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Leading Me To You

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F, F/M, M/M
Fandom: 외모지상주의 | Lookism
Relationship: DG/Park Hyung Suk | Daniel, Will add more once written
Character: Park Hyung Suk | Daniel, Park Hyung Suk | Daniel's Mother, DG
(Lookism), Park Jong Gun, Kim Joon Goo, Choi Dong Soo | Charles,
Lee Ji Hoon | James, The 4 Crews, The 10 Geniuses, Brief Scenes Will
Not Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Sentinels & Guides, Sentinel/Guide, Alternate
Universe - Canon Divergence, No 2nd Body, Bottom Park Hyung Suk |
Daniel, Pretty Park Hyung Suk | Daniel, Non-Fighter!Daniel, Possible
smut, Possessive Behavior, Canon-Typical Violence, Time Line
Inaccuracies | PTJ it’s your fault, no beta we die like olly wang, 4Crews
still exist | Daniel isn’t involved with it, First Fic Ever | I didn’t plan shit,
Unrealistic | C’mon it’s Fiction, slow/irregular updates, underage
relationships, additional warnings in author’s notes, Digital Art
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-28 Updated: 2023-04-02 Chapters: 7/? Words:

Leading Me To You
by kokonutfroot


At 15 years old, Daniel had to quit school because of a serious bullying incident. When he
woke up in the hospital, he realised he had become a guide. Without wanting to worry his
mother, Daniel decided to keep it a secret and learnt how to manage these new abilities
Now that he didn’t have school to go to, he decided to take up part-time jobs to at least help
his mother. But one day after his night shift, he stumbled across a sentinel passed out and
on the verge of rampaging at his house’s alleyway.

Having no other choice, Daniel decided to help the man. Unbeknownst to him, that
decision would change his life forever. For the better or the worse? Read this to find out


A percentage of the world’s population (around 40%) are either sentinels or guides.
Sentinels have heightened physical prowess, while guides have heightened
mental/emotional abilities. Sentinels need guides to keep from letting their powers go out of
control or else they would rampage* or suffer from a drop*. Powerful sentinels need a
super compatible guide or multiple guides to keep control of their senses. For guides, they
can do reverse guiding* which is harmful to sentinels, that’s why only licensed/trusted
guides are allowed to guide. This AU kind of gives soulmate vibes, so if you think that way
sure LMAO

Rampage: Sentinels who have their power levels unchecked, they will lose control of their
consciousness and will attack/kill anyone in sight.
Drop: Sentinels will pass out as the flow of their powers are going haywire. On worst cases,
these can last for weeks. Kind of like a coma of sorts.
Reverse Guiding: Guides can take power from sentinels by doing this, which can drain
Sentinels. Pretty self explanatory.
Chapter 1 | Meet cute (not really)
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


Run. Run. Run.

His mind was racing, thoughts jumbling as his knees almost gave way. Scooting around to turn the
corner, he ran to the toilets in hopes that it could protect him.

How wrong he was.

Daniel choked on a loud sob as he was being repeatedly beat. Logan and his goons had finally
found him hiding in the toilet from them. Collapsing to the floor, he hissed as the cold marble tile
felt like fire against his wounds.

Letting out a cry as he felt the burn of his scalp when his hair was yanked to face Logan, the tears
started to flow. “Damn piggy, think you can hide from us huh. Aww you’re crying already?
Boohoo.” He spat as he lifted his hand to slap the crying boy’s face.

His body was then tossed harshly to the floor. Thinking that Logan and his gang was done with
him, he tried to get up only for him to be shoved and fell to the floor again. The rain of kicks kept
coming as Daniel’s body trembled at the abuse.

Snickers and jeers of the gang echoed around the toilet walls, silencing the soft and pathetic
whimpering of the poor victim. That was all Daniel could hear before the world suddenly turned
Beep. Beep. Beep.

A clinical smell, muffled speech, and the many different emotions bombarded Daniel’s senses.
‘ I? What the hell am I sensing?’ he thought to himself, trying to sit up straight only to
get a jolt of pain run through his body.

He yelped as he slowly lied down on the bedding again, he heard his mother’s voice as he strained
to turn his head to the side. He could oddly feel the emotions running off his mother and the
doctor. Huh.

Daniel saw his mother talking to a doctor as they then exited the ward. She turned around and let
out a distraught cry, calling out his name when she realised that he was awake as she rushed to his

His heart squeezed when she saw her bloodshot eyes and her reddish eye bags, which told him she
had wept. Wrinkly, gentle hands caressed his chubby face, wiping his wet cheeks as he realised he
had been crying too. ‘Why can I feel what’s on her mind?…’. Before he tried to say anything , he
was cut off by his mother.

“Oh Daniel, why didn’t you tell me anything? Why did you suffer alone?”

He wanted to scream at her, to say that because of her he was like this, because of the love she gave
him he was like this. But nothing came out, he realised. ‘Damn.’ he thought, he loved her too much
to say all those vile words which were never true at all. The caring thoughts stabbing his heart
harder than it should’ve.

Perhaps the beating not only made him more mature, but also made him awaken as a fucking
guide. Could’ve at least made him a weak sentinel damn it, he bitterly laughed on the inside. “I’m
sorry mom, I just didn’t want to worry you, it’s ok..” he spoke, voice involuntarily trembling. The
delivery wasn’t how he wanted it to be, but his mom still would fuss anyway no matter the
assurance. He then contemplated on something before he opened his mouth.

“Mom? I don’t want to go back to school.”

His new found revelation at the hospital had it’s very own perks, he found out. After some
intensive research, he learnt that his sensitivity to emotions was an absolute trump card. It made
him more convincing, manipulative, being able to know how to play the right cards against the
emotions he sensed from random employers of the part-time jobs he searched for.

‘Finding income wouldn’t be that hard afterall. Being a guide rules!’ he thought, inwardly patting
himself on the back. His mom surprisingly obliged to his request to just drop out of school at
merely 15. But so far, he had a morning to afternoon job of moving furniture, and a night shift of
serving food and taking orders at decently filled restaurants. Life was slowly but surely looking up
for him it seemed.

“Hope you enjoy the food!” a voice hollered over the bustle of customers in a random restaurant. It
has been about 8 months since that incident, now being December.

Daniel had astonishingly lost a lot of weight within the time period, his chubby stature now
replaced with a slightly plump figure, his collarbones now more visible. His face still had soft
cheeks that his mother loved to squish and coo at and his double chin was gone too.
Embarrassingly enough, his body looked a little curvy, having lost fat in all the right places;
hopefully he would lose all that soon (spoiler: only a lil bit ). On the brighter side of things,
Daniel had grown a bit as well, from about 5’0 to 5’4. His one small meal a day and strenuous jobs
had bore good fruit he supposed. He was earning money too, and that’s a plus.

Preparing to clock out, he hung his apron on the hook at the back of the staff-only room as he
packed his belongings into his backpack, before going to the list on the wall on the opposite side to
check out. He looked at his phone time as it read 10:00pm. It was more dangerous to walk alone at
night, but hey, Daniel couldn’t pass up on extra salary he would get at the end of the month.

He then exited through the back and began journeying home. His feet crunched on the snow, mind
starting to wander. He wished he celebrated Christmas properly with his mom, but he knew both
were busy trying to get by but at least they were happy.

He continued, spaced out as he followed the path to the more slum-like parts of Seoul he called
home. It was only until his eyes landed on a bed of hair poking out round the corner to his house
that he snapped out of his daze. He felt the rushing and overwhelming flow of forceful power
sizzling under his skin, his breath hitched, heart impossibly thundering as his eyes widened when
he realised that this was a sentinel’s energy, one that was about to rampage.
At first, Daniel wanted to run, but then he realised that this was dangerous as he was so close to his
home where his poor, defenceless mother was waiting for him. Without any choice, he slowly and
fearfully shuffled closer to the body. Now that he was closer, he could clearly see that the sentinel
was wearing a school uniform, their fluffy hair black with fierce streaks of red painting it. Their
brows were furrowed, a frown gracing their lips. ‘Oh are they handsome,’ Daniel furiously blushed
at the crude thought, ‘FOCUS DANNY, you still have things to solve’.

As he inched closer for a more thorough inspection, he concluded the sentinel to be out cold, their
eyes still closed as they were slouched in an awful sitting position against the cracked walls of the
alleyway. No sign of any kind of movement. Being a hundred percent sure that they were passed
out, he gingerly placed his palm on the sentinel’s bigger hand that laid next to their idle body. He
felt a low hum as he sent a slow and gentle stream into the stranger.

‘God I don’t even know this will work, I don’t even know this guy either and if we’re compatible
or not!’ Daniel inwardly screamed to himself. He was already planning on getting up to leave but to
his big surprise, the energy coming from the sentinel slowly became small waves as he listened to
the calm heartbeat that wasn’t his. It felt…oddly nice. Without any warning, the fingers he was
touching twitched as he quickly whipped his head to look back up only to see the sentinel’s cold,
black eyes staring right back at his own.


Burns…everything burns…

He let out a small groan as he managed to drag himself to a random alleyway that he deemed safe
enough to hide in. He plopped himself down and he rested his head at the wall behind. He had
successfully taken the last king down, and could soon reap what he sowed. That old geezer better
keep his promise, he didn’t go through all of that hassle for nothing.

The buzzing under his skin itched as he heaved. The imminent rampage was long overdue now, for
the past months he had refused all the guides offered to him. He could just tell that they weren’t
enough. Being a powerful sentinel himself, he needed more than that measly bunch that geezer
gave him. They were probably going to reverse guide him or he would run them bone dry anyway,
he mused. He knew to not easily trust or rely on anyone.
He closed his eyes as the burning only became more and more intolerable.

A soft shuffling of footsteps alerted him, but he was too tired to even lift up an eyelid. The light
footsteps came closer and closer to him as he heard them come to a halting stop. Was this seriously
how he was going to fucking die? Damn. How pathetic. But suddenly, a warm palm pressed
against his hand. Although his body felt like it was on fire, the warmness felt good. The steady
stream that suddenly engulfed his senses felt cool, comforting, even.

But he felt it. The stream to soothe his supposed uncontrollable power.

