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REED 1 – Profession of Faith

General Orientation – Vision – Mission of the Assumption College of Davao

 The Assumption College of Davao (ACD) is a Catholic school owned and
managed by the Missionaries of the Assumption (m.a.), promoting
education with a social conscience.
 The Assumption College of Davao is also referred to by its acronym ACD. It
is a private Catholic basic and higher education institution run by the
Missionaries of the Assumption in Davao City, Philippines. It was established
by the Daughters of Mary of the Assumption (FMA) in 1958.
 It will celebrate its 65th founding anniversary this school year 2023-2024.
 Boats speak so much of the Philippines and are the symbol where faith in
Christ was tested with the apostles. The cross symbolizes our deeper faith
to Christ as the center of our educational mission.
 The colors blue and white depicts the Marian character of the school, that
of being hopeful, joyful and simple.
 The circle symbolizes our just, rightful, and deeper interconnection, unity,
and harmony in the totality of God’s creation.
 The motto of Assumption College of Davao is Faith and Solidarity.
 FAITH is the founding and deepening process of our relationship with Christ
as the center of our life with Mary’s Assumption as our inspiration. We act
out our faith through solidarity.
 SOLIDARITY is our firm and persevering option for the poor and the
determination to commit ourselves to the common good and the
transformation of the self and society.
 The uniqueness of the Catholic School, and the underlying reason for its
existence, and the reason Catholic parents should prefer it, is precisely the
high quality of Religious instruction integrated into the general education
provided in a Catholic School." (SCCE No. 66)
 The identity and fundamental role of Catholic schools lies in their active
participation in the Church's evangelizing mission, emphasizing religious
education as a cornerstone within their curriculum.
The Sources of Faith
 Sacred Scripture is the word of the Lord, authored by the Lord. It is the
officially recognized Word of God found in both the Old and New
Testaments of the Bible. There are 73 books in the Catholic Bible and those
books have been universally recognized to be there official books of
Scripture for nearly 2,000 years. There will not be “new” books added to
the Bible.
 Tradition came first before Scripture. There was a time in the early Church
where there were Christians but there was no New Testament. It had not
been written yet. Therefore, it makes sense to say that Tradition, the core
beliefs of the Christian faith existed before there was a Bible.
 Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition are the sources of the Catholic Faith.
The two constitute one deposit of faith.
 Old Testament is the first part of the complete Bible. There are 46 Books in
the O.T.
 New Testament is the second part of the complete Bible. There are 27
Books in the N.T.
 The Magisterium is a word that refers to the teaching authority of the
Church. Jesus gave the Church the authority to teach and baptize in His
 The writers of the Sacred Scriptures were influenced by the Holy Spirit,
what we call Divine Inspiration.
 Mystery is a truth that cannot be discovered by man alone and that cannot
be fully known or expressed by man’s finite mind.
 Identity and Will are two important things that God revealed Himself to
 Jesus Christ is the perfect fulfillment of all of God’s promises in the
The Four Pillars of Faith
 CREED: representing our faith; what we must believe. The summary of the
Catholic Faith. The brief formula of the Catholic Faith.
 SACRAMENTS: representing our Public Worship; what we must celebrate as
a community.
 COMMANDMENTS: representing our Morals; what we must do.
 OUR FATHER: representing our Personal Prayer; how must we pray.
 The Apostles’ Creed is the teaching of the Christ and his apostles. It
specifies what we believe when we believe Christ’s teachings.
 The Sacraments especially the Mass makes Christ really present.
 The Ten Commandments specify the way to obey Christ’s two great
commandments: to love God and neighbor.
 The Lord’s Prayer is Christ’s answer to his disciples’ plea: “Teach us to

Article 1: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth
 Holy Trinity is the Central Mystery of the Catholic/Christian Faith. One God
in Three Divine Perons.
 The Father is the First Person in the Holy Trinity – The Creator.
 The Son is the Second Person in the Holy Trinity – The Redeemer
 The Holy Spirit is the Third Person in the Holy Trinity – The Paraclete
 The 1st Article of the Creed is divided into five parts: 1. The Virtue of Faith,
2. The Holy Trinity, 3. God the Creator, 4. Angels and Demons, 5. Man and
Original Sin.
 God is the master of Creation. The human person is one of the creations of
God, but we cannot do whatever we want to do, we need to take good
care of other God’s creatures like plants and animals.
 Whatever created by God that is good has its own goodness and proper
perfection, and there is solidarity of its all.
 God is the source of all GOOD THINGS. He never created sin and evil.
 Good Faith should always manifest in Good Work. We need not only to
become person for others but person with others.
 Angels are the pure spiritual creatures of God.
 The archangels are angels endowed with extraordinary gifts, namely:
RAPHAEL (Medicine-of-God), who was given the gift of healing. GABRIEL
(Power-of-God), who has the power of actualizing God’s plans. MICHAEL
(Who-is-like-God?), who has the power of defeating Satan.
 The Heaven and Earth are the whole of created reality.
 Human Person is God’s masterpiece created through His image and
Likeness. Hence, human person is the summit of Gods creation.
 Human beings are the crown of God’s visible creation because we are
created “in the image and likeness of God.” What does this mean? It
means that we have capabilities that go beyond all other creatures. We
have self-awareness and self-knowledge.
 This is an invitation to everyone: Take time to appreciate the beauty and
majesty of God’s creation. Also reflect on how you and others are created
in God’s image.


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