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Language learning


The purpose of this report is to outline the reasons of studying a foreign language and to talk
about the people who decide learning a new language. Although to make recommendations
for improving language learning.

Favourite language

The main language that everybody wants to learn in my country is English since it is the one
denominated by teachers as the universal language for communication and business. Having
good qualifications in English exams will improve your chances of success in the near future.
The vast majority of beginners are youngsters that were born in an already globalized world,
however in the last decade it is getting usual to see older people learning higher levels of
English and this gives them an opportunity for a job in transnational companies. Some
students learn in bilingual schools since kindergarten others go to private English language
schools or private classes.

European diaspora and migration

Due to the huge economic crisis taking place in my country a lot of people is searching on their
family tree for European descendants, if so they will be able to claim their citizenship and live
there legally. In case of migrating to Europe some countries require new comers a certain level
of the language. Learning Italian or German amongst teenagers that want to migrate in a
couple of years is the new tendency.

Recommendations for improving language learning in my country

I recommend the government to make English a mandatory signature for all children in the
country, I also think that all students deserve good quality of English classes since the very
start of primary school. This will allow students of all ages to manage themselves properly and
be independent speakers.

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