River Cities Reader #1016 - December 2023

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Leader McCombie’s estimate of 17 House

State Republicans and Democrats Do Democratic votes may have been short.
Everything and Nothing to Keep Anything Others said the House Democratic total
was significantly higher. But House Speaker
from Happening During Veto Session Chris Welch has an unwritten rule that bills

Vol. 31 · No. 1016

which don’t have enough support from his
don’t know whether or not the legislative teachers’ unions, along with other labor
own caucus-members to pass on the floor
Democratic leadership would’ve allowed groups, are now being quietly courted by
DECEMBER 2023 a vote, but it is puzzling to me that the Republicans because the party has lost so
won’t get called. In this case, that number
would’ve been 71 out of 78 House Demo-
people behind the extension of the state’s many wealthy benefactors such as Bruce
crats, which was an impossibly large number
Invest in Kids Act program didn’t at least Rauner and Ken Griffin, who both exiled
of votes, considering the amount of liberal
try to run a bill that would’ve wound the themselves to southern Florida. Other
RIVER CITIES’ READER and progressive “No” votes in his caucus to
program down over a period of years. longtime top Republican contributors have
532 W. 3rd St. begin with and the significant pressure by
Davenport IA 52801 Continuing to allow income tax-credits either passed away or retired and lost inter-
the teachers’ unions and their allies. Beating
RiverCitiesReader.com for donations to private school-scholarship est in Illinois politics. They need money to
this bill was the unions’ only veto-session
(563)324-0049 (phone) funds for kids who were already enrolled in compete, plain and simple.
(563)323-3101 (fax) goal, and they went all-out to make sure
the program would’ve protected those indi- A compromise [HB4194] floated by a
info@rcreader.com everyone knew they were laser-focused on
vidual children from being kicked out of the small handful of House Democrats on the
the topic.
PUBLISHING SINCE 1993 schools over an inability to pay. Legislation first day of a two-week veto session attracted
So we ended up with several session days
The River Cities’ Reader is an independently owned such as that would’ve given both sides a veto a total of just four Democratic sponsors.
of very loud, media-friendly protests by
publication and website, dedicated to providing readers session “win,” and kept the program on life The bill, which specifically required more
and members the “keys to the Quad Cities’ culture.” proponents and very little actual legisla-
support so that a future General Assembly scholarships to poor children, mainly served
tive progress. It was good (and likely quite
might decide to restart it down the road. to highlight the problems with the existing
PRINTED MONTHLY expensive) theater, but that’s about it.
Newly printed complimentary editions are available
More than a few people were pushing statute, particularly that not nearly enough
“Loss-chasing” is when gamblers who are
monthly at select locations in the region. For a complete behind the scenes for a wind-down bill. The poor and minority kids have been receiving
falling behind increase their bets in order
list, visit www.rcreader.com/distribution. bill to extend the program for five more the scholarships as proponents had insinu-
to catch up, only to almost always fall even
years didn’t have enough votes to pass in ated. The bill never moved an inch.
PRINT & DIGITAL ADVERTISING further behind. The proponents clearly had
Visit QCAdvertising.com for full the spring, when it needed 60 in the House The House’s new bill also allowed Senate
money to burn on a lost cause, and then they
publishing calendar, sponsorship and 30 in the Senate. Those constitutional Democrats to point the finger away from
doubled down during the veto session on a
opportunities, ad sizes, and pricing. requirements jumped to 71 and 36, respec- themselves, telling everyone that they
compromise that wasn’t going to be called
tively, after May 31. A wind-down compro- wanted to wait and see what happened to the
PUBLISHER for a vote and exhibited no will to offer up a
mise seemed prudent. bill in the other chamber before committing
Todd McGreevy • todd@admospheres.com phase-out.
And yet the people who were so force- publicly to a vote either way in the Senate.
It almost looked like some of the people
fully demanding that the General Assembly House Republican Leader Tony McCom-
EDITOR & BUSINESS MANAGER pushing the extension were more interested
Kathleen McCarthy • km@rcreader.com extend the program for another five years bie claimed at one point that the bill
in maintaining lucrative income tax-credits
made no overt moves to protect scholarships had, tops, 57 “Yes” votes in her chamber.
in perpetuity and punching at unions than
for the 9,600 existing scholarship recipients, Remember, it needed 71. McCombie was
Mike Schulz • mike@rcreader.com making sure that at least some kids had
hundreds of whom were bussed to Spring- counting all forty of her members, but some
field to shout slogans in the Statehouse halls. Republicans, including the far-right Illinois
William Reveal
Too many proponents of keeping the Freedom Caucus, opposed the belated com-
Rich Miller also publishes Capitol Fax, a
program alive seemed more interested in promise. And others who are seeking teach-
daily political newsletter, and CapitolFax.
ADVERTISING SALES battling with teachers’ unions than find- ers’ union contributions quietly opposed the
sales@rcreader.com ing a way to the bargaining table. But those legislation.
Rob Brezsny, Max Cannon, Rich Miller, Ed Newmann,
Loren Thacher, Ed Tibbetts, Bruce Walters


Cheri Delay, Jay Strickland

Email info@RCReader.com
to make your business
a Reader pick up spot.


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532 W 3rd St - Davenport, IA 52801
Letters to Editor: letters@rcreader.com

© 2023 River Cities’ Reader

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The Stench at Davenport City Hall Fast-Tracking New Election Tools

A Lucrative Payout Is Cloaked in Secrecy Does Not Serve Scott County Voters

or 30 years, the Reader has memorialized in with not a scintilla of evidence ever presented or
week later, the stink still lingers. Election Day.
print and online how nearly all local, state, heard by the courts, leaving a huge discrepancy in
Last Wednesday, the day before As for those who aren’t directly implicated,
and national legislators, staff within execu- the media’s interpretation of events.
Thanksgiving, when they knew how many were blind to these “prolonged tive agencies, and jurists, regardless of political
hardly anybody was paying attention, Daven- and documented” instances of harassment? Fast-forward to the end of 2023 and Scott
party, have epically failed in representing the elec- County’s plan to introduce new Pollbooks into
port city officials announced they were giving And how many knew and simply kept their torates’ interests and Constitutionally protected our election system with less than a year to test,
departing City Administrator Corri Spiegel mouths shut? inalienable rights they swore to uphold as man- train, and secure for the upcoming 2024 general
$1.6 million. Either way, it doesn’t give you a lot of confi- dated by their oath of office. election. Pollbooks contain the County’s voter
The city said $1 million was for the emo- dence, does it? The recent fast-tracked decision by the five registration database for checking voters in
tional pain and suffering that Spiegel suffered, The city council’s statement only identified Scott County Board of Supervisors (SCBS) during an election, confirming their eligibility
which the city council said in a statement was former Alderman Derek Cornette, who seven to approve the County Auditor’s request to to vote, and issuing each voter their appropriate
due to “prolonged and documented instances members of the council voted to remove from spend over $400,000 to replace the incumbent ballot for casting their vote. The pollbooks then
of harassment by some elected officials over office in September. (Cornette is now suing hardware and software used to verify and docu- update the voters database/register with voters’
the past eight years. the city.) ment registered voters’ eligibility to obtain and status as having voted. When the election is over
They didn’t say what the offending behav- However, Spiegel wasn’t the only person cast an election ballot known as “Pollbooks” and the polls close, the pollbook numbers are
ior was. But they did say there were multiple the city said were targets in that case. The city effectively demonstrates how the public’s compared to the ballot tabulators numbers for
offenders who had acted inappropriately and cited other employees, too. interests are among the least considered by these verification or to catch problems if the numbers
wrongly. That included current and former Did they get big payouts? If not, why not? If so-called representative supervisors and election do not match up.
elected officials. so, how much? bureaucrats. With so many anomalies, including unlaw-
This decision, critical to 2024’s general elec- ful policies, epic numbers of irregularities were
As part of the agreement, Spiegel agreed Rather than be accountable, members
tion integrity, occurred during a Thanksgiving detected and attested to throughout the country
not to sue. of the council are putting the onus on the
holiday calendar week. It was enabled by a rare relative to pollbooks, voter registers, tabulators,
So as I understand it: Some current elected state legislature, saying that state lawmakers compression of the standard Committee of the
officials engaged in “inappropriate and ought to do something; to empower some- ballots, mail-in ballots and absentee ballots,
Whole (COW) and subsequent board meeting, dropboxes, online Wi-Fi access and hacking,
wrong” behavior. Former elected officials body to investigate and hold accountable local normally conducted two days later, into one etc., requiring extra scrutiny performing due
engaged in “inappropriate, wrong, and elected officials guilty of transgressions of the evening on November 21, 2023. diligence in vetting any new election equipment,
appalling” conduct. Then, city officials agreed law and propriety. A total of 15 items to be voted on were pre- a supervisory duty the SCBS demonstrated pre-
to fork over $1.6 million to Spiegel, and she What a crock. sented to the Supervisors as “consent agenda cious little interest in providing.
agreed not to take legal action against the city Why do local officials need the state’s items” in the COW. This means that once a Whether Democrats or Republicans, the
or its officers. The other $600,000 is for “lost permission to do the right thing? To speak request that requires the board’s approval is dis- primary constituency invariably becomes the
wages,” the agreement says. up when they see wrongdoing. To demand cussed at the Committee of the Whole, the items county bureaucracy at the expense of Scott
Surely, this demands an investigation by proper behavior from themselves and their requiring Board action would then be added to County residents/voters. In other words, elected
the proper authorities. colleagues. a “consent agenda,” allowing the supervisors county officials tend to represent the interests of
Can harassers use somebody else’s money To try to insulate the city from costly legal to approve all 15 items at the subsequent Board the county and state governments over the those
– taxpayer money – to protect themselves exposure. meeting without further discussion. of Scott Countians; in this case, Scott County
from a lawsuit? Ever since May, with the collapse of the These consent agenda items included the voters were neglected in order to provide the Scott
What’s more, the city’s release of informa- downtown apartment building, Davenport Scott County government accepting the transfer County Auditor’s office with “opportunity.”
tion makes it clear this scheme was hatched a officials have fielded a raft of criticism, and of Medic EMS ambulance services’ assets and Scott County has been using the Iowa Precinct
absorbing its employees into the newly formed Atlas Consortium’s (IPAC) Pollbook software to
month before the general election, then kept Spiegel was listed among the defendants in
MEDIC EMS of Scott County department as of conduct elections in Scott County. Twelve years
under wraps until after voters went to the legal action taken in connection with the
January 1, 2024. ago, IPAC was established to create and support
polls. incident in which three people were killed. When the Board of Supervisors’ proposed
Small wonder given the details. Now, this. election pollbooks for Iowa counties. Today, 78
fast-track consent agenda was published of the 99 Iowa counties use IPAC Pollbooks, sug-
Now our elected leaders aren’t talking at Mind you, all of this is happening as there’s at the county’s website (ScottCountyIowa. gesting the state’s wide support for their use.
all. “No further comments will be made,” the an exodus of top administrative officials. gov/board/board-meetings?folder=enclosu Yet after new IPAC pollbooks were pur-
council’s statement said. There clearly is a lot we in the public don’t res/2023/20231121_Special_Board_Meet- chased in 2018, and used successfully for the
In my 35 years in Davenport, I’ve never know. ing_Canvass_of_Votes_4PM_Committee_of_ 2020 General Election and again for the 2022
seen anything like it. I do think the aldermen and mayor got it the_Whole_405PM ), former county supervisor Midterm Election, as well as for various local and
The council assures us that the payout is half-right when they asked for the state to get Diane Holst brought the new election pollbook special elections, the Scott County Auditor Kerri
“small” compared to what a lawsuit would involved. But instead of the legislature, Attor- purchase line item to our attention. We had less Tompkins, with full and uninformed approval
cost. But there is no reason to believe this ney General Brenna Bird ought to be the one than 24 hours to investigate before this purchase by the SCBS as of a week ago Tuesday, November
assertion – not when the actions of our to step in and investigate this situation. Or would be approved. 21, 2023, voted to purchase all new pollbook
elected leaders have all been aimed at keeping perhaps it should be State Auditor Rob Sand. The 2024 general election promises to be event- services from a private company Adkins Election
this quiet. And, perhaps, at insulating them- There certainly are questionable expenditures ful and election integrity is a critical issue with Services, a subsidiary of Tenex Corporation,
selves from harm. of public money in this case. voters nationwide. The mainstream media’s dis- for $386,210, including annual support fees of
If this is such a good bargain, why go to so Yes, the stink on this deal is still strong, information about election irregularities during approximately $25,000.
much trouble to hide it? and it will continue to linger until we get the 2020 Election, and again during the 2022 It is important to note that the option to
Midterms, has been an ongoing orchestrated upgrade IPAC’s software was declined by Auditor
Why disclose the ugly details the day some answers.
effort to convince voters these were safe and Tompkins, even though there was no cost associ-
before a holiday so that fewer people would
secure elections. While the evidence continues to ated with the upgrade that included a degree of
know about it? Ed Tibbetts, a longtime reporter and editor in mount contrary to the official narrative, that is a
And why hide it from the voters? The the Quad Cities, publishes the online newslet- customization for users upon request.
subject for another article. The chief complaint for IPAC Pollbooks,
answer to this question seems obvious. If ter Along the Mississippi, where this column Suffice it to say that media reports claiming all according to Auditor Tompkins, is customer ser-
there was this kind of harassment going on first ran on November 28. You can find his 61 lawsuits challenging the 2020 election results vice. Tompkins claims there is only one support
for years, and some current elected officials work at EdTibbetts.substack.com. His work failed in court is false. Only one challenge lost on person serving all 78 counties during elections.
had acted in ways that were “inappropriate also is regularly published in the Iowa Capital the merits of the case, the 60 remaining chal- Iowa State Association of Counties (ISAC) is
and wrong,” that would surely be a liability on Dispatch at IowaCapitalDispatch.com. lenges were dismissed based on process issues, the operator of IPAC and its Executive Director
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 7
William Peterson stated in an interview he is ada- capability. Tenex’s familiarity with specifics of Iowa elections
mantly in favor of all auditors’ ability to make the In working with both David Farmer, Budget Reader Publisher Todd McGreevy’s that no other company provides?
best decisions for their counties when choosing and Admin Services Director and Matt Hirst, IT Comments and Questions b) If the unique capability is related to a “sup-
election equipment, including pollbook services, Director, the ongoing costs for software main- Dear Scott County Board of Supervisors and port system” please identify what assets or attri-
independent of outside forces. tenance and support will be absorbed in the IT Scott County Auditor Kerri Tompkins: butes of this “support system” are not provided by
That said, Peterson wonders if perhaps Auditor budget. Therefore, the $29,700 annual fee will be At this afternoon’s 4pm BOS Committee of the other bidders.
Tompkins might misunderstand IPAC’s support due in year two, as referenced above. the Whole and Board meeting, please consider c) What specifically does Tenex provide that
protocol. Its primary program manager fields all It is recommended that the Board approve supporting tabling item #10 on the Consent Iowa Precinct Atlas Consortium does not pro-
incoming calls for support and redirects them the quote from Adkins Election Services in the Agenda regarding approval to spend $386,000 vide? https://www.iowacounties.org/wp-content/
to the proper team member with the appropri- amount of $386,210. Budget dollars are available purchasing new Election Pollbooks until uploads/2019/01/IPAC-Brochure.pdf
ate resources depending on the users’ particular in the Capital Improvement Program budget to more public input and clarifying questions are 3) Item 10 memo from Auditor Tompkins
problem(s). The number of available support staff fund respective costs in this project. answered about such an important infrastructure states in part: “This product is a great opportunity
is robust and has historically met the support This product is a great opportunity for the commitment is made regarding Scott County’s for the Scott County Auditor’s Office.”
needs of its users. Call logs for support tickets Scott County Auditor’s Office. I will be available election management. a) What is the product exactly? How many
are maintained and would provide evidence into at the November 21st Committee of the Whole Technically, it is worth understanding how pollbooks, what operating system, what RAM,
the kinds of difficulties, or delays in support, if meeting and would be happy to answer any ques- the Consent Agenda for Tuesday Nov 21, 2023 memory, technical specs? How many recently
any, Scott County election officials have had with tions. Thank you for your consideration. 4pm meeting was established. The COW starts at used pollbooks are currently owned by the
IPAC pollbooks during elections. 4:05pm and the Board Meeting at 4:30pm. County?
Because Pollbooks do not have certification Former Scott County Supervisor Di- https://www.scottcountyiowa.gov/ b) What election software will be implemented
criteria, nor regulated as part of election equip- ane Holst’s Comments & Questions: board/board-meetings?folder=enclosu on these new pollbook units?
ment, it is even more incumbent upon local elec- The replacement equipment being considered res/2023/20231121_Special_Board_Meeting_ c) Is the software the product being referred to
tion officials and elected supervisors to do a deep today is non-voting election technology that has Canvass_of_Votes_4PM_Committee_of_the_ or the hardware?
dive into the purchases of such critical impor- been described as an overlooked vulnerability in Whole_405PM d) How is “this product a great opportunity
tance in securing safe and fair elections that are election systems. Unlike the actual voting systems Item #10 this email is about is linked below: for the Scott County Auditor’s Office”? Is there a
trusted by voters, now more than ever. that have standards and means of testing, this https://www.scottcountyiowa.net/board/pub/ deliverable or feature Tenex provides the Audi-
Below is the memo requesting SCBS’ autho- technology does not have that requirement. enclosures/2023/20231121_Special_Board_Meet- tor’s staff or the voting public that Iowa Precinct
rization from Auditor Tompkins, as well as the Tenex claims that their Precinct Central runs ing_Canvass_of_Votes_4PM_Committee_of_ does not provide?
questions submitted several hours before Tues- in a completely isolated space on the iPad and in the_Whole_405PM/10_Elections_Poll_Books. 4) Item 10 memo from Auditor Tompkins
day’s meeting to both the Scott County Auditor the Cloud to prevent malicious attacks. What I pdf states in part:”The equipment being replaced
Kerri Tompkins and the five Scott County Board have learned about these poll books is that they Where is the opportunity for public review was last purchased in 2018 and these have
Supervisors for their investigative efforts. access Bluetooth to communicate with the poll of the consent items prior to the Board Meeting exceeded their life expectancy.”
books within that precinct, it connects to the within the 25 minute window allotted? a) What is the life expectancy of the proposed
Cloud, and one assumes it also connects for prod- I’ve searched the minutes of prior meetings and new equipment?
To: Scott County Board of Supervi- b) What was the advertised life expectancy of
uct updates and patching. do not find any information from the Auditor
sors From: Kerri Tompkins Re: Tenex offers a feature called “Live Results”, regarding Election Pollbook replacement options. the current equipment?
Election Pollbooks describing it as “A reliable platform is key for Please confirm or correct me in that Tuesday c) When did the current equipment exceed its
Date: November 21, 2023 election night reporting. Publish results on a November 21, 2023 Consent item #10 is the life expectancy?
The Auditor’s Office has requested and secure proven platform to provide transparency FIRST time the County Board of Supervisors 5) Item 10 memo from Auditor Tompkins
received quotes for the replacement of Pollbooks. and accessibility for voters, candidates and media. have been presented information about this states in part: “Budget dollars are available in
The equipment being replaced was last pur- Calling yourself “proven platform” is not the Resolution request. the Capital Improvement Program budget to
chased in 2018 and these have exceeded their life same as equipment that is required to be tested In addition to the fast tracking of such an fund respective costs in this project.”
expectancy. and have an established standard. important Resolution, a review of Auditor Tomp- a) Were CIP funds used to acquire the current
Pollbooks are essential in conducting an How does the Live Results feature work if kins memo supporting the $386K expenditure equipment in 2018?
election. This tool holds the state data for voter there’s not an interface with the voting equip- generates the following questions the public b) What portion of the $386K is hardware vs
registration and is necessary to process each indi- ment? How does a poll book, which is checking should have answers for, prior to approving Con- software? Is there a breakdown of the com-
vidual voter before they can cast their ballot. Due in your voters, roll up election night reporting? sent Item #10 on Tuesday November 21, 2023: ponents? Can CIP funds be used to acquire
to technology advancements, new equipment is This is placing our vote totals on a wireless device 1) Item 10 memo from Auditor Tompkins software?
more user friendly for set‐up, transportation and capable of connecting with the internet and again states in part: “The Tenex product stood out as a
overall easier to use. on technology that has no required testing. If robust tool that is easy to use with the highest level Blaring Collective Silence
The quote summary of qualified responses is the poll book isn’t specifically set to kiosk mode, of technology available at this time.” Americans will ultimately reject the impotent
as follows: it is open to the internet, and anything that can a) What testing or hands on usage was con- sidelines of partisan political patronage to reen-
be turned on can be turned off by ducted by who at the Auditor’s office that resulted gage in meaningful civic participation.
someone with malicious intent. in the Tenex product standing out? How did it The rule of law, myriad cultural norms, and
Iowa code (49.77) provides no stand out? basic common sense are increasingly ignored to
requirement or oversight of “an elec- b) How is Tenex easier to use than the current advance trending partisan agendas that serve
tronic election register,” should the Iowa Precinct Atlas Consortium product? Easier groups’ narrow interests, while sowing vastly
commissioner elect to use the elec- to use for Auditor staff or the voting public? Was wider societal destabilization that foresakes social
tronic poll book. Since HAVA has the voting public engaged to test such equipment justice, fairness, peace and prosperity.
no certification of the non-voting for ease of use? More importantly, lawmakers and bureau-
technology, our legislation does not c) How is Tenex “the highest level of technol- crats, regardless of political party affiliation,
address requirements of that electronic register ogy available” ? Is that measuring the hardware have persisted in blatant lawlessness by violating
Auditor and IT staff both recommend Adkins and assure the public that their votes are secure? or the software? How are you defining the highest Americans’ constitutionally protected rights with
Election Services for Tenex Software Solutions No product is safe, but with the product we technology available? impunity, mostly because we tolerate it with blar-
as the best fit for Scott County. We considered currently have, the Iowa precinct Atlas Consor- d) Can Tenex hardware operate using the Iowa ing collective silence.
experience in Iowa, hardware and software quali- tium, our commissioner has guaranteed that our Precinct Atlas Consortium software? When Americans finally decide we’ve had
fications and support services. Tenex is currently poll books are not connected to the internet and 2) Item 10 memo from Auditor Tompkins enough, the chaos will stop if replaced with
used in 18 other Iowa counties with an excellent have no wireless capability and are not operating states in part: “In addition, Adkins Election Ser- government accountability that includes a non-
reputation for implementation and on‐going in the Cloud. Can that same statement be made vices has a full support system that is familiar with negotiable policy of full transparency except in
customer service relations. The Tenex product about Tenex? specifics of Iowa elections. No other company has the rarest national security interest. But first and
stood out as a robust tool that is easy to use with The Iowa Precinct Atlas Consortium is the this capability.” foremost we must discard the shackles of partisan
the highest level of technology available at this lowest bid, is the choice the taxpayers count on a) “a system familiar with specifics of Iowa politics, specifically designed to capture an entire
time. In addition, Adkins Election Services has a you to make, and at the same time protects the elections” indicates that the value being offered is citizenry in an arena of endless delusions of civic
full support system that is familiar with specifics interests of the voters. Please vote NO on the operational or software driven, and not equip- relevancy.
of Iowa elections. No other company has this selection of Adkins Election Services AKA Tenex. ment driven . . . what is an example of Adkins/
8 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.


