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Group Investigation and Team Assisted Individualisation

A. Learning Objectives
After learning this chapter, students are able to:

a. explains the principle(s) about Group Investigation And Team Assisted Individualisation
, the objective of a method, its approach, design and procedure
b. Identify the strengthens and weaknesses
c. Apply it in EFL classroom

B. Materials Description

Group investigation is a teaching method where students examine, experience, and

comprehend their subject of study in small groups while working cooperatively (Sharan
and Sharan 1992: 1). Group Investigation, created by Tel Aviv University's Shlomo
and Yael Sharan, involves organizing a typical classroom environment in which
students work in small groups utilizing cooperative questioning, group discussions, and
cooperative project planning (Allyn and Bacon, 2005). Roy Killen (1998) said that
Group Investigation is one of cooperative learning method which focused on student’s
participation and activity. The teacher who use this method firstly he/she divides the
class into small heterogeneous groups. This group consists of two to six and may form
around friendships or around an interest in a particular topic. Students select topics for
study, then every group decides what subtopics are to be investigated as well as the
goals of their study, and then prepare and present a report in front of class.

According to Kurniasih and Sani (2015), there are three main concepts in the Group
Investigation learning model, namely:

1. Research, namely the dynamic process of students responding to problems and

solving these problems.
2. Knowledge, namely learning experiences obtained by students either directly or
3. Group dynamics, namely showing an atmosphere that depicts a group interacting
with each other involving various ideas and opinions as well as exchanging
experiences through the process of mutual argumentation.

From the opinions above, it can be concluded that Group investigation is a

cooperative learning strategy that places students into groups to investigate a topic.
Through this group investigation strategy, students are given the freedom to create
groups with two to six members. Next, each group chooses a topic of material that has
been studied, and divides these topics into personal assignments. The results of
members' personal assignments are prepared to prepare group reports. Each group's
report is presented in front of the class. Group Investigation emphasizes student choice
and control rather than applying classroom teaching techniques. Apart from that, it also
combines the principles of democratic learning where students are actively involved in
learning activities, from the beginning to the end of learning, including students having
the freedom to choose the material to be studied according to the topic being discussed.

Characteristics of Group Investigation

The model of group investigation is a small group to guide and encourage students in
learning involvement. This learning model has the following characteristics;

1.) Cooperative learning with a group investigation model is student-centered, the

teacher only acts as a facilitator.
2.) The learning carried out creates an atmosphere of cooperation and interaction
between students in groups regardless of background. Each student in the group
combines various ideas and opinions, discusses and argues with each other in
understanding a subject and solving a problem faced by the group.
3.) Cooperative learning with the group investigation model students are trained to
have good communication skills, all groups present an interesting presentation on
the various topics they have studied.
4.) There is motivation that encourages students to be active in the learning process
from the first stage to the final stage of learning.
5.) Group Investigation type cooperative learning, the learning atmosphere feels more
effective, group collaboration in this learning can raise the enthusiasm of students
to have the courage to express opinions and share information with other friends.
The six-steps of Group Investigation method
Arends (2008:14) states that Sharan and his colleagues describe the six- Step approach
to Group Investigation, as follows:

1.) Topic Selection. Students choose a specific sub-topic within the field of certain
common problems, which are usually explained by the teacher. Then, students are
organized into small groups consisting of task-oriented two to six people. The
composition of the hetero generous group both academically and ethnically.
2.) Cooperative Learning. Students and teachers plan procedures, tasks, and specific
learning objective in accordance with sub-sub topics selected in step.
3.) Implementation. Students implement a plan formulated in step 2. Learning should
involve a variety of activities and skills and should lead students to a variety of a
sources inside and outside o school. The teacher follows closely the development
of each group and offer help when needed.
4.) Analysis and Synthesis. Students analyze and evaluate information obtained during
step 3 and plan for how this information can be summarized by drawing to be
displayed or presented to classmates.
5.) Presentation of the final product. Some or all groups in the class give an interesting
presentation on topics to make each other involved in his work and achieve a
broader perspective about a topic. Presentation group coordinated by the teacher.
6.) Evaluation. In some cases the groups follow up the different aspects of the same
topic. The students and the teacher evaluate the contribution of the whole work in
each group. The evaluation included individual and group assessment or both of

Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Investigation

The advantages of the group investigation learning model according to Shoimin. A
(2014:81) :

a. Personally

- In the learning process students can work freely.

- Gives enthusiasm for initiative, creativity and activity.
- Self-confidence can increase.
- Can learn to solve and handle a problem.
- Develop enthusiasm and feeling for the physical.

b. Socially

- Improve learning to work together.

- Learn to communicate both with your own friends and teachers.
- Learn to communicate well systematically.
- Learn to respect other people's opinions
- Increase participation in making decisions.

c. Academically

- Students are trained to be responsible for the answers given.

- Work systematically.
- Develop and select physical skills in a variety of areas.
- Plan and organize his work.
- Check the correctness of the answers they make.
- Always think about the methods or strategies used so that you can reach a
generally accepted conclusion.

Meanwhile, the disadvantages of group investigations are:

- At least material is presented at one meeting.

- It is difficult to give a personal assessment.
- Not all topics are suitable for the group investigation learning model. This
model is suitable to be applied to a topic that requires students to understand a
topic they have experienced themselves.
- Group discussions usually run less effectively.
- Students who do not fully understand the prerequisite material will experience
difficulties when using this model.

