Burning Bridges

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Burning Bridges

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/34592581.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: 東京卍リベンジャーズ | Tokyo Revengers (Manga), 東京卍リベン
ジャーズ | Tokyo Revengers (Anime)
Relationship: Mikey | Sano Manjirou/Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Bonten Gang
Members & Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Hanma Shuji &
Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Shiba Taiju/Takemitchy | Hanagaki
Takemichi, Shiba Yuzuha & Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi,
Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi/Everyone
Character: Mikey | Sano Manjirou, Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Sanzu
Haruchiyo, Koko | Kokonoi Hajime, Haitani Ran, Haitani Rindou,
Matsuno Chifuyu, Hitto Kakuchou, Inupi | Inui Seishu, Tachibana Hinata
(Tokyo Revengers), Shiba Yuzuha, Shiba Taiju, Hanma Shuji
Additional Tags: Dark Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Everyone Loves Takemitchy |
Hanagaki Takemichi, Angst, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Takemichi is not
nice in this one, Dark Mikey | Sano Manjirou, Bonten Gang (Tokyo
Revengers), Please Don't Hate Me, Yandere, Twisted, Harem
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-10-19 Updated: 2023-01-06 Words: 12,325 Chapters:

Burning Bridges
by Chagama_uWu


Love and Hate are two sides of the same coin.

With the right circumstances, hate can turn into love.

And in unfortunate events, love can turn into hate just as easily.

Mikey's hatred for the tragedy that is his life may persist, but he was willing to live in a
world of hate to protect the remaining precious people he loves in his life. Even if he is
painted as the villain in everyone's story.

Takemichi though? Well,

With the bottomless love he has for the people he cares for, it's all the easier to for them to
hurt him one way or another. And with the death of Draken, Takemichi comes to an icy
realization that he was no saint or hero.

Not when the sadness he feels from all the tragic timelines morphs into a bottomless pit of
freezing hate.
Enough was enough.

All the love in him is gone, only the cold burning sensation of loathing for every person in
his sight remaining.

It was time to burn bridges.


Takemichi snaps, and that made everything a thousand times worse than it should.

See the end of the work for more notes

What Are You Crying for?

Takemichi was a coward who loathed himself more than anyone else in the world.

In the original timeline, he was a pathetic boy who was always under the boot of a bully. He lived
pathetically with no ambitions or even trying to make amends with his broken relationships. He
loathed himself, the rich, and the unfairness of life.

Then he was given a chance. You know, to start over and all that glitz and glamour of time leaping.
He does mends the relationships he originally had broken off with, and rekindles even the lost
romance between him and his previously deceased ex girlfriend! Look at that, he even becomes the
friend of a delinquent gang! How precious is that? Takemichi felt like the luckiest bastard chosen
by God himself.

Yet, like the pathetic bastard that he is, manages to fail each and every timeline that follows for
each time he time leaps.

How can someone royally fuck up this badly? Well, it's quite an easy answer.

Takemichi is beyond useless, that's why.

He missed so many opportunities. The times where he should've been training himself to the bone
to garner strength to make even just the slightest differences in battles, he wasted it on puzzles and
hanging out with people that he'd already hung out with so many times. He was an adult in a boy's
body who had seen the horrors of mankind, yet for some foolish reason he bets on the goodwill
and determination of a bunch of underage kids to pull through against the life threatening malice
against them.

What an idiot, a total naïve fool with delusions of goodwill being the victor in grandeur.

He was the biggest fool there is in the history of clowns.

He didn't learn his lesson, and now someone else must pay the price once again.
Here he is, standing in the midst of warring gangs ready to tear each other apart soon. Draken has
long passed and was transported to the hospital for his body to be tended to, to ready for the

Right, he's dead, all because of me. Me coming back triggered Draken to solidify his resolve in
staying with Brahman to save Mikey.

What a joke, I killed a friend. Again.



And again.

Brahman's advisor, Takeomi was having a screaming match with Rokuhara Tandai's leader, South
yet Takemichi couldn't process a single word for the life of him. Every word and noise people
around him made was like submerged underwater, mumbling and indecipherable.

He doesn't acknowledge the bloodlust in the air, doesn't acknowledge the concerned looks Senju
was giving him.

Hell, he doesn't even know Mikey was there until South announced his arrival.

All he could think of was the sinking feeling of his original goals crumbling into dust. How
strange, was he always this unfeeling?

Why? Why oh why could he not muster a single concern? A single thought of sadness? Wasn't he
supposed to move on forward with determination to bring down Mikey to his senses after
witnessing yet another tragedy?

All Takemichi could think of is how stupid everything was.

Why was he even given the ability to time leap or having visions of the future if this shit was going
to just break him over and over with the deaths of his friends? Now he's in another gang war again,
lost so many people yet again, and Mikey is still on the other side, wearing the skin of a monster to
protect his loved ones the way he knows-through violence-again.

Ah, good ol' Mikey. The star of a tragedy sadder than any soap operas to ever exist.

Mikey was simply born to suffer. There was no other acceptable outcome for Sano Manjiro.

Takemichi should've respected his wishes in the Bonten Timeline, but he was selfish so he didn't-
and now here they were, with the blonde crybaby killing Mikey's best friend.

He couldn't save Baji, Emma, Izana and now-Draken.

How the hell was he even going to save Mikey now? Forget that, anyone can only expect that
Kanto Manji gang's leader will only kill Takemichi for his stupidity.

Then again, where did his determination go? Takemichi felt nothing good instilling itself in his

He felt cold and numb outside and inside, yet at the deepest pits of his being he feels it.

A hate like no other.

Why the fuck is he even here in the first place? What really gave him the right to meddle in other
people's lives and pretend to be someone he's not? Why did he make promises he never kept? Why
was he even trying in the first place? All Takemichi could think of repeatedly was the word tired.

How tiresome everything is. How tiring everyone is.

How tired of saving Sano Manjiro Takemichi is.

What a fucking joke.

His life was an entire joke.

Takemichi was done with everyone and everything.

Everything is so annoying. I should just fuck off now.

Any love or kindness in him fizzles out of existence, and making home in his being is none other
than a darkness that only those who love the most can procure when pushed to a point of no

Under the unforgiving rain and in the middle of a standoff, Takemichi pulls the gun he had
retrieved near the fallen body of Draken and aims it at a certain person.

His ocean eyes were void of all life and emotion as he calmly pulls the trigger.

A resounding bang echoes in the vicinity, and gasps break out from all sides as the body of South
falls abruptly to the ground. Blood seeps out from the hole in his forehead, creating a puddle of
blood under his head.

"Takemichi?!!" Senju's screams did nothing but grate Takemichi's ears. How annoying.
"Takemichi what have you do-"

"-I'm leaving Brahman." The girl flinches at his tone, unfeeling and glacial. "I'm done with each
and everyone's bullshit. I'm out of here."

Nobody dared to stop him as he makes his way out of the crowd of gangs, whom all parted to make
way for the frightening boy who had just killed someone in cold blood.

Saved for one, that is.

"Takemitchy." Sano Manjiro stands in his way, blocking the path, and staring at Takemichi with an
unreadable gaze. "...You're coming with me."
Takemichi had spent so much time trying to unravel the messages that Mikey hid in his gaze, tried
so hard to understand in order to save the boy.

Now, though, all the piss blonde haired boy could think of was how sick he was of those pitch
black eyes.

What did he even admire and want to save in him in the first place? Takemichi couldn't remember,
and for the life of him, he couldn't care less.

All he sees before him now was a disappointment, and a pest.

So Takemichi ignores the strongest delinquent of Tokyo, continuing on his way, and once he
passes by him-Mikey grabs him abruptly by the arm.

Yet the crybaby hero only pulls his arm away just as strongly and looks over his shoulder, gaze
frosty and uncaring at the surprise in the other boy's eyes.

"I have nothing to say to failures like you," His tone was just as icy, and anyone who hears his
word grimaced and felt shivers at the utter lack of feeling in Takemichi's voice as he soldiers on.
"Never fucking say my name or touch me ever again, just looking at you and everything relating
to you is making my skin crawl."

Freezing ocean blue locked with shocked pitch black.

Clicking his tongue, Takemichi turns on his heel and walks away, not a single man daring
themselves to go after the boy.

