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Mein Hund

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Blue Lock (Manga)
Relationship: Isagi Yoichi/Michael Kaiser, Isagi Yoichi & Michael Kaiser
Character: Isagi Yoichi, Michael Kaiser, Kunigami Rensuke (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Choking, Non-Consensual Touching, Non-Consensual Bondage,
Possessive Behavior, No Explicit Smut (sorry), just kaiser being a
possessive asshole, set after the FC Barcha match, Bruises, Gags,
Power Imbalance, Biting, Light Petting
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-01-15 Words: 3761

Mein Hund
by catfishing


“First,” Kaiser drawled, eyes narrowed into slits, “You steal my pass. Then you hand off
my goal to that ginger piece of shit? That fucking talentless copy, you pass to him instead
of me? Are you fucking kidding?”

Isagi clawed harder at Kaiser’s wrist, but he- just- wouldn’t- let go, and his vision was
beginning to darken at the edges. He was making some kind of pathetic gasping sound, and
that fucked-up look in Kaiser’s eye made Isagi think, fuck, he really was going to die-

“P-lease,” Isagi whimpered, barely audible.

Somehow, that’s what does it.


Kaiser's possessive streak rears its head after the FC Barcha match. Isagi suffers.


See the end of the work for notes

While being on the field with Michael Kaiser was an ordeal in and of itself, having to deal with
him off of the field was, somehow, just as insufferable- if not more.

The patronizing touches were one thing. It was like Kaiser seemed to enjoy constantly putting his
hands on Isagi- only Isagi, for some unfathomable reason- despite his own reservations about the
matter. Always a condescending little pat on the head, a punishing grip on his shoulder, or a hand
on his chin, yanking him around like he was some kind of dog.

It made Isagi’s blood boil, and it took everything in him to refrain from punching the guy in the

Regardless, it was not something Isagi was entirely keen about, but it wasn’t unbearable. He could
deal with it. He did deal with it.

Until the match with FC Barcha.

Isagi’s breath whistled thinly through his teeth. He was trying to keep himself from panting,
attempting to salvage at least some of his dignity, but the hand tightening around his throat was
making that fairly difficult.

“Yoichi,” Kaiser crooned, face drawn in a mocking snarl, eyes twinkling with malice. The hand
tightened further, and Isagi made a breathy, panicked sound.

“Fucker,” he managed to spit, around the pressure on his throat. Fire burned in his eyes, and his
hands found their way to Kaiser’s wrist; he clawed and shoved, but Kaiser wouldn’t budge. Shit.

“First,” Kaiser drawled, eyes narrowed into slits, “You steal my pass. Then you hand off my goal
to that ginger piece of shit? That fucking talentless copy, you pass to him instead of me? Are you
fucking kidding?”

Isagi clawed harder at Kaiser’s wrist, but he- just- wouldn’t- let go, and his vision was beginning to
darken at the edges. He was making some kind of pathetic gasping sound, and that fucked-up look
in Kaiser’s eye made Isagi think, fuck, he really was going to die-

“P-lease,” Isagi whimpered, barely audible.

Somehow, that’s what does it.

The painfully tight pressure on his throat suddenly disappeared, and Isagi slumped forward, unable
to keep himself upright, knees buckling and hitting the ground hard enough to bruise. His vision
swam and his chest heaved, as he drew in ragged gasps of air. He clutched at his throat
protectively, hands hovering uncertainly over the red, blemished skin.

Isagi could barely even register Kaiser’s silent, unmoving presence, too busy panting heavily and
trying to quiet the roaring in his ears to even care.

When he finally caught his breath, his watery, hazy eyes flickering upwards, he nearly flinched
back when he saw the look on Kaiser’s face.

Dread curled deep in his gut.

“You…” Isagi breathed, hoarse.

Kaiser’s mouth was twisted in a sick, pleased grin, eyes dark and burning, entirely focused on
Isagi’s miserable, trembling form. Amusement flickered in his eyes.

“I like it when you beg, Yoichi,” Kaiser purred.

Isagi froze, looking up in stunned disbelief. Rage reared wildly in his chest, and he went dizzy with
the force of it; he practically shook with his anger, but he could only clench his fists tightly and
stare up with as much hatred as he could muster. His throat throbbed mockingly, and he bit down
on the profanities lying on the tip of his tongue. He hung his head and refused to look up.

Don’t react, he thought, bitterly, even as Kaiser’s hand came down and gripped his chin, bruisingly
tight. Kaiser’s thumb nudged at his lip, mocking, and Isagi was overcome with the urge to bite.

Predictably, but no less humiliating, Kaiser yanked his chin upward, forcing Isagi to meet his
piercing gaze head-on.

