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Motilal Nehru National Institute of Techndogy
211004 India


Examination 2022-23
Mid Semester (Odd)
Semester: VII
Programme Name: B.Tech. Air Conditioning
Course Code: ME17101/ME17306 Course Name: Refrigeration
Branch:Mechanical Engineering + Production Student Reg. No.:
and Industrial Engineering
Duration: 90 minutes Max. Marks: 20
Instructions: (Related to Questions)
1. Figures to the right indicate the full marks.
2. Attempt All questions. Assume additional data suitably, if required.
Marks Mapped
to CO

(8) CO2
between condenser and evaporator
Q1. A vapour compression refrigeration system operates
The system employs a liquid
temperatu of 30 "C and -10 °C, respectively.
res with
to vapour heat exchanger, which
sub-cools saturated liquid from the condenser
at -10 "C. Given that the refrigerant enthalpy drop in sub-
vapour from the evaporator
cooling is 6.602 kJ/kg and the compressor displacement is 1.1 m°/min. Assuming
suction of compressor to be equal
be isentropic and specimc volume at the
compression to
of saturated vapour, calculate:
to specific volume

Volumetric efficiency nv-0.92.

i. The mass flow rate of refrigerant in kg/min, given
ii. The refrigeration capacity in TR.
i. The COP for cooling and
run the compressor.
iv. The theoretical hp/TR needed to
used in vapour compresSion system ar given in
The properties of the refrigerant
the Table below

Saturated Liquid and Vapour

Vapour Superheted
By 20 c

) (m/kg) J/kg) (kJ/kg)|(kJ/kg.K) (kulN1J

(kJ/kg.K) (kJ/kg)|(kJ/kg.K) | (kJAgle ikg.K)
0.7020 195.7 0.7477 208
10 0.0767 6.9 183.2
214.3 0.7321
30 0.0235 4.6 199.6
0.2399 0.6854

P a g e1 of2
Marks Mapped
to CO

Q2. Designate the

following compound according to CO1,
i. Trichlorotrifluroethane (CC1)FCCIF)
international designation of refrigerants (2) CO2
ii. Difluoro monochloro methane (CHF,CI)
ii. Ammonia (NH)
iv Isobutane (C,H10)

Q3. Sketch the T-s and
p-h diagrams for the vapour compression cycles when the vapour (2)
) CO2
compression is () dry saturated (ii) superheated
Q4. Describe the function of a thermostatic
expansion valve with a neat sketch. Discuss the (4) CO1,
advantages of the thermostatic expansion valve over automatic expansion valve. CO2
Q5. Derive the expression of clearance volumetric efficiency for a
reciprocating compressor, as (4) CO1,
function of percentage clearance, the specific volume CO2
of vapour at suction and specifie
volume of vapour at discharge. Explain how power requirement of the compressor will
change with an increase in evaporating temperature.
0). The mass flow rate of refrigerant.
(1). The COP and isentropic
Motilal Nehru 4RRG-RR2008 (TRa) (ii). The heat
rejected in the condenser.
National Institute of Technology Allahabad Sf
Prayagraj-211004 [Indial C
Dar kJ/kg kJ/kg
5.836 | 205.9 407.1 kJI(kgK)k/(kgK)m'/kg
End Semester Examination 2022-23 40 1.021151.7447 0.0404
15.331 249.53 416.4 1.16659|1.69953
Programme Name: B.Tech. Specific heat of vapour is 0.65 kJ/kg. K
Semester: VII
Course Code: ME 17101/17306
Course Name: Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Explain, how actual vapour compression cycle differs from the simple saturation cO
Branch: Mechanical Engineering+ vapour compression cycle?
Production and Industrial Engincering Q3 a Explain the importance of CO1,
following thermodynamic properties in
Duration: 3 Hours refrigerant for a particular application
Max. Marks: 60 (0). Normal Boiling Point CO2
Instructions: (Related to Questions) (). Critical Temperature and Pressure
Figures to the right indicate the fiull marks (111). Freezing Point
2.Allempt any five questions. Assume suitable data (iv). Miscibility with oil
3. if required.
Psychometric (Chart supplied separalely wilh the question
4Allach the Psychometric Chart wilh the Answer Scripl. paper Show that the COP of a reversed Brayton cycle is given by the following (3) CO2
Marks COs expression
Q1 a Designate the following compound according to international designation of COP = -
(2) COl
refrigerants )T-1
where 7 15 the compression ratio and y is the ratio of specific heats.
i. C2H3CI i) CH2F-CH2F i) c2H4 iv) CO2
C In a gas cycle refrigeration system working on Joule cycle, the outlet temperature (5) CO2
A reversed
Camot cycle
has a COP cooling of 4.
for Determine the ratio CO2
/T If| from the cold space (refrigerator) is 270 K and the temperature at inlet to turbine is
318 K. The pressure ratio is 4.0. Determine the mass flow rate, heat rejection,
the power consumption of the cycle is 7.5 kW, determine the
refrigerating capacity compressor work, turbine work, COP and the volume flow rates at inlet to
of the machine in TR. If the cycle is used as a heat
pump with the same ratios of
temperature, determ ine its COP for heating and the quantity of heat pumped. compressor and at outlet ofturbine for a system of 1 TR cooling capacity. The
working substance is air. Assume Cp=l.00Sk]/kgK and r=14, and compressor
What do you mean by Dry air rated temperature (DART)? Classify aircraft
(2) CO2 inletpressure is atm.

