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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/13726662.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Underage
Category: M/M
Fandom: 終わりのセラフ | Owari no Seraph | Seraph of the End
Relationship: Hyakuya Mikaela/Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Crowley Eusford/Hyakuya
Character: Hyakuya Mikaela, Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Rene Simms, Lacus Welt, Krul
Tepes, Ferid Bathory, Crowley Eusford, Hiiragi Shinoa, Kimizuki Shihou,
Saotome Yoichi, Sanguu Mitsuba
Additional Tags: mikayuu, Smut, A lot - Freeform, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Hidden
Relationship, forbidden relationship, Seduction, owari no seraph -
Freeform, Mama Krul, Papa Ferid, seraph of the end - Freeform, This
whole thing is basically just smut, a lot of - Freeform, Teasing, Sexual
Tension, Oh Damb There’s a Plot Now, Crowley x Yuu is Very Subtle
and Temporary, Possessive Behavior, Possesive, Possessive Hyakuya
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2018-02-18 Updated: 2019-01-06 Words: 55,813 Chapters:

by Kajitsu


Mikaela can’t control himself when a cute new boy moves in with his family.
Chapter 1
Chapter Summary

Honestly, I don’t know why I’m creating another story when I can’t even keep up with
the three I’m working on now. Anyways, this story is basically just my smutty
fantasies for Mika and Yuu. Thanks for reading!

IMPORTANT: My username used to be IsmailPayne, but I’ve changed it to Kajitsu.

Just in case anyone’s confused.

The thundering of the rain pounding against the ground causes the couple to shout to each other,
even as they're right next to each other. The mixing of the soil and the dirt from the concrete
creates a nasty mud that splashes all over the woman's shoes and dress as they hurriedly walk
through the ally. She groans as she tries to lift up her kimono while also trying to cover her face
from the fat drops of rain pouring down.

"Please hurry," she pleads to her husband who is struggling with the umbrella.

"I'm trying, dear," he says as he fiddles with it. He points it straight out to the side, and it finally
opens. Rejoicing, he laughs and lifts it up over their heads before seeing a figure fallen on the

"Oh no!" The woman cries. "I think you've hit him."

They rush over to the groaning boy, clothing all muddy from the ground, and hair soaked against
his skin. He stares up at them while scrunching his face from the rain dropping onto him.

"I am terribly sorry, son." The man holds his hand out for the boy to grab as he hoists him up. He
wipes away the dirty water on the boy's face as he inspects for any injuries. Seeing a cut on his
face, the man declares, "you cannot be out here with such on injury. It was my fault, and I will take
care of it."

The boy holds his arms out. "It's fine, sir. Really, I'll be okay."

"Nonsense," says the woman, holding the umbrella over him. "Do you have anywhere to stay?"

The boy doesn't answer, and instead looks down at the wet ground.

The woman hums. "It is freezing and pouring out here. You will come with us, dear," she says as
she hands her husband the umbrella, and holds the boy's arm to quickly drag him back to the car.

The chauffeur hurriedly opens the door for them as he helps them all into the black car. They pile
in, breathing heavily from the rush, and arms spread out in front of them from the uncomfortable
cold, wetness of their now soaked clothing.

"My name is Ferid Bathory," the man introduces. "And this is my wife, Krul. Would it be alright if
we took you home to take care of your cut?"

The boy hesitantly nods. "My name is Yuuichirou Amane."

"My, you are a handsome boy," she compliments as they walk into the proper lighting of their
large, traditional Japanese house. She admires Yuuichirou's features now that they aren't in the
dark, foggy outside. "Exceptionally beautiful," she laughs as Yuuichirou's face tinges red. Krul
leaves Ferid to guide Yuuichirou to a servant who can tend to the cut on his face. She makes her
way to the other side of the large, one-story home. "Come out, kids," Krul exclaims as she knocks
on the wooden parts of their bedroom doors. She watches as servants and maids roam through the
house, bowing to her as they rush by. Finally, all three of her children slide their paper doors open,
and poke their heads out. "Come, we have a guest." She smiles.

All three bored faces come out of their rooms and follow Krul to the main living area. "He's quite
handsome too, Mika," she smirks as she turns over to her youngest son.

Mikaela doesn't even glance her, cold eyes remaining straight in front of him. "And what does that
have to do with me?" He asks with a bored tone.

"She wants you to marry him, obviously!" His brother chimes as he grabs Mikaela's arm.

Mikaela snarls. "Get off of me, Lacus," he pries his hands off and walks faster to join his mother.

Lacus laughs behind them as Mikaela mutters curses to himself.

They finally make it to the formal living-area where Ferid and Yuuichirou wait for them. Krul
turns to her sons, and points to Yuuichirou.

"This is Yuuichirou-kun. Your father accidentally hit him with the umbrella, so we've invited him
over to treat him well for forgiveness," she introduces.

Yuuichirou bows down to them shyly as they do the same. He doesn't want to look directly into
their eyes from how they intimidatingly stare at him with disapproving glares. "Good evening, my
name is Yuuichirou Amane, but you can call me Yuu. Please take care of me."

"Yuu-kun will be staying with us from now on. He's like your brother now!" Krul states excitedly.

Yuuichirou gawks at her, not remembering agreeing to this. "Krul-san, it's quite alright. I can
manage on my own."

"Of course you can't. You're a child, no older than my youngest, Mikaela," she points out. "You
need a family, Yuu-kun, and we're here for you."

The soft smile that she gives him warms his body like he's never felt before. He nods shyly,
accepting the invitation. He bows as each of her sons introduce themselves to him; however, his
breath hitches in his throat when he's introduced to Mikaela, the youngest, but just a few months
older than him. What enraptures Yuuichirou the most are the bright sapphire-blue gems that are
Mikaela's eyes. His beauty completely captures Yuuichirou's thoughts.