The infamous crybaby's last words echoing as Sano Manjiro falls to his knees, eyes wide and tears
running down his eyes with disbelief.

"What are you even crying for?"

Takemichi walks and walks, gun still in hand and heading to the dark alleys in order not to be
caught by the police.

In the darkness, he holds one gun and one phone.

Not enough.

His skin was still crawling-itchy. His chest felt stuffed with barbed wires. he couldn't breathe.

Leaving Brahman wasn't enough.

Leaving the war of the three great deities wasn't enough.

Breaking away from Sano Manjiro wasn't enough.

He had to cut them all off, the boy thinks as he looks over his contacts.

The Mizo gang, Toman's former members, Hinata.

Everyone in his past was nothing but a nuisance now.

Takemichi messages them all a simple 'Goodbye. don't bother looking for me or I will shoot you
the next time we meet.' before taking the sim card and breaking it.

With this, he'd burned bridges with everyone in his life.

Only then did Takemichi feels himself breathe again.

Finally, the disgusting feeling is gone, for now.

"What a fucking joke."

I'm all bite, no bark.
Chapter Summary

Takemichi knows there would be quite the number of people that would come after
him for the stunt he pulled, both good and bad people.

Good thing for him he knows more than enough how to be cruel and send a message
to everyone.

Such are the benefits when you lived through more than one timeline and saw more
than a few lifetimes' worth of horrors the people closest to you can produce.

Of course, to do that, he'd need the right people to do his bidding.

And a sacrifice, or two.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The best thing about Hanagaki Takemichi is that his parents who were both working abroad don't
give a shit about him or his business.

Even when Takemichi made a fool of himself with his appearance, disappointing grades and
skipping classes-his parents not once scolded him, only ever providing him with money no
questions asked. They never exchanged words apart from holidays and even that was a rarity of

So when he messages them to send him more than his usual allowance, they only agreed and
transferred the money to him without questioning. When he tells them he wants to sell the
apartment and move to a different location, they contacted the appropriate people and arranged a
place for him in record time. When he tells them he suddenly needed a whole new wardrobe, they
simply transferred more money to his account for shopping.

Not once did they ask how was he, what was his situation at his school and why did he even need
so much money in the first place.

He's grateful they could care less about him, it makes everything a whole lot easier.

He doesn't come 'home', immediately staying in a well-kept and private hotel until his new
apartment has been arranged.

In the meantime, he bought multiple sim cards and disposable phones, as well as a variety of
gadgets that can hide his traces and keep his contacts to a minimum.

With an astonishing amount of money at his disposal, Takemichi hires capable people to keep a
lookout on the streets and report the latest news of the gang world to him. As well as for the former
members of Toman. And to keep tabs on a few more others.

Unsurprisingly, people have it out for him.

The Kanto Manji Gang declared him as a wanted recruit, meaning he is to be kidnapped on sight.

Rokuhara Tandai has disbanded and many of the members joined under Mikey's gang, meaning
more people were on the lookout for him.

Brahman has also disbanded. Akashi Takeomi joined Kanto Manji gang, Akashi Senju went
missing along with Wakasa Imaushi and Keizo Arashi.

One disappointment after the other. Pity they all haven't killed each other in the fight. Legendary
battle my ass, they're all failures.

However.....If everything is going according to plan, then soon Brahman's missing prominent
members would be in his hands. The fact that they disappeared only means that they've agreed to
the message that he'd sent to Senju.

See, before Takemichi broke his phone, he had not only sent a goodbye but an offer to certain

All that was left now was to meet said people, and see if they were up for the task of being his.

Takemichi knows there would be quite the number of people that would come after him for the
stunt he pulled, both good and bad people.
Good thing for him he knows more than enough on how to be cruel and send a message to

Such are the benefits when you lived through more than one timeline and saw more than a few
lifetimes' worth of horrors the people closest to you can produce.

Of course, to do that, he'd need the right people to do his bidding.

And a sacrifice, or two.

He'll never let himself be hurt by anyone ever again.

Not Mikey, Bonten, or any other soul out there.

He was done being played by Fate and the people he once loved with all his heart.

No more games, no more time leaps, no more playing hero.

He alone was the honored one.

At the expense of both allies and enemies alike.

He had already killed his fourteen year old self by deciding to stay in this timeline, his own friends,
and own lover.

What's a few more hundred or even thousands of dead bodies to add to the list?

"Oh, now that's a familiar face. What brings you to my beggar's apartment, Hanagaki?"
"Even a clown like you has some use left, join me and you can fuck things up as much as you

"That's just my type! You have yourself a dog now, Takemichi~"

"If you fuck up my plans though I will kill you. This is the only warning you're getting from me."

"Say no more, love~"

'Goodbye. Don't bother looking for me or I will shoot you the next time we meet.'

This was the last message Hanagaki Takemichi left to his friends and girlfriend. Many of Toman's
former members were distressed at the sudden words of their crybaby hero as it was just not
something that would ever come out of someone like Takemichi himself. The boy was the radiant
sun, unbending and warm and kind.

They mourned for the loss of Draken and Takemichi. Draken who was no longer in this world and
Takemichi who had completely gone off the radar.

It was as if the boy had just up and leave, his apartment was now sold and all of his things have
been thrown or given away.

Hinata was a wreck for a whole week, unable to do much aside from crying and searching
desperately for Takemichi. No one could believe how callous Takemichi had been, cutting ties with
everyone so abruptly like this.

Oh so eerily similar to Mikey's bloody 'farewell'.

They didn't know whether to feel relief or dread that Mikey's gang was on the lookout for
Takemichi, who murdered Rokuhara Tandai's leader in cold blood by shooting him on the head
with no hesitation.

That meant that no one truly had no idea where Takemichi is and his entire existence has done a
complete one eighty.

Unbeknownst to them, three certain people received messages different from the rest.


"Have you made your decision, Yuzuha-chan?"

"As long as Hakkai is safe, I will gladly follow you."

"We have a deal then."

"Don't worry, Takemichi, I won't hate you no matter what you do."

"Why don't we put that to the test then."

"Don't underestimate my feelings for you."

"Alright, go fetch your older brother for me and make him my next dog then, hmm?"

Two certain blondes followed after the ginger haired girl as Yuzuha leads them to a familiar
abandoned church. Upon entering, they see a familiar boy sitting comfortably on the altar, an
empty smile on his features.

Takemichi was thinner, his hair now a midnight black, and he wore white baggy clothes. His eyes
had dark circles, revealing an evident lack of sleep.

The most worrying was the tattoo of the Black Dragon's mark on the left side of his neck. It was a
dragon with the letters "B" and "D".
They could only wince at the lack of life and emotion in Takemichi's ocean eyes. But their shock is
more on other occupants of the church.

On Takemichi's left was a humming and grinning Hanma Shuji, and to his right was none other
than Shiba Taiju who was looking down upon them with a stern gaze. Situated in the front pews
were Brahman's former leader and executives; Akashi Senju, Wakasa Imaushi and Akashi Keizo-
all whom were wearing indifferent expressions.

Tonight was a full moon, and the light seeping through the stained glass only casted a haunting
glow to Takemichi as he stares at them with an unreadable gaze before opening his mouth,

"Chifuyu, Inupi-kun. I'm so glad you both made it." Starting off pleasantly, Takemichi chuckles at
their confused expressions. "Thank you for bringing them, Yuzuha-chan."

Yuzuha bows slightly before taking a seat in the opposite side of Senju's pew, watching on with an
amicable gaze at her two former friends.

"Takemitchy-" Chifuyu trails off, unsure of where to even start. "W-what happened, partner? Why
are those two bastards by your side?!"

Inui's gaze was wary as he eyes the people in the building.

"Takemitchy...Are you recruiting us?"

"Right on the bag, Inupi-kun. As for you Chifuyu..." Takemichi smiles. "I'll answer some of your
questions if you pass my test. Of course, you're both free to walk away from this and you'd never
hear from me again."

"See, I'm reviving the Black Dragons, and I just need one more person in my gang before I begin
the operation. That being said," Snapping his fingers, Keizo-Benkei-stood up and walks to the two
blonde's with a case in hand. Opening the case, both boys paled at the sight. "My test is quite
simple if you both wish to participate."

There were two pistols on the briefcase.