Buried Stories:
nce upon a time … Isabel Scherer was a devoted mother who canned raspber-
enrolled as a student at the Stone City ries, sewed patches on the knees of her jeans,
Art Colony in the depths of the Great and planned family picnics. To her husband
John Bloom (1906-2002) and Depression. The colony, organized by Grant
Wood with two partners, offered classes and
John, she was a partner for over sixty years. To
her contemporaries and friends, she was often

Isabel Bloom (1908-2001) created a supportive community for artists

during the summers of 1932 and 1933.
the life of the party. To the public, she was an
There Isabel met John Bloom, who had One of Isabel’s cement sculptures is placed
caught Grant Wood’s attention with his entry outside of the library on the Bettendorf Learn-
in Iowa State Fair’s art competition. Wood ing Center. It is a woman holding an open
invited Bloom to join him in the art colony, book before a separate sculpture of a listening
working as a groundskeeper in exchange for child. The pair of sculptures lovingly capture
tuition and room and board. a moment when the woman pauses in her read-
Bloom would be one of Grant Wood’s assis- ing to show an illustration. This set was initially
tants, working on murals funded by the federal placed at the entrance of the Bettendorf Library
government’s Depression-era relief program when the library was located on Grant Street.
for artists. He assisted Wood in painting A life-sized bronze sculpture of two boys
murals for the Des Moines Public library and rising from a park bench is located on the Dav-
Parks Library at Iowa State University before enport riverfront. This 1992 sculpture by Louis
receiving a commission to design and paint a Quaintance is based on a 1940s lithograph
mural for the new Dewitt Post Office. John Bloom created from a sketch he made at
John and Isabel married in 1938. They set LeClaire Park when he saw two boys watching
up their home and studio at the old Davenport the W.J. Quinlan Ferry.
Masonic Lodge and then at 927 West Eighth John Bloom returned to exhibiting his work
Street. Isabel continued her life-long interest in following his retirement in 1969. In the 1980s,
clay sculpture. John would work as an indus- he would complete several large murals. One,
trial designer and artist for the Army Corps Shocking Oats, is in the Figge Art Museum’s
of Engineers, while she became involved in permanent collection. Painted on Masonite
the local art community, taught, and exhib- in 1987, it was based on a study that he made
ited sculptures locally. All while raising three decades before. Bloom’s murals are painted and
children. composed in the regional style epitomized by
Isabel would host a children’s-art television Grant Wood. The subjects are ordinary people
program beginning in 1953. As she stated in working. The simplicity of forms and rich pat-
the Iowa Women Artists’ oral history project, terning is also at the core of Isabel’s sculptures.
“I had a TV show for a couple years at WOC. It Isabel died in her nineties in 2001; John died
was called Make Believe. I modeled the char- the following year. They are buried together in
acters of the old fairy tales and put clothes on Mount Calvary Catholic Cemetery (plot: New-
them, and then I told the story, and I gave them 6-465 W 1/2).
a lesson in modeling in clay. It was a lot of work I began this story with “Once upon a time.”
John and Isabel Bloom drawings by Bruce Walters – I worked all week painting the background.” Isn’t that how a classic love story should begin?
A decade later, the family moved to the
Village of East Davenport and Isabel began Bruce Walters is a Professor Emeritus in Art
to sell her artwork, specializing in sculptures conferred by Western Illinois University.
cast in concrete. Sixty years on, her sculptures This is part of an occasional series on famous
are as popular as ever, selling locally at the (or infamous) people buried in cemeteries in
Isabel Bloom Headquarters Studio Show- the Quad Cities, and their history that is not so
room & Tour Center on 736 Federal Street in well-known today. If there’s a piece of history
Davenport. buried here that you’d like to learn more about,
The final chapter in Isabel Bloom: the Artist e-mail the location and a brief description to
and her Legacy begins with: “Isabel was many BD-Walters@wiu.edu.
things to many people. To her children, she

The headstone of John and Isabel Bloom.

Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 9

Send your events to Calendar@RCReader.com

Through January 7, 2023

Your event listing in print and online has been complimentary since 1993!
Full descriptions, contact info, addresses, maps, and links for each listing at rcreader.com/calendar

VISUAL ARTS Artist Talk: Peter Xiao, hear from Peter T. International Airport Gallery, thru Tue
Xiao, beloved local artist and the… Figge Jan 2 Classes
Art Museum, 5pm Thu Dec 14
Openings & Gallery Events Art & Activism at Tougaloo College, the Clay Open Studio, on Thursdays; allows
Winter Lights: Lights & Flights, exhibition traces the inception of this… you access to your clay, our space… Figge
Thursdays at the Figge, weekly experience the light display and sample Figge Art Museum, thru Sun Jan 7 Art Museum, 10am Thu Nov 30 thru Thu
programs featuring artists, curators, beer and pizza from… Quad City Jan 4
scholars, and community partners to… Botanical Center, 6pm Thu Dec 14 thru Human Intelligence, group art
Figge Art Museum, 6:30pm Thu Nov 30 Thu Dec 28 show; free; for information, contact… Pottery with Miss Carolyn, we’ll put you
thru Thu Jan 5 Centennial Hall Gallery, Augustana behind the “wheel” at Pottery with Miss…
Free Senior Day, ll seniors age 60 and College, thru Sun Jan 7 The ARTery, 6pm Thu Nov 30
Winter Lights: Krampus Nights, meet up receive free admission, as… Figge Art
the infamous Krampus and take in the… Museum, 10am Thu Jan 4 Sighting at Augie, exhibit of works by Takeaway Thursday: Coffee Filter
Quad City Botanical Center, 6pm Fri Dec 1 Professor Peter Xiao;… Wallenberg Hall, Leaves, pick up this coffee filter leaf craft
and Sat Dec 2 Augustana College, thru Sun Jan 7 kit to take… Silvis Public Library, 9am Thu
Exhibits & Shows Nov 30
Winter Lights: Lights & Leashes, Zimoun, a new, space-specific
experience the decorated gardens with The Mysterious Disappearance of Miss installation, by the Swiss… Figge Art Book Buddies (Craft Buddies):
your furry friends by your… Quad City Haylee, a collaborative exhibition by Museum, thru Sun Jan 7 Handprint Gnomes, pick up this Craft
Botanical Center, 5pm Sun Dec 3 Heidi Hernandez and… Quad City Arts Buddies: Handprint Gnome kit to take…
Center, thru Fri Dec 1 Cory Christiansen, exhibit of mixed- Silvis Public Library, 9am Sat Dec 2
Figge Member Bus Trip to Chicago, media works by the orthopedic…
current Figge Art Museum members are Day of the Dead: Remember, Honor, Muscatine Art Center, thru Sun Jan 7 Clay: Mug Mania, Dec. 2 & 9; with
invited to join us… Figge Art Museum, Celebrate, this installation will explore instructor Laura Warner; hand-build
8am Mon Dec 4 how we as… Figge Art Museum, thru Sun Jon Fasanelli-Cawelti: The Man Filled your… Figge Art Museum, 10am Sat Dec 2
Dec 3 with Music, a celebration of longtime
Stitching & More, every Wed. except the Muscatine resident and… Muscatine Art Felt Ornaments: Ages 9-12, with
2nd of the month; work on… River Valley Quanta of Space: The Bosom Sculpture Center, thru Sun Jan 7 instructor Annie Peters; craft felt holiday
District Library, 5pm Wed Dec 6 thru Wed of Ibram Lassaw, the exhibition features ornaments by sewing… Figge Art
Jan 3 36 unique examples of… Figge Art Mauricio Lasansky: Portrait from the Museum, 10am Sat Dec 2
Museum, thru Sun Dec 3 Permanent Collection, exhibit of works
Figge Art Museum Member Dinner, by the artist who… Muscatine Art Center, Oil Painting Saturdays, with instructor
all Figge members are cordially invited Plants of the World: People Behind the thru Sun Jan 7 David Anderson; learn to see, draw, and
to celebrate the holiday… Figge Art Plants, this new, unique exhibit honors understand… Figge Art Museum, 9:30am
Museum, 5pm Thu Dec 7 the personal… Quad City Botanical Broadbent & Smelser, exhibit of abstract Sat Dec 2 thru Sat Dec 30
Center, thru Sun Dec 31 paintings by Kent Broadbent… Quad City
Free Senior Day at the Figge Art Arts Center, Fri Dec 8 thru Sun Jan 7 Primavera Rivoli Earrings, with
Museum, all seniors age 60 and up The Warner Foundation Collection: instructor Karen Kubby; using a pattern by
receive free admission, as… Figge Art History in the Painting, the exhibit gives Peter Xiao: A Room That One Is In (And Barbara Lepak,… Beadology Iowa, 10am
Museum, 10am Thu Dec 7 insight into our country’s… Figge Art All Things In It), an installation of recent Sat Dec 2
Museum, thru Sun Dec 31 paintings by Peter… Figge Art Museum,
Muscatine Art Center Holiday Open Sat Dec 9 thru Sun Jan 7 Holiday Tangling, with instructor
House, the event begins with ornament Winter Lights Powered by MidAmerican Emma Hubner; relax in beginner-friendly
viewing and buying, live music,… Energy Company, the outdoor gardens Tradition Interrupted, a fascinating drawing class this… Figge Art Museum,
Muscatine Art Center, 5pm Thu Dec 7 will be in winter bloom with over… Quad selection of 23 artworks created… Figge 5:30pm Mon Dec 4
City Botanical Center, 5pm thru Mon Jan Art Museum, Sat Dec 16 thru Sun Jan 7
Opening Reception: Broadbent & 1 Roaring Twenties Weave Bracelet
Smelser, held in conjunction with the through Kirkwood, with instructor Karen
exhibit of abstract paintings by… Quad Humphrey Hill, Lennox, & Williams, Kubby; discover an easy to learn netting…
City Arts Center, 6pm Fri Dec 8 exhibit of knitted portraits by Faith Beadology Iowa, 5:30pm Tue Dec 5
Humphrey Hill, art… Quad City
Winter Lights: Santa and the Mrs. Visit, Clay Ornaments, Dec. 5 & 12; with
visit Santa and Mrs. Claus and… Quad City instructor Laura Warner; make three…
Botanical Center, 5pm Fri Dec 8 and Sat Figge Art Museum, 5:30pm Tue Dec 5
Dec 9
December Clay Open Studio, on
Holiday Thieves Market, attendees Tuesdays & Thursdays; registering for
will be able to shop… Hyatt Regency this course allows you access… Figge Art
Coralville Hotel & Conference Center, Museum, 10am Tue Dec 5 thru Thu Dec
10am Sat Dec 9 and Sun Dec 10 14
Second Saturdays at the Figge: Tissue Paper Stained Glass, with
Celebrating the Season of Giving, free instructor Annie Peters; students will
admission on the second Saturdays of the make imitation stained glass… Figge Art
month thanks to… Figge Art Museum, Museum, 6pm Wed Dec 6
10am Sat Dec 9
Harmonic Journey: Sound Healing and
Drop-in Gift Wrap Party!, grab your Chakra Painting, with instructor Becky
gifts and get out of the house to… Moline Nakashima Brooke; immerse yourself in
Public Library, 6pm Wed Dec 13 and Thu the transformative… Figge Art Museum,
Dec 14 6pm Thu Dec 7
Quilting by the River, work on your Watercolor: Holiday Memories,
quilting projects with other quilters in Thursdays thru Dec. 28; with instructor
the… River Valley District Library, Wed Pat Bereskin; paint holiday… Figge Art
Dec 13 thru Thu Dec 28 Museum, 8:30am Thu Dec 7
Quad City Visiting Artists Native Pride Productions - December 4 through 9
Continued On Page 10
10 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.

Samantha Henson - Damsel., concert


Visual Arts: Classes with the touring folk singer/songwriter,

featuring a set by Damsel.;… Raccoon
Motel, 8pm Mon Dec 4
DIY Adult: Ornament, join us and make Arkansauce - Fireside Collective,
your very own ornament to take home;… concert with the genre-hopping, four
Davenport Public Library - Fairmount piece string band from northwest
Street Branch, 3pm Sat Dec 9 Arkansas,… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Tue Dec
Gingerbread House: Ages 5-18, with
instructor Pat Bereskin; if you’ve ever Tuneful Tuesday: Holiday Music with
wanted to make… Figge Art Museum, the Quad City Symphony Orchestra,
1pm Sat Dec 9 this concert is suitable for music lovers
of all ages;… Rock Island Public Library -
Makin’ Ornaments with Mrs. B: Figge Downtown Library, noon Tue Dec 5
Members Only, Figge members are
invited to bring their families for a… Figge Archer Oh - Plunkett - Waldemar,
Art Museum, 9am Sat Dec 9 concert with the touring rockers,
featuring sets by Plunkett and… Raccoon
Felting with Victor: Portraits and Motel, 7pm Wed Dec 6
Landscapes, gain needle felting skills by
crafting a dimensional picture’ choose… Reggae Night, experience the warm
Beadology Iowa, 10am Sat Dec 9 Mike Zito @ Rhythm City Casino Resort Rhythm Room - December 8 reggae vibes with your favorite Island
food and… Zeke’s Island Cafe, 7pm Thu
Felting with Victor: Potted Plants, join Dec 7
Victor Schmidt for another fun needle
felting class; participants… Beadology Call for Entry Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Davenport IA, Body Void, concert with the San
Iowa, 2pm Sat Dec 9 AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Sat Dec 2 Francisco-based indie rockers; $15…
43rd Rock Island Art Guild Fine Arts Raccoon Motel, 8pm Fri Dec 8
Festive Merry and Bright Wall Hanging, Exhibition, seeking entries for the Call for Entry: Quad Cities Saxophone
have yourself a Merry Little Christmas exhibition that will be on… Figge Art Christmas, join the ensemble for the Mike Zito (7pm) - Fair Warning (9pm),
with a lovely Merry… Rock Island Public Museum, Thu Nov 30 thru Fri Dec 15 seventh-annual holiday concert in Zito is one of the most lauded artists in
Library - Southwest Branch, 6pm Tue Dec Younkers… NorthPark Mall, 11am Sat Dec the contemporary blues arena, followed
12 2 by a 9pm concert by Fair Warning; $25;
for tickets and information, call 563-
3D Paper Stars, with instructor Annie RiverBend Bronze Handbell Ensemble 328-8000; Rhythm City Casino Resort
Peters; students will learn how to cut,… Christmas Concert, music director John Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Figge Art Museum, 6pm Wed Dec 13 Daisychain - Ira Wolf, concert with Klopp is leading a fun mix of… St. John’s RhythmCityCasino.com, Davenport IA, Fri
the female-fronted band from Chicago, United Methodist Church, 2pm Sat Dec 2 Dec 8
Adult DIY: Upcycled Glass Jars, make featuring a set by… Raccoon Motel, 7pm
old glass jars look like beautiful pieces Thu Nov 30 Surf’s Up Saturday, live music every Old Shoe Album-Release Show - Allie
of pottery;… Davenport Public Library Saturday; free; for information, call 563- Kral - The Dawn, concert with the five-
- Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Wed RiverBend Bronze Handbell Ensemble 326-1333… Zeke’s Island Cafe, 11:30am piece Americana roots-rock band based
Dec 13 Christmas Concert, music director John Sat Dec 2 thru Sat Jan 6 out of… The Redstone Room, 8pm Fri Dec
Klopp is leading a fun mix of… St. John’s 8
Adult Arts & Crafts: Merry & Bright United Methodist Church, 7pm Fri Dec 1 Manny Lopez Big Band, the band will be
Painted Wine Glasses, raise a glass performing all your favorites from such… Adeem the Artist - Disco Doom - Scott
during the holidays with these festive The Schwag, concert with the Grateful The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 2pm Sun Dec 3 Stowe, concert with touring country
Merry… Silvis Public Library, 3pm Fri Dec Dead tribute musicians; $10 at the… singer/songwriter Adeem Maria, featuring
15 RIBCO, 9pm Fri Dec 1 thru Sat Dec 2 Quad City Symphony Orchestra sets by… Raccoon Motel, 8pm Sat Dec 9
Masterworks III: Winter Wonders,
Friday Night Out: Square Wire Bracelet Battle of the Bands 2023: 7 Ark - delight in the wonders of winter Holiday Brass, ring in the holiday season
Chain with Beads, with instructor Nonetheless Impossible - Wonder beginning with the revelry… Bartlett with members of the QCSO… Second
Zanetta Hoehle; use square copper wire - Hartwood (5:30pm) - Made Ya Look Performing Arts Center, 2pm Sun Dec 3 Baptist Church, 3pm Sat Dec 9
to create… Beadology Iowa, 5:30pm Fri - Anthropoid - Crushed Monkey -
Dec 15 Mercury’s Crown (8pm), we will have Rocky Mountain High Experience: A RiverBend Bronze Handbell Ensemble
two divisions doing two separate shows; John Denver Christmas, starring Rick Christmas Concert (3pm), music director
Ruffles Galore Earrings, with instructor $10… Rascals Live, 5:30pm Sat Dec 2 Schuler, America’s Top John Denver John Klopp is leading a fun mix of… St.
Karen Kubby; participants will use brick Tribute, the concert is an intimate Paul’s United Methodist Church - Cedar
stitch round… Beadology Iowa, 10am Sat Quad Cities Saxophone Christmas, experience that will take you back to the Rapids, 3pm Sat Dec 9
Dec 16 seventh-annual holiday concert in ’70s when John Denver’s music permeated
Younkers court.… NorthPark Mall, 1pm the radio airways; $59; for tickets, call Holiday Brass, ring in the holiday season
Cardboard Gingerbread Houses, with Sat Dec 2 800-745-3000; Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third with members of the QCSO… St. Paul
instructor Annie Peters; glue together St., Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 2pm Lutheran Church - Davenport, 3pm Sun
cardboard and then decorate… Figge Art Quad City Symphony Orchestra Sun Dec 3 Dec 10
Museum, 9:30am Sat Dec 16 Masterworks III: Winter Wonders,
featuring George Frideric Handel’s Steel Panther - Moon Fever, concert with Luminare Christmas, led by former
Make-n-Take Bead Buffet Bracelet, Alexander’s Feast Suite, Jerod the Los Angeles-based rockers on their Mannheim Steamroller keyboardist John
select beads from our extensive bead Impichchaachaaha Tate’s “The Indian “On The… The Rust Belt, 7pm Sun Dec 3 Blasucci; a fusion of reimagined holiday
buffet and create an… Beadology Iowa, Spirit at Mesa Falls” from Winter Moons, classics, high energy symphonic rock and
10am Sat Dec 23 John Harbison’s Snow Country featuring Christmas Tunes with Jim & Marcia, cinematic magic, the show is an immersive
QCSO Principal Oboe Andrew Parker, and join Marcia and Jim for an enjoyable experience that combines live music and
Adult Arts & Crafts: True Crime Mug, if Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s stately yet music performance; they… Moline Public special effects to create a magical holiday
you like “true crime all the time” or just… energetic Symphony No. 39; $7-12; Adler Library, 1pm Mon Dec 4 experience; $20-40; for information and
Silvis Public Library, 3pm Fri Dec 29 tickets, call 563-328-8000; Rhythm City
Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore
Harmonic Journey: Sound Healing and Ave., RhythmCityCasino.com, Davenport
Chakra Painting, with instructor Becky IA, 8pm Sun Dec 10
Nakashima Brooke; immerse yourself in
the transformative… Figge Art Museum, Moline High School Holiday Concert,
6pm Thu Jan 4 we invite you to sit back, relax, and get
in… Moline Public Library, 10am Wed Dec
Watercolor: Winter Landscapes, 13
Thursdays thru Jan. 25; with instructor Pat
Bereskin; artists will… Figge Art Museum, Robin Taylor Zander, concert with the
8:30am Thu Jan 4 Nashville-based country artist and on of
Cheap… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Thu Dec 14
Wine and Art: Collage, with instructor
Lori Miller; create a mixed media collage Open Mic Nite w/ Jacob Hemenway, on
with… Figge Art Museum, 6pm Thu Jan 4 the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month;
play… Zeke’s Island Cafe, 8pm Thu Dec 14
Winter Landscape Acrylic Painting, thru Thu Dec 28
Thursdays thru Jan. 25; with instructor
Brad Bisbey; learn the… Figge Art Candlelight: Holiday Special Featuring
Museum, 11am Thu Jan 4 “The Nutcracker” & More, at 6:30 &
8:45pm; one in a series of 60-minute…
String Art: Love Is in the Air!, with The Spotlight Theatre, 6:30pm Fri Dec 15
instructor Mindy Mathews; participants
will be guided through the… Figge Art Clownvis @ Raccoon Motel - December 13 Nova Singers: A Nova Christmas, the
Museum, 1pm Sun Jan 7 professional vocal ensemble celebrates
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 11
the holiday season with favorite… St. Paul Hamnet, a discussion of Maggie
Lutheran Church - Davenport, 7:30pm Fri O’Farrell’s book with the Contemporary
Dec 15 Books… Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm
Wed Dec 20
PAK Trio, Brown Bag Lunch concert with
the dynamic ensemble comprised of… Libertie, a discussion of Kaitlyn
Bettendorf Public Library, noon Fri Dec 15 Greenidge’s novel with the Brown Bag
Book… Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Camp Regret - Watermelon, an In-Store Avenue Branch, 1pm Wed Dec 20
Concert and After Hours Sale with 10
percent off all… Ragged Records & Trash The Island at the Center of the World,
Can Annie, 6pm Sat Dec 16 a discussion of Russell Shorto’s book with
the Contemporary Books… Bettendorf
Nova Singers: A Nova Christmas, the Public Library, 6:30pm Wed Dec 20
professional vocal ensemble celebrates
the holiday season with favorite… First Loving Frank, discussion of Nancy
Lutheran Church - Galesburg, 7:30pm Sat Horan’s book with the Overbooked Book
Dec 16 Club; free;… Davenport Public Library -
Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Thu Dec
Jump: The Ultimate Van Halen Tribute - 21
Big Hair Mafia, concert with the touring
tribute rockers, featuring a set by… The Make the Connection: A DEI Book Club,
Rust Belt, 8pm Sat Dec 16 a book club that will select literature that
Luminare Christmas @ Rhythm City Casino Resort Event Center - December 10 will spark… Davenport Public Library -
Salsa Night w/ Sonora Sazon De Eastern Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Tue Dec
Antano, concert featuring spicy energy 26
and grooves of salsa, cha cha,… The and information, call 563-328-8000; Rooting Out Poverty Book Club: Book
Redstone Room, 7pm Sat Dec 16 Rhythm City Casino Resort Event Center, Club Social, we’ll share snacks and Pageturners, a contemporary fiction and
7077 Elmore Ave., RhythmCityCasino.com, refreshments and talk about plans for… nonfiction book discussion group that
Freddy Allen Christmas Concert, for Davenport IA, 10pm Fri Dec 1 Moline Public Library, 6:30pm Wed Dec 6 meets… Moline Public Library, 1pm Tue
information, call 309-373-5080… Hauberg Jan 2
Civic Center Mansion, Sat Dec 16 and Sun New Year’s Rockin’ Reunion: A Tribute Five Decembers, a discussion of James
Dec 17 to Buddy Holly & Friends, touring tribute Kestrel’s book with the Mystery Book… We Are Not Free, a discussion of Traci
artist Todd Meredith performs alongside Bettendorf Public Library, 9:30am Sat Dec Chee’s book with the See YA… Davenport
A Very Brassy Christmas w/ the Big Tristan Tapscott and Steve… Circa ’21 9 Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch,
River Brass Band, a concert of holiday Dinner Playhouse, 9:15pm Sun Dec 31 6:30pm Wed Jan 3
favorites played by brass, percussion, A Christmas Tragedy, discussion of
and… St. Paul Lutheran Church - Agatha Christie’s short story with the
Davenport, 3pm Sun Dec 17
Shorts &… Davenport Public Library -
Fairmount Street Branch, 10am Mon Dec
Gospel Sunday: Jerry Johnson & the 11
Voices of the QC - Jovonta Patton, $5- Woman Suffrage and Citizenship in the Middletown, Will Eno’s vignettes
80; for information, call 563-326-1333… Midwest, 1870-1920, a discussion of Sara What’s Mine & Yours, a discussion of exploring the universe of a small
The Redstone Room, 6pm Sun Dec 17 Egge’s book in the “2023 Iowa History… Naima Coster’s book with the West End… American… Scott Community College’s
7pm Thu Nov 30 Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Black Box Theatre, thru Sun Dec 3
Mom Rock, concert with the touring indie Street Branch, 6:30pm Tue Dec 12
rockers; $12… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sun Jan Brett’s Winter Wonderland ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, Ken
Dec 17 Tour with Prairie Lights Books, the Yellow Cab, a discussion of Benoît Ludwig’s family musical-comedy inspired
bestselling author and illustrator makes a Cohen’s book with the Get Lit… by the classic holiday poem;… Circa ’21
Polyrhythms’ Third Sunday Jazz Series: stop on her… Davenport Public Library - Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue Dec 12 Dinner Playhouse, thru Sat Dec 23
Polyrhythms Trio + 2, experience the Eastern Avenue Branch, 10am Sat Dec 2
festive holiday cheer of the Polyrhythms Mrs. Everything, a discussion of Jennifer Almost, Maine, John Cariani’s comedy of
Trio (Manuel… Unitarian Universalist Last Night at the Lobster, a discussion Weiner’s book with the Between the… eccentric, romantic vignettes, directed by
Congregation of the Quad Cities, 5pm Sun of Stewart O’Nan’s book with the Adult Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Kathy… Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 7:30pm
Dec 17 Book… LeClaire Community Library, Branch, 6:30pm Wed Dec 13 Fri Dec 1 thru Sat Dec 2
6:30pm Mon Dec 4
Michael W. Smith: Christmas, the Adult DIY: Write a Letter, adults are A Christmas Carol: The Musical, stage
contemporary-Christian singing/ The Nest Book Club, we’ll not only invited to join us to design a card… adaptation of Charles Dickens’ holiday
songwriting legend has written and take part in a storytime and activity,… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, classic;, directed by Adam… The Spotlight
recorded more than three dozen chart- Davenport Public Library - Fairmount 4pm Thu Dec 14 Theatre, Fri Dec 1 thru Sun Dec 10
topping songs, been honored with three Street Branch, 2pm Mon Dec 4
Grammy Awards and 45 Dove Awards, Book ’Em Mystery Book Group, we will A Christmas Story: The Musical, Tony-
one American Music Award, was inducted Wrong Place Wrong Time, a discussion be meeting in the Gold Room; joining us nominated stage adaptation of the 1983
into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame, and of Gilliam McAllister’s book with the virtually… Moline Public Library, 1pm Tue holiday classic, directed by… Circa ’21
has sold more than 15 million albums; $58- Alpha Book… Rock Island Public Library - Dec 19 Dinner Playhouse, Fri Dec 1 thru Sat Dec
78; for tickets, call 800-745-3000; Adler Downtown Library, 1pm Mon Dec 4 30
Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Davenport IA, Detransition, Baby, a discussion of Torrey
AdlerTheatre.com, 7pm Mon Dec 18 Pageturners, books are provided on a Peters’ book with the Read with Pride Million Dollar Quartet Christmas,
first-come, first-served basis; free; for… Book Club,… Davenport Public Library - holiday sequel to “Million Dollar Baby”
Songwriters Roundtable, join area Moline Public Library, 1pm Tue Dec 5 Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Tue Dec in which Johnny Cash,… Timber Lake
songwriters for an informal exchange of 19 Playhouse, Fri Dec 1 thru Sun Dec 10
musical ideas… Common Chord, 6pm All My Rage, a discussion of Kaitlyn Sabaa
Mon Dec 18 Tahir’s book with the See… Davenport A Holly Jolly Diwali, a discussion The Ho Ho Ho Show, holiday-themed
Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, of Sonya Lalli’s book with the Novel musical comedy with lyrics by Cheryl
Country Christmas w/ Angela Meyer 6:30pm Wed Dec 6 Naptime… Moline Public Library, 9:30am Coons, and music… The Black Box
& JD Aguilera, holiday concert with the Wed Dec 20 Theatre, Thu Dec 7 thru Sun Dec 17
beloved area singer/songwriters; with $50
gift… Raccoon Motel, 6pm Wed Dec 20 Auditions: Thrill Me: The Leopold and
Loeb Story and Jane Eyre: The Musical,
Feature Artist Nite, free; for information, auditions for “Thrill Me,” the musical by
call 563-326-1333… Zeke’s Island Cafe, Stephen Dolginoff based on… The Black
8pm Thu Dec 21 Box Theatre, 1pm Sun Dec 10
Ellis Kell’s Winter Blues Camp Concert, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer:
culminating concert with the students The Musical, family-friendly musical
who have learned the forms,… The adventure that teaches us that what
Redstone Room, 7pm Fri Dec 29 makes you different can be what makes
you special; $35-65; for tickets, call 800-
Sevendust - 10 Years - Burden of the 745-3000; Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St.,
Sky - CORE, concert with the Grammy- Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7pm Fri
nominated, Billboard-charting rockers, Dec 22
featuring sets by 10… The Rust Belt, 8pm
Sat Dec 30
NYE Celebration featuring Belladiva,
this dynamic 10-piece show band features
an accomplished ensemble of singers and Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance
musicians who cover a wide variety of Classes, offering classes in Ballet Pointe,
music from pop, R&B, rock, country, and Candlelight Holiday Special featuring The Nutcracker and More Modern, Jazz, Tap, Conditioning, Creative
disco; the buffet will be open from 3:30-
9:30pm for $34.99 per person; for tickets @ Spotlight Theatre - December 15 Continued On Page 12
CONTINUED River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.


