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Can You Feel It?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, 僕のヒーローアカデミア |
Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Relationship: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu &
Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Character: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray
Dogs), Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa
Shouta | Eraserhead
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Established Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu is a Little Shit (Bungou Stray
Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya Is So Done (Bungou Stray Dogs), Aizawa
Shouta | Eraserhead is So Done, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a
Good Teacher, Nakahara Chuuya is So Done with Dazai Osamu
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Humor, Bickering, Canon-Typical Violence,
Attempt at Humor, Fluff, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Minor
Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto
Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Double Black, Explosive Boy and Half'n'Half Boy
Stats: Published: 2022-12-20 Words: 2112

Can You Feel It?

by Lichtstrahl


At that, the detective took three long strides until he's right in front of the teacher and
grabbed Aizawa's hands with both of his, looking at him with glittering eyes.

Surprised, the raven tried to back away but Dazai is unexpectedly strong.

"Sensei, you can feel it too, can't you?" He asked the perplexed teacher whose eyes were
wide as he stared at him.

"Feel what?"


See the end of the work for notes

By the time the ginger looked up there was already a blinding flash and when he came to, he was
in a place surrounded by greens. He knows where this is and of course, the bastard behind this.

"What the hell, Dazai!?" He groaned. "I have so much work left to do!"

"I know." His husband grinned, pulling him up to walk to the building in front of them. "But I have
something much more interesting than Chuuya's stupid paperworks~"

"But I have deadlines." Chuuya groaned but followed him, anyway.

"They're not until next week, aren't they?"

Well… Chuuya looked away from his partner's knowing glance. He's had enough of reading
reports and signing them anyway. A little fun wouldn't hurt.

Wait– Dazai probably realized that and that's why he kidnapped him.

"What about you? Kunikida is going to wring you to death."

"He can't get me if I'm here." Dazai smirked and opened the door like he owned the damn place.

"Ah!" A pink girl exclaimed and immediately, all heads turned.

"Dazai-san, Chuuya-san! Long time no see!" Several kids greeted them and in no time, had them

"Hi, kids." Chuuya grinned. They're not that much of a kid but it still made Chuuya soft and fond.
"How've you been?"

"Great. We just finished our exams." Shouto told them.

"So you guys are on break?"


Yes, it was the U.A Kids' dormitory.

After getting here once, Dazai had noticed how Chuuya seemed to like the place and the kids.
Thus, he looked for a way to get them to come here whenever they pleased and— don't ask how.
Only Dazai knows.

"Oh, Katsu-kun!" Dazai waved at the lone male sitting on the sofa. "Always a tsundere. Come
here, would ya?"

"Who're you calling Tsundere? Die!" The blonde spat but walked to them anyway.

"Okay, so–!" Dazai clapped his hands together to get their attention along with Chuuya's. "Can I
meet your teacher? Aizawa-sensei, was it?"

"Do you need something from Aizawa-sensei?" Midoriya asked curiously.

"What are you planning?" Chuuya frowned at his husband.

"I'll go get him." Shouto volunteered and went out of their dorm to the teacher's.

"You should at least ask him what he needs, oi!" Katsuki shouted after the bicolor haired boy who's
long gone.

"Hi~ Sensei!" Dazai greeted cheerfully once the man in question entered his line of sight.

"Hello." Chuuya gave him a small nod.

"You guys came again. At least I appreciate you always coming on their break." The teacher said,
"So, I heard you need something from me."

At that, the detective took three long strides until he's right in front of the teacher and grabbed
Aizawa's hands with both of his, looking at him with glittering eyes.

Surprised, the raven tried to back away but Dazai is unexpectedly strong– not that strong till he
couldn't kick him away if he tried but the brunet didn't seem to harbor any ill intent.

"Oi, the hell are you doing? Come back here." Chuuya frowned, pulling Dazai by the back of his

"Sensei, you can feel it too, can't you?" He asked the perplexed teacher whose eyes were wide as
he stared at him.

"Feel what?" See, Aizawa is used to all kinds of shits his students pull but from a full grown adult?
Even he'd be surprised.

"Your quirk is gone, right?"

The teacher paused for a while and then nodded. "Yeah. I can't use it." He confirmed. "If you're
trying to do anything while–"

"He won't." Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"I've been wondering about this all day long and I got so curious to the point I couldn't focus on my
job and I just had to come here to test it out."

