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JABRANE High school Unit: 3

Teacher:RIYAD Type: WRITING Class: 2ndBac Mark:………../10

Date:7 / 11/ 2018 Term:1 Duration: 45 Min

You have attended a seminar on road accidents in Morocco.

Use the information in the chart to write a report about this seminar for your school magazine
organisers Sidiamro High school administration
Topic Road accidents in Morocco: causes and solutions
Date Last February 18th
Place SidiAmroHighschool “Multimedia Room”
Participants Teachers, parents’ associations, Local authority…
Attendance 80 people approximately
Activities Workshops, presentations…
Main ideas Some causes of the phenomenon:
1. Bad drivers
2. Corruption
3. Using mobile phone while driving
4. Drivers don’t respect traffic laws
Suggested solutions:
1. Pass law on careless drivers
2. Sensitise drivers about the dangers of excessive

Evaluation and Reaction Seminar: successful,…

Participants: Some satisfied with the results
Others call for further action


JABRANE High school Unit: 3
Teacher:RIYAD Type: WRITING Class: 2ndBac Mark:………../10
Date:7 / 11/ 2018 Term:1 Duration: 45 Min

You have attended a seminar on road accidents in Morocco.

Use the information in the chart to write a report about this seminar for your school magazine
organisers Sidiamro High school administration
Topic Road accidents in Morocco: causes and solutions
Date Last February 18th
Place SidiAmroHighschool “Multimedia Room”
Participants Teachers, parents’ associations, Local authority…
Attendance 80 people approximately
Activities Workshops, presentations…
Main ideas Some causes of the phenomenon:
5. Bad drivers
6. Corruption
7. Using mobile phone while driving
8. Drivers don’t respect traffic laws
Suggested solutions:
3. Pass law on careless drivers
4. Sensitise drivers about the dangers of excessive

Evaluation and Reaction Seminar: successful,…

Participants: Some satisfied with the results
Others call for further action



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