Movement, and Adult Ballet, for ages 3 to
adult; all classes taught by the company’s 5th Annual Army vs. Navy Flag Football
professional dancers; for information and Game, attendees are advised to bring
to register, call 309-786-2677; Ballet Quad lawn chairs for seating and… Rock Island
Cities School of Dance, 1611 Fifth Ave,., Arsenal Memorial Field, 1pm Fri Dec 1
Rock Island IUL, BalletQuadCities.com,
Thu Nov 30 thru Sun Jan 7 Quad City Storm vs. Pensacola Ice
Flyers, hockey match with the Quad
Native Pride Productions, exhibition Cities’ professional minor-league team;
dance includes the Eagle dance, the Men’s for… Vibrant Arena at the MARK, 7:10pm
Grass Dance… Bettendorf Public Library, Fri Dec 8 and Sat Dec 9
1pm Tue Dec 5
Quad City Storm vs. Peoria Rivetmen,
Ballet Quad Cities’ The Nutcracker: hockey match with the Quad Cities’
Student Matinee, Ballet Quad Cities professional minor-league team; for…
invites students to join us for an Vibrant Arena at the MARK, 7:10pm Fri
educational matinée performance; Adler Dec 15
Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Davenport IA, Cara Chumbley, Mark McGinn, Ben Pisel, Bobby Becher, and Fulton Young in
AdlerTheatre.com, 10am Fri Dec 8 WWE Live Holiday Tour Supershow,
A Christmas Story: The Musical - through December 30 at Circa '21 Dinner Playhouse don’t miss World Heavyweight Champion
Native Pride Productions, exhibition Seth “Freakin” Rollins, the American…
dance includes the Eagle dance, the Men’s Clownvis, an evening with the character Bremen Town Musicians Performance Vibrant Arena at the MARK, 7:30pm Sat
Grass Dance… Galvin Fine Arts Center - St. who combines musical parody and… and Workshop, Eulenspiegel Puppets Dec 16
Ambrose University, 7pm Sat Dec 9 Raccoon Motel, 7pm Wed Dec 13 presents a new adaptation of “The
Bremen Town… German American Quad City Storm vs. Peoria Rivermen,
Ballet Quad Cities’ The Nutcracker, The Big Room, tell us your best new jokes Heritage Center, 1pm Sat Dec 16 hockey match with the Quad Cities’
a hallmark of the holiday season in the or come have a… Village Theatre, 7pm professional minor-league team; for…
Quad Cities for generations; we pull out Wed Dec 13 thru Wed Dec 27 History on Tap, this adult learning event Vibrant Arena at the MARK, 6:10pm Tue
all the stops for this dazzling full-stage serves up fascinating talks on a… Putnam Dec 26
production: a cast of 60, live music, falling Wisenheimer, long-form improvisational Museum & Science Center, 7pm Thu Dec
snow, colorful sets, and our sparkling comedy with Leslie Mitchell, Jeff De Leon, 21 Quad City Storm vs. Evansville
Sugar Plum Fairy; with music by Orchestra and Jen… The Black Box Theatre, 7:30pm Thunderbolts, hockey match with the
Iowa; Sat. 2 & 7pm, Sun. 2pm; $18-36; for Fri Dec 15 Quad Cities’ professional minor-league
information, call 309-786-3779; Adler team; for… Vibrant Arena at the MARK,
Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Davenport IA, Ed Bassmaster, at 7 & 9:30pm; Bassmaster 7:10pm Fri Dec 29 and Sat Dec 30
AdlerTheatre.com, Sat Dec 9 thru Sun is the stage name of American YouTuber
Dec 10 Edwin Rodriguez; his YouTube channel We’re Still Here: The Past & Present of
has more than 2.6 million subscribers HIV in Our Country & Community, this
Active Adult & Senior Holiday Dance, and runs comedy videos where, as documentary by The Project of the Quad
coffee and snacks begin at 4pm, with live various characters, he pranks people or Cities captures… Figge Art Museum,
classic country… Geneseo Community puts people into awkward situations; 6:30pm Thu Nov 30 Miracle at the Freight House, featuring
Center, 4pm Sun Dec 10 $30; for tickets and information, call festive original cocktails, over-the-top
563-328-8000; Rhythm City Casino Call for Entries: Cedar Rapids decorations, and… Freight House, Thu
Ballroom Dance w/ Lesson, hosted by Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Independent Film Festival, the festival Nov 30 thru Sun Dec 31
USA Dance on the third Friday of every… RhythmCityCasino.com, Davenport IA, Sat is now accepting entries statewide,
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 7pm Fri Dec 16 nationwide,… Collins Road Theatres, Thu Arrowhead Youth and Family Services
Dec 15 Nov 30 thru Sun Jan 7 Music Bingo Night, test your music
Nate Bargatze, at 4 & 7pm; an evening knowledge and win prizes; participants
Illinois Libraries Present: Virtual Royal with the Grammy-nominated comedian Socrates, a screening in the Filmosofia will be… Laborers’ Local Union 309 Hall,
Ballet Performance of The Nutcracker, and podcaster on his “The Be Funny Tour”; series, the aim of the… Rozz-Tox, 7pm 7pm Fri Dec 1
get in the spirit of the… Rock Island Public $39.75-79.75; for tickets, call 800-745-3000; Wed Dec 6
Library - Downtown Library, Sat Dec 16 Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Davenport Viva La Divas, the premier drag show in
and Sun Dec 17 IA, AdlerTheatre.com, Sat Dec 16 The Last Picture House Opening the area showcasing the best… The Circa
Celebration, celebrate the opening of ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm Fri Dec 1
Illinois Libraries Present: Virtual Royal The Nightcaps Present: Improvmania, Davenport’s boutique cinema and cocktail
Ballet Performance of The Nutcracker, four talented improvisers take to the stage lounge, an art-deco-inspired… The Last Magnificent Mansion Tour, on Fridays; a
get in the spirit of the… Silvis Public to battle it… The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm Picture House, Sat Dec 9 small-group guided tour of the mansion;
Library, Sat Dec 16 and Sun Dec 17 Sat Dec 16 learn… Hauberg Civic Center Mansion,
Her, a Film at the Figge screening of the 1pm Fri Dec 1 thru Fri Jan 5
Oscar-winning Spike… Figge Art Museum,
6:30pm Thu Dec 14 Mechanical Tour, on Fridays; learn about
the mechanicals of the Hauberg Estate,…
Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch, screening of the Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 6pm Fri
A Date Night with Donny, a night of Art from the Archives, the exhibit will animated holiday classic based on “How Dec 1 thru Fri Jan 5
comedy with Donny Townsend, the Quad showcase pieces from our… German the… Timber Lake Playhouse, 7pm Sat
Cities’… Front Street Brewery, 7pm Thu American Heritage Center, Thu Nov 30 Dec 16 Christmas in Silvis, also at the downtown
Nov 30 thru Sun Jan 7 Fire Station; first, join the library… Silvis
Movie Monday, enjoy snacks and relax Public Library, 3pm Sat Dec 2
Comedy Open Mic Night, hosted by Common Ground: Our Voice, Our with a Monday Movie screening in… Rock
Danny Franks; $5 admission; to sign up Stories, the permanent, regional-history Island Public Library - Watts-Midtown SBC Coat Drive, on Saturdays; weekly
to perform, e-mail Johnathan Condit at exhibit highlights the past,… Putnam Branch, 5:15pm Mon Dec 18 fundraiser for the SBC Outreach Music &
Johnathan.condit@rhythmcitycasino.com; Museum & Science Center, Thu Nov 30 Arts… Second Baptist Church Family Life
Rhythm City Casino Resort Rhythm Room, thru Sun Jan 7 Urban Exposure Film Night, celebrate Center, 10am Sat Dec 2 thru Sat Dec 9
7077 Elmore Ave., RhythmCityCasino.com, with student filmmakers while viewing
Davenport IA, :30pm Thu Nov 30 Klassiks for Kinder: German Toys featured films; Urban Exposure… Figge Bettendorf Public Library Chess Club,
with Joy, this exhibition celebrates and Art Museum, 5pm Tue Dec 19 an all-ages and all-skill-levels chess club;
Ryan O’Flanagan, standup comedian showcases the wide… German American free; for information, call… Bettendorf
performs in the Tomfoolery on Tremont Heritage Center, Thu Nov 30 thru Sun The Shop Around the Corner, screening Public Library, 1:30pm Sat Dec 2 thru Sat
series; $20… Renwick Mansion, 7pm Fri Jan 7 of the Jimmy Stewart/Margaret Sullivan Dec 30
Dec 1 romantic comedy that inspired… Rozz-
Tails from Tales: Storybook Beasts, this Tox, 7pm Fri Dec 22 19th Century Christmas, activities are
ComedySportz Quad Cities, on Fridays enchanting exhibit features real animals located at both Butterworth Center and
and Saturdays; the return of the Quad from… Putnam Museum & Science Center, Anime Movie Fest, Anime Movie Fest at Deere-Wiman… Butterworth Center,
Cities’… The Spotlight Theatre, 7pm Fri Thu Nov 30 thru Sun Jan 7 kicks off with a mysterious castle, a… Rock noon Sun Dec 3
Dec 1 thru Sat Jan 6 Island Public Library - Watts-Midtown
Christkindlmarkt Holiday Craft Fair, Branch, 5:30pm Thu Dec 28 Winter in Bloom, annual holiday event
GIT Improv, the improv team began in local vendors will gather at the GAHC&M featuring carriage rides from noon-4pm,
Rock Island in 1997 and… The Black Box just in time… German American Heritage Family Sing-Along Movie Night, for a visit… Hauberg Civic Center Mansion,
Theatre, 7:30pm Sat Dec 2 Center, 10am Sat Dec 9 information on which movie we will be 10am Sun Dec 3
showing please… Silvis Public Library,
The Nightcaps Present: Shots & Polar Express Pajama Party, children of 4:30pm Thu Dec 28 Spice Up Your Life, try a new spice, which
Giggles, improv comedy and drinking all ages can take part… Putnam Museum will be provided to you;… Davenport
crash together into one hilarious & Science Center, Thu Dec 14 thru Sun Anime Movie Fest, our 10am showing Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
evening… The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm Dec 17 is by one of Japan’s most famous… Rock 2pm Tue Dec 5
Sat Dec 2 Island Public Library - Watts-Midtown
Branch, 10am Fri Dec 29
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 13
Warmup Wednesday, on Wednesdays;
come in to Main Street for a
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 11:30am
complimentary… Davenport Public
Library - Main Branch, 3pm Wed Dec 6
thru Wed Jan 3
Scott County Iowa Genealogical
Society: Solving a Brick Wall with DNA
– A Case Study, offered through Legacy
Humphrey Hill, Lennox, & Williams
Maneater Live, an evening with the stars Family Tree Webinars, this presentation is Through Tuesday, January 2
of Netflix’s non-fiction outdoors hunting presented by… Davenport Public Library -
television series;… Capitol Theatre, 8pm Main Branch, 1pm Sat Dec 2 Quad City International Airport Gallery, 2200 69th Avenue, Moline IL
Sat Dec 9
Introduction to the Illinois Long-
The Last Picture House Opening Term Care Ombudsman Program, an
Celebration, celebrate the opening of introductory presentation about the
Davenport’s boutique cinema and cocktail Illinois Long-Term Care Ombudsman
lounge, an art-deco-inspired… The Last Program;… Rock Island Public Library -
Picture House, Sat Dec 9 Southwest Branch, 3pm Mon Dec 4
Season of Light Planetarium Show, Learn How to Use Mango Languages,
thru Dec. 15; the annual event tells the to celebrate Learn a Foreign Language
story of how… John Deere Planetarium Month, join us for… Davenport Public
- Augustana College, Sat Dec 9 thru Fri Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm
Dec 15 Mon Dec 4
Bunco with Friends of River Valley Drop-in Computer Skills & Job
District Library, have some fun playing Search Assistance w/ Goodwill of the
Bunco; for information, call 309-523- Heartland, on Tuesdays; if you’re looking
3440… River Valley District Library, 1pm for assistance with computer skills… Rock
Wed Dec 13 Island Public Library - Downtown Library,
4pm Tue Dec 5 thru Tue Dec 19
Cirque Dreams Holidaze, this annual
tradition wraps a Broadway-style Illinois Libraries Present: Surviving the
production around an infusion of Holidays with Lori Gottlieb, Gottlieb is
contemporary circus arts; for tickets, call a psychotherapist and New York Times
800-745-3000; Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third bestselling author… Rock Island Public
St., Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, Library - Downtown Library, 7pm Wed
:30pm Wed Dec 13 Dec 6
120th Birthday Party of the Downtown Illinois Libraries Present: Surviving the
Building, join us for cookies, coffee, and Holidays with Lori Gottlieb, Gottlieb is
memories in celebration; free;… Rock a psychotherapist and New York Times
Island Public Library - Downtown Library, bestselling author… Silvis Public Library,
2pm Fri Dec 15 7pm Wed Dec 6
Manscape Burlesque, enjoy a night of Community Connections – Quad Cities
strip tease, comedy, and the men… The Beer: A History, join authors Michael
Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm Fri Dec 15 McCarty and Kristin DeMarr as they
celebrate… Bettendorf Public Library,
Bingo, bring your family and friends for 1:30pm Fri Dec 8
an hour of bingo… Davenport Public
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 4pm Sat What the Caregiver Needs to Care for
Dec 16 Creation, led by Fr. Mike Schaab; you
are not alone in… Our Lady of the Prairie
Bettendorf Public Library Chess Club, Retreat, 5pm Fri Dec 8
an all-ages and all-skill-levels chess club;
free; for information, call… Bettendorf The Created Tension: Advent Retreat,
Public Library, 1:30pm Sat Dec 16 led by Dr. Ken Novak; learn how to hold
the… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 9am
Cheryl Lennon's Death of the Bee

Death Cafe, people, often strangers, Sun Dec 10
gather to eat treats, drink coffee, and…
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Historic Architecture: Old Friends Are orks by three gifted Midwest- coupled with an advocacy for sustain-
Branch, 5:30pm Wed Dec 20 Worth Keeping, the focus of this video is ern artists who employ tradi- able practices, shines through Lennox’s
the emphasis of why… Rock Island Public tional homemaking skills such as meticulous layering of fabrics, stitching, and
Formal Wear Dropoff, donate clean Library - Downtown Library, 2pm Tue Dec
and gently used formal wear to the 12 sewing, knitting, and embellishing to create natural dyes, inviting viewers to contemplate
Davenport… Davenport Public Library - higher artforms are on display at the Quad urgent global issues such as climate change
Eastern Avenue Branch, 9am Fri Dec 22 Biblical Reflection for Spiritual
Enrichment, led by Rev. Prof. Matthew J. City International Airport Gallery through and fast fashion.
Formal Wear Dropoff, donate clean M. Coomber, Ph.D; for… Our Lady of the January 2, with the gallery’s latest collection Michelle Williams is a mixed-media fiber
and gently used formal wear to the Prairie Retreat, 10am Sat Dec 16
Davenport… Davenport Public Library - boasting knitted portraits by Faith Hum- artist currently exploring beaded sculpture,
Fairmount Street Branch, 9am Sat Dec 30 Pathways to the Divine, explore the core phrey Hill, art quilts by Cheryl Lennox, and and her art is a continuous internal explora-
and depth of one of the world’s… Our beaded sculpture by Michelle Williams. tion, using glass beads’ reflective nature and
Bettendorf Public Library Chess Club, Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 6pm Mon Dec
an all-ages and all-skill-levels chess club; 18 Faith Humphrey Hill presents an optimis- historical significance. She employs beading
free; for information, call… Bettendorf tic view of technology’s impact on human as a medium, recognizing its unhurried pro-
Public Library, 1:30pm Sat Dec 30 Centennial 2024 Sneak Peek: Find Out
What’s Coming Up for the Library’s identity and relationships through her cess as an avenue for introspection, enabling
NYE 2024: Prom through the Decades, 100-year Celebration, the Silvis Public knitted portraits of strangers. In her work, her to delve into the intricate layers of
with dinner from Zeke’s Island Cafe, a Library’s Centennial Celebration 2024 is
limited open bar,… Renwick Mansion, almost here,… Silvis Public Library, 6pm she finds the commonalities between all of human experience. Williams’ sculptures are
8pm Sun Dec 31 Mon Dec 18 humanity. Humphrey Hill employs knit- intricately layered and often feature quartz
Nature and Forest Therapy with the ting, a form of binary code, to symbolize our crystals, infusing them with a compelling
Winter Solstice, join us to honor the interconnectedness through its continuous
LECTURES Solstice and experience the practice…
Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 5pm Thu fiber flow, utilizing both new and modi-
energy. Along with those of Humphrey Hill
and Lennox, Williams’ pieces contain mes-
Common Ground: Our Voice, Our Dec 21 fied machines. Her artwork bridges the gap sages about our connectedness to each other,
Stories, we’ll take a peek inside of between the organic and inorganic, reveal- the earth, and our history.
Putnam’s new regional history… Deepening Our Relationship with
Bettendorf Public Library, 1:30pm Thu God and Others Through Our Stories, ing a profound reflection of the modern The Quad City Arts International Airport
Nov 30 Fridays thru Jan. 26; led by Diane M. Millis; human experience. Gallery is located opposite the airport’s
discover… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat,
God Does Extraordinary Things 11am Fri Jan 5 Cheryl Lennox, an artist with a profound gift shop and restaurant, there is a $1 fee
Through Ordinary People, led by Sr. dedication to environmental consciousness, for parking, and more information on the
Lillian Stevens; listen to people who presents her Addressing the Earth series – a Humphrey Hill, Lennox, & Williams exhibit
have… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat,
6pm Thu Nov 30 collection of repurposed clothing delicately on display through January 2 is available by
integrated into quilted backgrounds. Her calling (309)793-1213 and visiting
German Winter Holiday Traditions, join
our friends from the German American passion for traditional sewing techniques, QuadCityArts.com.
Heritage Center on… Davenport Public Continued On Page 14
14 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.

