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Feeble Minds

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Fandom: 終わりのセラフ | Owari no Seraph | Seraph of the End (Anime &
Manga), 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Relationship: Hyakuya Mikaela/Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Ozaki Kouyou/Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray
Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo/Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs),
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs),
Tachihara Michizou/Tanizaki Junichirou (Bungou Stray Dogs),
Akutagawa Gin/Higuchi Ichiyou, Jouno Saigiku/Suehiro Tecchou
(Bungou Stray Dogs)
Character: Armed Detective Agency and Port Mafia Ensembles (Bungou Stray
Dogs), Hunting Dogs Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs), Krul Tepes,
Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Hyakuya Mikaela
Additional Tags: Blood and Violence, Vampires, Blood Drinking, Torture, Injury,
Implied/Referenced Experimentation, Demon Hyakuya Mikaela,
Hyakuya Mikaela/Hyakuya Yuuichirou Fluff, Jealous Hyakuya Mikaela,
Possessive Klaus Mikaelson, Protective Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Hyakuya
Yuuichirou Being an Idiot, Dazai-Typical Suicide Mentions (Bungou
Stray Dogs), Dazai-Typical Suicide Attempts (Bungou Stray Dogs),
Nakahara Chuuya Is So Done (Bungou Stray Dogs), Protective
Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Sakaguchi Ango Needs Sleep
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Sakaguchi Ango Is So Done (Bungou Stray
Dogs), Sakaguchi Ango Needs a Hug (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of FandomxFandom
Stats: Published: 2023-05-10 Updated: 2023-06-15 Words: 2,581 Chapters:

Feeble Minds
by Mitsuri_Kanroji


“I know it sounds ridiculous,” Yuuichirou starts, “but couldn’t we be in another world?”

“... ?” Mikaela asks, an eyebrow raising. “ ’


That would make more sense, as much sense as reviving the dead, but more sense
nonetheless. Yuuichirou sighs pleasantly as he feels his wounds close up, rubbing his head.
His head felt so much better thanks to Mikaela.

So.... my little sister found my account and decided to delete most of my fics... She's an evil
piece of shit.... Then, when I went to rewrite, it my brain also decided to change the plot
and everything, so.... yeah. Enjoy.
Chapter 1

Screams penetrate the air as Yuuchirou opens his eyes. His head is throbbing and he could feel the
blood drip heavily down his face as he sits up. He blinked his hazy green eyes open, barely able to
see anything.

“ - .” a voice calls as Yuuichirou sighs and closes his eyes, drifting off to sleep. He finds
himself in the familiar empty white room that he frequently visits. Standing in front of him is
Mikaela, his boyfriend. However, it was weird seeing him in his child form.

“Mika.” Yuuichirou responds, watching as Mikaela’s sky blue eyes bore into his soul. Mikaela
sighs and sits down, Yuuichirou following suit.

“ , - .” Mikaela says, his messy blonde

hair covering part of his face. “ ’
. …. .”

Yuuichirou’s eyes narrowed slightly as if he was trying to think. His dark, spiky hair clung to his
face because of sweat and blood- Mikaela already starting to heal Yuuichirou’s wounds. Desire
always poured from Yuuichirou, which Mikaela was grateful for. The two found out that Mikaela
could store energy in his child form, which is useful when they need to release stronger attacks.

“I know it sounds ridiculous,” Yuuichirou starts, “but couldn’t we be in another world?”

“... ?” Mikaela asks, an eyebrow raising. “ ’

. .”

That would make more sense, as much sense as reviving the dead, but more sense nonetheless.
Yuuichirou sighs pleasantly as he feels his wounds close up, rubbing his head. His head felt so
much better thanks to Mikaela.

“Anyway,” Yuuichirou starts, “any idea where we are?”

Mikaela sighs, sitting criss-cross with Yuuichirou following suit.

“ , .” Mikaela responds,
“ . , , , .
. ,

“Or we could be in a different world!” Yuuichirou comments, making Mikaela sigh. The blonde
wasn’t going to dismiss his boyfriend's idea, it could very well be true.

“ ’ .” Mikaela grumbles. The blonde pauses, feeling something

uneasy. “ , .”