‘I’ve found them’ he thought, ‘my guide, MY guide, myguidemyguidemyguidemygui-’. Snapping

out of his crazed reverie, he slowly opened his eyes, wanting to see who his mystery guide was.
When his eyelids lifted, he saw a black tuft of soft looking hair, but their head immediately
snapped up as he stared back at their own wide eyed ones.


Chapter End Notes

Characters and their status:

Daniel: Guide
Daniel’s Mother: Regular
???: Sentinel

Every huge gap between paragraphs represent either an environment/timing/POV

Chapter 2 | Introductions
Chapter Notes


once again i have an irregular upload schedule, so pls dont expect anything much tqtq

Sassy Daniel will be my serotonin so I’ll be adding that here

Every huge gap between paragraphs represent either an environment/timing/POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes



Before Daniel could even start to process what was happening, a small gasp slipped past his lips as
he felt an arm wrapping around his waist, preventing him from making a run for it. He was now
straddling the sentinel and had no escape. ‘Oh I’m so dead…’ he thought with a groan as he could
now only struggle against the strong grip as he reluctantly looked back at the man’s face.

But to his bigger shock, the man’s stoic expression seemed to take a more amused look instead of
being an angry one, Daniel’s panic only grew more when a small chuckle reached his ears. “I
promise I wasn’t trying to rob you or anything!” He blurted out, his face feeling even more hotter
by the second as the man’s eyes only looked more and more like crescents, skin wrinkling around
them. A smirk graced his unfairly attractive face before he opened his mouth.

“Your name?”


What the fuck??? Daniel couldn’t even believe his ears, this guy wanted to know his name? ‘Oh
god,’ Daniel thought, ‘is he in some kind of gang? Mafia? Oh god Daniel you messed up’ thoughts
raced as he squirmed under his captor’s tight grasp.
A voice cut through his multitude of suspicions. “What’s your name?” the voice prodded on.
“Err..Daniel. Park.” he replied on reflex, before going wide eyed once more upon realising he told a
literal stranger his damn name. “Then what’s yours? It’s only fair if um, you know, if you told me
yours.” Daniel boldly quipped, he was already regretting it and was ready to profusely apologise
before he was cut off again by the smooth voice, “James Lee.”

He started gaping like a fish out of water as he could only blink back, mouth opening to only close
again repeatedly at the presumed “James”. Daniel didn’t even expect an answer, more or less a
name too.

Awkward silence slowly washed over the 2 before Daniel tried wriggling out of the hold again that
James finally let him go. Standing up, he tried to run back to his house as he was only metres away
when his arm was suddenly grabbed by James. “Where are you running off to?” he nonchalantly
spoke, spinning Daniel around to face him again and tugged. Daniel let out a shamefully high-
pitched squeak as his face was pressed against a hard chest. ‘He’s so god damn big what the hell?’
Daniel shivered at the thought as he imagined the various ways this man James could literally beat
him to a pulp, he was a sentinel as well for god’s sake. “Uhm I have to go home.” Daniel replied,
but James didn’t budge.

They both stood in place, displeasure grew onto him as he subtly rolled eyes. Is this man stupid or
what? If he used his eyes he could see it’s literally in the dead of night right now. Daniel was
getting more and more irritated instead of feeling fearful, but he couldn’t help it; he was growing
tired and James hadn’t done anything remotely suspicious or tried to harm him anyway.

James only raised a brow, as if he thought that Daniel was lying. ‘He seriously isn’t thinking about
asking me to show where I live right.’ Daniel dead-panned, and lo and behold he did. He let out a
huff and just walked, not even caring to turn to see if James took the hint to follow him.

Finally reaching the familiar corridor, he knocked on the door and called out “Mom, I’m home!”
before opening it. He spotted his mom already sitting on the floor, table set up with hot tea and a
cushion on her opposite side. Before he could rush to sit and gush to his mom about how his day
was, he noticed her looking at the space behind him.

Oh. Right.

Daniel shuffled a bit to the side as he held out a hand. “Mom, this is James. He’s my coworker and
we’re really good friends!” he said in a fake, cheery tone. As always, she bought another one of his
lies and beamed brightly, clearly overjoyed her son had found a “friend”. His stomach twisted as he
looked up to the side to see James with a customer-service smile right back at her. ‘Sly bastard’, he
cursed inwardly. Taking off his shoes, he shuffled to the cushion and dragged it closer to his
mother, with James following suit as they both sat. “Daniel, you didn’t tell me you were bringing
someone over! If not I would have prepared another cup. You two make yourselves comfortable,
I’ll be right back.” his mother cooed, getting up and headed for the small kitchen.

Daniel shot James a glare to find that he was already staring at him, and then scowled at the other’s
mocking expression. “What do you want from me.” he spoke in an exasperated tone, but James
didn’t answer as he looked away. ‘This darned sentinel’. “Oi! I said-“ he was quickly shushed as he
glanced at the phone being handed to him. “Number.” was all James said. Now it was Daniel’s
turn to raise a brow, what the hell did he need his number for? As if reading his mind, James
replied “Well since we’re friends” emphasising on friends, “it’s only fair if we exchanged
numbers.” Daniel only tsked in response, this was the longest sentence James had ever said but it
was just as ridiculous as his first. Couldn’t the idiot tell that it was just a cover up? Or was he
purposefully teasing him? Jerk.

He snatched the phone and furiously jammed in his number before labelling his name on it. He
tossed the phone back at James and they continued to sit in the space awkwardly. Perfectly timed,
his mother came back with a tray of snacks and the extra cup. Having to keep up a front, he oh so
graciously poured tea for everyone as he started helping himself to the snacks. Sigh.

The time on the little clock on the wall now read 11:00pm. At the doorway, James had bid farewell
to Daniel and his mother and left as soon as he had came. His mother’s enthusiastic reaction to
James’ sudden appearance made Daniel even more fatigued, and he could only nod at everything
she said as he told her he would go get ready for the night.

Heading to the bathroom, he took a quick, hot shower before dragging his futon in the now dark
room to the window where moonlight shone through the curtains. He flopped onto the futon and
recounted the strange encounter he experienced tonight.

James…will he ever see him again? Daniel shook his head, why did he want to anyway? He was
worried though, he had guided James, a total stranger, unlicensed. Would he tell on him? He didn’t
want to get arrested, that wouldn’t do him any good on future resumes and the secret he wanted to
keep for so long would be ruined. Sighing for what seemed like the umpteenth time again, he
closed his eyes as sleep washed over him quickly.
Looking back at the stunned boy, James shot out an arm and instantly circled his hand around the
waist of the guide, eliciting a gasp. He hauled the boy closer to him; their faces so close that he
could almost count the individual eyelashes on his eyes as short legs found their way to his sides.

James felt the boy wriggle in his hold, as he was getting more and more entertained by the fact that
he was only using one arm to contain him and the guide still struggled to free himself. “I promise I
wasn’t trying to rob you or anything!” the boy whimpered as his face and ears grew more red.
James was silent as he observed the boy’s face, ‘his face matches his voice…cute.’ He could only
smile at the thought, he was absolutely enamoured with this guide. James wanted to know more
about him.

“Your name?”


He could only stare at the boy, predictably shocked as his eyes clouded with confusion. Not
wanting to stall, James decided to repeat the question. The guide blinked and muttered,
“Err..Daniel. Park.” The boy, no- Daniel then retaliated, “Then what’s yours? It’s only fair if um,
you know, if you told me yours.” He stumbled over the sentence, which was quite adorable, his
lips twitched as if trying to add on to his question. “James Lee.” he coolly responded.

The boy’s flustered face slowly twisted into shock. ‘Does he know who I am?’ he continued to
study Daniel’s expression, coming to the conclusion that no, he didn’t. Good.

He composed his thoughts when he felt the boy shift uncomfortably. Oh, he was still holding him.
He slipped his hand from the smaller’s waist as he watched Daniel jolt up and abruptly turned
around. Not wanting to lose the guide, James got up as well and rushed to seize the boy’s arm,
“Where are you running off to?” he almost growled out, spinning him around and hoisted Daniel
closer to his body.

“Uhm I have to go home.” the boy’s voice muffled as his face was pressed against James’ chest.
Doubting Daniel’s words, he refused to let go. “Show me.” James spoke up first as he loosened his
grip on Daniel’s arm. He heard a small huff as the boy walked further down the alleyway, as if
motioning ‘follow’. He trailed the boy as they stood in front of a slightly worn down door, slight
seeping through from the underneath.

Daniel called out to his mother before opening the door, James was instantly engulfed with a warm
setting as his eyes trained on an old woman sitting on the floor. He quickly surveyed the
environment, pushing the thought to save their address later. Daniel’s mother was already looking
straight at him, he glanced to Daniel as he waited for an introduction between the two. He directed
a wide beam to the woman before taking off his shoes to settle down beside Daniel. After
everything had settled, James finally had the opportunity to speak with him alone.

He turned his head to Daniel’s direction at the same time Daniel did and so they made eye contact.
James let out a smug smile when he noticed Daniel’s distress at having him in his house, and
smiled even wider when Daniel’s face contorted into a scowl. ‘He looks like a stray kitten.’

“What do you want.” the guide said, clearly irritated. He dug his hand into his school uniform’s
blazer and handed his phone to Daniel. He had a look of confusion, and before he started to fuss,
James asked for his number and decided to tease Daniel a little. He got a scoff in return, but his
phone was taken from him nonetheless as the boy typed on the screen before the device was
thrown back haphazardly.

James had surprisingly enjoyed the company of Daniel and Mrs. Park after some idle chit-chat.
Looking at his phone, he realised he needed to leave. He bowed as he said his goodbyes before
exiting the door as he breathed into the cold night air once again.

7 missed calls. Hah…

Deciding to just ignore it, James shoved his phone back into his pants’ pocket as he saved the
address before thoughtlessly walking a path, exiting the slum-like parts until he reached the now
quiet streets of Seoul.

His mind couldn’t think of anything else but Daniel. He could clearly remember the face, his round
features made him look innocent, long lashes framed his eyes as they touched his cheeks every
time he blinked. Daniel wasn’t astronomically pretty, but it was the unique kind to just pull you in.
His attitude was a strange but interesting one, and most of all he didn’t even know who James was.
The boy’s brazen words stuck to him, it was rather endearing; he never had anyone really talk back
to him before.

