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Drop Dead Cynical

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Category: M/M
Fandom: 終わりのセラフ | Owari no Seraph | Seraph of the End
Relationship: Hyakuya Mikaela/Hyakuya Yuuichirou
Character: Hyakuya Mikaela, Hyakuya Yuuichirou
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Abduction, Forced Orgasm,
Sexual Slavery, Dark Hyakuya Mikaela, Possessive Behavior, Abusive
Relationships, Manipulation, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Minor Character
Death, NSFW Art
Language: English
Collections: Vixenfur's Work For Others
Stats: Published: 2020-08-18 Words: 10,420 Chapters: 1/1

Drop Dead Cynical

by Vixenfur


Yuu couldn’t even imagine the way it would feel. He shouldn’t have to imagine. He
shouldn’t even be in this situation, but there was nothing he could do to avoid his fate now.

He was trapped and he had no choice but to endure and survive this living nightmare.

In a world where Mika had become twisted over the years and got his way, "running away"
with Yuu like he wished the first time they reunited, things might have turned out much,
much differently.



I repeat: please read the warnings and take them seriously!! this fic contains a brutal, dark
scene and can be triggering. Take care and avoid this fic if you don't want this kind of

This is a prompt for anonymous, I did not come up with this concept, the outcome or
anything—I simply wrote out this person's fantasy. If you enjoy it as well, I'd appreciate
your feedback!!
All you need to know is that this is canon divergent from Episode 10/11 (chapter 13) when
MikaYuu reunite for the first time.

Warning for NSFW art below by @dootdootliteratureclub here on AO3. I hope you

See the end of the work for more notes

“Put me down!! Mika, I said put me down!!”

The boy in his arms had been screaming and struggling for some time now, but since they were
finally far enough away from the battle, Mika made the decision to briefly slow down. If he
couldn’t convince Yuu to calm down soon, he’d just have to take matters into his own hands and
knock Yuu unconscious for the rest of the journey.

The adrenaline rush from the battle was just beginning to fade away and Mika was regaining his
breath. The deep wound that formed in Mika’s chest from the moment he’d been impaled with
Yuu’s sword had healed itself at last, though he swore he could still feel the phantom throbbing of
his flesh around the blade. More importantly than his pain at that moment was the shock of it all;
he had been totally awestruck by the face in front of his own when he was stabbed. It wasn’t just
any other measly human who had been charging toward him.

It was Yuu. Their eyes met for the first time in years and the emotion that Mika was overwhelmed
with was astronomically powerful. For ages now he had been waiting, plotting, and trying to get
his hands on Yuu again. At last, the moment was here and his Yuu was in front of him again.

Before the humans arrived to fight, Mika had been perched up on a ledge next to Ferid, surveying
the surrounding area and trying to calculate what he’d do if he encountered Yuu like he planned.
The older vampire was the cause of his pain on most days, but Mika couldn’t deny that he was very
smart and perceptive—he was able to tell from the hungry look on Mika’s face that Mika was
thinking about nothing besides Yuu.

“Go ahead and handle him yourself.” Ferid had granted him permission to take matters into his
own hands with a wily smirk spreading on his lips. He shrugged and flipped his silver ponytail over
his shoulder as he elaborated their plan to the younger vampire crouched beside him. “We need
that human in our possession. After all, our Queen demands it, you know. I know you want your
precious little angel all to yourself, so I’ll leave him up to you, Mika-kun. Do whatever you like to
your sweet treat.~ Just be back in Sanguinem by nightfall. Understood?”

Mika hadn’t answered at first. He wanted to run away with Yuu and get somewhere far from the
chaos, away from humans and vampires alike. He figured that would be the happiest ending, to get
somewhere that they were both safe from the dangers of this war.

However, deep down, Mika knew better than to think they could survive long in these dire
circumstances. Ferid and the other vampires would pursue them and possibly separate them,
claiming that they couldn’t be trusted together again. Practically speaking, Mika couldn’t make it
far when he was dependent on Krul’s blood—not unless he wanted to give up the remaining
fragments of his humanity and drink Yuu’s blood to complete his transformation. That was a
dangerous thought to entertain, for Mika very well might go berserk and drain Yuu if left to his
own devices.
He realized he had no better option than to obey Ferid and bring Yuu back to Sanguinem. The
thought of the vampires using Yuu for their own gain pissed him off, but ultimately, Mika would
lay his claim over Yuu. Mika was the queen’s “dog,” after all. She would likely give him the
permission he wanted to have total, unquestioned ownership over Yuu.

The thought of owning Yuu like a pet deeply pleased Mika. All he wanted was for Yuu to be his,
safe and sound. He wanted to hide Yuu away from the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, from the
humans, from the world—all so that he was under Mika’s watch and no one else’s. The thought of
Yuu being with him eternally was the only thing motivating Mika to stay alive at this point—or at
least, as alive as he could be.

They were far from the battle now and the sounds of fighting were nothing but distant echoes from
between deserted, damaged skyscrapers. Mika had reluctantly agreed to stop and set Yuu down
onto his feet, but he stood firmly between Yuu and their route back to where they abandoned
everyone else. Even if Yuu tried to run, Mika was much faster. The human didn’t stand a chance
putting distance between the two, but Mika did notice that he had his demon weapon attached to
his hip, which could prove to be dangerous if Yuu really wanted to resist Mika. He eyed the sword
briefly and tried to make sure he remembered to dispose of it on the way to Sanguinem.

“How… how could you!?” Yuu cried out as he looked up at Mika for the first time, finally
meeting his eyes with his expression twisted in despair. Tears flooded his eyes as he trembled
before Mika, so overridden with emotion that Mika felt slightly uncomfortable. He couldn’t
remember the last time he felt so passionately about anything that didn’t involve Yuu. To see Yuu
so worked up over something else was making Mika feel a little angry and jealous.

“How could you do this to me?” Yuu repeated, his voice ragged with sobs. “Mika… do you not
realize what happened back there!? My family—my family is dead … again!!”

“Those humans were not your family,” Mika hissed lowly, truly feeling frustrated that Yuu was
acting so pitifully over the lives of those measly humans. As Mika ran off with Yuu in his arms,
Crowley, Horn, Chess, Rene, Lacus, and Ferid had taken care of the other humans by pinning them
down and draining them of their blood. Vampires had a keen sense of smell, so even as they ran
away, Mika could smell the unmistakable stench of death take over the battlefield. The vampires
had won and the soldiers were killed—all but one, and he was standing before Mika now, shaken
and furious.