"Just spit it out, damn it." Chuuya groaned.

"Sensei, can you erase my ability ?"


Who in the world would want to get their ability erased so willingly?

"I've always wanted to try it, to not have ability. Pretty please?" He pouted helplessly at the other

"You're embarrassing me." Chuuya sighed exasperatedly and pulled him away from Aizawa.
"Sorry about that."

"Nee, sensei. Pleasee? You're the only nullifier I know." The brunet insisted.
"What if there's an emergency? It took some time to recover my quirk once it's used." He reasoned.

"No worries. The kids are all strong and Chuuya's there."

"What kind of an adult are you? You're setting bad examples." The mafioso continued to scold.

"Don't worry. We've known he's a bad example from the first time we met." Katsuki smirked and
Chuuya rolled his eyes at him.

"Well, I suppose it's okay."

"Yay!" The brunet cheered and stood in front of Aizawa, letting him look at him and activate his

Dazai then looked at his both hands, clenching and unclenching his fists. Nothing looked out of
ordinary but Dazai felt somehow empty . "You can really deactivate my ability." He said.

Chuuya, suddenly interested, looked at Dazai who's still looking at himself since it's the first time
he's stripped off his supposed strongest ability. "Really? Can I test it out?" He asked, sounding
somewhat excited and everyone watched in horror as Chuuya raised his fist and delivered a hard,
heavy gravity-packed punch.

"Wait–!!" Dazai raised his arms in defense but even with Chuuya's normal punch, he could send
him flying— using gravity? Dazai flew backwards, making Dazai-shaped holes on every wall he

"Oops." Chuuya said.

"That gotta hurt." Aizawa commented as they tried to look for the brunet.

Katsuki watched in awe. "Damn, you hate him that much?"

"You bet." Chuuya snickered but he was the first one to run out and look for his husband. "You
okay there!?"

" CHUUYA~ !!" The man screamed and everyone gathered to look at him buried under debris.

Upon the sight, instead of immediately helping him, Chuuya bursted out laughing .

"Haha, funny. Help me out!" He said unamusedly but Chuuya was too busy laughing that he turned
to the class of hero. "There's an innocent citizen in trouble here! What is the hero doing?" He
pouted and immediately, Izuku, Tenya and Ochako came to his rescue.

"Can you stand, Dazai-san?" Izuku asked as he supported the man up while said man was busy
glaring at his ginger partner.

"Sorry, sorry. Did I break a bone?" Chuuya said with a small laugh as he took Dazai from Izuku.

He showed Chuuya's his limp arms. " Both my arms." He hissed. "You know I hate pain!" He
whined loudly and almost everyone in the class winced at the sight of Dazai's arms that had been
rendered useless.

"I forgot you're a weakass stick without your ability." Chuuya reasoned.

"Well, if I can disable your ability, it looks like we should be able to fix you with our healers." The
teacher said and Dazai brightened up again.
"I've always wanted to try being healed by an ability!" He said cheerfully.

"Come with me."

Chuuya carried the whining man on his back as he cursed Chuuya with the most creative variations
he could come up with and Chuuya had to threaten to make him his punching bag to shut him up.

"We're here. It's our healer, Recovery Girl." Aizawa introduced.

"Hello, there." Chuuya nodded his head politely.

"My, what a beautiful lady." Dazai smiled. "I heard you're a very skillful healer, Miss. I'd really
appreciate it if you could help me with my little problem."

The elderly woman looked at him, unamused. "Where did you pick this guy up?"

"Sorry about that." Chuuya rolled his eyes at the usual behavior of his husband and set him down
on the bed.

"What happened?" She asked while examining Dazai's arms.

"Long story short, I accidentally broke his arms." Chuuya explained.

"How do you accidentally break his arms!?" She asked.

"Accident happens." The mafioso said and smiled apologetically at her 'so done' face.

Then without further questioning, the woman puckered his lips until it touched Dazai's cheek. Just
how long can this woman's lips extend and WHY in the world is she kissing his husband– Chuuya's
about to throw hands.

"It's how her quirk works." Aizawa explained and oh.

But still –!!