He laughed to himself, all this newfound information excited him, he was already longing to see
the boy again as his now stabilised power swelled in his heart. For now, he would keep his guide a
little secret from the old geezer and the two bloodthirsty fools he called his colleagues. They didn’t
need to know.

But speak of the devil, his phone began buzzing vigorously in his pocket. With no other choice, he
picked it up. “James, where are you? I told you to report back to the place when you were done.
We don’t have time to dilly-dally.” a voice boomed from the speaker, clearly pissed off that he
didn’t follow their direct orders.

Ah. Of course. The “4 crews” business still needed to be settled. He paid no mind to the scolding
and rudely ended the call before sending his location over in text. He thought for a bit before
pressing on the contact “Daniel” and typed in a small message.

“See you tomorrow, Daniel. :)”

Sent. 11:17 pm

Chapter End Notes

Characters and their status:

Daniel: Guide
Daniel’s Mother: Regular
James: Sentinel

Istg they feel so OOC but really I just think that’s how their dynamic would work
im being hella self-indulgent mb
James trying to be smooth but he’s still a lil shit <3
Chapter 3 | Hangout Shenanigans
Chapter Notes

I heavily edited chapter 2 so as to make more sense with the follow up for this.
Hope you enjoy chapter 3! It took me longer to get this one done I apologise. Taking
care of my house ain’t doing my writing any good
And we hit 50 kudos! Tysm guys <3

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Daniel is still 15 as of now with James being 18. Their
age difference is 3 yrs so pls remember that their relationship is currently

Every huge gap between paragraphs represent either an environment/timing/POV


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Daniel cradled his blanket closer to his chest and nuzzled deeper into his pillow. The sun’s rays
peeked through the curtains blowing against the morning breeze, causing him to stir from his
slumber. He groggily got up to draw the curtains and laid back down.

Daniel would normally be up and about at this time, but today was his day-off, meaning he could
spend his time being lazy and do whatever he wanted. With his eyes now closed, he lifted a hand to
clumsily feel around, trying to find his phone that laid nearby. When his fingers came into contact
with it, he brought the screen to his face, but his eyes shot out of his head when he saw the
notification blatantly there on his home screen.

“See you tomorrow, Daniel. :)” 11:17 pm -unknown number

Daniel didn’t even have to try and guess who it was as he didn’t just give anyone his number. He
sighed through his nose, already regretting giving his number to James. He sat up and began typing
a reply,

“Don’t talk to me.” 9:21 am

Read. Typing…

If he wasn’t awake then, he surely was now. He reread the status multiple times checking if he saw
right, eyes nearly bulging out of his sockets as he brought his phone screen closer to his face. He
panicked as his phone buzzed, fumbling with it while flailing his arms to prevent it from falling.


”Hangout?” 9:21 am

Daniel frowned hard as he stared at the message. This persistent blockhead. He wanted to say no,
but he didn’t really have anything to do now that he thought about it, but at the same time he would
rather die than to talk or even see that annoying sentinel again. He flopped onto his futon again and
placed his phone next to his head as he going back to sleep again.

Okay so he couldn’t sleep. He reluctantly opened his eyes, turning back to his phone lying there
forlornly. Ugh.

”Fine. When?” 9:43 am



”Be ready at 12:00.” 9:45 am

Daniel reassessed his outfit for the fifth time of the day. Dressed in a navy blue sweatshirt that
slightly sagged near his shoulders as it was an old shirt, paired with black slacks that he recently
bought, he decided he was ready to go. Since it was still December, it was a little cold so he wore
thermal inner-wear underneath. ‘This should be ok.’ Honestly, he wasn’t one for looks anyway,
being bullied for just being fat and ugly didn’t do his self esteem any good either. Daniel cringed at
the horrible memories as he shook his head to clear his mind.

Loud banging on the door caused him to snap at it’s direction; immediately sensing the familiar
aura behind it, he ground his teeth together. “Yah! Learn how to knock you bastard! You’re gonna
break the door!” Daniel shouted back as a response, it was too early for his blood pressure to be
this high but this damn James Lee had done just about it.

Struggling as he tried to put on his socks, he hobbled over to where his sneakers lay and slipped
them on as he unlocked the door and opened it. James was now leaning against the wall opposite
the entrance, just wearing a plain white tee, a black leather jacket over it and jeans. ‘With his looks
and figure, he can pull basically anything off.” Daniel thought to himself, a little jealous he wasn’t
graced with such gifts. James glanced at his direction before nodding his head to the right as he
spoke “Let’s go.” already beginning to walk without him. ‘I feel like I’m forgetting something.’
Daniel shrugged the thought away and went to catch up to the man.

“Wait up!” Daniel squawked as he stumbled over his shoelace, quickly dipping to tie it as he saw
James’ broad back becoming smaller and smaller. When he finished doing double knots, he ran up
to the taller as he huffed and puffed before speaking “You didn’t even tell me where we’re going.
Mind to share, Mr. Aloof?” James turned his head to briefly give him a look before facing forward
again, replying, “Fun fair.” Daniel’s eyes widened, a fun fair?

James suddenly came to a halt, causing Daniel to crash into his back. Shutting his eyes in pain, he
was about to complain when a thunderous sound echoed through the street.

To say he was astounded was an absolute understatement. The engine of a black retro-styled
motorcycle roared loudly into the air as an already sat James revved it, a holier-than-thou
expression and a wolfish grin plastered on his equally annoying but handsome (Daniel can’t stop
giving back-handed compliments) face as he pat the space behind him, “Hop on. We can get there
faster.” Daniel’s jaw slackened at the sight, ‘holy moly…’, he quickly recovered from his short-
lived stupor and mounted on the motorcycle, shifting around until he was sure he was secure.

”Are there no helme-“ Daniel let out a humiliating yelp that interrupted his speech as James started
to increasingly accelerate without any warning. Scared that we would fall all off, he speedily
wrapped his arms around James’ midriff and clutched on for dear life. He could feel the man’s
body rumble as he laughed but said nothing about Daniel’s hold; thankfully. His hair travelled
through the air as the chilly breeze danced with his clothes as it flew behind him. The guide turned
his head to look as they sped past various residencies and tall buildings, watching as vehicles
whizzed by, and hearing the flurry of footsteps on sidewalks and crossings. The urban landscape
slowly shifted to the countryside’s as Daniel shyly rested his cheek on the sentinel’s back while
they continued traversing the highway.

For once, Daniel almost felt at ease if not for the scare moments prior thanks to a certain you-

The fun fair was even more grand than he had expected. The smell of the sea only grew as a strong
gust of wind galed. The shrieks of people from the twisting rollercoasters reverberated throughout
the area and boisterous chatter from the large crowd at the ticket booth, consisting of students and
adults alike lining up to get theirs. Daniel sent a quick text to his mother about his whereabouts
while probing his pockets for his wallet when he realised he hadn’t brought it ‘Ah shit. I really
forgot something!’ Looking up to see James coming back from parking his motorcycle. When he
was in arms length, he tugged on the taller’s sleeve “Hey uhm…I…I didn’t bring my wallet…”
Daniel confessed as he flushed at his embarrassing predicament. He could already sense the
amusement rolling off of James, his words already on his tongue to tell him off before a large hand
ruffled his hair.


James left a confused Daniel to his own thoughts, saying nothing once again as he headed to the
ticket booth’s clerk. ‘Even though I’m a guide, it’s hard to guess what he’s thinking or feeling.’
Daniel thought wistfully, before rushing over to the sentinel’s side to find that he was already
buying tickets for two. Long fingers wound around his wrist to lift it as James helped Daniel put on
the wristband ticket, causing him to hold in a blush at the odd intimacy of the unexpected action.
He found his hand being engulfed by a larger and warmer one as a startled Daniel let himself get
dragged through the arched entrance and into the fair.

They passed by various food stalls selling popcorn, drinks, cotton candy and practically every
carnival-typical snacks laid along the sides with snaking queues. After some more walking, Daniel
found themselves in the games section of the stands. His eyes sparkled with interest as he saw the
myriad of plushies and mini tokens alike hanging on the netted walls. However, a particular
keychain caught his eye. It was a fuzzy wolf in red with two little fangs sticking out of its mouth.
‘Reminds me of someone.’ Daniel chuckled inwardly. The sentinel seemed to have noticed his stop
in movement as he stopped as well, his eyes zeroing in on what Daniel was looking at.
James walked over to the stall, it was a mini shooting game where he had to hit moving ducks to
score as much points as one could. Paying his fee before picking the prop gun up, he got into
position and aimed. Daniel openly gaped at the precision of each shot taken, and it was already
over as soon as it had started. He quickly shut his mouth as James returned, dangling the keychain
in front of his face. “Here.” was all he said, handing it to the guide before walking off again.
“Shouldn’t we be going to rides instead?” Daniel called out, but the taller seemingly ignored him
and instead occupied himself with another game. ‘Is this punk trying to show off or what?’ Daniel
grumbled, tailing behind as he continued to watch James win every single one. ‘Damn he’s good at

By the time James finished clearing all the game stands, Daniel came out with his arms full with
plushies; people who passed by ogled at the small boy with toys almost his size and a keychain
dangling on each finger. “Just HOW am I going to bring all these back!?” he shouted at the man
beside him, clearly he didn’t think this through. “We’ll see.” was all James could muster, Daniel
could only sigh in irritation as they continued to weave through the growing crowd of people.

”I’m hungry, let’s find something.” James spoke up as his hand rested on the smaller’s shoulder so
as to not lose him. They decided to settle on a tteokboki stand before heading off to see the rest of
the fair. Because he was carrying things, Daniel couldn’t go to the more extreme attractions like
rollercoasters or Bumper Cars. But he had fun in the House of Mirrors, where he was busy giggling
to himself as he observed his and James’ deformed reflections wobbling about while getting lost in
the mini maze trying to find the exit.