“But they were, Mika!” Yuu shouted in anguish. “They became my family, just like kids at the

“This is not the same thing!” Mika snapped, already enraged that Yuu would dare to make such a
comparison to their precious family and those disgusting excuses for humans. He leaned forward,
using his slight height over Yuu to tower before him and bare his fangs threateningly. “Those
humans were only using you to their own advantage, Yuu-chan. They didn’t love you. They didn’t
care about you—not like I do. No one loves you like I do.”

“If you cared about me and loved me like you said, you wouldn’t have taken me away while my
family was murdered!” Yuu fired back angrily as tears slipped down his flushed cheeks in hot
waves. “I ran away from my family getting killed once and I swore I’d never do it again! Now it’s
too late and it’s all your fault!”

“Shut up!” Mika snarled, unthinkingly raising his arm and rearing it back to smack Yuu across the
face. Just in time he froze up, realizing that if he used his full force, he might have broken Yuu’s
jaw or done something irreparable to the human’s fragile body. In response to the sudden
threatening gesture, Yuu flinched and his breath hitched into shocked silence. He stared back at
Mika with wide, unbelieving eyes. His tone and gesture must have frightened Yuu, but at least it
gave Mika a moment to try and rationalize the situation with Yuu.

“Yuu-chan, you’re not the only one living with survivor’s guilt,” Mika started off as he lowered his
arm, his eyes shaded a dark blue with his building anger and frustration. His hand clenched into a
trembling fist instead. “Don’t you understand? It was my fault we even tried to escape in the first
place. I led us into Ferid’s trap and got us all killed. You think that doesn’t haunt me every single
night and day? You think it hasn’t driven me crazy? You think I want to remember the smell of
their blood and the sounds of their screams getting cut off knowing it was all thanks to my stupid,
childish, gullible and pathetic mistake?”

Yuu’s breath hitched as he processed this realization that Mika had been living all these years, just
as traumatized and broken as Yuu had been. Mika fell silent for a moment, keeping his eyes trained
on Yuu, his half-human heart pounding wildly in his chest. More importantly, Mika was slowly
becoming pissed that Yuu wasn’t reacting to the sight of him like Mika had hoped.

Yuu thought Mika was dead all these years—shouldn’t he be relieved and overjoyed to see Mika
again? Why was he blaming Mika for what just happened when those idiotic humans had it

He hadn’t expected that Yuu would have formed an attachment to those pathetic humans, for
crying out loud. That wasn’t part of his plan. He was enraged that Yuu seemed to be more upset
over the loss of their insignificant lives than relieved that Mika was here with him again. Where
were those amazed tears that Mika saw drip from his pretty lashes back on the battlefield? Where
was that endearing blush on his rounded cheeks? Where were those quivering pink lips stuttering
out Mika’s name like he was a miracle sent down from the sky?

Doesn’t he love me like I love him? Mika’s hands clenched into tight fists.

“T-Then you should understand what I’m feeling,” Yuu countered after the silence settled between
them, his voice still wavering with emotion. “I just charged into the battle that got them all killed,
and now they’re— dead. Four lives gone for good… and I’m the only one standing again!?”
Yuu’s tone heightened into a shrill wail and he lowered his head with agonizing shame. “Mika,
take me back. Maybe at least Guren is still alive, and we can—”

“No,” Mika interrupted coldly, his eyes narrowing warningly as he stalked towards Yuu. “No,
Yuu-chan. We’re not going back. You’re with me now, do you understand?”

Mika blocked the pathway back to the battlefield from where they came, his white cape drifting in
the wind and billowing around his legs. Yuu’s expression shifted from misery to shock, his eyes
rounding with disbelief as he looked back at Mika.

Mika held Yuu’s gaze with a fiery, impassioned stare as he explained, “I’m your only family, Yuu-
chan. All this time, I’ve been alive, waiting for you, living for you. Now it’s about time you live for
me again, too.”

Yuu began shaking his head as he took an unsteady step back. “N-No, Mika, what are you saying?
I’m living to get revenge for you. I had no idea you—that you lived, all this time… b-but you…”
He let out a soft whimper as something inside of him must have snapped and crumbled to dust. He
sagged suddenly, then hollowly realized something deeply awful.

“You’re not the Mika I remember…” Yuu whispered, his expression shifting from desperate to
Mika’s blood ran cold. “What?” His instinctive reaction was to snicker. He coldly laughed and
dismissed, “That’s ridiculous and you know it, Yuu-chan. What are you talking about? I’m right
here. It’s me, Mika.”

“No!” Yuu shouted, the life now returning to his eyes. He took a few more steps back to try and
put distance between them. Mika saw Yuu’s hand hover by the hilt of his sword, as if he were
considering fighting Mika off. Feeling slightly nervous, Mika tensed, already gathering his
strength in his muscles and preparing to jump in order to pin the human down, if need be. Yuu
didn’t pull his weapon out, but his stance was defensive and Mika froze in his advance. He knew
he was stronger than Yuu, but he also didn’t want to kill his precious pet so soon.

“No, you’re not Mika!” Yuu went on furiously, his eyes watering with tears of betrayal. “You’re
not the Mika I grew up with! You’re cruel and cold-hearted! You let my family die and you don’t
even care about how I feel!”

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Rage boiled underneath Mika’s skin and pain stabbed like needles at his heart.
He couldn’t believe the words that were coming from Yuu’s mouth. Mika snarled warningly and
continued to stalk towards Yuu, like he was a predator hunting his prey. His blue eyes glinted
wildly and his razor-sharp fangs elongated from his gums, painting a terrifying image for the
human he was focused on. Yuu’s legs were shaking, making it obvious that he was in no state to
run from Mika, let alone fight. He was too physically drained and emotionally shattered from what

Pity pulled at Mika’s heartstrings, but this would be so much easier for both of them if Yuu just
caved in and listened to Mika. After all, this was all truly Yuu’s own fault. He shouldn’t have been
so naive and trusted those evil, deceptive humans. All they were doing was manipulating Yuu and
using him for their own wicked desires, and Yuu would understand that if he just trusted Mika.
Unlike them, Mika knew what was best for Yuu and understood where he belonged. Yuu’s rightful
place was beside Mika as his precious family, all his to enjoy, forever and ever.

“I have changed,” Mika agreed slowly, his tone icy and controlled, “and the Mika you know might
have died that day… but I’m sure you’ve changed as well, Yuu-chan. You’re not the same innocent
little boy you once were, are you? Understand that I’ve been through my own experiences that
make me the way I am now, just like you.”

Mika swallowed down his fury briefly to extend his hand, palm-up towards Yuu. He was giving
Yuu one last chance to make a choice for himself. If he turned Mika away after this, then Mika
would have no other option but to use force. He didn’t want to resort to that, but he was already
gearing up to do so—his blood raced through his body and he was tense with the urge to leap if
necessary. He never thought he would have to rely on such violent methods to tame Yuu, but it
seemed Yuu had changed a lot over the years as well.

