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Organizatin of major students

Cyberbullying........................................................................ 4-5
Melvin Kranzberg law's....................................................6-7
What do you think about it?................................................9
IS HACKING GOOD OR BAD?.......................................10
DEFINITION OF HACKING.............................................11
What is deviance?....................................................................12
What is Crime?..........................................................................12
How do Ebook impact society?........................................13
What is the impact of reading Ebook in
All you need to know about the Cybercrime
Prevention Act in the




Melvin Kranzberg was an

American historian, and professor
of history at Case Western
Reserve University from 1952 until
1971. He was a Callaway professor
of the history of technology at
Georgia Tech from 1972 to 1988.
-Melvin kranzberg:

Melvin Kranzberg's six laws of We just didn't know that aside

technology from physically commiting a crime
1. Technology is neither good nor bad; we can also be imprisoned if we
nor commit a crime using technology.
is it neutral.
Because technology can be a
2. Invention is the mother of necessity.
weapon against humanity, but it
3. Technology comes in packages, big
can also serve as the
and small.
HUMANITIES weapon against
4. Although technology might be a prime crime and etc.
element in many public issues,
nontechnical factors take precedence in There's so many laws about
technology-policy decisions. technology/cybercrime. and
5. All history is relevant, but the history there's also lawyers, because if
of technology is the most relevant. there's laws there must be lawyers
6. Technology is a very human activity itself.
– and so is the history of technology.

That is the six laws of Melvin kranzberg; using The controversy about cybercrime
this information we can gasp keep increasing because during
more about this topic and this is related to a the evolution of technology and
cybercrime that's happening within the technology society at the same time.



is an illegal act for which someone

can be punished by the
government". Now I know.....

Did you heard about it?...

Crimes against the person (e.g. assault).

Crimes against property (e.g. theft, fraud,
Financial crime (sometimes known as
white-collar crime).
Green crimes.
Human rights crimes.
War crimes.

It's the different types of crime, and the Does technology create any human rights
crimes that related to technology is the conflict? Yes, it's actually The Digital Divide.

Technology is a tool and tools possess an One traditional human rights concern that
inherent role. For example a Phillips has been aggravated by digital technology is
screwdriver is designed to apply torque via a global inequality. This is caused by the lack of
cross head to another tool the Phillips access to technology, rather than technology
screw/fastener in order to combine materials itself.
(mostly wood) together.

Computers and electronics play an enormous


role in today's society, impacting everything

from communication and medicine to

HR plays a key role in developing, reinforcing

and changing the culture of an organisation.
Pay, performance management, training and
development, recruitment and onboarding
and reinforcing the values of the business are
all essential elements of business culture
covered by HR, and this is the reason why
technology id important to human resources.

There are several types of computer crimes, For that reason, it's very important for any
but some of the most high-profile examples online business to make sure it takes strong
involve hacking. More and more these days, preventative measures by installing quality
data breaches have become daily anti-malware security, spyware removal
occurrences. As this has become more tools, and firewall software defense.
common, hackers have affected everything Customers need to feel secure that online
from the economical (including numerous service providers are protecting their data —
retail businesses) to the political. or they will take their business elsewhere.
Consequently, most people think of hacking But we can't also deny that there's some
as a crime, but the truth is hacking can legally hackers that have an ulterior motive or bad
be a great asset. Ethical hackers, also known intentions, so that's why they're called the
as WHITE HATS use their skills to secure and BLACK HATS HACKERS, are criminals who
improve technology. They provide essential break into computer networks with
services to prevent possible security malicious intent. They may also release
breaches by identifying vulnerabilities. malware that destroys files, holds computers
Companies hire White Hats to stress test hostage, or steals passwords, credit card
their information systems. They run deep numbers, and other personal information.
scans of networks for malware, attempt to
hack information systems using methods
Black Hats would use, and even try to fool
staff into clicking on links that lead to Is hacking positive or negative?
malware infestations.
White Hats are one of the reasons large In a negative sense, hackers are people or
organizations typically have less downtime groups who gain unauthorized access to
and experience fewer issues with their websites by exploiting existing vulnerabilities.
websites. Most hackers know it will be harder In a positive sense, hackers are computer
to get into systems managed by large professionals who discover the weak points
companies than those operated by small in IT applications and help to resolve them.
businesses that probably don't have the
resources to examine every possible security In this kind of society there's no such a
leak. victors and losers there's only a survivors.