Mikaela's intimidating gaze is landed on Yuuichirou's shy one. He had no interest in the meeting at
first; however, the beauty of the boy in front of him gains his interest. He can't believe someone as
gorgeous as Yuuichirou has been left all alone to survive in the mud. Mikaela doesn't show his
interest, though. He keeps his same stoic expression as his brothers introduce themselves. Even
Yuuichirou's voice is sweet and heavenly; he wants to hear more.


He's suddenly interrupted from his thoughts and looks over to his father.
"Yuu-kun doesn't have any clothes. Take him to your room and give him some clothing and let him
clean up," Ferid orders as he places his hand on Yuuichirou's back to gently encourage him to go
with Mikaela.

Mikaela nods slightly and turns around to walk back to his room, without even looking back to see
if Yuuichirou is following him. He notices him trailing behind awkwardly, but doesn't bother
looking over to him. He leads them back to his room, and slides open the door. He looks back at
Yuuichirou who's gawking at every inch of the mansion. Mikaela strolls to his armoire and picks
out a random kimono, handing it to Yuuichirou.

"The washroom is over there," he points.

Mikaela lends him a towel to use from his closet.

Yuuichirou gathers everything up in his arms with a red face, and walks over to Mikaela's
washroom, not believing how big it is. He sets down the clothing on a hook before grasping the
door. He looks up and makes eye contact with Mikaela. Startled, Yuuichirou quickly slides the
door shut, his heart pounding as images of the blond invade his mind. Mikaela, the princely
looking boy, is standing right on the other side of this door where Yuuichirou is about to undress.
The thought spikes some sort of thrill through his body. He quickly shakes his head at the
distracting feeling, and peels off his soggy clothing while trying not to think of Mikaela. The
thought still lingers, though, and it makes his body feel pleasant. Yuuichirou steps into the shower,
and scrubs himself clean. He hums at the hot water spreading all throughout his body instead of the
freezing cold clothing sticking to him. Once he's finished, Yuuichirou steps out and wraps the
towel around his body. He freezes when he realizes that this is the same towel that Mikaela has
used before. He's using the same towel to rub against his body, just as Mikaela has. Yuuichirou
groans quietly, scolding himself for letting his hormones become affected by every insignificant
thing. He shakes his head as he places the towel back on the hook, and begins to spread the thick
kimono out to wrap it around himself. Once he's gotten it on, the smell of Mikaela invades all of
his senses. His heart pounds in excitement and his body throbs slightly in need for more. He
gathers up some of the fabric from his chest to sniff it, and his arousal is awoken from the sweet,
musky scent of Mikaela. He yelps quietly as he catches himself almost becoming hard. With a
flushed face, he slides open the door, and nervously steps back into Mikaela's room, catching him
sitting at his desk shuffling through papers. Yuuichirou admires his strong back sitting up straight,
with his blond curls artfully messy.

Mikaela turns around once he hears Yuuichirou coming out. His heart stutters at the sight of a
damp, flushed Yuuichirou wrapped up in his clothing. It makes him feel primal, possessive. He
slowly stands up from his desk, and stalks over to Yuuichirou, like he's his prey. He watches as
Yuuichirou nervously fiddles with the neckline of his kimono.

Yuuichirou wants to cower away as Mikaela's stern, icy stare is directed at him. With each step
Mikaela takes towards him, Yuuichirou takes a step back. Mikaela approaches him until he's so
close, that Yuuichirou has hit the wall with his back, and is now cornered by him. He can feel his
face burning hot, and his body want to tremble, but the feeling is pleasant, and he desires more. He
can only stare directly in front of him at Mikaela's neck, too scared to look into the eyes that are
hungrily gazing at him. Out of spite, he quickly flicks them up to look at the mouthwatering
expression that the blonde is giving him.

Mikaela leans down slightly until his mouth is next to Yuuichirou's ear. The smell of Yuuichirou
intoxicates his mind with possessiveness as he can scent himself on the boy. "You look good in my
clothes, Yuuichirou," he whispers. He smirks at the small gasp coming from Yuuichirou, and the
visible shudder that runs through his body. He's more attracted to this boy than he thought.
Yuuichirou's ear tingles as he feels Mikaela's breath continuously roll through it. He bites the
inside of his cheek and shuts his eyes tightly to contain the heat coursing through him. "You can
call me 'Yuu'," he stutters.

Mikaela leans in even closer until he can feel his hair poking at his skin. "Yuu-chan," he breathes.

Yuuichirou gasps and his back arches at the tone in his voice, as well as the feeling of Mikaela's
breath. The pleasure courses through his body like electricity, straight to his groin. He almost
whines when Mikaela leans back, causing him to become cold again. He gazes with wide eyes at
the teasing smirk displayed across Mikaela's fine face.

"We should get back down. It's dinner time." Mikaela turns away from him and walks out of the
room casually.

Yuuichirou is left alone in Mikaela's room, face burning and flustered. He can't believe Mikaela
was appealed by him enough to tease him like that. Or maybe he's just doing this to mess with him.
Maybe he knows he's attracted to him, so he's just trying to torture him. Yuuichirou sighs as he
grabs his towel and dries his hair before combing it with his fingers. He peaks his head out of the
room, wondering which way they came from and how to get back to where everyone else is. He
steps out of Mikaela's bedroom, and tries to remember the path, letting his legs lead him by
instinct. He can't remember if he's passed by certain areas as he walks through the hallway.

"Lost, Yuu-chan?"

