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Choose between the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous to

complete the following sentences. For some of the sentences, both
ways may be possible, but have a different focus.

a. I can't find my diary. I think I've (lose) it.


b. He is not in trouble anymore because he has disproved the scandal.

c. I don't think she's staying at Bill's anymore. She's been staying

(stay) at Janet's.’

d. Have you heard (hear) about the new law passed by congress?

e. I have heard (hear) so many bad things in the news about that regime

f. I'm sorry our kitchen is so messy. We've been fixing (fix) the refrigerator.

g. We've been looking for (look for) a nice apartment around the
city but haven't found the ideal place yet.

h. She has been at the casino all week. She's definitely been developing
(develop) some kind of compulsive disorder.

i. This old painting still looks new. Someone has really preserved
(preserve) it well.
j. My Facebook account looks a little strange. I think someone has been
messing with (mess with) it.

k. I'm sorry I'm late. I have gotten (get) coffee.

l. I've been coming (come) here a lot because it's so beautiful

and has lots of nature.
2. Choose between the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous for the
green parts of the following sentences:

a. "Why are you late?" "I'm late because I´ve been waiting in line to use the

b. "Why do you look so bad?" "Because I’ve caught a cold."

c. "Why aren't you using your computer?" "Because mine has broken down."

d. "Why are you covered in paint?" "Because we have painted."

e. "Why do you have a headache?" "Because I’ve been listening to loud


f. "Why can't you see?" "Because I’ve forgotten my glasses at home."

g. "Why did the teacher remove the student from class?" "Because the
student has missed class too often."

h. "Why is her face so red?" "Because she’s been crying."

i. "Why are you so worried about money?" "Because I’ve been shopping so
much lately."

j. "Why can't you use that computer?" "Because the keyboard has broken."\
k. "Why haven't you been sleeping well lately?" "Because I have had terrible

l. "Why does it smell so bad in here all of a sudden?" "Because John has
opened his lunch."

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