“Trust me, Yuu-chan, and run away with me,” Mika tried one last time, keeping his hand extended
towards Yuu. The human’s stunningly beautiful green eyes flickered down towards Mika’s hand,
studying it, determining if it was the right choice or not. Mika held his breath and waited. All Yuu
had to do was take Mika’s hand and accept his fate. Mika licked his lips and waited for a moment
longer, allowing the silence to settle between them before he tried urging Yuu towards the right
decision again. “No one is waiting for you back there. They’re gone, and you shouldn’t miss them
anymore. They were only using you, Yuu-chan. They were never your real family, not like me.
You only have me now.”

Yuu’s expression shifted from desolation and loss to pure, unbridled rage in the snap of a finger.
Mika’s heart stopped for a second as Yuu vehemently smacked Mika’s hand away and fixed him
with a fiery glare, one loaded with utter hatred and betrayal. The sight made Mika’s gut clench with
disappointment and the understanding that he’d just have to drag Yuu, kicking and screaming, to
Sanguinem whether he liked it or not.

“Like hell!” Yuu snapped, his voice ragged with his choked-up tears and anger. “You’re not the
Mika I know! Get out of my sight! I don’t want to ever see you again, you awful, disgusting

Mika moved in an instant. He used his vampiric speed and strength to rush up to Yuu in a
heartbeat, smack him hard, and render him unconscious before Yuu could even see what was
coming. He caught Yuu’s body before he fell to the ground and gripped him tightly in his shaking,
enraged hands.

I know I’m a hideous monster, Mika thought as agony tore at his heart. Yuu’s words taunted him
and dug deeper than he probably realized. He hated himself more than Yuu would ever hate him,
that was for sure, but there was nothing Mika could do about who he had become. This was just
his fate. This was the way the cruel, cold world had twisted a once cheerful and loving little boy
into a dangerous, possessive, violent creature of the night.

Mika unhinged Yuu’s sword from his belt and threw it into a pile of city rubble with an irritable
click of his tongue. They couldn’t risk that thing being anywhere near Sanguinem, lest Yuu
managed to slip between Mika’s fingers and tried to fight his way out from there. Yuu was a
stubborn person and Mika wouldn’t put it past him to attempt escape once or twice before he
realized he didn’t have a choice in the matter after all.

He had to make sure that wouldn’t happen. If he couldn’t coax Yuu into loving him and trusting
him naturally, he would just have to break Yuu’s mind until he had no other choice but to submit to
Mika’s will.

After all, Mika would do anything to make sure Yuu was safe.

Absolutely anything.


Yuu groaned as he began to stir awake. His head was throbbing and he felt like he was floating
somewhere deep underwater, gradually floating towards the surface of consciousness and
painstakingly pulling himself free from the heavy submergence of sleep. He was a bit dazed as he
blinked his eyes open and started to shift his body, attempting to feel around and figure out where
he was.

The events that occurred before Yuu was knocked unconscious slowly began to become clear in
his mind. Images of Shinoa, Yoichi, Kimizuki and Mitsuba screaming as they were overpowered
by vampires flashed by his mind. Dread immediately settled heavily in his gut from the crushing
reminder that they were now dead, drained empty by their vampiric enemies. He remembered
crying, screaming, and fighting—but in the center of the chaos was a face he never thought he’d
see again.


His family member was still alive. At first, all Yuu could think about was Mika. He felt a sort of
serene relief, like his heart was light as a feather, like a miracle had occurred to bring Mika back
into his life. He would have stood there, starstruck by the sight of Mika were it not for the battle
raging around them, leaving Yuu absolutely no time to process the supposed resurrection of his
former best friend.

Just when things took a turn for the worst, Mika grabbed him and ran away, dragging Yuu far from
the field—too far for him to turn around and go back. He isolated Yuu, told him that the death of
his family was nothing he should mourn over, and insisted that Yuu’s only path was running away
with him instead.

Yuu might have agreed to such terms were it not for the monster Mika had clearly become. Yuu
could look past his cat-like slitted pupils, the sharp pointed fangs and his ghostly-pale complexity,
but what he couldn’t accept was Mika’s lack of any human emotion. He gazed back at Yuu with
the face of his family, but there was no compassion left to be found in those cold, achingly
nostalgic azure eyes. He was cruel, he was furious and he was forceful.

He was nothing like the Mika that Yuu remembered.

When Yuu sat up fully, feeling miserable and defeated, he heard the gentle clanging sounds of
metal chain-links rubbing together. Startled, Yuu looked down at his limbs and felt his breath hitch
in his chest.

His wrists and feet were bound together in shackles. He still wore his uniform, though his boots
had been removed to put the shackles on. He gulped and felt the shift of a chain around his neck as
well, cold and carelessly tight around his throat. He could still breathe just fine, but the presence of
the collar made it hard for him to shift his neck how he liked. It felt like the collar was choking him
as panic began to settle in, and he instantly felt the urge to break free from these restraints. For a
moment, he squirmed around, feeling uncomfortable as his heart wildly raced in his chest.

Yuu caught his breath and thought about calling for help, but he snapped his mouth shut and
decided to look around the room first. Screaming would give away his location in a heartbeat—he
should be more careful and survey his surroundings before he tried to do anything else.

Silently and carefully, Yuu glanced to the side and instantly noticed the presence of another
vampire. He was sitting on a bed in the stony, dimly-lit room Yuu found himself in. The room
reminded Yuu of a cellar, for even though there were some windows, they were barred and they
showed nothing but the eternal darkness of Sanguinem. His breath hitched as he recognized the
man seated on the bed as Mika, who was cooly watching Yuu wake up and fidget around with
emotionless eyes and elegantly crossed legs.

“You’re awake,” Mika remarked softly, as if Yuu had just calmly woken up in a bed rather than in
chains and shackles. He didn’t seem to care that such a situation, in which Yuu had absolutely no
freedom, would terrify Yuu and make him feel less than welcome.

“M-Mika, I don’t understand this!” Yuu cried out, trying to get to his feet and rush over to him, but
the chains jerked against him and kept him in place. He realized the shackles on his ankles and
wrists were connected to each other, but the metal collar around his neck was bolted by a chain to
the wall. With a strangled gasp, Yuu collapsed back onto his rump. “Why…? Why am I locked up
like this? Why are you treating me like a slave, Mika!? Answer me!!”