Yuuichirou blinks his eyes open, noticing the white walls and curtains in the sun lit room. The
lights were on, making it hard for the dark haired boy's eyes to adjust.

“Ah, you’re awake.” says a female voice, “You gave everyone quite a scare.”

He woke up to see a nurse, her brown hair tied in a taut bun. She has brown eyes with a white
uniform. His arm has a needle in it, which connects to a clear bag on a metal pole that looks like a
coat stand.

“We tried getting your information so we could contact your parents.” the nurse states, “Yet we
couldn’t find any information on you. Would you mind telling us?”

Mikaela’s invisible body glared at her as he floated beside Yuuichirou. He was clearly not trusting
the woman.

“Hyakuya Yuuichirou.” Yuuichirou responds, “Age sixteen. Umm… I don’t really have parents, I
lived at the Hyakuya Orphanage.”

The nurse jots that down on the clipboard she’s holding. She nods and asks a few more questions
Yuuichirou answers before leaving.

“ .”

The dark haired teen paled at Mikaela’s voice. He gave away too much information for his lover's
liking. Sure, Mikaela always had trust issues, but being here didn’t help them. In fact, since they
know nothing about this world, they probably got worse.

“I get it, I get it.” Yuuichirou sighs, “My bad, I’m sorry.”

Mikaela’s gaze got softer, though still a bit angry. The dark haired teen couldn’t blame him though,
he’s been hurt many times- just like him. Mikaela always cared about Yuuichirou’s wellbeing and

“ .” Mikaela responds, sighing as he sits on the bed next

to him. Nobody could see Mikaela except him, so hopefully nobody thinks he's crazy when he
leans on ‘air’. Suddenly, the door opens and Yuuichirou sits up straight. A man with glasses walks
in, full suit and everything. The nurse walks in after him, looking nervous.

“Yuuichirou-kun,” she starts, “This is Sakaguchi Ango-san. He’ll be your guardian for now.”

Yuuichirou tilts his head in confusion. Why would he need a guardian? Ango sighs.

“They tested to see if you have an ability or not.” Ango explains, “Your soul wavelength is
abnormal for a normal person, indicating an ability. So, since you were severely hurt and a ability
user, the government has assigned me as your guardian until further notice.”

“What’s an ability user?” Yuuichirou asks, Ango stilling at his question.

“Of course.” the government worker responds, “An ability user is someone who has a supernatural
power that most humans don’t have. For instance, my ability is called ‘Discourse on Decadence’. It
allows me to read the memories left in things.”

Yuuichirou thinks on this. Is it because Mikaela is his demon? Is Mikaela bonded to his soul in
some way? Actually, where is Mikaela’s physical sword body? He checked beside himself, on both
sides, but couldn’t find him. Ango noticed that.

“If you’re looking for your sword it’s in my car.” Ango says, “It got confiscated because it’s a

Mikaela glares at the man, Yuuichirou frowning as Ango refers to Mikaela as ‘it’.

“Mika is not an ‘it’.” Yuuichirou says, “Mika is a person, just like you and me. He’s not an

Ango raises an eyebrow. It’s not like he hasn’t seen ability users obsess over their own ability, he
remembers Mori treating his ability like his wife.

“He.” Ango corrects himself, “And-”

“Ah, forgot to mention his full name is Mikaela. He doesn’t like anyone else calling him Mika.”
Yuuichirou interrupts, giving Ango a headache.

“Mikaela will not leave your side as long as you don’t use him unless you’re in danger.” Ango
sighs. He knows how fussy ability users can get if they’re separated from their ability they obsess
over for too long. He watches Yuuichirou sigh in relief, yep definitely obsessed with Mikaela.

“That’s good.” Yuuichirou breathes, “So, when can I get out of here?”

“Today, actually.” the nurse responds, “We had an ability user heal you so you’re fit to go.”

Yuuichirou’s face brightens while Mikaela’s face darkens. Were ability users common? He’d have
to search for those answers.

“Yes. I’ve also decided that homeschooling will be better for you.” Ango says, adjusting his cuffs.
“You’ll be tutored by a man named Hirotsu Ryuro. He’s a man you can trust in.”

He is someone he can trust. After the vampire incident, the government, Armed Detective Agency,
and Port Mafia made an alliance. They would never allow something like this to happen again.

