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•Acodemyo/Management Review, 1990, Vol. 15, No. 2. 203-223.

Loosely Coupled Systems:

A Reconceptualization
The University of Michigan
Diverse applications of the concept of loose coupling are embodied in
five recurring voices that focus separately on causation, typology,
effects, compensations, and outcomes. Each has a tendency to drift
away from a dialectical interpretation of loose coupling toward a
unidimensional interpretation of loose coupling, thereby weakening
the explanatory value of the concept. The authors first use the five
voices to review fhe ioose coupling literature and then to suggest
more precise and more productive uses of the concept.

The concept of organizations as loosely cou- published about the same time as Weick's (1976)
pled systems is widely used and diversely un- article on educational organizations as loosely
derstood. The concept has a rare combination of coupled systems: transaction cost economics
face validity, metaphorical salience, and cut- (Williamson, 1975), institutional theory (Meyer &
ting-edge mysticism, all of which encourage re- Rowan, 1977), population ecology theory (Han-
searchers to adopt the concept but do not help nan & Freeman, 1977), and resource depen-
them to examine its underlying structure, dence theory (Pfeffer 8i Salancik, 1978). Each of
themes, and implications. Like a linguistic Tro- these four perspectives has a more distinctive
jan horse, the loose coupling concept has pre- paradigm, a more compact theory, and more
ceded loose coupling theory into the various empirical support than is true of loose coupling.
strongholds of organizational studies. Researchers who invoke the concept of loose
Because the concept has been underspeci- coupling generally cite one of three definitions.
fied, its use has generated controversy. Re- Glassman (1973) wrote that loose coupling is
searchers who oppose the concept on the basis present when systems have either few variables
of its imprecision have watched as more and in common or the variables they have in com-
more researchers adopt it. Researchers who ad- mon are weak (p. 73). Weick (1976) defined loose
vocate the concept on the basis of its face valid- coupling as a situation in which elements are
ity have watched it become unrecognizable. Re- responsive, but retain evidence of separateness
searchers who are in the middle have often used and identity (p. 3). Later, he wrote that loose
the concept hesitantly, convinced that it fits the coupling is evident when elements affect each
phenomena they study, but uncertain about its other "suddenly (rather than continuously), oc-
meaning. These problems become even more casionally (rather than constantly), negligibly
appxirent when loose coupling is compared with (rather than significantly), indirectly (rather than
four other organizational perspectives that were directly), and eventually (rather than imme-

diately)" (Weick, 1982a, p. 380). Few researchers pling was first identified by Thompson (1967). He
have questioned the meaning behind these argued that although organizational forms are
statements. designed to deal with inherent contradictions,
On the surface, these underspecifications and the language of organizational scholars does
the contradictions they have created may seem not allow them to capture this reality. Organiza-
like social science run amok. However, as tions appear to be both determinate, closed sys-
Levine (1985) argued, underspecified formula- tems searching for certainty and indeterminate,
tions often serve as a vehicle through which in- open systems expecting uncertainty. Faced with
vestigators can work on difficult conceptual these "incompatible concepts," and with "the
problems. This seems to have been true of writ- fact that our culture does not contain concepts
ing about loose coupling, and such an argu- for simultaneously thinking about rationality
ment would explain why the notion is widely and indeterminateness" (Thompson, 1967, p.
used, despite its apparent ambiguity. 10), people simplify their analyses either by ig-
This article has two objectives. The first is to noring uncertainty to see rationality or by ignor-
organize the diverse literature on loose cou- ing rational action to see spontaneous pro-
pling. While reviewing this literature, we were cesses.
disappointed to find that the concept has been Thompson's contribution was to see that one
applied to simpler organizational puzzles than way to preserve both rationality and indetermi-
originally intended. Thus, the second goal is to nacy in the same system is to separate their lo-
redirect research on loose coupling toward cations. He treated the technical core as a
more difficult, yet potentially more useful, inter- closed, rational system that eliminated uncer-
pretations. tainty; the institutional level as an open system
In studying approximately 300 works that in- that "faced up to uncertainty" and permitted
voke the concept of loose coupling, five rela- "the intrusion of variables penetrating from the
tively distinct voices were noted: causation, ty- outside"; and the managerial level as a system
pology, effects, compensations, and organiza- that "mediated" between the two extremes (p
tional outcomes. To attain the first goal of 12).
organizing the loose coupling literature, most of Loose coupling has proven to be a durable
the article is devoted to discussions of these five concept precisely because it allows organiza-
voices and their recurring arguments. Once the tional analysts to explain the simultaneous ex-
voices are established, they are linked in a pre- istence of rationality and indeterminacy without
liminary theory of the loosely coupled system. To specializing these two logics in distinct loca-
attain the second goal of redirecting loose cou- tions. Loose coupling suggests that any location
pling research, the article begins with a discus- in an organization (top, middle, or bottom) con-
sion of the underlying loose coupling puzzle. tains interdependent elements that vary in the
Throughout the essay we explain how each of number and strength of their interdependen-
the five voices drifts away from the puzzle, and cies. The fact that these elements are linked and
we conclude with suggestions on how research- preserve some degree of determinacy is cap-
ers can focus more directly on explaining the tured by the word coupled in the phrase loosely
puzzle. coupled. The fact that these elements are also
subject to spontaneous changes and preserve
The Underlying Puzzle some degree of independence and indetermi-
nacy is captured by the modifying word iooseiy.
The basic problem being addressed when The resulting image is a system that is simulta-
people struggle to grasp the nature of loose cou- neously open and closed, indeterminate and ra-