Yuuichirou yelps at the voice behind him, right next to his ear. He turns around to see Mikaela
grinning at him with a dark shadow over his eyes created by his hair hanging over his forehead.
Yuuichirou salivates at the image.

"How did you...?"

Mikaela chuckles softly. "Did you really think I would leave you to find the way yourself?"

Yuuichirou blushes in embarrassment. He gasps when Mikaela suddenly rests his hand on his
lower back. His whole torso tingles in pleasure as Mikaela leads him through the house, back to
where his family is, with a slight grip on his waist. Once they get in sight with the family, Krul
rushes over to them.

"Yuu-kun, you look so cute! Almost like a doll," she admires.

Yuuichirou's face tinges red as he thanks her. A servant comes by to notify them that their dinner is
ready, and they lead Yuuichirou to the dining area, letting him choose whichever seat he wishes.
Yuuichirou sits down politely at the one of his choosing, and his heart stutters as Mikaela sits
down next to him.

"Normally that's Rene's seat, Yuu-kun," Lacus says as he ties back his violet hair. "He would
usually throw a tantrum if anyone sat in it, but you're our guest, so you're an exception," he teases
as he glances over to Rene, the oldest son.

Yuuichirou looks over to the brunette, who's rolling his eyes while glaring at Lacus. "Ah, I'm
terribly sorry for taking your seat, Rene-san."

"It's fine. I don't throw tantrums," he says to Yuuichirou, though it's directed to Lacus.

Lacus shakes his head while smirking. "And Mika is sitting where I usually sit. I guess he's really
taking a liking to you. Right, Mika?" He stretches out the blond's name in a teasing manner to
irritate him even more.

"Shut up, Lacus," Mikaela hisses through his teeth.

Yuuichirou chuckles awkwardly. He can feel his face becoming hot once again, and he looks down
at his lap to hide it. Just as he does, multiple servants suddenly come in to place silver platters of
food down on the center of the long table. They serve everyone their food, but Yuuichirou gets an
extra spoonful or piece of each dish since he's their guest. He thanks them for the food before they
become silent from eating. Yuuichirou enjoys each dish, trying not to gorge it down, and instead is
polite while eating slowly. He hasn't had a proper meal since he ran away from the orphanage that
he grew up in a couple years ago. Since then, he's been buying packaged food that he'll heat
everyday, twice a day. He's also never had such a fresh meal that almost upsets his stomach from
how rich and filling it is. Just from his first plate full, Yuuichirou doesn't think he can eat more,
despite Krul and Ferid encouraging him to take more. Yuuichirou thanks them multiple times as
they finish up, and stroll back to a lounging area where Yuuichirou discusses his life with them.

"I was raised in an orphanage that was run very well. They were wealthier than most of the homes,
so they made sure we were well taken care of," he explains as he sits on the couch across from
Krul and Ferid, but near the three boys. "I grew up in that orphanage, and I never ended up getting
adopted and I didn't think I ever would. I was thirteen when I left. I left a note thanking the
directors and all my friends who had become my family. I worked and made just enough money to
provide for myself, but it wasn't enough sometimes. I've lived like that for years, and now I'm
sixteen. I don't really have anywhere else to go."

They all listen in silence at Yuuichirou's story. Each of them has a slight frown on their face as
they take in the misfortunes that have happened in his life.

"Well you have a place to stay now for as long as you'd like," Ferid says.

"We would be more than happy if you accept our invitation for you to stay with us," Krul adds.

Yuuichirou stands up to bow down low, thanking them.

As the night continues, they stay up telling more stories and laughing. Though, Rene and Mikaela
have a habit of keeping a cold poker face no matter what is going on. They're generally quiet, and
don't say much unless they're irritated by something or are asked a question. Yuuichirou has found
this intriguing and even more alluring of Mikaela.

The whole family leads Yuuichirou over to the guest bedroom since it's near their rooms. Their
entire house in one big, long strip shaped in a square, with a large garden in the middle, as well as
surrounding it. They walk through the long hallway that makes up the entire house, with rooms
coming out from everywhere.

"The guest bedroom is right next to Mika's room. Please, don't hesitate to knock on his door for
anything. You can also call one of the servants from the phone at anytime," Krul informs. She
shows him around the room to make sure he's comfortable.

Yuuichirou walks her out of the room and says goodnight to everyone going into their own.
Mikaela is the last one, even though his room is the closest. "Goodnight, Mika," he says with a shy

Mikaela glances over to Yuuichirou with the slightest hint of a smirk, with his hand grasping the
doorknob. "Goodnight...Yuu-chan."
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Yuuichirou's eyes burn slightly as he opens them, awakening from his slumber. His body stays
frozen as his eyes try to adjust to the light filtering in through the curtains. He slowly starts to
move, stretching as his joints crack satisfyingly. Yuuichirou peers around at the luxurious room.
It's large, but has a traditional and minimalistic design. The whole room is based on earthy colors;
beige, light brown, white. There are a few potted bonsai trees placed on the floor and the dressers.
The large window looking out into the garden surrounding the house is covered with a beige
curtain that lets sunlight seep in mystically. Yuuichirou groans as some of the dull light is hitting
his face, but he can't help but admire the simplicity of the room that he's going to be waking up in
for a while. He's been staying with the Bathory's for a few days now, and each day he enjoys this
household more and more. Yuuichirou sits up and stretches before collecting his clothing and
heading to his bathroom to freshen up.

Once Yuuichirou is finished, he steps out of the bathroom to put his other clothing away.
Normally, he would dump all his belongings wherever he could, but in this beautiful house, he
doesn't dare let something fall out of place, even when there are maids. He shoves his night
clothing into the drawer and walks back to his bed to check his phone. Noticing the time,
Yuuichirou realizes that he's gotten ready too early. He's always scared that he might sleep in and
be seen as lazy and a burden to the kind family that let him into their home. He figures that he can
maybe go outside to explore until everyone else wakes up.

