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Judith Dillon, July 2021

ʺI am the child of Earth and starry Heaven.ʺ

Paleo Hebrew alphabet Read letters from top right to left (A-B-C/G-D, etc.) It ends with
a mark as multiplication sign X, (sometimes written as a plus +) promising an increase,
a return on the sum of existence.

There is a theory that the Phoenician/Old Hebrew script from Egypt was created
by illiterate mine workers and slaves near the turquoise mines of Sinai. Ignorant of the
meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphs, they took some images, renaming the letters in their
own West Semitic language. Pr, Egyptian House, became Semitic Beth (House, second
letter in above script). This supposes that when Egypt’s soldiers captured foreign cities
and towns, the inhabitants sent off to toil until death only included ignorant workers.
The slave camps of Nazi Germany which included artists, writers, musicians, and
scientists should give pause to this theory.
The pattern of the alphabet growing out of the Mysteries of ancient Egypt is not a
haphazard set of letters, rather a most carefully planned script. The ordered symbols
representing each letter are clues along the path of an ancient secret promising new
life. Egyptian Mysteries included the promise of a return. While their dying King was
reborn each sunrise, others were eventually included in the promise. "Men do not live
once, in order to vanish forever. They live several lives in different places but not always
in this world, and between each life there is a veil of shadows."1

1Egyptian Papryus of Ani, Illustrated Egyptian Book of the Dead, 2001, p. 10

Drawn from the natural world and from the passage of the stars and planets
wandering along the sky road, each symbol has been carefully placed in order. Twelfth
letter eL (Lamed), a number associated with High Kings, illustrates this clearly. Among
the deities associated with 12, the moon has 12 synodic months,2 the sun 12 months to
circle the earth. It takes 12 years for lordly Jupiter, another King of Heaven, to circle the
sky and return to his home star.
In modern practice the Ruler’s stick has 12 inches to his foot, 3x12 or 36 to
measure out his yard. As King of his world, El was responsible for keeping the land
safe. In a Hebrew tradition, the Lamedvavniks are 36 righteous people who save the
world from destruction.3
From almost its earliest appearance, around 1800 BCE, the script arrived in an
order. By the time it burst upon the ancient world almost 1000 years later the order was
final, not to be changed or rearranged. Describing the writing of Hebrew, the word SFR
(sefer) mandates a counting, an order, and the scribe (also SFR) writing the sacred
script of the Torah is enjoined to not deviate from that order. Each letter: A (Alp/Ox), B
(Beth/House), C (GML, Rope or Camel), are symbols providing clues along a winding
path. They provide a map through the world of time, into the dark after, and then a
return to the light of day.

To understand the High King eL as our twelfth letter L we must visit some earlier
letters. We must also accept ancient deities could manifest in multiple forms, in shifting
sexualities at one and the same time, that “…several meanings can meet in the same
name, so can several names meet in the same person."4

2 Synodic month, the time from one New Moon to the next, and the number 12 approximates the number
of complete synodic months in a year.
3 In another esoteric tradition, Lamed is given the number 30. Vav, 6th letter of the alphabet is 6. 30+6=36.

The planet Saturn, another Bull of Heaven and another name for Orion, takes 30 years to circle the sky.

Rees, Alwyn and Brinley, Celtic Heritage, Thames & Hudson, 1991, p. 348.
The god of the Phoenicians, associated with the creation and transmission of this
first alphabet, could appear as a Bull and Cow (Baal and Baalat). First letter is the Bull
of Heaven as letter A. The Bull’s head begins our path. This Bull (which is also a Cow)
can appear as Orion, Taurus, or even the entire sky whose rain as semen seeds the
earth and whose milky rain nourishes it. The sky Bull was "the basis for the calendar
since it heralds through its changing constellations the times of the year."5 Taurus
appears in sky maps both as the head as letter A and as an X, last shape of the old
alphabet. Last is least in the circle of sky letters.

Hebrew’s A is a silent letter. Not yet differentiated or sounded, Aleph is translated

‘Ox’, a sexless animal. Until the duality of two, he is not yet potent. Not until the breath,
the windy sound of Ah passes the two pillars of the throat, can sound manifest. Only
then can the world come into reality. Thus, the Books of the Torah begin with the
blessings of B (Bereshit ‫)ְבֵּראִשׁית‬. The emerging Breath hovering over the swirling waters
of chaos now speaks a new world into existence.