VISUAL ARTS MEETINGS Davenport City Council Meeting, the

Davenport City Council meets on the first
and third… Davenport City Hall, 5:30pm
Peter Xiao: A Room That One Is In Quad Cities Social Action Committee,
for information, e-mail e-fellowship@
Wed Dec 13 and Wed Dec 27
Library Board of Trustees Meeting,
(And All Things In It)
hotmail.com; help protest unfair
treatment of the elderly… Sippi’s Fine free; for information, call 563-344-4175…
Food and Cocktails, 12:30pm Fri Dec 1 Bettendorf Public Library, 5pm Thu Dec
Saturday, December 9, through Sunday, April 7 Bettendorf City Council Committee of
Figge Art Museum, 225 West Second Street, Davenport IA the Whole Meeting, recorded meetings Moline Public Library Board of Trustees
can be seen at Bettendorf.org or City’s Meeting, agendas are available prior to
Cable… Bettendorf City Hall, 5pm Mon the meetings; minutes are available…
Dec 4 and Mon Dec 18 Moline Public Library, noon Thu Dec 14
East Moline City Council Regular Rock Island County Board Regular
Meeting / Committee of the Whole Meeting, all meetings are open to the
Meeting, meets on the 1st and 3rd public, but may be… Rock Island County
Monday of every month;… East Moline Office Building, 5:30pm Tue Dec 19
Council Chambers at City Hall, 6:30pm
Mon Dec 4 and Mon Dec 18 Rock Island Public Library Board
of Trustees Meeting, agendas and
Bend of the River Quad Cities Pilot minutes are posted on our website in
Club, on the 1st Tue. of the month; Pilot accordance… Rock Island Public Library -
International transforms… Hickory Downtown Library, 5pm Tue Dec 19
Gardens Family Restaurant, Tue Dec 5
Coal Valley City Council Meeting, held
Midwest Corvettes Club Monthly on the first and third Wednesdays of each
Meeting, join us to discuss Corvettes, month;… Coal Valley Village Hall, 6pm
friends, and community … Eriksen Wed Dec 20
Chevrolet - Milan, 6:30pm Tue Dec 5
Bend of the River Quad Cities Pilot
Bettendorf City Council Meeting, Club, on the 1st Tue. of the month; Pilot
recorded meetings can be seen at International transforms… Hickory
Bettendorf.org or City’s Cable… Gardens Family Restaurant, Tue Jan 2
Bettendorf City Hall, 7pm Tue Dec 5 and
Tue Dec 19
Scott County Board of Supervisors
Committee of the Whole Meeting, the
board will review legislative actions, Winter Wellness Event, geared toward
administrative items, and contracts; for… aiding individuals encountering housing
Scott County Administrative Center, 8pm challenges by providing crucial services…
Tue Dec 5 and Tue Dec 19 Davenport Public Library - Main Branch,
9:30am Mon Dec 4
Silvis City Council Meeting, held on the
1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month;… Silvis Yoga, on Tuesdays; for all levels of
Peter Xiao's Carry (Hexagon), 2023. Acrylic on canvas. City Hall, 6:30pm Tue Dec 5 and Tue Dec experience; the instructor has… River
19 Valley District Library, 5:30pm Tue Dec 5

thru Tue Dec 26
beloved, longtime Augustana the differences between how we see the Coal Valley City Hall Meeting, held on
College Professor of Art and the world with our eyes and experience it with the first and third Wednesdays of each Quad Cities Eating Disorders Support
college’s Paul A. Anderson Chair in month;… Coal Valley Village Hall, 6pm Group, on Wednesdays; for people with
our bodies. Wed Dec 6 eating disorders and their family… Trinity
the Arts who is also a gifted, prolific artist in Born in Beijing, Peter Tong Xiao grew up Enrichment Center, 6pm Wed Dec 6 thru
his own right, Peter T. Xiao enjoys his first during China’s Cultural Revolution. The Davenport City Council Committee of Wed Dec 27
the Whole Meeting, the Davenport City
solo exhibition at the Figge Art Museum in year Chairman Mao died, Xiao was farm- Council meets on the first and third… Why Do I Hurt and What Can I Do About
the venue’s A Room That One Is In (And All ing on a People’s Commune outside the Davenport City Hall, 5:30pm Wed Dec 6 It?, in our Health & Wellness series, Holly
and Wed Dec 20 Wilkinson, PT, MPT, OCS,… Silvis Public
Things In It), an installation of recent paint- capital and narrowly escaped injury when Library, 10am Fri Dec 8
ings on display from December 9 through the stone wall tumbled onto his mud-baked Scott County Board of Supervisors
April 7. Regular Meeting, activities may include Cultivating Mindfulness, with instructor
bed during the Tangshan earthquake. A voting on actions and conducting public Becky Nakashima Brooke; join us to
A student of art and art history, Xiao year later, he passed a national exam to hearings;… Scott County Administrative cultivate mindfulness… Figge Art
blends and bends Renaissance concepts enter the Beijing Normal University to study Center, 5pm Thu Dec 7 and Thu Dec 21 Museum, 5:30pm Sun Dec 17
of perspective and color and our evolving English. In his junior year, following his Quad Cities Mississippi Valley Ski and Parkinson’s Support Group, Augustana
understanding of how we see the world father’s participation in University of Iowa’s Social Club (QCMVSC) Meeting, on College’s Department of Communication
the second Monday of the month; most Sciences and Disorders invites the…
around us. Through his paintings, he International Writers’ Program as the first meetings include… Ross’ Restaurant, 7pm Betsey Brodahl Building, Augustana
encourages us to explore the link between Chinese writer, Xiao transferred to Coe Mon Dec 11 College, 2:30pm Tue Dec 19
art and the world we inhabit. With his studio College in Cedar Rapids, where the man Rock Island City Council Meeting, Public
as inspiration, Xiao synthesizes the space formerly referred to as “Tong” first began Comment is held at the beginning of City
which he inhabits onto painted views of Council… Rock Island City Hall, 6:45pm
going by “Peter,” a name given by his English Mon Dec 11
multi-panel intersecting planes of canvas “godmother” Tina Bailey. After completing Scott & Rock Island Counties
which wrap around corners and bend up a BA in fine arts and English at Coe, Xiao Moline City Council Committee of the
Whole Meeting / Regular Meeting, Bob Gaston New Horizons Band
to the ceiling. Including more than 15 new went on to Temple University for his MFA in meets in Council Chambers; the formal Practice, on Thursdays; membership is
large scale paintings, the Figge’s first-floor painting, was employed by the Philadelphia City Council meeting is… Moline City Hall, $160 a year or $15 every month;… CASI
6pm Tue Dec 12 and Tue Dec 26 (Center for Active Seniors), 12:30pm thru
Gildehaus Gallery will be awash in a swirl Museum of Art, taught art part-time, and Thu Dec 28
of color and forms, providing viewers with exhibited in Philadelphia, New York, and at Riverdale City Council Meeting, held on
visual insight into his creative practice. the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month;… Card Embroidery, on Thursdays; learn
Chicago’s Art Expo. Riverdale City Hall, 7pm Tue Dec 12 and how to create fun embroidery greeting
Xiao describes his installation of paintings Peter Xiao: A Room That One Is In (And Tue Dec 26 cards; membership… CASI (Center for
by saying, “From walls and things that wrap All Things In It) will be on display from Active Seniors), 9am thru Thu Dec 28
Historical Society Meeting, meeting
around me, I explore modernist approaches December 9 through April 7, with regular upstairs, all welcome; free; for Hand and Foot, on Thursdays;
to the picture plane.” His floor painting Rise museum hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays information, call 309-523-3440… River membership is $160 a year or $15 every
Valley District Library, 7pm Wed Dec 13 month;… CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
Ye Point, Line and Plane explores the idea of through Saturdays (10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on 1pm thru Thu Dec 28
a chair (absent the sitter) and its dimensional Thursdays) and noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays. Rock Island Committee of the Whole
Meeting, held on the 2nd Wednesday Line Dancing, on Thursdays; membership
“lift” through the viewer’s associations Museum admission is $4-10, and more of the month (subject to… Rock Island is $160 a year or $15 every… CASI (Center
with the chair’s purpose. Xiao’s innovative information is available by calling (563)326- County Office Building, 5:30pm Wed Dec for Active Seniors), 10am thru Thu Dec 28
approach, a “walk-around playground” as 13
7804 and visiting FiggeArtMuseum.org.
he describes it, helps us to better understand Continued On Page 23
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COVER STORY By Mike Schulz

Picture This!
Scott Beck and Bryan Woods Bring the Communal Film
Experience to Davenport with the Last Picture House

s a dyed-in-the-wool cinephile, I Glausi, and Scott’s wife Christy Beck. The
love going to Iowa City’s downtown filmmaking duo also shared information
FilmScene venues. I truly do. For just and recollections as we covered both Last
over a decade, FilmScene has been the only Picture House floors and its rooftop. Their
option within reasonable driving distance for conversation has been edited and condensed
acclaimed independent and foreign works, to for clarity.
say nothing of older specialty and repertory
titles, that tend to not show up in the Quad The Concept
Cities, and nearly film for film, your fellow Like many locals who craved a haven for
patrons want to enjoy the communal nature fellow film fans, Beck and Woods spent much Provided rendering pre-construction.
of moviegoing alongside others who also of the early-to-mid-2000s at Rock Island’s
two Brew & View venues founded by Devin late-night horror and grindhouse-type flicks. Cities – which really only has Cinemark and
relish that increasingly uncommon experi- We’re trying to paint with all the colors in
Hansen. By 2006, however, both venues had the multiplex experience now, which is miles
ence. (On several occasions, I’ve enjoyed
closed, and the area was without an establish- our canvas to really make sure that it hits this away from what we’re trying to do in this
post-screening conversations about whatever
ment that housed specialty titles and screen- degree of cinema that we loved living in L.A. space.
we just watched with people I’d never before
ings of older movies until 2013. And even then, for the longest time. We loved the Brew & It’s been a learning curve, but an exciting
met.) Even when I don’t like, or downright
that venue – Iowa City’s FilmScene – was View, and all the programming that Devin one for us, because we only know how to
loathe, a FilmScene offering, I’m always
nearly an hour’s drive from the Quad Cities. Hansen did there hit us like … . How old were make movies. To exhibit movies is a totally
happy to make the trip. I also wish the trip
Scott Beck: We were interested in having we at the time? different experience.
didn’t require a two-hour commute.
the social aspect of cinema come back. And Bryan Woods: It must have been high
Enter Scott Beck and Bryan Woods,
so when we were originally coming up with school.
the acclaimed filmmakers and Bettendorf
Scott: Yeah, high school, college. The Lobby and
natives whose new two-screen theater the the idea for the Last Picture House, it was like,
Last Picture House (located at 325 East how do we make cinema-going a non-trans- Bryan: I remember seeing a midnight Concession/Lounge Area
actional experience? Meaning, you’re not just screening of Fight Club there. And in the With the Davenport venue located on the
Second Street in downtown Davenport)
going in to see a movie, buying your conces- lobby, they’d have, like, Evil Dead 2 playing corner of Iowa Street and East Second Street
is currently presenting a soft launch, and
sions, and getting out: How do we make it an on their TV set. It was just a movie lover’s and named after director Peter Bogdanovich’s
will enjoy its grand-opening celebration on
experience that feels communal? We wanted place to go, and it’s been sorely missed. Oscar-winning 1971 debut The Last Picture
Friday, December 9. Thirty-nine-year-old
to do something that harkened back to Scott: As far as we know, we’re only the Show, the Last Picture House boasts a sizable,
best friends whose area production com-
growing up here in the Quad Cities – seeing third quote-unquote “art-house cinema” in inviting lobby featuring a curved bar and con-
pany Bluebox Limited released a number of
a movie with our friends on a Friday night Iowa, behind FilmScene in Iowa City and cessions area, as well as an array of comfort-
wonderful indies and landed its co-founders a
and being able to really engage in a conversa- The Varsity [Cinema] in Des Moines that just able seating options. Soon, it will also feature a
development deal with MTV Films, Beck and
tion about what we just saw. And do that in a opened up. They’ve been incredible partners. wide variety of movie-themed artifacts ranging
Woods – who, alongside their spouses, share
setting hat has an artistic bent to it and caters [Executive director and co-founder] Andrew from props to posters to a lighting fixture that
residencies in Iowa and Los Angeles – boast
toward people of all ages. Sherburne and his team at FilmScene been might require its own two hours to adequately
a writing/directing filmography that includes
Our programming is certainly geared a great resource. It’s been almost four years appreciate.
the 2015 freakout Nightlight, 2019’s horror
toward that. We’ll show first-run movies, now that we’ve been in the process of making Bryan: When this [entryway] is finished,
outing Haunt, and this past spring’s science-
but also have repertory screenings and cult this happen, and they’ve been incredible part- there’ll be this really cool shadow-box facade
fiction thriller 65 starring Adam Driver. As
movies and classics and family films and ners in figuring out what’s working, what’s that’ll be holding a bunch of different movie
screenwriters, they also delivered (with Mark
not working, and how we do this in the Quad props – stuff that we’ve accrued over the
Heyman) a hit Stephen King adaptation in
this summer’s The Boogeyman, as well as years. Like, we’ve got the nail-floorboard step
(with John Krasinski) an unassuming little from A Quiet Place, which is from our own
aliens-invade trifle in 2018’s The Quiet Place, collection. But we’ll also have all kinds of
which netted $341 million against a $17 mil- movie props from crew members and stuff
lion budget, led to two sequels (the second that people are loaning us. That’ll be every-
one arriving in 2024), and scored Beck and where in the theater, not just here. But this
Woods a nomination for a Writers Guild of will be a feature of the entrance.
America Award. Scott: One of our favorite films growing
Clearly, these deservedly lauded home- up that was instrumental was [M. Night]
grown talents are In Demand, which makes it Shymalan’s Unbreakable. It was a movie that
all the more impressive and special that they wasn’t very well-regarded at the time, but now
would dedicate time, money, and resources it’s accrued this cult-classic status. So we have
to giving the Quad Cities what we’ve sorely this Unbreakable clapper-board slate that’s
lacked: a beautiful, conveniently located signed by Shymalan, Bruce Willis, Robin
establishment devoted to the collective mov- Wright, Sam Jackson, the DP … . So we’ll
iegoing experience that will provide, as Beck have things like that. These neat, one-of-a-
and Woods insist, something for everyone, kind pieces we’re going to have displayed on
and on a weekly basis. a rotating basis, and we’ll hopefully comple-
On November 19, River Cities’ Reader ment the Figge somehow and find a way to do
publisher Todd McGreevy and I were kindly exhibitions here and also there.
granted a tour of the new venue that came On the wall, we’ll have a big, illuminated
into being with the aid of Beck’s and Woods’
partners Pete Stopulos, Jens Baker, Julia Continued On Page 16
16 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.

Jane Seberg Theatre with 48 seats. (l to r) Ryan Woods, Mike Schulz, Scott Beck. Donna Reed Theatre with 150 seats.
Last Picture House sign. We’ll have our The Auditoriums which we have in both auditoriums. here was the sound designer Mac Smith. He’s
marquee outside. And one of the pieces we’re Roughly 200 patrons can find seating We’ll be rotating movies in and out, worked at Skywalker Sound for over two
really excited about should be here by the end between the Last Picture House’s two audi- whether it’s repertory films or some of our decades.
of the year: We’ll have a 10-foot chandelier toriums – each named after an Iowa-native first-runs, depending on what we’re screen- Bryan: We met him when we were teenag-
hanging from the ceiling, and it’ll be made film star – at any given time, the theaters ing. Independent film is definitely a focus – ers. We were P.A.s on this movie that was shot
up of more than 100 individual pieces of glass themselves showcasing state-of-the-art sound getting films that don’t typically screen in the in the area called Iowa Boys, and that was the
that look like script pages. Bryan and I picked and projection systems along with wide, high- Quad Cities. I remember when Parasite came first kind of big movie Scott and I worked
out our favorite pages from our favorite backed seats. In the case of Studio One, there out in 2019 and I was trying to find a place to on, and we met Mac. He’s done some of our
scripts and they’ll be imprinted on the glass. are front-row reclining chairs and balcony see it here and it wasn’t at the Cinemark, and movies and has always impressed on us the
So you can look at the chandelier and look seating, with the black-and-deep-red color I’m like, “God, that’s so frustrating!” I had to importance of sound.
for, like, a page from The Godfather, or Paddy scheme and pleated wall designs arresting even drive either to Iowa City or Chicago to see it. Scott: Mac worked with us on 65 and
Chayefsky’s Network. Our interior designer when nothing is showing on-screen. And Studio One is our larger theater. The Haunt, and he’s a great Midwest guy – he’s
showed us this idea, and we just ran with it. Scott: Studio Two is the smaller of our two namesake for this one is Donna Reed, because from Nebraska. When we were figuring out
We have a full concession stand, and a full theaters. It seats, I think, 48, and we’re calling she had mainstream success and was also how to do the sound, we knew we wanted
cocktail lounge where we can host events. The this the Jean Seberg Theater, after the actress an Iowa actor, and the capacity is about 150 the best sound possible, because that’s as
lounge will be open even if you’re not seeing a from Iowa. Her career always had a slight between the main floor and the balcony. important as picture, if not more so. He was
movie, as a place to just hang out if you want bent toward independent cinema – so with Bryan: It’s outfitted with Dolby Atmos, like, “You have to go with Dolby Atmos.” And
to grab a drink. And we have these posters the smaller, more intimate space, we thought which the Cinemark doesn’t have – it’s like walking in here today – because we’ve been
that will start to get hung up this week. Bryan she would be a nice namesake. It’s outfit- the best sound in the area. Sound is so impor- gone for the last three months – I can’t even
and I have accumulated this collection of ted with 7.1 audio gear and laser projection, tant to us. It sounds phenomenal in here. count how many speakers are in here. But it
vintage posters … . Scott: One of our early industry contacts sounds incredible.
Bryan: They’re all originals. Our whole thing was: How big a picture
Scott: We have The Birds. All That Heaven Donna Reed Theatre projector booth with one digital and two 35mm projectors. can we fit into this space? I think it was built
Allows from the late-’50s. Alfred Hitchcock’s around 1895, and it was like this boiler-
Rear Window. Wizard of Oz. Field of Dreams manufacturing sales place, and then marine
– we absolutely had to have that one. And sales and auto sales throughout the years. So
then we’ve got The King of Comedy – one of our question was always: How do you fit the
our favorite Martin Scorsese movies. So like biggest picture possible in here? This screen
with the props, this’ll be a rotating exhibit. As is, I think, about 40 feet wide. And somewhat
we acquire more, this place kind of becomes selfishly, I think, for Bryan and I, we love
the home for them. being immersed in a movie. So we were just
Bryan: We’re trying to get them from like, “Let’s go big.”
different countries, too. We’ve got Japanese Bryan: You’re always disappointed when
posters, French posters, Polish posters … . the screen doesn’t go wall to wall. It does in
Scott: I don’t know if you’re familiar with IMAX theaters, and I’m like, “Why is that
Polish movie posters, but they’re the most only in IMAX theaters? Can’t you go wall-to-
off-the-wall designs. Like if it’s Robocop, it’s wall in any theater?”
not going to look like a metallic cop in a suit. Scott: We joke that the first row is “the
It’s going to look like the strangest piece of art immersive row.” Because you’re close up, but
where you have to cock your head and you’re the seats recline, so you can sit back and kind
not sure what you’re looking at – but it’s of take in the whole screen. It’s probably not
beautiful. We have a Polish poster of The Last for everybody … .
Picture Show, which is kind of our namesake, Bryan: We wanted to avoid the recliner
that we’ll be putting up pretty soon. seats everywhere else because, for us, reclin-
ers are a little too close to being in your
own home. We love the kind of old-school
seats where you’re sitting together and it’s a
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community experience, you know what I’m
saying? We like feeling the audience as part
of us.
Again, it might not be for everybody. But
when I go to the Cinemark, which is a theater
I love and go to all the time, they have these
recliners and these, like, privacy walls. And
for us, we want to be with the audience. I don’t
want to feel like I’m in my own little bubble.
I can do that at home. So a big part of this is
trying to bring that experience back, because
it just doesn’t seem to exist anymore.
Scott: There were two things we had in
mind for the [auditorium’s] color scheme.
One, there’s something just classic about red
tied with cinema history. But we also didn’t
necessarily want to have all-red seats and
make it feel like an old AMC or something The Last Picture House at 325 E 2nd Street in downtown Davenport, Iowa during construction in summer 2023 and nearly completed during soft opening in November 2023.
where you could see popcorn stains.
We were also combining that with … Well,
any time we’re in a facility to finish a film, like
a coloring facility where you’re tweaking the
final color, those are like black-box theaters,
because you need to pay all your attention to
the screen and have no visual distractions. No
light leaking on the screen. So we wanted to
find a balance between those two things, and
our designers at Paradigm [Design] in Grand
Rapids [Michigan] took those ideas and ran
with them. They found what we felt was a
really interesting blend of art deco meets
modern – clashing those two things together
and finding ways to accent them. And we
definitely wanted to find a way to incorporate
a balcony. We just love the old-school nature
of balcony seating, and I think 40-some seats
are up there. We also have our digital projec-
tor in the middle and then two 35-millimeter we drove past this building, and at the time, I knew (Daytrotter and Raccoon Motel him, and he was like, “Hey, next time you’re
projection systems on both sides. I think the City of Davenport was storing entrepreneur) Sean Moeller a little bit, and back in Iowa, meet me at this address. I want
We also wanted to have a little bit of golf carts in it or something. We thought when we sat down for the first time in person, to talk to you about something.” He intro-
pop with the pleated pattern on the walls. it was such a cool building. It had the little I was telling him, “Yeah, it would be great to duced Bryan and myself to Pete and Jens,
Throughout the design process, which we roof covering, and we were like, “That would figure out how to have an art-house movie and was like, “Pete and Jens just bought this
really took the time on, there were versions make a great outdoor-bar space!” We thought theater here [in Davenport].” He filed that building, and they’re interested in hearing the
where it was just normal patterns. But we about it a few times, but never really actively away in his brain, and I think it was a few idea that you have to turn this into a movie
wanted to make this feel like a unique place pursued it. months later that Bryan and I got a call from theater.” And so it was just this great Quad
unto its own – that you haven’t quite been Cities connection and it steamrolled from
to this place. As time goes on, our goal is to Interior demolition at beginning of construction phase where the two theaters will be built. there.
bring back special guests and filmmakers that Of course, we then went through COVID,
have their own acclaim, and try to make a and there was that moment of “Are people
space that feels like a destination as much as going to go back to theaters? Can we safely
we can. Part of that is community, part of that return?” So it kind of went on pause for a
is what we’re screening here. But part of it is moment. But then it was, I think, early 2022
also trying to do educational outreach, and that things started getting in motion again.
just find a way to blend all of these goals we And Pete’s grandfather Jim Stopulus used to
have under one roof. We want to make it feel run movie theaters here in the Quad Cities.
really special. It’s in his blood. So it was this wonderful
confluence of interest and opportunity.
Our general manager Jameson is a projec-
The Building and Staff tionist, as well. He also worked the Sundance
A series of happy accidents and fortuitously Film Festival, and was a GM at a movie the-
timed meetings led to Beck’s and Woods’ ater in Telluride [Colorado]. We were lucky.
discovery of their new venue’s site, which led, He’s a fantastic guy. When we were looking
in turn, to the Last Picture House finding a at applications, there was always the question
uniquely qualified film fan to serve as general of “Is there anybody in the Quad Cities that’s
manager. gonna do this? Are there people from out-
Scott: It was kind of a crazy coincidence side?” And we actually ended up having a lot
how we found this place. My wife Christy is a of interest from people outside the state. We
partner in this, and we were driving around ended up flying Jameson here this summer
downtown – this was back in early 2019 – and and walked him through the space and our
just had this idea: Wouldn’t it be so cool to
have a unique cinema in the Quad Cities? So Continued On Page 18
18 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.