Yuuichirou steps out of the room, greeted by Lacus who was just about to enter his room with a
glass in his hand before noticing Yuuichirou. He waves over to him, and Yuuichirou smiles back as
he walks towards him.

"Good morning, Lacus-san," he bows his head.

"Morning, Yuu," he says as he takes a sip of his water. "What're you doing up so early?"

Yuuichirou chuckles. "I woke up thinking it was much later. I thought I'd go out and walk through
the gardens."

Lacus smirks. "Mind if I join you?"

The smirk catches Yuuichirou off guard just slightly. He nods and laughs softly

Lacus places his glass on a random table in the hall, and they walk out together. As they stroll
through the garden in silence, Lacus suddenly breaks it.

"What orphanage did you say you were from?" He asks randomly.

"Hyakuya," Yuuichirou informs. "Why?"

"I've never heard of it. I'm from Sanguinem Orphanage. It's quite far from here."

Yuuichirou is confused for a moment. "You're adopted?"

"Yeah," he smiles as if it was an obvious fact. "We're all adopted; me, Mika and Rene. We all have
different last names."
"Really," Yuuichirou exclaims. "Even Mika?"

Lacus nods, his long, purple hair tossing around as they walk. "We're all from the same orphanage,
but only me and Rene were close. Mika was really distant from everyone else, and the only reason
why we behave somewhat is because mother and father have harsher punishments than the
orphanage," he laughs. "One time, I kept bothering Mika so much, I just kept pocking him until he
threatened to break my finger. Mother heard it and she said that he can either apologize to me or he
can sleep outside for the night. She wasn't actually serious about it, she was just trying to scare
him, but Mika ended up dragging all his blankets and pillow outside with that same stubborn pout
that he still has." Lacus can't stop laughing as he remembers the distant memory.

Yuuichirou starts laughing as well. He knows that Mikaela is stubborn, but he never realized he
would be so dramatic.

"Father ended up having to drag him inside and made him apologize to me. That was the first and
last time he ever said sorry," Lacus cackles.

Yuuichirou's soft laughter also fills the outdoors that he imagines the scene.

After a few more minutes of strolling through the barely blooming garden, they enter the house
again, and Yuuichirou goes back to his room to get his phone. He sits on the edge of his bed for a
few minutes, going through his phone before he hears a knock at the door. He walks over and
opens it to find a handsome blond that almost makes his jaw drop every single day. The smile that
he displays is angelic with his golden hair sprawled around, framing his face perfectly, and his
deep blue eyes that captures the attention of anyone gently stares into Yuuichirou's. Yuuichirou's
face flushes every time he makes eye contact with Mikaela, and he always looks away in

"Yuu-chan," Mikaela purrs. "You look so cute, but you should know that it's going to get cold

Yuuichirou pouts as he looks down at his loose, delicate outfit, a typical Japanese version of
American clothing. He glances back up at Mikaela with a slight frown. "But it's sunny right now."

Mikaela laughs softly, a heavenly sound. He steps closer to Yuuichirou until he's in his room. He
gently places his hand on Yuuichirou's which is resting on the doorknob, all the while staring into
Yuuichirou's eyes hypnotically. He enjoys Yuuichirou's startled look and gasp. Mikaela slowly
starts to move his hand up Yuuichirou's arm. "Yuu-chan, you should know by now that the
sunlight only lasts for a couple hours before the thunderstorms start again," he softly scolds. As
one hand is gripping Yuuichirou's forearm, he brings up the other to caress Yuuichirou's jaw
swiftly before moving to cup his chin and tilt it up. "You should change, right?" He says with the
same angelic voice.

Yuuichirou's captured in the ways in which the blond is controlling him. He enjoys the way he is
playing with his senses, gently touching him so that he desires more, and whispering delicately. He
slowly nods his head. He doesn't want to separate from Mikaela, but he does anyway. Just as he's
about to turn, Yuuichirou remembers, "I don't have any warm clothing like that."

"That's alright, Yuu-chan. You can borrow some of mine until my parents take you out shopping."
He swiftly reaches over to hold onto Yuuichirou's hot hand, and intertwines their fingers. He gently
drags Yuuichirou over to his room, knowing exactly how red Yuuichirou's face is at the contact.
Mikaela closes the door before going to the dresser to dig out clothing. He hands Yuuichirou a
neatly folded pile. "Here. They're just joggers and a sweatshirt. Don't worry about how you look
since we all wear this when we're not going anywhere for the day."
Yuuichirou takes the clothing and bows his head before heading to Mikaela's washroom. His face
is still hot and red as he looks at himself through the mirror. He's even more embarrassed knowing
that he's so responsive to the blond. Yuuichirou quickly gets dressed, but the scent of Mikaela all
over his body from the clothing makes him even hotter. He splashes his face with cold water before
stepping out, and his heart hammers excitedly as Mikaela shamelessly admires him in his fitted
jogger pants. Mikaela steps closer to him and Yuuichirou jolts when he places his hands on his
biceps to push him back against the wall. He shudders heavily and audibly whimpers when
Mikaela tucks his face into Yuuichirou's neck, but doesn't touch his skin.

"You're just so irresistible, Yuu-chan," he breathes against his neck, watching as the goosebumps
form. "Especially when you're in my clothes." Mikaela starts to trail his lips lightly against his
sensitive neck, wanting to press further when Yuuichirou's breathing becomes erratic, but he holds
himself back.

