30ejercicios de Archivos

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Dim art(100) As String List2.Clear

Dim ven(100) As String Open "c:/aprobados.txt" For Output As #2
Private Sub Command1_Click() For i = 1 To nr Step 1
List1.Clear ap = a(i)
Open "c:/articulos.txt" For Input As #1 If (ap <= 100) And (ap >= 0) Then
j=0 If (ap >= 51) Then
While (Not EOF(1)) List2.AddItem a(i)
Line Input #1, linea End If
j=j+1 End If
art(j) = linea Next
List1.AddItem art(j) Close #2
Wend End Sub
Close #1

Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim a(100) As String

List2.Clear Dim nr As Integer
Open "c:/ventas.txt" For Input As #2
j=0 Private Sub Command1_Click()
While (Not EOF(2)) Open "c:/nombres.txt" For Input As #1
Line Input #2, linea i=1
j=j+1 While Not (EOF(1))
ven(j) = linea Input #1, a(i)
List2.AddItem ven(j) List1.AddItem a(i)
Wend i=i+1
Close #2 Wend
End Sub nr = i - 1
Close #1

Dim a(100) As String Private Sub Command2_Click()

Dim nr As Integer Dim n As String
Private Sub Command1_Click() n = Text1.Text
List1.Clear For i = 1 To nr Step 1
Open "c:/algebra.txt" For Input As #1 aux = a(i)
i=0 pb = InStr(aux, " ")
While (Not EOF(1)) nom = Left(aux, pb - 1)
Line Input #1, linea If (UCase(nom) = UCase(n)) Then
i=i+1 List2.AddItem a(i)
nr = i End If
a(i) = linea Next
List1.AddItem (a(i)) End Sub
Close #1
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Dim a(100) As String Else
Dim nr As Integer List3.AddItem a(i)
Private Sub Command1_Click() End If
Open "c:/TEL.txt" For Input As #1 End Sub
While Not (EOF(1)) 6.CODIGO SIS 2013
Input #1, a(i)
List1.AddItem a(i) Dim a(100) As String
i=i+1 Dim nr As Integer
Wend Private Sub Command1_Click()
nr = i - 1 Open "c:/COD.SIS.txt" For Input As #1
Close #1 i=1
End Sub While Not (EOF(1))
Input #1, a(i)
Private Sub Command2_Click() List1.AddItem a(i)
Open "c:/NOM.A" For Output As #2 i=i+1
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 Wend
pb = InStr(a(i), " ") nr = i - 1
cod = Left(a(i), pb - 1) Close #1
aux = Mid(a(i), pb + 1, Len(a(i)) - pb) End Sub
nom = Left(aux, 1)
If LCase(nom) = "A" Then Private Sub Command2_Click()
List2.AddItem nom For i = 1 To nr Step 1
Print #2, a(i) cod = Left(a(i), 4)
End Sub If (Val(cod) = Val(2013)) Then
List2.AddItem a(i)
Dim a(100) As String Next
Dim nr As Integer End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Open "c:/algebra.txt" For Input As #1 7.CODSIS,NOM,APP,APM
i=1 Dim a(10) As String
While Not (EOF(1)) Dim nr As Integer
Input #1, a(i) Private Sub Command1_Click()
List1.AddItem a(i) Open "c:/datos.txt" For Input As #1
i=i+1 i=1
Wend While Not (EOF(1))
nr = i - 1 Input #1, a(i)
Close #1 List1.AddItem a(i)
End Sub i=i+1
Private Sub Command2_Click() nr = i - 1
Open "c:/aprobados" For Output As #2 Close #1
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 End Sub
pb = InStr(a(i), " ")
nom = Left(a(i), pb - 1) Private Sub Command2_Click()
nota = Mid(a(i), pb + 1, Len(a(i)) - pb) Open "c:/ape.conM" For Output As #2
If (Val(nota) >= 51) Then codsis = InputBox("codigo a buscar")
For i = 1 To nr Step 1
pb = InStr(a(i), " ") 9.REPORTE DE VENTAS
cod = Left(a(i), pb - 1) Dim vt(100) As String
aux = Mid(a(i), pb + 1, Len(a(i)) - pb) Dim linea As String
pb = InStr(aux, " ")
nom = Left(aux, pb - 1) Private Sub Command1_Click()
aux = Mid(aux, pb + 1, Len(aux) - pb) Open "c:/ventas.txt" For Input As #1
cc = Left(aux, 1) j=0
If LCase(cc) = "m" Then While (Not EOF(1))
List2.AddItem nom Line Input #1, linea
Print #2, a(i) j=j+1
End If vt(j) = linea
Next i List1.AddItem vt(j)
Close #2 Wend
End Sub Close #1
End Sub
Dim a(10) As String Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim nr As Integer Dim nom As String
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim sm As Integer
Open "c:/datos.txt" For Input As #1 nom = InputBox("ingrese articulo")
i=1 sm = 0
While Not (EOF(1)) Open "c:/importe.txt" For Append As #2
Input #1, a(i) For i = 1 To j Step 1
List1.AddItem a(i) nom1 = nombre(vt(i))
i=i+1 If (nom = nom1) Then
Wend pc = precio(vt(i))
nr = i - 1 sm = sm + cantidad(vt(i))
Close #1 End If
End Sub Next i
total = sm * pc
Private Sub Command2_Click() List2.AddItem nom & " : " & total
Open "c:/ape.conM" For Output As #2 Print #2, nom & " : " & total
codsis = InputBox("codigo a buscar") Close #2
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 End Sub
pb = InStr(a(i), " ") Function nombre(cadena As String) As String
cod = Left(a(i), pb - 1) Dim res As String
aux = Mid(a(i), pb + 1, Len(a(i)) - pb) p = InStr(cadena, " ")
pb = InStr(aux, " ") res = Left(cadena, p - 1)
nom = Left(aux, pb - 1) nombre = res