vision, and then he walked us through his the magic spot for us. That’s what we’re used
vision for it. He’s a huge cinephile and there to.
was an immediate kinship there. But he also Bryan: We basically made a list of all the
knows the nuts and bolts of filmmaking from movies with “Last” in their title, and then
working at the Sundance and Telluride Film Scott and I picked a few that we were some-
Festivals, and was able to facilitate all those what passionate about, and Jameson picked a
different hats that someone needs to wear for lot of them, as well.
this job. Because it does have a lot of different Scott: Jameson’s tastes felt like a perfect
components to it other than making sure the way to triangulate what Bryan and I love
movies run on time. and what Jameson loves. There’s crossover,
So right now, we have two full-time there’s some overlap, and then there are some
employees, and a third as full-time from a outside-the-box ideas. For us, with The Last
bar-management standpoint. We have the Picture Show being one of our favorite films of
GM Jameson, we have our assistant manager all time and the theater’s namesake, we knew
Carlie Allison, and we have our bar manager that had to be the first film we screened. And
Alexa Parkin. Then we’ll have a handful of then The Last Detail. I love that Hal Ashby
concessions and usher staff, and that’ll grow film.
and flux with the seasons. In the summer sea- Bryan: We did a movie with Adam
sonal months, we’re hoping that the rooftop Driver (65), and The Last Duel is the Ridley
will be a big draw for people to come out, so Scott movie that Adam Driver was in, and
I’m sure our staff will get bigger at that point. not many people saw it. It’s funnier than
Rooftop theatre nearly completed, overlooking Arsenal Bridge and Mississippi River. you expect, and it’s a spectacle – it felt like
something more people should see on the big
The Rooftop Scott: Our idea is that you can come up (also open to the public), with The Hunger
It’ll likely be springtime when Last Picture here to have a beer even if we’re not screening Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes in
Scott: And Last Action Hero … . In the
House patrons can finally enjoy its benefits. anything. But when we do have films up here, the Donna Reed theater and a themed series
summer of ‘93, the year Jurassic Park came
But the rooftop boasts a reasonably expansive it’ll be older movies that we’re screening off of past Last titles in the Jean Seberg. They
out, there was only one movie I wanted to see,
viewing area where films will be shown against Blu-rays and such that we licensed from the include The Last Black Man in San Francisco,
and it wasn’t Jurassic Park. It was Last Action
a screen mounted on a brick wall, drinks can studios. We really want to make it a casual The Last Dragon, The Last Supper, Indiana
be consumed, guests can commune around a environment. As far as we’re concerned, we’ve Jones & the Last Crusade … and a particular
Bryan: He’s the only person I’ve ever met
fire pit, and movie lovers can appreciate one of got so many plans, and I’m sure we’re not Arnold Schwarzenegger action vehicle from 30
in my life who was more excited about Last
the Quad Cities’ best views of the Mississippi gonna get ‘em all accomplished in the first years ago that, for Beck at least, held far more
Action Hero than Jurassic Park.
River and beyond. year. But we’ll start off introducing the place sway than an eventual Spielberg blockbuster.
Scott: So my mom took me to the movie
Scott: We have our screen that retracts to the Quad Cities, and then, as time goes on, They’re all part of Beck’s and Woods’ promise
theater and I thought I was going to see Last
and our speaker system and our bar set-up. get experimental with some of the program- to deliver something for everyone.
Action Hero, and then she tells me, “We’re
We’ll have a fire pit. And then the views of the ming. Scott: We’re doing a really soft opening.
going to see Jurassic Park!” And I’m like,
Mississippi River and the Arsenal Bridge we For everybody that’s coming to work here at
“What the hell is that?! What does the word
were really excited by. So we’ll open this up the theater, it’s a new environment, and so
The Soft Launch and ‘Jurassic’ even mean?!” So I went to the
contingent on the weather – but probably, at we’re just trying to figure out how everything
theater and saw that and my mind was blown.
the earliest, it’ll be maybe April of next year. the Big Picture comes together. But for Bryan and myself, it
And then I finally got to see Last Action Hero,
Unless we have a really mild winter. There are Although the Last Picture House’s grand reminds us so much of making a movie. You
but I never saw it on the big screen – until this
so many different ideas we have because it’s a opening is scheduled for Friday, December get a whole bunch of people together, and by
coming week.
flexible space. You know, the first-run movies 9, the venue opened its doors early for a soft the end of it, you’re family. But you have to go
And we’re showing FernGully: The Last
are great. But I think what we’re most excited launch of “ friends and family” screenings through the trials and tribulations of what’s
Rainforest, which is going to be the start of
about is the specialty programming that we working and what’s not working – and that’s
our family-friendly screenings on Saturday
can do, and how to make this a communal mornings. We were inspired by the New
experience. That’s really the main focus for Vintage original movie posters line the hallways. (All photos by Todd McGreevy) Beverly [Cinema]. Quentin Tarantino always
us: How do you inspire community through does a family screening on the weekends,
films and cinema? and he usually precedes it with a cartoon
Bryan: My wife and I, our wedding was and makes it a really incredible community
a rooftop screening in Hollywood – that’s experience. We felt like that’s an important
where we got married. And in L.A., there’s thing – to drive families into a love of cinema,
just so many beautiful rooftops events, and and just be able to come out on a Saturday
that’s what sort of inspired this. It’ll be a fun morning and keep it casual and easy. So we’ll
event space that people can rent out. Our be doing that every weekend.
being here will, of course, be dependent on Again, we’re trying to hit this sweet spot
our work schedule, but I know we’re gonna of there being something for everybody here.
wind up watching movies here all the time. It’s not just for cinephiles. It’s not just for a
Scott: We’re here for the foreseeable future, certain community that wants to see art-
just to make sure everything is on track, and house films or first-run films. It really should
just to be able to be hands-on. Even if it’s us encapsulate everyone’s interests.
putting on name tags again and sweeping
popcorn – whatever needs to be done. With Scott Beck and Bryan Woods in atten-
Bryan: Since the pandemic era of filmmak- dance, the grand-opening celebration for The
ing, now a lot of stuff we do is remote. So our Last Picture House (325 East Second Street,
editor will be working in Canada, but we’ll Davenport IA) will take place on December 9,
be piping in from here and L.A. or wherever. and more information is available by visiting
We’ll actually get in rooms together for a LastPictureHouse.com.
week here, a week there. But it’s nice to be able
to kind of pull away and focus on things like
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 19
space and effectively we built a brand-new project expenses and investment did grow to
building inside the old building. The only over $4MM. When asked how does such an

Right Here in River City

thing we saved was the exterior walls. We investment pencil out, he said, “People ask
had to bring in a structural engineer to shore me: Do we have any competition? And the
up the east wall (where the TLPH logo was answer is there’s only one movie theater in
painted two stories tall and a half a block the entire Quad Cities prior to this project.
wide by local mural artists Heidi Sallows And that is for a regional two-state market
and Sarrah Robb) with 500 anchors because of nearly 500,000 people. We think its a risk
it was bowing out.” The project included worth investing in.”
pouring all-new slab concrete floors with Critics may ask: Where will people park?
all-new underground plumbing. I am reminded of what Downtown Dav-
When one takes into consideration the enport director Kyle Carter told me about
high level of finish and high-tech lighting downtown parking when Bill Collins started
and sound (Tri City Electric was brought construction on Me & Billy’s restaurant at
in for the electrical package) and phenom- the corner of Main and Third Street a few
enal amount of demolition and renovation blocks away that has only street parking.
that the project required, it is astounding Carter said, “If you have a solid consistent
how much was accomplished in just seven and valuable product, people will park many
months. Anyone who frequented that corner blocks away and walk to your destination.”
in their travels will tell you they saw crews This model is likely accurate for The
working into the nights and on weekends Last Picture House. We attended the latest
for months on end. Jeff McCartor is the Hunger Games movie the Friday after
construction manager, and he said he was Thanksgiving with a group of nine includ-
excited to work on a movie-theater project in ing four teenagers and it was a wonderful
Lobby, lounge, and bar area at The Last Picture House during the soft opening week. his own backyard, for once. experience. Beck and Woods have produced

When the project was announced in 2019, an opening montage that pulls clips from
he transformation of East Second Stopulos said that one of his partners in pre-pandemic and pre-flood, the price tag Saturday Night Live as well as movies such
Street in downtown Davenport is the Gallagher building around the corner was cited as $3.72MM. The project received a as The Blues Brothers where the Quad Cities
truly remarkable. And The Last (where Stompbox Brewery is located, next Destination Iowa state grant of $600,000 in and many of its towns are cited by famous
Picture House (TLPH) movie theater that to Front Street Brewery), Tate Featherstone, 2022. The footprint is 8,700 square feet and actors. Its very clever and fun to watch.
launched its soft opening at the corner of asked him, “Have you called Todd Friemel the final product is 13,000 square feet of fin- Maybe one day, we will see some of those
Second and Iowa Streets is a phenomenal yet?” Friemel is the co-owner, along with ished space, not including the 2,200 square famous actors in the lobby having a beverage
transformation. Especially when one consid- Bill Hawes, of Twin Shores construction foot outdoor roof top deck with spectacular before we catch a flick.
ers that more than 20 years ago, when River and development services. Turns out, Twin river views. Stopulos confirmed that the
Renaissance was launched with a referen- Shores are one of the nation’s premier
dum to incur new taxes to launch projects experts in building and renovating movie
such as the River Music Experience and the theaters … and their headquarters are right
Skybridge, the east end of downtown was here in River City! (East Moline, Illinois,
literally red-lined as a “do not develop” zone actually.)
by the experts from afar that helped plan the Among other projects in the Quad Cities,
downtown revitalization. Throw in a couple Twin Shores built the Active Endeavors
of five-hundred-year floods and this area of building on Elmore Avenue, and they did
town has had a rough go over the years. the Cinemark renovation on 53rd Street,
Now this corridor is being heralded as both in Davenport. They also built the
Motor Row as a nod to its rich automobile Mississippi River Distillery and Green Tree
history. The building that is now a gor- brewery in LeClaire, and did the warehouse
geous film house was at one time a Firestone and manufacturing renovations at the Jewel
business and it even burned a portion of the group (now Lincoln Electric) in Bettendorf
interior in a fire a long time ago. Pete Stopu- on State Street.
los and Jens Baker own numerous buildings Friemel explained that Twin Shores
in Motor Row, including the building that “started from nothing in 2005 with just a
houses Half Nelson restaurant and Bootleg laptop. We built small commercial buildings
Hill Meadery right next door to TLPH. around the Quad Cities to start. Then one
Stopulos said in an interview that when year, an opportunity to build a movie theater
he and Baker acquired the corner build- in St. Louis came up with a new client Great
ing, they were not certain what they were Escape. We built six or seven of those and
going to do with it, but they wanted it to that got us close to 15 projects with Carmike
compliment the neighborhood. “Jens said Cinemas, who was bought by AMC.”
to me that a brew and view would be cool They have built and renovated movie
and amazingly soon thereafter Sean Moeller theaters in Miami, Florida, and McLean,
(from Raccoon Motel next door to Ragged Virginia, as well as El Paso, Texas, and
Records four doors west) introduced us to Skokie, Illinois. Friemel said that when he
Scott Beck and Bryan Woods. Scott already first walked through the building at the
had a look-book with concepts that were corner of Second and Iowa, “I originally
super-cool and very useful in whittling this thought the building should be demolished.
concept into fruition. Their concepts were But then Pete and Jens shared their vision
certainly far and away more creative than to use state-development grants to repur-
a new ‘Brew & View’ Jens and I dreamed pose the building. We brought in Paradigm
about and we became fast friends,” as well as Design as the architects out of Grand
business partners. Rapids, Michigan. They helped design the
20 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.

Now playing on


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Reviews are from previously published reviews in the River Cities’ Reader.
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 21

Movie Reviews By Mike Schulz • mike@rcreader.com

What a remarks and embarrassingly blunt make-

up sex implying that these codependent

Dic(tator) weirdos very much deserved each other

– and somehow, against all reason, very
much loved each other.
NAPOLEON Perhaps Scott’s director’s cut will pro-
vide more insight into this pair’s alter-

nately fractious and harmonious union.
alking into our auditorium for (Hopefully we’ll at least find out what
Ridley Scott’s Napoleon and happened to Josephine’s children from a
not entirely looking forward previous union, who disappear from the
to the experience, I half-jokingly told my film the instant their mother remarries.)
brother and sister-in-law that we were at Maybe there’ll be a few scenes detail-
least catching the two-hour-40-minute ing, you know, some of its title charac-
version, and not the promised four-hour ter’s less-odious history – no mention is
director’s cut that will at some point made of the Louisiana Purchase, or, to
stream on Apple+. But while I had more my memory, the United States at all – or
than my fill of turkey over Thanksgiv- even some additionally sterling combat
Joaquin Phoenix in Napoleon sequences; one of the trailers shows hints
ing weekend, I’m happy to now eat a
little crow, because Scott’s historical epic was blessedly wrong on both counts. third Lord of the Rings. (So many soldiers! of a maritime battle that’s nowhere on-
is utterly sensational – bold, thrilling, Although the film does feel oddly So many horses!) Yet this isn’t empty site. Regardless, though, with Phoenix
unusual, and frequently very, very funny. rushed despite its formidable length, there spectacle. Motivations and geography, and Kirby in tremendous form, Scott at
Not only am I no longer dreading the is a huge perk to Scott’s and screenwriter particularly in terms of troop placement, the peak of his compositional powers, and
prospect of this 160-minute opus eventu- David Scarpa’s highlight-reel approach, are kept consistently clear, and the auda- Scarpa’s shrewd script wholly decimating
ally clocking in at 240; I’m eager to see because you never find yourself waiting cious brutality routinely makes you gasp. the traditional Great Man Bio-Pic tem-
if this wonderfully confident, winningly long for bits of juicy political machination That aforementioned assault on the ice is plate, the Napoleon we currently have is a
strange entertainment winds up better or massively scaled combat sequences. as jaw-dropping a military set piece as I’ve total kick. That’s not at all what I antici-
still. With Scarpa keeping the exposition lucid ever seen, and Napoleon’s devastating loss pated. But it’s impossible to not be tickled
If nothing else, Scott’s forthcoming and smartly verbalized throughout, a at Waterloo is so thunderously well-staged silly when, as opposed to a lengthy speech
director’s cut is sure to fill in a few narra- first-rate assemblage of character actors – with the building of the human for- about mastering his fate or whatnot, this
tive holes, given that this current presen- (Tahar Rahim, Ben Miles, Paul Rhys, tresses an extraordinary piece of choreog- Napoleon argues his importance by grab-
tation leaves the unmistakable impression John Hollingworth), all speaking in raphy – that I wanted to applaud. bing his food in a fist and bellowing across
that numerous scenes went mysteriously their natural dialects, lend fierceness and Were Napoleon strictly concerned with a dining-room table: “Destiny has brought
missing. Yet that’s roughly where my flavor to their associations with Napoleon its ruler’s war record, it would already me this lamb chop!”
criticisms end. (Were I a strict historian whether or not their historic figures even stand as a pretty astounding achieve-
or French, I’d no doubt have a few more.) meet the dictator; Rupert Everett, as the ment. What makes Scott’s movie truly For reviews of The Hunger Games: The
Following Bonaparte’s life and military Duke of Wellington, registers his disdain unforgettable, and truly surprising, is its Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes, Wish,
career from 1793’s Siege of Toulon to his merely through a perfectly curled lip. Yet tendency to repeatedly cut the already Trolls Band Together, Thanksgiving, Salt-
1821 death while exiled on the island of as enjoyable as the back-room maneuver- diminutive Little Corporal down to size, burn, The Holdovers, The Marvels, Pris-
Saint Helena, Napoleon follows two dis- ing and seizures of control prove to be, which is does most effectively in scenes cilla, Next Goal Wins, The Killer, Rustin,
tinct tracks. The first concerns the future they’re nothing compared to Scott’s battle between Napoleon and Josephine. We’re Journey to Bethlehem, and other recent
Emperor of France’s swift rise to power scenes, which have to rank with the finest given plenty of opportunities to laugh at releases, visit RCReader.com/movies.
following a series of battlefield victories, ever committed to the screen. Bonaparte’s early cowardice, hyperventi-
and then his eventual, crushing defeats Dedicated researchers can take, and lating before attacks and sticking his fin- November 7 Crossword Answers
in Russia and at Waterloo. The second certainly have taken, offense at Napoleon’s gers in his ears in preparation for cannon
track is the Napoleon-and-Josephine love tinkering with widely accepted history, booms; at his damaged ego, forlornly
story, which plays out as a perverse game arguing that the commander never fired slumped as he is in a Russian throne while
of power dynamics underscored by, it cannons at the Great Sphinx of Giza or bird droppings land on the armrests; at
would seem, genuine ardor and affection. drowned his enemies in frozen lakes his hilariously anachronistic temper tan-
As great a director as Scott can be, the during the Battle of Austerlitz. Person- trums (“You think you’re so great because
previews for his latest suggested another ally, though, I’m fine with the sacrificing you have boats!”); even at his height, with
blandly sprawling slog in the manner of of verisimilitude in service to the horrific, the commander pathetically standing on
his 1492: Conquest of Paradise, Kingdom mesmerizing grandeur delivered here. tip toes, and eventually securing a box,
of Heaven, and Exodus: Gods & Kings. Beginning with the Siege of Toulon, where to stare into the eye holes of an Egyptian
And as great as stars Joaquin Phoenix and we witness Napoleon’s horse taking a can- corpse. But the adulterous Josephine, who
Vanessa Kirby can be, the movie looked to nonball to the flank in gory detail, Scott’s has no patience for her equally unfaith-
die a slow, monotonous death every time warfare is both sickening and stunning, ful husband’s pettiness and pomposity,
Napoleon and Josephine were in a room boasting incalculably populated vistas of routinely makes this small man look and
together. So much for trusting trailers: I the sort we maybe haven’t seen since the behave even smaller, their ritual of cutting
22 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY New Columns Weekly at RCReader.com By Rob Brezsny

