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Some 2022 Questions

October 2022

Writing 3 questions
Write email to your friend about new hobby you joined, as ask him to join you , why are you
interested in the hobby
2. Young motorists in your area are disturbing write complain to police
3. Opinion
Children should pay for home tasks they do(not sure)
Addiction of mobile phone

12 November 2022
Today’s test questions that I could remember
- Kertominen: Hyvät juhlat
- Mielipide: Koulu ja kodin tehtävät (lapsille)
- Tilanne:
+ You forgot st at the swimming pool. Call to ask
+ You have a day off but got called to work. Decline and suggest st
- Dialogi:
+ Job interview
+ Call to install new internet because you moved to new home
+ You need sb to take care of your pet. Write to hoitaja.
+ Review liikuntapaikka

+ Mielipide: Tekeeko raha ihmisen onneliseksi?

Yki test
1- Invite your friends on new home party explain more about new home
2- Mielipide
Liikunta on paras lääketa
2- recycle old stuff
3- complain against train bad service and claim compensation
Importance of school
How school system work in Finland
Kirjoitiminen much easier, Reading was ok listening very fast and difficult
Phuminen easy but studio voice interrupt much

Scenario 1
- you are late for an appointment, think of your own reason for being late
Scenario 2
- you call a radio channel saying you would like to thank someone important to you, think of that
person yourself
Scenario 3
- your colleague is taking a lunch break too long, you need to approach and ask him/her to go
back to work
Scenario 4
- suggest a place to your friend.
Conversation 1
- you need to rent an apartment, tell the agent what kind of place you are looking for, why it does
not fit your need, do you have other requests about the rent.
Conversation 2
- your neighbor found your bike somewhere. You are informed by her. Tell her what kind of bike
you have and what you usually do while biking
why people nowadays are so busy, (kiire/hurry). how can we reduce such haste, if that works,
what would you like to do when you are not so busy.
- Activity to improve memory for aging individuals: is this activity for older people? From this
activity, can we get a new prescription?
- Jogging groups: is the interviewer looking for info about jogging for writing a blog or for a
political reason? What kind of shoes for jogging (name two shoes)? Does the interviewer want to
begin jogging, or is she scared of joining?
- an expert telling about young individuals nowadays do not want to have children? What
unexpected events usually occur? What expert is worrying about? what do young individuals
nowadays want in life?
- A lady becomes very rich? Is she rich because of winning a lottery or earning by work? what is
her profession? Where does she want to use the money (donate to other people, buy things)?
What does she give to her father?
3.READING (Understanding Text)
- fishes: do Finnish people eat domestic salmons more than imported salmons? Is the amount of
salmons farmed and produced worldwide more than the amount of beef?
- an activity for recycling hobby crafts (askartelu): who is this activity targeting (child in school,
kindergarten, and adult)? How can you help with this activity?
- a forum about development in some Lapland areas, the area is now little by little can not be
recognized by locals because the landscape has changed drastically: what speaker is mentioning?
is citizen concerned about future change?
- novels and movie series: is the writer successful in publishing the second book? Is it about new
ideas, or do the same characters and same plots remain? What is the movie series about (the
character, friends of the character, or love of the character)?
- skin infection and rashes: Who usually has this disease (child, old)? How do you treat this? Can
you put the usual cream/lotion (assuming you are treating with medical cream), how long should
you use medical cream/lotion
- theft at a bookstore: did the thief steal books or cups (mukki), did police catch him by camera
surveillance? will he be in jail?
- recycle of old books: can we recycle old books by giving to other people or throw it away? is
library in Oulu receiving artwork books? is library in Helsinki jammed?
- Tell your friend that you are interested in an open position in his/her company
- SPR is organizing a "Becoming a friend" project for lonely individuals, write to the organizer
explaining that you are joining asking question like how long the project, why do you choose this
- Protect the environment
- Social media (I did not choose).

YKI Aug 26.2023

1. veisti: gift Your friend movie ticket.
- why you want to give this gift to Your friend
- Ask Your friend to watch movie together
- Mention about this movie (2things)
- Mention time
2. sahköpösti: email to Project Manager, asking to be part/ do this New Project from suomen
punainen risti ’ ystäva yksinäiselle’ something similar.
- why you want to be part of this Project
- Why its important For you
- What is the duration of the Project
- What you believe this Project would bring/ Does
3. mielipide:
A. Phone Photos: good vs bad ( I guess )
B. Suomessa rakennus liian pieniä asuntoa
1. Mielipide:
- why people live Work place or job? Multiple sub question under this topic.
- Traveling in Finland and sub question underneath.
2. Tillane:
- ask For some home appliances from neighbor
- Others, can’t remember now.
- [ ] Recycling related
- [ ] Growing vegetables in parveke
- [ ] Fear of flight
- [ ]and others

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