"Mika," Yuuichirou whispers by accident as he closes his eyes and lets Mikaela teasingly trail his
lips all around his neck. He brings his hands up to hold onto Mikaela's firm biceps to ground
himself. His body burns when Mikaela trails his hands down to hold onto his waist. "Mika," he
whimpers again, this time a slight desperation rings through his voice.

Mikaela groans slightly at Yuuichirou's quiet, innocent voice. He finally presses his lips more
firmly against Yuuichirou's neck. He moans at Yuuichirou's sharp gasp and continues pecking
Yuuichirou's neck softly. He feels Yuuichirou lifting his head up to give him more room, and his
groin automatically twitches at the act. He can't control himself anymore, and he brings his body
flush against Yuuichirou's and presses him against the wall. Yuuichirou releases a surprised gasp
and moan as their crotches burn from the thrilling pleasure. Mikaela finally lets himself place wide,
open-mouthed kisses along Yuuichirou's neck like he's devouring him.

Yuuichirou feels his knees going weak, and his body throbbing in pleasure as he feels Mikaela
kissing around all of his sensitive spots. He moans freely at each suck and hard kiss the blond
places, pouring into him a brand new sensation. He scrunches the hoodie Mikaela is wearing hard
with his fingers as his body tenses up from the thrill. He glances over to the door which gives him
anxiety, and his heart pounds even more as he realizes that it's just barely open. He wonders if he
should tell Mikaela, but his voice is raw, and he has no desire to make the blond stop what he's
doing. His mind fogs over again when he starts to hear Mikaela groan huskily as he licks up his
neck. Yuuichirou whines and he tenses further while clenching hard onto Mikaela's hoodie. The
ticklish feeling, as well as the thrill of having Mikaela's tongue on him sends pleasure soaring
through his mind. "Mika," he whimpers even more enticingly when he feels his heavy breath next
to his ear.

Mikaela can't control how badly he's aching to lose control of his lust on Yuuichirou when he
keeps calling his name out like that. His spine shivers every time Yuuichirou makes a licentious
sound that rings in his ears and stirs the heat pooling within his groin. He starts teasing
Yuuichirou's ears since it seems as if he's sensitive there. He smirks again and again with each
reaction that he easily gets from the brunette. Mikaela starts to mouth along his ear, enjoying
feeling him writhe and squirm. He gently blows in his ear, and he groans when Yuuichirou grips
him tighter and bucks his hips up towards his own. "I've been wanting to do this with you since
you first came here, Yuu-chan," he whispers sensually right against his ear, causing the brunette to
tremble. "Once I saw your gorgeous face and body, I wanted nothing more than to rip your clothes
off and make you mine right there in the living room," he suddenly growls. Mikaela places a kiss
on his ear when Yuuichirou whimpers sensually over and over again. His tone suddenly turns as he
smirks against his ear. "I know Yuu-chan has been wanting me to do all sorts of things to him. I
can see it every time we make eye contact, and when he wears my clothes." He nuzzles his face
against Yuuichirou's hair. "Yuu-chan," he purrs. "Tell me how many times you've thought of this.”
Mikaela emphasizes by pressing their bodies even closer together, and grinding his hips against
Yuuichirou's. He has to bite his lips hard to not make a sound in order for him to hear Yuuichirou's.

Yuuichirou breathes heavily through an open mouth. His mind spins with pleasure at each of
Mikaela's words that he pours into his mind so pleasantly. He's too shy to answer Mikaela's
question, but he wants him to know how many times he's imagined being pinned up by Mikaela.
"Everyday, every night," he murmurs as he buries his head between Mikaela's shoulder and neck.
He can feel Mikaela's smirk forming against his skin from his confession. "Aah!" He exclaims and
jolts when Mikaela places a wet kiss on his ear, followed by many licks and nibbles all over it.

"Yuu-chan is so sexy," Mikaela says as he sucks harshly on his earlobe. He leans back suddenly to
inspect Yuuichirou's face. His handsome eyes land on Yuuichirou's and they stare at each other's
flushed, beautiful faces. "Tell me what you've thought about when you think of me," he demands.

Yuuichirou shrinks back as he's stared at by Mikaela's beautifully intimidating gaze. He tries to
look anywhere else except for his crystal clear eyes. Yuuichirou bites his lip before he opens his
mouth slightly to speak. "I-I've always wanted you to hold me against the wall, like, like this. Every
time I wear your clothes, I always want you all over me, Mika," he starts as he gains more
confidence. He looks up into Mikaela's eyes brightly and innocently to entice him further. His
confidence excels as he watches how Mikaela's expression is changing just from their eye contact.
"Every night," he whispers, "I think about you coming into my room, and coming into my bed."
Yuuichirou watches how Mikaela's breathing gets heavier, and his eyes get darker as he stares him
down. "I imagine your hands touching me everywhere," he says shyly. "Please, Mika-san, touch
me," he begs. His breath hitches in his throat when Mikaela suddenly growls sexily, and bares his
teeth before leaning in quickly to slam their lips together. Yuuichirou moans, and the shocks of
pleasure roll through his body at the painful collision.

Mikaela groans at how responsive Yuuichirou is. Everything about him, especially his begging,
drives Mikaela's arousal crazy. He's never been so attracted to anyone. He devours Yuuichirou's
lips as he obediently keeps his mouth open for Mikaela's pleasure. "Yuu-chan," he growls as he
starts to stroke up and down Yuuichirou's waist, causing him to whine and whimper.