Mika’s eyes narrowed and he clenched his teeth together, as if angered by Yuu’s rising panic and
insistent questioning. He got to his feet, his white cape swirling around his feet and swaying with
each footstep he took towards Yuu.
When Mika approached him, Yuu felt so small and insignificant, quivering at the feet of a noble
much more powerful than he was. His skin crawled from the realization—this man towering above
him was not the Mika he remembered. It felt like he was talking to a demon who was just using
Mika’s face to torment him.

“Yuu-chan, you’re making this harder for yourself,” Mika insisted while coldly shadowing Yuu’s
crouched form. “The sooner you accept that you’re staying with me, the sooner you will calm
down and—”

“How can I be calm when my family is dead!?” Yuu shouted, interrupting the vampire mid-
sentence with his shaking, emotional voice. His mind was racing and his hands were trembling
with the realization that he absolutely had to escape, to save the lives of those still depending on
him. Time was running out and every moment he spent here was counting down to the deaths of so
many innocent people. “I might be able to save some of them! They could be hanging on, just
barely alive! A-And Guren might still be—”

“Yuu-chan!” Mika hissed, now slamming his arm up against the wall above Yuu’s head. Yuu’s
words came to a screeching halt and he realized just how cornered he was, back pressed up against
the stone wall with Mika right before him. Those piercing blue eyes stared down at him as he
argued, “Why are you still thinking of them when I’m right here? I’m your only family, Yuu-chan.
I’m alive. I’m with you. Does anything else, especially those deceiving humans, really matter

Whatever words Yuu wanted to say died in his throat. He felt devastated, for being with this
vampire—a hollow shell of the Mika he once knew and loved—was only making Yuu ache and
hurt even more. He thought he’d expressed his agony enough already, but it seemed Mika was not
going to just undo his chains and let him be free no matter how he begged to be released.

Yuu would just have to try and trick Mika instead.

It was far too easy for Yuu to tear up and begin to cry, for the stress and shock of the entire
situation had him on the verge of sobbing the whole time. He hung his head with defeat and
allowed his thick, hot tears to drip down his cheeks, taking a silent moment to mourn the loss of
the people he had considered family, even if only for a short time.

Shinoa. Yoichi. Kimizuki. Mitsuba.

I’m so sorry I failed you all.

“Mika…” Yuu croaked out as he hunched his shoulders forward, trying to appear as small and
pitiful as he could. “I have nothing… nothing anymore… but you. I’m sorry, I just… I don’t want
to be alone again…”

That was all it took for Mika to kneel down and pull Yuu into a tight embrace. The chain
connected to the shackle around his neck went taut as he was pressed against Mika’s chest, the
links clinking together behind his head. Yuu sniffled and leaned into Mika, for he couldn’t wrap
his arms around him in return thanks to the chains on his wrists.

“You’re not alone anymore,” Mika consoled, his words loaded with warmth, though at the same
time, his tone had an icy edge to it. The threat was not verbalized, but Yuu knew that Mika still
hadn’t bought his act. “I’m here with you, Yuu-chan. Your family is here.”

Yuu nodded and nuzzled into Mika’s subdued warmth, though his heart continued to pound rapidly
with fear. He was trying to calculate his escape, to figure a way out. If he could convince Mika to
remove the shackle from his neck, he had a chance fighting Mika and escaping through the door.
He had no idea what was beyond that door, but if he managed to sprint out of Sanguinem with
blood soaking his clothes, barefoot in the dead of winter when he was barely twelve years old, he
could do it now.

As the silence ticked by, Yuu’s tears slowed down and he steadied his breathing. He let out a thin
whimper and turned his head, angling his face so that his words brushed up sweetly against Mika’s

“Mika… my knees really hurt on this cold, hard floor,” Yuu whispered, sounding just as miserable
as he felt. “Please, can you put me on the bed…?” After a pause, Yuu added for safety, “With

Mika tensed up and Yuu could feel the way his fingers flexed against Yuu’s back, as if thinking
about it. He didn’t answer immediately, but after a moment, he picked something small and
metallic off of his cloak. It must have been a tiny key or something, for Mika then reached behind
Yuu’s neck to seek out the lock.

“Alright,” Mika responded, and Yuu heard the little mechanism of the lock turning. Then, the
metal collar loosened around his neck as it came undone. He knew now was not the time to run, so
he remained docile and obedient while Mika scooped Yuu up into his arms and carried him to the
bed. The intimacy of their position had Yuu’s face heating with embarrassment, unknown feelings
swirling in his chest as he was delicately set down on the edge of the mattress. His heart pounded
but he attributed it to his adrenaline, knowing that he had to bolt the second he had the chance.

Yuu swallowed down the strange emotion that bubbled up in his chest after being so tenderly held
by Mika. It was just his intrinsic reaction to feeling Mika, someone he once loved so deeply,
holding him again—even if he knew logically that the Mika before his eyes was not the same
person deep down inside. He couldn’t help his reaction no matter the circumstances.

When Mika knelt down in front of Yuu to unclasp the chains connecting Yuu’s feet together, Yuu
decided that this was his only chance to escape. With Mika already close to the ground, eyes
trained on Yuu’s feet, Yuu could take advantage of this position. He would have to kick Mika in
the face as hard as he could and jump over his body while he was still shocked from the blow.
Otherwise, he didn’t know when his next opportunity would come.

The shackles around his feet clicked, and the second the metal chains fell to the ground, Yuu
sprang into action. His heart lurched with fear and the understanding that he’d need to use every
ounce of strength he had to fight and survive. Energy shot through his limbs unlike ever before.

“Nngh!” Yuu used all his might to slam his foot into the side of Mika’s face, the force of the blow
enough to send the vampire falling onto his side with a strained hiss. Yuu bolted to his feet and
sprinted towards the door, breaths rapid with panic and exhilaration. He had a feeling the door
wouldn’t open the moment he got there, but he yanked on the knob anyway and felt a rush of hope
as it actually started to give. It was unlocked!

Yuu didn’t get it far enough open to get out, however—suddenly, the door was slammed shut from
behind him with a force much stronger than any human could manage. A threatening snarl
sounded behind him, filling Yuu with icy-cold fear. With a cry of dismay, Yuu knew he just hadn’t
been fast enough. Perhaps some part of him held back during that crucial moment, reluctant to kick
the face of his own family member no matter how twisted he became, and now it was his own fatal
error that he’d pay for.

A hand grabbed Yuu’s neck and turned him around, then slammed him back up against the heavy,
wooden door. Yuu let out a choked gasp, his teary eyes staring down at the enraged face of Mika,
who was licking blood from his split lip with a swipe of his tongue. He grimaced at Yuu, flashing
elongated, razor-sharp fangs as he let out a dark chuckle.