aux = Mid(aux, pb + 1, Len(aux) - pb) End Function
cc = Left(aux, 1) Function cantidad(cadena As String) As Integer
If LCase(cc) = "m" Then Dim res As Integer
List2.AddItem nom p1 = InStr(cadena, " ")
Print #2, a(i) p2 = InStr(p1 + 1, cadena, " ")
End If res = Val(Mid(cadena), p1 + 1, p2 - p1 - 1)
Next i cantidad = res
Close #2 End Function
End Sub Function precio(cadena As String) As Integer
Dim res As Integer nr = i - 1
p1 = InStr(cadena, " ") Close #1
p2 = InStr(p1 + 1, cadena, " ") End Sub
tm = Len(cadena)
res = Right(cadena, tm - p2) Private Sub Command2_Click()
precio = res For i = 1 To nr Step 1
End Function If (a(i) Mod 2 = 0) Then
List2.AddItem a(i)
10.LA MEDIA End If
Dim a(10) As String Next
Dim nr As Integer End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1 Private Sub Command3_Click()
i=1 End
While Not (EOF(1)) End Sub
Input #1, a(i)
i=i+1 SON
Wend Dim a(10) As String
nr = i - 1 Dim nr As Integer
Close #1 Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1
Private Sub Command2_Click() While Not (EOF(1))
Dim media As Integer Input #1, a(i)
s=s+1 List1.AddItem a(i)
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 i=i+1
s = s + a(i) Wend
Next i nr = i - 1
media = s / nr Close #1
Label1.Caption = "Hay " & nr & " numeros y la End Sub
Media es : " & media
End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim c As Integer
Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim num As Integer
End c=0
End Sub For i = 1 To nr Step 1
num = a(i)
11.LOS PARES QUE SE ENCUENTRAN SON If (primo(num) = True) Then
Dim a(10) As String List2.AddItem a(i)
Dim nr As Integer c=c+1
Private Sub Command1_Click() End If
Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1 Next
i=1 List2.AddItem "Hay " & c & " primos"
While Not (EOF(1)) End Sub
Input #1, a(i)
List1.AddItem a(i) Private Sub Command3_Click()
i=i+1 End
Wend End Sub
Function primo(n As Integer) As Boolean Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim res As Boolean List1.Clear
res = False Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1
cd = 0 i=1
For i = 1 To n Step 1 While Not (EOF(1))
If (n Mod i = 0) Then Input #1, a(i)
cd = cd + 1 List1.AddItem a(i)
End If i=i+1
Next Wend
If (cd = 2) Then nr = i - 1
res = True Close #1
End If End Sub
primo = res
End Function Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim c As Integer
13.NUMERO MAYOR Dim num As Integer
Dim a(10) As String c=0
Dim nr As Integer For i = 1 To nr Step 1
Private Sub Command1_Click() num = a(i)
Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1 If (num > 0) Then
i=1 List2.AddItem a(i)
While Not (EOF(1)) c=c+1
Input #1, a(i) End If
List1.AddItem a(i) Next
i=i+1 List2.AddItem "Hay " & c & " numeros
Wend positivos"
nr = i - 1 End Sub
Close #1
End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click()
men = a(1)
Private Sub Command2_Click() For i = 1 To nr Step 1
may = a(1) If (a(i) < men) Then
For i = 2 To nr Step 1 men = a(i)
pal = a(i) End If
If pal > may Then Next
may = a(i) Label2.Caption = "El numero menor es : " &
End If men
Next i End Sub
Label1.Caption = "Hay " & nr & " numeros y el
mayor es : " & may Private Sub Command4_Click()
End Sub End
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub Dim a(100) As String
Dim nr As Integer
14.POS. NUMERO MENOR Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim a(100) As String List1.Clear
Dim nr As Integer Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1
i=1 End
While Not (EOF(1)) End Sub
Input #1, a(i)
List1.AddItem a(i) 16.POS. PARES IMPARES
i=i+1 Dim a(100) As String
Wend Dim nr As Integer
nr = i - 1 Private Sub Command1_Click()
Close #1 List1.Clear
End Sub Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1
Private Sub Command2_Click() While Not (EOF(1))
Dim c As Integer Input #1, a(i)
Dim num As Integer List1.AddItem a(i)
c=0 i=i+1
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 Wend
num = a(i) nr = i - 1
If (num < 0) Then Close #1
c=c+1 End Sub
End If
Next Private Sub Command2_Click()
Label1.Caption = "Hay " & c & " numeros For i = 2 To nr Step 2
negativos" List2.AddItem a(i)
End Sub Next
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim men As Integer Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim cp As Integer For i = 1 To nr Step 2
cp = 0 List3.AddItem a(i)
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 Next
If (a(i) Mod 2 = 0) Then End Sub
cp = cp + 1
End If Private Sub Command4_Click()
Next End
Label2.Caption = "Hay " & cp & " numeros End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim a(100) As String

