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NIM: 20230080138

Session 5 Assignments
Civic Education
(Case Study & Analysis)

1. How many Indonesian cultures does Malaysia claim? Are there any other examples? Please
state, is it possible for this claim to occur again in the future?
2. Can a country claim the culture of another nation because that culture has been carried out
by its citizens?
3. Can Indonesians claim the culture of other nations as part of their national culture because
this culture is loved and practiced by Indonesians? For example, the culture of eating while
standing (standing party).


1. According to my personal analysis, there are a lot of indonesian cultures that malaysia
claims. For example:

1.) Shadow puppets : Shadow puppets have become a characteristic of

indonesia, originating from Java and Bali. Shadow puppetry was once
claimed by Malaysia. Luckily, on November 27 2003, UNESCO recognized
wayang kulit as Indonesia’s cultural heritage
2.) Keris : Keris is an Indonesian culture found at Borobudur Temple. In the
9th century it shows someone holding an object similar to a keris. The
regions that use keris the most are Java, Madura, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra,
Coastal Kalimantan and Sulawesi.
3.) Batik : Batik is Indonesia’s cultural heritage. Malaysia once claimed that
batik was a cultural heritage fork Malaysia. And there are still many
Indonesian cultures that are claimed by the Malaysian state, such as the
Rasa Sayange song origaniting from the Maluku Island, Reog Ponorogo,
Kuda Lumping, Angklung, Javanese Gamelan, and Piring Dance.

Is this claim likely to happen again in the future?

Personally, I think the answer is YES. Because the cause in the era of globalization. Cultures
are starting to erode in this era of globalization. The issue of claims to Indonesian culture by
other countries is still possible.
2. According to my personal analysis, NO. Because every country definitely has a variety of
different cultures. Even though some of them definitely have similarities, there are definitely
still some things that are different. This is also related to culture which has been regulated by
world institutions and protected by UNESCO.

3. No, because each culture has its own copyright. The culture of a nation is the wealth of that

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