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United Nations Democracy Fund

Application Portal - 2023 Call for Project Proposals

Key Contact Information

First Name of Key Contact: Narantuya

Last Name of Key Contact: Ganbat

Title of Key Contact: Commissioner

Email of Key Contact:

Phone of Key Contact: +976-51-262786

Head of Organization Contact Information

First Name of Head: Khunan

Last Name of Head: Jargalsaikhan

Title of Head Contact: Chief Commissioner

Email of Head:

Phone of Head: +976-51-260987

Organization Information
Organization Legal Name: National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia

Organization acronym: NHRCM

Street: Government Building XII, 2nd floor, Chingeltei district

City: Ulaanbaatar

State / Region: Ulaanbaatar

Zip / Postal Code: 15170

Country: Mongolia

Organization Phone: +976-51-262786

Organizational Email:


Social Media Pages:



Type of Applicant: Independent and Constitutional body

First Time or Prior Applicant: First time applicant

Annual Expenditure: 1-2 million USD

Year of Legal Constitution: 2001

Number of Staff: 73

Financial Audits: Yes

Organization Annual Reports: Yes

PDF or image file types only. (Max. 5MB)

Proof of Legal Registration - Upload

Copy of original legal registration of your organization with certified translation in English or
in French.

Audited Financial Statements - Upload

Two audited annual financial statements. These should be organizational audit financial reports and not financial project

Annual Reports – Upload

Two annual narrative reports. These should be annual organizational reports and not project


Please fill out the required fields below marked with a red asterisk

Organization's Vision:
The National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia (NHRCM) is an independent
national human rights institution mandated to protect, promote, and oversee the
implementation of human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, laws,
and international treaties of Mongolia. The NHRCM was established in accordance
with the Law on the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia adopted by the
Parliament on 7 December 2000.
(What is your organizations goal and strategic priorities? Where do you see your
organization in five years from now? Max.650 characters.)
Prior Experience of Your Organization:
The National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia, which has about 23 years of
experience, has recently expanded. Revisions to the Law on the National Human
Rights Commission of Mongolia in January 2020 and December 2021 have
significantly strengthened the Commission’s role in safeguarding human rights,
privacy, and accountability in Mongolia. These changes include provisions related to
personal data protection, the protection of human rights defenders, and the
establishment of a national mechanism for the prevention of torture. The appointment
of four women commissioners to the NHRCM is a step forward in accordance with
SDG Objective 5.5.
(Please indicate any prior experience your organization has in the same sector,
country, or region. Provide detail on the yearof past and on-going key activities
implemented by your organization and their focus areas. Max. 650 characters.)

Prior Experience with the UN:

Under the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023-
2027, UN entities have a strategic partnership with the NHRCM to support the effective
implementation of human rights, including gender and labour rights, and to fulfill
obligations under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and international human rights
treaties. This partnership aims to strengthen the NHRCM's capacity to promote,
protect, and monitor human rights in Mongolia.
(Please provide detail of any prior experience, past or present, your organization has
working with the United Nations. Max.500 characters.)

The NHRCM was accredited with “A” status By the Sub-Committee on Accreditation
(SCA) of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) in 2003,
2008, 2014, and 2021 and admitted as a full member at the Asia Pacific Forum of
National Human Rights Institutions (APF).
(Please indicate any affiliations your organization has with either regional or
international associations or organizations. Max. 500 characters.)

Other Grants:
Project title: Strengthening national human rights oversight capacity in Mongolia
Grant-giving entity: UNDP
Date: 28 Dec 2011
Total allocated resources: $500,000
Creator (individual): (Ms.) Davaadulam Tsegmed
(Please detail any project grants your organization has received to date, from any
entity, the amount, whether UN or other, and the name of the grant-giving entity.
Please provide the name and email of the focal point in the grant-giving entity. Max.
255 characters.)


