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Trainer: Evan O’Donahoe

Group members: ● Do Khanh Linh

● Do Trang
● Tran Thi Mai

Course dates Year Location

18 – 23 September, 2023 Educap Hanoi
Topic: Water sports
Level: Pre-intermediate

Age: 10 - 12 years old

Length: 45 minutes
Language Skills: Vocabulary, Grammar, Speaking, Listening, writing
TESOL Methodology: Eclectic Approach, TPR, Flashcard, activity-based…

1. Students are able to pronounce correctly and know 7 new vocabularies: snorkel, swimming, surf, dive, waterski, sail, kayak;
2. Help students understand the usage and be able to use the structure “like+V-ing" in all forms to indicate their own hobbies or interests.

Stage Activity Description Resources Timing Teacher

Warm up Board Race Board, 4 min Ms.
- Setting up the Game:
markers, Trang
○ Divide the class into 3 teams.
○ Stand in 3 lines facing the board.
○ Teams can pick names or be given names.
- Describing the Game & Demo:
o The first person in each line will get a marker. Teacher
shows students a card with scrambled letters. Students'
task is to unscramble the letters and spell the word correctly
on the board. But here's the catch—one person can only
write one word at a time! Then he or she runs back and
passes the marker to the next teammate. Do not make a
sound! Do not look to other teams.
o The fastest team get all the right words wins
o Teacher performs the demo with HISF – FISH
- CCQs:
o "What do you do after writing a word?"
o "How do you earn a point for your team?"
- Activity:
○ Words: Crab, Shrimp, Shark, Starfish, Whale, Oyster
- Wrap-up:
● Declare the winning team.
● Give everyone a round of applause.
Pre-task Review 1 min Ms.
Use questions to lead in the topic: Watersport / Aquatic sports
known Trang
words, ● Where do these animals live?
introduce ● Do you like ocean?
new topic What do you do when you go there?
Teaching Vocabulary Flashcard 10 min Ms.
Water activities
1 Trang
- Vocab: snorkel, swimming, surf, dive, waterski, sail, kayak
+ Bonus: Coral reef exploring, Sea turtle watching, Whale
watching, Beachcombing
- Description:
a. Show FC to the class.
b. Model x3: Ask students to be silent, and listen to the teacher.
The teacher pronounces the words slowly and clearly 3 times.
c. Choral x3: Teacher pronounces the words and requires
students to listen to and repeat 3 times
d. Individual repetition: The teacher chooses student randomly
to pronounce the words and corrects pronunciation if students
make mistakes
- Interaction: the teacher asks simple questions, provide a simple
definition of the words, then use CCQs and elicit information from
e. Final repetition: The teacher sticks the word on the board and
reviews it before teaching another word. Review all FC on the
- Example:
The word Snorkeling
a. Show the flashcard with an image of someone snorkeling, the mask,
and the snorkel visible above water.
b. Model x3: "Snorkeling. Snor-ke-ling. Snorkeling."
c. Choral x3: "Alright, everyone together now: Snorkeling."
d. Individual repetition: "[Student Name], can you say it?"
Interaction: "Snorkeling is when you swim on the surface of the water and
use a mask and snorkel to breathe and observe underwater life. Who
here has ever tried snorkeling?" [Elicit responses] "What can you see
when you go snorkeling?"
e. Final repetition: Place "Snorkeling" on the board.
Do the same technique with the other words.
Move on to review them collectively with the class, ensuring
understanding and retention
Flashcards, 5 min Ms. Linh
Task 1 Tic-tac-toe Purpose: To practice the vocabulary words in a dynamic and interactive board,
manner. markers
- Presentation: Briefly review the vocabulary words using the
flashcards on the board.
Alright, we've dived deep into some amazing marine activities! Now, let's
see how well we remember them with a game of 'Marine Bingo
- 'Practice:
Setup: Draw a 9-square box on the board and hand each student a
piece of paper
Instructions: Ask students to fill in their paper with 3 vocabulary
words they've learned today.
“On your cards, write down 3 water activities we've learned today”
+ Once students have filled in their cards, as the teacher, you'll
draw words one by one. There will be 7 activity-related words and
2 “treasure boxes” which can be considered as bonus points.
+ Start the game by drawing a word in each box and saying it aloud,
e.g., "Surfing!"
+ Students will mark or cross out the word on their card if they have
- Production:
- Game Progression: Continue drawing and announcing words.
The goal for the students is to get three words in a row, either
horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
- When a student believes they have "Bingo!", they should shout it
out. Ask them to come up and show their card. If they correctly
have three in a row, they're the winner for that round!
For winners:
+ Congratulations, [Student's Name]! You remembered the marine
activities well. Let's all give a round of applause!
Time Control: The game should be played for about 5 minutes
+ Well done, everyone! Whether you got a bingo or not, you've all
practiced and recalled our marine vocabulary. Keep these words
in mind, and maybe one day, you'll experience some of these fun
activities by the sea!
This game combines listening skills, recall of vocabulary, and a bit of
strategy in placing the words. It's interactive and provides a bit of
excitement as students anticipate the next word to be drawn.
Teaching Grammar Board, 10 min Ms. Linh
2 marker

