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Learning Targets
Reiterate and review the History of Human Resource Management.

Define Human Resource Management.

2. Define and explain the Different Job terms in field of Job Analysis.

History of the Human Resource Management

The history of the human resource management dates back to the industrial
revolution and the rise of capitalism in Europe in the mid-18th century. To date the
advent of the globalization in the 21st century has greatly affected the nature and
scope of human resource management to better appreciate the evolution nature, and
scope of human resource management (then called personnel management). The
chronology of events in and outside the Philippines virtually changed the nature and
scope of the functions of HRM from nearly recruiting and monitoring people to
performing more strategic functions such as training development and labor relations
and to increasing employee productivity and morale. These major historical
developments particularly in the political and economic arenas, made crucial HRM
functions in dealing with workers through their labor unions and ensuring that the firm
complies with all the labor laws and other related legislations. The traditional role of
HRM being reactive to the demands of the stakeholders in and outside the firm shifted
to or more proactive approach in the performance of its functions. At present, the
HRM unit like the other functional areas of the firm, cannot operate or function
effectively without the aid of information technology.

Human Resource Management

Human resource management refers to many different activities dealing with
the human side of the organization. It is the modern term for personnel
administration. Includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what
staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire
employee. It is also the process of achieving the best fit between individuals, jobs,
organization, and the environment. As the rate change in these four components has
accelerated in the past two decades, HRM has grown in complexity and importance.
In the human resource department there is a Human Resource Manager which plays
the pivotal role in the organization. By the inherent nature of the function of the HR
department, the person who usually given the title Human Resource Manager in big
companies or HR officer in smaller companies is tasked with a multiple roles related
to the human aspect of the enterprise. Because of this, HR manager/officer has to
spend considerable time addressing issues and concerns related to people to
increase productivity and enhance organizational performance.

Different Job Terms

In most areas of study, certain amount of technical terms is necessary in order
to facilitate communication. It is appropriate to list and define terms in field job

Consist of responsibilities and duties of an individual. There are as many
positions in firm as there are employees.
Group of positions that are similar in their duties. In some instances, only one
position maybe involved, simply because no other similar position exists.
Group of jobs that are similar as to kind of work and are found throughout an
An occupation is a category of work found in many firms.
Job analysis
The procedure used for determining collecting information relating to the
operations and responsibilities of a specific job. The end results of this analysis are
job description and job specifications.
Job description
Organized, factual statements of the duties and responsibilities of a specific
job. It tells what is to be done, and why. It is a list of job duties, responsibilities,
reporting, working ad conditions, and supervisory responsibilities.
Job specification
A written explanation of the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary
for effective performance on a given job. It designates the qualities required for
acceptable performance that is the requisite education, skills, personality, and so on.
Job classification
Groupings of jobs on some specifies basis such as kind of work or pray, it
can refer to a grouping by any selected characteristics but preferably used most
often in connection with pay and job evaluation.
Job evaluation
Systematic and orderly process of determining the worth of a job in relation to
other jobs.
The objective is to determine the correct rate of pay. It is not the same as job analysis
process, which provides the basic data evaluated.
Coordinated and aggregated series of work elements used to produce an output

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