Please fill out the required fields below marked with a red asterisk

Proposal Name:
Strengthening the human rights oversight capacity of Mongolia in privacy and
personal data protection
Max. 120 characters

Project Summary:
The project led by the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia is a
commendable initiative that addresses a critical aspect of human rights in the digital
age. By conducting a comprehensive national inquiry on privacy and personal data
protection, the commission aims to shed light on the current state of privacy protection
in Mongolia, identify areas of concern, assess the existing legal framework,
implementation of privacy laws, impact of technology on privacy, and potential human
rights violations and propose evidence-based policy recommendations to enhance
privacy safeguards. Furthermore, the project's focus on raising public awareness
through social media campaigns, seminars, and panel discussions is crucial in
ensuring that citizens are well-informed about their privacy rights and empowered to
protect them. This multifaceted approach will undoubtedly contribute to creating a
more secure and trustworthy digital ecosystem in Mongolia, ultimately promoting
overall human rights protection.
Please provide a brief and concise summary of the project. Max. 1000 characters.

Project Geographic Scale

Please select...: Local (country)
All applicants must choose one geographic scale from the (Project Scale) drop
down. For local (Country) scale, choose only one country. For regional scale, choose
one region and multiple countries within that region. For global scale, choose
multiple countries.

Project Theme
Please select...: Rule of Law and Human Rights
Projects can touch on more than one theme. Please choose the most prevailing one.

Previous Initiatives in this Theme:

Due to the newly enacted Law on Personal Data Protection of 2022, we have a
dedicated designated unit within the NHRCM's functions. This function is carried out
in the framework of inquiry, promoting training and raising public awareness. In 2005,
the NHRCM conducted a national inquiry into torture and other cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment in Mongolia.
Explain in what way the proposed project is different from previous initiatives
undertaken by your organization to address the same theme. Max. 500 characters.

Lessons Learned and Innovation:

In the context of a national inquiry, there are several lessons learned that make the
project sustainable and innovative:
Public Awareness and Engagement: Prioritize public awareness and engagement
activities to promote a culture of privacy-conscious behavior and ensure the long-term
sustainability of privacy and data protection practices. Utilize various media platforms,
social media campaigns, public seminars, and panel discussions to reach a diverse
audience and encourage active participation.
Evidence-based Recommendations: The national inquiry aims to produce evidence-
based recommendations for legal amendments, policy changes, and implementation
practices to enhance privacy protections. By relying on solid evidence and analysis,
the project can ensure that its recommendations align with international best practices,
emerging data protection trends, and evolving challenges. This evidence-based
approach enhances the project’s credibility and sustainability.
Collaboration with International Experts: The project aims to collaborate with
international experts, including the UN Special Rapporteur on Privacy, to enhance the
inquiry’s effectiveness. Engaging with international experts allows for the exchange of
knowledge, best practices, and innovative approaches to privacy and data protection.
This collaboration can contribute to the sustainability and innovation of the project by
incorporating global perspectives and expertise.
Please identify lessons learned that will help make your project sustainable and
innovative. Take into account lessons learned from your previous initiatives as well
as those mentioned on the UNDEF Lessons Learned Platform (https://www.undefl Please also consider the inclusion of lessons learned from
cross-cutting themes such as women’s empowerment. Max 1500 characters.
Democratic Context:
The democratic context in Mongolia provides a foundation for addressing the
development issues and challenges related to privacy and personal data protection
addressed by this project. The rapid digital transformation, cybercrimes, limited
resources, and a lack of awareness and implementation of data protection best
practices require the strengthening of privacy and data protection measures. The
project aims to address these challenges through a national inquiry, and an awareness
Describe the overall democratic context, development issues and challenges
pertaining to the topic addressed by this project. Max. 500 characters.

Problem Analysis:
(1) The problem addressed by the project is the need to strengthen the human rights
oversight capacity of Mongolia in privacy and personal data protection.
(2) The underlying causes of this problem are a lack of awareness and understanding
among the public about their privacy rights and the importance of data protection, the
rapid advancement of technology and digitalization has outpaced the development of
comprehensive privacy and data protection laws and regulations in Mongolia. This has
created gaps and inconsistencies in the legal framework, leaving individuals' personal
data vulnerable to misuse and unauthorized access.
(3) The necessity of the project is justified by the need to address these underlying
causes and strengthen privacy and personal data protection in Mongolia. Enhancing
the legal framework will provide clear recommendations and regulations for
individuals, organizations, and institutions to follow, ensuring the protection of personal
data and privacy rights. Building institutional capacities will enable relevant authorities,
such as the NHRCM, to effectively enforce privacy laws, provide guidance to the
public, and handle complaints related to privacy and data protection. Promoting public
awareness will empower individuals to take proactive measures to protect their
personal data and make informed decisions about their privacy.
(1) Indicate the problem addressed by the project (2) Describe the underlying causes
of this problem and (3) Provide a justification for the necessity of the project. Max.
1500 characters.