“That was cruel of you, you know,” Mika growled mockingly, his fingers constricting around
Yuu’s neck much like the cold metal shackle had just moments prior. “Trying to bite the hand that
feeds you is not very nice, Yuu-chan.”

Mika had spat out the word ‘nice,’ sending droplets of his blood splattering against Yuu’s cheek.
The hot feeling of blood on his skin only added to Yuu’s discomfort and struggle, making his heart
ache with the reminder of just what kind of monster Mika had become. Yuu’s feet kicked around
wildly and he could do nothing but hold onto Mika’s powerful arm, the only thing lifting him from
the ground and keeping him pinned against the door. Mika leaned in closer, his eyes ablaze with an
intense, fiery emotion that honestly terrified Yuu to his core.

“You’ve always been so thoughtful,” Mika hissed, loosening his grip just enough to allow Yuu the
air to breathe. He gulped down the oxygen graciously, but his head continued to spin and his vision
grew fuzzy on the edges. Mika continued, “What changed, Yuu-chan? Or is it that you don’t
understand just what I feel for you? Maybe it’s my mistake for not being clearer.”

“Nnh…!” Yuu winced as Mika’s fingers tightened on his neck just as Yuu thought he could squirm
away again. Mika’s breath was hot on his face and his eyes bore into Yuu’s, unforgivingly intense
and loaded with a vicious sort of passion.

“Why don’t I show you just how much I love you?” Mika suggested, though considering the eerie
tone he used and the way those words seemed to drip from Mika’s fangs like poison, Yuu had a
feeling it wouldn’t be a great experience for him. More tears welled in Yuu’s eyes, and he barely
had a chance to respond before Mika turned around. He adjusted his grip on Yuu’s neck to drag
him across the room.

Not waiting for an answer, Mika carried Yuu to the bed, holding him in the air by the nape like a
misbehaving cat. He was dropped down onto the bed, but before Yuu could try and scramble away
and put any sort of distance between them, Mika was in front of him in an instant. Unarmed with
his wrists bound together, Yuu knew he had no chance in winning a fight against Mika with his
strength alone. Mika was way stronger than he was and he could end Yuu’s life with one hit if he
wanted to.

He didn’t want to though, did he? Yuu would have never believed that Mika wanted to kill him
before, but now, he wasn’t sure what to think. He was terrified and shaken, for he had never seen
Mika like this, so enraged and impassioned as he crawled atop Yuu with a snarl on his lips. He
bore his fangs at Yuu like a rabid animal, the sight clearly meant to intimidate Yuu into
submission. He still had one hand on Yuu’s neck and he used that grip to keep Yuu pinned down in
place, squeezing tight enough to feel the way Yuu’s pulse rapidly hammered against his palm.

Yuu didn’t think the situation could really get any worse, but when Yuu felt the way his pants and
underwear were suddenly yanked down to his ankles, his heart seized with fear and confusion. He
knew Mika was furious at him for his pathetic escape attempt, but Yuu never thought that Mika
would resort to humiliating him like this.

“M-Mika? What are you— Mika!” Yuu whimpered before he cried out with shock, his skin
blushing an embarrassed shade of scarlet that burned hot across his cheeks. He instinctively tried to
keep his legs shut to preserve some of his modesty, but Mika used his strength to push them wide
open, baring everything for Mika to see if he pleased. Yuu’s half-hard cock and pink little hole
were exposed to the open air, and he shivered with a disturbing level of fear as Mika’s hand slid
down from his knee along the tender inside of his thigh.

He was going to touch Yuu where no one had ever touched him before. Yuu hadn’t spent much
time imagining what his first time would be like, for he had been too busy thinking about his
vengeance and survival to worry about silly teenage follies like sex. Regardless, he never thought it
would be like this—a forceful act against his own will. He knew he couldn’t win in a fight, so the
next thing he could do was close his eyes and try to hide the shame in his eyes from Mika’s prying

“Oh? Look at that, Yuu-chan…” Mika cooed as his fingers petted Yuu’s cock for the first time.
Yuu let out a strained whimper as Mika whispered, “You got excited over me chasing you down,
didn’t you?”

“N-No, I…” Yuu tried to resist despite the heat settling in his face and spreading out through his
core. He did get a boner from the adrenaline rush, but that didn’t mean he actually wanted things to
continue, let alone to be groped like this without giving Mika permission to do so.

Though no matter what he said, the touch made Yuu’s breath hitch from the unexpected heat that
blossomed from Mika’s fingers and burned underneath his skin. He never knew that someone else
caressing his cock like that could feel so good. It was a conflicting moment for Yuu—despite how
pleasurable it felt, he was being taken advantage of by not just anyone. It was Mika doing
something so horrible to Yuu. The realization was devastating and a fresh wave of tears gathered in
his eyes.

“Ngh… Mika,” Yuu begged weakly, though against his will, his hips started canting up into
Mika’s firm touch. The friction of his little cock on Mika’s palm felt too good to resist and he was
quickly feeling out of breath, his mind fogging with heated lust. No matter how much he wanted to
curl into a ball of shame and never meet Mika’s eyes again, he had no choice but to lay there and
let Mika toy with him for as long as he wanted.

He had no clue how long he’d last like this. Maybe once he came, Mika would stop or snap out of
whatever awful mindset he was in. Yuu doubted it, but he was trying to cling to any fragments of
hope he had left. Yuu was reluctant to sink into the heated sensations stirring low in his gut, but it
was happening anyway against his will. He quivered and tossed his head from side to side, trying
to resist, desperate to hold onto his logic despite the maddening, building pleasure pooling down
between his spread thighs.

Before he could crest over that peak, Mika’s hand disappeared. Yuu let out a shuddering sigh,
trying his best to suppress the disappointed whimper that threatened to reveal how his body really
felt about the situation. He slumped against the bed and shivered, for Mika trailed his hand up his
front until he was caressing Yuu’s jaw.

“Why are you doing this?” Yuu asked brokenly, his voice thin and shaky as he looked tearfully up
into Mika’s eyes. His cock was throbbing and wet at the tip, so hot and sensitive that he was
partially tempted to flip over and grind himself against the mattress just to get it all over with. Too
much was happening at once and Yuu was achy and overstimulated already, though the darkness in
Mika’s eyes told him they were nowhere near finished.

Mika whispered, “To show you my love. Now be good and suck, Yuu-chan.”

Suck? Yuu tensed and his eyes widened with confusion. Mika gave Yuu no time to respond before
his fingers were pushing at the seam of Yuu’s lips, requesting entry, now making it clear what he
meant by his demand. Yuu didn’t want to open up, and he even briefly debated biting Mika’s
fingers instead, but he refrained. He knew that the vampire would simply regenerate his wounds
and grant Yuu even less comfort than he already was given. Reluctantly, he parted his lips and
shivered as Mika’s fingers slipped inside the wet cavern of his mouth, then gently stroked the flat
of Yuu’s tongue.

