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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Accountancy, Business and Management Track

Organization and Management

Grade 11-Sparrow


Analyze the nature of organizations and types of organization structures.


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. analyze the nature of organizations;
B. differentiate the types of organization structures; and
C. create an organizational chart.


A. Topic: Types of Organization Structures

B. References: Organization and Management
by Helena Ma. F. Cabrera,PhD, Anthony DC. Altarejos,PhD and Riaz Benjamin
Pages 40-43
C.Materials: TV, laptop, Powerpoint Presentation, Cartolina, Pentel Pen blackboard and
D. Valuing: Teamwork and commitment

Teacher’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Developmental Activity

1. Motivation
The teacher presents a picture of an organizational chart.

The teacher asks the students what are their observation in the picture.
Based on the picture, it shows the organization structure in our school, Delfin Albano
(Magsaysay) Stand-Alone Senior High School.

2. Presentation
The teacher presents an organizational chart with vertical structure.
An organization structure is a system made up of tasks to be accomplished, work
movements from one work levels to other work levels in the system, reporting relationships,
and communication passageways that unite the work different individual persons and groups.
The types of organizational structure are vertical structure, horizontal structure and network

3. Discussion
The teacher will present an activity entitled “Organizational Structures”. The students will
be group into three. Each group will assign their leader to pick their number and the
organizational structures that they will be presented. The rubrics will be provided.

Rubrics for activity

Orderliness 2
5 4 3 1
The procedure was followed carefully.
Accuracy 2
5 4 3 1
The information reported are all correct.
Neatness 2
5 4 3 1
The output is neat and legible.
Creativeness 2
5 4 3 1
The output is presentable and has an impact to the evaluator.
Originality and Precision
The content of the output is correct and it was not copied from 5 4 3 1
other outputs.

The students will present the types of organizational structure which are vertical structure,
horizontal structure and network structure.

The teacher also integrates a family structure in Introduction to the Philosophy of the
Human Person relating to organization structures.

4. Application
The teacher will present an activity entitled “Business Venture”. Each group will create a
business venture in the future, what would it be? Then each group will make an
organizational chart of their business venture and discuss the roles of each of the positions
included in their organizational chart briefly. Read the rubrics for this activity as your

Business Name: ____________________________________________________________

Rubrics for activity

Orderliness 2
5 4 3 1
The procedure was followed carefully.
Accuracy 2
5 4 3 1
The information in the chart are all correct.
Neatness 2
5 4 3 1
The output is neat and legible.
Creativeness 2
5 4 3 1
The output is presentable and has an impact to the evaluator.
Originality and Precision
The content of the output is correct and it was not copied from 5 4 3 1
other outputs.

5. Generalization
The teacher asks the following questions:
What is organization structures?
Differentiate the types of organization structures?
Give an example organizational chart.



Directions: Read about the organization theories and applications and identify the
different organizational design.

References: Organization and Management, Helena Ma. F. Cabrera, PhD, Anthony

DC. Altarejos, PhD and Riaz Benjamin Pages 44-46

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