They proceeded to a palm-reading booth to get their futures read for fun. The reader claimed that
James’ and Daniel’s life was going to be full of deceit and pain, but Daniel already saw through the
self-proclaimed seer’s lie. The guy didn’t even know what he was saying and was just pulling
bullshit out of his ass, but meh, it’s not like he was spending his own money anyway. Upon
exiting, he noticed that the then blue sky had changed into multiple hues of orange, blending into
indigo as the sky stretched beyond the fun fair.

”Can we go sit somewhere?” Daniel said after taking the time to admire the sky, turning to face
James who slowly nodded. They turned to head towards the docks where benches and randomly
placed porch-style swings lay, already spotting people with their dates sitting on them. ‘Oh.’ He
sheepishly thought at their boldness, shuffling to the swing at the far end of the dock to avoid the
couples, plopping onto it with James sitting next to him. Now shoulder to shoulder, Daniel could
only hide his growing blush by shoving his face into the plushies.
James leaned back into the swing as his legs softly rocked them back and forth, taking in the sunset
over the horizon as the sea’s salty scent wafted in the air. This was the most relaxed he felt after
years spent in violence and bloodshed. He looked over to his side to look at the boy next to him,
and almost as if on cue, Daniel lifted and turned his head to meet his gaze.

The angle made the sunset’s rays perfectly hit the smaller’s hair, making it as if he had a glowing
halo around his head. A shadow casted over his features as light bounced off his full cheeks,
highlighting his blush that expanded across his face to the tip of his ears. The boy’s eyelids
fluttering as he stared back at James. Power surged through his veins and flowed as his heart
started to beat faster and faster. Daniel must’ve felt it too as he quickly turned away clearly
flustered, but leaned his head onto James’ shoulder and quietly guided him.

It felt right.

The time now read 6:30 pm on his phone. Deciding that it was time for Daniel to go home, he
stood up and signalled him to follow. He heard the boy scrambling to get up, deciding to snake his
arm around the smaller’s waist to support him as they walked side by side, heading towards the
parking lot of the fun fair.

When they arrived, a voice spoke up, “Ahem, about these.” Daniel coughed, pointedly looking at
the toys he was still clutching onto. “Just sit in front of me.” he said shamelessly, already readying
himself on his motorcycle as Daniel sputtered before mumbling “If I fall off it’s your fault.” James
snickered in response as he leaned backwards to give Daniel space as he clambered on. After
making sure Daniel got into position, he took off into the highway.

Throughout the ride, James’ body heat pressing against his back was almost maddening. Daniel
was more hyperaware by how firm his arms and thighs were, equally as sensitive to the small
shifts as the long limbs pressed against him. Everything was going smoothly until they hit a
random speed bump. Not wanting to fall forward, Daniel grabbed the first thing that came into
contact, which just so happened to be James’ broad forearm gripping the motorcycle’s reins.
Daniel’s arm darted back to his body to regain his hold on the godforsaken toys, his heart
hammering against his chest from the sudden skinship. “Careful.” James ordered, his voice sending
shivers down his spine from speaking into his ear. Daniel meekly nodded as his lips pressed into a
thin line.
Upon reaching the familiar street, Daniel slid off as he turned around, “Thanks for today…I had
fun.” he timidly said, the last part almost coming off as a whisper if he wasn’t any louder. Just as
he was about to turn and leave, James snatched his arm and smothered him in a hug as the toys got
sandwiched between their bodies.

When the taller released him, he spotted something black dangling in the air. What perched on his
lifted finger was a black cat keychain similar to his wolf’s, “Now we match.” he teased as he got
onto his motorcycle, revving the motorcycle’s engine again. “Let’s meet up more often.” was all he
said, giving the guide a wink before he zoomed off, not giving Daniel the chance to reply.
‘Bastard.’ he thought with a pout; he couldn’t, however, ignore the fuzzy feeling arising in his
chest as he repeated what James said. “More often…”

Daniel couldn’t help but feel thrilled for their next hangout.

Chapter End Notes

Characters and their status:

Daniel: Guide
Daniel’s Mother: Regular
James: Sentinel

James trying to impress Daniel but failing,,, haizzz. He’s too smitten. I tried to make
this a sweet bonding experience between the 2, hopefully I did good!
Trying to incorporate canon elements into the story, James’ motorcycle is such a good
play honestly
side note: sorry if the story is too slow paced for u i dont wanna rush it and jam
everything together, hope u understand

irregular updating schedule

ao3’s being a pain in the fucking ass, i keep having to edit this shit because it wont
paragraph the way i want it to ALTHOUGH I CORRECTLY PUT IN THE
Chapter 4 | Season of Joy
Chapter Notes

Sorry if the quality of writing dropped here. While working on this chapter I
accidentally deleted 10 paragraphs and felt like giving up ofc I
rewrote everything because I slay like that⁉️
A Lookism fanfic is no Lookism fanfic without adding Chuseok!!1!1!111 /j

I did a lot of time skips and cuts to memories here since it’s unnecessary to wirte every
single detail of Daniel’s life
Tried to add spice here, so let’s see how it goes.
Important reminder: Daniel is 16 with James being 19 now. Please remember that their
relationship is a minor+adult one.

Every huge gap between paragraphs represent either an environment/timing/POV


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Calendar pages swiftly flew away as the cold December turned to into a warmer April. Daniel was
now working at another random restaurant; as usual. He found himself messaging back to James
when he didn’t have a task at hand, he hadn’t anticipated for them to be this close. Whenever he
wasn’t working, he found himself hanging out with James, chatting listlessly instead of spending
his time at home. If the other was busy, they would simply fill up on lost time over the phone.

During their meet ups, James had always brought him to various places he’d never have the chance
to go to. Aquariums, zoos, museums, the movies and what not. The sentinel was practically
spoiling him every time they met, but he didn’t mind. For their most recent meeting however,
James had picked a simple park near the outskirts of Seoul.

When they strolled down the path while avoiding the passing cyclists, they had a small heart to
heart. Daniel learnt that James was three years older than him, having gone to Munseong High
School (not that he would search up what that is anyway) and had just graduated from there. James
revealed to him that he was now an idol trainee under PTJ entertainment, which was a very well
known company for creating superstars. Daniel’s mouth shaped into a small ‘o’ as he realised that
their schedules would only collide even more, so for now he would treasure every moment he had
with the taller. Not that he’d admit it out loud.

James also shared that he hadn’t received any official guiding before he met him, leaving Daniel
bamboozled. How could he last this long without any kind of repercussions? Why was James so
unusual? The guide had read that sentinel’s needed to be guided at least three times a month. Now
that he thought about it, the man never actively sought out his guiding; and he was only ever
guided by Daniel twice throughout the 4 months they had known each other.

When he noticed Daniel’s sudden silence, James asked him what was on his mind to be this silent.
“I’m just wondering, but why don’t you ever suffer from the consequences if you never received
guiding from days on end?” Daniel replied. Now it was James’ turn to go quiet as if contemplating
on an answer. He finally opened his mouth to speak as he told Daniel that he was quite a powerful
sentinel for his age, and that his control was superior compared to most. “Woah…that’s cool.”
Daniel murmured. “Well, that makes you a strong guide too, don’t you think?” James quipped,
watching as the boy’s face flushed pink at the subtle compliment. Cute.

“Daniel, when’s your birthday?”

“26th September.”

As they continued down the path, Daniel felt that it was unfair for James to be the only one that
shared information about himself so he decided to do the same. He told him that he already
dropped out of school before he met the man, which in turn got him a hum and a raised brow.
Daniel at first was reluctant to share that he did it because he was bullied, as that would only make
him look pathetic.

‘Worthless.’ Logan’s voice echoed in his mind then.

Shaking his head, he steeled his expression. He knew he could trust James, and so, he confided in
him. After the “story time”, Daniel felt the strong surge of anger rolling off of James, who had his
fists clenched as veins bulged, a solemn look painting his face. He tried to reassure him saying that
it was fine, that he was not living in the vicinity anymore, but it didn’t work as only James’ face
relaxed, the murderous intent still wafting around him.

“If you frown like this, you’d only get even more wrinkles, James. Or should I say ‘hyung’?”
Daniel jokingly jabbed to distract him from the story, but to his big surprise, James turned away as
his ears were slightly reddened. ‘Is he embarrassed??’ Astounded by the discovery, he could only
stare open-mouthed at this total stranger. Normally, James was always subtle about expressing his
emotions. What was so different that time? At least he wasn’t angry anymore.

That was one of his more memorable hangouts though.

A few more months passed, and before he knew it, it was already the twenty eighth of September;
aka Chuseok. ‘Time really flies fast when you have fun, huh.’ Daniel thought to himself, tucking
the provided blanket over his mother’s lap as she slept. He laid his head on the cushion behind
him, but not after he texted James that he was going to spend the time with his family, so they
couldn’t meet up before shutting down his phone.

‘I wonder if he would miss me.’ an intrusive thought in his head sounded. He quickly slapped his
hand on his now reddening cheeks “What am I even doing…” he whispered to himself. Why is he
even thinking of James right now? And even wondering if the sentinel would ever miss him? How
absurd. But he couldn’t ignore the longing he felt the more he lingered in the topic.

Shifting his thoughts, he couldn’t wait to see his cousins’ reaction to his new appearance. He had
lost weight again and he was now 5’5 too. Daniel looked like a completely different person
compared to back then. He vibrated in his seat, ready to flex to them about his awesome new
change. He snapped out of his thoughts as the express bus they were on jerked, signalling its
departure as it headed to his hometown.

When they arrived at his grandmother’s estate, it was already night time. Opening the large front
gate, he was greeted with his cousins David, Dylan and Sarah all gawking at him, “Daniel is that
you!?” they shouted in unison. Sheepishly scratching his head, he suddenly felt a little too
overwhelmed at their reaction. He bashfully nodded, coming over to sit with them at the table
already filled with multiple side dishes. “Yo dude, when did you lose all that weight?” Dylan spoke
up first, with Sarah nodding vigorously, clearly just as curious to his sudden change in appearance
(glow up smh) as she put down her phone.

He gave vague answers so as to not tell them what really went down, which was enough to satisfy
them as they all reclined back into their previous positions. When his grandmother arrived to the
table, they all gave each other their thanks and began to dig in to the lavish meal. Having lost his
appetite due to being reminded of that painful incident, he resorted to picking at his food without
saying a word, his mood souring.

