Nofinda Keisha (22711092) EAP

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Nofinda Keisha

English For Academic Purpose

1. Argumentative
Illegal Narcotics
The illicit circulation of narcotics is a grave societal issue that requires immediate and
comprehensive intervention. The ramifications of drug trafficking extend far beyond individual
users, permeating communities and undermining social fabric. Substance abuse, often fueled by
the availability of illicit drugs, leads to a surge in crime rates and strains the resources of law
enforcement agencies. The impact on public health is equally alarming, with a surge in addiction
rates and the subsequent burden on healthcare systems. Additionally, the influence of drug
cartels and illicit networks perpetuates violence and instability, particularly in regions where the
drug trade is rampant.

Despite the efforts of law enforcement, the clandestine nature of drug trafficking poses
significant challenges. The allure of financial gains often overshadows the ethical and legal
considerations for those involved in the illicit drug trade. To address this issue comprehensively,
it is imperative to focus not only on law enforcement but also on prevention and rehabilitation
initiatives. Investment in education, community programs, and accessible rehabilitation services
can mitigate the factors that contribute to drug abuse and trafficking.

In conclusion, combatting the illicit circulation of narcotics demands a holistic approach that
involves stringent law enforcement, preventive education, and rehabilitation efforts. By
addressing the root causes and providing support for affected individuals, society can strive
towards a future where the grip of narcotics is loosened, fostering healthier communities and
diminishing the impact of this pervasive issue.

2. Descriptive
My favorite food
Crabs are one of the animals that live in the sea that I like the most. The delicious taste of the
meat is one of the reasons why I like crab. As a favorite food, my mother usually processes crab
into a sweet and sour sauce which I really like. Even though it is a favorite food, it turns out that
crab is not a food that I often eat because it is quite expensive. So I don't often find crabs on my
dining table at home, if crabs were sold at an affordable price I would definitely keep buying and
eating them. Not because it tastes good, but because its shape and color are so cute, it is also the
reason why I like this animal.

3. narrative
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with her wicked
stepmother and stepsisters who treated her badly. One day, the prince held a grand ball, and
Cinderella desperately wanted to attend. With the help of her fairy godmother, she got a beautiful
dress and glass slippers to wear to the ball. At the ball, the prince fell in love with her, but
Cinderella had to leave before midnight when the spell would be broken. The prince searched for
Cinderella, and when he found her, they lived happily ever after.

4. Exspository
Water Shortage
Water shortages can involve situations in an area experiencing extreme drought due to climate
change, a lack of water management infrastructure, or rapid population growth exceeding the
capacity of available water resources.
For example, an agricultural region that relies on irrigation for agriculture could face water
shortages due to low rainfall in recent years. This can result in crop failure, reduced food
supplies, and negative economic impacts for local residents who are highly dependent on the
agricultural sector. In this case, such case studies can highlight necessary mitigation efforts, such
as implementing more efficient irrigation technologies, better water management, or diversifying
water sources to address growing water shortages.
Some solutions for agricultural areas experiencing water shortages include:
- Efficient Irrigation Technology: Using sophisticated and efficient irrigation systems such as
drip or water points to water plants directly can reduce water waste.
- Better Water Management: Wise water management practices such as collecting and storing
rainwater, closely monitoring water use, and planning timely watering schedules.
- Soil Conservation: Use of soil conservation techniques such as cover planting, use of mulch,
and crop rotation can help retain soil moisture and reduce water evaporation.
- Research and Innovation: Developing new technology or looking for innovative ways to save
water in agriculture such as using more drought-resistant plant varieties or more efficient
watering systems.
- Education and Training: Provide training to farmers on best practices in water management, as
well as education on the importance of saving water in agriculture.
- Partnerships and Collaboration: Collaboration with government agencies, non-profit
organizations, and the private sector to develop projects that support sustainable water
Combining some of these solutions in a comprehensive program can help water-scarce
agricultural regions overcome drought challenges and maintain their agricultural productivity.

5. Persuasive
The Importance of Reducing the Use of Single-Use Plastic

The use of single-use plastic has become a serious problem for our environment. The negative
impact on marine ecosystems, forests and the environment as a whole is increasingly worrying.
Considering the fact that plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, it's time we considered
environmentally friendly alternatives. Reducing the use of single-use plastic is a small but
significant step that every individual can take. Switching to cloth shopping bags, reusable
drinking bottles and reusable food containers can help reduce plastic waste polluting our planet.
In addition, increasing awareness of the importance of reducing the use of single-use plastics
through education and environmental campaigns is also an important step to protect the future of
our environment. By making small changes in our lifestyle, we can together reduce the negative
impact of single-use plastic and fight for a cleaner, more sustainable future for our planet.

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