Egypt placed their King Osiris as Bull of Heaven among the stars of Orion.
Among Orion’s many names is El. His three belt stars and sword provide the shape of

third letter . Orion was one of the celestial locations of other Bull-kings responsible for
keeping their Land fertile. Each year the owner of the Bonds of Orion, the giant sporting

Thorkild Jacobsen, Treasures of Darkness, Yale, 1976, p. 95
the El-wand of GML's Phoenician shape in his belt, seeds his land, impregnating
his Land after first binding her waters.6
Semitic words, composed of three-letter roots, do not include vowels. Words
composed of the same root have related meanings, even if not immediately evident.
Third letter GML is usually translated Camel (GiML), but camels were not domesticated
for 1,000 years after the appearance of the alphabet. A more likely translation for these
three letters is “Rope” (GaML).
Yearly floods of the River Nile covered the land along her banks. The Inundation
happened between June and September, the heat sometimes causing the Nile to
redden like a woman’s life-giving blood. After the land dried, the Phoenix (Ben-Ben bird)
calls from the top of his Palm Tree (Tamara in Hebrew): Now the land can be seeded:
the season of Peretz, the Bursting Forth of new generation. New earth emerges from
the Delta, the door as our fourth letter.

Each year the Floods obliterated the boundaries of Egypt’s fields. El’s rope
(GML) marked into 3 portions measured out the boundaries of dry land after the Floods
receded. Once you have three points, triangulation is possible. The square corner of a

6 Job 38:31 “Canst thou bind the cluster of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” The bonds of
pregnancy must be loosened to allow the bursting forth of new life. Outside this paper, this occurs through
the Door of fourth letter Dalet, the Delta where new lands form at the mouth of each river.

A later Hebrew myth has a devil named Samael impregnating Eve in the form of a camel: "He descended
with all his host and sought a suitable companion of earth. He finally found the serpent which looked like
a camel and rode on it." … “And how did he seduce her? He had intercourse with her." The Bahir
(1176CE), Aryeh Kaplan trans., Weiser, 1990 pp. 80-81). Cain whose mark saved him from death was
the child of this union.

pyramid or plot of land can be determined with three knots on a rope, spaced 3, 4 and 5
equal measurements apart. Adding up to a proper ruler's 12, bending the ropes at the
knots will always produce a right angle shaped like Orion’s L-wand or the mason’s T-
square. Masons claiming a history originating in Egypt still call the room at right angle to
a cathedral the ell. After seeding the now dry land, new life will return.
Astronomy covertly mandating many of the alphabet letter's placements, our
solar 12th month is the Winter Solstice. The dying Sun King, having grown weaker after
his Prime in Midsummer, literally reverses himself. Beginning the Fall of his year,
Earth’s sun now leaves the northern standstill (Summer Solstice) and begins dying
south towards mid-winter.

In December, Spring's GML will hang upside down as sacrificed ruler of the

12th symbol (Lamed) as English letter El. On the shortest day in the dark of winter’s
Mother Night, Earth’s sun will begin to grow stronger. In time, he will celebrate once
again his Sacred Marriage with the Land. Seeded she will rest until bursting with new
life yet again.

Arabic and Hebrew are related Semitic languages, and Arabic like Hebrew
acquired its script from Phoenicia's alphabet. It also has an esoteric tradition connecting
signs from the stars to alphabet letters. “Learning the Arabic letters is incumbent upon
everybody who embraces Islam, for they are the vessels of revelation; the divine names
and attributes can be expressed only by means of these letters—and yet, the letters
constitute something different from God; they are a veil of otherness that the mystic
must penetrate.” (Annemarie Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions in Islam)8

Allah derives from El: "According to the reconstructed Proto-Semic (P-Semi

lexicon the name of God in Proto-Semitic religious tradition consisted of two letters, ʼḷ ...
These letters are in Western scholarship conventionally (and somewhat arbitrarily)

hermeneutics.pdf (cited in his paper) Both Arabic and Hebrew use a related word (Ot/Aya) to denote both
messages from God and letters.
vocalized as El or Il. More recent data allows us to be more precise. It is the second
letter which is actually the ‘nucleus’ of the divine name"9 That is, in Arabic as in Hebrew,
letter L names the High God as El.
Even in modern times, the King has not lost his position as generous ruler. El is
the heart of the Hebrew alphabet, the ‫( ֵלב‬lev/leb) heart. El as teacher’s heart (Lev) ends
the last word of the Books of Moses (Torah), while Beit (B) begins the work. That is, the
teaching of Law is enclosed in the Ruler’s heart.

Square Hebrew, modern Hebrew (c. 200 BCE), changed the old Phoenician
shapes. Moving away from A’s Bull head of their Baal worshipping relatives. Aleph still
remembers her origins. The new shape contains two hands (yod) linked by a nail (vav)

touching Heaven and Earth ‫א‬

This new Square Hebrew alphabet is properly scribed with all letters dropping
down from an invisible line. Among their letters, the ruler El (Lamed) maintains his
primacy, rising above this line. The literal meaning of the letter Lamed (root 'LMD')
denotes the gathering and transmission of knowledge. As twelfth letter, it continues to
represent a (12 inch) Ruler's wisdom shared with his people.

“This letter is the tallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Since it stands taller than all the
other letters, it represents royalty. In fact, it represents the King of all kings, the


9Wesley Muhammad, Origin and Meaning of Allah,


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