Purpose: to help students understand better how to use the structure

“like+V-ing" in all forms to indicate their own hobbies or interests.
Like has a number of meanings and uses.
Like as a verb meaning ‘enjoy’
We use like to talk about things or people which we enjoy or feel positive
“In American English, the forms with to-infinitive are much more
common than the -ing form. There is a very small difference in meaning
between the two forms. The -ing form emphasizes the action or
experience. The to-infinitive gives more emphasis to the results of the
action or event. We often use the -ing form to suggest enjoyment (or
lack thereof) and the to-infinitive form to express habits or preferences.”
(Teacher’s own notes)
So let’s start with this question: “What is your most favourite activity?”
Then the teacher would ask 1-2 students to answer and introduce the
first structure:

#1 S + like(s) + V-ing
I like playing volleyball
She likes cooking
CCQ: When we use “likes” instead of “like”?

Continue - However, sometimes there are things that you don’t enjoy or
want to do in life, then how should we say?
#2 S + do/does not + like + V- ing

And you know, perhaps sometimes we want to ask about others’ interests
too, right? Then how should ask them?
Request 1-2 students to answer then lead to the third structure
#3 Do/Does + S + like + V-ing?

Ask the students to quickly work in pairs (2-2-2-3)
Two students in a pair would have to ask about each other’s
preferences (with all vocab provided earlier) then present to the whole
class about your partner’s interests using the new structures.
Task 2 Mingle: Purpose: to help students practice using like/ likes in conversation. Board, 7 min Ms. Mai
meet your marker,
match - Present:: paper,
○ Board words: write down grammar form students just
Do you like…?
Yes, I do. I like/ enjoy…..
No, I don’t. I don’t like ….
○ Modeling & choral drills 3 times each (add intonation,
connected speech, gestures);
○ CCQs.
- Practice: in U shape, the teacher invites the first student to practice.
Then, he/ she will talk to the person next to them until they finish one
- Produce: what do you like doing at home? (4min)
● Instruction:
○ Give each student a piece of paper having questions.
○ Then students note down things that they like and don’t like
about the question. (1min)
○ Next, dividing students into 4 groups.
○ Students talk to their partner in one minute, using structure as
presented on the board and activities written on paper.
○ After one minute, the teacher stops students and asks them to
find a new person to talk to to find out who matches them.
○ CCQs.
After finding their matches, the teacher asks each person what they
both like doing.
Follow up Micrologue Purpose: students using grammar, vocab to create a story by Worksheet 7 min Ms. Mai
- Present:
○ Teacher gives each team a worksheet which has images,
then describes briefly.
○ Teacher assigns students to work with their partner within
2 mins, creating a story that has the structure “S + like/ likes
+ V-ing…”
○ How long does it take to write a story?
Ans: two
○ Should you include one picture or all of these pictures in
your story?
Ans: all.
- Practice & produce:
○ Divide class into 3 teams, discuss and write their story
within 2 min.
○ Each team has ~1 min to tell their story with class. (3 mins)
Wrap up: Teacher gives feedback, applause.
 Students have chance to practice using V-ing form and new
words from today’s lesson.
Homework workbook 1 min Ms. Mai
Students read a passage at p.35, find structure like + to V, Like +v-ing.
Record a video student read a passage if possible.
Back up (if Activity: Introduction: teacher gives students 1 minute to note down their “two Paper, pen 5 min Ms. Mai
any) Two Truths truths and one lie.” about their hobbies related to water sports. Students
One Lie have to use the structure “like/ don’t like + V-ing” in their sentences.

Next, teacher invites students to stand up, then gives students 2-minute
speaking time. Students go around and talk freely with at least 2
classmates. They have to find out which of their classmates’ statements
are the truth or lie.

Teacher double checks, gives feedback on students’ speaking time.

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