tional, spontaneous and deliberate. If a person coupling have not yet made a distinction be-
selectively attends to the determinacy that exists tween the unidimensional and dialectical inter-
among some elements, he or she will describe pretation of the concept. Consequently, the
the interdependence as a tightly coupled sys- loose coupling literature contains confusing mix-
tem. That characterization is partly inaccurate tures of the two interpretations. For example,
because not all elements and linkages are af- Rubin (1979) drew on dialectical interpretations
fected and parts of the system remain loose and to portray universities as loosely coupled sys-
open. If a person selectively attends to the open- tems. From this portrayal, she derived the uni-
ness, independence, and indeterminate links dimensional proposition that it should be easy
among some elements, he or she will describe for universities, because they are loosely cou-
what amounts to a decoupled system. That pled systems, to eliminate unwanted depart-
characterization, too, is incomplete and inaccu- ments. Yet, when studying five state universities,
rate because parts of the system remain coupled she found that departments were difficult to
and closed. eliminate because of ties among faculty mem-
Thus, the concept of loose coupling allows bers. She concluded by dismissing the notion
theorists to posit that any system, in any organi- that universities are loosely coupled systems
zational location, can act on both a technical and argued that researchers should pay atten-
level, which is closed to outside forces (coupling tion to patterns of loose and tight coupling.
produces stability), and an institutional level, Within one article, then, the concept of loose
which is open to outside forces (looseness pro- coupling was described in terms of dialectical
duces flexibility). theory, a unidimensional proposition, dialecti-
The image that should emerge from this dis- cal findings, unidimensional dismissal, and di-
cussion is the following. If there is neither re- alectical suggestions for further research.
sponsiveness nor distinctiveness, the system is One reason that the distinction between the
not really a system, and it can be defined as a unidimensional and dialectical interpretation
noncoupied system. If there is responsiveness has not been made is that no reviews of the
without distinctiveness, the system is tightly cou- loose coupling literature have been published.
pled. If there is distinctiveness without respon- Instead, what have been written are documents
siveness, the system is decoupled. If there is that approximate reviews, including several
both distinctiveness and responsiveness, the unpublished qualifying examinations and dis-
system is loosely coupled. This general image is sertations (Beekun, 1988b; Cude, 1989; Taylor,
described here as the dialectical interpretation 1983), a few retrospective assessments of the
of loose coupling. concept (Firestone, 1985; Weick, 1986, 1989), oc-
The image that more commonly does emerge casional translations of the concept across disci-
from uses of the loose coupling concept is much plinary boundaries (Dane, 1985; Gummer,
simpler. Loose coupling is typically portrayed as 1982), a typology of loose coupling presented at
the endpoint of a scale that extends from tightly a conference (Clark, Astuto, & Kuh, 1983), and
coupled to loosely coupled. Tightly coupled sys- the summary of a seminar on loosely coupled
tems are portrayed as having responsive com- systems (Gibson, 1977). Because few of these
ponents that do not act independently, whereas works are widely available, organizational re-
loosely coupled systems are portrayed as hav- searchers have had to construct idiosyncratic in-
ing independent components that do not act re- terpretations of the concept, its general proposi-
sponsively. This image is described here as the tions, and its operationalizations. A straightfor-
unidimensional interpretation of loose coupling. ward review of the loose coupling literature may
Researchers who invoke the concept of loose be the easiest way to free theorists to consider

puzzles such as the one highlighted in this sec- coupling is most likely when observation time is
tion. limited, the number of observable variables is
decreased, and the instruments for measuring
The Voice of Ccnisation variables are weakened.
The voice of causation is the first voice used in Researchers also have observed how uncer-
this article to review the loose coupling litera- tainty can create causal indeterminacy, which
ture. Researchers who use the causation- can then create loose coupling (Weick, 1976, p.
seeking voice neither advocate nor condemn 4). For example, Faulkner and Anderson (1987)
loose coupling as a management tool. In a rel- studied the effects of uncertainty on governance
atively dispassionate way, they look for process structures by analyzing the credits of 2,430 films
and variance theories that help to explain why released between 1965 and 1980. Unclear links
some systems are loosely coupled and others between means ("capitalization, choice of cre-
are not. This causation-seeking voice is struc- ative elements, and marketing strategies"; p.
tured around three recurring explanations for 885) and ends ("economic and critical out-
what causes loose coupling: causal indetermi- comes"; p. 884) were created by variance in the
nacy, fragmentation of the external environ- content and composition of artistic work, vari-
ment, and fragmentation of the intemal environ- ance in the rates of investment flows, and vari-
ment. ance in stochastic demand; this lack of clarity
was heightened by diverse, uncertain, and im-
Cousal Indetenninacy
perfectly perceived markets. Under these uncer-
Several researchers have suggested that cau- tain conditions, loosely coupled project-based
sal indeterminacy causes loose coupling. Cau- teams were created. , . :: , •"
sal indeterminacy refers to unclear means-ends In a similar vein, March (1987) argued that
connections, which are explored in writings on ambiguity causes loose coupling, and he iden-
bounded rationality, selective E)erception, un- tified four ambiguities that are inherent in deci-
certainty, ambiguity, and intangibility of pro- sion environments: (a) the preferences of deci-
duction materials. For example, Orton and sion makers are unstable and unpredictable
Weick (1988, p. 14) argued that because people over time; (b) problems, solutions, and actions
have bounded rationality (e.g., limited informa- are unrelated to each other; (c) self-interested
tion-processing capabilities, memories that ob- reason is subordinated to occasionally obsoles-
scure details, and short attention spans) they no- cent traditions; and (d) information is used pri-
tice different parts of their surroundings, will marily to create meaning out of previous deci-
tune out different parts at different times, and sions. March suggested that these ambiguities
will process different parts at different speeds. create loose coupling between information ac-
As a result of the idiosyncratic worlds formed tivities and decision activities.
under these conditions, people will find it diffi- Additionally, Clark (1983) wrote that the
cult to coordinate their actions and will share loosely coupled structure of universities is an in-
few variables or weak variables, all of which evitable consequence of their primary produc-
leads to loose coupling. tion material: knowledge.
Glassman (1973) portrayed loose coupling as [A]n academic system works with materials that
a problem of selective perception: "If the ob- are increasingly specialized and numerous,
server is not looking at or understanding the op- knowledge-intensive and knowledge-extensive,
eration of variables involved in coupling then with a momentum of autonomy. This character-
his conceptual system will show a looser cou- ization applies most strongly to advanced sys-
tems, but even the most retarded systems will
pling than exists in the real world" (p. 85). Ac- be based on a half-dozen or more distinct bun-
cording to Glassman, the perception of loose dles of knowledge that have their own intemal

