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Ethan Ivey, Natalie Haugh, Elizabeth Arnold, and Sophie Vachon

Group 186 Memo

Our intended audience was people who understand that climate justice is real.
People that have seen the way climate control is changing our planet and that we need
to do something about it. We wanted to reach out to the people that already know what
is happening but don’t know where to start. We want our audience to be able to make
informed decisions to better help our planet. We gave our audience information to better
understand the true problem that is climate change. We want the audience to feel that
they are making a difference and a good decision. We are appealing to the younger
audience since they are the ones that will one day be able to make changes. The
younger population is usually more concerned with climate justice and climate change
due to the fact that they will have to deal with its consequences for longer.
Our team chose to organize our project around climate justice based on our
interdisciplinary perspectives. Even though we all have different disciplines they are still
all affected by climate change. This made it an easy choice to revise our project so that
it showed how different communities and people are affected even if they don't have
much alike. We chose to give each member of the group a different job. Elizabeth did
the speech in the video, Ethan put the video together, and Sophie and Natalie did the
speech. We all collaborated on the presentation in the beginning but towards the end
we split up to complete our individual sections. We regularly checked in with each other
to make sure we were on track and that everybody was happy with the progress and the
At first when we made the presentation it seemed too factual and lifeless. This is
when we chose to make it more emotional, we wanted the audience to feel impacted.
Our team’s intended aim was a call to action for our audience. We want our audience to
realize there is a problem if they do not know about it already and use the information
we have given them to work against climate change. Within the video, we dedicated to
include multiple photos of protestors with signs showing that there are things you can do
to voice your opinions against climate change. We also included photos of protesters
that were older and younger, showing that it was everybody's fight. We want everybody
to come together to fight climate change.
We chose the visual medium of video graphics to help the point of our project
connect with the reader more. With scenes of nature showing the good and bad that
climate change causes and helping people visualize the impact it can have on
communities. These video graphics help immerse the audience in a way that just
pictures or text couldn't. We also added music to the background of the video which
makes the video more immersing than if we had just let it be the speaking. In our video
we chose to appeal more so to emotions than just reading out facts on a powerpoint.
We wanted the audience to feel pulled by our message so that it was a call to action
and the watchers would do something about Climate Justice after watching our video.
We wanted our video to speak to people and pull at their heart strings. We included
videos of natural disasters that can be linked to being caused by climate change to
show that there are real consequences to our current actions. We want people to
understand that if we do nothing and sit back, then it will only continue to get worse. We
Ethan Ivey, Natalie Haugh, Elizabeth Arnold, and Sophie Vachon

chose not to include a lot of facts in our presentation. I know personally that when I am
bombarded by hundreds of facts, I eventually just stop listening. We wanted to make the
audience feel fulfilled after watching our video. We wanted to give the audience
encouragement that there were things they could do to improve climate change.
As we worked on our project, we leaned on each other for input and their
personal opinions on how we could improve our own pieces of the project. While
working, Sophie and Natalie would send the speech to the other group members to get
their feedback to see what improvements they could make. Elizabeth sent us the
speech video after she had completed it and we were able to give her pointers that were
able to improve the overall tone and speech. Finally, Ethan sent us the completed
video. With this we had the full picture and we were able to make some minor
adjustments that helped to bring the entire project together. This helped us to make
sure everybody was included in the decision making and everybody participated in the
final product.

Group 1 Peer Review By Group 6- Group Memo

Your memo does a good job at describing the difficulties that you had when
making the video and how you choose to address the problems while fixing them.
Including examples of what climate change is doing to the world around us gives the
audience a visualization and logistics to what is happening to the world due to climate
change. I liked that you made your audience the group who already know about climate
change but don’t know where to start. I also liked your team dynamics and that you
described what they were in the memo. I believe that making the presentation more
emotional is going to help in the long run because it will help appeal to the audience
better, rather than just throwing facts at them. I think that the presentation plan was
divided perfectly so that every member of the group was having an equal share of work
that needed to be done on the presentation. So good job there! Your audience of young
people was a good choice because like you mentioned they are the future of the planet,
having them on board with controlling the spread of climate change is vital not just for
our nation, but for every nation.

