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Analytic Rubric Samples

Writing – This rubric could be used to assess a third grade student’s personal narrative or
fiction story.

1 – Needs
2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Excellent
Lead Lead draws the
Lead No lead Formulaic lead
creates reader in

Incorporates Several frequent details
No evidence of occasional details examples from at least
Sensory Details
sensory language from at least one of sensory three senses
sense language that enhance the

Formulaic Conclusion gives conclusion that
Conclusion No conclusion
conclusion sense of closure conveys closure
and resolution

Still needs Still needs much
Evidence of requires
extensive editing, errors Needs almost no
Revision minor
editing, errors sometimes editing
and Editing editing,
interfere with break down
errors do not
meaning meaning

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Reading – This rubric could be used to assess an upper elementary or middle school
book trailer video.

1 – Needs
2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Excellent
Hook grabs the
Effective Hook grabs reader’s
There is no hook
attention the reader’s attentions and
to grab the
Content / grabber to attention but reveals just
reader Too much
Book Plot hook the one section enough of the
plot is revealed
reader, but too may reveal too plot to make
so no suspense
much of the much of the the reader
is built
plot revealed plot want to read
the book
Images used,
Images are
but they do not All images set
Content appropriate
No images used match the tone the tone for the
/ and fit well
or theme of the book
Images with most of
the book
Speaking voice
is clear for some
Speaking voice Speaking voice
of the video, Speaking voice
is unclear or is clear and
but may be too is clear and at a
muffled, and paced well for
slow or too fast good pace
too fast or too most of the
Content / Sound at times Background
slow video
Background music is
Background Background
music is not appropriate and
music is music matches
distracting, but fits the book
distracting or the emotion of
does not add to well
inappropriate the book
the trailer.
applied to most
No transitions Transitions Effective
used between applied to transitions for
Technology / A few errors in
slides some slides each slide
Editing / spelling or
Numerous errors Several errors in Very few or
Transitions grammar, but
in spelling spelling and/or no
they do not
and/or grammar grammar. errors in
detract from
spelling and
the video.
Needed Needed no
Was off task the Used time well
Use of Class frequent reminders to
majority of class during most
Time reminders to stay focused
time class periods
stay on task and on task

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Science – This sample rubric could be used to assess a student’s lab report from a

1 – Needs
2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Excellent
Prediction is
Prediction is
somewhat Prediction
No prediction irrelevant or
Prediction detailed and is detailed
recorded does not
most of it makes and
make sense
sense reasonable

Observations are
Observations are Observations are
detailed for
Observations - No written vague and only detailed and
some of the
Written observations address one or address all five
senses, but not
two of the senses senses

Drawing is Drawing is
messy or somewhat Drawing is
Observations –
No sketch incomplete and detailed and detailed, labeled,
does not include includes at least and in color
labels and/or some labels
Conclusion is
Conclusion is Conclusion is
accurate but
No conclusion irrelevant or accurate and
Conclusion does not reflect
recorded does not reflects on the
back on the
make sense prediction

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Social Studies – This sample rubric could be used to assess a student’s research report
about a event.

Below Expectations Meets Expectations

Evidence of
No evidence of
knowledge of the Detailed and accurate
research, facts
Research Content event, but some knowledge about the
presented are
inaccuracies are event

Vague or unclear
No stated thesis Clearly stated thesis
Unorganized Well organized body
Most paragraphs
paragraph structure with paragraphs that
Organization have a stated or
and no evidence of include main idea
implied main idea,
supporting details or and supporting
but may be lacking
main ideas some supporting details

Numerous errors Some errors in

in spelling or spelling or grammar, Very few or no
Mechanics grammar that but they did not errors in spelling or
interfered with the interfere with the grammar
meaning of the meaning of the
paper paper
Used only 2 or 3 Used at least 4
Citations / No citations or
resources, or some resources, all cited
Bibliography used only 1
errors in citations correctly

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Math – This rubric could be used at any grade level to assess problem
1 – Needs
2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Excellent

Shows excellent
understanding of
Does not Understands
Understanding Understands all the problem, and
understand the part of the
of Content of the problem extends their
problem problem
thinking beyond
the problem

Shows some Tries at least two Tries at least two

evidence of strategies and strategies to
No strategies
Strategies thinking, but shows some confirm the
only tries evidence of work, all
one strategy thinking evidence shown

solution, but only Correct solution
Incorrect or no solution,
Computations due to minor All computations
solution several
errors in are correct
Not neat
Mostly neat and Clear, well
Disorganized on Uses some math
easy to organized
the page, hard to symbols and
Written understand response
understand language
Presentation Correct use of Excellent use of
No use of math Somewhat
symbols or math math symbols math symbols
messy or
language and language and language

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