Unlike the mocking, spiteful expression Isagi expected, Kaiser’s face was considering. Musing.
The manic, gleeful grin was gone; yet, the look on his face now was somehow more foreboding.

After a moment of Kaiser inspecting him silently, he seemed to come to a decision. When he
spoke, his voice was low, and it set Isagi’s hair on end.

“Who knew you could be so quiet and obedient like this, Yoichi. Perhaps you can be trained, Mein
Hund. I like the sound of that, don’t you?”

Isagi stared, overcome with dread. What was he..? His lips parted, but he couldn’t force a sound
from his throat. Kaiser seemed delighted by this, and practically cooed-

“You do learn quick!” Kaiser praised, mouth twisting into a grin.

Isagi’s face twisted in vicious disgust. “Fuck you,” he snarled, voice still raspy. “Fuck. You.”

Kaiser’s eyes darkened, jaw twitching, and Isagi almost flinched back at the sudden oppressive

“I suppose you are quite stubborn,” Kaiser mused, low and thoughtful. Isagi was about to shove to
his feet and tell Kaiser to eat it, when Kaiser beat him to the punch.

A hand grasped his wrist, and he was yanked to his feet in one forceful motion. He stumbled,
swaying at the sudden rush, yet absolutely indignant at the treatment.

“Would you- quit it!” he spat, attempting to shove Kaiser away. His skin was starting to burn at the
touch, and his head was buzzing with panic. What the fuck was his problem? This freak-

Kaiser ignored his attempts to wrestle out of his grasp; the tattoo snaking around his forearm flexed
and twitched. Kaiser’s grip on his wrist tightened painfully, and Isagi bit down on a yelp.

Instead, he did the only thing he could.

“Fuck you,” he snarled. “You motherfucker. You piece of shit, you think you can do whatever you

Kaiser’s hand snapped his jaw shut with a clack. Isagi’s teeth came down on his tongue, and he
made a muffled sound of pain as his mouth flooded with the taste of blood. He fell silent, but his
eyes blazed.

“Must I find you a muzzle, Yoichi? Every good dog knows when to stop barking. So. Shut. Up.”

Isagi’s mouth twitched, beneath Kaiser’s grip. Like fuck he’d do that.

He tugged his wrist pointedly, still held tightly in the man’s grasp. Let him go, maybe?
Kaiser raised a single, patronizing brow.

“Will you behave?” he crooned, leaning close.

Isagi’s face flushed red with fury, and he kicked out at Kaiser’s shin with singular purpose.

As Kaiser’s face darkened, Isagi could only think, ah, shit, before he was being dragged by his
neck down the hallway.

Isagi stumbled behind Kaiser as the man yanked him through the compound hallway. The hand
over his mouth fell away, but his balance was still off-kilter from the impromptu choking, and he
struggled to put one foot in front of the other, and could only stagger behind Kaiser like a drunken

“Where..? Son of a-!” Isagi snarled, trying to pry the fingers from his throat, already feeling the
bruising begin to throb anew.

Kaiser did not speak as he reached a door at the end of the hallway. He slowed in front of it, eyes
flicking to Isagi’s struggling form. Without a word, he threw open the door, shoved Isagi inside,
and shut the door behind them both with a click.

Isagi spun around to face Kaiser, hands once again clutching at his aching throat. He bared his
teeth, heart pounding furiously in his chest.

Was Kaiser going to beat the shit out of him? Is that why he brought him- here, which, Isagi
realized, was his room, apparently- it was a single, of course, because why would the great
Michael Kaiser stoop so low as to share a room with the rest of the filthy commoners.

“What do you want,” Isagi snapped, hands hovering by his throat protectively.

Kaiser’s lips turned up in an awful smirk. “I think someone ought to teach you some manners,

A sick feeling curled in his stomach, but he refused to back down. What the hell is he talking

“What, you want to beat some manners into me? Sorry to break it to you, dumbass, but that won’t

Kaiser simply peered down at him, looking far too smug. Something like dread crawled beneath
Isagi’s skin, and he took a step backwards against his better judgment.

In a single movement, Kaiser had moved towards the drawer sitting at the bedside. Isagi watched,
frozen in confusion, as his deft hands rustled about in the drawer for another moment more. He
eyed Kaiser distrustfully, face drawn up in a scowl.

“The hell are you digging for? Looking for a baton to beat me with? You’ll have to find something
better than that, shithead.”

Kaiser hummed, satisfied, still ignoring Isagi’s spat insults, and the rustling came to a stop. Isagi
squinted, trying to see what the man would procure from the depths of the drawer.

