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Window of Hope
Towards ASEAN
Economic Integration
Conceived in 2003, the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) is a digital
platform that connects traders and government agencies. This
platform enables an electronic exchange of border documents,
thereby simplifying customs clearance and expediating cargo
clearance. Once the ASW is in place, goods can move seamlessly
within ASEAN. To realise this ambitious initiative, ASEAN would
have to adopt an approach that combines practicality with
political willpower.

Benefits of ASW for Businesses Platforms (NTPs). than 47 government agencies and
automated 269 forms required for
• Streamlined process of transporting With the ASW, cargo should ideally be imports and exports. The digital
goods within ASEAN cleared at an ASEAN member state’s platform has enabled near real-time
• Paperless clearance at customs, port within a few hours. The current decision making by the relevant
leading to efficiency and predictability dwell time in most ASEAN member government agencies. As a result, the
of supply chains states is unacceptably lengthy. For waiting time at land border stations
• Real-time updates in government- instance, the clearance process in for trucks has been reduced by 44%.
to-government, government-to- Indonesia takes more than three days.
business or business-to-business Therefore, the ASW would undeniably Public-private Cooperation
communications help to minimise boost the competitiveness of shipping
disruption in supply chains in the region. Private sector involvement is integral
• Easier for industries to comply with to ensure Trade Platform and Single
government regulations ASW Supported by NTP Window usability. Businesses should
• Reduced cost of doing business - One- be able to conduct electronic
time submission of digital documents One feasible way to implement communications with government
can help traders avoid duplicative the ASW is to set up a single digital agencies effortlessly. Hence, the
administrative processes and re-use interface that connects all member digital interface should connect with
data like export declaration easily states’ NTPs. The NTP is a digital private sectors stakeholders in their
interface that connects the trading preferred formats.
Current State of ASW community and relevant government
agencies involved in the trade process. Application Programming Interface (a
Despite these benefits, the progress software intermediary that connects
of implementing the ASW has An example of a successful NTP is the different applications and bridges
been sluggish in the last 15 years. Automated Commercial Environment communications between these
Operations only went ‘live’ in five (ACE) Single Window in the United applications) is a useful tool to forge
member states - Indonesia, Malaysia, States. ACE has partnered with more interoperability between different
Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Within these five countries, traders
can electronically file the certificate of
origin, also known as Form D. It is however the nurturing
Nevertheless, this is only a superficial
achievement in the broader scheme
process, composed of many
of things. Other customs permits
continue to be submitted manually.
experiences, exposures and
Digitalization currently constitutes
just a small fraction of the clearance
direct involvement that
process. Consequently, traders are
disincentivized to use Form D because really count. It is this journey
they would face the inconvenience of
alternating between automated and that produces leaders - with
confidence, with a balanced
manual procedures.

While ASEAN-5 makes a slight

headway with the ASW, the remaining
five member states are still in the
expression and engaging
early stages of implementation. These
countries are either in the midst of
in whatever challenge they
testing the ASW Gateway software
or preparing their National Trade

within national borders. Then common
Private Government
Sector Sector standards of data protection in the
private and public sectors need to be
set to ensure a secured cross-border
National Trade Platform1 National Trade Platform2 transfer of data.

Crafting a general framework on

data flow would pave the way for
the ASW to interface with a wider
ASEAN Single Window range of intermediaries in the supply
chain, and hopefully other single
windows. In this regard, the ASW has
the potential to be the building block
of a common global platform called
USA’s Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) Single Digital Standards for Trade (DST).

Political Will Needed to Open the

Figure 1: Example of Interlinked Single Windows in Global Trade

Data location is just one issue that

stakeholders in the trade community. serve as the gateway to a regional and would put “the ASEAN way” to the
Digital service providers in the private global trade ecosystem, illustrated by test in the ASW project. Decision-
sector can supply cutting-edge Figure 1. (see image above) making based on consensus has
technology to create a technology served the region well. However,
platform that integrates information Differing Stances on Data the search for unanimity may slow
between all NTPs and the ASW. Localisation down the effectiveness of realizing
the ASW. Furthermore, capitalising
While it is fashionable to embrace A digitalized ASW hinges on the flow on opportunities in the digital age
trendy technology like blockchain, of data. In order to connect individual requires agile governance and
policymakers should first adopt an NSWs to the ASW, policymakers regulations.
operating system that is user-friendly need to formulate benchmarks for
to the trade community. Existing regulating data protection. Data To speed up the decision-making
software systems like EDIFACT and localization laws are currently present process, members participating in
SAP are suffice to meet the demands in Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and this initiative can consider adopting
of a functional regional window. Vietnam. Localisation laws are often the EU’s model of Qualified Majority
Furthermore, these applications are enacted as a blanket approach to voting, where the weightage of votes
scalable, which would accommodate protecting citizens’ privacy and is proportional to a member state’s
more NTPs as the network grows. national security, where a breach of population size. Although modifying
citizens’ privacy is deemed as a threat “the ASEAN way” is unlikely in the near
Establishing a functional NTP is akin to national security. future, member states should at least
to laying the foundation of a regional set realistic but aggressive timelines
single window. Given the differing On the other hand, countries like for implementing the ASW. More
technology and documentation Singapore are in favour of eliminating importantly, member states should
standards across ASEAN, it would be barriers to data flow. Given the be resolute in adhering to the agreed
unrealistic to expect all member states diverse positions on data localization, deadlines. A practical work plan needs
to adopt one common system. Hence, reaching a consensus on this issue to be matched with an appropriate
policymakers should strive towards would inevitably be a daunting dedication of human and financial
devising interoperability between obstacle. Member states would first resources.
individual NTPs. need to agree on which type of
personal information is necessary for With the persistence of the status-quo
Interoperable trade platforms can also national security and must remain in decision-making, the best hope for

