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Year 10 Literature: Twelfth Night Adaptations Task

Write an analytical response discussing how a selected scene from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night has been
adapted to the screen in Trevor Nunn’s 1996 version of the play.

Date: July 25th 2 periods

Open book – you may bring your copies of ‘Othello’
One side of A4 handwritten notes/essay plan

You may select any scene, but these are some suggestions you may wish to choose from:

Antonio and Sebastian catch up

Trevor Nunn film scene: from 37:56 to 39:48 Malvolio and the letter
Act 2, Scene 1 Trevor Nunn film scene: from 56:05 to 1:04:45
Play: Act 2, Scene 5 (entire)
Viola visits Olivia
Trevor Nunn film scene: from 27:05 to 37:56 Viola revealed.
Play: Act 1, Scene 5 and Act 2, Scene 2 Trevor Nunn film scene: from 1:51:29 to 1:58:05
Play: Act 5, Scene 1, lines 190-250
Duel scene
Trevor Nunn film scene: from 1:30:35 to 1:37:55 Malvolio learns the truth.
Play: Act 3, Scene 4, lines 180 to end of scene Trevor Nunn film scene: from 1:58:05 to 2:02:30
Act 5, Scene 1, lines 250-36

Suggested Plan

● Introduce the film adaptation (title, director, date) and chosen scene from the play. Put the scene
into context.
● Make brief remarks about the way Trevor Nunn engages the audience (e.g. the setting, the
exploration of modern concerns)

● Refer closely to Shakespeare’s text in comparing the key scene, taking into consideration the ways
in which Nunn has adapted the play. You can write paragraphs on the setting, the presentation of
the characters, changes in the order of events, Nunn’s decision to omit certain parts of the text and
the foregrounding of modern concerns related to gender and love. Remember to include some
reference to the features of film such as the type of shot used (close-up etc), sound (e.g. the sea),
lighting and set design.

● Make a final summative comment about the way in which the film adapts Shakespeare’s play to the
screen, noting the likely impact of the production on the targeted audience and the cultural value
of this particular interpretation in bringing Shakespeare’s work to new audiences.

Below are some useful prompt questions to assist you in examining the adaptation.
● How closely does the selected scene follow Shakespeare’s text? How do additions and deletions
affect the storytelling?
● What does the production seem to say about gender relationships? Has the story been
manipulated to match the values and perceptions of the modern audience?
● When and where is the adaptation set? Why? Is this appropriate? Reasons?

● Is the physical and emotional depiction of character similar to or different from the original? Are
characters stronger? Weaker? More or less sympathetic? How are actions and
gestures/costuming/accent and vocal tone, etc, significant here? How are close-ups and medium
close-ups/subjective and objective shots, etc, used to convey character, making certain speeches or
responses more significant?
● How are relationships conveyed in the film? Does the casting of particular actors change the
depiction of these relationships? How is costume/framing of shots (e.g., use of two-shots, low and
high angle shots, character movement and groupings within shots) used to convey the relationships
between characters?
● Are there key moments in the scene which deviate from the play script in a definitive way? How
does this affect the depiction of conflict? Turning points? Resolution? Why do you think such
deviations have occurred?
● How is setting depicted? Does the cinematography (sets, props) allow for a more naturalistic or
authentic realisation of the time and place in which the story is set? How are outdoor and indoor
settings used? How does fluidity between settings contribute to the storytelling? Does the
presentation of setting make the characters seem more realistic or believable? How is lighting
used? What colours predominate?
● How does the soundtrack (musical score, songs, non-diegetic and diegetic sounds and sound
effects) contribute to the storytelling?
● Is recurring visual imagery used to convey a main idea or to develop character?

● How is camera work used (shot distances and angles, camera positions and movements, mise-en-

Adapted from Robert Beardwood; Literature for Senior Students, 4th Edition (Insight)

Student Name:

Criteria Descriptor Mark

Analysis of the similarities Clear and highly detailed identification and analysis of the similarities and differences VH
between the original and the adapted or transformed text. Highly considered selection and
and differences between highly effective use of textual evidence from the original and adapted text.
the original and the Clear and detailed identification and analysis of the similarities and differences between the H
original and the adapted or transformed text. Considered selection and very effective use of
adapted text textual evidence from the original and adapted text.
Clear identification and analysis of the similarities and differences between the original and M
the adapted or transformed text. Sound selection and effective use of textual evidence from
the original and adapted text.
Some identification and analysis of the similarities and differences between the original and L
the adapted or transformed text. Some selection of textual evidence from the original and
adapted text.
Limited identification and discussion of the similarities and differences between the texts. VL
Limited provision of textual evidence.
Analysis of the extent to Sophisticated and insightful analysis of the extent to which meaning changes when the form VH
of a text is changed. Complex understanding of the construction of the texts.
which meaning changes Detailed analysis of the ways in which meaning is altered when the form of a text is changed. H
Detailed understanding of the construction of the text.
when form changes Clear analysis of the ways in which meaning is altered when the form of a text is changed. M
Sound understanding of the construction of the texts.
Some analysis of the ways in which meaning is altered when the form of a text is changed. L
Some understanding of the construction of the texts.
Limited analysis of the ways in which meaning is altered when the form of a text is changed VL
Language Use Highly expressive, fluent and coherent development of ideas in written and/or oral form. VH
Expressive, fluent and coherent development of ideas in written and/or oral form. H
Generally clear, fluent and coherent development of ideas in written and/or oral form. M
Mostly clear expression of ideas in written and/or oral form. L
Basic expression of ideas in written and/or oral form.

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