خمسة نماذج امتحانات لغة انجليزية شاملة للصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الاول 2023

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…………. Governorate ‫ التعليمية‬................... ‫إدارة‬ Jan.

2023 ‫السرى‬ ‫السرى‬

……………... Educational Directorate 2023/2022 ‫امتحان الفصل الدراسي االول‬ 1st year Prep
English Language Examination ‫الصف األول اإلعدادي‬ Time: 2 hour

A) Listening (4 M) b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

................. ‫ –ادارة‬2023/2022 ‫امتحان الفصل الدراسي االول‬

1 -Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4- The underlined word "it" refers to …………………..
1- Fatima is …….. years old. a. hospital b. the bag c. street d. her leg
a. ten b. eleven c. twelve d. thirteen 5- The word "going back" means ……………… home.
2- Fatima has a twin ………………… a. returning b. selling c. buying d. driving
a. brother b. sister c. mother d. father 6- After giving Ali the bag, the lady …………………..
3- Fatima's mother is a ………………….. a. went b. slept c. cried d. died
a. doctor b. teacher c. gymnast d. vet (D) Vocabulary & Structure (7M)

................... : ‫رقم الجلوس‬

4- Fatima and her family live in ……..

) ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية ( الصف األول اإلعدادي‬:‫المادة‬

4-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (5M)
a. Aswan b. Cairo c. Alexandria d. Giza 1- There are too …… people on this beach. Let's go to a different one.
(B) Language Functions (2.5M) a. many b. much c. enough d. few
2-Complete the following dialogue: 2- A ……… person makes good decisions.
Ahmed is in a restaurant. a. lazy b. foolish c. sensible d. maths
Waiter : Hello, what would you like today ? 3- I love acting. ………. is my favourite subject.
Ahmed : Hello, (1) ………………………….……………………… ? a. Match b. Drama c. Art d. Computer studies
Waiter : Yes, small or large ? 4- Ahmed likes history because he loves ………… about the past.
Ahmed : (2) ……………………………, please. I'm not very hungry. a. learns b. learnt c. to learning d. learning
Waiter : (3) ……………………………………….…………………? 5- A …………… is a big strong building from the past.
Ahmed : I'd like some orange juice please. a. hall b. circle c. castle d. cassette
Waiter : Anything else ? 6- The tourists are ………… a selfie next to the River Nile.
Ahmed : (4) ………………………….……... . How much are these ? a. touching b. drawing c. relaxing d. taking
Waiter : (5) …………………………………..…………………..….. 7- We …………… drink a glass of milk every day.
Ahmed : Thank you. Here you are. a. should b. can't c. mustn't d. shouldn't
8- Why don't we ………………….. swimming next week ?

..................................... : ‫االســــم‬
(C) Reading Comprehension (4.5M)
3-Read the following, then answer the questions: a. do b. make c. go d. see
Ali was a poor man, but he worked hard. His job was to clean the 9- On a ………… weekend. Omar reads books at the club library.
streets. One day, while he was going back home, he saw an old lady trying to a. physical b. spicy c. tropical d. typical
cross the street. He hurried to help her, but she fell down and hurt her leg. He 10- Adam is writing about his weekend in his online ………. .
carried her to the nearest hospital. The doctor gave her some medicine, she a. laptop b. diary c. mouse d. 3D printer

..................... ‫مدرسة‬
called Ali and said to him "I have no family". I thank you for your help and this 5-Read and correct the underlined words: (2M)
bag is for you". To his surprise it was full of money and the woman died after 1- What do you have for breakfast yesterday ? ( ……………)
half an hour. 2- Keeping your password secret. ( ……………)
a) Answer the following questions: 3- You should to clean your teeth in the morning. ( ……………)
1- Give a suitable title for the passage. 4- There are too much salt in this recipe. ( ……………)
2- Do you think Ali was a good man ? Why ? (E) Writing (6M)
3- Why was the woman alone ? 6-Write a paragraph of EIGHTY (80) words on:
"Healthy food"
…………. Governorate ‫ التعليمية‬................... ‫إدارة‬ Jan. 2023 ‫السرى‬ ‫السرى‬
……………... Educational Directorate 2023/2022 ‫امتحان الفصل الدراسي االول‬ 1st year Prep
English Language Examination ‫الصف األول اإلعدادي‬ Time: 2 hour