Project Beneficiary (participants):

Please select...: Youth – Women – Journalists and media – minorities – people with
dis – civil society actors and community of practice
Please fill out the required fields below marked with a red asterisk

Project Objective:
The objective of the national inquiry and public awareness is to strengthen privacy and
data protection in Mongolia by conducting a comprehensive assessment, identifying
systemic patterns of violations, and raising public awareness about privacy rights.
Clearly explain the objective that will be achieved through implementation of the
project activities. Max. 255 characters.

Outcomes and Outputs

(Describe the intended outcomes expected (max 3). The outcomes should look
beyond the project outputs and indicate the expected positive changes in
condition/capacity that will be brought about within the timeframe of the project.
Several outcomes will contribute towards the project objective. Max 255 characters)

Outcome 1:
The outcome of the national inquiry on privacy and personal data protection includes
evidence-based recommendations for policy changes, improved public awareness,
better data governance practices, and strengthened privacy protections for human
Max. 255 characters

Performance Indicators for Outcome 1:

Percentage increase in public awareness of privacy rights and data protection laws in
Mongolia. Through post-project surveys to assess the level of understanding and
awareness among the general public, indicating the effectiveness of the national
Legislative amendments and policy changes implemented based on the
recommendations of the national inquiry.
(For each outcome, please frame at least two indicators. An indicator is a statement,
either qualitative or quantitative, related to some aspect of the outcome, and allows
us to directly measure progress towards achieving the outcome. It must be Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound (SMART). Do not restate an
output of the project as an indicator. The indicator must go BEYOND the level of the
output/s to actually measure the positive results/impact of the output/s towards
achieving the outcome. e.g: % of indigenous populations aware of their rights under
the new electoral administration laws. Max 400 characters.)

Outputs for Outcome 1:

Draft working paper and Terms of Reference (ToR).
recruitment of national consultant and consultants specializing in Law, IT, and
Public hearings, inquiries, and collection of evidence will be conducted to gather input
from citizens, advocacy groups, and experts.
Data analysis will be carried out to identify systemic patterns of human rights violations
and produce a report summarizing the inquiry findings.
Evidence-based recommendations for legal amendments, policy changes, and
implementation practices to enhance privacy protections.
Improved public awareness about data privacy rights and privacy-conscious behavior
will be achieved through public outreach and media campaigns.
Promotion of better data governance practices, transparency, accountability, and
responsible data management.
Strengthened privacy protections will contribute to the overall protection of human
rights in Mongolia.
Report submission to Parliament.
Legislative amendments and Policy changes.
Describe the immediate realizations generated by the key activities. These are
measurable products (100 women leaders trained, 80 public debates held, 1000
copies of report published, etc.). Several outputs will contribute to the achievement
of one outcome. Max 1000. Characters.

Key Activities for Outcome 1:

Conducting nationwide public consultations and engagement activities to gather input
from various stakeholders, such as citizens, advocacy groups, and experts. This will
be done through public meetings, online surveys, and social media campaigns.
Additionally, a comprehensive report summarizing the inquiry findings will be
produced, which will include evidence-based recommendations for legal amendments
and policy changes. Public seminars and panel discussions will also be organized to
address specific privacy concerns and needs.
Describe the key activities that will be undertaken for each output mentioned above.
More than one activity can contribute to the achievement of one output. Max 600
Outcome 2:
The outcome of the project’s knowledge-sharing, community outreach, and networking
activities is to create a strong network of privacy-aware professionals and promote
public awareness and collaboration on privacy and data protection.
Max. 255 characters

Performance Indicators for Outcome 2:

The performance indicators for the outcome of knowledge-sharing, community
outreach, and networking could include the number of privacy and data protection
events organized, the level of media coverage and public engagement achieved, the
establishment of partnerships and collaborations with private companies and
stakeholders, and the growth of a network of privacy-aware professionals.
Max 400 characters

Outputs for Outcome 2:

