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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 終わりのセラフ | Owari no Seraph | Seraph of the End
Relationship: Hyakuya Mikaela/Hyakuya Yuuichirou
Character: Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Hyakuya Mikaela, Hiiragi Shinoa, Saotome Yoichi,
Kimizuki Shihou, Ichinose Guren, Hiiragi Shinya, Goshi Norito, Hanayori
Sayuri, Yukimi Shigure, Juujou Mito, Crowley Eusford, Ferid Bathory
Additional Tags: Possessive Crowley, Bottom Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Top Hyakuya
Mikaela, Vampires, Vampire Bites, protective mika, Obsessive Mika
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2019-02-08 Words: 1,946 Chapters: 1/1

by Eternal_writes


It didn't matter that they were in a warzone. Not one bit. Mika was going to rip his heart
out. Crowley had fallen from the sky, Yuu pinned underneath him, his delicate human body
slammed into the pavement.

Crowley Eusford was going to die.

Yuu and the rest of the squad sat silently in the car, after Kimizuki and him agreed to never mock
Shinoa about her height ever again. Yuu was sporting his usual bored expression he wore when he
wasn't fighting, his attention catching on anything of interest outside the car. A Horseman
occupied him for a few seconds, as Kimizuki accelerated the car to avoid it, then he sunk into
himself, thinking of nothing but blonde hair and blue eyes. That familiar, youthful smile he would
never see. Ever again. He fantasized about how his life would've been with Mika around, him and
the other orphans smiling warmly at him. A warm smile, gentle and sweet crept on him, he
couldn't help it. If only he had been strong enough.

If only he had died with them.

"Fantasizing about naked girls Yuu?" Shinoa asked, her face darkened with mischief. She could see
him through the rear-view mirror.

Not quite. Yuu thought to himself as he stopped smiling, his tender smile gone, replaced with a
guarded expression. "No," he told her tiredly.

"Oh, too bad," Shinoa mocked, in an attempt to be friendly. Yuu offered her an apologetic glance
through the mirror. Her cheeks dusted with a light pink that Yuu selectively ignored. He had no
desire to be with her, nor lead her on. Kimizuki gasped in suprise, and Yuu's eyes locked with the
road in front of them.

Kimizuki's hand reached to the stick shift, to slow down. Yuu's eyes widened, and he swatted his
hand away. "Speed up! That's a fucking noble, run him over Kimizuki!"

The other boy complied swiftly, the engine screaming as the car picked up incredible speed. Then,
at the last second, they all jumped out. Yuu watched as the noble merely put up a hand to stop it.
Would it really work? Unfortunately for them, the noble stopped the car, causing it to explode in
the process. Crowley Eusford smiled drawing his sword. His pointy ears poked out of his red and
black hair. Yuu would soon learn that he'd never forget that hair, that smile. Those fangs. Yuu was
quick to draw his own sword, and gave the vampire a dangerous glare.

"Exciting," Crowley muttered, "Hello little humans,"

Yuu didn't wasted his time listening to the man's smooth words as Crowley moved from his spot
far away from him. Suddenly the man was right Shinoa, his sword ready to stab her in the chest,
but Yuu had been ready. Their swords slammed against each other, Yuu almost knocking the
weapon from Crowley's grip. "Whoa, you're strong. Who are you?"

"Does that really matter?" Yuu snapped, rushing forward to meet Crowley's next attack. Crowley
smirked, his sword slicing the air, their swords danced, clashing loudly and sparking intensely.
Yuu was obviously on the defense as Crowley's attacks sped up. Behind him he could hear his
comrades fighting their own battle. "Chess and Horn are giving you're teammates a hard time I

Yuu grit his teeth. Damn it, I can't just stop fighting him. He'll kill us all.

"Don't worry, little livestock, I'm only interested in you right now," Crowley muttered, "Chess and
Horn won't kill them. They'll just be taken as livestock. As for you, you might become my new
toy," Yuu's stomach dropped, his heart beating violently in his chest. His cheeks heated in rage,
and he struck angrily, only making the vampire chuckle.

"Is this all you've got Yuu?" Crowley asked, their swords meeting again with a loud clang. Yuu
growled, silently asking for Asuramaru to lend him power. He spun, black misma shooting out in
all directions. Crowley jumped out of the way, but nearby Chess and Horn were hit head on. He
heard Mitsuba sigh in relief, as they continued to attack.

"Focus on your own fight!" Crowley yelled, giving Yuu a swift kick that threw his delicate human
body flying into a wall.

"Yuu!" Shinoa yelled, attempting to get over to him and help, her eyes frenzied with fear and alarm.
He realized how truly weak he was on his own, barely holding up against the noble who sought to
have fun playing with him. It was like someone had poured ice cold water on him. Fear gripped
him, and refused to let go. Crowley cracked his knuckles, and Yuu swallowed his terror. He needed
to clear his head, he needed to think and calm down before he got himself killed.

He scrambled to his feet and prepared for the next blow. And then the next. "Just retreat you
idiots!" Yuu shouted, "I can buy you some time!"

Yuu glanced at them, for as long as he dare with Crowley still assaulting him, Shinoa's eyes were
wide, but understanding. She would tell them to retreat, and he would try his hardest to help them
Shinoa turned to her team, "RETREAT!"

Yuu didn't watch as they left, Crowley held up a hand to stop Chess and Horn from preventing

"There's no need for that," Crowley mumbled, "Ferid is calling for us. I'll just take this one with

"Fuck you I'm not going anywhere with you!" Yuu shouted at him, their swords meeting, but he
was getting tired. He couldn't keep this up forever, especially since Chess and Horn looked ready
to join the fight. Crowley clicked his tongue, "Time to end our game, I'm kinda sad it was cut so
short, Yuu-chan," With one, powerful sword stroke, Yuu's weapon faltered, and Crowley grabbed
him by the throat.