“Dogs should know when to stop barking,” Kaiser said. In his hand, he held.. a .. belt..?

“What,” Isagi said.

Kaiser stepped towards him. Isagi stepped back. There was that glint in his eye again, brightening
with every step forward, and the dread in Isagi’s chest squirmed, uncomfortably tight between his
ribs. He took yet another step back, and nearly toppled over when the back of his knees hit
something soft.

The bed, he realized.

Kaiser’s lips twitched, and Isagi’s eyes darted to his hand. Closer, now, he realized something.
That.. was not a belt. His eyes widened, and he made a sound of alarm.

“You..” he stammered, face twisting. “What the fuck.”

“Tch,” Kaiser said, taking another step forward, chastising. Chastising. “What did we say about

Isagi stared in alarm, pulse roaring furiously in his ears. It was deafening, but even over the sound
he could hear the teasing lilt in Kaiser’s voice. Panic struck through him, and he unconsciously
took another step back.

His legs buckled, pressed against the bed as he was, and he fell dumbly on his ass, landing on the
bed with a strained inhale.

Isagi’s eyes zeroed in on Kaiser’s hand. What he held in his hand.

“Do you know what this is?” Kaiser purred, close enough to lean down and whisper breathily into
Isagi’s ear. He trembled faintly, unable to speak, unable to move.

Kaiser’s hand came to cup his jaw, gentle and wrong and revolting. Then there was the press of
leather against his skin, and then Kaiser was gently thumbing his lips apart, sliding his fingers
inside Isagi's slack mouth. Kaiser suddenly shoved something soft and rubbery between Isagi's
teeth, and then everything clicked into place with a cold, snapping finality before he could blink.

“A dog who bites has to be muzzled,” Isagi heard Kaiser say, distantly, but the words are lost in the
thunderous pounding of his heart.

Isagi’s jaw twitched, and he made a sound; something like an unintelligible keen. He-

He couldn't speak. There was tight leather pressing against his skin, locked in place behind his
head, and a gag wedged between his teeth. He-

Isagi shoved the hands on him away. He tried to speak, to spew hateful profanities and insults, but
he could only manage a few broken, panicked sounds. Kaiser’s hands are knocked away with force,
and Isagi immediately goes towards the strap at the back of his head. If he could get it off, if he
could just get it off-

Two hands found his wrists and shoved him against the headboard. Isagi’s skull cracked painfully
against the wood, and he cried out, muffled beneath the gag. He struggled, punching and kicking
out, blind in his panic, eyes darting about wildly. Why? Why-?

The breath is knocked from his lungs, and his wrists are wrenched above his head, shoved up
against the wall. He’s restrained by the same painfully tight grip, and Isagi’s eyes focus with a
burning fury.

"Ah, ah," Kaiser hummed, peering down at him in dissappointment like he's a misbehaving dog.
Isagi nearly howled. Kaiser, looking smug and pleased, sat straddled across Isagi’s front, two
powerful, lithe legs keeping him pinned and immobile. His arms were wrenched above him,
preventing him from striking out again.

“Y--ou --- s’n -- o-f-a ----b’tc--h---,” Isagi spat,furious, garbled and slurred, thrashing beneath
Kaiser’s weight. The man doesn’t budge, but he does shift his hand free so that he can grip Isagi’s
chin. Again.

“Really, Yoichi?” Kaiser chastised, voice low and patronizing, face drawn up in hideous glee. “I’ll
have to tighten your muzzle, if you can still bark so freely.”

Isagi gave a panicked whine.

He shook his head frantically, making incoherent sounds of distress, and began trying to squirm
away from Kaiser’s grasp; it was useless, in the end- Kaiser’s lithe fingers yanked the strap tight
enough to bruise, and the gag ended up wedged far enough between his teeth that he could barely

Kaiser stroked his cheek, gentle and tender and enough to make Isagi squirm, mirth dancing in his
dark, bottomless eyes. “Better, now? How does that feel, mutt?”

Isagi squeezed his eyes shut, refusing to make another pitiful sound. His body shuddered, and
Kaiser made a pleased sound. So, so pleased. Isagi was weak. He was weak, and he couldn’t help
the prick of tears as they gathered at the corner of his eyes.

“What a good boy,” Kaiser cooed, praising, and he leaned in close. Isagi twitched away from the
feeling of warm breath on his throat, and a pitched whine escaped his mouth, unbidden. This, too,
seemed to delight Kaiser immensely, and it sent a wave of nausea to Isagi’s stomach.

The hand on his cheek trailed down the column of his throat- he flinched, at the sensation of
fingers ghosting over the bruises lining his neck, and Kaiser swept his hand down further, digging
his fingertips anywhere he could leave a mark.