Hacking is broadly defined as the act always a malicious activity, but
of breaking into a computer system. the term has mostly negative
Hacking is not always a crime, connotations due to its
however. In "ethical hacking," for association with cybercrime.
example, a hacker is legally permitted
to exploit security networks. In other And because the word CYBERCRIME
words, the hacker has the all we think that hacking is bad or
appropriate consent or authorization always had an bad influence to us.
to do what they are doing. However, but some people practically side with
hacking crosses the criminal line the hacking because they also think
when a hacker accesses someone that hacking is not always a crime
else's computer system without such and also on the other hand some
consent or authority. people siding with it because they've
gain benefits from using it.
Hacking is the act of identifying and so, we know now that it's not the
then exploiting weaknesses technology itself who has a fault
in a computer system or network, because there's a crime;
usually to gain unauthorized access to frantically it is us HUMANS doing a
personal or organizational data. crime or some wrong doing using the
Hacking is not . technology as a weapon against each


"All crimes are
deviances, but not
all deviances are
What is deviance?
The definition of 'deviance' is acting in a
deviant manner. According to the Merriam-
Webster dictionary, someone is 'deviant' if
they are 'straying or deviating, especially from
an accepted norm'. In sociology, deviance
refers to actions that fall outside the scope of
accepted norms, values, and behaviours. can
be used to describe behaviours that are
socially and morally 'unacceptable'. For this
reason, not everyone will agree on what
constitutes deviant behaviour. Social and
moral values differ according to individuals
Felony includes serious crimes like murder, .
and their cultures.
Some examples include shoplifting,
This is called the context-dependency of
vandalism, indecent exposure in public and
deviance. This refers to the perception of
trespassing. rape and, robbery, which typically
behaviours as deviant (or not), depending on
result in serious punishments.
their social, cultural, moral, and historical
Misdemeanours, on the other hand, refer to
comparatively minor crimes with lesser
punishments. Some examples include
shoplifting, vandalism, indecent exposure in
public and trespassing.
What is Crime? Furthermore, criminology is the scientific
study of crimes and criminals. According to
A crime is “an action or omission which some criminologists, crimes can be
constitutes an offence and is punishable by categorized into five categories as violent
law”. In other words, it is an illegal or unlawful crimes, property crimes, white-collar crime,
action that is punishable by law. Moreover, organized crimes and consensual or
there are many types of forms of crimes. In victimless crimes.
criminal law, crimes have two main basic
categories felonies and misdemeanours.

What do you
think about this?
How do Ebook impact society?

The aim of eBooks is to simplify and enhance

the overall learning experience. Digital Books
make the learning process more interactive
and engaging. Instead of listening to one
person continuously talking, students can
now actively participate in the learning

What is the impact of reading

Ebook in technology?
Electronic books (e-books) are book titles that are
available online. They can be read as e-mail, retrieved by
a portable electronic reading device or as a file and can
be downloaded on a computer [3]. The most popular
method of getting an e-book is to purchase a
downloaded file of e-Book from a website, such as
Barnes and continue to evolve and adapt. .
E-books have potential in enhancing distance education. In particular, e-books are able to
enhance the interaction between educators and students when dealing with
teaching and learning materials [3]. Computers and computerized editorial systems
are now used to write texts, process images and produce books. ...
It is the creation of content that enables deep and essential presentation of any
issue. The structure of this electronic document is similar to the layout of the book
(Shiratuddin et al., 2003). It is divided into chapters, grouped in a table of contents
which enable navigation in the publication. ...


