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Name: Date: Tutor: BB

Level: Intermediate TP number: Framework: Text-based

MARKER SENTENCE(S) (provide an example sentence(s) you will use in the lesson to exemplify the target language)

We used to go to bars and clubs together on Saturday night.

Anticipated problem(s) for MEANING Anticipated solution(s) for MEANING
Name of TL and meaning/use
We use used to / didn't use to + inf to talk about things that happened SS might confuse used to/didn’t use Clarify with examples and CCQs.
repeatedly or were true over a period of time in the past but are not to (do sth) with be used to or get
true now. Used to does not exist in the present tense. used to (doing sth). I am used to getting up early every
Conveying and checking meaning/use day = I am accustomed to it. I always
How will you introduce the TL? (text, test, situation, etc.) do it so it is not a problem for me.
How will you check understanding? (CCQs, timelines, clines, etc)
The TL will be introduced though an audio in which four people talk She can’t get used to living in the UK
about where and how they met their partner. = She can’t get accustomed to it. It is
a problem for her.
I will draw a timeline and ask the following CCQs:
- Are we talking about the present or the past? The past
- Did they go to bars and clubs once or many times? Many times
- So, does used to refer to things/habits that happened
repeatedly in the past? Yes
- Are they true now? No (Do they go to bars and clubs now? No)
Anticipated problem(s) for Anticipated solution(s) for
How will you analyse the structure on the board/slide?
(Include +, -,? forms when relevant)
1. SS might use used to in the 1. When eliciting form, ask
POSITIVE: S + used to + vb base form + complement negative and/or question forms. checking questions to clarify, e.g.
NEGATIVE: S + didn’t + use to + base form + complement 2. SS might say used to + past Can we say “used to” in
QUESTION: Did + S + use to + base form + complement? simple (I used to played) or used negatives or questions? No.
SHORT ANSWERS: + Yes, S did / - No, S didn’t to + -ing (I used to playing). 2. Write wrong examples on the
board and cross them out, e.g. I
used to played. Highlight the
form on the board with colors.
Anticipated problem(s) for Anticipated solution(s) for
How will you analyse the pronunciation on the board/slide? (mark IPA,
sentence stress, linking, weak/strong forms, intonation, etc.)
SS might say: • Model
We used to go to bars and clubs together on Saturday night. • Elicit and mark connected
/ˈjuːsed tə/ instead of /ˈjuːstə/, speech on the board.
- Underlined words are stressed adding an /e/ sound due to spelling, • Write IPA on the board.
- Weak form of ‘to’ à /tə/ • Use colors.
- Used to: /ˈjuːst tuː/ à in connected speech: /ˈjuːstə/ or /ˈjuːst tuː/ instead of /ˈjuːstə/, • Drill chorally and individually.
- Didn’t use to: /ˈdɪd(ə)nt ˈjuːst tə/ stressing “to”.

REFERENCE MATERIAL USED What resources did you consult to help you analyze the grammar? (coursebooks, grammar reference books, IPA site, website etc.)
Latham-Koenig & Oxenden, English File Intermediate Student’s Book, OUP, 2013, Grammar Bank section.

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