logics and an inherent bent toward autonomy pants are constantly involved or care about ev-
(p. 16)
ery dimension of the organization's operations"
Fragmented Extemal Environment (p. 37). Additionally, Boynton and Zmud (1987)
observed that professionals who work with in-
Fragmentation of a system's external environ- formation systems face increased loose coupling
ment, a second recurring cause of loose cou- between subunits when personal computers are
pling, typically takes one of two forms: dispersed dispersed throughout organizations. Sunesson
stimuli or incompatible expectations. Fragmen- (1985) suggested that "street-level bureaucra-
tation that takes the form of dispersed stimuli cies" (p. 243) lead to loose coupling between
explains such diverse concepts as geographic goals and actions, whereas Raghunathan and
dispersion, specialized market niches, and var- Beekun (1989) proposed that the ownership cou-
ied demands on the system. For example. pling fxitterns of multinational corporations are
Chase and Tansik (1983) wrote that customer a function of the maturity and cultural diversity
contact increases the need for decoupling the of subsidiaries. Finally, TTiomas (1983) described
activities within the organization. Manning the Chicago Eight trial as a competition for con-
(1979) demonstrated that the constant stream of trol of proceedings and meanings that created
diverse emergency calls to police organizations loose couplings between judicial practices and
diminished the effects of hierarchical coordina- the ideological premises of due process.
tion by creating internal differentiation among In summary, this voice often preserves a dia-
operators, dispatchers, and officers. Manning lectical interpretation, as is evident in work on
argued that geographical dispersion and multi- project-based teams over time (Faulkner &
ple possible stimuli require information struc- Anderson, 1987), interactions between judicial
tures that can simultaneously filter and respond practices and due process principles (liiomas,
to an environment of callers. 1983), and police organizations' joint tasks of fil-
Fragmentation that takes the form of incom- tering and responding to emergency calls (Man-
patible expectations has been illustrated by ning, 1979). However, this voice also drifts from
Meyer and Rowan (1977), who argued that a dialectical interpretation when investigators
schools must somehow reconcile incompatibili- portray loose coupling as decoupling (e.g..
ties between institutional pressures and tech- Chase & Tansik, 1983; Meyer & Rowan, 1977).
nical pressures. They noted that organizations When loose coupling is portrayed as decou-
respond to this contradiction by buffering, build- pling, the diminished emphasis on connected-
ing gaps between, loosely coupling, or decou- ness, responsiveness, and interdependence dis-
pling formal structures from actual work activi- solves the dialectic.
ties in order to maintain "ceremonial conform-
ity" (p. 341). In addition, support for Meyer and
Rowan's decoupling thesis has been found in The Voice of Typology
studies of hospitals (Covaleski & Dirsmith, 1983),
courts (Hagan, Hewitt, & Alwin, 1979), and pris- The voice of typology is the second voice used
ons (Thomas, 1984). in this article to review the loose coupling liter-
Fragmented Intemal Environment ature. Similar to researchers who use the voice
of causation, researchers who use the voice of
A third recurring source of loose coupling is typology are not directly concerned with the
the fragmentation of the intemal environment, value of loose coupling as a management tool.
which can take a variety of forms. For example, The voice of typology emphasizes descriptive
Pfeffer (1978) suggested that organizations "are clarity as a precursor to causal clarity. Such re-
loosely coupled, in part, because few partici- searchers see loose coupling as an analytical

language, rather than as a set of causal propo- organizations: coalitions, participatory federa-
sitions. Consequently, this voice is structured tions, independent federations, mandated fed-
around different types of loose coupling, rather erations, and intraorganizational systems (p.
than its causes or effects. 83). Although Provan rank-ordered these inter-
Working in the voice of typology, we identify organizational organizations from loosely cou-
the eight most frequently recurring types of loose pled (coalition) to tightly coupled (intraorganiza-
coupling: loose coupling among individuals, tional system), loose coupling has been docu-
among subunits, among organizations, be- mented within each of these organizational
tween hierarchical levels, between organiza- types. Bygrave (1988) studied the coupling in co-
tions and environments, among ideas, between investment coalitions of venture capitalists. Co-
activities, and between intentions and actions. valeski, Dirsmith, and Jablonsky (1985) de-
Studies of loose coupling in which the individ- scribed a loosely coupled network of state geri-
ual is the unit of analysis are illustrated by atric service agencies. Luke, Begun, and Pointer
Beekun's (1988a) network analysis of a multi- (1989) described independent "quasi firms" in
player organization game, Hedberg's (1984) use the hospital industry. Kaplan (1982) described
of loose coupling as a design criterion in a steel- an intervention into a loosely coupled federation
works, Schall's (1983) description of an invest- of state agencies that shared a mandated com-
ment division, Keidel's (1984) description of mon funding source. Finally, Raghunathan and
baseball teams, and Hagan, Hewitt, and Al- Beekun (1989) discussed the varying looseness of
win's (1979) study of relationships within the ju- ownership patterns of multinational corpora-
dicial system. tions.
Researchers also have considered a wide The fourth type of loose coupling, loose cou-
range of structural elements that are above the pling that occurs between hierarchical levels,
individual level and below the organizational also has received attention. Firestone (1985) and
level; in this article, these elements are catego- his colleagues documented loose coupling be-
rized as subunits. Because the concept of loose tween hierarchical levels in schools through a
coupling was first empirically grounded in edu- "school assessment survey," which measured
cational organizations, one of the most fre- coupling on five vertical dimensions: vertical
quently studied subunits has been the school communications, centralization on instruction
classroom (Deal & Celotti, 1980; Murphy & Hal- matters, centralization on resource matters, sup-
linger, 1984; Weick, 1976). Researchers have port by the principal, and goal consensus (p. 12).
also considered the loose coupling between In keeping with this theme, Gamoran and Dree-
functional departments. For example, they have ben (1986) also studied the influence of princi-
studied groups of telephone operators, dispatch- pals on classroom activity. Similarly, Ouchi
ers, and officers in a police organization (Man- (1978) studied the transmission of behavioral
ning, 1979); information systems departments control and output control between hierarchical
and the rest of the organization (Boynton & levels in department stores.
Zmud, 1987); nursing subunits and physicians In a different approach to loose coupling be-
and paramedical subunits of hospitals (Leatt & tween hierarchical levels, Covaleski and
Schneck, 1984); and business units (Gupta, 1984; Dirsmith (1983) studied how the structural sepa-
Horwitch & Thietart, 1987). rations implied by Meyer and Rowan's (1977)
Many studies have been conducted on the version of institutional theory could be translated
third type of loose coupling, loose coupling be- into the freedom of nurses from the intrusion of
tween organizations. For example, Provan cost controls. Covaleski and Dirsmith suggested
(1983) differentiated five types of organizations of that effective nurse administrators altemately

