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Rafael Flores

ENC 1101
October 17th, 2023

Outcome Reflection 3

For the Decision Making & Production outcome, what did your chosen assignment do to make
you think about things such as audience, genre and purpose? What did you know about those
concepts before this class? What did you learn while doing the assignment? How did you apply
these concepts in the assignment you chose?

1. For Outcome Reflection 3 I chose Reading Response 3. Thise assignment had us read
text, "Navigating Genres" by Kerry Dirk and "Make Your Move" by Jacobson et al. and
answer questions about our own interests and about the reading. When I read Navigating
Genres by Kerry Dirk it helped me understand how to identify genres and their purpose. I
understood what genre meant and the purpose of genres, but it was difficult to identify
them from reading a text. I also learned what rhetorical moves were from reading Make
Your Move by Jackson et al., this helps me understand the purpose of text easier because I
can identify where the rhetorical moves are.

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