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Writing Assignment: Thurber

María Erales Treviño

Miss Macey
Grammar and Composition
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Fractured Fairy Tales

Once there was a girl whose curly hair was as yellow as the sun. They called her
goldilocks sometimes she would even forget her name and called herself such; it wasn’t a secret
that she wasn’t the smartest one in town.
One day, she was strolling through the woods and found a small house. She didn’t even
think twice ere entering the house. The first thing she saw was three dishes with oatmeal on a
table; she walked to it and tried each one. The fact that she was in a stranger’s home didn’t even
seem to upset her when she tried them. She took a spoonful of the first dish and thought it was
too hot. She was too impatient and didn’t want to wait for it to cool. She took a mouthful of the
second one and thought it was cold. Rather than heating it, she decided to try the last one.
Finally, she reached the last bowl and ate it whole and it was the perfect temperature.
After she ate the third oatmeal, she wanted to watch tv, so she went to the stranger’s
living room and turned it on. There were three different chairs, once again she tried each one.
The first chair was too big, the next chair was still big and finally, the third one was perfect. She
accidentally fell and broke it, but instead of cleaning it up and leaving the house, she decided to
catch a nap.
She went upstairs and once again tried each bed. One was too hard, the next one was too
soft, and the last one was perfect. If eating their food and breaking a chair wasn’t enough, she
fell asleep. Later that day, the owners came home and saw all the mess; they were mad and heard
someone snoring. All of them headed upstairs and saw goldilocks sleeping. They were so mad
hungry that they ate the little girl.

The end

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