men = a(1) Dim nr As Integer
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 Private Sub Command1_Click()
If (a(i) < men) Then List1.Clear
men = a(i) Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1
End If i=1
Next While Not (EOF(1))
Label3.Caption = "El numero menor es : " & Input #1, a(i)
men List1.AddItem a(i)
End Sub i=i+1
Private Sub Command5_Click() nr = i - 1
Close #1 i=1
End Sub While Not (EOF(1))
Input #1, a(i)
Private Sub Command2_Click() List1.AddItem a(i)
men = a(1) i=i+1
may = a(1) Wend
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 nr = i - 1
If (a(i) < men) Then Close #1
men = a(i) End Sub
End If
If (a(i) > may) Then Private Sub Command2_Click()
may = a(i) may = a(1)
End If For i = 1 To nr Step 1
Next If (Len(a(i)) > Len(may)) Then
Label1.Caption = "El numero mayor es : " & may = a(i)
may End If
Label2.Caption = "El numero menor es : " & Next
men Label1.Caption = "La palabra mas larga es : " &
End Sub may
Label2.Caption = "Tiene " & Len(may) & "
Private Sub Command3_Click() caracteristica"
Dim c, ci As Integer End Sub
Dim num As Integer
c=0 Private Sub Command3_Click()
ci = 0 End
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 End Sub
num = a(i)
c=c+1 ES
Else Dim a(100) As String
ci = ci + 1 Dim nr As Integer
End If Private Sub Command1_Click()
Next List1.Clear
Label3.Caption = "Hay " & c & " numeros Open "c:/nombres.txt" For Input As #1
positivos" i=1
Label4.Caption = "Hay " & ci & " numeros While Not (EOF(1))
negativos" Input #1, a(i)
End Sub List1.AddItem a(i)
Private Sub Command4_Click() Wend
End nr = i - 1
End Sub Close #1
End Sub
Dim a(100) As String Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim nr As Integer Dim invmay As String
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim may As String
List1.Clear may = a(1)
Open "c:/nombres.txt" For Input As #1 For i = 1 To nr Step 1
If (Len(a(i)) > Len(may)) Then End Sub
may = a(i)
invmay = may Private Sub Command3_Click()
End If End
Next End Sub
invmay = may Function invertirCadena(c As String) As String
inv = invertirCadena(invmay) Dim res As String
Label1.Caption = "La palabra mas larga es : " & res = ""
may While (Len(c) > 0)
Label3.Caption = inv res = res & Right(c, 1)
End Sub c = Left(c, Len(c) - 1)
Private Sub Command4_Click() invertirCadena = res
End End Function
End Sub
Function invertirCadena(c As String) As String 21.LA PALABRA MAS CORTA INVERTIDA
Dim res As String ES
res = "" Dim a(100) As String
While (Len(c) > 0) Dim nr As Integer
res = res & Right(c, 1) Private Sub Command1_Click()
c = Left(c, Len(c) - 1) List1.Clear
Wend Open "c:/nombres.txt" For Input As #1
invertirCadena = res i=1
End Function While Not (EOF(1))
Input #1, a(i)
20.NOMBRES LEIDO AL REVES List1.AddItem a(i)
Dim a(100) As String i=i+1
Dim nr As Integer Wend
Private Sub Command1_Click() nr = i - 1
List1.Clear Close #1
Open "c:/nombres.txt" For Input As #1 End Sub
While Not (EOF(1)) Private Sub Command2_Click()
Input #1, a(i) Dim invmen As String
List1.AddItem a(i) Dim men As String
i=i+1 men = a(1)
Wend For i = 1 To nr Step 1
nr = i - 1 If (Len(a(i)) < Len(men)) Then
Close #1 men = a(i)
End Sub End If
Private Sub Command2_Click() invmen = men
Dim n As String inv = invertirCadena(invmen)
Dim p As String Label1.Caption = "La palabra mas corta es : " &
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 men
n = a(i) Label3.Caption = inv
p = invertirCadena(n) End Sub
List2.AddItem p
Next Private Sub Command3_Click()
End End Sub
End Sub Function invertirCadena(c As String) As String
Function invertirCadena(c As String) As String Dim res As String
Dim res As String res = ""
res = "" While (Len(c) > 0)
While (Len(c) > 0) res = res & Right(c, 1)
res = res & Right(c, 1) c = Left(c, Len(c) - 1)
c = Left(c, Len(c) - 1) Wend
Wend invertirCadena = res
invertirCadena = res End Function
End Function
Dim a(100) As String Dim nr As Integer
Dim nr As String
Private Sub Command1_Click() Private Sub Command1_Click()
Open "c:/prueba.txt" For Append As #1 Open "c:/nombres.txt" For Input As #1
Dim linea As String i=1
linea = " " While Not (EOF(1))
While (Not linea Like "salir") Input #1, a(i)
Print #1, linea List1.AddItem a(i)
linea = InputBox("escriba y presione aceptar,para i=i+1
terminar escriba salir") Wend
Wend nr = i - 1
Close #1 Close #1
End Sub End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Private Sub Command2_Click()