refrigeration systems and arrange them in the ascending order of DART

Q4a With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Ammonia-water vapour (6) COI
(4) COS absorption system.
Define the following for moist air b Find the expression for the ideal COP for vapour absorption refrigeration system (6)
in terms of Tg, Te, and Te, where
(0). Dew point temperature
Temperature at which heat is supplied to the generator
(1i) Adiabatic Wet bulb temperature
Relative humidity T= Temperature at which condensation takes place in condenser
(iv) Specific humidity
TeTemperature at which refrigeration takes place in evaporator

02 aA simple saturation cycle using Freon 22 is designed for a load of 100 TR. The (8) CO2 Q5 The following performance is expected in a certain Bootstrap system (12)
saturated suction and discharge temperatures are 5C and 40°C respectively. CO1
Turbine efficiency 85%
Calculate Secondary compressorefficiency= 77%
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Page1of 3
Secondary heat
The cabin pressure is
tering maintai exchanger
the ned at oneeffectiveness=0.9
temper secondary heatexchan mosphere. The cooling air
rimary heat exchano
exchanger at heat exchanger is
leaves the primary
the cabin at 4.5C. Calculate: 64 C. The 32°C. The compressed air
The comp to enter
refrigerated air is required
temperature of air r

pressires of air entering

cooling turbine
compressors. discharge from primary and ndary
the schematic diagram of seconua
process on T-s plot. boot-strap air-refrigeration
system and show tne
Moist air at a
state ot
mixes 29 oC
with moist wet-bulb and 101.325 CO3.
101325 kPa barometric air at 5 °C kPa barometric 6)
pressure. if the dry-bulb, 2 °C wet-bulb
respectively, calculate tne speciTic
masses of
dry air kg and 2 kg, CO4
the mixture. humidity, enthalpy and
are 3
dry-bulb temperature of
b A building has the following calculated
RSH gain =310 kW loads:
RLH gain = 100 kW (9) CO3,
The space is maintained at the CO4,
following conditions:
Room DBT 25°C
Room RH = 50% CO5
Outdoor air is at 40 °C and 50% RH. And
t0% by mass of air
building is outdoor air. If the air supplied to the supplied to the
lower than 12 °C, find: space is not to be at a
). Minimum amount of air
supplied to space in
).Volume flow rates of return m/s.
outdoor air.
(recirculated room) air, exhaust air, and
(ii).State and volume flow rate of air
entering the cooling coil.
(iv).Capacity, Apparatus Dew Point (ADP),
Sensible heat factor (SHF) of the Bypass factor (BPF) and
cooling oil.
Write short notes Any Four of the
(i) Thermostatic expansion valve following: (12) CO1
(ii). Dry vs Wet Compression in vapour
() Summer Air Conditioning compression system CO2
System CO4
(iv). Effect of evaporator and condenser
temperature on performance of vapour
compression cycle COS
(v). Humid specific heat and enthalpy of moist air

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