Yuuichirou has never kissed anyone before, so his mouth is moving sloppily against Mikaela's
skilled motions. He eventually just keeps his mouth open so that Mikaela can continue to lick all
through it, occasionally closing his lips when Mikaela does. His own lips tingle and are fiery as
Mikaela steals his first kiss. His body trembles as the heat of it travels to his groin. The wetness
and the squelching sounds makes his heart beat even faster, inviting Mikaela to mess him up more.
Yuuichirou's back straightens sharply when Mikaela starts to feel around his body just as he asked
him to. He moans loudly in Mikaela's mouth as he rubs his waist and feels his hands traveling
down even further. His knees almost collapse when Mikaela suddenly reaches under his hoodie to
feel the bare skin of his back, stomach and waist. "Ah!" He almost chokes on his moans as
Mikaela's strong, slender hands strokes his whole torso, setting a fiery path that burns his skin with
desperation. "Mika!" He whines even louder. "Please, Mika," he begs, mind so foggy with the scent
of the blond that he can't control what he's saying.

Mikaela chuckles against Yuuichirou's lips. "You're begging so nicely, Yuu-chan. You really are a
dream," he groans as he captures Yuuichirou's lips again. "Tell me what you want," he demands
before nibbling on his plump bottom lip.

Yuuichirou's heart rate excels and his breathing is erratic as Mikaela starts groping him from under
his hoodie. He wants Mikaela to touch him everywhere, to kiss him everywhere. "Touch me
more," he moans as he gazes innocently into Mikaela's eyes. His whole body trembles as Mikaela
growls and presses him impossibly closer to his body before dragging his nails down Yuuichirou's
waist, causing him to almost yell in pleasure.

"I'd be more than happy to," he hisses as he suddenly grinds his hips hard against Yuuichirou's. He
can feel the already hard member of the brunette, and he smirks with pride as he gazes down at
Yuuichirou with a predatory look. He relishes in the enticing sounds that spill from Yuuichirou's
plush lips, and he's been wanting is to make Yuuichirou lose his mind with pleasure that he can't
stop chanting his name. Mikaela's hands slip out from Yuuichirou's hoodie, and they trail down
further until he can feel Yuuichirou trembling as his hands linger above his ass. "Is this where you
want me to touch you?" He asks teasingly, and laughs softly. "Such a dirty boy, Yuu-chan." He
smirks at Yuuichirou's whines as he softly kneads his ass.

Yuuichirou buries his head in Mikaela's shoulder in embarrassment, and he holds on tightly around
his neck as Mikaela starts to squeeze his ass. He lets out delightful sounds right next to Mikaela's
ear. He turns his head so that his face is right against Mikaela's warm neck, and someone of his
long hair tickles his face. Yuuichirou trails his hands up to thread his fingers through the gorgeous
blond hair that he's been craving to feel since he first saw Mikaela. The groan that he's rewarded
with causes Yuuichirou to gain more confidence as he starts to squeeze and pull on Mikaela's hair
as his skillful hands tease his body. Each moan of Mikaela's is released next to his ear and shivers
run through his body violently.

Everything in the moment is scorching hot as their sweaty bodies are pressed close together, and
their erections are absentmindedly grinding against each other. Yuuichirou is completely lost in all
the pleasure that Mikaela is intoxicating him with that he barely notices the knock at the door.

Mikaela, however, immediately hears it and quickly moves back from Yuuichirou's body. His mind
is full of rage as he's forced to separate from Yuuichirou, who's whining for him to come back. He
storms over to the door and opens it in a fit to glare at the maid who's not shocked by this usual
expression that Mikaela gives.

"Breakfast is ready," she informs.

Mikaela grinds and bares his teeth. "Alright," he hisses before slamming the door shut and
storming back to Yuuichirou. He grabs the thick black hair and crashes their lips together again to
quickly devour him before separating to smile softly at Yuuichirou’s flushed, embarrassed and
virgin-like expression. "We're not done yet, Yuu-chan."

Chapter End Notes

Please like and comment!! ♡

Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

Hopefully this isn’t too late hhhhhh

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ever since the day, just a week ago, that Mikaela pounced on Yuuichirou he hasn't had the chance
to do anything else with him. He's constantly busy doing his own school work or training in martial
arts. Whenever he crosses paths with Yuuichirou or sees him at the dining table, the brunette
shares a longing and anticipated look with him that's just waiting for Mikaela to come back to him
for more; to complete what he had started just a few days ago. That longing expression that he
makes whenever they catch eyes entices Mikaela more and more. His desires run wild, but there's
no way to satisfy it unless he takes care of it himself. Mikaela has been wanting to let Yuuichirou's
fantasy of him entering his room at night come true, but he's hesitant about giving Yuuichirou that
much satisfaction so soon.

Mikaela strides through the hallway. His school uniform is filled with buckles, zippers, and
symbols that show how prestigious it is. His long, black thigh-length boots click through the halls
and echoes across the walls as he makes his way to the foyer to greet Yuuichirou. His parents have
successfully enrolled him into the private, upper class school that Mikaela. Lacus, and Rene attend.
As Mikaela walks closer, his hair catches the slight breeze and flows majestically like a prince as
he approaches Yuuichirou; however, there's someone else with him. Mikaela had been called down
to bring Yuuichirou up to his classroom where he will have his first class. Because Yuuichirou had
to skip a year of school, he's being placed in as a first year instead of a second year with Mikaela. It
was only him who was called down to greet Yuuichirou, but he finds another boy standing
dangerously close and smiling alluringly at him. Mikaela instantly snarls, baring his teeth as he
walks faster until they both notice him coming.