Open "c:/prueba.txt" For Input As #1 Dim invm As String
List1.Clear For i = 1 To nr Step 1
i=0 pb = InStr(a(i), " ")
While (Not EOF(1)) nom = Left(a(i), pb - 1)
Line Input #1, linea ape = Mid(a(i), pb + 1, Len(a(i)) - pb)
i=i+1 cc = Left(ape, 1)
a(i) = linea If LCase(cc) = "m" Then
List1.AddItem a(i) List2.AddItem ape
Wend invm = ape
nr = i inv = invertirCadena(invm)
Close #1 List3.AddItem inv
End Sub End If
Next i
Private Sub Command3_Click() End Sub
Dim invc As String Function invertirCadena(c As String) As String
List2.Clear Dim res As String
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 res = ""
invc = a(i) While (Len(c) > 0)
inv = invertirCadena(invc) res = res & Right(c, 1)
List2.AddItem inv c = Left(c, Len(c) - 1)
Next Wend
invertirCadena = res i=i+1
End Function a(i) = linea
List1.AddItem a(i)
Dim a(100) As String Close #1
Dim nr As String End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Open "c:/telefonos.txt" For Input As #1 Private Sub Command2_Click()
List1.Clear Dim c As Integer
i=0 Dim invm As String
While (Not EOF(1)) c=0
Line Input #1, linea For i = 1 To nr Step 1
i=i+1 c = c + a(i)
a(i) = linea Next
List1.AddItem a(i) invm = c
Wend inv = invertirCadena(invm)
nr = i Label1.Caption = "La suma total es de : " & c
Close #1 Label2.Caption = "El invertido de la suma total
End Sub es : " & inv
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() Function invertirCadena(c As String) As String
Dim invc As String Dim res As String
List2.Clear res = ""
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 While (Len(c) > 0)
invc = a(i) res = res & Right(c, 1)
inv = invertirCadena(invc) c = Left(c, Len(c) - 1)
List2.AddItem inv Wend
Next invertirCadena = res
End Sub End Function
Function invertirCadena(c As String) As String
res = "" Dim a(100) As String
While (Len(c) > 0) Dim nr As String
res = res & Right(c, 1) Private Sub Command1_Click()
c = Left(c, Len(c) - 1) Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1
Wend List1.Clear
invertirCadena = res i=0
End Function While (Not EOF(1))
Line Input #1, linea
25.SUMA i=i+1
Dim a(100) As String a(i) = linea
Dim nr As String List1.AddItem a(i)
Private Sub Command1_Click() Wend
Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1 nr = i
List1.Clear Close #1
i=0 End Sub
While (Not EOF(1))
Line Input #1, linea Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim invm As String nr = i
c=1 Close #1
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 End Sub
c = c * a(i) Private Sub Command2_Click()
Next Dim invc As String
invm = c List2.Clear
inv = invertirCadena(invm) For i = 1 To nr Step 1
Label1.Caption = "La multiplicacion total es invc = a(i)
de : " & c inv = invertirCadena(invc)
Label2.Caption = "El invertido de la List2.AddItem inv
multiplicacion total es : " & inv Next
End Sub End Sub
Function invertirCadena(c As String) As String Function invertirCadena(c As String) As String
Dim res As String Dim res As String
res = "" res = ""
While (Len(c) > 0) While (Len(c) > 0)
res = res & Right(c, 1) res = res & Right(c, 1)
c = Left(c, Len(c) - 1) c = Left(c, Len(c) - 1)
Wend Wend
invertirCadena = res invertirCadena = res
End Function End Function

