The Way To Meet God in This World Part 2

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The way to meet God in this world............

[part 2]
[communication with Allah Almighty]

Assalm u alaikum to every one. Iam here with 2nd part of the way to meet the God in this
world. before we start our topic i suggest everyone to read the first part because in this article
we learn the next step to connect with God. in first part we learn how to make ouself perfect for
making a relation with Allah Almighty in this we lear how to be a good Muslim and tobe
connected to Allah Almighty win our busy life or when we are heart broken. these are very
importanat things before moving on to the next part.

Bismillah e Rehman Raheeem[start with name of Allah who is most merciful and most

As we know that this topic is related to Allah Almighty so we must start from the quranic verses;

And if My servants ask you about Me — behold, I am near; I respond to the call of him who
calls, whenever he calls unto Me. Let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so that
they might follow the right way (2: 186).

[surrah qaf]

Indeed, it is we who created humankind and fully know what their souls whisper to them,
and We are closer to them than their jugular vein.

after making connection with Allah Almighty we realise that Allaha Almighty is infront of us. yes
we feel correct Allah Almighthy is infront of us as Allah says in surrah qaf and as he says in
surrah bakrah he is near to us and everytime listening to us. after feeling all these things the
way to meet God in this world need second step which is communication with Allah;

How to communicte with God [Allah Almighty]:

in first part we learn that the friendship with Allah Almighty is like a online friendship in which
we never see Allah but feel friendship and relation connection with Allah Almighty,

how do you communicate with your online friends you tell them about your troubles your
happiness your feelings your emotions even your friend know about everything in yourlife;

the same communication we have to make with Allah Almighty take 15 minutes from your busy
life and tell Allah Almighty about your feelings your emotions about your everything you will see
improvement in your connection inshAllah or before you go to bed tell everything to your Allah,
ask every question which irritates you, ask for your desires, Allah will respond to everything.
after this 15 or 20 minutes communiction you must do two other comminication:

there are two ways to make communicatio with Allah Almighty Dua in which we communicate
with God and Holy Quran in which God communicte with us.

communication through Dua [to call out]

here above a link which you must listen this will tell us the way of dua with Allah Almighty. this
every muslim must know. this is my humble request to everyone that listen this vedio.

Dua is the most uplifting, empowering, and transforming conversation a person can ever have
with his Lord. make dua when you are happy [tell Allah Almighty about your hapiness in dua]
make dua when you are sad [ tell Allah Almighty about you sadness] make dua when you
achieve some thing or loss something make dua when you want to talk with some one. to frim
our believe on asking dua from Allah we must kep all these points in our mind:

1. we must have faith that Allah is listening to us and only he is capable of responding all duas.

2. we must expect the best from him

3. our intension must be good and we only pray for the permisible thing.

4. Dua should be made with sincerity and attentive heart.

Allah says: “And if My servants ask you about Me -- behold, I am near; I respond to the call of
him who calls, whenever he calls unto Me. Let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me,
so that they might follow the right way” (al-Baqarah, 186).

so ask any time for Allah for any thing Allah will help you this is called communication and a
Dua Also. Or, man can open up his heart at anytime and anywhere and simply talk to his Creator
and Cherisher about any topic and in any language. start doing this from now try to make your
connection better through communication with Allah Almighty.

communication through Holy Quran:

everyone here must aware of holy quran last of Muslims relvealed on our last prophet Hazrat
Muhammad SAWW. and every Muslim must here that holy quran is a best friend of Muslim but
we never know holy quran is our best friend. every muslim also must here that in holy Quran
Allah Almighty communicates with us but how no one know. Today i will tel you inshAllah to
make your connection further better.

can you ever read Holy quran;

today here with me read translation of surrah fatiha first surrah of Holy Quran;

‫ِبۡس ِم ٱِهَّلل ٱلَّر ۡح َٰم ِن ٱلَّر ِح يِم‬

In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

‫ٱۡل َح ۡم ُد ِهَّلِل َر ِّب ٱۡل َٰع َلِم يَن‬

[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds –

‫ٱلَّر ۡح َٰم ِن ٱلَّر ِح يِم‬

The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,

‫َٰم ِلِك َيۡو ِم ٱلِّديِن‬

Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.

‫ِإَّياَك َنۡع ُبُد َو ِإَّياَك َنۡس َتِع يُن‬

It is You we worship and You we ask for help.

‫ٱۡه ِد َنا ٱلِّص َٰر َط ٱۡل ُم ۡس َتِقيَم‬

Guide us to the straight path –

‫ِص َٰر َط ٱَّلِذ يَن َأۡن َع ۡم َت َع َلۡي ِه ۡم َغ ۡي ِر ٱۡل َم ۡغ ُضوِب َع َلۡي ِهۡم َو اَل ٱلَّض ٓاِّلين‬

The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your]
anger or of those who are astray.

if you read this you first realise that first three ayyats tell you about Allah Almighty and last 4
ayyats tell you about how you can frim yourself on right path.

now come to qualities of a true friend he Always tell you about right paths and tell you the way
to frim yourself on right path if your friend is with you he never Allows you go to wrong side.
same way if you read Quran daily and act acciording to its guidance you will never be wronged.

now come to the words ayyah of Quran who write this. un doubtfully Allah Almighty so if we
read this and this means Allah ALmighty is talking to us. and you focus i told you about qualities
of a good friend quran guide to the right path and quran is written by Allah Allmighty hence
Allah is proved once again your best friend who never leave you to go astry. and for this he
himself communicates with you through his words Quran. and ou communicates with Allah
through duas.

this is the way to meet God in this world through communication with Allah. i hope everyone
got it and work on it because i will come with next step to meet with god in this world in few
days inshAllah. if you are facing any confusion in communication with Allah Almighty or makin
connection with Allah Almighty must tell me i will try my best to solve your problem.

build stronge connection and communication with Allah Almighty. still that Allah

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