A) Listening (4 M) b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

................. ‫ –ادارة‬2023/2022 ‫امتحان الفصل الدراسي االول‬

1 -Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4- The underlined word "delicious" is the opposite of ………………
1- Magda is a/an ……………………. girl. a. terrible b. good c. sweet d. healthy
a. lazy b. orphan c. clever d. helpful 5- The underlined pronoun "them" refers to ……………………..
2- Magda lives with her ……………………. a. cakes b. crisps and cakes c. snakes d. beans and vegetables
a. aunt b. mother c. father d. grandmother 6- Fish sometimes have ……………………..
3- Her grandmother is a/an ……………. woman. a. a lot of sugar b. a lot of salt c. a lot of fat d. a lot of food
a. old b. young c. tall d. short (D) Vocabulary & Structure (7M)

................... : ‫رقم الجلوس‬

4- Magda sleeps in a bed in the ……………………. of the house.

) ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية ( الصف األول اإلعدادي‬:‫المادة‬

4-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (5M)
a. hall b. kitchen c. living room d. attic 1. We put food in the ………………….. to stay cold.
(B) Language Functions (2.5M) a. pot b. pan c. fridge d. kitchen
2-Complete the following dialogue: 2- It is always very …………………. in summer.
Anas tells Ali about his brother. a. hot b. cold c. rainy d. snowy
Anas : This is a photo of my brother. 3- He has got dark hair and a ……………….
Ali : (1) …………………………………………………………….……. ? a. beard b. heard c. bird d. tired
Anas : It's Adam. 4- Camels are very……………. .They can carry 200 kilos of bags!
Ali : How old is he? a. tall b. short c. weak d. strong
Anas : (2) ………………….………………………………………………. 5- A busy person is always …………………
Ali : Where does he live ? a. talking b. walking c. doing something d. laughing
Anas : (3) ………………………………………………………………..…. 6- Something scary makes you feel ……………….
Ali : (4) ..…………………………………………………………….…… a. sad b. bad c. funny d. frightened
Anas : He loves fish with rice. 7- Your ………… is a word or numbers you use to go onto a website.
Ali : What's his favourite hobby ? a. passport b. book c. bag d. password
Anas : (5) ………………………………..…………………………….. 8- ……………………. any printers ?

..................................... : ‫االســــم‬
(C) Reading Comprehension (4.5M) a. There is b. Is there c. Are there d. There are
3-Read the following, then answer the questions: 9. There is …………… milk in the fridge.
Everyone loves snacks! But some snacks are bad. You can eat crisps and a. some b. any c. few d. many
cakes, but you should not eat many of them. Crisps have much fat and salt. 10. Look! She ………………… in the garden.
Cakes, chocolate and biscuits have much sugar which is bad for us. Fruit is a a. plays b. played c. play d. is playing

..................... ‫مدرسة‬
great snack! It is very good for us and it has a sweet taste. You should eat 5-Read and correct the underlined words: (2M)
between two and four pieces a day. Beans and vegetables are very good for us, 1- Sara doesn't buy a camera yesterday. (………………)
so we should eat a lot of them. They are delicious. We should be careful, even 2- My sister goes to a girl's school. (………………)
with healthy foods. Olives, meat and fish sometimes have a lot of salt. 3- I have got a brother, he name is Moustafa. (………………)
a) Answer the following questions: 4- We shouldn't eat healthy food. (………………)
1- Give a suitable title for the passage. (E) Writing (6M)
2- What do you think about snacks ? 6-Write a paragraph of EIGHTY (80) words on:
3- How much fruit should you have every day ? " A day in your life "
…………. Governorate ‫ التعليمية‬................... ‫إدارة‬ Jan. 2023 ‫السرى‬ ‫السرى‬
……………... Educational Directorate 2023/2022 ‫امتحان الفصل الدراسي االول‬ 1st year Prep
English Language Examination ‫الصف األول اإلعدادي‬ Time: 2 hour

b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

A) Listening (4 M)