"Here's what's going to happen, I will make a phone call. And everything I say during the call, you
will have to reenact. Again, if you both don't want to do it, you're free to leave but if you wish to
join me, you will take that gun and do as I say. Simply walk away if you don't want to do this."

Taiju hands him a disposable phone, to which Takemichi dials 119.

The silence was deafening as all eyes were focused on the pair of blondes.

"Hello 119? Please send help." His gaze remained empty and unreadable, "S-someone was
shot....in this church, yes the address is..."

"Yes. I just saw a man shoot someone on the shoulder, I...I think he's bleeding really badly, please
send help quickly."

Chifuyu and Inupi exchanged looks of horror.

"Ah, so you did come, Taiju."

"Using my own sister for your schemes? That's not a very heroic thing to do, Hanagaki

"She joined of her own accord though? Besides, I'm sure you've heard already, I'm no hero now."

"Hmph, as long as you can provide a lucrative business for me to manage, I'll go along with your

"Perfect. Welcome to the gang, Taiju. Follow me and you'll live with success, betray me and I'll
send you to hell myself."

Emotionless blue eyes stared down at the bleeding man before him.
The silence was only broken by Takemichi's clapping.

"Welcome to the gang, Inupi-kun." His smile was pleasant and sweet as he hopped off the altar,
everyone immediately standing to attention as the leader of the Black Dragons makes his way to
the last member. "We're happy to have you with us, keep following me and I can promise you that
the Black Dragons' might will never die."

Inupi only nods, returning the gun back to the case, bowing low. "I won't disappoint you, Boss."

Inupi had passed the test. He had taken the gun and shot Matsuno Chifuyu on the shoulder.

It couldn't be helped.

Inupi was all alone. He had lost his sister, Kokonoi, and now Draken.

He couldn't afford to lose Takemichi too.

Hanma Shuji taps him on the back, giving him a friendly grin.

"Looking forward to working with ya, scar-face." The tall male says before whistling at the
bleeding body of Chifuyu. "You think he'll live?"

"He will." Senju says indifferently, popping a lollipop in her mouth. "The ambulance is close, we
should leave now. Let's all go have dinner or something, I'm starving!"

"I had my men spread the rumors now, this should put an end to the manhunt for the boss
temporarily." Benkei quips after sending messages on his phone.

As the members walk away to exit the church, Chifuyu weakly groans out.

"T-Ta...takemitchy." Hearing his name, the raven haired boy stops and turns to face the injured
male. "D...Don't leave, partner....You're....You're just hurting yourself even more."
Takemichi's lips lifted into a small smile but his gaze was nothing short of glacial.

"I gave you a chance, and you failed. As far as I'm concerned, your determination to 'save' me is
nothing but a joke. I will never listen to any failures." Turning to his heels, Takemichi joins his
new subordinates who were all lined up and patiently waiting for their leader. "Pray that you don't
meet me a second time, or I'll be the one to finish the job of killing you, partner."

"So long, Chifuyu."

That day, the news of Hanagaki Takemichi reviving the Black Dragons reached the delinquent
world's ears.

Matsuno Chifuyu had been shot to prove an example that he was no longer just a one man being

Hanagaki was a dangerous man, and one that obviously had created his own gang.

That fateful day opened a new power struggle in the underworld and Hanagaki Takemichi's
reputation is forever sullied in blood. With subordinates loyal till the bitter end, and all whom were
individuals who were experts in a variety of fields.

Many would say that the Black Dragon's last leader-

-"He alone is the honored one."

Chapter End Notes

Chapter title is from the lyrics of the song "Villain" by K/DA.

Making this, I was thinking of my crybaby's hell series and how michi has been really
taking Ls left and right. I probably have been giving some of you guys a hard time too.
Here's to hoping this fic appeases some of the potential distress my other fics have
caused. So here, pls, enjoy a new type of stress.

I was having a hard time choosing between Chifuyu and Inupi to be Takemitchy's final
member to his gang, but in the end chose inupi because canonically the former is more
likely to side against Takemichi because of morals he couldn't throw away. So hey,
Inupi wins.

Sorry fuyu, you took a big L too. Still love you tho bro.

#Takemichiisallbitenobark, #Villain4life, #BDGANG, #michigets7!,

My Savior
Chapter Summary

Takemichi makes himself at home in the heart of the underworld.

Senju watches her beloved leader be the best there is in this bloody era.

She can only relish in being able to stand beside him and carry out his wishes, hoping
for crumbs of his affection.

"I will always be on your side, Takemichi."

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

In the year of 2018, Japan is terrorized by the drastic rise in organized crimes all over the nation in
the past decade as gang wars become far too frequent and prominent. The entirety of Japan was not
prepared for the increase of the Yakuza's influence, and soon forth many new groups had caused
for many causalities.

The damage started off casual enough, with only bruises and broken limbs. However, as the fights
become more organized and frequent, the outcomes turned bloody and soon enough, death had
become the norm. Many youths were lured to the shady businesses of Yakuza. Many of the
nation's citizens worried for the future of their country, if they will eventually be forced to live a
life of constant fear of death looming over their heads.

However, the once open brawls and gunfights that happened in daytime came to a halt when a
formidable group came forward and rose to the highest ranks of the underground world. This
criminal organization that gathered unbending loyalty, immeasurable profits, talented and diverse
manpower, despite causing the highest amount of causalities-this group emerged as the reigning
force behind the exponential decrease in open gang wars that involved civilian causalities.

Black Dragons.

A group so feared and renowned in Japan's underworld, they were hailed as Japan's most powerful
criminal organization. The best there is.

It was rather ironic that despite having the highest body count, they were the ones to put an end to
the senseless violence of gang feuds, Of course, the organization is heavily involved in criminal
activities, but it is also just as very invested in other legal businesses that makes the police force
beyond frustrated as the group is next to untouchable with their massive influence and wealth.

The Black Dragons was essentially an empire full of sinful riches....as well as blood.

"P-please spare me!" The pathetic pleas of a middle aged man fall upon deaf ears as he lowers
himself to the ground, uncaring of the bloody puddles here and there and staining his clothes red.
"My family needs me, please, please spare me just this once!"

The man's forehead was touching the dirty floor as he continues to mumble apology after apology,
he was the last living occupant of the office room that once had plenty of his influential 'friends'
were spending time discussing future plans to upgrade their businesses....at the expense of
betraying their benefactor.

Of betraying the Black Dragons.

A heel ruthlessly digs unto the man's head, the owner screaming in agony as the indifferent gaze of
Akashi Senju glances down at the filth beneath her boots.

As the number two of the Black Dragons, the former high school girl was now a grown up woman
with nerves of steel. She is now a grown lady with luscious platinum blonde hair cascading past
her waist. The strong female was dressed in a chic and elegant black suit. In her grasp was a finely
made katana and in the other, a magnum revolver. Slightly peeking out of her shirt was the mark of
the Black Dragons tattooed proudly on the center of her collarbones.

"Spare you? Why should we spare a pig like you?" Her harsh gaze narrowed as her lips curled to a
sneer. "You rotten pieces of shit went behind the boss's back and were stealing a generous cut from
the Black Dragons' trades in two of our newest branches in Osaka....If anything, you should be
begging for the boss's forgiveness." Forgiveness that he will never grant you, that is.

Hanagaki Takemitchy never gave traitors a second chance. Betrayal is at the top of his black list.

"Oh~ That's no good, you got into our number 2's nerves. Tsk tsk tsk." A sharp bark of laughter
erupted to her left but Senju doesn't have to turn to see the other occupant of the room was none
other than Hanma Shuji, another executive of the Black Dragons. An executive that Akashi Senju
hated with a passion. The obnoxiously tall man whose hair was dyed with streaks of blond and
finely dressed in a three piece suit that was now stained with splotches of blood, was grinning
widely at the bloodbath around them. "Can't say I don't feel the same though, what were ya'll
thinking, mooching off of the gang's money like that. Shame-"

"-Shame," In a split second, the man had grabbed one of the corpses by the head and smashed its
head on the table "Shame!" Laughing freely, Hanma threw the unrecognizable dead man next to
the last living traitor-a gesture Senju clicked her tongue at as the pig beneath her heel paled even

"Piss off Hanma, this one's mine." Her glare flickered to the other executive, annoyance clear in her
tone. "You got your fair share already."