Yuuichirou gasps softly at Mikaela's menacing look as he sets a deadly glare on the other boy.
Yuuichirou looks back at the red-haired boy who had approached him the second their eyes met.
Yuuichirou quickly looked away at that moment, patiently and nervously waiting for Mikaela.
Once the boy started walking towards him, Yuuichirou kept frantically looking around for the
blond. When the boy just started talking to him, and introduced himself as Crowley, Yuuichirou
warmed up slightly to him, but was still hesitant about it since he knew that Mikaela would get
mad. Yuuichirou was already intimated by him because of his tall and strong stature. Once
Crowley started stepping closer and closer to him until their chests almost touched, Yuuichirou was
sweating nervously. He finally heard Mikaela's boots quickly becoming louder and louder, and he
was hesitant to see the kind of expression he had from catching this man so close to him.

Mikaela immediately settles his hand on the boy's shoulder to push him back. He grabs
Yuuichirou's arm and steps slightly in front of him in a protective manner. "What do you think
you're doing so close to him?" Mikaela growls lowly with his eyebrows tensed and his teeth bared.

Yuuichirou's spine spikes with a pleasant and thrilling tingle at the tone of the blond's voice. He's
been aching to hear that tone since they had their first encounter.

Crowley clicks his tongue as he looks down at Mikaela. "I was just welcoming Yuu to our school,
blondie," he says, running his fingers through his red hair arrogantly. He turns back to Yuuichirou
with a wide grin. "I can't wait to see you in the halls later, Yuu," he says as he reaches out to touch
Yuuichirou's shoulder. His hand starts to trail down and before he can even get to his elbow, a hand
freezes his motions in a deathly grip.

Mikaela's eyebrows are tensed with thick lines in between, showing his rage. His teeth are bared in
a snarl threateningly and his arm outstretched to stop Crowley's motions. His mind is raging at the
sight of the other man's hand on Yuuichirou. With all of his force, he detaches Crowley's hand
from Yuuichirou's arm and shoves him back. "How dare you touch him.” He stands in front of the
brunette to block him.

Mikaela's fists are so tight beside him that Yuuichirou can see the white of his knuckles. He
wanted to curl away in fear at Mikaela's enraged sight at first, but now is more drawn to the
protectiveness of him. He never wants to leave Mikaela's side, afraid that others will try to come
after him as well. Yuuichirou shudders at the tone in his voice as he continues threatening

"If I see you touching, even thinking, about my Yuu-chan again, I won't hesitate to strangle you on
the spot," Mikaela hisses slowly and quietly. He turns around from the baffled man and looks into
Yuuichirou's frightened eyes. The green of his irises are bright, but there's a red flush on his face
and his cheeks shine with sweat from his nervousness. Mikaela's expression softens and his crystal
blue eyes become lighter with adornment as he looks into those shining emeralds. Although his
exterior is calm and soft, his mind is still hazed over with rage and jealousy as all he can think
about is how close Crowley was to Yuuichirou. Mikaela gently places his hand on Yuuichirou's
soft skin, barely even touching his delicate face as he slowly strokes it with his thumb to take away
the fear. "Don't worry, Yuu-chan. You're safe with me." He turns around, not caring that Crowley
has walked away and is barely in sight. He holds onto Yuuichirou's hand and laces their fingers
together as he guides him through the large school to his classroom. Mikaela's strides are full with
attitude and pride, flaunting that he has claimed this beautiful boy and that no one else is allowed
to touch him.

Once they arrive at the classroom, Yuuichirou introduces himself to his classmates. A slight surge
of jealously goes through Mikaela as he watches how everyone's eyes are on Yuuichirou, even if
they're just watching him because he's in front of the class speaking. He wants everyone to know
that Yuuichirou is his, and it's going to be hard when they're not even in the same class, and he
doesn't know anyone who's a year younger than him; however, the whole school knows Mikaela
and he'll make it known that Yuuichirou is forbidden.

The blond leans back against the wall to the side of the classroom as he stares at the brunette with a
passion that he knows he can sense. He admires the tight fitting uniform that the first years wear
on Yuuichirou's alluring body. His uniform is black and green, half of the school colors. His
uniform doesn't have as many embellishments, and his boots aren't the same length as the second
and third years. Mikaela's eyes become dark as he imagines Yuuichirou with the jacket hanging at
his elbows as his black shirt is unbuttoned half way. He would be sitting on a desk, looking up at
Mikaela with his mouth parted and his eyes pleading for him. Mikaela has to stop himself from
fantasizing before his thoughts stray too far. Yuuichirou briefly introduces himself and walks over
to the teacher, and Mikaela's eyes are on him the entire time.

"Mikaela," the teacher suddenly calls.

Mikaela stands up straight and walks over to them. He smiles acceptingly when the teacher asks
him to show Yuuichirou around the school before the halls get crowded. "Let's go, Yuu-chan," he
says suggestively, merely grinning at him as Yuuichirou nervously follows.
Once they exit the classroom, Mikaela doesn't hesitate to firmly rest his hand on Yuuichirou's
waist to hold him as they walk. Yuuichirou all of a sudden becomes sensitive to the touch and he
arches his back slightly as the electric feeling of Mikaela's hand makes his body go weak.

"This, Yuu-chan, is the upper north hallway," he says close to his ear.

Yuuichirou glances up at him. His throat goes dry at the alluring angle he has of Mikaela's jaw and
eyes with dark blond eyelashes creating a mysterious shadow. He gulps as he turns back to the
hallway, trying to ease the desire forming in his body. Mikaela continues to show him around the
school with his hand occasionally gripping looser or tighter. They walk halfway through the large,
luxurious school before Mikaela leads them to a random classroom door.

Yuuichirou looks over at him. "What's in here, Mika?" He asks quietly.