adopt "budget masks" (for communications with lutions, and decision makers happen to make
hospital administrators) and professional "clan action possible, (p. 16)
masks" (for communications with nurses), and
they inferred that loose coupling between hier- This puzzle, in various permutations, including
archical levels occurs when people are willing loose coupling between information gathering
and able to speak different languages to differ- and decision making, has been revisited many
ent levels. times by March and his colleagues (Cohen 8c
A fifth type of loose coupling, loose coupling March, 1974; Feldman & March, 1982; March,
between organizations and environments, also 1987; March & Olsen, 1976; March & Simon,
has been described (e.g., Beekun & Ginn, 1988; 1958, p. 176).
Weick, 1979, p. 178). Other examples include Several theorists have explored loose cou-
Manning (1982), who described semiotic loose pling between ideas contained in accounts,
coupling between a police communication sys- goals, and ideologies. For example, Gaertner
tem and an environment of people making and Ramnarayan (1983) discussed four types of
emergency phone calls. He reported that dra- accounts that can be loosely coupled: auditing
matic phone calls are "conventionalized" (p. (performing within a framework for an extemal
234) and frozen (p. 235) into rigidly defined crime audience), implementation (performing within a
codes by police operators, and he defined the framework for an internal audience), integration
telephone operators' task as one of processing, (setting the framework for an internal audience),
decoding, classifying, encoding, and transform- and legitimation (setting the framework for an
ing the calls into the code, language, or per- extemal audience). Bussigel, Barzansky, and
spective of the organization. Therefore, by Grenholm (1986) found that not only were goals
changing the information as it crosses the in some medical schools incompatible, inconsis-
boundaries into the organization, police com- tent, and indirectly related, but the relationships
munication systems (a) maintain the integrity, between these goals also were vaguely articu-
consistency, and autonomy of their organiza- lated. In addition, Meyerson and Martin (1987)
tions and (b) loosen the couplings between the suggested that ideologies can be loosely cou-
organization and its environment., •: pled (p. 634).
Frequently, researchers are concerned with The final type of loose coupling, that is, loose
the actions, events, or sequences within organi- coupling between intentions and actions, is de-
zations, rather than specific entities or levels scribed through the following examples. An un-
(Weick, 1979, p. 236). Such studies are catego- published manuscript by Salancik (1975) on
rized in this article as demonstrations of loose loose coupling between intentions and actions
coupling between activities, and one example of serves as an anchor for several ideas, including
this type of analysis is the study of loose coupling loose coupling between planning and imple-
between problems and choices. Cohen, March, mentation (Withane, 1984), official structures
and Olsen's (1972) article focused on the loose and negotiated orders (Thomas, 1983, 1984), and
coupling between problems and choice: structural facades and technical cores (Meyer 8f
Rowan, 1977). Similarly, Hagan, Hewitt, and Al-
A major feature of the garbage can process is win (1979), who studied loose coupling between
the uncoupling of problems and choices. Al- the structural facades and technical cores of ju-
though decision making is thought of as a pro-
cess for solving problems, that is often not what dicial systems, argued that societal demands for
happens. Problems are worked upon in the con- individualized justice were grafted onto the
text of some choice, but choices are made only American judicial system in the early 20th cen-
when the shifting combinations of problems, so- tury in the form of probation officers' presentenc-

ing recommendations (p. 597). These authors relationships, and by using loose couplings in-
further demonstrated that the judicial system stead of tight couplings. To differentiate loose
has kept parole officers decoupled from a more couplings from tight couplings, he proposed a
efficiency-oriented judge-prosecutor subsystem continuum of couplings between software mod-
that rewards guilty pleas. ules, ranging from "loose, or good" to "tight, or
In summary, this voice can also preserve the bad" (p. 103). As the tightness of couplings in-
dialectical interpretation of loose coupling. The creases, the modularity (p. 102) of the system
dialectical interpretation is most evident when decreases. Page-Jones referred to high coupling
the typology captures descriptions of ongoing as "pathological coupling" because it "brings us
actions, for example, nurse administrators back to the mess of nonmodular coding" (p. 114).
adopting masks (Covaleski & Dirsmith, 1983), Other studies by Perrow (1984) and Cude and
F>olice operators conventionalizing emergency Browning (1989) have identified similarities be-
phone calls (Manning, 1982), and judicial sys- tween machine modularity and modularity in
tems decoupling parole officers' recommenda- human systems.
tions from sentencing decisions (Hagan, Hewitt, The second direct effect of loose coupling, req-
& Alwin, 1979). However, this voice drifts from uisite variety, also has been analyzed by orga-
the dialectical interpretation when the typology nizational scholars. Weick (1976) proposed that
captures descriptions of static entities, for exam- loosely coupled systems could more accurately
ple, when sports teams, schools, or geriatric ser- register their environments through requisite
vices networks are labeled as loosely coupled variety. (A system has requisite variety to the
systems (Keidel, 1984; Murphy & Hallinger, 1984; extent that its elements serve as a medium that
Covaleski, Dirsmith, & Jablonsky, 1985). can register inputs with accuracy.) Additionally,
registering improves when elements become
The Voice of Direct Effects more numerous and the constraints among
them weaken (Heider, 1959; Orton, 1988).
Researchers who use the voice of direct effects The final direct effect of loose coupling, discre-
are the strongest advocates of loose coupling as tion, can be broken into two forms: behavioral
a management strategy. The voice's theme is, discretion and cognitive discretion. Behavioral
"loose coupling has specific effects and the ef- discretion is the capacity for autonomous action.
fects are desirable." TTie three most frequently March (1987) suggested that ambiguity creates
recurring direct effects are modularity, requisite loose coupling between information actiAhties
variety, and discretion. and decision activities and that this loose cou-
For example. Page-Jones (1980) encouraged pling creates autonomy for information gather-
software designers to attain "modularity" (p. ers. Vaughan (1982), writing for a law review
102) through loose coupling: audience, suggested a more specific type of be-
The first way of measuring design quality we'll havioral discretion—freedom to make extemal
explore is coupling, the degree of interdepen- alliances for illegal purposes. She cited loosely
dence between two modules. Our objective is to coupled systems as an organizational form
minimize coupling; that is, to make modules as which obscures subunit activities from the mon-
independent as possible. . . . Low coupling be-
tween modules signifies a well-designed sys- itoring of top management. Acccording to her,
tem, (pp. 101, 103) as top management's ability to monitor subunit
activities decreases, the subunits are more likely
Page-Jones suggested that modularity is at- to "engage in a fraudulent transaction with an-
tained by the elimination of unnecessary rela- other organization" because "no countervailing
tionships, by reducing the number of necessary intraorganizational authority can prevent or