................. ‫ –ادارة‬2023/2022 ‫امتحان الفصل الدراسي االول‬

4- The underlined word "them" refers to ………………………
1 -Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: a. doctors b. people c. fruits d. meals
1- Where did Fatma spend her holiday ? 5- ………………………….. people care about food.
a. In Paris b. In Rome c. In Italy d. In Madrid a. All b. A lot of c. Few d. No
2- How was the food ? 6- The underlined word "vital" means very ……………………
a. Nasty b. Bad c. Expired d. Delicious a. important b. bad c. dark d. secret
3- What is Paris famous for ?
(D) Vocabulary & Structure (7M)

................... : ‫رقم الجلوس‬

a. The Eiffel Tower b. The Pyramids c. The High Dam d. The Sphinx

) ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية ( الصف األول اإلعدادي‬:‫المادة‬

4-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (5M)
4- What did Fatma buy for Azza ?
1- Your sister is your parent's …………….
a. T-shirt b. A postcard c. A souvenir d. Nothing
a. niece b. cousin c. daughter d. mother
(B) Language Functions (2.5M) 2- ……………… is a difficult sport.
2-Complete the following dialogue: a. Drawing b. Physics c. Mathematics d. Gymnastics
Rana and Maya are talking about food. 3- Basel has got a/an …………… because he cannot walk.
Rana : What is your favourite food ? a. wheelchair b. sofa c. armchair d. bench
Maya : (1) …………………………………………………………..…….. 4- Computers and mobiles are examples of …………….
Rana : Fantastic. (2) ………………………………………….…………. ? a. food b. technology c. subjects d. hobbies
Maya : Rice, tomatoes and pasta. 5- A baby bird is very …………… It cannot fly for many days
Rana : (3) ……………………………………………………………….. ? a. strong b. weak c. happy d. rich
Maya : Yes, koshari is very delicious. 6- A ……………. is a big, strong building from the past.
Rana : What else do you like? a. cattle b. castle c. kettle d. capital
Maya : (4) …………………………… . What about you ? 7- Fawzi thinks that the ………… of rice pudding is easy.
Rana : (5)…………………………………………………..…………….. a. recipe b. recycling c. road d. equipment
Maya : Wonderful! 8- Clap for the football players. …………. played very well.

..................................... : ‫االســــم‬
(C) Reading Comprehension (4.5M) a. Their b. Them c. They d. Theirs
3-Read the following, then answer the questions: 9- Amira …………… her homework after dinner.
Most people have three meals every day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. But a. does never b. never is c. is never d. never does
in fact most of them don't care about what they should eat for each meal. 10. Fawzi and Hamdi …………… painting.
Doctors say that healthy food is very vital, and people should eat lots of fruits a. love b. loves c. loving d. be loved

..................... ‫مدرسة‬
and vegetables. People should not eat too many cakes. Doctors advise people to 5-Read and correct the underlined words: (2M)
drink a lot of water and milk every day and not to have too many sugar drinks. 1- He arrived on Uganda last week. ( ……….………)
To keep healthy, doctors advise people not to stay at home all the time. They 2-They don't travel by car. They walked. ( ……….………)
should go for walks, do exercise or practise any sport. 3-Hany should eat snacks in the classroom. ( ……….………)
a) Answer the following questions: 4- What is your sister look like? ( ……….………)
1- Give a suitable title for the passage.
(E) Writing (6M)
2- Why do you think people should eat lots of fruits and vegetables ?
6-Write a paragraph of EIGHTY (80) words on:
3- What do doctors advise people not to do ?
…………. Governorate ‫ التعليمية‬................... ‫إدارة‬ Jan. 2023 ‫السرى‬ ‫السرى‬
……………... Educational Directorate 2023/2022 ‫امتحان الفصل الدراسي االول‬ 1st year Prep
English Language Examination ‫الصف األول اإلعدادي‬ Time: 2 hour