Isagi bit down on an insult, twisting away from Kaiser’s bruising grip on his neck, shoulder, arms,
waist. He would slip his warm, broad hand beneath Isagi’s uniform and grip, hard enough to leave
hand-shaped bruises all across his skin. Kaiser seemed pleased every time a pained sound escaped
him, pressing closer each time. His hands moved with single-minded focus, skimming over every
inch of Isagi's body, making sure there was no untouched skin. Like he wanted to leave a mark, to
thoroughly claim Isagi as his.

When Isagi’s skin was entirely covered with red, splotchy bruises, Kaiser switched gears; his hands
played with Isagi's uniform, pulling it down at the neckline, exposing his chest. Isagi felt his face
flush, and he made a sound of protest.

"N'hg," he tried, alarmed, embarrassment coloring his cheeks red. His head spun, and panic set his
pulse racing furiously; he stared at Kaiser with wide, frenzied eyes, making half-muffled sounds of

Kaiser took note of this reaction, keen, sharp eyes tracing the blush on Isagi's cheeks; his eyes
glittered with twisted fascination, and a light flush dusted his cheeks in response. He paused. There
was a moment of blissful nothing, and Isagi wondered, with bated breath, if this was it? Maybe..
maybe Kaiser would..?

Just as Isagi had sunk, relieved, into the mattress, there was a wet, hot sensation along the side of
his throat- he gasped, an embarrassingly high pitched sound, and began thrashing.

Stop, he wanted to beg. He jerked backwards, but the weight of Kaiser on top of him made it
impossible to do much more than squirm, and the only thing he accomplished was rubbing
his crotch against Kaiser's crotch; he yelped at that sensation and then began thrashing anew, a
string of panicked curses falling from his lips. His head was swimming, vision darkening, and he
could hardly breathe, and Kaiser's tongue was trailing up towards his ear, hot and wet, and
Isagi yelped.

After a few teasing licks to his ear, Kaiser’s tongue swiped back down, along the mottled bruises
that painted the skin of his neck. He shuddered and gasped, and then Kaiser’s lips pulled together
and he started to suck, making an obscene sound with his mouth and sliding his tongue along the
raised skin of Isagi's neck.

The mild discomfort of Kaiser’s impromptu hickey was replaced with a sharp, piercing pain, when
the licking turned into biting. Kaiser sunk his teeth cleanly into the large, red bruise on his throat,
and Isagi couldn’t help but cry out in pain.

Kaiser only laughed, smiling into Isagi’s skin as he filled the skin with red, spit-covered bite
marks. Each sharp nip drew a gasp from Isagi’s lips; Kaiser seemed to relish every different sound
he could pull out of Isagi. He leaned close, tongue trailing back up, to Isagi's ear, and he
shuddered. Kaiser took the earlobe between his teeth and bit down, hard, and Isagi couldn't help
the startled cry that slipped from his throat. Tears began to prick his eyes, and he tried, uselessely,
to pull his hands free of Kaiser's grasp. He was so fucking useless, too goddamned weak to even
stop the tears as they dripped down his cheeks. Isagi gave a strangled sob.

Kaiser was so pleased. His hand cradled Isagi's jaw, and his thumb stroked the skin gently,
smearing tears and drool from where they had gathered at his chin.

Kaiser's hand found its way to Isagi's head. Isagi tensed, bracing for Kaiser's fingers to twist
painfully in his hair and pull, but the sharp pain never came. Isagi's eyes flickered upwards, blank
and dazed in their confusion. Kaiser's grin turned smug, and Isagi's face flushed with realization.

Kaiser patted his head mockingly, eyes sparkling with amusement. He looked so goddamned
pleased. Humiliation burned its way onto Isagi's cheeks, and he jerked backwards, making a few
startled, furious sounds. He was being pet! Like some kind of goddamned- dog-!!

"What a good boy you are," Kaiser purred, unbothered, his fingers toying with Isagi's hair,
absently thumbing over the hair like he was petting a dog. Kaiser's face was still set in that
fucking smirk, and Isagi wanted to start snarling. When Kaiser's fingers slipped back down to his
jaw and began to toy with his lips, slipping past the gag and into his mouth, Isagi
actually growled- he tried to bite down, to crush Kaiser's fucking fingers between his teeth, but the
gag caught his teeth and he bit down on hard rubber.

“Mffh,” Isagi moaned, distraught, around the fingers in his mouth, trying to ignore the burning hot
humiliation as drool began slipping down his chin in earnest. He felt utterly defiled, forehead slick
with sweat, eyes hazy and unfocused; his face was hot with humiliation, lips red and slick with
saliva, mouth parted and gagged and sluggishly leaking drool when Kaiser's fingers toyed in his

“M--f’k--’r,” Isagi yelped, startled, when the fingers tried to go deeper.