"Aw! Don't be like that Senju, it's not my fault the others broke like twigs."

"Don't care, now fuck off before I-" When she hears the clearing of someone's throat, Senju
immediately straightens her posture and bowed, her heel remaining pinned on the traitor's head. "-
Sorry Boss." All traces of tension dissipated when she hears the familiar chime like chuckle from a
certain person.

A certain someone she worships the very ground he walks on.

A certain someone, who is currently calmly seated on one of the seats that was the cleanest out of
the bloodstained ones.

And that someone, was none other than the leader of the Black Dragons. Hanagaki Takemichi.

A beautiful man with raven black hair and alluring ocean blue orbs that held no light. He donned a
simple yet luxurious silky dark green half sleeved shirt that was comfortably tucked in midnight
trousers. Aside from his unbelievable aesthetics, the one thing that stood out the most was the
rather sizable tattoo of the Black Dragon's insignia branded proudly on his neck.

"No worries Senju, I'm sure you only meant well. Hanma, I've given you quite the generous
portion of the execution, need I scold you for something so trivial?" His gaze focused on Hanma,
ocean blue eyes lifeless and freezing yet otherworldly with its haunting beauty, "No? I'm glad to
hear that, it's been a while since I let you join me with the executions, don't ruin my mood again so
Senju knew that only Takemichi could fully garner such a tense reaction from the maniac named
Hanma Shuji, whose posture went rigid.

Senju dared not to utter another word and neither did Hanma as their beloved leader rises from his

"We're done here, call for the cleaners and make sure there're no survivors." Passing by them,
Takemichi spared no glance at the kneeling man underneath Senju's heel. "Senju, with me. I'm
ready to hit the hay now that we've collected the last of the pests. Hanma, kindly kill off that filth
from its misery already, I can't stand useless things existing in my world."

Senju bowed once more before immediately following after her beloved leader, unflinching at the
sound of a gunshot ringing through the empty corridors....

No, she only cared about the figure before her.

Her lips broke into a sweet smile.

Another day in the life of a Black Dragon Executive.

Akashi Senju was Hanagaki Takemichi's right hand man. His number two. Black Dragon's second
most important executive.

It was no easy task being one of the most trusted personnel of an untouchable man such as
Takemichi, but Senju had been nothing but determined in making sure that her current position is
one that was earned and will remain as hers till her dying breath.

The years bringing the Black Dragons as the reigning criminal organization were times that were
stained with blood and crime each step of the way. Senju was certain that had Takemichi not been
their leader, the gang would have collapsed right away. She had been nothing but stunned to see the
closest being to a human sunshine become a crime lord like no other.

It felt as if the Hanagaki Takemichi that was renowned for being a heroic crybaby was nothing but
a tall tale, a made up story by someone who had lived under a rock. And perhaps it might just be,
with the people who have known him never breathing a word of his former persona to anyone's
ears. It was simply forbidden to speak of the old Takemichi....Of the crybaby yet good hearted

On the day Brahman disbanded, Takemitchy contacted her along with Wakasa and Benkei,
offering them a position as his 'executives' for the revival of the Black Dragons.

Wakasa and Benkei refused his offer, but Senju accepted-which resulted in them joining in the

Most people would wonder why would she join the gang of a person who was once her underling,
and they would be right to question such a move on her part.

However, Senju couldn't help but feel responsible for Takemichi at first.

She felt guilt for having a hand in recruiting him and Draken....She felt immense guilt knowing the
things that she'd done had end up with Mikey turning into a monster, Haruchiyo becoming
unhinged and Takeomi joining the Kanto Manji Gang, which is now a fearsome gang called
Bonten. Draken died on that fateful day, and Takemitchy-

No, not Takemitchy, Takemichi.

Takemichi was no longer the hero that the people loved.

The blond haired boy with the sunny smile no longer existed, instead was an untouchable being
with a cold cold smile always attached to his pretty face.

Takemichi had proved time and time again that he was the only one fit to rule the Black Dragons.

After recruiting the rest of the executives, he had wasted no time in founding bases and leading the
group to a bloody path of crime and riches. Time spent with Takemichi had forced her and
everyone else to become the best in dangerous fields. They have lost much of the goodness in their
hearts, become desensitized to the sight of cruelty, but their leader remained true to his word.
In exchange for their loyalty and hardwork, he gave them riches and experiences they would never

Takemichi blessed them with knowledge, strength and the means to leading their own businesses in
the underground world. He forced their bodies to go under grueling training and become so strong
that they become nearly untouchable. Senju's body was riddled with scars and pure muscle, a
testament to the hardships she had gone through all for Takemichi.

The Black Dragons' leader is ruthless, cunning and had a loathing against traitors and
incompetency but he always kept his word. Any contract done with him is a guarantee of a
successful deal as he always delivers any promises he gives....So long as he is not disappointed,
Takemichi is the type of force that anyone wants on their side.

To anyone else, it might seem that the man ruling Japan's underground world is a-

"-Senju?" Her train of though comes to a halt as Takemichi's handsome face was a hair's breath
away from hers. "You're free to go to bed now, I'll be fine."

Her cheeks flushed as Takemichi flashes her a smile. Remembering her place, they had arrived in
Takemichi's grand mansion, with her standing dutifully by the door as she waited for him to finish

Only a few were able to see Takemichi in this state. Wearing nothing but a fluffy white bathrobe,
droplets of water dripping down from his drenched raven locks. Sensing her gaze, the male's smile

"Are you going to watch over me till I fall asleep again?"

Senju is nothing but honest to Takemichi.

"Yes. I will be here with you until you fall asleep." He laughs in earnest at her reply, and
Takemichi makes his way to the arm chair placed near the fireplace. Senju takes this as a sign to
take pitcher full of water on the small table and pour the male a glass. "Inupi and Taiju have
secured the deals to expanding ecstasy abroad." Ecstasy was the official name of the nightclubs
under the Black Dragons, it was safe to say that every city had a branch of Ecstasy as a sign of the
gang's overwhelming influence.
"That's rather pleasant to hear, where are they branching off to? Was it Dubai or Moscow?"

"Dubai. Probably some magnates fell for Inupi's model looks again. They'll be back in four days."
Takemichi chuckles at that.

"And what of Benkei and Wakasa?"

"They've recruited plenty of potential grunts and are training them. We've secured about 50 for this

"Good. And Yuzuha?" Senju's gaze wavered for a slight moment. Yuzuha was one of the top
executives in Black Dragons, a person Senju was quite fond of purely because they were both
women and were straightforward with their approach in their fields of expertise. She was one of the
most tolerable people Senju could stand.

The reason for her wavering was not because of Yuzuha but-

"....She has gathered information on the whereabouts of Akashi Takeomi."

Akashi Takeomi, her older brother, who was once her advisor in Brahman, and now-who is the
current advisor for Bonten. Bonten, their stupidly stubborn rival gang for years.

"Ah, seems we're close to catching one of the biggest thorns to my empire." Takemichi's smile
never faltered as he glances up at her, "You know what to do, don't you Senju?"

The girl doesn't flinch, only nodding. At her response, the male's smile widens as he suddenly
stands up to wrap her in his arms.

Senju's eyes shook as she felt the alluring warmth of Takemichi's embrace.

"That's my Senju-chan" Softly petting her hair as if she were made of the finest jewels, Takemichi
lovingly murmurs to her ear. "I knew I was right to make you my number two, you never
disappoint me."
Perhaps if it was the old Senju who still had dreams of becoming the best leader of Brahman,
perhaps she would've sensed the empty smile in Takemichi's lips. The shallowness in his gaze as he
showers her with affection.

But the Senju now was nothing but dependent on the male's small acts of affection.

Her family had abandoned her. She had no gang to rule over. Her purpose in life was snatched
because of them.

Takemichi offered her an oasis, a place where she could thrive and belong without judgement.

She would be a fool to disappoint the only person who believed in her.

He may no longer be the sunshine she fell in love with, but he will forever remain her savior.

Senju's eyes closed, relishing the comforting warmth of Takemichi's embrace.

"I will always be on your side, Takemichi."