The Cybercrime
Prevention Act in the
The Philippine Congress enacted Republic Act No. of 2012.
10175 or “Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012” Illegal Access:
which addresses crimes committed against and
Access to a computer or any application
through computer systems on 12 September
without permission.
2012. It includes penal substantive rules,
Illegal Interception:
procedural rules and also rules on international
Interception of any non-public
communication of computer data to, from, or
within a computer system by an unauthorised
Cybercrime also called computer crime is the use
of a computer as an instrument to further illegal
ends such as committing fraud trafficking child
pornography, intellectual property violations,
stealing identities or violation of privacy. The
difference between traditional criminal offences Data Interference:
from cybercrime is the use of the computer in Unauthorized tampering with, destroying,
committing such offences. Majorlycybercrime is deleting, or deteriorating computer data,
an attack on the information of Individuals, electronic documents, or electronic data
governments messages, as well as the introduction or
or corporations. transmission of viruses. This provision can also
To combat and prevent cybercrime, the cover authorised activity if the person’s
government of the Philippines introduced the behaviour went beyond the agreed-upon
Republic Act No.101175 or Cyber Prevention scope and resulted in the damages listed in
Act of 2012. This Act was signed by the President this provision.
of the Philippines Mr. Benigno Aquino on
September 12th of 2012. The
original goal of this Act was to penalize acts like
cybersex, child pornography, identity theft etc.
Child Pornography:
There are sixteen types of cybercrime
covered under the Cybercrime Prevention Act Unlawful or banned activities conducted
through a computer system, as defined and
punished by Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-
Child Pornography Act of 2009.
System Interference: registrant, and trademarks that were
Unauthorized interference with the purchased with intellectual property
operation of a computer or computer network, interests in them. Those who get domain
including the introduction or transmission of names of prominent brands and individuals
viruses, by inputting, transmitting, damaging, who in turn are used to damage their
deleting, reputation can be sued under this provision.
deteriorating, altering, or suppressing computer Note that freedom of expression and
data or programmes, electronic data messages, infringement on trademarks or names of
or by deleting, deteriorating, altering, or persons are usually treated separately. A party
suppressing them. This provision can also cover can exercise freedom of expression without
authorised activity if the person’s behaviour necessarily violating the trademarks of a brand
went beyond the agreed- upon scope and or the names of persons.
resulted in the damages listed in this provision.

Computer related Forgery:

Unauthorized input, alteration, or deletion of
computer data that results in inauthentic
data with the intent that it be considered or
Misuse of devices: acted on for legal purposes as if it were
Unauthorized use, possession, production, sale, authentic, regardless of whether the data is
procurement, importation, distribution, or directly readable and intelligible; or the act of
otherwise making available of gadgets, knowingly using computer data that is the
computer programmes, or other materials product of computer-related forgery as defined
developed or adapted for committing any of here to perpetuate .
the acts listed in Republic Act 10175.
Unauthorized use of a computer password,
access code, or similar data that allows the
entire or a portion of a computer system to be
accessed with the intent of using it to Computer-related Fraud:
perpetrate any of the offences listed in Unauthorized access to, alteration of, or
Republic Act 10175. deletion of computer data or programmes, or
interference with the operation of a computer
system, with the purpose to cause damage.

Computer-related Identity Theft:

Acquisition of a domain name in bad faith on Unauthorized acquisition, use, abuse, transfer,
the internet to profit, deceive, harm reputation, possession, change, or deletion of an
and prevent others from registering it. This individual’s identifying information, whether
includes trademarks that were already natural or legal.
registered at the time of registration, names of
people other than the

writings or other means. Libel committed by
writing, printing, lithography, engraving, radio,
phonograph, painting, theatrical exhibition,
cinematographic exhibition, or any other
similar means is punishable by prison
correctional for the minimum and medium
periods, or a fine ranging from 200 to 6,000
pesos, or both, in addition to any civil action
that the offended party may bring.