With a short gasp, Yuu struggled against him, his hands clawing at Crowley's hand in a futile
attempt to rip it away as he was lifted from the ground. The only sound he managed to make as his
legs kicked uselessly was agonizing choking noises.

His chest burned with the lack of air, his hands gripping Crowley's arm helplessly. the fear must've
shone brightly in his eyes as Crowley fixed him with a sympathetic look. "Just a few more seconds,
then you'll pass out."

His body begged for air, shaking and burning intensely. He wanted to pass out. He wanted it to
end, even if that meant being at Crowley's mercy while he was unconscious. It was almost a relief
as his vision darkened, and his struggle ceased.

He woke up what felt like seconds later, Crowley towering over him. "Good, I wanted to make a
dramatic entrance with you awake. Do you think you're friends down there would be angry if I
arrived and sucked your blood, and roughed you up a bit?"

He had to be dreaming. This vampire couldn't be asking him these things so casually, his eyes
widened. Crowley pulled Yuu towards him and wrapped a hand around his waist and pulled him
close. His fangs sprouted from his mouth, and they brushed the soft skin of his neck. "Answer
before I feast on you until there's nothing left." His whispered.

Yuu couldn't help it as a blush sprung to his cheeks. He was human after all, and with another
body so close to him it really wasn't his fault that he was already a stuttering mess. "Y-yeah it
would d-definitely make them mad," he replied.

He could hear Asuramaru laugh in the back of his mind. An astounding amount of desire,

He shoved the vampire away. "H-hey! Don't fucking touch me ugly vampire!"

"Such harsh words," Crowley pouted, grabbing Yuu by his hair, "Ferid is waiting. Let's go, Yuu-

"Don't call me that bastard!" Yuu yelled, but was prepared for what Crowley did next. They
jumped off the building, falling fast. Yuu growled, swatting his hand away and turning so his back
was facing the fast approaching pavement. He drew his sword, but Crowley was quick to grab his
wrist, and with his other hand he gripped his hair. He was going to die. He'd die from a fall of this
height. He wondered how many more seconds he had to live before-
There was a resounding boom, the ground shook below him, as his body slammed into it. All the
air escaped his body, but he was still alive, his wrist held down and his skull buried into the
concrete. Everything was silent as Yuu gasped wetly, blood shooting up his throat and out his
mouth. He was vaguely aware of being surrounded. One side stood the humans, while on the other
side stood Ferid and the vampires.

"Crowley! How nice of you to drop by," Ferid grinned down at the pair. Crowley was sitting on
Yuu's waist, his hand still tangled in his inky black hair. A sadistic smile adorned the vampires
face, his long nails ripping open Yuu's military uniform, carving long thin lines into his soft flesh.
Crowley was careful to drag it out, digging his nails in even deeper. Blood seeped out of his
wound, and Crowley couldn't help but lick his lips as Yuu screamed in terror and agony. Shinoa
tensed beside Mitsuba, but vampires blocked their path.

"Oh. Hello Mikaela," Crowley said smoothly, bringing a bloodied finger to his mouth and licked it
off. "Wow, you're blood is really something, Yuu-chan," Crowley grabbed Yuu's jaw and leaned
down their lips nearly touching, but Yuu moved his face away at the last second, Crowley's lips
coming in contact with the sweet smelling skin of his shoulder. Crowley's fangs elongated, and -

"I-is that really you, Mika?" Yuu asked pathetically, even though he was about to be bitten he
didn't care. He didn't care that he very well might be bleeding out. He didn't care that the Demon
Moon Company was watching this spectacle. All he could think was Mika. He was standing right

Tears came to his eyes, as Mika locked eyes with him. Realization glimmered in his blue eyes. "It
really is," Yuu whispered happily, before punching Crowley with all his might. Crowley's eyes
flashed with rage, just as Mika's did. The vampire who drew his sword and aimed it at his throat.
Yuu grabbed the blade, hopelessly holding it back as Crowley tried to cut off his head. Yuu's
hands shook with the effort. He looked toward Mika helplessly. Ferid was holding him back. Mika
looked ready to kill him.

One word roared out of Yuu, deep from his soul, his throat burning, his vision blurred from his
tears. "MIKAAAAA!"

Crowley was off of him in seconds. Ferid's arm was flying through the air, and Mika had chopped
Crowley in half. Yuu gasped in relief, grabbing his sword. In another second, Mika towered over

He was going to kill him. His thrusted his hand into the vampires chest, and ripped out his heart,
still beating as blood sprayed everywhere. The humans nearby gasped, and the vampires stood in
shock, gaping at the scene. Mika crushed the heart in his hand and let it fall perfectly in time with
Crowley's body. "Don't ever touch him again, any of you."

He turned, his eyes searching for Yuu who managed to stand, his wounds healing slowly thanks to
Asuramaru. His eyes were brimming with emotion, a happy smile on his lips, the same smile
Shinoa had seen on his face in the car. A gentle smile, the smile one only wore when looking at
their lover. The two shared the same smile before their lips embraced.

Yuu held onto him like he was the only thing in the world of any importance. Like his world would
crumble if he let go. They parted, only to kiss again, Mika's hand on Yuu's hips, Yuu's hands
tangled in his beautiful blond hair. "Don't ever die on me again Mikaela," he whispered, holding
him impossibly close.
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