Chapter End Notes

I read the latest chapters and I'm dead inside as always. Why wakui why.
Also it's been a really long while im so sorry everyone, double the apologies if my
writing is really out of it at the moment.
Through his lenses
Chapter Summary

Many wonder what a day in a crime lord such as Hanagaki Takemichi is like.

In all honesty, there wasn't much to it. In his humble opinion.

Everything passes by him with a haze, as if having an out of body experience.

He is connected to the underworld that he rules, yet not at the same time.

He rules the heavens, yet his head seemed to be disconnected.

No matter, one day, Takemichi believes that he will be completely freed from the
shackles that bind him.

Yes, perhaps having all their corpses presented before him will do the trick.

His serene smile never breaks.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Takemichi preferred to start his mornings in complete silence.

No one to bother him for a precious few moments. For a while, he can bask in the comfort of the
bed and not think about being in charge of almost all of Japan's underground affairs. The male's
eyes would remain closed as he controls his breathing.

Nothing to think about. Just him, the bed, and warmth.

And when sleep dissipates, Takemichi's eyes would crack open and his lips would lift to form a
serene smile.

At exactly 5 AM, there is knocking on his door.

"Mishka, it is time to start your day." An aged female's hoarse would say from the other side
before opening the door, revealing a rather tall old woman dressed in a conservative maid uniform.
She comes in with a tray of food, bowing effortlessly before placing the food on the table near the
fireplace. Takemichi doesn't wait for her to attend to him, finally getting out of the bed and taking a

"Good morning Milana, today's breakfast smells amazing too." Smiling sweetly, Takemichi
compliments the ever reliable matron of the Hanagaki mansion. He had hired her many years ago
even before the building of his mansion, and had since left household affairs to the aged woman's
capable hands. "Draniki?! You're really treating me well today."

"Your appetite was quite well yesterday, you ate all my meals." Milana returns his smile with a
small one as she pours him tea. "Now Mishka, fatten yourself up to get you ready for the day. That
Yuzuha lass is coming over in half an hour."

"Gladly Milana." And so Takemichi began eating, enjoying the savory dish leisurely. "Mmh, your
cooking is the best!"

"The biggest flattery this babushka will take is you finishing all your meals, flowery words do not
work with me Mishka." The leader of Black Dragons smile turned sheepish. "You are barely
gaining weight as is, eat more."

Had Milana been anyone else, he would not have listened to the naggings of an old woman.
However, the aged woman has long earned Takemichi's respect for her competence as well as
fearlessness in telling him off when it comes to his health. Milana had proven herself to be the most
reliable matron, armed with experience and the prowess to defend his house at all times.

There was barely anyone who could live to tell the tale that they could nag on the fearsome leader
of Japan's underground world.

His appetite has never been much, slowly declining over the years. It is only thanks to the aged
woman as well as some of his more persistent executives that Takemichi is consuming enough

As he spends his breakfast in peace with Milana watching over him, the woman's phone beeped
and she gave him a look to which he nodded.

"I'll have my shower now, tell Yuzuha I'll be down in a bit."

"You didn't finish your meal Mishka..." Sighing, the matron of the Hanagaki mansion began
cleaning up the tray and prepared to leave. "Understood, I will relay your message to her."

Sending his housekeeper one more smile, Takemichi heads off to the bathroom and readies himself
for the day.

Unbuttoning the silk pajama shirt, the grown male eyes dart to the mirror which reflected his

A lean body built with muscle, filled with scars.

Burnt, bullet, stab wounds.....

Takemichi wouldn't mind the fresh ones, they were proof of his hardships as Black Dragons'

But the old ones....especially the one adorning one of his hands.

"Take care of Mikey for me, Takemitchy"

"Take care of Mikey-"


His smile turned glacial in an instant, feeling a simmering rage bubbling in the pit of his stomach.

"Guess it's you who will be annoying me today, huh?"

As the leader of the Black Dragons, it was only natural that Hanagaki Takemichi remains in tip top
shape to run such a sizable organization. To him, revealing anything that is less than how he is at
peak condition is unacceptable. No matter how he feels, what troubles the gang is facing, how dire
a situation could be, Takemichi never allows himself to lose composure.

Hence, Takemichi never feels nervous, no matter how fearsome the other party could be. He was
surrounded by dangerous individuals everyday. Surrounded by people whose talents and cruelty
could send demons crying.

He has no need to feel nervous. After all, they all bowed before him.

He was the scariest of them all.

"Good morning Boss." Yuzuha greets him with a deep bow as Takemichi sends her a casual wave
before taking a seat. "I will be accompanying you for the rest of the day."

It was agreed upon by the executives that there would only be a few of them who could escort
Takemichi at all times. Senju tends to be his bodyguard but on occasions that she can't Yuzuha is
next in line and Inupi after. These three were the ones privileged enough to accompany their leader.
Takemichi never bothered to intervene on such affairs unless he had a specific need for a certain
executive. Besides, those three were his most trusted executives, they've proven themselves more
than enough to earn their positions.

Shiba Yuzuha was number three after Akashi Senju. She was in charge of information gathering
and more often than not representing the Black Dragons on meetings that Takemichi cannot attend
at times. Business runs in her blood, and strength as well as she is trained in more than one area in
fighting. Her steely gaze is ever present and never letting down, always keeping everyone in

Takemichi finds it hilarious that the women many tried to push back from participating in gang
activities came out at the top as his prominent executives.

His very own duo of femmes fatale.

'How interesting.'

"You have two meetings to attend today Boss." Yuzuha begins as Takemichi sips on his tea. "One
with Sousuke Mamoru, the head of the Taishu-Kai. They are most likely hoping to solidify the
alliance between Taishu Kai and the Black Dragons, it will be taking place in a few hours in Isha

"Hmm, oh the Taishu-Kai, yes I remember them." Takemichi chuckled. "They're a dying gang
aren't they? Still, I'll entertain them since there do have a rather delectable sources in Fukuouka."

"Their numbers are less than a hundred, boss."

"Even better Yuzuha-chan, this will make training them much easier. Strengthening our control
even more in Fukuouka would certainly be quite pleasant."

"Understood Boss, your next meeting will be with Reynaldo Ramos. It is highly likely that he's
come to become your executive for the coming branch in the Philippines."

"Right, I do have to give him props for having reign on an autonomous region. War ended up
giving him the reigns on Bangsamoro..."

"He will be meeting you at Sharing-la Hotel. There will be a few documents needed to be signed
before that but....Ritz-Carlton...." Yuzuha pauses for but a brief moment. "Bonten's advisor, Akashi
Takeomi has offered his location in exchange for a meeting with you in two days Boss....It might
be worth to look into it as Bonten has deemed him a traitor. He is currently staying in Ritz-Carlton
as we speak."

Takemichi was unfazed with the stream of information, there was much to do and he had little to
no interest panicking over the sudden appearance of a Bonten rat.

Wordlessly placing his cup down and standing to his full height, Yuzuha bowed once more as
Takemichi walks pass her.

"Thank you Yuzuha-chan. Tell Senju to keep tabs on that pest as well as send some of our spies
after my meetings. Keep track of their movements and any large scale purchases they make."

"Roger that Boss."

Later that day he will secure two deals, earning the respect and loyalty of two different gangs. It
wasn't hard for him to do so.

He willed for their subservience and wasn't an unreasonable guy, Takemichi didn't mind lending a
hand to those with potential.

He just hopes that they will continue to hold that promising potential as well as competency if they
wish to keep their heads intact.

When night comes and Takemichi is ready to retire after a day of signing document after
document, talking with business partners, signing for the deaths of annoying pests and even killing
some himself to make an example, the leader of the Black Dragons allows his escort to retire for
the night.

And when he is by his lonesome at night, Takemichi enters a room that no one else dares to. It was
far removed from his, deep in the mansion and he had given access only to one person to enter.

Even then, Milana only does as she is told, never entering the room unless given an order to do so.

Opening the locked doors, Takemichi switches the lights on to reveal the secret room.

Inside the room were multiple mannequins resembling those of certain people. Lifelike dolls that
were the exact copies of the people he detested the most.

He makes his way over to the tallest one. A hulking muscled mannequin who had blonde hair and
a dragon tattoo on the side of its head.

Icy ocean blue locked with lifeless black ones.