As soon as the word left his mouth, he froze; panic flooded his veins, ice cold. Kaiser's hand
tensed, and Isagi couldn't breathe- fuck, fuck, fuck-
Kaiser did not speak, all amusement vanished in an instant, but Isagi panicked regardless, eyes
darting wildly, focusing on Kaiser’s flat, dead-eyed glare with delirious focus. He knew what was

Kaiser's spit-slick hand wrapped around his throat.

“M’h s’rr-y! M’h s’rr-y!” Isagi gasped out, tongue fumbling around the syllables, sounds broken
and slurred in his panic. His throat bobbed uselessly around as the grip on his throat tightened, and
tightened, and his heart beat frantically in his chest when he could no longer draw breath around
the pressure.

Beg, said the gleeful look in Kaiser’s eyes. Isagi felt sick. He gave a pitiful whine.

“P----leeash--,” he begged, ragged and hoarse, because Kaiser was going to kill him at this rate,
and he couldn’t possibly be any more humiliated, so what did he have to lose?

Kaiser’s hand fell slack at his throat. Isagi fell back, limp, chest rising and falling wildly, tears and
some amount of drool dripping down his chin. He blinked sluggishly and tried to clear his vision of
black spots, but he was suddenly exhausted.

“M’hhgfh,” he moaned, distraught and aching. He wanted to leave. He wanted to take an hours-
long, scalding shower, and scrub the handprints from his skin.

“Are you finally finished, Yoichi? Done with your ceaseless barking?” Kaiser asked, teasingly
pushing the bruises along his throat. Isagi flinched, but nodded shakily all the same.

Kaiser made a considering noise, fingers playing along the edge of the leather strap on his cheek.
His twitching fingertips teased along the red, sluggishly bleeding line of irritated skin, and it drew
a pained groan from Isagi’s lips.

“Will you be more obedient next time? When I tell you to pass to me on the field, will you obey?”
Kaiser crooned, into Isagi’s ear.

Despite the immense, all-consuming urge to give in, to just tell him what he wants to hear, Isagi
hesitated. He faltered, because to submit to Kaiser on the field would be unthinkable.

Kaiser felt the hesitation. Of course he did. But he only chuckled- the sound was enough to make
Isagi brace for pain, for the sudden pressure around his throat, but it never came.

"That's fine," Kaiser said, easily. He sounded knowing; smug. "Learning discipline doesn't happen
overnight. I suppose we can resume the lesson later, Yoichi."

There was a hand behind his head, and with a short, muffled click, the gag fell from his mouth.

The grip on his wrists disappeared, and Isagi shot upwards, eyes wide and distrusting. Kaiser made
no move to stop him, so he shoved himself off the bed, twisting with such distress he nearly
tumbled head-first off the bedside entirely.

Kaiser only watched him, smug and amused, even as he stumbled upright unsteadily and almost
tripped over his own feet in his haste towards the door.

His shaking hands found the door handle, and his eyes flickered warily over his shoulder to stare at
Kaiser. He parted his mouth to speak, but when he met Kaiser’s eyes, he.. Shit.
He snapped his jaw shut. He threw the door open without a word and left, slamming the door
behind him with trembling hands.



Isagi ran his fingers down his face, once he had locked himself in the safety of the (albeit, shared)

He stared at his reflection in the mirror, eyes trailing the red, raised lines that ran across his cheeks
from the leather straps; the handprint bruises along his chest, arms, waist, that were beginning to
turn an ugly shade of purple-red; the dark, pronounced bruises on his throat, the bitemarks, the
undeniable mark of Kaiser. The handprints plastered all over Isagi’s body like a brand.

He stared at his reflection, and wondered how the hell he was going to use the communal showers.

End Notes

hope you guys enjoyed! i certainly did. i also wrote this in one go at 2 am so if there are any
glaring errors or oversights let me know! be kind please this is my first time writing
something suggestive lol
this was super self indulgent, i read all the kaisagi fics in one go and i needed MORE so im
here to share my wordvomit with all you lovely people! hopefully this is pretty in character,
i tried to keep isagi as stubborn as canon, not sure how well that turned out lol. anyway
leave a comment or kudos i would love to hear what you think!! (¬‿¬)
edit 1: i made some minor edits and added some extra scenes in the middle because i
wanted isagi to suffer more. MUAHAHA!
edit 2: i added almost 1k words of additional scenes because i am a menance. rip isagi.

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