Yuu’s lips were soft and pinkish around the stretch of Mika’s fingers, which he licked and sucked
on diligently. He didn’t quite understand why he had to do this, but he also knew he had no other
choice but to obey. If it were anyone else overpowering him like this, Yuu would likely just kick
and scream, fighting tooth and nail until he was killed to be silenced.

Unfortunately, the situation wasn’t so simple this time—the face watching him so delightedly was
Mika’s, no matter how twisted and dark the man had become since they were apart. Every time
Yuu gathered the will to rebel, it was dampened by guilt and longing to comfort and love the
person he once called his family in front of his eyes.

All of Yuu’s determination was gone for now and possibly forever. He felt defeated, being forced
to suckle on Mika’s fingers like some lowly creature who would follow any order as long as it was
given by someone more powerful than he was. He let out a small gasp as Mika pulled his hand
back at last, then brought his wet fingers down between Yuu’s legs.

When he felt those fingers push up against his entrance, Yuu let out a cry and flinched away from
Mika out of reflex. He looked up at Mika with bewildered eyes.

No, Yuu had to be mistaken. Mika couldn’t be serious—he wasn’t going to…

… Yuu couldn’t even say it to himself. He shook his head, stricken and deep in denial about what
was happening to him. There was just no way Mika would do something so awful and degrading to
Yuu. There had to be another reason for this. His eyes stung with fresh tears as he let out a
trembling cry, his arms jerking against the metal restraints keeping his wrists chained together.

“Mika, p-please, you’re—you can’t do this!” Yuu begged with a sob, his heart now racing with
terror. “This sort of thing, t-this is what demons do! You’re not—you’re supposed to be my family,

Mika gazed at him for a moment, his expression stoic and calculating as he searched Yuu’s
desperate face for more information. He then seemed to understand what Yuu was thinking and he
let out a small huff of laughter, like Yuu’s fear was something adorable to observe. The sound
made Yuu’s heart clench with offense and pain. He couldn’t believe Mika would mock him at a
time like this. He choked down a whimper, his legs trembling with the urge to press together and
hide his privates from view.

“Yuu-chan, I am your family, remember? I haven’t changed. I’m not doing this to harm you.” Mika
spoke with ease as he corrected Yuu, now his head to the side as he leaned in closer to narrow the
gap between their faces. His breath tickled Yuu’s lips, sinister and warm as he assured, “I’m doing
this because I love you, okay? It’ll feel good, you’ll see. I’ll make you cum and you’ll

His fingers rubbed against Yuu’s rim, circling the fluttering muscle there with the intention of
getting Yuu adjusted to the foreign touch. Yuu’s cock jumped in response to the promising
sensation, accidentally smearing pre-cum on the underside of the draping fabric at the base of his
black-and-green uniform jacket. The feeling pulled a soft whine from between Yuu’s clenched
teeth, for he was already sensitive to begin with. The feeling of his uniform rubbing on his exposed
erection only made him more aware of his neglected arousal.

“No! I-I don’t want it, Mika I don’t— hhah!!” Yuu’s protests were cut short by Mika ignoring him
and pushing his finger inside regardless. Slickened with Yuu’s saliva, his finger slipped in pretty
quickly, knocking the breath right out of Yuu from the shock of the unexpected penetration. He
tensed up with fear and his heart pounded wildly, though amongst it all his cock continued to pulse

Why did his body seem to respond to Mika’s touch so well when Yuu wanted nothing more than to
get away? It didn’t make any sense to him. He struggled, though he was conflicted thanks to the
weird way his body quivered, yearning for more of Mika’s touch, for some sort of relief from the
pent-up pleasure gathering inside him.

That wasn’t the end of it, however—Yuu let out a strangled gasp as Mika began rubbing at Yuu’s
inner walls, dragging his fingers in and out, in and out, in and out. The maddening repetition of the
movement was pushing Yuu further into a hazy headspace, one where he couldn’t discern his own
thoughts from the simple, instinctive reactions from his body.

Yuu wasn’t aware of when Mika added more than one finger, too overwhelmed by the burn of the
stretch. Nothing had ever been pushed into his ass before and it all felt too intense, like he couldn’t
breathe in deeply even if he tried. He tried to resist the addictive feeling of Mika’s touch entirely,
but his body continued to heat up, pooling arousal low in his gut that made him wonder if he was
going to cum from the invasive touches of Mika’s fingers alone. The drag of his fingers along his
rim was filling Yuu with a type of unknown tension he’d never experienced before.

He was even starting to relax , even while the pain only worsened in his chest. Despite the torture
of the entire experience, the way Mika moved his fingers didn’t feel so bad, and he was sort of
getting used to the feeling of—

“Ah!!” Yuu’s body jerked roughly and reflexively, a sudden flash of white-hot pleasure cutting off
Yuu’s train of thought entirely. All of a sudden, Mika’s fingers prodded against some point deep
inside him. A jolt of sensation ran down his spine and made him seize up with surprise, for it was
so intense and unexpected that a cry had burst from his lips unwillingly. He flushed red and stared
back at Mika breathlessly, reluctant tears still beaded in the corners of his eyes.

Mika only smirked and wriggled his fingers around some more, using just a little less pressure than
before around the same area. Yuu’s body was already throbbing for that touch again. He was now
suddenly aware of that spot far inside him, which was strange considering that he never knew it
existed before. He shivered when Mika harshly and suddenly pulled his fingers out, leaving Yuu
stretched open and clenching around nothing.

For a moment, Yuu wondered if it was finally over. Maybe Mika was going to leave him alone at
last. He held back letting out a sigh of relief since he wasn’t certain, but he waited, anticipating that
Mika had lost interest and was off to do something else.

Instead, Mika unzipped his trousers. Panic overwhelmed Yuu.

“No, no, no, Mika…!” Yuu pleaded, his body trembling with the urge to fight back even though he
knew he would never win no matter how much he wanted to. “Stoppit…! You’re—this is cruel!
Mika, why are you doing this to me!? Stop!”

He thrashed under Mika’s hold, trying to use his legs to push Mika back, but Mika simply grabbed
one of his ankles and held it aside while he pulled out his own erection from his pants.

The sight of Mika’s cock caused Yuu to briefly freeze with an icy-cold realization. Something like
that would never fit into Yuu’s small hole. It wasn’t like Mika had a huge dick, but Mika wasn’t
tiny, either. There was no way that it wouldn’t hurt if it went inside. Yuu couldn’t even imagine the
way it would feel. He shouldn’t have to imagine. He shouldn’t even be in this situation, but there
was nothing he could do to avoid his fate now.

