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LDS 550 Lifelong Leader Formation – Group Research Presentations

(updated 11/08/2023)

Intro – The group research project provides a means to hopefully enhance:

> Interaction in our class learning community (prayer support, topic discussions, mutual encouragement).
> Practice and improvement of our research skills & presentation skills.
> Team leadership and teamwork skills – with the goal of every student contributing equally.
> Understanding of topics related to lifelong leader formation.
The group summary notes are due the middle of Module 11 (after Ministry Week) and the full revised
paper is due one week after the group presentation incorporating feedback from the class
presentation/interaction and from the instructor. Your presentation will be made in either Module 12 or 13.
The date for your group will be assigned after the submission of your papers in Module 11.
Note for your presentation: We do not include visuals (videos, pictures) of students from China, Vietnam,
Laos (communist countries) or of concerned students from Muslim majority countries (ask them).
Note for your presentation: We do not upload large Ppts, videos or documents to Canvas. Instead, if
needed, we upload these files to an IGSL related Google Drive and share the link with the instructor.
In-class Live Presentation – All group members should have a part in preparing and presenting. Summary notes
and materials that need to be posted to Canvas for the class are to be sent to the instructor.
> A Canvas discussion forum (optional) - can be used before the presentation in which students of class
post to the forum, read other posts, and reply. Instructors will send an announcement via Canvas to the
class to engage in the forum ahead of time. The group monitors and interacts as appropriate.
> Summary handouts – to accompany the presentation. Incorporate “>>Stop & Think!!” sections.
> Class discussion – Group uses discussion either before, during, and/or after the content delivery/notes to
raise interest/need, to prompt response & reflection, or for application. Discussions can coordinate with
“>>Stop & Think!!” sections in the notes.
> Content delivery – Group members share in the in-class presentation. Use of visuals is expected BUT
if using Ppt do so correctly (limit amount of words per slide, use a few larger fonts styles, limit animation)
> Full paper (revised) – sent to instructor 1 week after the presentation (to be posted for download by all).
1. Visuals - may be as simple as a sequence of still pictures to go with summary notes, or a power
point with motion. OR it may be a more complex audio/visual video presentation (video clips, etc.).
2. Summary notes (coordinated with the visuals) - Consider using one or two “>>Stop & Think!!”
questions/boxes incorporated into the notes.
3. Optional Pre-presentation online Discussion Forum - Involves an introduction (provide a picture with
1-2 paragraphs setting up the topic) and a question/prompt student response their discussion posts/replies.
This discussion may be used to catalyze thinking before viewing the class presentation.
4. Final paper: See the full assignment guide. Revise the paper after presentation & feedback, then submit.
Posting content on Canvas
> Submit the presentation summary notes in Module 11 to the assignment pages in Canvas. The instructor
then copies the summary notes for class handouts on the presentation day.
> Send any other content (besides the summary notes) to the instructor – by email attachment OR with
links to an IGSL related Google drive. The instructor sets up an optional Canvas discussion forum if used
(picture & paragraphs & question) and posts the revised, final papers to the Lifelong Leader Formation
Google drive for download by the class.

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