Anderson Hicks

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The Anderson Hicks Group


1. Market Leadership: The Anderson Hicks Group is identified as the largest real estate
group in Idaho, showcasing its market leadership and prominence in the industry.
2. Team Size and Expertise: With 13 agents and a total of 30 people on the team, the
company has a sizable and presumably experienced workforce.
3. Clear Goal: The company has a specific and measurable goal of closing on a thousand
homes, demonstrating a clear sense of direction and ambition.
4. Diverse Marketing Strategies: The company employs various marketing channels,
including traditional methods such as TV and movie theaters, as well as digital
approaches like Google and email marketing.
5. Utilization of Google for Lead Generation: The acknowledgment that Google is the
best lead-generating tool indicates an understanding of the importance of online
presence and search engine visibility.
6. Email Marketing and Video Content: The company engages past clients through a list
of 13,000 individuals with monthly viral marketing videos, demonstrating a
commitment to maintaining client relationships through digital channels.
7. Adaptability: The company recognizes the need to stay ahead of marketing trends and
is willing to adapt its strategies to remain effective.


1. Plateaued Social Media Growth: The company mentions that Facebook and Instagram
growth has plateaued, and it has a relatively low number of followers on Instagram
(300). This indicates potential challenges in engaging and expanding their social media
2. Concerns about Noise on Facebook: The company expresses concern that Facebook is
becoming noise, suggesting a need to reassess the effectiveness of their content on this
3. Low Engagement with Static Posts: The mention of low engagement with static
engagement posts on social media highlights a potential weakness in content strategy,
indicating a need for more engaging and relevant content.
4. Competition and Imitation: The company acknowledges that it was once a pioneer but
now faces competition that easily imitates its strategies. This suggests a need for
continued innovation to maintain a competitive edge.
5. Limited Instagram Appeal: The company recognizes that its current content on
Instagram may not be appealing to the audience on that platform, indicating a potential
gap in understanding and catering to the preferences of different social media
6. Lack of Instagram Following: With only 300 followers on Instagram, the company
may need to focus on building and engaging a larger audience on this platform.
7. Static Content on Instagram: The observation that content on Instagram mirrors that
of Facebook suggests a lack of tailoring content to suit the preferences of Instagram
Problem with the Business

1. Diminishing Effectiveness of Traditional Marketing: The speaker mentions that

traditional marketing methods, such as TV and movie theater advertising, are losing
their luster and effectiveness. This poses a challenge as the team needs to find
alternative strategies to reach their target audience.
2. Plateauing Engagement on Social Media: Although the Anderson Hicks Group has a
substantial following on Facebook (6,000 followers), there's a concern about plateauing
engagement. The speaker notes that engagement on Facebook and Instagram has
reached a plateau, and they are struggling to figure out how to maintain or increase
3. Increasing Noise on Facebook: The speaker expresses concern about Facebook
becoming noisy, and they don't want to be just part of the noise. This suggests a need for
a more effective and distinctive social media strategy to cut through the clutter and
capture the audience's attention.
4. Low Engagement on Certain Content: The speaker mentions that static engagement
posts, such as those related to pet ownership or holidays, result in low engagement. This
highlights a need to understand what type of content resonates with their audience and
drives higher interaction.
5. Challenges with Instagram Marketing: The Anderson Hicks Group acknowledges a
lack of success on Instagram, with only 300 followers. There is a recognition that the
content posted on Instagram might not be appealing to the audience, and the team is
actively seeking ways to change and improve their approach.
6. Increased Competition: The speaker notes that what was once pioneering efforts in
marketing have become easy to copy and duplicate by local agents and other teams.
This increased competition poses a challenge in terms of maintaining a unique and
differentiated marketing approach.
7. Need to Stay Relevant in a Changing Market: The overarching concern expressed by
the speaker is the need to stay relevant in a changing market. There's a recognition that
the means of advertising are evolving, and the team seeks guidance on what they may be
missing and what they need to be aware of to stay at the top in the future.

Demographics of Idaho

1. Population: As of the 2020 United States Census, Idaho had an estimated population of
around 1.9 million people. Out of which 59% of population is between 19-64 years and
92% population is belong to white race.
2. Age Distribution: The age distribution in Idaho is relatively balanced, with a mix of
various age groups. However, like many states, there may be variations between urban
and rural areas.
3. Ethnicity/Race:
o The majority of the population in Idaho identifies as White, non-Hispanic.
o There are smaller populations of Hispanic/Latino, African American, Asian,
Native American, and other racial and ethnic groups.
4. Gender: Idaho, like most states, has a roughly equal distribution of males and females.
5. Education:
o Educational attainment levels vary, with a significant portion of the population
having at least a high school diploma.
o There is also a portion of the population with higher education degrees.
6. Economy:
o Idaho's economy has traditionally been based on agriculture, but it has become
more diversified over the years.
o Industries such as technology, manufacturing, and services have grown in
7. Urban vs. Rural Distribution:
o Idaho has a mix of urban and rural areas. Cities like Boise, Meridian, Nampa,
and Idaho Falls are among the more urbanized areas, while large rural expanses
characterize other parts of the state.
8. Languages:
o English is the predominant language spoken in Idaho. However, there may be
communities where other languages, including Spanish and indigenous
languages, are spoken.
9. Religion:
o The religious landscape in Idaho includes various Christian denominations, as
well as individuals who identify as non-religious or belong to other faiths.
10. Migration:
o Idaho has experienced population growth, with migration from other states
contributing to this increase. Some people are drawn to the state for its natural
beauty, outdoor recreational opportunities, and a relatively lower cost of living
compared to some other parts of the country.

Psychographics of Idaho

1. Outdoor Enthusiasts:
o Idaho is known for its diverse and scenic landscapes, including mountains,
forests, and rivers. Many Idaho residents may have a strong affinity for outdoor
activities such as hiking, camping, fishing, and skiing. Outdoor recreation may
play a significant role in their lifestyles and values.
2. Rural and Agricultural Values:
o Idaho has a substantial rural population, and agriculture is a key industry.
Psychographically, residents in rural areas may value a close-knit community,
traditional values, and a connection to the land. Farming and ranching could be
significant parts of their identity.
3. Conservative Values:
o Idaho has a reputation for conservative political and social values.
Psychographically, residents may place importance on traditional family
structures, conservative ideologies, and a sense of community rooted in shared
4. Self-Sufficiency and Independence:
o The state's rural nature and wide-open spaces may contribute to a sense of self-
sufficiency and independence among its residents. People might value personal
freedom, individual responsibility, and a do-it-yourself mentality.
5. Community Engagement:
o In smaller towns and rural areas, community engagement and connection may be
highly valued. Events such as local fairs, festivals, and community gatherings
could play a significant role in people's social lives.
6. Tech-Savvy Urban Population:
o In urban centers like Boise, there is a growing tech industry. Psychographically,
residents in these areas may have a more modern and tech-savvy lifestyle, with
interests in innovation, entrepreneurship, and urban culture.
7. Cultural Diversity:
o While Idaho is often associated with a predominantly white population, there is
growing cultural diversity, particularly in urban areas. Psychographically,
individuals in diverse communities may have a broader range of cultural
interests and values.
8. Environmental Consciousness:
o Given the state's natural beauty, there may be a heightened awareness of
environmental issues. Residents may place importance on conservation,
sustainability, and responsible outdoor recreation.

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