01 Activity 1art App-1

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Group Section: BSCPE 201

Date: Score:

Directions: Read and understand the readings provided, then fill the boxes with your answers.

Reading 1: List at least 10 words you first encounter, then find the meaning of each word.

1. Theories - a system of ideas intended to explain something especially one

based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
2. Cultural - Relating to the idea’s customs , and social behavior of a society.The
cultural diversity of the world’s people’s .\
3. Philosophers- A person engaged or learned in philosophy,especially as an
academic discipline.
4. Philosophy - the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and
existence , especially when considered as an academic discipline.
5. Historical - of or concerning history ; concerning past events. The historical
background to such studies.
6. Aesthetics- concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
7. Class - A set of category of thing’s having some property or attribute in common
and differentiated from others.
8. Technology - the application of scientific knowledge for practical purpose.
Especially in industry.
9. Art- The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination,
typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be
appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
10. Gender- The male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with
reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a
range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and

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Reading 2: Visually present what you have understood from the texts read.

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Reading 3: What is the gist of the texts read?

The essence of what we’ve read was that to become aware of what was going on in

our own country that even if the colonizers are already gone and we have our

democracy, still their traces of them are still here and will never go away. Some of

them are saying that it is not a bad thing and some of them says it is. But if we truly

look deeply, our cultural identity are slowly fading most especially in this

generation. I am one of the people who wants to leave our country to work abroad

because that’s the practical mindset that they said. Instead of protecting our own

Cultural identity we are the ones who wants to erase them just like the jeepney

phase out nowadays.

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Reading 4: Think of a color that will best describe the texts you have read and explain why.

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Reading 5: Think of a person (not in your class) whom you wanted to share the lesson with. Include the topic/lesson
you wanted to share to him/her and why.

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