As his family finished up cleaning the table, Daniel walked to the edge of the porch and sat crossed
legged, whipping out his phone and turning it on. The first thing he saw was a notification from
James, typing in his password, he pressed on it to see what he said,

“Text me again when you’re free.” 7:40 pm

Daniel huffed, already typing in a message.

“I’m going back tomorrow morning. Are you available then?” 10:06 pm

Seeing that he was still on delivered, he placed down his phone and gazed at the night sky. Getting
up, he went to prep for the night. As he had to share a room with his cousins, he had to endure their
loud as ever snoring and stared out the window. The thin futon was uncomfortable, but it was
better than nothing. He rolled onto his side as he thought about James, hating the way he longed to
see the sentinel again. Absence makes the heart grow fonder amirite? His mind being filled with
the memories he made as he was slowly lulled to sleep.

A rooster crowed as the sun rose. Daniel blearily blinked his eyes open and got up to see if James
had texted back. But to his disappointment, there was no notification at all. He knew he shouldn’t
be upset with James seeing as he was striving to debut as an idol, but he couldn’t help but feel the
pang of sadness that overcame him as he stared at his phone screen. Sighing, he got up to prepare
his departure with some droop in his action. As he got out of the shower, he heard the scrabble of
his relatives as they had their breakfast.

Politely giving his goodbyes and well wishes to the family, he left with his mother and quickly
headed back to the bus station to catch the express bus back to Seoul.

After the long trip, they finally arrived back to their tiny abode. Even though it was a public
holiday, Daniel’s mom still went out to work after the family reunion. He felt guilty that she
worked herself so hard everyday just to raise some son like him. Sigh. Now alone at home, he
changed his outside clothes into a more comfortable attire; a slightly oversized white shirt and grey
shorts. Checking his phone again to see if James at least read his message, he saw that he was still
on delivered. With nothing to do for the day, he flopped onto his futon. He stared back at the
plushies on the soft bedding as his heart twinged, he hated that he was so damn clingy towards
someone he didn’t know for all his life; but it felt like he did. ‘Does James even feel the same
way?’ Daniel miserably thought.
He grabbed the biggest teddy there and squeezed it to quell the disgusting yearning (love, perhaps)
he was experiencing just by looking at the toys. His eyes closed as everything soon faded.

Bam bam bam!

James knocked on the familiar door, not caring to control his strength as he knew Daniel wouldn’t
do anything about it (he wanted to hear his dearest guide’s voice again). He looked at the watch on
his wrist as the time read 5:00 pm. The sentinel stomped his foot impatiently as Daniel was taking
too long to open the door for him, he was about to knock again when it swung open in a panicked

At the entrance, there stood Daniel in all his glory. His black hair was disheveled as stray strands
stuck out in every direction, drool apparent on his mouth as if he just woke up. The white shirt he
wore on was slipping off his shoulder on one side, revealing his delicate collarbone; his grey shorts
riding up his pale thighs as if to show them off as doe eyes stared right back at him. James’ hands
twitched in unknown interest as he looked on with half-lidded eyes.

“James!?” Daniel exclaimed, clearly not expecting him to be at his house. It was all for the sake of
the surprise of course, he had to painstakingly control himself from replying or even reading the
last message. He didn’t make an elaborate plan to celebrate Daniel’s birthday for nothing.
“Surprise.” James smirked out, allowing himself into the house as he took off his shoes and sat
himself at the table. The house’s silence was now being filled with Daniel throwing a hissy fit at
the uninvited guest before he looked over to see a box in a plastic bag innocently placed on the
table, next to another box that was nicely wrapped.

James saw that the boy had a questioning look on his face. He didn’t say anything as he let the boy
puzzle the pieces together himself as his annoyed face morphed into a look of shock. After a
moment, an “Oh.” was all Daniel could say as he grew more and more red. “Happy birthday.”
James softly smiled at him as the guide returned the smile, shuffling closer and sat down cheek by

The atmosphere now felt warmer as the soft laughter of two people rung, the crinkling of a plastic
bag, and the flick of a lighter came together to form a small symphony of contentment.
After lighting the candles that spelled the number sixteen, James started singing a small birthday
tune as he softly clapped his hands. The warm candle light illuminated on Daniel’s soft features;
his eyes curving gently as his sclera wobbled with unshed tears, upturned lips forming a squiggled
smile as they trembled with emotion and his smooth, frail hands clasped together as he made his
wish. James knew that he couldn’t deny his attraction towards the guide anymore.

Daniel blew his candles out as he slowly turned to the older. “You sing so nicely,” he beamed, “I
hope you get to debut soon.” James couldn’t help but feel guilty, he only became a trainee to hide
his past and not because he dreamed of it. But due to the boy’s words, he decided that he should as
Daniel already had put his (misjudged) faith in him.

“You should open your present.” James spoke as he started cutting a slice of cake for Daniel, “It
better not be a prank, you rascal.” the boy jested, reaching out for the wrapped gift and started
tearing the colourful paper off.

Once he got the paper layer off, he opened the box to see a smaller one inside. He looked to his
side to see James’ widening grin, ‘This doesn’t look good…’ he warily thought, but gave a
challenging glare back with no real heat to it.

After unboxing the multiple layers, his eyes landed on a tiny box, so small that he could carry it
with just his one palm. “That’s the final one. Trust me.” James said, his nerves going haywire as
Daniel slowly lifted up the cover to open it.

Inside the box laid a beaded metal chain with a ring dangling from it, glinting in the light as Daniel
lifted it up. Is this what he thinks it is?-



A promise ring.

“Be mine, Daniel.”

James’ skin burned as he waited for a reply.

Chapter End Notes

Characters and their status:

Daniel: Guide
Daniel’s Mother: Regular
James: Sentinel

WOAHH CLIFFHANGER‼️‼️‼️ In all seriousness we already know Daniel’s answer

this felt so rushed, I’m such a hypocrite smh.

I always feel like I have to describe and praise Daniel every time I write in James’
POV…ew love /lh my guy’s lowkey a simp if you ask me.

side note:James do be the genius of flirting, how did he pull such a baddie in just a
Chapter 5 | Troubles of the Heart
Chapter Notes

College’s starting this coming Monday argh,,, the updates will be slowed by then so
I’d like to apologise in advance.

Anyways, I wanted to make Daniel an insecure hoe because you how it is, guy’s been
bullied a lot. Fuck you Logan
Hope you enjoy this chapter as well! I read the comments from chapter 4 and shit got
me laughing
I’m slowly trying to add conflict so hope it goes well…if it feels too rushed I’m sorry

Every huge gap between paragraphs represent either an environment/timing/POV


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Daniel’s ears were ringing. Did he hear right?

The silence in the room was almost deafening.

“You don’t mean that.” he said, feeling all his insecurities suddenly crashing down onto him. ‘Who
would even love you.’ a sneering voice said.

James winced as he sadly looked at him. ‘No, don’t look at me like that. Please.’ he inwardly

“I’m sorry but-“ Daniel croaked, “but you deserve someone better…someone that isn’t me.” he
whispered. The taller’s chest clenched at the fragile voice as he collided into him, squeezing his
small waist with his arms as he rested his head on Daniel’s bare shoulder. James’ flame-like hair
and hot breath tickled his skin, his slightly chapped lips brushing over his shoulder as he felt his
frown against it. Daniel was now almost on all fours as James borderline cradled him in the tight
hold. “Stop it. Let me go.” Daniel choked out as his voice cracked, putting in all his might trying to
push the other away.
“No. You’re more than what I could ever hope for. So stay, if you’ll have me.” James pleaded in a
hushed voice, he felt shoulder grow moist by the minute as he realised that Daniel was crying. He
turned his head to plant a fierce kiss onto the boy’s dainty neck as he proceeded to nuzzle into his
clavicle to comfort him, feeling Daniel’s hands slide over his back to grasp at his shirt’s fabric.
Soft sniffling and small hiccups replaced the silence while all of his uncontrollable tears slipped
down his face.

Daniel’s chest felt so full that he felt like bursting after James’ genuine confession, the feeling of
being wanted made his heart soar to unexplainable heights. He wrapped his arms around the
sentinel’s neck to pull their bodies closer. He felt so raw in front of James, his ribs feeling like they
were pried open as his heart bled out for the man hugging him so fervently like he was something
to be cherished.

Daniel let out shuddering breaths when he felt the arms around his waist glide all over his body; his
arms, his legs, every nook and cranny that could be touched. It was as if James was trying to
imprint Daniel and everything of him in his head. Soft clinking was heard as the sentinel lifted up
his head to look at the boy, the necklace that was long forgotten on the floor picked up again as
James tenderly put it around Daniel’s neck. The cold metal buzzed against his hot skin as it rested
there, where it belonged.

“You still haven’t answered my question.” James teased, Daniel scoffed as he embraced the man
again and whispered into his ear, “You already put on the necklace, idiot. Yes.”

Upon hearing that, James started to happily press searing kisses all over his cheeks and jaw. The
guide could feel him smiling into them as he couldn’t help but giggle when the taller’s fluttering
lashes tickled him. Daniel yelped when the man suddenly smeared icing on his face, he yelled as
he retaliated, ending up in a mini food fight as they laughed at the silliness of it all.

As the now boyfriends wiped the cream of their faces with tissue, Daniel piped up “Where’s your
ring then?” James stuck out his ring finger and there lay an identical one on it. Daniel blushed and
mumbled, “Don’t wear it there, we’re not even married.” James chuckled, “It just looks better like
that. Are you suggesting we do?” he replied as he reveled in the boy’s mortification. He laughed
even harder when Daniel threw a used tissue at him.

After cleaning up, they sat in silence as their hands laced together with Daniel smiling to himself.
When Daniel’s mother came home, she started to once again gush at James’ presence as she
insisted on him staying for dinner, which he cordially accepted. While watching Daniel help his
mother in the kitchen, James felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Looking to see who was calling
him at this time, his expression twisted into an irritated one when he saw who it was. He turned
away and picked up the call.