control the unlawful behavior" (Vaughan 1982 1982), highlighting modularity, requisite variety,
pp. 1394-1395). and discretion, while ignoring interaction, req-
In contrast to behavioral discretion, cogniffve uisite integration, and control.
discretion is the freedom to perceive or construct
an idiosyncratic meaning. For example. Man-
ning (1982) described the process through which The Voice of Compensations
police organizations create semiotic worlds, Theorists who use the voice of compensations
which are distinct from the communities these try to restore a dialectic to the concept of loose
organizations are intended to serve. This pro- coupling. The voice's theme is "loose coupling is
cess is facilitated by an expectation that Weick, an unsatisfactory condition that should be
Gilfillan, and Keith (1973) described as the pre- reversed." The voice of compensations is most
sumption of logic. These authors proposed that visible in the educational administration litera-
when people are about to confront an indeter- ture, where researchers have had to redefine
minate set of events, they often presume that the the role of educational administrators based on
events will have made sense and then act as if recurrent findings that schools are loosely cou-
the events are sensible and determinate, which pled systems (Firestone, 1985). Researchers
often makes the set of events determinate in the working in the voice of compensations search
process. The process unfolds like a generic self- for nonobvious sources of order that administra-
fulfilling prophecy. Having presumed that the tors can use to influence dispersed organiza-
events follow a logic of some sort, these people tions. The three most frequently recurring man-
act with confidence and implant a logic that con- agerial strategies are enhanced leadership, fo-
firms their prescription. cused effort, and shared values.
In summary, the voice of direct effects pre-
serves the dialectical interpretation of loose cou- Enhanced Leadership
pling when it frames loose coupling as a coun- Some theorists view the management of
terrational concept. Tlie voice of direct effects loosely coupled systems as a problem and call
has always been dependent on a prevailing, for "stronger" leadership. For example. Murphy
rational, Weberian emphasis on structures that and Hallinger (1984) argued that loose coupling
increase determinacy. One important example research described "what is" and school effec-
is found in the abstract to Weick's (1976) loose tiveness research described "what can be" (p.
coupling article, which begins, "In contrast to 10). They wrote that loose coupling research im-
the prevailing image . . . . " (p. 3). Additionally, plies that organizational levels and components
when researchers such as Manning (1982) de- have limited influence on other organizational
scribe how connectedness (police responsive- levels and components because of "the pres-
ness to phone calls) can be explained as discon- ence of multiple and often conflicting goals" and
nectedness (idiosyncratic semiotic worlds), they "the lack of a clear instructional technology" (p.
are grounding the voice of direct effects in a 7). Murphy and Hallinger (1984) also stated that
larger context that expects connectedness. As in contrast to loose coupling, "the teacher effec-
theorists' concepts of loose coupling have ma- tiveness literature portrays schools as possess-
tured, the counterrational tone has softened, but ing a clearly defined technology or means to
so too has the dialectical tone. When research- reach goals" (p. 8). The solution, according to
ers remove the concept of loose coupling from these authors, is strong leadership that unifies
the rational background that it attacks, the voice goals and clarifies technology (pp. 9-10).
of direct effect drifts toward a unidimensional Other researchers have suggested that loose
interpretation (e.g., Page-Jones, 1980; Vaughan, coupling calls for subtle leadership. For exam-

pie, Boynton and Zmud (1987) counseled infor- vide the freedom for subordinates to adapt the
mation systems professionals who, because of behavior to local needs.
the dispersal of computer technology, will find The use of resource control as a compensation
themselves in more loosely coupled systems, to for loose coupling has been illustrated by Ga-
try "to simultaneously provide centralized direc- moran and Dreeben (1986) in their study of
tion and coordination while recognizing the school administrators. They found, in a year-
value of increased discretion" (p. 62). Similarly, long study of 13 classes in 7 schools, that the
Weick (1982b) counseled educational adminis- allocation of time to reading activities, the pro-
trators to be more attentive to the "glue" that vision of particular curricular materials, and the
holds loosely coupled systems together: "since grouping of students each had a significant ef-
channels are unpredictable, administrators fect on children's reading ability. Gamoran and
must get out of the office and spend lots of time Dreeben interpreted their findings as evidence
one on one—both to remind people of central of administrator influence on classroom activity.
visions and to assist them in applying these vi- Specific targets, such as curriculum materials
sions to their own activities" (p. 676). Therefore, and resource flows, do not have to be "correctly"
this one-on-one or subtle leadership implies sen- selected to serve as compensations for loose
sitivity to diverse system components (Kaplan, coupling. Forceful action itself can often create
1982) and the ability to control systems through orderly contingencies among events that then
conversation (Gronn, 1983, p. 20). remove some indeterminacy. Self-fulfilling
prophecies are an example of this process, but
Focused Attention -e; :. . the more general formulation is that people can
enact regularities into their environment (Smir-
A second form of compensation is to focus at- cich & Stubbart, 1985; Weick, 1979). People who
tention on specific relations in the system. For disagree about causation can reestablish some
example, Peters (1978) wrote that "small step determinacy either by voting for a subset of fac-
strategies" within "vast, loosely linked systems" tual premises, which they will treat as binding,
may produce more effective, efficient, interest- or by manipulating the environment (Hedberg,
ing, varied, and thoughtful organizational Nystrom, & Starbuck, 1976) so that it contains
changes (p. 49). In addition, researchers have explicit cause-effect ties on which they can
described several ways in which individuals agree.
can compensate for loose coupling by carefully
selecting targets, controlling resources, and act- Shared Values ,,:•• .^•'^-•^::.,^--.:rr:\:---h-^ -''
ing forcefully.
Glatthorn (1981) emphasized the careful selec- Use of shared values is a third means to com-
tion of targets when he described a process pensate for loose coupling. This form of compen-
through which a successful curriculum change sation is especially crucial because it often con-
could be attained in a loosely coupled system: stitutes the sole remaining basis that holds
map what is currently taught, reduce the curric- together a loosely coupled system. If organiza-
ulum to structured and basic information, and tions are determinate means-ends structures for
provide flexibility for teachers to adapt the cur- attaining preferred outcomes, and if loose cou-
riculum (p. 112). Generalizing from this strategy, pling is produced by uncertainties about these
managers can change the behavior of subordi- means-ends structures (Thompson, 1967, p. 134),
nates in loosely coupled systems if they build on then agreement about preferences is the only
subordinates' ongoing behavior, focus only on source of order that is left. Reaffirmation of
controllable and essential behaviors, and pro- shared values in the face of loose coupling has