Private Sub Command3_Click() 28.MULTIPLICACION

Dim c As Integer Dim a(100) As String
Dim invm As String Dim nr As String
c=0 Private Sub Command1_Click()
For i = 1 To nr Step 1 Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1
c = c + a(i) List1.Clear
Next i=0
invm = c While (Not EOF(1))
inv = invertirCadena(invm) Line Input #1, linea
Label3.Caption = "La suma total es de : " & c i=i+1
Label4.Caption = "El invertido de la suma total a(i) = linea
es : " & inv List1.AddItem a(i)
End Sub Wend
nr = i
Dim a(100) As String End Sub
Dim nr As String
Private Sub Command1_Click() Private Sub Command2_Click()
Open "c:/numeros.txt" For Input As #1 Dim invm As String
List1.Clear c=1
i=0 For i = 1 To nr Step 1
While (Not EOF(1)) c = c * a(i)
Line Input #1, linea Next
i=i+1 invm = c
a(i) = linea inv = invertirCadena(invm)
List1.AddItem a(i) Label1.Caption = "La multiplicacion total es
Wend de : " & c
Label2.Caption = "El invertido de la i=1
multiplicacion total es : " & inv While Not (EOF(1))
End Sub Input #1, a(i)
Function invertirCadena(c As String) As String List1.AddItem a(i)
Dim res As String i=i+1
res = "" Wend
While (Len(c) > 0) nr = i - 1
res = res & Right(c, 1) Close #1
c = Left(c, Len(c) - 1) End Sub
invertirCadena = res Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Function Open "c:/aprobados" For Output As #2
For i = 1 To nr Step 1
29. BUSCAR NOMBRE pb = InStr(a(i), " ")
Dim a(100) As String nom = Left(a(i), pb - 1)
Dim nr As Integer nota = Mid(a(i), pb + 1, Len(a(i)) - pb)
If (Val(nota) >= 51) Then
Private Sub Command1_Click() List2.AddItem a(i)
Open "c:/nombres.txt" For Input As #1 Else
i=1 List3.AddItem a(i)
While Not (EOF(1)) End If
Input #1, a(i) End Sub
List1.AddItem a(i)
nr = i - 1
Close #1
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Dim n As String
n = Text1.Text
For i = 1 To nr Step 1
aux = a(i)
pb = InStr(aux, " ")
nom = Left(aux, pb - 1)
If (UCase(nom) = UCase(n)) Then
List2.AddItem a(i)
List2.AddItem "No existe"
End If
End Sub


Dim a(100) As String
Dim nr As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Open "c:/algebra.txt" For Input As #1

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