ARIES (March 21-April 19): As a child, was round. And it’s questionable to refer to this of Fame. She has recorded songs in eight lan-
I loved to go to a meadow and whirl CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cancerian historical period as backward, since it brought guages and has been honored by Amnesty Inter-
around in spirals until I got so dizzy, I neurologist and author Oliver Sacks innovations like mechanical timekeepers, mov- national for her work on behalf of human rights.
fell. As I lay on the ground, the earth, worked with people who had unusual able type, accurate maps, the heavy plow, and If you’re feeling resilient – which I think you are
sky, and sun reeled madly, and I was no longer neurological issues. His surprising con- illuminated manuscripts. In this spirit, and in – I recommend that you, too, get lonesome for a
just a pinpoint of awareness lodged inside my clusion: “Defects, disorders, and diseases can play accordance with astrological omens, I invite you storm. Your life could use some rearrangement.
body, but was an ecstatically undulating swirl in a paradoxical role, by bringing out latent powers, to strip away misconceptions and celebrate actual If you’re not feeling wildly bold and strong,
the kaleidoscopic web of life. Now, years later, I’ve developments, and evolutions that might never be facts in your own sphere. Be a scrupulous revealer, maybe ask the gods for a mild squall.
discovered many of us love spinning. Scientists seen in their absence.” In not all cases, but more a conscientious and meticulous truth-teller.
postulate humans have a desire for the intoxicat- often than seemed reasonable, he found that dis- AQUARIUS (January 20-February
ing vertigo it brings. I would never recommend orders could be regarded as creative – “for if they SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): 18): Science educator Neil deGrasse
you do what I did as a kid; it could be dangerous destroy particular paths, particular ways of doing Scorpio poet John Berryman said, “To Tyson tells us that water molecules we
for some of you. But if it’s safe and the spirit things, they may force unexpected growth.” Your grow, we must travel in the direction of drink have “passed through the kidneys of
moves you, do it! Or at least imagine yourself assignment is to meditate on how the events of our fears.” Yikes! I personally wouldn’t Socrates, Genghis Khan, and Joan of Arc.” The
doing it. Do you know about the Sufi Whirling your life might exemplify the principle Sacks want to do that kind of growth all the time. I same prodigious truth applies to the air we
Dervishes who use spinning as a meditation? marvels at: apparent limitations leading to break- prefer traveling cheerfully in the direction of my breathe: It has “passed through the lungs of
Read here: TinyURL.com/JoyOfWhirling and throughs and bonanzas. hopes and dreams. But then I’m not a Scorpio. Napoleon, Beethoven, and Abraham Lincoln.”
TinyURL.com/SufiSpinning. Maybe Berryman’s strategy for fulfilling one’s Tyson would have also been accurate if he said we
LEO (July 23-August 22): I am falling best destiny is a Scorpio superpower. What do have shared water and air that has been inside the
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your in love with how deeply you are falling you think? One thing I know for sure is that the bodies of virtually every creature who has ever
power creature in the coming weeks will in love with new ways of seeing and coming weeks will be an excellent time to re- lived. I bring these facts to your attention, Aquar-
not be an eagle, wolf, bear, or salmon. I understanding yourself. My heart sings evaluate and reinvent your relationship with your ius, in the hope of inspiring you to deepen your
don’t advise you to dream of being a wild as I listen to your heart singing in response to new fears. I suggest you approach the subject with a sense of connectedness to other beings. Now is an
horse, tiger, or crocodile. Instead, I invite you to attractions. Keep it up, Leo! You are having an beginner’s mind. Empty yourself of all your pre- excellent time to intensify your feelings of kin-
cultivate a deep bond with the mushroom family. excellent influence on me. My dormant potentials vious ideas and be open to healing new ship with the web of life. Here’s the practical value
Why? Now is a favorable time to be like the mush- and drowsy passions are stirring as I behold you revelations. of doing that: You will attract more help and sup-
rooms that keep the earth fresh. In wooded areas, waking up and coaxing out your dormant poten- port into your life.
they eat away dead trees and leaves, preventing tials and drowsy passions. Thank you, dear! SAGITTARIUS (November 22-Decem-
larger and larger heaps of compost from piling up. ber 21): Sagittarian poet Nina Cassian PISCES (February 19-March 20):
They keep the soil healthy and make nutrients VIRGO (August 23-September 22): said, “I promise to make you so alive I am saying a prayer for you. I pray to the
available for growing things. Be like those mush- Virgo journalist Sydney J. Harris offered that the fall of dust on furniture will Fates that you will not accept lazy or
rooms, Taurus. Steadily and relentlessly rid your advice I suggest you meditate on. He deafen you.” I think she meant she would fully careless efforts from others. You won’t allow their
world of the defunct and decaying parts – thereby wrote, “Regret for the things we did can awaken the senses of her readers. She would boost politeness to be a cover-up for manipulativeness.
stimulating fertility. be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we our capacity for enchantment and entice us to feel I also pray that you will cultivate high expecta-
did not do that is inconsolable.” I bring this to interesting emotions we had never experienced. tions for yourself. You won’t be an obsessive per-
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Gemini your attention because now is a favorable time to As we communed with her beautiful self-expres- fectionist, but will be devoted to excellence. All
novelist Geraldine McCaughrean wrote, take action on things you have not yet done – and sion, we might even reconfigure our understand- your actions will be infused with high integrity.
“Maybe courage is like memory – a should do. If you put definitive plans in motion ing of who we are and what life is about. I am You will conscientiously attend to every detail
muscle that needs exercise to get strong. soon, you will ensure that regret won’t come call- pleased to tell you, Sagittarius, that even if you’re with the faith that you are planting seeds that will
So I decided that maybe if I started in a small way, ing in five years. (P.S.: Amazingly, it’s also an not a writer, you now have an enhanced ability to bloom beautifully in the future.
I could gradually work my way up to being brave.” excellent time to dissolve regret you feel for an iffy perform these same services – both for yourself
That is an excellent prescription for you: the slow, move you made in the past.) and for others. What is the kindest act you ever did? Care to do it
incremental approach to becoming bolder and again? Visit FreeWillAstrology.com.
pluckier. For best results, begin practicing on LIBRA (September 23-October 22): CAPRICORN (December 22-January
mild risks and mellow adventures. Week by week, In contrast to false stereotypes, Medi- 19): “Sometimes I get lonesome for a Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s
month by month, increase the audacious beauty eval Europeans were not dirty and storm,” says Capricorn singer-song- EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES
of your schemes and the intensity of your spunk unhygienic. They made soap and loved writer Joan Baez. “A full-blown storm & DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES
and fortitude. By mid-2024, you will be ready to to bathe. Another bogus myth says the people of where everything changes.” That approach has The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at
launch a daring project. the Middle Ages believed the Earth was flat. But worked well for her. At age 82, she has released 30 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-77
the truth was that most educated folks knew it albums and is a member of the Rock and Roll Hall
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 23
Canasta, on Tuesdays; membership is

$160 a year or $15 every… CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1pm Tue Dec 5 thru Tue
Dec 26 If your condition does not
significantly improve after any given visit,
Zumba Gold, on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Chair-Based Exercise, on Tuesdays;
$3/person; for information, call 563-386- membership is $160 a year or $15 every…
7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9am Tue
9am thru Thu Dec 28
Billiards, Mon.-Fri.; membership is $160
Dec 5 thru Tue Dec 26
Knitting & Crocheting, on Tuesdays;
you don’t pay for the visit.
a year or $15 every month;… CASI (Center volunteer group; membership is $160 a
for Active Seniors), 8am thru Fri Dec 29 year or… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Dr. Cavanaugh treats your nervous system.
12:30pm Tue Dec 5 thru Tue Dec 26
Milestones AAA Meal Site, Mon.-Fri; The nervous system controls everything in your
Senior Technology Clinic, on Tuesdays;
meals must be reserved 24 to 48 hours
in… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), with expert Mike Shinbori; bring your body. For example:
11:30am thru Fri Dec 29 Apple and… CASI (Center for Active
Seniors), noon Tue Dec 5 thru Tue Dec 26 Neck No
Rules of the Road Review, this AARP Mid Back
review course will help you pass with Step into Balance: Balance & Strength, Physical
flying… Silvis Public Library, 10am Fri Dec on Tuesdays; half-hour exercise class with Low Back
1 Logan Anderson, owner of… CASI (Center
for Active Seniors), 1pm Tue Dec 5 thru Hips CERVICAL Therapy
Adult Coloring, on Fridays; membership
is $160 a year or $15 every… CASI (Center
Tue Dec 26 Shoulders machines
for Active Seniors), 10am Fri Dec 1 thru Therapeutic Movement with Logan Elbows
Fri Dec 29 Anderson, on Tuesdays; membership is Wrists
Bridge, on Mondays & Fridays;
$160 a year or $15 every… CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 2pm Tue Dec 5 thru Tue Hands THORACIC X-Rays
membership is $160 a year or… CASI
(Center for Active Seniors), 11:30am Fri
Dec 26
Fingers ONLY
Dec 1 thru Fri Dec 29 Zumba Gold, on Tuesdays and Thursdays;
membership is $160 a year or… CASI Knees when
CASI Walking Club, on Mon., Wed., and (Center for Active Seniors), 9am Tue Dec 5 Ankles
Fri.; membership is $160 a year… CASI thru Tue Dec 26
LUMBAR necessary
(Center for Active Seniors), 8am Fri Dec 1
thru Fri Dec 29 Bunco, on Wednesdays; membership is
$160 a year or $15 every… CASI (Center for
Euchre, on Wed. & Fri.; membership is Active Seniors), 2pm Wed Dec 6 thru Wed Eyes 22+ Years
$160 a year or… CASI (Center for Active Dec 27 Ears
Seniors), 12:45pm Fri Dec 1 thru Fri Dec Experience
29 TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly Nose
Weight-Loss Support Group), on
Friday Bingo, on Fridays; membership is Wednesdays; membership is $160 a year Tongue

Why wait?
$160 a year or $15 every month;… CASI or $15 every month;… CASI (Center for Parathyroid
(Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Fri Dec 1 Active Seniors), 11:30am Wed Dec 6 thru
thru Fri Dec 29 Wed Dec 27 Thyroid
Golden Tones Chorus Practice, on T’ai Chi Ch’un, on Wednesdays; Heart
Fridays; sing along to some classical membership is $160 a year or $15 every Lungs You have EVERYTHING
memories; membership is $160… CASI month;… CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
(Center for Active Seniors), 9am Fri Dec 1
thru Fri Dec 29
10:15am Wed Dec 6 thru Wed Dec 27 Kidneys to GAIN and NOTHING to lose!
Wednesday Bingo, on Wednesdays; 5pm Adrenal Glands
Low Impact Exercise, Mon., Wed., & Fri. doors, $10 card pack minimum purchase; Liver
9-10am, Tue. 11am-2pm, Thu. 11am-noon;
membership… CASI (Center for Active
cash prizes… CASI (Center for Active
Seniors), 6pm Wed Dec 6 thru Wed Dec Spleen Call NOW to
Seniors), Fri Dec 1 thru Fri Dec 29 27 Gall Bladder feel better sooner!
Second Avenue Players Senior Theatre, Caregivers Support Group, on the 1st & Small Intestine
on Fridays; bring your theatrical side to 3rd Thu. of the month; membership is…
Large Intestine

CASI’s senior theater… CASI (Center for CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 4:30pm
Active Seniors), 10:30am Fri Dec 1 thru Fri
Dec 29
Thu Dec 7 and Thu Dec 21 Stomach
Free Senior Day at the Figge Art Blood Vessels
Zumba Gold, on Fridays; membership is Museum, for seniors age 60 & up on the Diaphragm
$160 a year or $15 every… CASI (Center for first Thursday… Figge Art Museum, 10am
Active Seniors), 10:15am Fri Dec 1 thru Fri Thu Dec 7 Pain Timothy J. Cavanaugh, D.C.
Dec 29
Senior Activities and Socializing, Numbness
Bell Choir, on Mondays; membership is seniors in the LeClaire area are invited 1730 Wilkes Avenue - Davenport, Iowa
$160 a year or $15 every… CASI (Center for socializing, activities,… LeClaire Tingling
for Active Seniors), 10am Mon Dec 4 thru Community Library, 10am Tue Dec 12 Swelling
Mon Dec 25
Coffee & Conversations, senior citizens
Shuffleboard, on Mondays; membership of retirement ages are invited to stop in…
is $160 a year or $15 every month;… CASI Bettendorf Public Library, 9am Wed Dec
(Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Mon Dec 13 thru Tue Jan 2
4 thru Mon Dec 25
Ugly Quilts, on Mondays; volunteer
group; no sewing experience necessary;
membership is $160… CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 9am Mon Dec 4 thru Mon Disney on Ice Presents: Find Your Hero,
Dec 25 audiences will discover what it truly
means… Vibrant Arena at the MARK, 7pm
Zumba Toning, on Mondays; Thu Nov 30 thru Sun Dec 3
membership is $160 a year or $15 every
month;… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Life-Size Game Night: Guess Who? Book
10:15am Mon Dec 4 thru Mon Dec 25 Characters Edition, to celebrate Picture
Book Month, we need your help to…
Red Hat Ladies Club, meeting locations LeClaire Community Library, 4pm Thu
vary; for information, call 563-386-7477… Nov 30
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 11am Tue
Dec 5 Movers & Shakers Storytime!,
preschoolers and their grownup can join
Senior Health Screening, staff from Oak us in… Moline Public Library, 9:30am Thu
St. Health will be on hand to… Moline Nov 30
Public Library, 1pm Tue Dec 5
Continued On Page 24
24 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.

caregivers are invited to… Rock Island

THEATRE Kids' Stuff Public Library - Watts-Midtown Branch,
10:30am Tue Dec 5 thru Tue Dec 19
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: Preschool Storytime, Tue.-Fri.; ages 3-5
Weekly Teen Book Talk, on Tuesdays;
go to the library’s Facebook page and
The Musical are invited to attend these 30 minute
sessions… Bettendorf Public Library,
check… Rock Island Public Library -
Downtown Library, 3:45pm Tue Dec 5
Friday, December 22, 7 p.m. 10am Thu Nov 30 thru Fri Dec 15 thru Tue Dec 26
Adler Theatre, 136 East Third Street, Davenport IA Story Times at RVDL, a fun and After School Kids Lab: Paper Airplanes,
educational Story Time with… River Valley construct different types of paper
District Library, 10:45am Thu Nov 30 airplanes and give them a… Bettendorf
Public Library, 3pm Wed Dec 6
Tales for Tots: 0-3 Storytime, an
enriching activity time for children ages Sew Fun! Button Bracelets, children will
birth… Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm learn fun new sewing techniques to make
Thu Nov 30 these… Moline Public Library, 5pm Wed
Dec 6
LEAD Fridays @ Watts-Midtown
Branch, our Youth Services staff will be Teen Time Unwind: Stress Balls, we will
participating in LEAD Fridays@Watts- be making stress balls with water beads
Midtown… Rock Island Public Library - and… Moline Public Library, 2:30pm Wed
Watts-Midtown Branch, 11:45am Fri Dec 1 Dec 6
Children’s Book Talk/Unboxing, on Nightmare Before Christmas Escape
Fridays; join Miss Ranell on Facebook for Room, help prevent a Nightmare Before
either a… Rock Island Public Library - Christmas by traveling through holiday…
Downtown Library, 2pm Fri Dec 1 thru Fri LeClaire Community Library, Wed Dec 6
Dec 15 thru Sat Dec 9
Toddler Tales @ Watts-Midtown Branch, Teen Anime Club, watch Japanese
on Fridays; young children and their Animation, have snacks, and socialize with
caregivers are invited to… Rock Island others interested… Davenport Public
Public Library - Watts-Midtown Branch, Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6pm
10:30am Fri Dec 1 thru Fri Dec 22 Wed Dec 6 thru Wed Dec 20

Dungeons & Dragons, play the beloved Toddler Tales @ Southwest Branch, on
auded by the Orlando Sentinel as Postal Service in November of 2014. fantasy tabletop roleplaying game; free; Wednesdays; young children and their
“a magical time” and “an utterly A special exhibit was also mounted at for information,… River Valley District caregivers are invited to… Rock Island
Library, 4pm Fri Dec 1 thru Fri Dec 29 Public Library - Southwest Branch, 11am
charming, topnotch production,” the Masterworks Museum in Bermuda, Wed Dec 6 thru Wed Dec 20
the touring entertainment Rudolph the where the original puppets are housed. Grand Opening Celebration of
Enhanced Children’s Area, join us for Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; enjoy
Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical is set With the stage version of the much- a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 2:15 pm in gaming on the Switch, playing Roblox
to delight Quad Citiians right before loved yuletide treat praised by the Chi- the shiny… Davenport Public Library - on… Davenport Public Library -
Fairmount Street Branch, 2pm Sat Dec 2 Fairmount Street Branch, 4pm Wed Dec 6
Christmas, its December 22 staging cago Daily Herald as “a gleeful musical thru Wed Dec 27
at Davenport’s Adler Theatre treating take on the holiday favorite,” the show’s Grand Opening Celebration of
Enhanced Children’s Area, join us for Young Adult Role-Playing Club:
family crowds to a live version of the producing partner Jonathan Flom says, activities and cookies in the children’s Tabletop RPGs and More!, on
beloved stop-motion-animated televi- “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The area and… Davenport Public Library - Wednesdays; if you need a place to play,
Eastern Avenue Branch, 9:30am Sat Dec 2 just… Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Wed
sion special that has charmed audiences Musical is a tree-mendous way to experi- Dec 6 thru Wed Dec 27
for generations. ence this family tradition and stays true Mini Mysteries, stop into the Main,
Eastern, or Fairmount Library and pick- Big/Little Book Club, a book club
In 1964, the hour-long television to the iconic television special.” Pro- up… Davenport Public Library - Main for Littles (kids in 3rd through 5th…
classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer jections, costumes, and characters are Branch, 10am Sat Dec 2 Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue
Branch, 6:30pm Thu Dec 7
made its network television debut, and faithfully brought to the stage against Santa Claus Is Coming to Town, kids and
this timeless tale has subsequently been a backdrop of nostalgic set designs, families can meet Santa, take pictures if Dance Me a Story with Ballet Quad
they… Moline Public Library, 2pm Sat Dec Cities: The Nutcracker, Emily Kate of
delighting audiences across the country including a jay-dropping 12-foot tall 2 Ballet Quad Cities will read the story…
for almost 60 years. Its story tells the tale Abominable Snow Monster, while the Moline Public Library, 5pm Thu Dec 7
Child’s Play | Create : Explore :
of a young Rudolph, who, because of the professional cast brings high energy to Experience, on Saturdays; 15-minute Family Storytime: Snowflake
appearance of his bright, shining nose, classic songs and dialogue. storytime complete with books rhymes Suncatchers, join Mrs. Katelynn for this
and songs… Bettendorf Public Library, snowflake themed storytime and craft;…
is excluded from the reindeer games. Irresistible and loveable puppets, 10am Sat Dec 2 thru Sat Dec 16 Silvis Public Library, 6pm Thu Dec 7
He flees Christmas town and meets up meanwhile, highlight the charming Kids Grab-and-Go: Snowflake Reading Assistance Dogs, children have
with new friends Hermey the Elf and roughness from the television show’s Suncatcher, make a unique snowflake the opportunity to read aloud to dogs
Yukon Cornelius, and after finding the stop-motion effects. Flom says, “The that can be hung in a… Bettendorf Public from… Bettendorf Public Library, 6pm
Library, 9am Mon Dec 4 Thu Dec 7
Island of Misfit Toys, the young reindeer familiar story elements from the
journeys home. But with a snowstorm of television special are addressed with a Little Movers Storytime!, for kids ages 0 Tales for Tots: 0-3 Storytime, on
to… Moline Public Library, Mon Dec 4 Thursdays; an enriching activity time for
epic proportions threatening Christmas, talented cast and puppeteers who help children ages birth… Bettendorf Public
Rudolph has to summon his courage, recreate the magic on stage. Since the Tales for Tots: 0-3 Storytime, on Library, 6:30pm Thu Dec 7
Mondays; an enriching activity time for
rescue his family and friends, and help special itself is a classic musical, the children ages birth… Bettendorf Public The Monster Society Presents:
Santa save the holiday. stage show does not feel at all like an Library, 10am Mon Dec 4 thru Mon Dec Krampus, the Monster Society is an elite
11 secret group whose goal… Davenport
As with A Charlie Brown Christmas adaptation, and audiences are sur- Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch,
and How the Grinch Stole Christmas, prised and delighted when they see Story Times at RVDL, on Mondays and 4pm Thu Dec 7
Thursdays; a fun and educational Story
the stop-motion-animated Rudolph no performances of songs such as ‘Fame Time with… River Valley District Library, Winter Craft Drop-In, make a winter craft
longer airs just once annually but several & Fortune’ and ‘Rockin’ Around the 10:45am Mon Dec 4 thru Thu Dec 28 during our last crafting event of… Rock
Island Public Library - Downtown Library,
times during the Christmas and holiday Christmas Tree’ that are heard but not Lego Club: Holiday Trees, get ready 1pm Thu Dec 7
season. It has been telecast every year performed in the TV special.” to build with over thousands of Legos;
free;… LeClaire Community Library, 4pm Winter Toddler Playgroup, on
since 1964, making it the longest con- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Tue Dec 5 Thursdays; relaxing and casual fun for
tinuously running Christmas TV special Musical makes its touring stop in Dav- kids 5 and… Rock Island Public Library -
Teen Tuesday: Movie Night, join Mrs. Downtown Library, 10am Thu Dec 7 thru
in the United States. The 50th anniver- enport on December 22, admission to Katelynn for a movie and refreshments; Thu Dec 21
sary of the television special was marked the 7 p.m. show is $35-65, and tickets are call the… Silvis Public Library, 4:30pm Tue
Dec 5 Book Buddies: Winter, ages 0-5 join Mrs.
with a series of postage stamps featur- available by calling (800)745-3000 and Katelynn for a winter themed storytime…
ing Rudolph issued by the United States visiting AdlerTheatre.com. Toddler Tales @ Watts-Midtown Branch, Silvis Public Library, 10am Sat Dec 9
on Tuesdays; young children and their
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 25
Cookie Decorating, teens are invited
to decorate cookies with variety of
Creativity Lab: Hanging Icicle
Decorations, grades K-5 will explore a THEATRE
mysterious… Bettendorf Public Library, different artistic medium and project…
2pm Sat Dec 9
Family Holiday Activities, drop in for
Moline Public Library, 7pm Thu Dec 14
Family Storytime: Winter Lanterns,
Ballet Quad Cities’ The Nutcracker
family holiday activities including holiday join Mrs. Katelynn for this winter-themed Saturday, December 9, and Sunday, December 10
trivia, cardmaking… Rock Island Public storytime and craft; free;… Silvis Public
Library - Downtown Library, 10am Sat Dec Library, 6pm Thu Dec 14 Adler Theatre, 136 East Third Street, Davenport IA
Tales for Tots: 0-3 Storytime, an
Krafty Kids: Snowman Cups, join Mrs. enriching activity time for children ages
Katelynn at the library for a snowman birth through three… Bettendorf Public
cup… Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat Dec 9 Library, 6:30pm Thu Dec 14
Lego Club, enjoy a morning of free Toddler Time, there will be stories, songs,
building;… Bettendorf Public Library, and a fun sensory playtime… LeClaire
11:30am Sat Dec 9 Community Library, 11am Fri Dec 15
Read to a Dog, QC CAN’s Reading Book Buddies: Polar Bears, ages 0-5 join
Assistance Dogs are specially trained, Mrs. Katelynn at the library for a… Silvis
along with… Davenport Public Library - Public Library, 10am Sat Dec 16
Fairmount Street Branch, 3pm Sat Dec 9
Full S.T.E.A.M Ahead: Nintendo LABO,
Toons at Noons with Bowls and Spoons, help us build a Nintendo labo project;
grab a spoon and some cereal as we after the project… Silvis Public Library,
sit down… Davenport Public Library - 2pm Sat Dec 16
Fairmount Street Branch, noon Sat Dec 9
Llama Llama Pajama Party, time to put
3D Printing Pens, if you’re interested on your PJs and join us for… Davenport
in 3D printing, our 3D print pens… Rock Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch,
Island Public Library - Watts-Midtown 2pm Sat Dec 16
Branch, 4pm Mon Dec 11
Teen Book Club: Will You Rant Or Rave?,
PNG Intro to Sewing: Craft Utility each month we discuss a young adult