been emphasized by such authors as Deal effects that loose coupling has on the perfor-
(1985), Ouchi (1978, 1980), and Meyer and mance of organizations. Because of the causal
Rowan (1977). distance between loose coupling and organiza-
For example. Deal (1985) wrote that adminis- tional outcomes, the voice of organizational out-
trators should use tight cultural couplings to comes requires the consideration of more inde-
counteract loose couplings between policies pendent variables than does the voice of direct
and actions. He suggested that administrators effects. The outcome voice, consequently, is less
should build stronger cultures through the anal- forceful than the voice of direct effects in advo-
ysis of history, the identification of heroes and cating loose coupling as a managerial strategy,
heroines, the enhancement of ceremonies and and it focuses on five organizational outcomes:
rituals, and the cultivation of stories and story- persistence, buffering, adaptability, satisfac-
tellers. Similarly, Ouchi (1978) argued that con- tion, and effectiveness.
trol loss between hierarchical levels leads to
modularity and discretion (p. 283), which is com- Persistence
pensated for by a clan orientation (Ouchi, 1980,
1981). Persistence, a general term referring to stabil-
Meyer and Rowan (1977) suggested that the ity, resistance to change, and continued opera-
cohesive force that keeps decoupled organiza- tion, is discussed frequently as an organiza-
tions from becoming anarchies is "the logic of tional outcome of loose coupling. For example,
confidence and good faith" (p. 358). This logic Glassman (1973) presented 13 examples, from
emphasizes ceremonial management, consider- varying levels of system complexity, of loose
ations of face, the twin assumptions that people couplings that create persistence. Persistence is
are performing their tasks correctly and that also evident in the reduced responsiveness of an
"things are as they seem," all of which allow organization. Wilson and Corbett (1983) found
decoupled structures to continue operation. empirical support, emphasized by Firestone
In summary, this voice preserves a dialectical (1985), for the idea that tightly coupled systems
interpretation when it builds on the premise that are more conducive to systemwide change
looseness on some dimensions should be com- than loosely coupled systems. In addition, Mey-
plemented by coupling on other dimensions. erson and Martin (1987) noted that managers
Gamoran and Dreeben (1986) accepted the con- were unable to plan, predict, control, or change
cept of diminished direct control by principals, a loosely coupled system. Finally, Hagan,
which fuels a search for alternative sources of Hewitt, and Alwin (1979) demonstrated that pa-
control. Researchers who use this voice drift role officers evoke little response from judges;
away from the dialectical interpretation when Kaplan (1982) suggested that interventionists
they reject looseness as a legitimate organiza- can only evoke short-term responses from feder-
tional form. When researchers try to replace ations; and Deal and Celotti (1980) noted that
looseness with coupling, they assume the dia- communities are not always able to evoke re-
lectic away (e.g., Lutz, 1982; Murphy & Hal- sponses from looseiy coupled schools.
linger, 1984). Buffering

The Voice Buffering is a second outcome of loose cou-

of Organizational Outcomes pling (Thompson, 1967). Weick (1976) suggested
that loosely coupled systems seal off and pre-
Researchers who use the voice of organiza- vent the spread of problems, an ability that
tional outcomes try to predict and measure the Schoonhoven (1986) saw as desirable in space

stations. One proposed benefit of modularity in workers' desires for more local information, ex-
software design is that it reduces the occurrence ploration (p. 53), learning, self-design, experi-
of ripple effects, for example, a bug in one mod- mentation, reflection (p. 57), "a right to curiosity"
ule appearing as a symptom in another module (p. 58), local learning, and local solutions (p. 64).
(Page-Jones, 1980, p. 102). Confirming Hedberg's link between loose cou-
Three studies have demonstrated that buffer- pling and experimentation. Manning (1979) ar-
ing in loosely coupled systems is partial, rather gued that loosely coupled police officers were
than complete. Although Perrow (1984) ideal- better able to find solutions to complex problems
ized loose coupling as a solution to the dangers than tightly coupled police officers, and Perrow
of tight coupling, evidence in his analysis of the (1984) argued that if complex technologies were
Three Mile Island accident indicated that loose more loosely coupled, operators would be able
coupling was part of the cause of the Three Mile to find solutions through exploratory problem
Island accident: Three warnings that conceiv- solving.
ably could have prevented the accident were Collective judgment, another form of adapt-
not communicated to the plant engineers (Per- ability, was described by Thompson and Tuden
row, 1981). In a similar vein, Rubin (1979) found (1959). They argued that when loose coupling
that five state universities could not easily termi- takes the form of disagreement on means-ends
nate departments, which she interpreted as ev- relationships (causal indeterminacy), the system
idence that the universities were characterized coheres if there is still agreement on preferences
by patterns of tight and loose couplings, rather (shared values). Thompson and Tuden referred
than simply loose couplings. Finally, Cameron, to this combination as the judgment decision-
Kim, and Whetten (1987) found that although ad- making strategy. The structural form which cor-
ministrators in loosely coupled systems could responds to a judgment decision strategy is rep-
buffer their subordinates from turbulence, they resented by a self-governing voluntary group, a
could not buffer them from decline (p. 236). form often called a coiiegium (Thompson, 1967,
p. 200). The collegium promotes wise choice be-
Adaptability cause people who have equal influence, equal
information, and a decision scheme of majority
Whereas persistence and buffering imply ad- rule are able to apply multiple perspectives to
aptation to change through neutralizing the im- situations and combine their perspectives to cre-
pact of the change, another outcome of loose ate a collective judgment. Because of the rela-
coupling, adaptability, implies assimilation and tive advantages of the loosely coupled form in
accommodation of the change (Weick, 1979, p. creating collective judgment, it is not surprising
120). In the literature on loose coupling, three that collegium forms such as the judiciary (e.g.,
types of adaptability have been suggested: ex- Hagan, Hewitt, & Alwin, 1979), universities
perimentation, collective judgment, and dis- (e.g., Rubin, 1979), and voluntary associations
sent. (e.g., Golembiewski, 1979) are heavily repre-
To cope directly with conditions such as ap- sented in loose coupling literature.
parent causal indeterminacy, people often "act A third type of adaptability, the preservation
to expose the conditions for acting; causal rela- of dissent, is preserved and generated in loosely
tionships in the environment or in the interface coupled systems through cultural insurance
between learner and environment are gradu- (Weick, 1976) and unified diversity (Eisenberg,
ally untangled" (Hedberg, 1981, p. 4). Actions 1984). Nemeth (1986) argued that minority influ-
that untangle causality are what is meant by ence helps systems adapt to complex problems
experimentation. Hedberg (1984) argued that because it intensifies cognitive effort by the ma-
the design of a steelworks should respond to jority. Nemeth and Staw (in press) demonstrated