the ASW to become fully-fledged lies about by the ASW makes it a cause access to the U.S. market. Hence,
in the political will of member states’ worth fighting for. enticing ASEAN member states with
leaders. The prevalence of graft is additional rewards should help the
likely to impede political support The U.S. can also provide a ‘carrot’ to U.S. reap the fruits of its investment in
for the ASW. Automating border incentivise member states to put the the ASW.
clearance would demand increased ASW into effect. USAID, the foreign
transparency in conducting intra- aid arm of U.S. foreign policy, has Towards Greater Economic Integration
regional trade, limiting the avenues of been funding the ASW since 2008. As Given that ‘a chain is only as strong as
corrupt practices. Cracking down on ASEAN is the fourth-largest market for its weakest link’, the success of the ASW
rampant corruption is undoubtedly a U.S. exports2, the U.S. stands to gain is dependent on the quality of NTP of
tall, but necessary, order for ASEAN to from the success of the ASW. Once each member state. The ASW has only
achieve greater economic integration the ASW becomes fully functional, US- experienced incremental progress
and growth. ASEAN trade relations can be further thus far. Member states should take
elevated by connecting the ASW to advantage of digitalization and be
Thankfully, ASEAN has seen its fair the U.S. Single Window. relentless in accelerating the progress
share of effective, albeit heavy-handed, of the ASW. The grit needed to
leaders who have exemplified the To expediate the ASW implementation, underpin the ASW will be worthwhile
adage of “when there’s a will, there’s the U.S. can consider using free-trade- as success of this milestone will bring
a way”. Singapore owes its cleanliness agreement (FTA) with member states the region closer to the coveted goal
reputation to the draconian laws on who have joined the ASW as positive of establishing a common market.
littering devised by founding father inducement. Singapore is currently
Lee Kwan Yew. In recent memory, the only ASEAN country that enjoys 1
the Philippines President Duterte’s an FTA with the U.S. Since the U.S. 2
controversial war on drugs and crimes has withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific and-investment
(including corruption) has been Partnership Agreement, most ASEAN
hailed by the masses as a success for countries do not have preferential
improving their standards of living.
If policymakers can muster a similar
level of political commitment as these
strong-willed leaders to implement
the ASW, there will be hope that the
next phase of implementation will not
take another 15 years.

Dr Raymon Krishnan Joyce Li

How Other Stakeholders Can Push Secretary - General Research Analyst
For ASW Asia Business Trade Association Asian Trade Centre
There is, unfortunately, no ‘stick’ Dr Raymon Krishnan is the foremost Joyce Li is a sophomore at Yale-
to compel member states to meet thought leader on Supply Chain NUS College, majoring in Global
Management in the region and Affairs, and currently interning at
deadlines. Nonetheless, the trade currently works as Director of the Asian Trade Centre as a Research
community in each member state Corporate Advisory at the Asian Analyst. Outside of the classroom,
can pressurise trade policymakers to Trade Centre where he works with she heads the Yale-NUS Southeast
clients on supply chain diagnosis, Asian Society, where she shares her
pull their weight in the ASW project.
supply chain and business strategy fascination with the region’s diversity
The reduced red tape in cross-border and network design. Raymon and complexity with her peers. She
trade, especially eradicating the currently also serves as President also fosters an interest in the Middle
submission of repetitive information, of the Logistics & Supply Chain East and North African region.
Management Society and Secretary- After starting her Arabic journey
will be extra beneficial to small and in Morocco last year, she is further
General of the Asia Business Trade
medium enterprises (SMEs). Since Association. deepening her understanding of the
SMEs account for more than 95% of Arab world in Oman and Qatar for
business establishments in ASEAN1, the rest of the year.

the immense opportunities brought

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