Aprons, earn the basics of sewing to novel we read… Bettendorf Public Library,
create or mend everyday… Moline Public 2pm Sat Dec 16 n December 9 and 10, one of the The ballet’s dazzling Sugar Plum Fairy is
Library, 5pm Mon Dec 11 Quad Cities’ most adored holiday played by Eleanor Ambler, with Marcus
Elf Academy, it’s our annual holiday
The Nest Book Club: Toddler, we’ll event, with crafts, activities, and live… traditions returns to Davenport’s Pei’s Cavalier partnering her on their Grand
not only take part in a storytime and LeClaire Community Library, 6pm Mon Adler Theatre when the professional talents Pas de Deux. There will also be featured
activity,… Davenport Public Library - Dec 18
Fairmount Street Branch, 10am Mon Dec of Ballet Quad Cities perform Tchaikovsky’s dance roles for fellow Ballet Quad Cities’
11 PNG Squid Dissection, learn about holiday dance classic The Nutcracker, this company members Sahsha Amaut, Ruby
animals through the dissection of a squid;
Max’s merry Christmas, join us for a this… Moline Public Library, 6:30pm Mon eagerly awaited family experience boasting Anderson, Sierra DeYoung, Stephanie
very merry reader’s theater with former… Dec 18 thru Wed Dec 20 choreography by Artistic Director Court- Eggers, Jayne Friscia, Madeleine Rhode,
Moline Public Library, 5:30pm Tue Dec 12 ney Lyon, live musical accompaniment by Kira Roberts, Stephen Scott, and Mahalia
3D Printing Pens, if you’re interested
Read-Aloud Stories with Mr. Haack, in 3D printing, our 3D print pens… Rock Orchestra Iowa, a cast of 60, and the return Zellmer, with Daniel Gleason also featured
stop by the library for an evening Island Public Library - Downtown Library, of popular guest artist Domingo Rubio, the in the Christmas-party sequence.
Storytime unlike any… LeClaire 4pm Tue Dec 19
Community Library, 6:30pm Tue Dec 12 longtime portrayer of the company’s dancing And with additional choreography pro-
Doki Doki Anime Club: Manga Dracula. vided by Emily Kate Long, The Nutcracker
Teen Advisory Board (TAB), join Mrs. Ornaments, make a manga collage
Katelynn at the library for a snowman you can hang on your tree,… LeClaire Adapted from the 1816 story by E.T. A. ensemble is completed by a number of stu-
cup… Silvis Public Library, 6:30pm Tue Community Library, 5pm Tue Dec 19 Hoffman and debuting as a two-act ballet dent dancers from the Quad Cities region,
Dec 12 in 1892, The Nutcracker tells of the magi-
Gingerbread Houses, be your own including those from the Ballet Quad Cities
Teen Advisory Board Meeting, ages architect as you build and decorate your… cal adventures of Clara, a young girl who School of Dance, Davenport Junior The-
11-19 are invited to join; TAB Members Moline Public Library, 6pm Tue Dec 19 falls asleep on Christmas Eve and dreams atre, the Family Museum, Jenny’s Dance
volunteer, organize,… Davenport Public
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Teen Tuesday: Perler Bead Creations, of an enchanted world filled with dancers Academy, Myrna Rae’s Studio of Dance,
Tue Dec 12 join Mrs. Katelynn to make Perler Bead from many continents, ambulatory toys, Tina’s Dance Studio, Turning Pointe, and
creations; free; for… Silvis Public Library,
After School Kids Lab: Oversized 6:30pm Tue Dec 19 an ethereal Sugar Plum Fairy, and much, the West Liberty Dance Center. Among
Games, play large versions of popular much more. With Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky those participating this year are: Celia
board and card games; free;… Bettendorf After School Kids Lab: Snowflake Slime, contributing perhaps the richest and most
Public Library, 3pm Wed Dec 13 make slime with a winter twist by adding Arnold; Bella Baker; Olivia Behr; Betsy
in sparkly… Bettendorf Public Library, instantly recognizable of his compositions, Bergthold; Thalia Boyd; JayLyn Burroughs;
Family Storytime: Elves, this week we’re 3pm Wed Dec 20 The Nutcracker has been a holiday peren- Madilyn Casel; Lila Castro; Lillyanna Cool;
exploring elves with stories, songs, and
a… LeClaire Community Library, 6pm Family Storytime @ Watts-Midtown nial worldwide for generations, whisking Macy Kate Crawmer; Julia Ellis; Jayne
Wed Dec 13 Branch, families are invited to enjoy story audiences to such delightfully otherworldly Friscia; Kate Girskis; Amelia Gomez; Vivika
time full of books,… Rock Island Public
Petite Picassos @ Southwest Branch, Library - Watts-Midtown Branch, 6pm realms as the Land of Sweets, the Land of Gonzalez; Adley Hampton; Emma Isaac-
toddlers can use all of their senses with Wed Dec 20 Snow, and a battleground for soldiers and son; Emmy Jackson; Availlah Jones; Ava
hands on… Rock Island Public Library -
Southwest Branch, 11am Wed Dec 13 Family Storytime: Holiday Whobilation, mice. Tchaikovsky’s ballet has also been the Kruse; Kate Mahraun; Emersyn Mielke;
it’s a Holiday Whobilation as Miss Ashe subject of innumerable film and TV adapta- Tya Miles; Evelyn Nelson; Vivian Peterson;
Teen Fandom Club: Lego Night, join our reads How the… LeClaire Community tions, with familiar portions of its score
new Fandom Club and build something Library, 6pm Wed Dec 20 Leah Randleman; Alexandra Ripley; Kate
out of… Silvis Public Library, 6:30pm Wed referenced in everything from Disney’s Fan- Rosenboom; Aria Smith; Angela Soebbing;
Dec 13 Teen Time - Arts and Crafts, this week’s tasia to The Simpsons to Grand Theft Auto V. Annelie Stollenwerk; Molly Strickler; Shiori
theme is Arts and Crafts and we will…
Teen Time: Anime Club, we will discuss Moline Public Library, 2:30pm Wed Dec Domingo Rubio will assume the role of Suzuki; and Madeline Traman.
our favorite manga, watch anime, and 20 Clara’s godfather, the mysterious toymaker Ballet Quad Cities’ The Nutcracker will
make… Moline Public Library, 11:30am
Wed Dec 13 3D Printing Pens, if you’re interested and magician Herr Drosselmeyer, with be performed in downtown Davenport at
in 3D printing, our 3D print pens… Rock Clara herself danced by professional com- 2 and 7 p.m. on Saturday, December 9, and
Winter Wonderland Storytime, explore Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, pany dancer Madeline Kreszenz (under-
the beauty of winter during our Winter 4pm Thu Dec 21 at 2 p.m. on Sunday, December 10. Admis-
Wonderland Storytime,… Davenport studied by Kira Roberts). Company member sion is $11-36, tickets are available by calling
Public Library - Main Branch, 10am Wed Amateur Paint Night, sip some hot cocoa Christian Knopp performs triple-duty as (800)745-3000, and more information on
Dec 13 and follow along with The Art… LeClaire
Community Library, 5pm Thu Dec 21 The Nutcracker’s Nutcracker Prince, a Toy this year’s performances is available by visit-
CreaTEEN Crafts: Gingerbread Houses, Soldier, and one of the ballet’s Ukrainian ing AdlerTheatre.com and
make a fun, teen-centered craft; free;
for information, call 563-289-6007 or… dancers, while Jillian Van Cura, as she did BalletQuadCities.com.
LeClaire Community Library, 5pm Thu last year, portrays the villainous Rat Queen.
Dec 14 Continued On Page 26
26 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.

MUSIC Fairmount Street Branch, 3:30pm Sat Dec

Kids' Stuff 30

Sevendust Family Storytime: Paper Chain

Kids Grab-and-Go: Pipe Cleaner
Octopus, pick up supplies to make an
octopus out of pipe… Bettendorf Public
Saturday, December 30, 8 p.m. Snowmen, ages 0-5 join Mrs. Katelynn Library, 9am Tue Jan 2
at the library for a… Silvis Public Library,
The Rust Belt, 533 12th Avenue, East Moline IL 6pm Thu Dec 21 Weekly Teen Book Talk, go to the
library’s Facebook page and check… Rock
Family Storytime: Paper Chain Island Public Library - Downtown Library,
Snowmen, join Mrs. Katelynn for this 3:45pm Tue Jan 2
snowman themed storytime and craft;…
Silvis Public Library, 6pm Thu Dec 21 Preschool Storytime, Tue.-Fri.; ages 3-5
are invited to attend these 30 minute…
Read to a Dog, QC CAN’s Reading Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Tue Jan 2
Assistance Dogs are specially trained, thru Fri Jan 5
along with… Davenport Public Library -
Eastern Avenue Branch, 5:30pm Thu Dec After School Kids Lab: Craft Stick Chain
21 Reaction, for grades 1-12; set up craft
sticks to make a… Bettendorf Public
Teen Faux Snowball Fight, ages 11- Library, 3pm Wed Jan 3
19) are invited to a faux snowball fight
inside… Davenport Public Library - Teen Anime Club, watch Japanese
Eastern Avenue Branch, 2pm Thu Dec 21 Animation, have snacks, and socialize with
others interested… Davenport Public
Teen Library Council, students in grades Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6pm
6-12 are needed to give advice and… Wed Jan 3
Moline Public Library, 3:30pm Thu Dec 21
Teen Gaming, enjoy gaming on the
The Thing About Yetis (Story and Craft Switch, playing Roblox on… Davenport
Time), join us for a special yeti craft and Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
Yeti story.;… Davenport Public Library - 4pm Wed Jan 3
Main Branch, 3pm Thu Dec 21
Toddler Tales @ Southwest Branch,
12 Days of Kit-mas, Kit-mas is back again young children and their caregivers are

this year with one craft for… Davenport invited to enjoy this… Rock Island Public
ouring in support of the band’s Billboard 200 and featured Skin from Public Library - Main Branch, 10am Fri Dec Library - Southwest Branch, 11am Wed
22 Jan 3
2023 album Truth Killer, a Skunk Anansie and Chino Moreno
top-three Billboard smash from Deftones as guest vocalists. Two Lego Club, create your Lego Walkers & Wigglers Storytime, we’ll
masterpieces; whether you want to take sing songs, dance, and read fun stories;…
that Metal Injection called “focused singles from the album, “Denial” and on… River Valley District Library, 11am Sat Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
and streamlined with plenty of “Waff le,” gave the band added chart Dec 23 Street Branch, 10am Wed Jan 3
catchy songs and a few surprises,” success, and Sevendust performed Ellis Kell’s Winter Blues Camp, students Young Adult Role Playing-Club, bring
learn the forms, styles, and history… your party members and dice; free; for…
the Grammy-nominated alternative- “Waff le” on Late Night with Conan Common Chord, noon Tue Dec 26 Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Wed Jan 3
metal artists of Sevendust return to O’Brien. They went on to perform in
Teen Tuesday: Board Game Night, hang Big/Little Book Club, a book club
East Moline venue The Rust Belt on Woodstock 1999 and have toured with out and play board games with your for Littles (kids in 3rd through 5th…
December 30, performing from a rep- many bands in the 23 years since, friends at… Silvis Public Library, 6:30pm Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue
Tue Dec 26 Branch, 6:30pm Thu Jan 4
ertoire that includes 14 studio albums, among them Korn, Staind, Nonpoint,
one live album, and 36 singles. Reveille, Godsmack, Mudvayne, Family Storytime: Snowy Owl, this week Skill Builder Storytime, designed
we’re exploring Snowy Owls with stories, especially to give children access to
The Atlanta-based quintet Seven- Mushroomhead, Powerman 5000, songs, and… LeClaire Community Library, opportunities that… Davenport Public
dust are one of the most prominent Creed, Kid Rock, Machine Head, 6pm Wed Dec 27 Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 10am
Thu Jan 4
nu-metal acts on tour, acclaimed for Limp Bizkit, Disturbed, and Metal- Winter Wonderland Storytime, explore
the beauty of winter during our Winter Tales for Tots, an enriching activity time
their aggressive blend of bottom- lica. Sevendust also scored a Grammy Wonderland Storytime… Davenport for children ages birth… Bettendorf
heavy riffs and soulful, accessible nomination for the Kill the Flaw Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, Public Library, 6:30pm Thu Jan 4
10am Wed Dec 27
melodies delivered by vocalist Lajon single “Thank You,” with the group’s The Monster Society Presents: Yeti,
Witherspoon. Formed in 1994 by 2020 release Blood & Stone receiv- Lazy Crafternoons: Snowy Mason Jars, an elite secret group whose goal is to
join us for another Lazy Crafternoon as educate about… Davenport Public Library
bassist Vince Hornsby, drummer ing a 10-out-of-10 rating by Audie we make a… LeClaire Community Library, - Eastern Avenue Branch, 4pm Thu Jan 4
Morgan Rose, and guitarist John Con- Ink Radio and a rave for its “tuneful 5pm Thu Dec 28
Winter Toddler Playgroup, relaxing and
nolly, with Witherspoon and guitarist melodies coupled with heavy, cutting Stories @ Main, on Fridays; join us casual fun for kids 5 and… Rock Island
for dancing, shaking, and stories; this Public Library - Downtown Library, 10am
Clint Lowery joining the group after riffs.” New Noise, meanwhile, raved storytime… Davenport Public Library - Thu Jan 4
the recording of their first demo, Sev- that the recording “starts off strong Main Branch, 10am Fri Dec 29
Stories @ Main, join us for dancing,
endust unleashed its self-titled debut and grows stronger with each track,” Teen DIY: Snowglobes, ages 11-19 are shaking, and stories; this storytime…
album in April of 1997, a release that while Sevendust’s July release Truth invited to join Miss Amber in making… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch,
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 10am Fri Jan 5
sold only 310 copies in its first week Killer received four stars from Cryp- 11am Fri Dec 29
but ultimately achieved gold certi- tic Rock for the musicians “continu- Toddler Tales @ Watts-Midtown Branch,
Book Buddies: Sledding, ages 0-5 join young children and their caregivers are
fication through touring and sup- ing to set the standard by delivering Mrs. Katelynn at the library for an… Silvis invited to… Rock Island Public Library -
port from their label TVT Records. thought-provoking lyricism and Public Library, 10am Sat Dec 30 Watts-Midtown Branch, 10:30am Fri Jan 5
Known for the band’s heavy riffs, infectious orchestration while still Full STEAM Ahead: Snowflake Salt Art, Child’s Play | Create : Explore :
hop on the train of learning, we’re going Experience, a 15-minute storytime
angry vocals, and thrash-like drum- managing to find ways to experiment Full STEAM… LeClaire Community Library, complete with books rhymes and…
ming, Sevendust boasted hits such as and innovate 11am Sat Dec 30 Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Sat Jan 6
“Black,” “Bitch,” and “My Ruin,” the Sevendust plays its December 30 Lego Club: Igloo, join Mrs. Katelynn to Lego Club, enjoy a morning of free
latter of which was featured on the engagement with opening sets by 10 build an igloo out of Legos; free;… Silvis building; free; for information, call…
Public Library, 2pm Sat Dec 30 Bettendorf Public Library, 11:30am Sat
Mortal Kombat movie soundtrack and Years, Burden of the Sky, and CORE, Jan 6
appeared on the Billboard 200 chart, admission to the 8 p.m. concert New Year’s Eve Eve, get ready to start
2024 in style at our New… Davenport Mini Mysteries: Whose Animal Prints
remaining there for 16 weeks. begins at $44.75, and more informa- Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, Are Those?, stop into the Main, Eastern,
11:30am Sat Dec 30 or Fairmount Library and pick-up…
In August of 1999, the musicians tion and tickets are available by visit- Davenport Public Library - Main Branch,
released their second album Home, ing TheRustBeltQC.com. Teen Snack Around the World, we will 10am Sat Jan 6
be making a countdown calendar full
which peaked at number 19 on the of snacks… Davenport Public Library -
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 27

MUSIC By Loren Thacher

Dread and Merriment in December

Musical Contrasts on Davenport’s East Second Street
FUN WITH FLORA • December 5, 2023 November 7 Answers: Page 21

“Doom” and “sludge” have become one of the best metal albums of 2023, an
somewhat interchangeable terms for unrelenting tour de force of churning
slow, dread-ridden heavy metal. The riffs and terse but evocative lyrics.
difference between the two may seem As driving wheel Willow Ryan put
pedantic, especially given that the terms it to J. D. Malley of Echoes and Dust:
were applied retroactively to nearly all of “Atrocity Machine was basically meant
the bands now considered to be found- to be a horror movie soundtrack for
ers of the subgenres. In the 2020s, the late stage capitalism.” They elaborated
“doom” or “sludge” tag is increasingly further to Bandcamp’s Brad Sanders.
self-applied, as an ethos as well as an “We have the doom metal foundation,
aesthetic, by bands who create oppres- but let’s see where we can push the limits
sive, cathartic music intended as a of that … . [I]t’s almost like we’re using
reflection of our dismal times. Such are doom metal to do something different
the three bands – Body Void, SERAC, than doom metal.”
and Everlasting Light – playing Daven- Part of that approach involves incor-
port’s Raccoon Motel (315 East Second porating synths and electronics into
Street) on Friday, December 8. their rock-solid doom rumble. In the
ACROSS 78. _ ergo sum Thinnes 63. Minced oath
These groups form a grim sonic trip- past, this largely took the form of a 1. Unlikely, as a chance 79. Duck genus 13. Mountain 64. _ con pollo
tych, drawing mutual inspiration from curious, ominous hissing, like steam 5. Sphere of influence 80. Sitar melody 14. Service for network 65. Painting on dry
10. Actress _ Bernhardt 81. _ Martens shoes users plaster
environmental degradation, a simulta- escaping from the coal mines that blaze 15. Story 82. Moon of Jupiter 15. Perceived 67. On a pension: Abbr.
neously dysfunctional yet increasingly eternally under doomed, abandoned 19. Scarlett's home 83. Swimming holes 16. Commedia dell'_ 68. Parts of digestive
20. White wine variety 85. Measuring device 17. Essence systems
oppressive society, and the inevitable Centralia, Pennsylvania. On Atrocity 21. Totality 86. Get a wider 18. Home to billions 70. Related maternally
and inexorable despair that sets in as the Machine, the electronics are much more 22. Discord goddess view: 2 wds. 24. "_ and Ivory" 71. Rile
23. Start of a quip by 59 88. Online events 25. Writer of lampoons 72. Cherished ones
endless road grows ever darker. smoothly integrated with the pummel- Across: 7 wds. 89. Pedals 26. Many, many years 74. Concentrate
In 1966, the freighter SS Daniel J. Mor- ing riffs, while simultaneously exploring 27. Flowering shrub 90. "Porgy and _" 31. Crowded 75. Great Italian poet
28. Fruity drinks 91. Make joyous 32. Cakes and _ 78. Data table: 2 wds.
rell split in half on Lake Huron, chewed new sounds and textures. 29. Old Spanish money 92. Guy 33. Like a pastry 80. Income
like a bone by one of those feared gales Lyrically, “[It’s about] the sensation of 30. Memorandum 93. Comes into being 34. Peel and Bovary 82. Arab VIP: Var.
31. No longer in 96. Showy flower 35. Jumped 84. Cereal grass
of November. While its survivors shel- living with this cognitive dissonance of, 33. Ice mass 97. Neighborhood 36. Protective suit 85. Corpsman
tered on the still-floating bow, the ship’s ‘This is all happening, and it’s horrible, 34. "Seinfeld" role 101. End of the 37. Skating maneuver: 87. Worry nonstop
37. Cat genus quip: 5 wds. 2 wds. 88. Ripped into
stern came roaring out of the frigid but you still have to live with it,’” Ryan 38. Bridle attachment 105. Greek god 38. Investment option: 89. Shining
gloom, its still-running engine sending told Bandcamp. They take special aim 41. Forgiveness 106. _ Semple 2 wds. 91. "_ Gantry"
42. Forty- _ McPherson 39. _ seal 92. Chops
it on a collision course with the horri- at the way mass media helps to cruelly 43. Bean and Penn 107. American poet 40. River in Europe 93. Far and _
fied crew. In his Great Lakes Shipwrecks cheapen human life: “ … things [are] 44. Cry of discovery 108. Flair 42. Desert in Israel 94. _ avis
46. "Auntie _" 109. Edible roots 43. Scatter 95. Particular
& Survivals, William Ratigan described presented in these ways. Like a game 47. Pins 110. Goatee 45. Turkish chiefs 96. Disaster response
the impossible apparition as moving show, like a TV show, very American- 48. Quantity consumed 111. Kind of British 47. Less believable org.
50. Floating prison money 49. Likewise not 97. _ ut supra
“like a great wounded beast with its head entertainment-style. What is it like to 51. Mil. address part 112. Withered and dry 50. B'nai _ 98. Competent
shot off,” vanishing into the deadly night live with that stuff, day-to-day? … You 52. The _, Netherlands 52. Loathed 99. Planet wheel
53. Regretful DOWN 54. Fire remains 100. Middle Ages
with only one man surviving to tell the have to sort of play tricks on yourself to 54. Place of contest 1. Recipe direction 56. _ Park, Colorado laborer
ghastly tale. deal with it.” For a taste: “‘Cop Show’ in 55. Full-page headline 2. French composer 58. Actress _ 102. Hasten
57. Bring to bay 3. Writer _ Murdoch Moorehead 103. Dance field
Our society has become a disembod- particular is about how Americans treat 58. Stage whispers 4. Be polite, grudgingly: 60. Dead letter 104. "Ben- _"
ied monster in much the same way, with police violence as entertainment.” 59. With 61 Across, 2 wds. 62. Greek letters
speaker of the quip 5. Perceptive
the greed, ill will, and indifference of the SERAC describe themselves as a 61. See 59 Across 6. Bullwinkle J. _
powerful metastasizing into an uncon- “Gross amalgam of sludge and noise 63. Day for a parade 7. Tub event New Crossword Puzzles
66. Ireland 8. "_ told every
trollable force that threatens to con- rock with environmentally tinged 69. Numskull little star..." and Answer Keys
sume and destroy humanity itself. Body lyrics.” Their EP title Waging War 73. Cupidity 9. Light meal
posted EVERY week at
74. Solutions 10. Scandinavians
Void have harnessed these thoughts of Against the Prairie speaks for itself. 75. Is too fond 11. Prince in Schehe-
unlimited horror and distilled them into 76. Compass pt. razade's stories RCReader.com/lifestyle
Continued On Page 28 77. Fly balls' paths 12. Scheider and
28 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.