through a review of literature on minority influ- ineffectiveness (e.g., Lutz, 1982; Murphy & Hal-
ence that the strain for uniformity threatens dis- linger, 1984), whereas others emphasize out-
sent and restricts adaptability, creativity, and comes that suggest effectiveness (e.g., Co-
survival. Eisenberg (1984) wrote that ambiguity valeski & Dirsmith, 1983). The debate over the
facilitates "unified diversity" because people re- effectiveness of loose coupling is pervasive, wo-
tain multiple understandings while believing ven throughout many discussions of loose cou-
their understanding is singular and shared. The pling. For example, a few investigators have
result is cm increased likelihood of adaptability. addressed effectiveness directly by considering
Satisfaction productivity, market share, return on investment
(ROD, efficiency, and "excellence" as organiza-
Loose coupling also appears to have implica- tional outcomes.
tions for job satisfaction because it affects effi- On a group level, Birnbaum (1981) found that
cacy, conflict, security, and social contacts. research groups composed of members who
First, some investigators have argued that loose agreed on the overall goals of the research proj-
coupling fosters self-determination and a sense ect, but had diverse academic training and af-
of efficacy (Weick, 1976). In part, this may be filiations, were more productive on some dimen-
because the setting of objectives is easier on a sions than groups composed of members with
localized level (Chase & Tansik, 1983). Second, less diverse academic training and affiliations.
researchers have noted that loosely coupled On a business-unit level, Horwitch and Thi-
systems often reduce conflict between system el- etart (1987) conducted a PIMS data analysis that
ements because in these situations such ele- tested the effects of three types of coupling on
ments are not required to agree, interact with, or ROI (a measure of short-term effectiveness) and
adapt to each other, creating fewer occasions market share (a measure of long-term effective-
for conflict (Deal & Celotti, 1980; Meyer & ness). These authors found (a) that loose cou-
Rowan, 1977). Third, researchers have sug- pling (e.g., no shared market) is often compen-
gested that loosely coupled systems create a ha- sated for (e.g., by shared facilities) to create ef-
ven of psychological safety in which deviance fectiveness and (b) that different contexts require
and experimentation are protected (Meyerson & different coupling pattems. Beekun and Ginn
Martin, 1987, p. 636). Finally, Jones (1984) pro- (1988) reported similar findings in hospitals' ex-
posed that loosely coupled, horizontally differ- tra-organizational linkages: Different strategic
entiated, or self-contained subunits create a types (analyzer, defender, reactor, prospector)
perception of smaller group size, which he hy- imply their own optimal coupling gestalts for at-
pothesized would increase task visibility, moni- taining efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore,
toring, and sociai exchange among employees. effectiveness, from a strategy perspective, is at-
Although self-determination, reduced conflict, tained by conforming to the coupling pattems
psychological safety, and deepened social inter- dictated by a combination of environment and
action are generally considered as contributors strategy (Raghunathan & Beekun, 1989).
to higher satisfaction, loose coupling can also On a general organizational level, Peters and
generate loneliness (Deal & Celotti, 1980), which Waterman (1982) argued that simultaneous
detracts from satisfaction. loose-tight coupling helped create "excellence."
Effectiveness More specifically, they argued that employee
autonomy, experimentation, and innovation
If an organization is persistent, buffered, and can be facilitated through a strongly held set of
adaptable, and has satisfied employees, is it ef- shared values.
fective? Some researchers emphasize organiza- In summary, researchers who use this voice
tional outcomes of loose coupling that suggest preserve the dialectical interpretation of loose

coupling when they begin with a unidimen- difficult to think simultaneously about rationality
sional interpretation of loose coupling and end and indeterminacy. For each of the five voices,
by concluding that researchers should use a di- loose coupling is often reduced to a unidimen-
alectical interpretation. For example, according sionai variable, a simplification that should be
to Rubin (1979), universities have a limited abil- resisted. The following section explains how re-
ity to eliminate departments, and researchers searchers can avoid that simplification.
should continue to study pattems of loose and Within organization theory, there are many
tight coupling. Cameron, Kim, and Whetten unidimensional variables but few dialectical
(1987, p. 236) found that loose coupling can pro- concepts. Dialectical concepts are rare because
tect organizations from some effects of decline, they are difficult to build. Loose coupling, for
but not from others. Theorists who use this voice example, is the product of many years of effort
weaken the dialectical interpretation when they by organization theorists to combine the contra-
begin and end with a unidimensional interpre- dictory concepts of connection and autonomy.
tation of loose coupling (e.g., Kaplan, 1982). Burns and Stalker (1961) assigned connected-
ness to the mechanistic organization and auton-
A Preliminary Model omy of components to the organic organization.
of Loose Coupling Theory Thompson (1967) moved these two forces inside
one system by combining the concepts of open
The five voices reviewed in the previous sec- systems (connected to environmental forces)
tion can be combined to form a simple, sequen- and closed systems (independent of environ-
tial model. In Figure 1, we present a preliminary mental forces). Lawrence and Lorsch (1967) pro-
model of loose coupling theory, built on the pre- vided another organizational resolution to the
sentation conventions of causal modeling connected/autonomous paradox by arguing
(loreskog & Sorbom, 1986). that differentiation could be compensated for by
The switch from five voices to five latent- the creation of integrating mechanisms such as
variable-like constructs changes the discussion liaisons or cross-functional committees. TTie di-
in several ways. First, the intricate interactions alectical interpretation of loose coupling builds
among the voices/variables are represented as on and extends these arguments by juxtaposing
simple sequentiality. Second, each variable both forces, simultaneously, within the same
now appears to have the same weight, although system (Das, 1984).
different voices are stronger in different con-
texts. Third, the single model implies a much If loose coupling is maintained as a dialectical
higher degree of consensus than actually exists concept, it can illuminate the answers to several
among loose coupling researchers; researchers organizational puzzles that have eluded organi-
who use different voices would portray the zation theorists.
model differently. Despite all these simplifica- The first puzzle involves the definition of orga-
tions, the model compactly summarizes past nization. Most definitions of organization consist
thinking on loose coupling. Additionally, al- of at least two components: (a) a source of order
though not formally presented as propositions, which consolidates, unifies, or coalesces diverse
each arrow in the model is a proposed causal elements or fragments and (b) elements or frag-
relationship. ments, which are consolidated, unified, or coa-
lesced by a source of order. When researchers
define organizations as monolithic corporate ac-
Conclusions tors, they overemphasize order and underem-
In general, the review of the loose coupling phasize elements; when researchers define or-
literature presented here supports Thompson's ganizations as mere aggregates of individuals,
(1967) assertion that organization theorists find it they overemphasize elements and underem-

Causal Indeterminacy

Fragmented External .a / Causes

1 °*
Fragmented Internal ^ Coupling



Hierarchical Levels oi
Organizations and Coupling

Ideas oi Loose Coupling
Intentions and Actions


Direct Eliects
Requisite Variety oi
Loose Coupling

Behavioral Discretion

Enhanced Leadership

Focused Attention ior
Loose Coupling

Shared Values
Figure 1. Loose coupling theory.