A) Listening (4 M) b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

................. ‫ –ادارة‬2023/2022 ‫امتحان الفصل الدراسي االول‬

1 -Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4- The word "far" is the opposite of …………..
1- Soha is ……………….. years old. a. near b. good c. fine d. nice
a. 3 b. 30 c.13 d.23 5- Hala's brothers study at a ……………
2- Soha goes to school by ………………… a. university b. secondary school c. prep school d. primary school
a. bike b. plane c. car d. bus 6- What does the underlined word "we" refer to ?
3- Soha is a ……………………… student. a. Hala and her sisters b Hala and her brothers
a. fast b. clever c. lazy d. bad c. Hala and her parents d Hala and her family

................... : ‫رقم الجلوس‬

4- Soha has computer studies …………………… a week. (D) Vocabulary & Structure (7M)

) ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية ( الصف األول اإلعدادي‬:‫المادة‬

a. once b. three times c. four times d. twice 4-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (5M)
1- I ………….. a wonderful time last week.
(B) Language Functions (2.5M) a. had b. made c. did d. took
2-Complete the following dialogue: 2- …………… drinks are bad for your health.
Nada and Malak are talking about their school timetable. a. Crazy b. Fizzy c. Healthy d. Careful
Nada : That's the bell. What is the next lesson ? 3. A …………. is something you buy to remember a holiday.
Malak : Let's look at the timetable. a. castle b. view c. camp d. souvenir
Nada : (1) …………………………………………….……….. 4- To make a video call, ………. on your tablet.
Malak :Yes, I love it. …..(2)………………………………………….? a. turns b. turned c. turning d. turn
Nada : I am not good at computer studies. 5- Omar is …………… . He is happy to do something dangerous.
Malak : (3) …………………………………………...………………. ? a. coward b. crazy c. brave d. ugly
Nada : I love science and languages. 6- I'd like to ………….. a selfie in front of the river.
Malak : (4) …………………………………………………..………. ? a. take b. tap c. do d. make
Nada : I am quite good at English. 7- We can read and borrow books in the ……………
a. laboratory b. library c. hospital d. post office
Malak : (5) ………………………………………………………………… 8- She's only five,………… she can read and write.

..................................... : ‫االســــم‬
(C) Reading Comprehension (4.5M) a. so b. to c. and d. but
3-Read the following, then answer the questions: 9- Something scary makes you feel ………………
I'm Hala. I am a secondary school student. I'm from Damietta. I live in new a. sad b. bad c. funny d. frightened
Damietta with my family. My father is a taxi driver. My mother is a teacher. I 10- …………………. pencil is this ? - It's Heba's.
have a sister and two brothers. Salma is a pupil at a primary school. Ashraf and a. Whose b. When c. Where d. What

..................... ‫مدرسة‬
Hany are at a prep school. On holidays, we go to near parks. There, we play 5-Read and correct the underlined words: (2M)
games and have a nice time. Sometimes, we have dinner at a restaurant near the 1- My uncle buy his house last summer. ( ………………)
park. We usually order pizza, rice and fish and drink juice. As our house is not 2- Amira don't like spaghetti. ( ………………)
far, we go back home on foot. 3- Ahmed and I has got curly hair. ( ………………)
a) Answer the following questions: 4- The childrens' clothes are in that bag. ( ………………)
1- What is the main idea of the passage ? (E) Writing (6M)
2- What do you think about Hala's holiday ? 6-Write a paragraph of EIGHTY (80) words on:
3- Where do they go on holidays ? “A trip to Alexandria”
…………. Governorate ‫ التعليمية‬................... ‫إدارة‬ Jan. 2023 ‫السرى‬ ‫السرى‬
……………... Educational Directorate 2023/2022 ‫امتحان الفصل الدراسي االول‬ 1st year Prep
English Language Examination ‫الصف األول اإلعدادي‬ Time: 2 hour