“Where are you. We’re holding a meeting right now.” the caller said, muffled speech in the
background as papers were heard being passed around. “I’m busy practicing.” he lied smoothly,
about to end the call as a the next few words froze him in his tracks. “I know you’re not at the
company. There’s no use lying to me James. Where. Are. You.” the cold voice spoke. “None of
your business. Just give me 2 hours and I’ll be there.” He grit out and ended the call.

After Daniel and his mother set up the table, James silently ate and hastily prepared to leave. “You
can stay the night!” the old woman called out, he turned around and replied “Sorry but I have to go
somewhere now. Thank you for today Mrs. Park,” he greeted, and turned to Daniel “See you
around.” He rushed out the door and slammed it shut behind him.

He got onto his motorcycle and drove off into the night.

5 people sat around the conference table, waiting for 1 more person to arrive. “Charles, James is
taking too long to come!” a boy with purple hair who was slouched in his seat whined, looking at
an old man that had his back faced to the group. The man “Charles” only kept quiet, staring out the
window as he thought to himself. ‘That boy. He’s always so distracted nowadays.’ Charles had
noticed that James was always on his phone texting someone whenever he had the chance; and
even skipped some of his practice sessions, his manager from PTJ entertainment had complained.

‘I need to know who’s wasting his time. I’ll just get rid of them if they’re a threat.’ he realised. He
turned towards the purple haired boy and spoke, “Kouji. I need you to hack his phone and track the
unfamiliar people in his contacts’ information.” The boy only nodded as he took out a laptop from
his backpack and placed it onto the table, flipping it open and began typing away. The other 3
stayed silent as they continued waiting for James.

“There’s only one person he saved, the name’s Daniel.” Kouji replied after some minutes. “Find
out more.” Charles gruffly ordered. Through more digging, he found Daniel’s supposed address
and personal information. Charles narrowed his eyes, before turning to the two people sitting on
the right side of the table. “You two, I need you to go there tomorrow.” there sat a blonde man with
glasses, wearing a tracksuit and next to him was another man with black hair who instead had
sunglasses, and was wearing similar clothing as well. They both nodded before Charles looked

‘I need to be more cautious, James could betray me any day.’

Kouji snapped his laptop shut when a familiar voice was heard. “I’m here.”

“This place looks like shit.” a man with sunglasses scorned, “Reminds me of the time before the 4
Crews, ain’t that right Gun?” a blonde man said as he guffawed at the remark. The man, Gun, only
scrunched his nose in disgust at the other’s annoying laughter as they continued walking down a
slummy corridor. “Quiet, Goo.”

As the duo reached an old-looking door, they rechecked their location and confirmed that this was
the place Charles had commanded them to go to, and have a little chat (threaten more like) with the
mysterious friend of James named “Daniel”. “Let’s just bust this door down,” Goo recommended
“it looks like no one’s home.” as he tried to look through the curtained windows. “At least have
some courtesy you degenerate. There might be people still living here.” Gun snapped before
knocking on the door.

They waited and waited but there was still no reply.

“Told ya. Now let me at it!” the blonde said, raising his foot and kicked hard at the door. “Wait-“
but it was too late, the door was ripped from its rusted hinges and fell to the floor with a loud bang
that resonated throughout the house. Gun tsked at Goo’s rash decision, but entered the house

Eyes scanning their surroundings, not like there was much to see, they spotted a futon. “Pfft, look
at all those toys! What are they, a kid?” Goo once again needlessly commented. Ignoring him,
Gun observed the bedding more. It seemed like someone had slept on it, but what truly caught his
eye was a table nearby with food placed on it. It was still steaming. “They’re still here. Check the
house.” Gun barked as he took of his sunglasses.

Goo headed to what he supposed was a kitchen as Gun stayed in the living (simultaneously a
bedroom ig ) room. He stayed silent, doing a slow 360 as his eyes finally landed on a large
closet. Walking over, he yanked open the closet door and to his surprise, he saw a boy who had a
phone clutched to his chest staring back at him. Gun hastily snatched the phone away and dragged
him outside.

He tossed the smaller onto the floor, as he cried out when his bottom hit the ground. Goo, who
must’ve heard the sound, was seen stalking over from the kitchen and let out a low whistle upon
seeing the boy. “Are you Daniel?” Gun menacingly said, squatting down to be at eye level as the
boy didn’t respond, still shaken by the turn of events. “Answer me.” he growled, causing him to
startle as he slowly nodded.

“He’s so small Gun!” Goo chirped walking closer to further inspect this “Daniel”. He watched as
Goo held Daniel’s face in his hand before he stilled and he saw Daniel’s eyes widen. Sensing
something was wrong, he strode towards them but Goo held out a hand to stop him.

“Did you just successfully guide me? Alone?”

Daniel was peacefully eating a small lunch when out of nowhere, he heard voices right outside his
front door. He was going to shrug it off but then he felt it. Two surges of unbridled energy seeped
under the crack and Daniel felt his blood run cold. Two sentinels. Two powerful ones were right
outside his door. He panicked. Who are they? What did they want with him?

Without a second thought, Daniel grabbed his phone and ran to the closet to hide. He frantically
jammed in his password and quickly typed to James.

“Help, please.” 2:34 pm

“There’s 2 sentinels outside my door.” 2:34 pm

He heard loud footsteps and muffled voices, but his pounding heartbeat was even louder as his
eyes prickled with tears and held his breath to be quieter. And so, he waited.

Suddenly, the closet door violently swung open and he was met with a man who had slicked black
hair, his eyes black with white irises and had scarred skin over the area. A rough hand yanked him
out of his hiding place before he was unceremoniously thrown to the floor. He yowled in pain and
looked up to see the sentinel already at his eye level. “Are you Daniel?”

Daniel stared in shock. How the hell did they know his name? “Answer me.” the man said,
hostility evident in his tone. He could only nod gingerly as the man stood up and distanced himself.

Another voice made his head snap to the side and saw a blonde man with glasses looking at him
with barely hidden interest. “He’s so small Gun!” the man exclaimed in an unnervingly happy style
as he squished his face with a large hand. Upon being touched, Daniel accidentally sent his flow to
the blonde’s overflowing core as he sensed it settling, which rendered the sentinel motionless.

Oh no.

He saw “Gun” closing in, but the blonde stopped him. He knows. He KNOWS.

”Did you just successfully guide me? Alone?”

Daniel slapped the hand away from his face as he scooted to a corner of the room, his eyes now
blown wide while shivering in fear.

“What…” Gun uttered out, boring holes into him as he stared hard, “What the fuck are you saying
Goo.” “I’m not lying. I felt it.” Goo said, rubbing his hand in faux pain where Daniel had slapped

They went silent, Daniel started to sweat profusely. Two god damn strangers knew his secret now.

Out of nowhere, Gun bursted into maniacal laughter, “Just where did James find him! Is this what
he’s been hiding?” Daniel bit his lip at the mention, his mind was starting to spiral out of control.
They knew James?

The sound of running was heard.

“What are you two doing here.” a familiar voice snarled. At the doorway stood James, his
murderous intent going off the charts as he glared daggers into the other two sentinels. A vein on
his forehead bulged as he grit his teeth in anger. He was never this angry before.
It scared Daniel.

He saw James taking a stance. He looked like he was ready to rip their throats out, teeth bared with
his hackles raised.

Gun and Goo stared back nonchalantly before the blonde decided to speak up.

“Let’s talk.”

Chapter End Notes

Characters and their status:

Daniel: Guide
Daniel’s Mother: Regular
James: Sentinel
Gun: Sentinel
Goo: Sentinel

And boom another cliffhanger woaaaahhhj

IT WAS ABOUT TIME I ADDED THOSE 2 IDIOTS. Can’t have a fanfic with James
without Gun and Goo in it they honestly seem like they’d
have an interesting friendship of sorts. Best frenemies???
AND WOOHOO the main couple get-together!!!
Chapter 6 | Secrets (Your Fire)
Chapter Notes


Anyways, it’s about time I introduced more characters of the verse to this story. I’m
just blindly walking into this hellish route called canon-divergence
Will James be throwing hands sooner than we think

Every huge gap between paragraphs represent either an environment/timing/POV


See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Did Charles send you?” James spat. “Cutting to the chase eh?” Gun taunted, “Answer the damn
question Gun.” “Yep.” he nonchalantly replied. James tutted, no matter what he did he still
couldn’t shake the old geezer off his back. Charles most definitely knew everything about Daniel
by now.

He shoved past the duo and headed straight for Daniel. With outstretched arms, James cradled the
shaking guide to comfort him as Daniel spoke in a muted tone, “They know I’m a guide.” James
had to control himself from kissing the boy’s head as he remembered that there were still two other
people watching the display of affection. Goo had on a smile of wry amusement while Gun just
grimaced, James scoffed as he stood up to confront them while guarding a still frightened Daniel
behind him.

“Relax, aight? He just wants to talk to the boy.” Goo said as he sat down on the futon and started to
fiddle with the stray toys that lay on it. “Anything that comes out of his mouth is a lie and you
know it.” James growled out as he maintained eye contact with a still standing Gun. “That’s not a
choice you get to make, fool. His orders are a given must-do.” Gun stated.

James opened his mouth again to counter the other sentinel’s words, but was cut off by Daniel
holding his hand. “Enough, James. If it’s just to talk, I’ll go. I don’t want you getting in trouble
because of me.” the guide declared as he got up to stand beside him. “Wait, he knows your real
name?” Goo said with a flabbergasted look on his face and Daniel then looked at him with an
interrogating stare. James sighed knowing he wouldn’t be able to keep any more from him, so he
turned to Daniel and softly said “I’ll tell you everything later okay?” Daniel could only huff as he
No longer too wary of Gun and Goo, he turned to them and pointed at his door pathetically resting
on the floor, “Help me fix this first and I’ll go with you to Charles.” The two hesitantly nodded as
Daniel went to retrieve a toolbox from a cupboard in the kitchen and handed it to them, the two
started making quick work of the door as it was fixed back onto its frame. Satisfied, Daniel spoke
“Good. But first, let me change.”

The four of them were now sat in a car as Gun drove to HNH’s company headquarters, with Daniel
and James in the rear seat and Goo in the front. The whole car ride was silent, Daniel fidgeted in
his seat and decided to spend the time to look out the window. ‘I wonder what he wants to talk to
me about.’ Daniel thought to himself. He could hear Goo talking on the phone with what he
presumed was Charles judging by his seriousness.

