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The Etheric Body

The etheric body is 3-5 cm larger than the physical body. This is the body of our emotions. It envelops
our matter like a spacesuit, exactly following the contours of the first body. The etheric body has a
lower density and a slightly higher frequency of vibrations. By the way, precisely because this body is
closest to matter, very often disorders in this body cause pain sensations that are mistaken for pain in
the physical body. Since the vibration frequency of this body is quite close to matter, 80-90% of people
can see it without special training.

At your fingertips is not only magic, as Don Juan said, but also the outputs of energy channels that are
responsible for the ability to SEE subtle energies, for integral vision. Do some exercises to stop the
mental dialogue, let your emotions calm down. A state of inner peace should be established within you.
Stretch your hand out in front of you, spread your fingers apart. Find a place where the background for
this viewing is something dark, preferably plain. Move your fingers, squeeze your hand into a fist and
straighten it again. As a rule, on a solid dark background, it is very easy to catch the contours of this
body. They look like a bluish light haze.


1. Place both hands in front of you at chest level and gently wrap the index finger of one hand between
the fingers of the other. It is important that the index finger and thumb of the hand that encircles, while
folded into a ring, which is inserted into the finger of the other hand.
2. Move both hands, feeling that they form a single whole. At the same time, in the finger that you have
wrapped around, there is a feeling that it is in a tight warm hole.
3. Open your fingers slightly so that they are no longer in contact with the finger that you were
wrapping around, but keeping the closed space. At the same time, you must continue to feel or
remember that you were holding your finger. In a finger that is in an enclosed space, it feels like it is in
a warm hole with warm air around it. Remember this feeling of warm space.
4. Pull your finger out of the closed space you will experience a clear difference in the temperature
sensations inside and outside. Slide your finger back in and you'll feel the warm space again.
5. Enter and exit with your finger several times, now paying attention to the sensations in the hand that
created the closed space. Remember how you rolled your finger and the feeling of touching it. If the
remembrance is sufficiently clear, then when you move the finger of the other hand back and forth, you
can feel a certain brush moving inside your palm. There may be other sensations described in Exercise
6. When the sensation of remote contact occurs, try to organize it by moving your finger
farther away.
7. Insert your finger back into the closed space and start spreading the fingers of the hand that created
this space more. Gradually, they will form a semicircle. At the same time, you must still maintain the
feeling that you are holding something. Now the finger, which was mink, was in a semi-open space:
move it sideways, moving it away and moving it to the middle of the palm. The finger should be placed
parallel to the palm. You may feel that somewhere there is a border of warm space.
8. Open your palm even more, and try to feel the border of warmth again by moving your finger and
moving it away.
9. Now, when you feel the limit of heat, move your finger parallel to the palm, wrist, forearm, and so
on along the body. At the same time, you always need to move your finger closer and away from the
body, feeling for this border.
10. When you move your finger along your arm and body, try to feel remote contact with your finger in
your arm and body.
11. If the exercise with the index finger turned out badly, then try to do the same with the other fingers
or change hands.

Quite often, in order to connect your consciousness to the process of information-energy interaction, it
is best to fix your attention on the sense of unity that arises between objects. For example, in order to
move a cabinet, you need to press your whole body against it, wrap your arms around it, that is, unite
with it into one whole, and then, pushing it, move with it. The same thing happens when interacting at a
distance. You do not need to touch the object of influence, just create an image of unity in your mind,
really feel it, and it will arise automatically.

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