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Mystery of The Monarchs

Monarch butterflies are born in eastern North America and travel 3000 miles to
their winter home in Mexico. In 1937 a scientist tagged the first wing track on
them. These butterflies start their journey from Ontario and in 4 months,
traveling 1800 miles, they get to Mexico and inhabit 300 square miles of places
near each other.
Each year 4 generations are born and only every 4th generation can make the
trip south. The first generation is born in the south, moves north, and dies. The
next two generations are born in their way north and reproduce and live for 2 to
5 weeks and then die. The 4th generation is born in fall; live for 8 months and
spend winter in their winter home and in spring they reproduce and die. The
spring generation is the first generation of the next cycle.

Mehdi Babaei Dorche

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