He suddenly felt an arm circle around his shoulders before he was pulled to James’ side. The guide
couldn’t help the blush that was slowly growing as he felt his ears grow hot. “Not here. I don’t
think they realise that we’re…you know…an item.” he said as he grew more and more flustered at
every word being spewed. James just had an unbothered look on his face, “It’s fine.” Daniel kept
quiet, but he found himself being less nervous when he was next to the sentinel as he
unconsciously brought his body a little closer.

“Get out. We’re here.” Gun announced as he stopped the car. When they got out, they were greeted
with a parking valet and several people coming in and out of the building in large streams. Looking
around, Daniel could see similar looking buildings and towering skyscrapers. ‘This must be a
corporate only area.’ he thought to himself.

As they entered, Daniel had no time to admire the interior as the trio of sentinels were already
headed to the lift lobby. Taking out what he assumed was a VIP card, Gun tapped it against a
sensor on the lift and it took them to the highest floor. As they exited, Daniel was greeted by a long
hallway with large arched doors at the end of it. ‘He must be inside.’

When they all stood in front of the door, Daniel noticed they had all put on a poker face. Weird.
James knocked on it before opening the door and wordlessly entered, with the other two following
close behind. “We’ve brought him, Charles.” Goo voiced. The guide saw two people already
sitting around the large conference table with a turned office chair at the end of it, he observed the
occupants; one of them looked younger than he was, the kid had purple hair- did he dye it? The
other one looked around Daniel’s age, an attractive female with long black hair in a school uniform
looking pointedly at him.

The office chair turned around to reveal a man who looked like he was in his fifties, his grey hair
stylishly brushed to one side with a large coat resting on his shoulders. His sitting position
screamed authority and he could feel his power flow. ‘Oh, he’s a sentinel too.’ Daniel found
himself gulping at all the stares he felt on him. Shuffling on his feet, he played with his fingers to
relieve the stress he was having.

“You must be Daniel.” the man, Charles, spoke. “Ah yes.” he replied, trying not to sound scared.
“You might be wondering why you’re here, so I’ll keep it short. What have you been doing with
James?” the old man questioned, sparing no time to beat around the bush. He heard James make a
sound of protest, but Daniel stopped him and looked Charles dead in the eyes. “I’ve been guiding
him.” He saw the three people’s faces flash with disbelief before turning back into a stoic
expression. Why were they so surprised? Was he that strong of a guide?

“Impressive.” Charles replied before turning to James, “I will allow you to keep seeing Daniel.
But.” he turned back to the boy, “you will have to be by his side almost at all times. He has been
skipping his idol training sessions because of you.” he sternly said. “But how?” Daniel said,
simultaneously shocked at the turn of events. How were they being let off so lightly? “Simple. You
live with him.” Charles said in a businesslike manner, making Daniel flinch in surprise. “You’ll be
moving in tomorrow afternoon. I’ll cover all your expenses. When you buy things, keep the
receipts and redeem it to me.”

“Okay…” Daniel slowly said, processing what he just heard. ‘He’s rich as hell! And I’ll be under
the same roof as James!?’ “In turn, you just have to continue guiding James when he asks for it.”
Charles said.

Daniel nodded for the umpteenth time. “One more thing.” he moved his head to look at the man.
“Would you like to sign a contract with us? You can be a licensed guide under HNH’s name, and
you’ll get paid to guide other sentinels.” Charles offered. Daniel shook his head, “I only want to
guide James.” “Okay, it’s settled then. Here’s my business card.” the older man said as he slid the
card across the table.

Daniel, knowing it was his cue to leave, turned to leave along with James. “Sorry but he has to
stay, I have a few more things to talk about. You can wait outside.” Charles called out. James
scorned, but still listened as he shut the door on Daniel. Once outside, Daniel scolded himself.
“Just how am I going to tell mom all this!?”

James crossed his arms and leaned against the door. “Just where’d you find such a beauty?” Goo
spoke up first. “What’s it to you.” James snapped back ‘he’s of limits’ was left unsaid, “Nothing.
Just curious.” the blonde replied with a lopsided grin. A cough interrupted their little squabble and
they both turned to Charles. “In all seriousness, where and when did you?” the old man spoke, all
their heads turned to James waiting for a response. “We met a year ago, after I defeated the last
king.“ he finally answered, staring at Charles who just nodded.

“It’s good that you managed to find someone who can guide you.” The girl, Crystal, said. “Don’t
scare him or he might just run away.” James huffed at her comment. But deep inside he knew that
was what he feared the most.

With nothing else to say, Charles dismissed all of them.

James spun on his heel and opened the door as he spotted Daniel with his back on the wall. The
guide, noticing that he was done looked up and beamed before running over to meet him halfway.
Now shoulder to shoulder, they went into the lift and exited the building. “Now that we’re already
out, wanna go somewhere?” James proposed, Daniel eagerly agreed. The boy let James drag him
around the area as they went inside a shopping mall and they window shopped, laughing at random
objects they could find as they ate snacks before finally landing themselves in an arcade and
played to their heart’s content.

After they going through all the various games available, with Daniel losing every time (sorry
Danny), they hailed a taxi to go back to Daniel’s house.

Now sat in one, silence took over before Daniel spoke softly, “Before I forget, you still have yet to
tell me why Goo was surprised by the fact that I called you James. And just about everything that
happened today.” James only nodded, “At home.” was all he said and they continued to sit quietly.

Now that Gun and Goo weren’t around and the taxi driver was busy navigating the road, Daniel
scooted closer to James and laid his head onto the taller’s shoulder. James said nothing, but didn’t
do anything to push him away either.

Noticing that his mom hadn’t come back yet, Daniel walked over to his futon and flopped onto it.
All of the day’s events had tired him out greatly. He heard James shut the door behind him as
Daniel rolled on his side and pat the empty space, inviting the other to lie down with him. James
chuckled and obliged.
As they laid next to each other, the sentinel’s hand suddenly slipped under Daniel’s body and
flipped him over, causing him to gasp as he now found himself laying on top of James.

“Don’t do things without any warning! I nearly got a heart attack!” he squawked while pounding
his fists onto James’ chest, the guide then stopped and sighed before laying limp on him. “We
should talk.” the boy said as he peeked through his lashes to look at James. “Where do you wanna
start?” he replied. “About your name.” The man placed his hand on the small of Daniel’s back and
shifted on the futon to get more comfortable as he started his explanation.

“James Lee is my real name. It’s just that I’m using another alias ‘Diego Kang’ for my idol career,
for privacy reasons.” he said and Daniel just hummed, ‘thank god he didn’t question that’ he
thought to himself, “How do you know Gun and Goo?” “I was 16 and they were 15 when we met.
Charles was the one who introduced us.” when he felt the boy nod against his chest, he continued,
“Charles was more of a guardian to me growing up.” James looked down to Daniel and he could
see him digest the new information in his head.

“Who were the other two in the room then?” Daniel piped up, “The girl you saw was Crystal, she’s
Charles daughter; the same age as you. The other one is Kouji, Charles picked him up because of
his exceptional skills. He’s 15.” James monologued. As he clarified Daniel’s onslaught of
questions, he was careful to leave out the gangsterism bits and the whole crime-like syndicate he
was under. Especially his extremely vicious past. Maybe in due time, he would tell Daniel.

“How do you think I should go about telling my mom I have to move out?” Daniel asked, James
thought for a moment before replying “You could just tell her the truth.” The boy’s mouth went
dry upon hearing that. That was the one secret he was adamant on revealing to her. “Yeah, I
should.” Daniel mumbled.

The sound of the door opening woke Daniel up from his daze. “Welcome home, mom.” he greeted.
“Have you eaten?” his mother asked, setting down her bag as she went to the toilet to wash up.
“Yes.” he replied, his stomach churned as he waited for the right time to bring the news to his

As soon as she exited the bathroom, Daniel mustered all his courage and called her over. “Yes my
dear?” she asked. “I’ve been meaning to tell you something…” he said apprehensively. “You can
tell me anything.” she sweetly replied. ‘Oh. That just made me feel even worse.’ he cursed.
“It’s going to take awhile, so bear with me please.”

By the time he related everything that happened to him, she only sat there quietly. “Mom…?”
Daniel timidly called out. “It’s okay Daniel. You can go.” she said, smiling tenderly as she placed
her frail, wrinkly hand on his face, “besides, you said everything was going to be taken cared of
right?” Daniel sadly nodded as he continued looking at her. “Come. I’ll help you pack your
things.” she finished as she stood up, hobbling over to their large, shared closet and began folding
his clothes she took out. Daniel kneeled beside her and did the same thing.

By the time they finished folding the clothes, packing them up alongside his things in suitcases and
making sure he left some clothes to wear for tomorrow, Daniel’s eyelids felt like closing as he
drowsily dragged his suitcases to the corner to make way for his mother to place her futon.

“I’ll call you from time to time, okay?” Daniel told her, giving her a long hug before he went to
sleep knowing that he wouldn’t see her the next morning. Closing his eyes, he drifted off to sleep.

While writing this, I realised we hit a 100 kudos! So, I decided to quickly draw thank-you art for
this occasion. This is my first fic ever and I’m super proud it did well
Chapter End Notes

Characters and their status:

Daniel: Guide
Daniel’s Mother: Regular
James: Sentinel
Gun: Sentinel
Goo: Sentinel
Charles: Sentinel
Kouji: Regular
Crystal: Regular

HONESTLY, I can’t wait for the daily James and Daniel interactions now that they’re
gonna be living together hope you’re as hyped as I am

Much love for the increasing support and as always, have a great day :)
Chapter 7 | And They Were Roommates
Chapter Notes



AHHHH I have to go sleep rn ASAP cuz I have college tmr and it’s 1 am oh god…
from this chapter onwards, my uploading will take at most 2 weeks I’m sorry guys

Every huge gap between paragraphs represent either an environment/timing/POV


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Waking up, the boy decided to immediately prepare for the arrival of his pick-up. After brushing
his teeth and taking a quick shower, he went to recheck if he had missed anything behind. ‘My
necklace!’ Daniel hastily ran to the closet to open the drawer where he put it and luckily, it was still
there. Sighing in relief, he put it on and slid it under his shirt.

