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Rise with wisdom of knowledge for all

In a university...

In a class at Nias University, specifically in the Faculty of Teacher Education and Education
Sciences, in the English Education department, there was a highly talented student named Sherly.
Sherly was a beautiful girl who also possessed great knowledge and was blessed with almost
every talent. She was quite well-known among the students due to her abilities and talents, but
unfortunately, Sherly had a flaw. She was an accomplished student who became arrogant
because of her abilities. Unbeknownst to her, Sherly had become arrogant as she was confined
within a chair that had made her develop a haughty personality.


(Walking towards her prestigious chair) Hahaha.

I am a highly talented student, everyone always wants to be friends with me, even the professors
admire my abilities. Hahaha. I can do everything excellently, even with just one try. I can
accomplish any task perfectly. I am so proud of myself, I don't need anyone else to teach me.
Because I know I can do it and I am capable.


(Walking past Sherly)


Inces, look at Sherly. She's so beautiful and talented. I really want to be friends with her.


Yes, Intan. She's so talented, I envy her. I hope one day I can be like her.


(looking towards Intan and Incess)

Hey, you two! Don't just talk like that. You will never be able to be like me. You can't be my
friends either because you're not talented like me. I can do everything, I'm great at singing, my
body moves so gracefully when I dance, my fingers look so nimble playing the guitar, and
everyone knows it.


M-Ma, forgive us Sherly. (leaving with a disappointed feeling)

A professor approaches Sherly, intending to invite her to participate as a judge in an art
performance event because the professor believes Sherly can do it well. However, Sherly refuses
the professor's invitation because she feels that the professor is only using her to help with the


(Walking and crossing paths with Intan and Incess)


(Greeting the professor) Good morning, Miss.


Good morning, Incess and Intan. Where are you two from?


We're from the same class, Miss.


Is there anything we can help you with, Miss?


Oh, no. I just wanted to come to your class to meet Sherly.


Alright, Miss. See you in the next lesson.


(Arriving in the classroom and meeting Sherly)

Hi, Sherly. Good morning.


(Standing up from her chair and greeting the professor) Good morning, Miss.


Sherly, do you have any plans this afternoon, after classes?

No, Miss. After leaving here, I will go straight home. How can I help you, Miss?


Alright, Sherly. Here's the thing. In the next month, our study program will be organizing an art
performance event. To support the event, I would like to invite you to participate as a judge for
the beautiful movement performance and the fashion show evaluation during the art


It seems like you only came because you need me. You already know that I can do everything
excellently. You're just taking advantage of me as the most accomplished student in this
university. I don't want to be a judge in the art performance. Find someone else, but I doubt
you'll find someone better than me.


(Taking a deep breath)

Alright, if you're unwilling, Sherly. But if you change your mind and are willing to participate as
a judge, you can find me in my office.


(With her arrogance) No, Miss. I won't be willing.

Everyone, including her friends and the professor, had hoped that Sherly would join them. But
Sherly was still consumed by her arrogance. Until one day, she felt a sense of loneliness in her
heart because everyone else was actively participating in the art performance event.

Finally, the time came for Sherly to enter a crowded room. The room was filled with friends and
professors, all busy with their respective activities. Around Sherly, there were small groups
rehearsing for the art performance. In front of her, there were friends practicing poetry, behind
her, a choir group rehearsing, to her left, a dance group rehearsing, and to her right, a group
practicing music. Everyone was busy and engaged. Sherly sat in the midst of them all, feeling
lonely. Until a friend approached her, inviting her to join the preparation activities for the art

(Coming up to Sherly) Hi Sherly.


Hi Nur.


What's wrong, Sherly? Why are you sitting there lost in thought? Why don't you join us to liven
up the art performance event? We would be so happy if you could join us in this study program


(Still with her arrogance)

Don't you know, Nur? I am a highly talented student and friend. Everyone wants me to
participate in this art performance event. I'm not joining because I can't. I am well aware of my
abilities, Nur. Because of my extraordinary abilities, everyone always tries to take advantage of
me. They know I can do it, yet they invite me to participate as if I don't have these incredible


Is that true, Sherly? You are admired by everyone, and everyone is amazed by the potential you
have. But why do you ignore everyone? Isn't every talent you have also good for you to share
with others around you?


Is that so, Nur? All this time, I felt like everyone is using me, even trying to embarrass me
because of the potential I have. I always thought that everyone is jealous and wants to bring me


That's not true, Sherly. Rise above with wisdom. Let your knowledge be shared with everyone.
Let's develop the potential you have through this art performance event.


Are you sure, Nur? Will everyone still accept me after the arrogance I have shown them?

Of course, Sherly. Let's think wisely. Admiration for oneself sometimes makes us fall, but don't
let yourself be down because of that mistake. Let's rise above, Sherly, and show them that your
past arrogance does not limit you from sharing knowledge with them. Come on, Sherly, get up
from that chair. Join us, participate in this event. Show them that you are capable of overcoming
your arrogance.


(Crying with regret)

Thank you, Nur, for helping me and making me realize my arrogance.


You're welcome, Sherly.

Now, Sherly is willing to sit and join her friends in livening up the art performance event. Not
only that, Sherly also accepts the invitation to be a judge for the beautiful movement
performance and fashion show evaluation. Everyone becomes Sherly's friend, and from her once
arrogant personality, she is now willing to help her friends, to train them in singing, dancing,
playing musical instruments, and other activities.

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