great Britain are being rapidly ________________

by the sea.

13. The total _______________of the English course is 10 weeks so it doesn't go on for too long.

14. Refusing to provide medical attention to someone who is sick because they do not have enough money is

simply not____________________. Everybody should have a right to be treated.

15. Most societies have seen a decline in __________________labour at the expense of a growing white collar


16. There are English lessons for beginner level, ___________________, and advanced.

17. If you submit an essay to your professor that is not ____________________properly you may well fail.

18. Having a good manager is ___________________to the success of any football team.

19. Living in China for 3 years gave me a real _________________into their culture. I know much more about it


20. I think people who commit murders are _______________________ evil. I don't believe it is to do with the

way they are brought up or nutured.

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