He went to make himself a quick, simple breakfast of toast and continued to pace around the house
while eating.


A buzz from his phone stopped him, he walked to pick up his phone to see who messaged him and
it was James.

“I won’t be home till night, manager called. You can look around and make yourself comfortable.
There’s a note on the fridge that’ll tell you more.” 8:44 am

“Okay, see you when you come back! :D” 8:45 am

Satisfied with his answer, Daniel put his phone into his pocket and sat onto his futon and waited
for the afternoon to come.
At 1 pm on the dot, someone knocked on his door. He opened it to see a man in a suit outside.
“Good afternoon Mr. Park. I’ll be helping you for today.” the man greeted. Seeing that he had the
HNH’s badge, Daniel nodded and went to retrieve his suitcases and handed it to the attendant.
Daniel took one last look to his own home before locking the door and followed the man to the
pick-up car.

When they got to the vehicle, the attendant opened the rear seat’s door for Daniel. The man only
looked expectantly at him, the guide, stun locked by the culture shock snapped out of his stupor
and entered the car. ‘Rich people things I guess.’ he shrugged. He felt the hood slam shut as the
chaperone got into the driver’s seat and started the engine. “Please buckle your seatbelt.” the man
said as Daniel flusteredly put it on. Upon fastening it, the attendant stepped on the pedal and
headed to James’ home.

‘It looks so high-end…is this a condo?’ Daniel thought to himself as they arrived. Parking the
vehicle in the carpark, Daniel and the man got out the car. The attendant retrieved the guide’s
suitcases and left with him to the lift.

When they got into there, the man brought out a card and tapped it onto the card sensor before
pressing the button that lead to the highest floor. “This is the keycard for your apartment.” the
attendant said with his hand out towards Daniel. The boy took the card from his hand and they
continued to stand quietly. A ding signalled that they reached the floor and they stepped out.

‘What the fuck, it’s a penthouse.’ Daniel inwardly gaped. “I’ll leave you to your own devices now.
You can call the staff should you require any assistance.” the attendant called out, before doing a
small bow “Have a good day Mr. Park.” Daniel could only nod once again as he watched the lift
door close.

“Welp, I have the whole house to myself now.” Daniel said, not minding his volume as he studied
the house. In front of him was a kitchen, and to the side was a large living room that had a sliding
glass door that led to the balcony. The kitchen had an L-shaped counter with an oven, 2
refrigerators and pretty much everything you need. He walked over to the refrigerators to take a
look at the note that James told him to see. “Left side of the hallway, 2nd door is your room.” it

Daniel dragged his suitcases there and when he opened the door, he was greeted with a full glass-
paned wall, a study table and next to it a closet that he could put his clothes into. He started to
unpack his belongings and placed them inside. Once done, he started to explore his new room.
Turning around, he spotted a queen sized bed in the corner with a nightstand that had drawers next
to it. ‘Woah…just how rich is this Charles? Being a chairman must be nice.’

Daniel decided to exit his room to check out the other ones. Upon leaving, he spotted a door at the
end of the hallway. He opened it to see what seemed like the laundry room which also acted as a
storage room. ‘I’ll keep this in mind.’

He left and went to the closest door he could see. He entered the room and was greeted with an
even larger space than his, it had almost the same set-up save for the king sized bed with two
nightstands on either side of it. ‘This must be James’ room.’ The boy noticed an already opened
door and decided to see what other things the man’s room had. Now in front of the entrance, he
saw a walk-in closet filled to the brim with clothes and shoes. ‘Goodness, James is loaded as well.’

He left without prying any further so as to not invade the sentinel’s privacy and continued to survey
the house. He walked down the hallway and opened the door closest to James’ room and found
himself in the bathroom. There laid a showering area with a bathtub. The sink had a large counter
area that had some skincare products he assumed that James was using.

He went to off the lights while closing the door, and turned to the door behind him. Opening it, he
noticed the room had a large music setup, with multiple equipment he didn’t know the names of.
‘James must be making music as trainee practice.’ he thought to himself before leaving.

The guide then walked back to the living room to closer inspect it. A flatscreen television hung on
the wall over a horizontal bookshelf with a U-shaped sofa that had a coffee table sat in front of it, a
fuzzy oval rug under them.

Finally, he headed to the kitchen to check the cupboards and drawers as he made mental notes of
where the crockery, cutlery and cookware were located. He then went to look inside the fridge and
freezers only to find that there was literally nothing inside either of them, except for the tons of
sweets in the fridge. “Huh. Guess it won’t hurt for a short grocery trip, I have nothing to do
anyway.” He closed their doors and headed to the lift to leave. ‘I just need to find the nearest

“Huff…huff…” Daniel panted. His legs felt like they were on fire as he hauled the bags and bags
of groceries onto the kitchen island. The whole journey was not what he had expected. Not taking
the cab home was a mistake. Firstly, there wasn’t even a supermarket in the vicinity and number
two, Daniel wasn’t built for this physical work bullshit. ‘I’ll redeem these later…I can’t stop now!’
He wiped the beads of perspiration on his forehead, keeping the receipts and immediately got to

By the time he was done, he checked his phone to see it was already 7 pm. “I should make dinner
for today. Hmm…but what?” Daniel said to himself as he opened the now neatly arranged fridge.
He put on a satisfied smile at the sight and began to think. “Ah! I’ll just make mom’s spicy tofu
stew.” he cheered to himself and began taking out the things while putting on a cutesy apron he
bought for fun.

As he set up the items and began to chopping onions, minced meat and spring onions and minced
some garlic. He placed them into separate bowls and poured out the seasonings he needed. Once
done, he took out a pan from the cupboards and began frying the ingredients together to form a
paste. He looked under the sink’s cupboard and scooped out 3 cups of rice and cooked it in the rice

While frying, he heard a ding. Excitedly whipping his head to the side, he was about to happily
greet James but his face dropped when he saw the two familiar faces behind him. James looked
equally as upset as he walked out the lift. “Oh. Hi.” was all Daniel could muster, not even
bothering to hide his disappointment. “Why the long face? We just got here.” Gun said, clearly
poking fun at the guide’s misery. “It smells good!~” Goo exclaimed in a sing-song voice as the trio
walked in on Daniel cooking with a rather embarrassing apron on.

James didn’t say anything as he walked towards him and bent down to whisper into his ear, “It’s
good to see you.” Daniel stopped himself from blushing and whispered back, “Welcome home.”
James gave him a small smile and headed to his room. Turning back to the other two, he saw that
they were already making themselves comfortable. Gun was sprawled on the couch while Goo was
lounging on it, remote in hand as he turned on the television to watch whatever was displayed.

‘Thank god I made lots of rice. Now I have to make four servings.’ the boy grumbled to himself as
he finished making the paste for the stew. He took out the largest claypot, filled a third of it with
water, and placed it on the stove to boil. Daniel then put a couple of tablespoons of the spicy paste
and began stirring. He decided to add seafood this time as he slid them off his chopping board and
into the boiling liquid. He proceeded to clean up the mess he made on the kitchen island and
washed the dishes to wait.

Once done, he finished it off by cutting up two packs of soft tofu into the stew, slightly mashing it
with a wooden spoon and closed the lid to boil it for another few minutes. James came out of his
room and sat on one of the three bar stools before leaning his face onto his hand to watch Daniel.
The guide then rummaged for four bowls, spoons and pairs of chopsticks, set it up on the
countertop and hollered to the other two sentinels, “I don’t know how much you want, so help
James was already doing so as Daniel wore on mittens to place the sizzling claypot onto a coaster
on the kitchen peninsula and the duo eventually came over to get their own bowls while claiming
their own seats. As they began to eat, Goo suddenly yelled “DANNY BOY! This is fucking good!”
“Don’t speak with your mouth full.” James snapped and Gun made a noise of agreement. “Oh, it’s
nothing really.” Daniel said as he averted his gaze, putting his hands behind his back and blushed
while having a sheepish smile on his face. (so uwu /j) When he looked back up, he found all three
of them staring at him.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” Daniel said as he subconsciously brought a hand up to

it. “You’re like a shy housewife.” Gun said before going back to his food like he didn’t just say that
ridiculous comment. James turned to furiously glare at Gun while Goo started to crack up before
choking. ‘More like a troubled mother to three meddlesome children.’ Daniel thought spitefully.

After they all finished eating, the guide cleared the dishes and placed them in the sink to wash
them while the trio went to play cards at the coffee table in the living room. ‘Haa…really like a
mother.’ he thought as he put on gloves before earnestly scrubbing the bowls, lifting up the lid
above him to access the drying cabinet. He repeatedly did this for everything else until he was
done. Making sure he didn’t leave anything behind, Daniel decided it was time to finish the day.

Checking his phone again, the time now read 9:45 pm. Daniel went to his room to get his pyjamas
which was his classic big white shirt and shorts of any colour as he headed to the toilet to clean up.
When he finished, he took his dirty clothes to the laundry room while carefully putting his
necklace into the nightstand’s drawer in his room.

Once he was done, he went back only to find that Gun and Goo were already gone and the cards on
the table were also cleared. “I chased them out.” James explained, still sat on the couch. Daniel
walked to the sofa before sitting right next to him and laid his head onto the sentinel’s shoulder.
“How was practice?” Daniel started, “I didn’t go to practice today.” James replied. This caused
Daniel to look up, “Then what did your manager call you for?” James kept quiet before saying,
“I’m going to debut as a soloist next year.”

Chapter End Notes

If you didn’t read the first notes, I’ll put a reminder here again: I’m starting college so
this story will be delayed to a chapter every 2 weeks max. I apologise but I wanna do
well man

Characters and their status:

Daniel: Guide
Daniel’s Mother: Regular
James: Sentinel
Gun: Sentinel
Goo: Sentinel
Charles: Sentinel
Kouji: Regular
Crystal: Regular

Fuck I did not mean to literally write PARAGRAPHS of Daniel cooking but I did…
I’m so sorry for the useless content for this chapter ‼️ I swear I’ll come up with more
exciting plots

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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