Data protection meet-ups and guest speaker series: 18 privacy and data protection
events will be organized throughout the project cycle, which provide a platform for
knowledge-sharing and networking among privacy-aware professionals.
Community outreach and media campaign: A comprehensive public outreach
campaign on privacy and data protection will be organized, including social media
engagement, press coverage, and participation in public events such as Innovation
Partnerships with private companies and stakeholders: The project will actively seek
partnerships with private companies, industry associations, and other stakeholders to
encourage privacy-conscious practices and promote privacy-friendly products and
Networking and collaboration: The project will create networks of privacy-aware
specialists through public meetings, guest speaker sessions, and collaborative
Max 1000 characters
Key Activities for Outcome 2:
Key activities for the outcome of knowledge-sharing, community outreach, and
networking include data protection meet-ups and guest speaker sessions, community
outreach and media campaign, and organizing public seminars and panel discussions.
These activities aim to engage with various stakeholders, raise awareness about
privacy and data protection, and foster partnerships with private companies and
industry associations.
Max 600 characters.

Strategic Approach
Яагаад гадны тусламж хэрэгтэй байгаа вэ гэхээр нэгдүгээрт хүний нөөцийн
хувьд цөөн, 2 дугаарт expertise-ы нь өгөх шаардлагатай. Best possible монгол
talent-уудыг олж ажиллуулахын тулд бидэнд domestic consultant-ууд хэрэгтэй, 2
дугаарт international consultant хэрэгтэй. Бид цуглуулж чадах хамгийн сайн
expert-үүдээ цуглуулаад гаргаж чадах хамгийн сайн report, хэрэгжих боломжтой
recommendation бичнэ. Үүний үр дүнд Монгол Улсын цахим хөгжлийн бодлогыг
тодорхойлох хүрээнд гарч болох эрсдэлийг ирээдүйд саналуулах, эргэж үзэх
бодлогын баримт, эх сурвалж, зөвлөмжүүдэд суурилсан sustainability бий
Monitoring and Evaluation:
The responsible party for measuring the indicators will be NHRCM. The outcomes will
be evaluated based on the success of the national inquiry on privacy and human rights,
and the effectiveness of the awareness-raising campaign. Continuous monitoring and
evaluation will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the project and identify
areas that may require improvement. Comprehensive reports will be produced and
delivered to update stakeholders on project status.
Describe how the project outcomes will be measured, what measurements will be
used (outcome indicators, baseline, targets and monitoring tools) and who will be
responsible for measuring them. Max 500 characters.

Given the limitations of the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia (NHRCM)
in terms of human resources and the relatively small size of Mongolia's population. By
engaging the best possible domestic and external consultants, Mongolia can gain
access to the necessary expertise, resources, and objectivity to develop a
comprehensive, effective, and sustainable e-development policy document, invaluable
sources, and recommendations that will guide Mongolia's digital transformation for the
next decade.
Explain how the project achievements will be maintained beyond the UNDEF funding
period. Max. 500 characters.

Gender Considerations
Please select...: Gender considerations are taken into..
Confirmation: Gender Considerations - Confirmed

Explain Gender Considerations:

The project “Strengthening the human rights oversight capacity of Mongolia in privacy
and personal data protection” covers gender considerations and aims to protect the
privacy and human rights of all legal persons in Mongolia. It focuses on enhancing the
legal framework and building institutional capacities to ensure robust privacy and data
protection practices. The project’s scope aims to protect individual rights, regardless
of gender.
Max 500 characters.

Marginalized or Vulnerable Groups

Please select...: needs of marginalized groups or vulnerable groups taken into

Explain Marginalized or Vulnerable Groups:

The project covers marginalized or vulnerable groups in relation to digital rights and
data protection could include individuals with low digital literacy who face challenges
in understanding privacy rights, potential risks, rural communities, ethnic or linguistic
minorities, Children and adolescents, Rural poor and herders, Ethnic minorities,
Unemployed and unskilled youth, Women and girls and vulnerable men, Older
persons, Persons with disabilities, Urban poor and internal migrants, Sexual
minorities, Victims of human trafficking and people with disabilities may face
accessibility challenges when using digital technologies and LGBTQ+ individuals may
face digital discrimination, online harassment, and privacy infringements.
Lack of reliable demographic data disaggregated by sex, ethnicity, disability status,
migration pattern etc. is an impediment in policy making for vulnerable population
groups who may be left behind or are at risk of being left behind.
the young, women, and vulnerable groups.
The Government’s efforts to digitalize the nation through the Mongolia Digital Nation
Strategy is an opportunity to provide needed public services to the most vulnerable,
and also diversify the economy to be more service-based, engaging the private sector.
However, some human rights concerns remain. These mainly relate to violence
against women, discriminatory attitudes, marginalization of vulnerable groups
including persons with disabilities and older persons, large cases of abuse, violence
against children, and also violations of human rights linked to environmental
Children and adolescents, Rural poor and herders, Ethnic minorities, Unemployed and
unskilled youth, Women and girls and vulnerable men, Older persons, Persons with
disabilities, Urban poor and internal migrants, Sexual minorities, Victims of human

Max 500 characters.