He was trapped and he had no choice but to endure and survive this living nightmare.

“Yuu-chan, it should be obvious by now that you have no one anymore,” Mika reminded him, his
voice a low growl of impatience as he stroked his dick from the base to the tip. He was preparing to
fuck Yuu, to spread him open with his dick whether Yuu stopped crying or not. “You have no one
but me. I’m trying to show you just how much I love you, because you’re mine from now on, until
the end of your days. The more you relax, the better it’ll feel.”

Yuu quivered as Mika dragged him closer by his thighs, bringing his ass flush against Mika’s hips.
He let out a startled yelp upon feeling Mika’s erection drag along his crack as he rolled his body
forward. The motion smeared Mika’s precum in the crease of his ass, making Yuu shudder from
the strangely lewd sensation.

What was Mika saying, treating him like a possession? Did he forget Yuu had his own will and the
ability to decide things for himself? Frustrated tears spilled over his cheeks as he shook his head
from side to side in dismay. Why wouldn’t Mika listen to him? Couldn’t he tell that this mess
between them, this tension, this awful imitation of sex was the last thing Yuu wanted right now?

Whatever Yuu wanted to say died on his tongue the second he felt Mika pressing against his hole.
This time, it wasn’t a finger nudging at his entrance, but very clearly Mika’s cock instead. Yuu let
out a gasp and clenched his eyes shut, knowing that only excruciating pain could come next. Mika
had warned him to relax, but Yuu just couldn’t, not like this—

“Nnh…! Ahh…! Mika, s-stop, it hurts, it— ahh!” Yuu let out a series of whimpers and cries as
Mika pushed himself inside, inching in deeper and deeper, going slow enough to make sure Yuu
felt every single second of the stretch. Fiery pain mixed with the strangest feeling of pleasure all
twisted low in Yuu’s core, making him tremble as he was assaulted with these uncertain emotions.
He felt like he could barely breathe, his chest rising and falling in deep labored breaths while
Mika’s cock split him in half.

Yuu could feel every part of Mika once the vampire was totally seated inside him, painfully aware
of the way he throbbed and pulsated within Yuu. Mika’s cock was searing hot, feeling much larger
than it looked when finally stuffed within Yuu like this. The invasion of Mika’s cock forced Yuu’s
muscles to stretch to their limits to accept him, clearly ignoring how badly Yuu actually wanted to
push him away.

Yuu let out a choked cry and tried to endure Mika’s entrance, his fingers twisting in the sheets that
he could grab. His feet twitched helplessly and all he could focus on was breathing in and out in a
frail attempt to calm himself.

He knew it was impossible to relax in this situation, but it was about all he could do to cling onto
his remaining sanity.

“You’re so tight, Yuu-chan…” Mika hissed, a flush of pink across his own pale cheeks as he
slowly rocked forward. He was clearly feeling good, deriving pleasure by demeaning Yuu like this
and using his body for his own delight. “You’re so hot, so perfect… and you’re all mine.”

Mika started to move, pulling nearly all the way out before pushing back forward, knocking the
wind out of Yuu each time he thrust inside. He started off slow, making Yuu’s body split open over
and over, repeatedly choking the voice from Yuu’s throat. All he could do was let out little uneven
gasps and broken whimpers as pain and pleasure mingled together, searing hot through his blood,
driving him into a shattered state of mind he’d never reached before.

Yuu tipped his head back as he tried to endure it. He did all he could to cling to the remaining
fragments of his pride and what little will to survive that he had left. A shiver of remorse rolled
down Yuu’s spine as Mika’s hands slid up his body, groping him all over, searing this awful
moment into Yuu’s memory forever. He briefly caressed Yuu’s neck and jaw, fingers playfully
dancing over the very same place he’d strangled earlier as he forced Yuu into this unwilling

All Yuu had ever wanted was to be useful to the ones he loved. He would let his family do
anything to him if it helped them in some way, if they could use Yuu to their advantage and
advance their own self-absorbed goals. Yuu had always been selfless like that, not caring much
about his own feelings in the grand scheme of things—but this vampire, the one buried balls-deep
inside his ass while he violated Yuu’s body, mind and soul… he was not family to Yuu.

Mika was dead. He left behind this corrupted, horrible husk of himself to torment Yuu, to torture
him, to pull him apart at the seams and crush his spirit to dust in his fist. Mika had not only
allowed the murder of his family to happen again, but now he was fucking Yuu against his will,
ripping apart his heart and leaving a nasty physical reminder of the sins he’d committed.

Yuu knew that after this, there was nothing that would allow him to forgive Mika. Not now, not
ten years from now, not ever.

Yuu would die before he forgave what the vampires had done to his family—Mika included.


It felt so good. It felt so damn good that Mika could hardly believe it. Nothing had felt this amazing
since he’d turned into a vampire besides drinking Krul’s blood, and even that hadn’t been the most
pleasurable in the last year or so. That was nothing compared to the feeling of fucking into Yuu’s
tight heat, driving his cock into his tensing ass and savoring the feeling. The friction, the rub of his
cock along those velvety inner walls, the sounds of Yuu’s cries—it was all pure bliss.

Best of all, the body he fucked was Yuu’s. This wasn’t just any human—the boy gasping and
panting beneath him was Yuu. His precious Yuu that he’d saved from the evil clutches of the army,
now his to enjoy, to savor and devour as he pleased.

Though Yuu was clearly so close to orgasm, he kept clenching his jaw and closing his eyes, as if he
were doing all he could to resist the blinding pleasure of release. It was adorable, really—his poor
Yuu would just have to get used to this feeling. Eventually he’d realize that he just had to be a good
boy and obey Mika’s commands.

All Mika wanted right now was to cum and watch Yuu fall apart from the pleasure that Mika gave
him, too. He knew he’d get his way no matter what. Unfortunately, they were getting nowhere like
this, so Mika had a better idea.

While Mika adjusted their positions, Yuu gasped and stared at him, shocked and confused by the
turn of events. In no time, Mika was sitting upright with Yuu on his lap, his cock still stuffed deep
inside of Yuu. His uniform hung down and somewhat concealed his wet little cock, the fabric
draping over his bare hips and fanning out like a skirt over his pale skin. The sight was arousing to
Mika, who licked his lips and fixed a devious grin at Yuu. The human trembled weakly and held
his chained wrists close to his chest, clearly at a loss for what to do now.