"I heard your voice today, it was unbearable as always." Takemichi starts, mumbling softly as he
places a hand on the doll's chest. "You were always the nagging one too, and a real blockhead as
well. Yes...You make my skin crawl too."
Without warning, the male places a well rounded kick to the doll's neck-sending it flying to the
wall. Numerous cracking noises were heard, but Takemichi liked to imagine they were the sounds
of bones cracking.

"You look like him too." His bland tone betrayed the rage seething inside him. "Heh, weren't you
born an orphan? Perhaps you two are long lost siblings...Even that half blood who had no blood
relating to him was family too after all." The male sneered. "A pathetic band of outcasts, looking at
all of you disgusts me."

Slowly making his way to the fallen doll, Takemichi doesn't see a mannequin but a man.

A man groaning in pain and staring up at him with a pitiful gaze.

The cracks were wounds and bruises, and it brings relief to Takemichi.

"I've built an empire for myself, but here you all are still pestering me." Pulling out a gun from his
jacket suit, Takemichi doesn't hesitate to shoot the doll's limbs. "Take care of Mikey this, Mikey
that.....You all keep telling me this, like a broken record incapable of saying anything else."

Sadistic chuckles erupt from him as he kept shooting at the doll relentlessly.

"I know you're all so lonely, so lucky for you guys I've decided to consider being kind." Takemichi
stomps one foot on the doll's head. "Did you know? Sano Shinichiro's best friend is offering
himself up to me for a 'talk'." The man laughed. "I can already see him being all pathetically
sentimental, rambling about some horseshit about Mikey and taking care of his siblings."

His smile was nothing short of cruel. "Of course, I'll have Senju torture him to death. Aren't I so
kind to send him off with the last thing he sees being his adorable little sister? I'm sure the first
generation leader would be happy to have him in the afterlife too. Body all mangled up and beyond

"Don't worry, Draken-kun" Takemichi practically sneers the name as he looked down on the doll
with utter disgust. "There's still plenty of Toman left alive, should they choose to stand in my way,
I'll send them all to you and the others....Didn't Baji-kun say something bout taking care of a
legacy? Right, Baji?" Looking over his shoulder, the male addresses the other doll who had long
black hair and sharp eyes. "How about I offer you Chifuyu and Kazutora's corpses? I'm sure you'll
be thrilled to have those two holding hands and being friends as they die from...Oh yes, how about
I have Chifuyu beaten to death and Kazutora stabbed to death? Wouldn't that be lovely?"

Now that he was at the top of Japan's underground world, Takemichi was untouchable. No one can
tell him off, no one to stop him, and those who have tried have never lived to tell the tale. He does
as he pleases whenever and whereever he wants.

"Your beloved Mikey is still holding on to having me in his grasp...of being his 'takemitchy' again"
The Black Dragons' leader moves to sit on the single arm chair located in the center of the room
"That pathetic bastard is ever so stubborn to meeting his end."

Takemichi grinned as he tossed the gun away and leaned further into the comfy chair.

"No one can kill me. After all, fate is on my side." His nearly manic grin fades into a serene smile.
"I am a singularity. No one can touch me."

The annoying voice in his head dies down, and he lets out a small sigh of relief. In the white walls
of the room, he imagines splatters of blood and remnants of mangled corpses.

Everything was pleasantly silent again.

"I won't let any of you hurt me again, ever."

Chapter End Notes

Mishka - little bear, or bear cub in Russian.

Draniki - Russian potato pancake.
Chapter Summary

The meeting with Takeomi commences. Takemichi gains some, and loses some. Yet at
the end of day he remains unfazed at the threat of Bonten's rising power and their
unhinged obsession with defeating the Black Dragons. Of defeating him.

His smile remained flawlessly beautiful and confident.

"I never make mistakes."

Nothing can shake him from the Heavens.

Meanwhile, within Bonten's main headquarters, two top leaders stirs to rise and
overthrow the so called emperor of Japan's underground world.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Yeah, yeah

I live for the chase

They wanna know how I'm living my life on a regular day

Wake up and pop me like two or three pills, man I'm feeling great, yeah

Pick up my phone, I don't even scroll, just throw it away

Get that shit out of my face

Takemichi was far from surprised when indifferent blue orbs landed on the form of Akashi

His smiling countenance never lets up as he remained seated in the comfortable plush couch,
Yuzuha and Senju standing dutifully in their positions-the former beside him holding a black
suitcase and the latter behind the couch, armed with two katanas and wearing a shoulder holster.
Both were completely emotionless to an eerie degree, with Yuzuha refusing to let up with her stern
gaze and Senju never letting her older brother out of her sight.
There was an uncomfortable period of silence before the former Bonten executive cleared his
throat, bowing to him slightly.

"Thank you for coming all the way here to meet me, Hanagaki-" He couldn't even finish his
sentence as Senju abruptly cuts him off.

"-Lower." Takeomi's gaze flickers to her narrowed ones as Senju glared down at him as if he were
nothing but dirt under her boots. "You are in the presence of the emperor, pay your respects to our
boss who graciously decided to spare you even just a sliver of his time." Her voice lowers, ice
running through her very being. "Worm."

Takemichi's smile widens ever so slightly as the eldest Akashi sibling lowered his head even
further to greet him. He looks over his shoulder to give a pleased nod to his number two in which
Senju bowed deeply too before focusing on the former executive once more.

"It's been quite a while since I last saw a Bonten executive in my territory." The raven haired male
starts of pleasantly, yet his eyes were anything but, "Mochizuki had paid quite the price for setting
foot in my sectors simply for well, being spotted by my men.....Pray tell, I hope whatever it is that
you wish to relay to me is worth the death sentence, Akashi Takeomi."

Mochizuki had been the only Bonten executive the Black Dragons got their hands on, he had been
unfortunate enough to be spotted with his wife and kids in one of the smaller establishments that
the Black Dragons owned. Thinking that the resort they were staying at was neutral territory,
Mochizuki went ahead and ended up being found brutally murdered in an abandoned warehouse, so
blatantly tortured to death while the rest of his family went missing and hasn't been found by a
single soul ever since.

Obviously, Takemichi had long ordered a hit on any Bonten executive, anyone related to Bonten
that sets foot in his territory were automatically on the Black Dragons hit list.
Lover, family, friends. Nothing was off the table if they were to be spotted or identified in any of
his territory.

Mochizuki was the first, but certainly not the last Bonten executive that will die in his hands.

Takemichi will not hesitate to end their bloodlines if any of them were unfortunate enough to be
seen by him and his men.

"...You've really changed, Hanagaki." Takeomi comments, gaze neutral and unreadable before
sighing. "I won't waste anymore of your time then. I'll get to the point, I've left Bonten and-"
Pulling out a small case from his suit pocket, it opened to reveal several USBs. "-these devices
contains everything that I know and own in Bonten. Information on the other executives, our main
channels for drug trades, our main hideouts-everything that comes with my position."

"Aren't you a generous one, or a fool on that matter." Takemichi only tilts his head to the side, an
amused smile taking over his relaxed countenance. "Spilling this much of your group's information,
what do you ever hope to achieve from making a deal with me?"

Takeomi doesn't avert his gaze from Takemichi's scrutinizing one, only ever holding his head

"Time, I want a bit of time with Wakasa, Benkei, and..." His gaze moves to his youngest sibling.
"Senju. I don't have much time anyways, I just want to spend my remaining time with them."

Takemichi remained unfazed, even as the temperature of the room dropped from Senju's hostile
glare worsening by the second. Yet Senju says nothing, ever the dutiful right hand woman of the
Black Dragons' leader, Takemichi will always remain at the forefront of her mind. That doesn't
stop her mood from getting worse however, she did have quite the grudge against her siblings.

It would be an understatement to say she wanted them dead.

Senju wanted to personally send her remaining family members to hell.

The raven haired man closes his eyes, as if to mull over the former executive's words. His mind
flashed a scene, an unfavorable one-

"Shit! They have a fucking sniper!" Yuzuha cursed as she clutched her bleeding shoulder whilst
Senju had pulled Takemichi aside to where the hotel window's couldn't reveal their position to the
sniper. "Be careful Boss!"

Senju's eyes were nothing short of murderous as she glared venomously at Takeomi. "You fucking
scum, I knew you were a waste of the boss' time!" She had quickly pulled out one of the pistols in
her holster and aimed at him. "You good for nothing piece of shit brother!! GO DIE ALREADY,"

"I didn't plan this, I swear Senju! I did not hire any snipers-"

Takemichi only huffed before opening his mouth.