A) Listening (4 M) b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

................. ‫ –ادارة‬2023/2022 ‫امتحان الفصل الدراسي االول‬

1 -Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4- The underlined word "it" refers to ………………..
1- Egypt and Sudan are in …………………. a. fish b. boat c. the Nile d. water
a. Asia b. Africa c. Europe d. America 5- The Nile is a true friend to the ……………….
2- Arabic is a ……………………… a. farmers b. doctors c. carpenters d. driver
a. language b. country c. city d. place 6- The word "rubbish" means ……………..
3- All Arab countries speak ……………………. a. hobby b. litter c. paper d. forest
a. English b. French c. German d. Arabic (D) Vocabulary & Structure (7M)

................... : ‫رقم الجلوس‬

4- ……………………. is in Asia.

) ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية ( الصف األول اإلعدادي‬:‫المادة‬

4-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (5M)
a. Egypt b, Morocco c. Oman d. Sudan 1- I ………………….. is the language of Arab countries.
(B) Language Functions (2.5M) a. English b. Arabic c. French d. Japanese
2- My mother always cooks …………. food. We all like it.
2-Complete the following dialogue:
a. dark b. busy c. delicious d. kind
Adel is at the supermarket. 3- He plays the piano in a famous …………
Adel : Hello, How are you ? a. band b. bank c. bike d. break
Assistant : Hello, fine thanks, (1) …………………………………….. ? 4- You should keep your password ……………
Adel : Have you got cheese ? a. easy b. famous c. known d. secret
Assistant : Yes, we have got some. (2)……………………………….. ? 5- Karim has a ………….. before he goes to bed.
Adel : I want half a kilo. a. snack b. castle c. bell d. lake
Assistant : (3) …………………………………………………………. . 6- Mohamed Salah has got …………… hair.
Adel : How much does it cost ? a. blond b. straight c. sensible d. curly
Assistant : (5) ……………………………………..…………………… 7- Habiba Marzouk ……………….. for five or six hours every day.
Adel : Thanks a lot. a. boils b. camps c. trains d. clicks
Assistant : (5)………………………………………..……………..…… 8- This is my aunt. ……………. name is Amal.
a. His b. Her c. Hers b. She

..................................... : ‫االســــم‬
9- Look! Adel ……………… in the garden.
(C) Reading Comprehension (4.5M) a. works b. are working c. is working d.work
3-Read the following, then answer the questions: 10- Nader has got a wheelchair ………… he cannot walk very well.
The River Nile is very important for all Egyptians. It's the longest river a. so b. because c. and d.but
in the world. Some use it to catch fish, others use it to travel in small boats. But, 5-Read and correct the underlined words: (2M)
the most important thing is that we use the Nile for irrigating our lands.

..................... ‫مدرسة‬
1- Amr shouldn't drink too many fruit juice. ( ………………)
Once a man said. "The Nile is the true friend of the farmer". So we need to 2- Ahmed likes watch TV in the evening. ( ………………)
keep its water clean. Bad people throw rubbish and dead animals in the Nile. 3- You are very good of playing tennis. ( ………………)
All those people should be punished. 4- What do you have for breakfast yesterday ? ( ………………)
a) Answer the following questions: (E) Writing (6M)
1- What is the main idea of the passage ? 6-Write a paragraph of EIGHTY (80) words on:
2- Why should bad people be punished ? “A day on the beach”
3- Do you think the Nile is important ? Why / Why not ?

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