“M-Mika, please, I want to stop,” Yuu hoarsely begged, his voice wavering as he fixed teary eyes
on Mika. Those eyes were so adorable, so round and green, bringing out the gorgeous flush of pink
across his round cheeks. The sadistic side of Mika wanted to make him cry more—at least then
he’d know he was evoking emotions within Yuu’s heart.

“Do you, now?” Mika asked, his tone slightly mocking as he placed his hands on Yuu’s hips. “I’m
sure you want to cum more than anything though, Yuu-chan…”

One of Mika’s hands wandered down to Yuu’s inner thigh, sneaking under the fabric of his
uniform to start groping his tender balls and twitching prick. Yuu let out a strangled gasp and his
lashes fluttered from the feeling of being caressed—it was obvious to Mika that the heat of his
palm against his sensitive balls felt so good to Yuu. It was silly, at this point, for Yuu to keep
resisting. Surely he realized that by now.

If he got Yuu to fuck himself on Mika’s cock willingly, then perhaps it would be enough to finally
break Yuu’s mind. That would make him realize exactly who he belonged to, now and forever.

“C’mon, just do it like this,” Mika encouraged, now gripping Yuu’s hips hard enough to guide him
up and down on Mika’s length. The return of the friction between their bodies evoked a moan from
them both, and a victorious smirk tugged on the corner of Mika’s lips. He soaked in the sight of
Yuu, flushed red and trembling, lips parted to let out a lewd gasp.

Though once Mika let go, expecting Yuu to continue on his own, Yuu froze up. Mika watched and
narrowed his eyes as Yuu shook his head from side to side.

“No, I-I won’t do it!” Yuu sobbed out as he trembled, a fresh wave of tears spilling down over his
cheeks. “I can’t…!”

Mika bared his teeth disapprovingly. This was taking too damn long. His patience was running thin
and he wanted to claim Yuu as his own already. He reached up, quickly grabbing Yuu’s throat in
his grasp again. The suggestive squeeze of Mika’s powerful fingers on his slender neck pulled a
gasp of fear right from Yuu’s mouth.

“Yuu-chan, you remember how much stronger I am than you, don’t you?” Mika whispered
warningly, his eyes dark with his irritation and impatience. “I could make this hurt a lot more if I
really wanted to. I could even end your life right now if I deemed it necessary.” He paused to let
the threat sink in, watching closely as Yuu’s eyes flashed with grief and fright before clouding over
with a fresh gloss of tears. “So I suggest you be good and ride my cock like I told you before I have
no choice but to take the next step.”

Delight blossomed through Mika as he watched Yuu slowly crumble apart. He hung his head with
shame while his shoulders trembled weakly, knowing he had no other choice but to listen to what
Mika demanded from him.

At last, Yuu started moving his hips. Yuu reluctantly set a slow, cautious pace between their hips,
bringing back the hot burn of friction between their bodies that had been lost during their pause.
Mika simply kept his hands resting on Yuu’s thighs, feeling the way the muscles flexed beneath
his palms as Yuu worked to follow Mika’s orders like a good little pet.
“See?” Mika cooed softly, leaning in closer as Yuu’s movements became quicker and faster, clearly
motivated by the urge to cum. Sensing the way Yuu speed up made Mika moan lowly, the hot burn
of pleasure finally returning to the base of his cock. “It’s not so bad, is it? You feel so, so good
right now. Don’t you wanna cum, Yuu-chan? You can cum with me while I fill you up, nice and

“N-No!” Yuu choked out, the pace of his hips suddenly stuttering to a halt. Mika’s blood briefly
ran cold as anger clouded his vision. Was Yuu being serious right now, resisting him again? “N-
No, don’t cum inside me, I don’t—”
“I don’t care what you want,” Mika snarled, now digging his fingers harshly into Yuu’s hips to
keep the human in place, “I’m gonna fuck you and fill you whether you tell me to stop or not.”

“No, no, Mika, s-stop!!” Yuu cried out anyway, now finally really trying to get off of Mika. How
pathetic—like he could actually run away at this point. Displeasured by his continued resistance,
Mika growled and violently began to fuck into Yuu’s hole, his blood hot and enraged from how
many times Yuu had interrupted their orgasms with his pitiful whining and complaining. The
burning heat between them had grown maddening and Yuu could do nothing but scream, knowing
he was unable to escape his fate—he would be fucked and seeded no matter what he tried to say or

A grin twisted across Mika’s lips as he felt his orgasm creep up on him. He started to tense as the
heat gathered low in his core once again. He released one of Yuu’s hips and grabbed Yuu’s
bobbing cock, pumping it roughly and unforgivingly, determined to force Yuu to cum while sitting
on his dick. Yuu let out a string of cries, his body seizing up and tightening around Mika as an
obvious sign of his oncoming release. He sobbed and begged for it all to end, but Mika was the one
who could feel the way he thrust up into his hand, going insane from the pleasurable burn of it all.


Mika felt a rush of wild pleasure sear through his veins as white cum spurted from Yuu’s little slit,
coating Mika’s fingers as it gushed out in beautiful waves. The sight was delightful, even better
than what Mika had imagined all this time, and the desperate wanton cry that was pulled from
Yuu’s throat was all the more rewarding for Mika to hear.

Bliss overwhelmed Mika as he released his own load inside of Yuu, using those tight, hot walls to
milk out his own climax. His hot cum filled Yuu to the brim, painting his insides with Mika’s most
primal mark. The act claimed his virginity and so much more in that single, crucial moment.

Mika made sure to pull out slowly and admire the way his own semen slipped down the sides of
his cock, gushing out of Yuu’s abused hole and painting the insides of his thighs. It was such an
erotic image that he held Yuu there firmly, even as Yuu shivered and whimpered with his sobs of
humiliation. He shamelessly watched it spill out, dripping along his body until the cum started to
dry on Yuu’s skin.

Once Mika was satisfied, he chained Yuu back up to the wall by his neck to be used whenever he
wanted to play with him next. This time, he left a pillow underneath Yuu’s bare rump in case the
floor was as hard and cold as Yuu had described. His human would want food soon, so Mika was
off to find something to feed him before they continued to have fun together later.

Just before Mika left the room, he peered over his shoulder at Yuu to take in the sight of his new
prized possession. Yuu was staring off into space with hollow eyes and tear-stained cheeks. A little
pity twisted in Mika’s heart, for their first time together didn’t have to be that rough, but it was no
matter now. Yuu had left him no choice, after all.

Hopefully, Yuu understood now that he belonged to Mika. He had no other option but to accept his
fate. Briefly, Mika wondered if Yuu would ever come to embrace his new role.

Perhaps with time and training, Yuu would learn to become the perfect pet that Mika desired.

End Notes
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