"I'm all better!" Dazai exclaimed in amazement. "So this is how it feels to get healed by an ability.
How convenient! But, eh ? Why am I feeling so tired suddenly?"

"Because healing takes energy. That's just how the body works." She explained. "If you're done,
you can go back.

"Well, thank you, Recovery Girl." Dazai nodded at her, yawning, while he spread both arms at
Chuuya. "Take responsibility." He said and Chuuya clicked his tongue before turning his back on
him, letting the man climb to his back again.

"Thank you, sensei, Recovery girl."

"Are you okay now, Dazai-san?"

The brunet looked at Shouto and nodded. "Yeah. Just really tired." He told him.

"That's how Recovery Girl's quirk works." Izuku said, probably remembering the times he ruined
his arms and got it fixed.

"I still wanna play around, though." The detective said and turned to Ochako.

"Ochako-chan, try making me float. I've always wanted to try that too."

Chuuya frowned. "Why don't you ask me ?"

"Because Chuuya is a bitch . Who knows what he might do to poor old me." He said. After what
happened, he'd rather entrust his safety to this sweet girl.

"Bitch, that doesn't even compare to what you've put me through all these years." He said and not
so gently put Dazai down.

"Chuuya, that hurts !"

"Good to know." The redhead shrugged.

"I'm divorcing you."


Shouto looked at them in panic. "I think you guys should talk it out first."

Katsuki held onto his shoulders when he attempted to get in between the two young adults. "Nah.
They're not being serious. Ignore them."

"I hate you."

"Feeling's mutual."

Dazai glared at his husband before going to Ochako who activated her quirk and let him float. The
brunet's eyes sparkled in awe as he tried 'swimming' in the air. So this is how it felt to float like
Chuuya. It's pretty fun but–

"Ugh, my head is spinning. Can you let me down?" Yeah, he'd rather stay on the ground . "Ah,
Sensei, can you give me back my ability. Thank you so much for today, you must be tired from not
blinking." He said and when Aizawa finally released him, Dazai felt the sensation of No Longer
Human returning.

"I really appreciate you playing along with this bastard's whims." Chuuya nodded his head in

"Uh– yeah."

"Chuuya, I'm tired." The ex-mafioso stretched his arms and back hugged Chuuya when he reached
him. "Let's go home."

"Sure. I'll hand you to your blonde partner while you sleep."

The brunet gasped loudly at that. "How dare you!"

"Do your work properly, damn it. Kids, don't become this kind of adult. I don't care if you are

"As if." Katsuki snorted, watching the two with full amusement. "I won't want to turn out like that.

The half and half boy shrugged. "But I kind of envy them."


"They're so close to each other." He told the blonde with a smile, secretly reaching for his hand.
"We still have a long time to reach that kind of closeness."

"W-Well, that's obvious, Icyhot . They've been together for years."

Shouto's smile deepened. "Can't wait to be like that with you too, Katsuki."

"Shut yer trap." The explosive boy muttered, looking away to hide the pink on his cheeks.

Shouto gave his hand a little squeeze before walking towards the two other world residents. "You
guys are really going back?"

"Yeah. It's always fun coming here but we've got our responsibility. Well, I do." Chuuya said,
ruffling the bicolor locks. "Thanks for today, too. Katsuki, too, come here."

The blonde grunted to himself and begrudgingly dragged his feet towards the ginger who gave him
head pats too.

"He's really asleep."

"The healer did say it took a lot of energy to heal. I guess she's right because I never see him asleep
like a baby when still surrounded by people." He told him, nuzzling the side of sleeping Dazai's
head and pulling a quiet moan of protest from him.

"See you guys. Hopefully the next time I come, it's not because this stupid fish decided to run away
from his work."

Katsuki chuckled. "That's pretty hard to imagine."

"Sucks, but I know right." Chuuya laughed along with him and waved at the pair and the rest of
the class and the teacher. "Thanks again for indulging him, Sensei. Everyone, too. Take care and
we'll see you guys again."

"You too, Chuuya-san, Dazai-san."

Chuuya waved at them before he then disappeared from their world.

End Notes

I've always wanted to write this and after so long, I finally did, woohoo!
Idk if I need to include the tdbk tags because it's so subtle
Anyway thank you so much for reading ♡
Kudos and comments are always appreciated
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