Aiding or Abetting in the

commission of cybercrime:
Anyone who knowingly assists or abets
the conduct of any of the offences listed in
this Act will be held accountable.

Attempt in the commission of

Any person who willfully attempts to commit
any of the offences enumerated in this Act
Cybersex: shall be held liable.
For favour or consideration, willful All crimes defined and penalized by the
engagement, maintenance, control, or
Revised Penal Code, as amended, and special
operation, directly or indirectly, of any
laws, if committed by, through and with the
lascivious presentation of sexual organs or
use of information and communications
sexual activity via a computer system.
technologies shall be covered by the relevant
provisions of this Act.

Libel: that is the laws that related to the cyber

Acts of libel that are illegal or forbidden prevention act of the Philippines. And there's
under Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as also some disadvantages and advantages by
amended, and are committed using a computer
making the citizens follow this law.
system or any other similar means that may be
created in the future. Penal
Code Revision According to Article 355 Libel CYBERCRIME-PREVENTION-ACT-THE-NET-
is defined as defamation of character by 20OF%202012%20SANCTIONS%20CONTENT%2DRELATED%20OFFENSES,OR%0

Advantages disadvantages

·Cybersex, Cyberbullying, Child ·Ambiguity in the terms given in

pornography are now offences and the Act such as the term online libel
such offenders can be punished. is not defined anywhere which can
The lead to different interpretations.
children’s rights are protected by Ambiguity can be seen in the
this Act. provision of real-time data
·All kinds of businesses using the
internet as a medium are protected ·The ambiguity in the Act may lead
by this Act. ·Provisions of this act to the freedom of speech. The
now define the offence of ambiguities like the absence of a
cybersquatting and this deters proper definition of online libel may
people from the act of lead to confusion. Sometimes the
cybersquatting. expression of some truth may be
misinterpreted as Libel. People
·Provisions that penalizes online may be restrained from expressing
identity theft. This provision themselves.
protects the individual’s privacy
and its protection. ·The implementation and execution
of this Act yearly cost a huge cost
to the government.
juridical person.

A comparison between the cybercrime prevention acts and the policies of Philippines and India
shows similarities to some extent and at the same time there are slight differences. If the
provision of cyber libel in both countries are compared, it can be seen that both countries
included this provision and immediately attracted the difference of opinion from the netizens. In
India, the Information Technology Act of 2000, Section 66A, defines the penalty for sending
“offensive” messages through the computer, mobile phones, or tablets. Because the government
failed to define the term “offensive,” it began to be used to suppress freedom of speech. In the
year 2015, the Supreme Court overturned this law.

The art challenges the technology, and
the technology inspires the art.

Lyssa bas was one of the researcher of this
magazine, she was describe as cheerful and
jolly person. And she is also fond of reading
many novels and love creating a story with
the technology. she have many hobbies and
loves drawing and most of all she is a CSS
major student.

Camel was also one of

the researcher of this magazine. She
was describe as a gentle and soft person
but she's also strong and she love
reading and listening to the music she
likes. She's friendly and love gaining
experiences from all of challenges she CAMEL B.PAÑOSO
been through.

In the Philippines, the same uproar from the netizens was heard
when the cyber libel was introduced as an offence under the
cyber prevention Act 2012. In Disini v. Secretary of Justice, the
validity of the rule on online libel was challenged (G.R. 203335,
11 February 2014). The Supreme Court, on the other hand,
determined that libel is not protected speech under the
Constitution. As a result, the internet libel is not
unconstitutional. There may be different approaches to the
provisions of the Act by different countries, nevertheless to say
that strict enforcement of the cyber law is essential to combat
cybercrimes. Technology crimes are not just limited to a



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