"-Kill him."
Senju doesn't hesitate, pulling the trigger-

"Senju, pull the blinds immediately. We have a sniper on our case." Senju was immediately on her
feet and expertly rolling away from him and to the windows, pulling the blinds and completely
hiding themselves from the sniper's view.

"Hanagaki? What's wrong-" Takeomi begins to stand but is cut off by Yuzuha point a gun at him
with a cold gaze. "What's the meaning of this Hanagaki?!"

"Unless you want to die on the spot, I suggest you remain in your place." The number three of the
Black Dragons warned, a no nonsense tone in her voice. "Only our boss can dictate your fate the
moment you set foot in our territory."

"I always knew you were a sentimental old fool, hence I expected what you would request for in
exchange for the data." Takemichi smoothly stands and smiles pleasantly, taking the suitcase from
Yuzuha and placing it on the table, fiddling for the zippers. "That's why, I've decided to be
generous and prepare your present ahead of time, Akashi Takeomi."

"You were a first generation member of the Black Dragons, I ought to reward you just a little more
than the average crook." Chuckling to himself, Takemichi pulls the zipper and opens the case
before turning to face the former Bonten executive. "Well? How do you like it?" the raven haired
male's smile darkens as Takeomi's pallor turned pallid in a mere moment.

"Here are your beloved old friends, Takeomi-san."

In the suitcase were the decapitated heads of the Black Dragons former executives, Wakasa and

"A good friend of mine had informed me of Wakasa-kun and Benkei-kun's misadventures....I
mean, going to meet you in secret and stashing away the Black Dragons' hard earned money to aid
themselves and a Bonten runaway to live in secrecy? Goodness me! After all I've done for them
and this is how they chose to repay me....tsk, tsk, tsk." Takemichi clicked his tongue before smiling
condescendingly at the horrified Takeomi. "So I decided to have them do their last tasks of training
new recruits before being sent off to the guillotine. Here they are now too, aren't I so generous that
I'm having them meet you one last time?"

The raven haired male laughs, the sound far too pleasant yet insidious.

"You think I didn't know what you three were all up to?" Ocean blue orbs were a freezing hue,
unfeeling and unforgiving. "You're pathetic, you old fool. All of you are. Do you even know why I
waited this long for you to meet me?" Takemichi smirked as he gestured for Senju to come closer.
"Our brilliant Senju here was the one to suggest of this plan of waiting for you to come out....Why
don't you tell your poor big brother how this all came to be, Senju? He seems so lost and sad it's
quite pitiful to let him die without knowing the truth no?"

Senju only watched her brother grab his hair with a painful grip, her lips lifting up to reveal a
sinister grin.

"Take-nii always clung to the past, so I knew he would always slip up and contact Wakasa and
Benkei. I knew those two would betray us for old times' sake. Hence why I suggested we wait until
we have solid proof that those two were betraying the Black Dragons, and wait long enough for
Take-nii to come out on his own and hand over the information....Really, you played right into my
hand, stupid fucking brother of mine." The beautiful girl says as her eyes contained demented glee.
"We had certain people keep an eye on those two, and once we had enough evidence. I
volunteered to execute them."

Senju was full blown laughing now, tears forming in her eyes as she gleefully tramples on her big
brother's mental state.

"I was the one who tortured them all night. I didn't let them pass away peacefully too of course. I
made sure that they suffered for betraying the Black Dragons, for betraying the Boss who has been
nothing but kind to us all." Her grin morphed into a sneer. "I made them bleed and scream for their
lives. Dismembered them slowly and painfully until all they knew was beg to be killed already. It
was disgusting to see those two piss and defecate themselves, tch, and they call themselves
executives? Fucking pathetic, can't even handle a little bit of torture...."

Takemichi raised a hand and Senju immediately quiets down, but the malicious glint in her gaze
never diminished.

"And there you have it, Akashi Takeomi. The Black Dragons' final gift to you, two of your precious
old friends along with some private time with their one and only executioner, your beloved little
sister." He walks away but not before patting one hand on the man's shoulder, chuckling sweetly.
"Thank you for the information, I hope you have a great time with my number two. She's a
bit....insatiable when it comes to executions, but I'm sure as her big brother you'll man up to the
challenge, yes? I hope you savor this one final reunion before your trip to hell."

Patting him one last time, Takemichi pulled away as he waited for Yuzuha to pick up the small
case containing the USBs and leaving the room without so as much glancing back as the sound of
pleas and blades being pulled out from their sheath echoed.

The door closes behind him, and the leader of the Black Dragons lets out a relieved sigh before
walking away with Yuzuha right behind him.

"Should I send men to track down the sniper?"

"No need, they're most likely from Bonten, and as always they just want to gun down my precious
executives." Takemichi replies to Yuzuha's inquiry, shaking his head with a nonchalant tone. "Ever
so clingy, those insufferable pests."

"We now have vacant seats on two of our executive positions...." Yuzuha dutifully follows her
leader as they were safely escorted out of the hotel. "I take it that the official meeting is about to

"Yes, send every executive a notice to come to the main headquarters" A smile graces the beautful
leader's face. "It's about time we officially announce those two's presence. They've been nothing
but perfect for all these years. I only ever accept the best."

"Understood boss." Bowing deeply, Yuzuha pulls her phone and busied herself with messaging

Takemichi only comfortably leans back in the luxury seat of the car as they were driven back to his

Now, things were kicking up a notch.

He never planned on leaving an executive seat empty for long. Always having backup plans after
backup plan.

"I'm sure Naoto and Kazutora are excited to finally claim their rightful seats." He smiled as his
eyes vacantly watch the buildings they pass by, mind already far too prepared for the upcoming
mayhem that will transpire within the Black Dragons main headquarters.
The hit list was still quite long for his taste, but he'll get to shortening it sooner or later.

No one can or will ever break his empire.

Damn, I'm covered in flames

I don't need a fucking fire suit, bitch I got fire running through my veins

Ever since we made devilish I've been prying open heavens gates, yeah

Once I get in imma burn every bridge, then I'm dipping down the fire escape, yeah

Please stop playing catch up, this is not a race

Please don't call for backup, this is not a game

Put you in the dirt, you throw dirt on my fucking name

Push start, hit reverse, I back up in a wraith

"Failed? That's alright, he was there after all..." An alluring woman in her mid twenties with silky
long coral pink hair and a signature mole beside her lovely lips hums with a sweet smile before
rapidly pulling a gun from her dress and shooting the failure of a sniper at point blank range right
away. Uncaring of the blood splattering all over her dress and some even landing on her beautiful
face. "But that doesn't mean you get to live for failing to at least kill the traitor."

The lady, clad in a burgundy bodycon dress, sighs before turning her head to her partner who didn't
even bother watching the whole ordeal-deeming the sniper unworthy of his time.

She briefly scans her surroundings, currently in the lounge room of one of the many penthouses
they own and surrounded by familiar figures who were all at the top of Bonten's ranks.
A certain scarred man coughs into his fist before announcing.

"With the traitor out of the way, Kokonoi and I are recommending Chifuyu Matsuno and Mitsuya
Takashi for the vacant executive position. Leaders, your thoughts?"

Hinata Tachibana only smiles languidly, "Of course, Matsuno has shown nothing but excellence in
proving himself to us....Isn't that right? Mikey." Her gaze flickers to her partner, the co leader of
Bonten, who sits beside her on the couch staring at the ceiling with boredom so present in his dark
gaze. The suit donning male was well built despite being slim, hair a luxurious midnight black tied
into a small low ponytail and his eyes ever so pitch black.

Hinata hated anything that didn't resemble her precious sunshine, and Mikey too. So he dyed his
hair, grew it and made sure the quality is the same as their precious crybaby hero.

"Kill them if they break the rules." Such was the standard line from him, expecting nothing but
competency and loyalty from his executives. He had no affection for any of the executives save for
his partner, Bonten's other leader, Hinata Tachibana. Mikey was long passed sanity and only had
tunnel vision for a few goals.

Oh Takemitchy, how I wish to wreck you beyond repair.

