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PURPOSE: Comprender estructuras simples en inglés, con vocabulario básico y deduciendo el uso
de adjetivos relacionados a sentimientos y emociones en las personas.

o Look at the pictures. How do you feel? Can you say it in English?
I. Write the correct adjective for each picture. You can use your dictionary.
Feelings and Emotions
1. ashamed D
2. sad
3. angry
4. bored
5. sleepy
6. scared
7. proud
8. hungry I
9. sick
10. thirsty

II. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

A. He is ashamed. F. _____ _____ _________________
B. He is __________________ G. _____ _____ _________________
C. She is _________________ H. _____ _____ _________________
D. He ____ _____________ I. _____ _____ _________________
E. She _____ ____________ J. _____ _____ _________________

*He is (Él es / Él está) *She is (Ella es / Ella está)

Se usa para un varón (man) Se usa para una mujer (woman)

III. Write the feelings and emotions in the correct column.

Positive Negative happy, bored,
ashamed, proud, glad,
angry, excited,
confident, stressed
IV. Complete the sentences with the correct adjective. You can use your dictionary.
excited confused worried scared bored sad confident

a) I feel _____________ when I don´t understand something.

b) Paola feels ____________ because her dog is ill.
c) I feel _____________ when I watch a scary movie.
d) You feel _____________ when you are sure passed your exam.
e) I feel ______________when I have to speak in public.
f) He feels _____________when he doesn´t have a friend to play with.
g) I feel _____________when I have many problems to solve.

V. Answer the following questions about your vocabulary knowledge.
1. Many people feel ‘afraid’ when they… 6. Many people feel ‘nervous’ when they…
a) see their best friend a) see a flower
b) pass an English exam b) start a test in school
c) lose a pen c) order a hamburger
d) see a big spider d) go for a walk.

2. Many people feel ‘angry’ when… 7. Many people feel ‘shy’ when they…
a) they have an argument a) run very fast
b) they sleep a long time b) buy something
c) someone says ‘hello’ c) listen to music
d) they eat an apple. d) meet new people

3. Many people feel ‘confident’ when they… 8. Many people feel ‘stressed’ when they…
a) tell people to do something a) watch an interesting TV show.
b) know how to do something b) sing ‘Happy Birthday’
c) forget to do something c) eat chocolate cake or Ice-cream.
d) don´t want to do something d) don’t have enough time to do something

4. Many people feel ‘bored’ when they… 9. Many people feel ‘proud’ when they…
a) have many things to do e) get an ‘AD’ on a test in school
b) forget to do something f) forget to study for a test in school
c) remember to do something g) get an ‘C’ on a test in school.
d) have nothing to do h) study for a test in school

5. Many people feel ‘excited’ when they… 10. Many people feel ‘ashamed’ when they…
a) find money a) eat candy
b) wake up b) make a mistake.
c) lose money c) go to sleep
d) go to sleep d) have brown hair.

Luis Vigo Ortíz-English Teacher.

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