phasize order. If researchers begin with richer similarly forces researchers to move more
definitions of organization, they will arrive at deeply into the human workings which underlie
more accurate findings and conclusions. If the organizational structure. In the same way that
loose coupling concept can be maintained in its bounded rationality has led researchers to study
dialectical form, and if it can help researchers the processes of decision making, rather than
begin studies with more subtle and intricate def- merely the outcomes, loose coupling may lead
initions of organizations, it can raise the quality researchers to study structure as something that
of organizational research. organizations do, rather than merely as some-
A second potential contribution of loose cou- thing they have.
pling is its use in the measurement and interpre- For researchers to begin to solve puzzles such
tation of interpretive systems (Daft & Weick, as these, it is essential that the concept of loose
1984). A loosely coupled system is a good vehi- coupling remain dialectical, rather than unidi-
cle for registering objectives outside itself, but is mensional. The following suggestions a r e
itself an elusive object to understand. Thus, in a means by which the simplification of unidimen-
loosely coupled system, what is most likely to be sionality can be avoided.
socially constructed is the system itself, not the Research methodologies that encourage re-
world it faces. This raises an interesting issue searchers to parse dialectical concepts into uni-
because it suggests that analysts know and un- dimensional variables should be avoided. The
derstand least well the vehicles that are most frequently pursued direct effect, X causes Y, is
effective at sensing. The property that makes still the social science ideal. The numerous,
them good sensors is the very same property more complicated forms of this relationship
that has made them indistinct objects. A corol- have been considered as disappointing approx-
lary to these ideas is that organization theory imations to the ideal. Within this netherworld of
currently may be skewed toward the study of approximations to direct effects, there are sev-
organizations that are least able to interpret eral ways to represent dialectical concepts. One
their environments. The concept of loose cou- of the simplest is the translation of bipolar vari-
pling, when maintained in its dialectical form, ables to two-variable matrices (Bobko, 1985).
should be a useful tool in identifying, measur- Another technique is to regress a concept onto
ing, and understanding interpretive systems. contradictory independent variables, which
A third puzzle that the loose coupling concept was used in Figure 1 to combine decoupling
may help theorists to understand is the fluidity, (types of loose coupling) and coupling (compen-
complexity, and social construction of organiza- sations for loose coupling). A third technique is
tional structure. Loose coupling may be able to the use of deviation-regulating loops, in which
do for the study of organizational structure what variables shift values as the cycle progresses
bounded rationality did for the study of decision (Maruyama, 1963; Orton & Weick, 1988). To pre-
making (Simon, 1976). By recognizing and ex- serve the dialectical interpretation of loose cou-
plaining how decisions are made by humans pling, researchers must continue to transform
with limited interest, time, and energy, Simon methodology to serve theory, rather than trans-
required studies of decision making to move into forming theory to serve methodology.
more subtle, more detailed, and more enigmatic The concept of loose coupling is simplified
directions. The concept of loose coupling, with when researchers use it for flat, static descrip-
its recognition of numerous structural dimen- tions, rather than detailed, dynamic descrip-
sions, its emphasis on simultaneous coupling tions. Weick (1979, p. 44) argued that nouns fo-
and decoupling, and its portrayal of structures cus attention on reified objects, whereas verbs
as malleable through managerial intervention. focus attention on dynamic processes. Re-

searchers who see systems as static objects to be "General Motors is more loosely coupled than
labeled ("this is a loosely coupled system") are Ford," (c) "Ford has been more profitable in re-
less likely to capture loose coupling than are re- cent years," therefore, (d) "tightly coupled sys-
searchers who see systems as an arena for com- tems may be more effective than loosely coupled
plex, ongoing processes ("loose coupling in this systems." To state that an organization is a
system occurs when . . ."). The dialectical inter- loosely coupled system is the beginning of a dis-
pretation of loose coupling can be strengthened cussion, not the end. What elements are loosely
when researchers look closely at the processes coupled? What domains are they coupled on?
within systems. For example, ethnographies, What domains are they decoupled on? What are
case studies, and systematic observations (Man- the characteristics of the couplings and decou-
ning, 1979, 1982; Rubin, 1979; Thomas, 1984) are plings? Researchers who invoke the concept of
methodologies that seem to encourage this care- loose coupling can avoid simplifying it by spec-
ful analysis, whereas questionnaires and casual ifying their assumptions more precisely.
observations (Firestone, 1985; Lutz, 1982) are The last way in which researchers drift away
methodologies that seem to discourage it. The from the dialectical interpretation of loose cou-
relevant criterion is familiarity: Will researchers pling is to describe it as managerial failure. The
describe the processes within the system or will easiest way to remedy this situation is to observe
they simply categorize systems? To preserve the a set of organizations that are routinely labeled
dialectical interpretation, greater familiarity as loosely coupled systems: schools, universi-
with a few systems is currently more valuable ties, hospitals, police organizations, and judicial
than lesser familiarity with many. systems. These forms are not failed bureaucra-
The third way to drift away from the unidi- cies, but distinct organizational forms. As Gran-
mensional interpretation is to ignore the pres- dori (1987) noted, "A system in which everybody
ence of connectedness within organizations. can do everything and in which the links be-
From a Weberian bureaucratic perspective, the tween various parts do not necessarily have to
recurring surprise is that organizations routinely follow given interdependence relationships but
exhibit looseness (Corwin, 1981). From a decou- are virtually interchangeable and separable is
pling perspective, the recurring surprise is that a concept that organization theory had previ-
organizations routinely exhibit coupling. When ously treated primarily in terms of peer groups.
researchers enter organizations expecting to Indeterminists coined the phrase loosely cou-
find little that is coupled (e.g., Orton, 1989), they pled systems to define complex organizations
are surprised to find that organizational mem- that have this feature" (pp. 93-94). Some orga-
bers spend most of their time thinking about nizations fit Grandori's description better than
structural connections, rather than structural others. The reason it is important to focus on
disconnections. Theorists who err on the side of these organizations is that such organization
overemphasizing the presence of disconnected- members are more likely to have thought deeply
ness in organizations need little exposure to or- about interactions between couplings and de-
ganizations before they begin to speak about couplings, their interactions are more salient,
pattems of couplings and decouplings, instead and observers are more likely to categorize the
of just decouplings (Meyer, 1980; Rubin, 1979). interactions as characteristics of loosely coupled
Researchers also drift away from the dialecti- systems.
cal interpretation by making imprecise general To assert that a system is loosely coupled is to
statements, as in the following argument: (a) predicate spiecific properties and a specific his-
"loosely coupled systems are supposed to be tory to the system, rather than an absence of
more effective than tightly coupled systems," (b) properties.

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J. Douglas Orton is a doctoral candidate at the Uni-

versity of Michigan. Karl E. Weick is the Rensis Likert
Collegiate Professor of organizational psychology
and organizational behavior at the University of
Michigan. Correspondence regarding this article can
be sent to either author at the School of Business Ad-
ministration, University of Michigan, 701 Tappan
Street, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1234.
We would like to acknowledge the thoughtful and
generous assistance of David Ulrich, Mayer Zald,
Rick Bagozzi, Jane Dutton, Kim Cameron, Larry
Browning, Richard Price, Peter Manning, Brian
Chambers, Mary Tschirhart, Sarah Freeman, Schon
Beechler, Dick Daft, John Meyer, William Firestone,
Alan Meyer, George Huber, Eli Berniker, and Hu-
seyin Leblebici. Portions of the paper were developed
in presentations to the organizational behavior group
at the University of Texas (February 1987), the Texas
Conference on Qrganizations (April 1987), and the
University of Michigan's Invisible College of Organi-
zational Studies (October 1988: March 1989).


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