“Cool.” Yuuichirou grumbles, “More learning.”

Yuuichirou noticed that he wasn’t in his JIDA uniform either, but didn’t question it. He’d seen
soldiers taken out of their bloodied clothing to heal better after all. It was probably in Ango’s car,
which it is.

“Alright, they’ll remove the IV and then you’ll be coming with me.” Ango says, nodding to the
nurse. The nurse gets to work, removing the IV from Yuuichirou’s arm and placing a bandaid in its

“All done.” the nurse says as Yuuichirou gets up, “Goodbye you two.”

Yuuichirou says goodbye as he follows Ango and Mikaela, who keeps glaring at the government
worker as if he has a grudge. The head over to the car, getting in and going with awkward silence.
They got over to Ango’s apartment, which had a spare room for Yuuichirou.

“We’ll go shopping for clothes in an hour.” Ango says, “Get yourself cleaned up and then we’ll
head out.”

“What will I wear?” the dark haired teen asks.

“I have some of my old clothes on hand, so you’ll wear that.” the man with glasses responds,
handing Yuuichirou a towel, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a loofa. Yuuichirou stumbles
over his own feet, but catches himself, as he makes his way to the bathroom.

, .

That’s all his brain said. Being from where he was to now, he appreciates someone is giving him
food, clothes, and a roof over his head. Not to mention there’s no war going on. It feels like peace.
He turned on the shower and stripped, waiting for the water to get hot. He closed the door, making
sure no one could see him. Paranoia. Was it paranoia? Probably.

“This is amazing.” Yuuichirou sighs,stepping into the hot shower. He could stay like this forever,
but good things must come to an end. He couldn’t waste the water. He washed and stayed in for
about thirty minutes before turning off the water and drying off. He went to the guest room, his
room, and found the clothes on the bed.

It was a plain white t-shirt, jeans, and underwear. Next to it was a hairdryer, a comb, and
deodorant. Yuuichirou dresses in record time, one minute and twenty seconds. Yes, out of habit, he
times himself. When your life is constantly on the line, you learn to do things fast. He finds himself
out of the room in three minutes, thanks to him drying his hair. Ango is sitting on the couch,
reading a newspaper article. It was about a vampire attack that ended half a year ago.

Those words made Yuuichriou freeze. He felt his skin crawl and hair rise, vampires again?
? After he thought he was safe? Safe and Mikaela? He didn’t realize he was breathing
hard until Mikaela and Ango were shouting at him.


“ - !”

He snapped back to reality, calming his breathing. It’ll be okay. The paper said that was half a year
ago. He had nothing to worry about, right?

“Are you okay?” Ango asks, worry evident in his face.

“Yeah…” Yuuichirou responds, “Just a bad time with vampires.”

Ango looks at the newspaper in his hand and nods. Mikaela stares at him, his expression somewhat
sad. He knew Mikaela saw and heard the things vampires did. Sucking people dry, them.
He also killed people, but he was under the influence that humans, except Yuuichirou, were evil.

Ango set the newspaper on the table face down, handing Yuuichirou socks and a pair of tennis
shoes. His old shoes were, luckily, Yuuichirou’s size. They are severely worn out, but Ango’s
getting him new shoes anyway.

“Let’s go.” Ango says, checking his watch. Twelve pm, plenty of time. “We’ll get you a pair of
shoes and some clothes today. Then we’ll get basic hygiene products. Tomorrow we can get a few
more shoes and clothes along with school supplies for your education.”

Yuuichirou nods, his stomach suddenly growling. He flushes in embarrassment as Mikaela smiles.

“ , - ’ ?” Mikaela teases, " !”

Yuuichirou mentally told him to shut up as his stomach grumbls again. Ango nods.

“First we’ll stop by a cafe I know of.” the government worker says, adjusting his glasses. “Let’s

They head off to the car, where they sit in silence until the come across Cafe Uzumaki. When they
enter, it’s crowded.
“Ango, is that you?”
Chapter 2
Chapter Summary

Family meeting?

Chapter Notes

Sorry for the long wait!

The two turn to see a tall, lanky brunette. He has coffee brown hair that curls just right with
chocolate brown eyes and eyelashes. He smiled at the two, a guy with long, greenish hair with
glasses beside him.