2.Team Assisted Individualization

According to Slavin in Huda (2013:200), Team Assisted Individualization (TAI)
method is a pedagogic program that attempts to adapt the teaching to individual differences
of students academically. In addition, Slavin (2008:189) defines that Team Assisted
Individualization method is a method that can make the students work in a team and have
responsibility to manage and investigate routinely, the result of studies individual is
brought to group for being discussed together and all members in group responsible on
overall answers, student help each other in facing the problem, support each other to
progress, so teacher can free him/herself and give direct instruction to a group of
homogenous students that comes from heterogeneous groups. In other words, in Team
Assisted Individualization (TAI) method, the successful of students in every group in do a
task can be the determinant for group itself. Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) is
included in learning cooperative. In the TAI learning model, students are placed in small
groups (4 to 5 students) that are heterogeneous and this is followed by providing individual
assistance to students who need it. With group learning, it is hoped that students can
improve their critical, creative, and growing thinking high social sense (Suyitno, 2007:
10). TAI development can support classroom practices, such as grouping students, the
grouping capabilities in the classroom, programmed instruction, and computer-based
teaching. The purpose is to minimize individualized teaching which proved to be
ineffective; besides also aimed to improve the knowledge, ability and motivation of
students with learning groups. It can be concluded that team assisted individualization is a
learning model in the form of small, heterogeneous groups with different thinking
backgrounds to help each other towards other students who need help.

Characteristics of the Team Assisted Individualization

1.) Student placed in small groups (4 to 5 students). heterogeneous and followed by
providing individual assistance to students who need it.
2.) Before groups are formed, students are taught how to work together in a group,
students are taught to be good listener, can provide explanations to friends group,
discuss, encourage other friends to collaborate, respect other friends' opinions, and
so on.
3.) Each members in a group have equal tasks, because at cooperative learning group
success is very concerned, then smart students take responsibility for helping their
weak friends in their abilities and skills, while students are weak will help in
understanding the problems solved in that group.
Steps to the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI)
TAI learning has several steps, namely:
1.) The teacher gives assignments to students to study the material individual learning
that has been prepared by the teacher.
2.) The teacher gives individual quizzes to students to get a basic score or initial score.
3.) The teacher forms several groups, each group consists of 4-5 students with different
abilities, both levels ability (high, medium, low) if possible group members come
from different races, cultures, ethnicities and equality gender.
4.) Individual student learning outcomes are discussed in groups. In group discussions,
each group member checks each other group friends' answers.
5.) The teacher facilitates students in summarizing, directing, and provide
confirmation of the learning material that has been provided studied.
6.) The teacher gives quizzes to students individually.
7.) The teacher gives awards to groups based on achievements the value of increasing
individual learning outcomes from basic scores to quiz scores.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI)
Shoimin (2013) mentions that there are several advantages of Team-Assisted
Individualization method as follows :
1) The weak student can be helped in solving his/her problem.
2) The clever student can develop his/her ability and performance.
3) There is a responsibility in the group in solving the problem.
4) The students are taught how to work in team.
5) Reduction of anxiety.
6) Drown the feeling of isolated and panic.
7) Change the competition become cooperation.
8) Make the students to be active in teaching learning process.
9) They can discuss, debate, or convey ideas, concept, and performance until they
really understand it.
10) They care, take responsibility to other friends in learning process.
11) They can learn to appreciate the differences in ethnicity, performance level, and
Besides the advantages, this method also has some disadvantages (Shoimin, 2013)
as follows :
1) There is no competition between groups.
2) The weak student may depend on the clever student.
3) Need the long period
4) Something that should be learnt and understood can’t be reached by the students
5) If the teamwork can‟t be done well, only the clever and active students that will
6) The clever students will feel objection because the score is decided by the
attainment of the group.

C. Summary

The Group Investigation is one of the learning models cooperative which involves
students to be independent from planning, both in learning through investigation. This
model is a learning model where students construct their own knowledge of a concept. In
group, students must be able to think critically, analytically, precisely, and act creatively
to design an invention. This results in the knowledge gained becomes more meaningful
and lasts longer in students' memories so it is expected can improve student learning
The Team Assisted Individualization is a learning model that combining certain learning
techniques to overcome problems individual learning and improving students' cooperative
skills. In this learning, students learn in heterogeneous groups consisting of four to five
peoples. In groups, students are not only responsible for success individual but also group
success so that students are expected to helps in understanding the subject matter in order
to achieve group achievement maximum.

D. Exercises

A. Answer these questions!

1. What are the goals of teachers who use the method?
2. What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of students?
3. What are some characteristics of the teaching/learning process?
4. What is the nature of student-teacher interaction? What is the nature of student-student
5. How are the feelings of the students dealt with?
6. How is language viewed? How is culture viewed?
7. What areas of language are emphasized? What language skills are emphasized?
8. What is the role of students’ native language?
9. How is evaluation accomplished?
10. How does the teacher respond to student errors?
B. Complete these statements!
1. What I understand from this chapter is
2. What I ’m still confused about
3. What I want to know further about
4. What my problem in learning this chapter is

A. References
Brown, H. D. (2007). Principles of language learning and teaching. Pearson Longman.
Ahsanah, Finaty (2015). Group investigation : a cooperative learning method for the 10th
grade students in speaking english classroom. TELL Journal, volume 3, Number I.
Nur Hakim, Imam (2013). Metode group investigation (konsep dan aplikasinya dalam
pembelajaran). Insania Vol.18.
Meilasari, Venty, Budiyono, Isnandar Slamet (2016). Eksperimentasi model pembelajaran
kooperatif tipe team assisted individualization (tai), group investigation (gi), dan
pembelajaran langsung pada materi persamaan garis lurus ditinjau dari kemandirian belajar
siswa kelas viii smp negeri se-kota surakarta tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Journal of
Mathematics and Mathematics Education Vol. 6, No.1, Hal 47-56.

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