Group 1 Peer Review By Group 6: Video

I liked your video and the music that you had to go with the voice-over. Though
the voiceover felt liked it was being rushed, and the pace at which you were talking
could be slowed down just a tad bit. The voiceover felt a bit lacking in emotions and felt
like you were reading off a script. I liked the images used, but they didn’t always feel like
they fit with what was being talked about and were more used to give the audience
something to watch while listening.
I feel like you all did a great job at making the video impactful and have more
emotion. I think having the voiceover definitely did a great job at contributing to that. It
also seems like you all did a great job at spreading out the work to make sure everyone
was able to contribute. I feel like with the amount of information present, the target
Ethan Ivey, Natalie Haugh, Elizabeth Arnold, and Sophie Vachon

audience would most likely be someone not very well informed on climate change, as
the video felt as if it was trying to cause emotion with the effect of climate change.
Overall, I think you all did a great job!

Project #3 Advocacy Video Project

Reflection and Self-Assessment
Project 3 Group Self-Assessment: Please complete this as a group including the points
and the comments.
Category and Goals Pts Student Comments
Ethan Ivey, Natalie Haugh, Elizabeth Arnold, and Sophie Vachon

Genre of the visual: Meets 5/5 We believe that we did a good job getting the points
the requirements of the we wanted to make shown throughout our video. We
assignment. Demonstrates tried to use visuals and rhetoric to enhance our speech
creativity and effort in and video. As well as using music in the background to
developing the visual medium. enhance the visuals.
Demonstrates the
interdisciplinary nature of the
project. Demonstrates ability to
bring together disciplinary and
interdisciplinary research in a
collaborative environment.
Utilizes the visual genre to its

Memo: Demonstrates a 4 /5 We believe that our Memo could have been a little
thoughtful analysis of the better and more descriptive on what exactly we did for
rhetorical choices that our video. We excluded some key information that
sufficiently explains and could have made our memo stronger.
examines/reflects upon the
choices made in the project.
Demonstrates critical thinking
and insight into the challenges
of creating a multimodal project
regarding the audience, aims,
and subject. Demonstrates

Research: Demonstrates an 4/5 We did a lot of research to make our video strong and
ability to organize and factual. We made sure that we use information that we
synthesize relevant gathered to come up with a script that would be
interdisciplinary research effective but also very true. We each would use our
around a specific topic/subject. personal research to create a script.
Demonstrates knowledge and
ability to articulate and
summarize/synthesize the
general background of the
issue and what the team has
learned so far. Offers action
points for advocacy.

Rhetoric/Aim: Our group was able to demonstrate thoughtful

Demonstrates thoughtful 4/5 engaement with our aim in our video through the use
engagement with the team’s of pathos and logos to appeal to our audience's
chosen rhetorical situation of emotions and logical reasoning in order to inspire them
Ethan Ivey, Natalie Haugh, Elizabeth Arnold, and Sophie Vachon

speaker/subject/public to take action against climate change.

audience/aim/context and form We used photos and videos that emphasized our
in the visual. Demonstrates an talking points which made our aim more impactful and
understanding of how to utilize added to the audience’s already building motivation to
visual rhetoric to translate and take action.
deliver information to various
public audiences and move
them to action. Demonstrates
appropriate appeals to the
proposed public audience.

Labor/Group 5/5
Participation/process: Our group worked effectively together. We turned in
Demonstrates ability to everything on time and with our best work. We would
collaborate effectively and self- communicate over email, text, and shared docs. The
assess both collaboration and method we used most was splitting up work to each
individual abilities as a writer. person. We would then all go back and look at the
Participated equally in the work with a new set of eyes and change anything we
group. Met group established would like to see differently or compliment the things
deadlines. Communicated we liked. We would come to agreements by doing this
timely and effectively with and talking it out.
group members. Participated
equally with full effort in
collaborative research and
writing. Was respectful of
group members ideas and
communicated one’s own
ideas appropriately in the
group context.

Total 22/

Dear Team,
Some really excellent work here! I thought your video was very well produced given the
limitations of the class (it’s not a video editing course!) and the collaborative nature of
the project. I would have liked to see a bit more call to action at the end and perhaps a
more targeted audience to make that call to action easier. And, some credits for yourself
at the end! But, overall, really well done! I thought the memo was also strong but even
more revision to address the rhetorical choices would have helped - for example, when
you reference that the video felt “lifeless” that was likely an absence of pathos, no?
Overall, strong work here, team!
Ethan Ivey, Natalie Haugh, Elizabeth Arnold, and Sophie Vachon

Dr. W

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