“Dazai.” Ango greets, “I thought you’d be working.”

The brunette hummed thoughtfully.

“It’s actually our lunch time.” Dazai responds, glancing at Yuuichirou. “Who is this? I never
imagined you’d babysit or anything.”

Ango didn’t react to those words, simply brushing them off.

“I actually adopted him today.” Ango says, omitting the fact he was forced to. “We’re eating lunch
then leaving to go shopping.”

“What did I hear about shopping?” Yosano asks, waltzing up to them. Yuuichirou stared at her,
was she a doctor? She gave off doctor vibes. He could feel Dazai’s intense, yet subtle, glare at
Ango- it made him uncomfortable. How was one able to smile and act as if everything was okay
while secretly hating the other? It didn’t make sense to Yuuichirou.

“ ?” Mikaela lightly complains. Yuuichirou

considered that. Is it a family gathering? Ango sighed and pointed for Yuuichirou to sit at a booth,
which he did. The dark haired teen sat quietly with Mikaela by his side, holding the sword close to
his chest.

“Is that your ability?” a boy asks, snapping Yuuichirou’s attention to him. Gray hair with a black
streak through it paired with purple-yellow eyes. There’s a girl beside him in a red kimono.

“U-uh, yeah. His name is Mikaela.” Yuuichirou answers dumbly.

“Oh, I’m Nakajima Atushi. This is Izumi Kyouka.” Atsushi says.

“Hyakuya Yuuichirou.” the teen introduces back, shaking his hand. The two sat in front of him,
Kyouka glancing from Mikaela back to Yuuichirou.

“So, I heard Sakaguchi-san adopted you.” Atsushi starts, “How’s that?”

“He treats me well.” Yuuichirou responds, “He seems to know that taking care of a kid is a serious

Mikaela snorts at that, Yuuichirou almost laughing with him. Almost, but he didn’t. Atsushi smiles.

“That’s good.” Atsushi sighs, “Ango-san-”

“Heyo~!” Dazai says, cutting off Atsushi. He walks up with Ango and Kunikida, the former math
teacher glaring at his partner as if he might do something. Ango looks at Yuuichirou.

“Yuuichirou,” the government worker starts, “This is Dazai Osamu and Kunikida Doppo. I assume
you met Atsushi and Kyouka?”

The teen nods his head.

“It’s nice to meet you all.” Yuuichirou says with a smile on his face, “I hope we get along!”

Everyone agrees except Mikaela, who’s glaring at Dazai.

“ .” Mikaela mutters, “ , - .”

Yuuichirou mentally sighs. Mikaela is as suspicious of everyone as always. However, they

balanced each other out. They’re perfect for each other, and nobody can tell them otherwise.

“So, Yuuichirou-kun,” Kunikida says, “is the sword your ability?”

“Yeah, his name is Mikaela.” Yuuichirou responds, “So don’t refer to him as an object.”

“My apologies.” the former math teacher says, eyeing the sword. He was confused, why refer to
his ability as if it was human? Then again, there are ability users who fangirl over their own
ability. Cough, cough Mori.

“What does Mikaela do?” Yosano asks, eyeing the sword. Yuuichrou thinks about that. Should he
tell them about Mikaela’s powers?

“ .” Mikaela answers for him. Alright, that was his answer.

“No comment.” Yuuichirou says, earning a laugh from Dazai.

“He sure knows not to tell people his ability.” the brunette says, turning to Yuuichirou. “Never tell
people your ability. It will put you at a disadvantage.”

Yuuichirou nods at his words.

“Thanks?” the dark haired teen questions. Ango sighs.

“We just came for lunch.” he says, “Can we please have a normal lunch?”

“With Dazai? No way!” the brunette sings back.

“Did you just do a Magic School Bus reference but replace the words?” Atsushi asks.

“He did.” Yosano says, “That was super lame though.”

“Accurate though.” Ranpo sighs.

“He never lets anyone have a normal day.” Kunikida agrees.

“Kunikida-kun! You’re so mean!” Dazai wails, “I’m telling Chuuya~!”

“What’s he going to do?” Kunikda asks, “We have a peace treaty with the mafia.”

Mafia? There’s a mafia too? Well this is very ‘exciting’ information.

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