"Did you hear that Matsuno and Mitsuya? You guys are in!" Hinata laughs as she watches two
figures emerge from the shadows, "Everyone, make sure to give our new executives a warm

Mikey blinked, before standing up and offering a hand to Hinata which she gracefully takes.
"Everyone is here. Let's get this started." WIthout waiting for anyone's reply, his dark eyes
scanning each and every executive. "Bonten has stayed in the shadows long enough, it's time we
take back what is truly ours. The Black Dragons rule? What a bad joke," Hinata continues for him.
"The leader behind that group is nothing but a coward far too holed up with delusions of grandeur,
and we are responsible of dragging him from the heavens and make him face reality."

"No empire is infallible to ruin. And The Black Dragons have ruled over Japan for far too long,
becoming arrogant and forgetting their place." Her grip on Mikey's hand tightened ever so briefly
before eyeing him with an expectant gaze.

Mikey's voice lowers, tone promising a dark fate to their rival gang and its members. Whom were
all looking at him with bloodthirsty glint in their gazes, all ready to shed blood and violence to the

"Ready yourselves, we're bringing down the emperor to his knees."

I live for the chase

I live for the drugs, I live for the money, I live for the fame

I live in the clouds, I ain't coming down, bitch I'm here to stay

Do your research, we don't ever make mistakes

Look death in the eyes like everyday, I live for the

Chapter End Notes

I refuse to look at any of the latest chapters of TR anymore much less finish it. Wakui
killed a lot of my inspiration to write for TR.

Song used- Chxse by Chase atlantic

Black Dragons
Chapter Summary

Meetings with all of the top executives of the Black Dragons was rare, but all of them
were sure to appear when summoned by their one and only emperor.

The lost of two executives and the emergence of another two did nothing to faze the
remaining ones.

All that mattered was the will of the emperor was being followed. That their positions
remain the same. That any threats to Hanagaki Takemichi's kingdom must be dealt
with the most severe punishments known to man.

The Black Dragons' might will remain forever, Takemichi willed it.

It must be done, no matter how much blood must be spilled in the process of doing so.

The main headquarters of the Black Dragons was nothing to scoff at.

Settled deep in the heart of Tokyo, a high rise building was bought and renovated to reflect the
wealth and might of the Black Dragons. Highly guarded by top-notch security and seen as another
conglomerate from the outside, the main headquarters has remained impenetrable against enemy
gangs and police alike. Each of the staff in the building were extremely respectful to the clients and
most importantly, those in charge of the Black Dragons.

And today was quite the special day for not only are all the top executives attending the meeting,
so is the leader of the Black Dragons himself.

And in the conference room where the meeting was about to be held, all staff made sure that
nothing was out of place and that all the executives were properly catered to.

Fortunately, the meeting this time was required to only have the executives and no other staff or
security was allowed in the room. All of the executives were dressed in the finest of suits perfectly
tailored for them.

Shiba Yuzuha, the Black Dragons' number 3, carefully eyes each and every executive in the room.
Her sharp gaze is satisfied to see all members were present and on time. There was still some time
left before their boss arrives, and she takes this moment to carefully survey the room. Good,
nothing was out of place.
"Seishu" The firm woman greets the model like male sitting to her left. Seishu Inupi, Black
Dragons' number 4 and one of the most loyal executives, only gazes back at her with a stoic gaze.
"You and Taiju were gone for a while."

"We made sure there were no loose ends before our departure." Inupi curtly replied back, his
layered sunflower blonde hair lightly swaying. His gaze showed nothing fimness and stoicism.
"Enforcing the Boss's will and making sure nothing will inconvenience the success of the Black
Dragons is of vital importance."

"I'm a lot of things but shoddy work is not on my list of traits." The hulking figure of Shiba Taiju
crosses his arms, fierce yellow eyes directing their focus on the pair. "I see that you're still number
3 as always, Yuzuha." His lips formed into a grin. "After the two morons' deaths I would've
thought there would be a change in rankings."

"Highly doubt yours will go up even if it did." Hanma, the lowest ranking among the top
executives only chuckles. "You're never gonna upstage your little sister, she's as sharp as a whip
and every bit of loyal to the Boss." Despite being ranked at the bottom, the male was not fazed
with the threatening glare of Taiju. "Plus, number two, four and the two new nutcases have better
likability than you. Isn't that right, Kazutora?"

At the mention of 'new', all eyes landed on the two additional members now sitting on the
previously vacant executive spots.

Both executives were male and donned fine suits. Though sat next to each other, they had been
fairly quiet the entire time.

"Can't argue with that one, coworker!" The male with long black hair and fringes dyed blonde was
the first to speak. An eerie smile plastering itself on his youthful features. Unblinking sandy
colored eyes slightly crinkled as he smiled widely at his 'co-workers'. "I'm pretty confident Naoto
and I are way high up in Takemichi's books!"

Hanma's gaze was unreadable as he eyed the clearly unstable male who gazed back at him with
faux cheerfulness. Though the tall male wasn't blind to the fact that there was no sign of
recognition in the other male's gaze.

Hanemiya Kazutora doesn't remember Hanma.

"Haven't really gotten around to introducing myself but the name's Kazutora!" Kazutora only
laughs, the sound unnerving to most. "As long as you don't get in Takemichi's way we can all be
buddy-buddies." His eyes widened ever so slightly, a clear manic glint present in his gaze. "Betray
him and I'll make sure you experience what hell really is."

The cheerful male then leans back to his seat, humming cheerfully after having had introduced
himself to the other executives.

"Please excuse him, he's simply much too happy on his first day as an official executive. My name
is Naoto." The second male cleared his throat, garnering everyone's attention. His black hair parted
to the right not hindering the calculating glint in his dark eyes. "Likewise, ensuring that our
emperor remains at the top is paramount." His lips formed a small smile, yet it was every bit
threatening as Kazutora's. "I'm sure no one would want a repeat of the failures."

Taiju only huffs whilst Hanma raises his hands in mock surrender.

"Fix yourselves, the boss is coming soon." Senju coldly uttered out, her gaze frosty as usual. "If any
of you disturb him during the meeting I'm shooting you on the foot."

Meetings with all of the top executives of the Black Dragons was rare, but all of them were sure to
appear when summoned by their one and only emperor.

The lost of two executives and the emergence of another two did nothing to faze the remaining

All that mattered was the will of the emperor was being followed. That their positions remain the
same. That any threats to Hanagaki Takemichi's kingdom must be dealt with the most severe
punishments known to man.

The Black Dragons' might will remain forever, Takemichi willed it.

It must be done, no matter how much blood must be spilled in the process of doing so.
Naoto wasn't surprised as he and Kazutora 'introduce' themselves to the other executives. Everyone
in this room knew that they had been working for Takemichi in the shadows for quite some time
now. While it was never officially stated, they both were utterly loyal to the Black Dragons' cause.
Or more specifically, to Takemichi's cause.

He was quite pleased to see the current members were completely not affected with the execution
of Keizo Arashi and Imaushi Wakasa.

Their activities over the years were strong proof that their loyalties to Takemichi was concrete.
Naoto made sure to have detailed reports of the executives' actions, keeping an eye for any
potential traitors.

The Black Dragons was now truly solid with its fortress. All that was needed now is the
elimination of their biggest enemy.

And for that to commence, the leader must make his appearance.

As the mahogany doors opened, every executive stands to their feet and bowed deeply at the figure
who leisurely makes his way to his designated seat.

Naoto doesn't have to check to know that Kazutora was basically trembling with excitement.

The man had waited for so long and endured so much just to be Takemichi's executive-it was fairly
understandable why his gaze was nothing short of reverent towards their leader.

Naoto doesn't blame him.

After all, the smiling man who now comfortably sits upon the throne was none other than
Hanagaki Takemichi.

The Black Dragons' leader.

The emperor favored by the heavens. The man who has traveled through time and died countless
times only to come back stronger than the previous timeline. His hero. His god.

"It's good to see you all in one piece, everyone."

Ocean blue eyes crinkled as his mouth opens, and his pleasant voice easily demanded the attention
of the executives.

"Let's get this meeting started, shall we?"

End Notes

"Hey me, why not make Takemichi evil and give everyone issues?"

-Sleep deprived me.

#noragrets, #takemichishouldsnapmore, #truehorroriswhengoodpeoplestopcaring

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