UNDEF funding is particularly strategic for the proposed project as it will support a
national inquiry, and awareness campaigns on privacy and personal data protection.
The funding will enable Mongolia to strengthen its human rights oversight capacity,
align with international standards.
Яагаад зөвхөн манайхаас авах гээд байгаа юм бэ. Ямар онцлогтой, ямар
зорилготой, яагаад бид нарын зорилго нийцэж байгаа вэ? Танайхаас л өгөх

Describe why UNDEF funding is particularly strategic for the proposed project. Max.
300 characters.

Proposed Implementing Partner(s)
The Personal Data Protection Unit (PDPU) of the National Human Rights Commission
of Mongolia (NHRCM) is responsible for implementing this project under the direct
supervision of the Commissioner in charge of personal data protection of the NHRCM.
Who is/are the local Implementing Partner(s) of this project? Please provide the full names of the implementing partner
organizations. Take good note that Implementing Partner(s) should be consulted before putting their name down. Max.
300 characters.

Please fill out the required fields below marked with a red asterisk
Requested Grant Amount
Indicate above the same US $ amount as Total Requested Grant Amount for Budget by output and Budget by input
located on this page below. Requested amount must be greater than $100,000 and less or equal to $200,000.
The Requested Grant Amount must be at least $100,000
In this section, you need to present your project budget by detailing how the requested grant amount
will be used. Please note that you need to present the budget in two different ways: by Output and by
Input. Use rounded amounts to the nearest thousand dollars. Total Project Costs for both types of
budget will be displayed when you save your application. The total amount of both output and input
budgets must be the same and also equal to requested grant amount as shown in below equation.
NOTE: It is expected that staff and other personnel costs remain a small component in comparison to
other budget items.
Requested Grant Amount (Total Project Cost) = Budget by Output = Budget by Input

Examples of outputs:
Output 1: e.g. 500 local women councilors trained
Output 2: e.g. A voters education campaign targeted at youth conducted
Output 3: e.g. 10 radio/TV programmes broadcasted
Output 4: e.g. 20 joint initiatives undertaken by youth and media outlets
Output 5: e.g. Public debates in 10 communities held
Output 6: e.g. Implementation of 10 small scale projects
Important: salaries and other support costs such as office rent, equipment, bank fees or audit are not
considered as outputs. Please include a pro-rated amount of such costs in each output listed below.

Output 1
Max. 255 characters
1 - Amount in US$

Output 2
Max. 255 characters
2 - Amount in US$

Output 3
Max. 255 characters
3 - Amount in US$

Output 4
Max. 255 characters
4 - Amount in US$

Output 5
Max. 255 characters
5 - Amount in US$

Output 6
Max. 255 characters
6 - Amount in US$

Output 7
Max. 255 characters
7 - Amount in US$

Output 8
Max. 255 characters
8 - Amount in US$

Output 9
Max. 255 characters

9 - Amount in US$

Output 10
Max. 255 characters

10 - Amount in US$

Output Total Project Costs (TPC)

Important! TPC must equal the Requested Grant Amount that you have entered on top of this page


Staff/Personnel Costs - Amount in US $

Max. 15% of project budget

Contractual Services - Amount in US $

Supplies - Amount in US $

Equipment/Furniture - Amount in US$

Travel - Amount in US $

Direct Activity Costs - Amount in US $

Transfers/Grants - Amount in US $
Include here transfers to implementing partners and sub-grants to project participants

Office/Admin Costs - Amount in US $

Max. 5% of project budget

Audit - Amount in US $

Input Total Project Costs (TPC)

Important! TPC must equal the Requested Grant Amount that you have entered on top of this page.

Click Next Page to proceed or just click 'Save my progress and resume later' to finish this
application at a later time.

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