Get Your Local Licks On
Through January 7, 2024
January Print Edition Deadline:
December 31: calendar@rcreader.com

Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Meyer (4pm) – Freight Center, 3184 Highway 22, Merriment: Songs & W. Locust St., Davenport IA
THURSDAY (30) Davenport IA House, 421 W. River Dr., Riverside IA Stories with Sarah Smith TyJon Charlie – Pour Bros.
Avey Grouws Band (6pm) Davenport IA Battle of the Bands 2023: – Grace Theater, 316 S. Craf t Taproom Moline,
– Whiskey Stop, 1726 15th FRIDAY (1) Karl Beatty – Hawkeye Tap 7 Ark – N one t he less Main St., Princeton IL 1209 4th Ave. Suite 2,
Ave., East Moline IL Christmas at the Heritage Sports Bar & Grill, 4646 Impossible – Wonder Quad Cities Saxophone Moline IL
Brooke Byam, Ron Tegeler, Center: “All the Souls Cheyenne Ave., Davenport – Har t wood (5:30 pm) C h r i s t m a s (1p m ) –
& Paul Johnson (6pm) – on Earth Shall Sing!” – IA – M a d e Ya L o o k – Nor thPark Mall, 320 W. SUNDAY (3)
The V’ue, 137 5th Ave. S., John & Alice Butler Hall Keener Road – The Gypsy Anthropoid – Crushed Kimberly Rd., Davenport A m a n d a Fi s h (3p m) –
Clinton IA - University of Dubuque Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 M o n key – M e r c u r y ’s IA Moline Viking Club, 1450
Daisychain – Ira Wolf – H erit age Center, 2255 W. Locust St., Davenport IA Crown (8pm) – Rascals Q u a d C i t y Sy m p h o ny 41st St., Moline IL
Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Bennett St., Dubuque IA The Mand – Bootleg Hill Live, 1414 15th St., Moline Orchestra Masterworks Manny Lopez Big Band
Second St., Davenport IA Dani Lynn Howe – Rhythm Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd IL III: Winter Wonders – (2pm) – The Circa ’21
L e w i s K n u d s e n (6 p m) City Casino Resort Rhythm St., Davenport IA Danger Zone – Len Brown’s Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third Sp eakeas y, 1818 T hird
– Twin Span Brewing, Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Music, Memories & North Shore Inn, 700 N. St., Davenport IA Ave., Rock Island IL
6776 Championship Dr., Davenport IA Merriment: Songs & Shore Dr., Moline IL RiverBend Bronze Q u a d C i t y Sy m p h o ny
Bettendorf IA Deb Talan – Bishop Hill Stories with Sarah Smith Identity Crisis – Rhy thm Handbell Ensemble Orchestra Masterworks
Open Jam Night – My Place Creative Commons, 309 N – Grace Theater, 316 S. City Casino Resort Rhythm Christmas Concert I I I : W i n t e r Wo n d e r s
the Pub, 4405 State St., Bishop Hill St., Bishop Hill Main St., Princeton IL Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., (2pm) – St.John’s United (2pm) – Bartlett
Bettendorf IA IL RiverBend Bronze Davenport IA Methodist Church, 109 E Per forming Arts Center,
Open Mic Night (5:30pm) Douglas & Tucker Duo – Handbell Ensemble Jim & Leigh Acoustic Duo – 14th St, Davenport IA 3600 Avenue of the Cities,
– Tuggers Burger Bar & The Grape Life Wine Store Christmas Concert Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, Ron Tegeler Organ Trio – Moline IL
Alehouse, 201 N. Main St., & Lounge, 3402 Elmore – St . J o hn’s Unite d 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport The Grape Life Wine Store Rock y Mountain High
Port Byron IL Ave., Davenport IA Methodist Church, 109 E IA & Lounge, 3402 Elmore Experience: A John
Open Mic Night w/ Antone Ed James – Hollar’s Bar and 14th St, Davenport IA Luke Hendrickson – Ave., Davenport IA Denver Christmas (2pm)
Bur ton – Bootleg Hill Grill, 4050 27th St, Moline The Schwag – RIBCO, 1815 Contrar y Brewing Co. , The Schwag – RIBCO, 1815 – Adler Theatre, 136 E.
Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd IL Second Ave., Rock Island IL 411 W Mississippi Dr., Second Ave., Rock Island IL Third St., Davenport IA
St., Davenport IA Far Out 283 – Parkside Grill Muscatine IA S u r f ’s U p S a t u r d ay Ste e l Pant he r – M o on
Squeaky Feet – Gabe’s, 330 & Lounge, 2307 5th Ave, SATURDAY (2) Mavis Staples – The War (11:30am) – Zeke’s Island Fever – The Rust Belt, 533
E. Washington St., Iowa Moline IL Amateur Selectors: & Tr e a t y – H a n c h e r Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St., 12th Ave., East Moline IL
City IA Harlem Hayfield – The V’ue, Tu r f Groovin’ w/ Auditorium, 141 East Park Davenport IA Sunday Funday w/ 3 Way
True Day (6:30pm) – The 137 5th Ave. S., Clinton IA MemoryWerks Music – Rd., Iowa City IA Toxic Blonde – The Gypsy Radio (4pm) – The Gypsy
Gy ps y Highway Bar & Jingle & Mingle: Angela Riverside Casino Event Music, Memories & Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 Highway Bar & Grill, 2606

Dread and Merriment in December

Continued from page 27
Their songs are far more concise but
just as spiritually heavy as Body Void’s.
Everlasting Light’s minimalist, guitar-
and-drums black metal shares Body
Void’s affinity for noise, provided by the
tortured vocals and occasional saxo-
phone squall of frontman Rush Falknor.
Doors open at 7 p.m., with the show
beginning at 8 p.m.
Ragged Records (311 East Second
Street) are sponsoring the December
8 spectacle, as well as a compara-
tively lighthearted event the following
weekend at their new Davenport digs. rock and roll, rolling an even split
They’re holding an “After Hours Sale” between dramatic and fun. Watermelon
and Holiday Party from 6 to 8 p.m. on play fast, fun and to-the-point songs
Saturday, December 16, together with about social trouble, fast food, Ritalin,
longtime shopmates Trash Can Annie. and shitty people – scope the shining
All records will be 10-percent off and diss track “Johnny Ramone.” If you’re
any of Annie’s vintage clothing and not looking to shop, channel your inner
paraphernalia will be 30-percent off Costanza and set up a lawn chair in the
(with shoe-punched tags). Free musical store, but don’t spill your sandwich on
entertainment will be provided by Camp the merchandise, lest ye be forever ban-
ished from the eastern bloc of Second Everlasting Light
Regret and Watermelon.
Camp Regret manage to balance ice- Street.
cold, dissonant post-punk with upbeat
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 29

Get Your Local Licks On
Through January 7, 2024
January Print Edition Deadline:
December 31: calendar@rcreader.com

W. Locust St., Davenport IA St., Davenport IA Washington St., Iowa City IA Island IL
Reggae Night – Zeke’s
SATURDAY (9) IA Moline High School
MONDAY (4) I s l a n d C a f e , 15 0 9 N Adeem the Artist – Disco Holiday Brass (3pm) – St.. TUESDAY (12) Holiday Concert (10am) –
Christmas Tunes with Jim Harrison St., Davenport IA Doom – Scott Stowe – Paul Lutheran Churcj, 2136 Prese r vat ion H all Jaz z Moline Public Library, 3210
& Marcia (1pm) – Moline Ruby & Donovan (6pm) – Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Brady St., Davenport IA Band: Creole Christmas 41st St., Moline IL
Public Library, 3210 41st Whiskey Stop, 1726 15th Second St., Davenport IA Ke e n e r R o a d B a n d – – Englert Theatre, 221 East O pen Mic w/ Donovan
St., Moline IL Ave., East Moline IL Angela Meyer – JT’s Alpha Rhythm City Casino Resort Washington St., Iowa City G u s t o f s o n – W hiskey
Samantha Henson – Inn, 102 W D St., Alpha IL R h y t h m R o o m , 707 7 IA Stop, 1726 15th Ave., East
Damsel. – Raccoon FRIDAY (8) The Carefree Highwaymen Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Moline IL
Motel, 315 E. Second St., Angela Meyer – Oak Grove – The Grape Life Wine Lu m i n a r e C h r i s t m a s – WEDNESDAY (13)
Davenport IA Tavern, 4371 53rd Ave., Store & Lounge, 34 02 Rhythm City Casino Resort Jordan Danielsen (6:30pm) THURSDAY (14)
Bettendorf IA Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Event Center, 7077 Elmore – The Gypsy Highway Bar & Alex Axup (6pm) – Whiskey
TUESDAY (5) Black Friday Karaoke – Code 415 – The Gyps y Ave., Davenport IA Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Stop, 1726 15th Ave., East
Ark a n s au ce – Fi r e s i d e Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 Sara Evans – Engler t Davenport IA Moline IL
Co l l e c t i ve – R a cco o n St, Davenport IA W. Locust St., Davenport IA Theatre, 2 21 East Karaoke Night – RIBCO, Angela Meyer – Frick’s Tap,
Motel, 315 E. Second St., B o d y Vo i d – R a cco o n Doug Brundies – Hawkeye Washington St., Iowa City 1815 Second Ave., Rock
Davenport IA Motel, 315 E. Second St., Tap Sports Bar & Grill, 4646 Continued On Page 30
Tuneful Tuesday: Holiday Davenport IA Cheyenne Ave., Davenport
Music with the Quad City Clint Black – Riverside IA
Sy m p h o ny O r c h e s t r a Casino and Golf Resort, Holiday Brass – Second
(no on) – Ro ck Islan d 318 4 Highway 22, Baptist Church, 919 6th
Public Library - Downtown Riverside IA Ave, Rock Island IL
Library, 401 19th St., Rock D o n ov a n G u s t o f s o n – The King’s Singers: When
Island IL Hollar’s Bar and Grill, 4050 You Wish Upon a Star –
27th St, Moline IL Hancher Auditorium, 141
WEDNESDAY (6) D ram a M ajor – H arl ey East Park Rd., Iowa City IA
Archer Oh – Plunkett – Corin’s, 1708 State St., Kuldeep Singh – Englert
Wa l d e m a r – R a cco o n Bettendorf IA Theatre, 2 21 East
Motel, 315 E. Second St., Far Out 283 – The Gypsy Washington St., Iowa City
Davenport IA Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 IA
Chuck Murphy (6:30pm) – W. Locust St., Davenport IA Lewis Knudsen – Pour Bros.
The Gypsy Highway Bar & Gary Pearson and Larry Craf t Taproom Moline,
Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Boyd – Bootleg Hill Honey 1209 4th Ave. Suite 2,
Davenport IA Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Moline IL
JACK Quar tet Plays Davenport IA Maddie Poppe’s Acoustic
John Zorn – Hancher Halfloves – Jim Swim – Lou Christmas – Central
Auditorium, 141 East Park Sherry – Gabe’s, 330 E. DeWitt Per forming Ar ts
Rd., Iowa City IA Washington St., Iowa City Center, 519 E. 11th St.,
Karaoke Night – RIBCO, IA DeWitt IA
1815 Second Ave., Rock Hap Hazard – Parkside Grill RiverBend Bronze
Island IL & Lounge, 2307 5th Ave, Handbell Ensemble
O pen Mic w/ Donovan Moline IL Christmas Concert
G u s t o f s o n – W hiskey The Jason & John (3pm) – St.Paul’s United
Stop, 1726 15th Ave., East Experience – Hawkeye Methodist Church - Cedar
Moline IL Tap Sports Bar N Grill, 4646 Rapids, 3rd Ave SE at 14th
Cheyenne Ave., Davenport St.SE, Cedar Rapids IA
THURSDAY (7) IA The Rushmore Band –
Caleb Talbott (6:30pm) – Mike Zito (7pm) – Fair Rhythm City Casino Resort
The Gypsy Highway Bar & Warning (9pm) – Rhythm R h y t h m R o o m , 707 7
Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., City Casino Resort Rhythm Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Davenport IA Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., S u r f ’s U p S a t u r d ay
Cole Barnhil – Shea Abshier Davenport IA (11:30am) – Zeke’s Island
& the Nighthowlers – Old Shoe Album-Release Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St.,
Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington Show – Allie Kral – The Davenport IA
St., Iowa City IA Dawn – The Redstone Totes McGoats – Bootleg
Jen Craf t (6pm) – Twin R o o m , 12 9 M a i n St , Hill Honey Meads, 321 E.
S p a n B r e w i n g , 67 76 Davenport IA 2nd St., Davenport IA
Championship D r. , TriTones Jazz Ensemble – Windy City Dueling Pianos
Bettendorf IA The Grape Life Wine Store – The Circa ’21 Speakeasy,
Open Jam Night – My Place & Lounge, 3402 Elmore 1818 T hird Ave., Rock
the Pub, 4405 State St., Ave., Davenport IA Island IL
Bettendorf IA The Unidynes – The V’ue,
Open Mic Night w/ Antone 137 5th Ave. S., Clinton IA
Bur ton – Bootleg Hill Ashbringer – Moon
Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd Summoner – Everlasting
Light – Gabe’s, 330 E.
30 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.

Get Your Local Licks On
Through January 7, 2024
January Print Edition Deadline:
December 31: calendar@rcreader.com

1402 W. 3rd St., Davenport (6 p m) – Q u a d C i t y Grill & Lounge, 2307 5th (6pm) – Ragged Records P o l y r h y t h m s Tr i o + the Pub, 4405 State St.,
IA Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave, Moline IL & Trash Can Annie, 311 E. 2 (5 p m) – U n i t a r i a n Bettendorf IA
Kyle Cord (6pm) – Twin Ave., Rock Island IL N ova Singe r s: A N ova Second St., Davenport IA Universalist Congregation Open Mic Night w/ Antone
S p a n B r e w i n g , 67 76 Christmas – St. Paul Code 415 – Harley Corin’s, of the Quad Cities, 3707 Bur ton – Bootleg Hill
Championship D r. , FRIDAY (15) Lutheran Church - 1708 State St., Bettendorf Eastern Ave., Davenport IA Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd
Bettendorf IA An g e l a M eye r – R ams Davenport, 2136 Brady St., IA Sunday Open Jam w/ the St., Davenport IA
Levi Craft (6:30pm) – The Riverhouse, 102 South Davenport IA Cr o oke d Cac t us – T h e Louie Bellson Drummers QC Soul Singers Christmas
Gy ps y Highway Bar & Main Street, Port Byron IL P A K Tr i o ( n o o n ) – Gy ps y Highway Bar & Collective Group (3pm) Special with Kellen
Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Candlelight: Holiday Bettendorf Public Library, Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., – The Gypsy Highway Bar Myers (6:30pm) – The
Davenport IA Special Featuring “The 2950 Learning Campus Dr., Davenport IA & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Gy ps y Highway Bar &
Open Jam Night – My Place Nutcracker” & More (6:30 Bettendorf IA The Donovan Band – 11th Davenport IA Grill, 2606 W. Locust St.,
the Pub, 4405 State St., & 8:45pm) – The Spotlight Rob and Rita (6:30pm) – St r e e t P r e c i n c t , 1107 A Very Brassy Christmas w/ Davenport IA
Bettendorf IA Theatre, 1800 7th Ave., Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, Mound St., Davenport IA the Big River Brass Band
Open Mic Night (5:30pm) Moline IL 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport Freddy Allen Christmas (3pm) – St.Paul Lutheran FRIDAY (22)
– Tuggers Burger Bar & Funktastic 5 – The Gypsy IA Concert – Hauberg Civic Church - Davenport, 2136 BS Express – Bootleg Hill
Alehouse, 201 N. Main St., Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 Steve Grismore Jazz Trio – Center Mansion, 1300 24th Brady St., Davenport IA Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd
Port Byron IL W. Locust St., Davenport IA The Grape Life Wine Store St., Rock Island IL St., Davenport IA
Open Mic Night w/ Antone Jim Ryan – Hollar’s Bar and & Lounge, 3402 Elmore Jerry Criss Band – The V’ue, MONDAY (18) Black Friday Karaoke –
Bur ton – Bootleg Hill Grill, 4050 27th St, Moline Ave., Davenport IA 137 5th Ave. S., Clinton IA Michael W. Smith: Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th
Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd IL Jordan Danielsen – The Christmas – Adler St, Davenport IA
St., Davenport IA Levi Craft – Hawkeye Tap SATURDAY (16) Grape Life Wine Store & Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Chuck Murphy – Hawkeye
Open Mic Nite w/ Jacob Sports Bar & Grill, 4646 BanD Acoustic – Bootleg Lounge, 3402 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Tap Sports Bar & Grill, 4646
Hemenway – Zeke’s Island Cheyenne Ave., Davenport Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. Davenport IA Songwriters Roundtable Cheyenne Ave., Davenport
Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St., IA 2nd St., Davenport IA Jump: The Ultimate Van (6pm) – Common Chord, IA
Davenport IA Monica Austin – Rhy thm Ben Orrin Coe – Hawkeye Halen Tribute – Big Hair 129 N. Main St., Davenport A Conrad Christmas – The
Robin Taylor Zander – City Casino Resort Rhythm Tap Sports Bar & Grill, 4646 Mafia – The Rust Belt, 533 IA Grape Life Wine Store &
Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Cheyenne Ave., Davenport 12th Ave., East Moline IL Lounge, 3402 Elmore Ave.,
Second St., Davenport IA Davenport IA IA N ova Singe r s: A N ova WEDNESDAY (20) Davenport IA
Roger Carlson & Friends Not Offended – Parkside Camp Regret – Watermelon Christmas – First Lutheran 3 Door Coupe (6:30pm) – Danger Zone – Park side
Church Galesburg, 364 E. The Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill & Lounge, 2307 5th
Water St., Galesburg IL Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Ave, Moline IL
Paxton Sherbeyn – Pour Davenport IA Identity Crisis Christmas

STI testing:
Bros.Craf t Ta p r o o m Co u n t r y C h r i s t m a s w/ Show – The Gypsy
Moline, 1209 4th Ave. Suite A n g e l a M e ye r & J D Highway Bar & Grill, 2606
2, Moline IL Aguilera (6pm) – Raccoon W. Locust St., Davenport IA
Salsa Night w/ Sonora Motel, 315 E. Second St., T h e I n c r e d i b l e 45’s –
Sazon De Antano – The Davenport IA Rhythm City Casino Resort

It’s snow big deal.

Redstone Room, 129 Main Karaoke Night – RIBCO, R h y t h m R o o m , 707 7
St, Davenport IA 1815 Second Ave., Rock Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
S u r f ’s U p S a t u r d ay Island IL The Jason & John
(11:30am) – Zeke’s Island Open Mic Night (6pm) – Experience – Hollar’s Bar
Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St., Green Tree Brewery, 309 N. and Grill, 4050 27th St,
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like Davenport IA Cody Rd., LeClaire IA Moline IL
Winterland: A Grateful O pen Mic w/ Donovan What’s Our Name Again? –
gonorrhea and chlamydia are both more Dead Holiday Show – G u s t o f s o n – W hiskey Harley Corin’s, 1708 State
Englert Theatre, 221 East Stop, 1726 15th Ave., East St., Bettendorf IA
common and easier to get than you Washington St., Iowa City Moline IL
might think. Many people experience IA SATURDAY (23)
THURSDAY (21) Ariel McReynolds – Rhythm
no symptoms. If you are sexually SUNDAY (17) Chris & Wes Show (6pm) – City Casino Resort Rhythm
Freddy Allen Christmas Whiskey Stop, 1726 15th Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
active, make STI testing part of your Concert – Hauberg Civic Ave., East Moline IL Davenport IA
regular health routine! Center Mansion, 1300 24th Fe a t u r e A r t i s t N i t e – Donovan Gustofson
St., Rock Island IL Zeke’s Island Cafe, 1509 N – Geneseo Brewing
G o s p e l S u n d ay : J e r r y Harrison St., Davenport IA Company, 102 S. State St.,
Johnson & the Voices of Jacob Hemenway (6pm) Geneseo IL
Find a testing
the QC – Jovonta Patton – Twin Span Brewing, Funktastic 5 – Hawkeye Tap
location near you: (6pm) – The Redstone 6776 Championship Dr., Sports Bar & Grill, 4646
gettested.cdc.gov R o o m , 12 9 M a i n St , Bettendorf IA Cheyenne Ave., Davenport
Davenport IA M ic hae l Const ant ino – IA
M o m R o c k – R a cco o n Deanna Schultz – Todd Open Mic w/ DJ Santa
Motel, 315 E. Second St., Lorenc (6pm) – The Rusty (6pm) – The V’ue, 137 5th
Davenport IA Fox Wine & Alehouse, 1 E Ave. S., Clinton IA
Polyrhythms’ Third 3rd St., Sterling IL Smooth Groove Holiday
S u n d ay J a z z S e r i e s : Open Jam Night – My Place Show – The Gypsy
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 31

Get Your Local Licks On
Through January 7, 2024
January Print Edition Deadline:
December 31: calendar@rcreader.com

Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 IL Sports Bar & Grill, 4646 IA Highway 22, Riverside IA Grill, 2606 W. Locust St.,
W. Locust St., Davenport IA Cheyenne Ave., Davenport Fair Warning – The Gypsy Davenport IA
S u r f ’s U p S a t u r d ay FRIDAY (29) IA Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 WEDNESDAY (3)
(11:30am) – Zeke’s Island 3 Day Rain – The Gypsy Avey Grouws Band W. Locust St., Davenport IA Karaoke Night – RIBCO, SATURDAY (6)
Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St., Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 (5 : 3 0 p m) – C r o o k e d Hap Hazard – 11th Street 1815 Second Ave., Rock Liz ano – Barnhouse &
Davenport IA W. Locust St., Davenport IA Cac tus (9:30 pm) – Precinct, 1107 Mound St., Island IL Palmer – The Grape Life
Tony Hoeppner & Friends – Alex Fischbach – Hawkeye Rhythm City Casino Resort Davenport IA Wine Store & Lounge, 3402
The Grape Life Wine Store Tap Sports Bar & Grill, 4646 R h y t h m R o o m , 707 7 N e w Ye a r ’s R o c k i n ’ THURSDAY (4) Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
& Lounge, 3402 Elmore Cheyenne Ave., Davenport Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Reunion: A Tribute to Georgia Rae (6:30pm) – Semi Charmed – The Gypsy
Ave., Davenport IA IA Belladiva – Rhy thm Cit y Buddy Holly & Friends – The Gypsy Highway Bar & Highway Bar & Grill, 2606
Victor Dean – Bootleg Hill Ellis Kell’s Winter Blues Casino Resor t Event Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse, Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., W. Locust St., Davenport IA
Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd Camp Conce r t – T h e Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., 1828 Third Ave., Rock Davenport IA
St., Davenport IA Redstone Room, 129 Main Davenport IA Island IL
St, Davenport IA D J L a n d o n M u r r ay – The Pork Tornado es – FRIDAY (5)
WEDNESDAY (27) Freddy Allen 2&4 Swing – Renwick Mansion, 9 01 B i r d c h i l d – R i ve r si d e The Matt Fuller Band –
Doug Brundies (6:30pm) – The Grape Life Wine Store Tremont Ave, Davenport Casino Event Center, 3184 The Gypsy Highway Bar &
The Gypsy Highway Bar & & Lounge, 3402 Elmore
Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Ave., Davenport IA
Davenport IA Jim Cook – Hollar’s Bar and
Karaoke Night – RIBCO, Grill, 4050 27th St, Moline
1815 Second Ave., Rock IL
Island IL Lewis Knudsen – Bootleg
O pen Mic w/ Donovan Hill Honey Meads, 321 E.
G u s t o f s o n – W hiskey 2nd St., Davenport IA
Stop, 1726 15th Ave., East North of 40 – Parkside Grill
Moline IL & Lounge, 2307 5th Ave,
Moline IL
THURSDAY (28) Rosie & the Rivets – Rhythm
Donovan Gustofson City Casino Resort Rhythm
(6:30pm) – The Gypsy Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 Davenport IA
W. Locust St., Davenport IA
Final Mix Band – Rhythm SATURDAY (30)
City Casino Resort Rhythm Alex Axup – The Grape Life
Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Wine Store & Lounge, 3402
Davenport IA Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
L e w i s K n u d s e n (6 p m) Class of ’82 – Rhythm City
– Twin Span Brewing, Casino Resor t Rhy thm
6776 Championship Dr., Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Bettendorf IA Davenport IA
Open Jam Night – My Place Code 415 – Len Brown’s
the Pub, 4405 State St., North Shore Inn, 700 N.
Bettendorf IA Shore Dr., Moline IL
Open Mic & Karaoke – Danger Zone – The Gypsy
The Rust y Fox Wine & Highway Bar & Grill, 2606
Alehouse, 1 E 3rd St., W. Locust St., Davenport IA
Sterling IL Gary Pearson and Larry
Open Mic Night (5:30pm) Boyd – Bootleg Hill Honey
– Tuggers Burger Bar & Meads, 321 E. 2nd St.,
Alehouse, 201 N. Main St., Davenport IA
Port Byron IL Kontra Band – Hawkeye Tap
Open Mic Night w/ Antone Sports Bar & Grill, 4646
Bur ton – Bootleg Hill Cheyenne Ave., Davenport
Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd IA
St., Davenport IA Sevendust – 10 Years –
Open Mic Nite w/ Jacob Burden of the Sky – CORE
Hemenway – Zeke’s Island – The Rust Belt, 533 12th
Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St., Ave., East Moline IL
Davenport IA S u r f ’s U p S a t u r d ay
Roger Carlson & Friends (11:30am) – Zeke’s Island
(6 p m) – Q u a d C i t y Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St.,
Botanical Center, 2525 4th Davenport IA
Ave., Rock Island IL
TAG (6pm) – Whiskey Stop, SUNDAY (31)
1726 15th Ave., East Moline 3 Day Rain – Hawkeye Tap
32 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1016 • December 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.

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