Mikaela almost falls apart at the slight pout that Yuuichirou's pink lips are forming. The brightness
of his eyes that are innocently looking up at him and the adorable way his hair is carefully combed
as opposed to the usual mess that it is. Yuuichirou looks like this all while he’s tucked at Mikaela's
side. Mikaela smirks down at him as he turns the handle of the door to reveal an empty, dark
classroom. He leads Yuuichirou inside as he looks around curiously. "This is where we can be
alone," Mikaela says before suddenly shutting the door.

Yuuichirou is more interested in Mikaela's dark expression than the large classroom that they're in.
The blinds are closed halfway and the lights are off, creating a dramatic shadow to display across
Mikaela's face that attracts Yuuichirou even more. Just as he's about to look around the classroom,
he's suddenly pushed back against the door. Mikaela's bright blue eyes look into his before he leans
forward to crash their lips together hungrily. Yuuichirou immediately moans at the roughness and
he wraps his arms tightly around Mikaela's neck. Their lips smack together open and closed as they
breathe and moan into each other's mouths. Yuuichirou whines as Mikaela roughly forces his lips
to open to shove his tongue inside, licking at the all the wetness and warmth. Yuuichirou tries to
say something, but any words that were forming in his mind gets lost as Mikaela presses his body
against the door with his own and sucks on his tongue while doing so. "Mika, Mika," he chants
breathlessly as Mikaela bites his bottom lip.

Mikaela groans as Yuuichirou is already starting to call out his name. He holds onto Yuuichirou's
slender waist tighter and presses their lips together even more, devouring him for the first time in a
week. He notices how desperate Yuuichirou is as he persistently wraps his leg around Mikaela's
hip to get closer to him. Yuuichirou kisses him back with as much fervor, and the feeling only
makes him wilder. "Yuu-chan," he groans roughly, causing Yuuichirou to release a whimper
against his lips. His true desire is to show Yuuichirou that not just anyone can touch him, like
Crowley. He's still angered by that situation, so all he wants is to claim the brunette as his own and
let it show so that no one dares to even think about him in any sexual way. "I know how badly
you've been wanting this, Yuu-chan," he teases against his lips before nibbling at them. "I could
see how desperate you are every time you would look at me. Now's your chance to tell me what
you want me to do to you."

Mikaela's deep voice sends shivers through his body. Yuuichirou moans out loud when he threads
his slender fingers through his dark hair, stimulating his scalp. "Mika!" He calls out as Mikaela
enhances the pleasure by pressing their hips together. He continues to bite his lip to conceal his
moans since they're right at the door. He closes his eyes tightly and tries to steady his breathing,
but all fails when Mikaela presses his plush lips to his ear once, then twice. The energy from
Mikaela's soft kisses channels their way through his body in various places. Yuuichirou finds
himself leaning in towards Mikaela's face and not being able to stop, as he presses his ear to his
lips and feels the hot, wet breath fog his senses. The intense feeling of Mikaela licking and sucking
at his ear surges through his body. "Ahh," he moans, pleased with the feelings that Mikaela is
gifting him with. His body trembles and he moans loudly as he feels Mikaela untuck his black shirt
and shove his hands underneath to feel his body. His back arches in need as he tries to get closer to
the blond's strong, warm hands that set a path of fire across his skin.

"Yuu," Mika purrs against his jaw. "You need to know that no one else can touch you and make
you like this." He latches his lips onto Yuuichirou's sharp jaw and sucks on it, shuddering from the
sensual gasps and moans Yuuichirou makes as he holds on tighter to him. "I never want anyone
being as close to you as Crowley was earlier," he hisses. "And so, that is why everyone needs to see
that you're mine." Mikaela leans back and smirks at Yuuichirou's flustered, aroused expression. His
dark blue eyes trail down to the blooming marks that he's created on Yuuichirou's pale neck,
showing that he's taken. Mikaela leans back forward and kisses Yuuichirou passionately. The way
that Yuuichirou kisses him back desperately makes his body throb with excitement. His hands still
grace around Yuuichirou's smooth body that he's been longing to caress and grope. He lightly
scratches and pinches Yuuichirou's back until he's completely squirming in his hold. "Mmh, Yuu-
chan," he groans erotically against his lips. Mikaela separates from Yuuichirou, creating a trail of
saliva to connect their lips together before it breaks. He smirks at Yuuichirou's expression; his
flushed, shiny face, his bright green eyes with pupils blown wide, and his shirt a mess as Mikaela's
hands are still buried under.

"Mika," Yuuichirou whines as he tries to lean towards Mikaela's lips, but the blond holds him back.

Instead, he trails his hand down to Yuuichirou's crotch. He chuckles softly when Yuuichirou's hips
twitch madly at the light hold on his groin. Yuuichirou's head rolls back and he releases shallow
breaths that turn into soft moans the more Mikaela teases him. His body tingles as slender hands
outline the shape of his hardness and gently touches it to stimulate intense pleasure.

"Ah! Mika!" Yuuichirou yells as Mikaela buries his hand into Yuuichirou's pants. His head rolls
back and hits the wall as he holds on tightly to the blonde's arm and shoulder. A chain of moans
start to fall from Yuuichirou's lips as Mikaela finally starts to stroke him. What gets him even
harder is the fact that someone as beautiful and sexy as Mikaela is touching him like this in school.
He starts to move his hips at the same time as Mikaela's hand, releasing lewd sounds and making
erotic expressions.

Mikaela takes everything in, all of these sounds and faces and that only he can see. Yuuichirou
displays himself so freely in front of him that it's creating an even stronger possessive urge over
him. His mind leaks back to when Crowley dared to lure Yuuichirou into him. At the thought,
Mikaela starts to fasten the pace of his hand, causing Yuuichirou to almost fall over with how
intense it is. He quickly holds him in his arms and strokes Yuuichirou tightly, finally being able to
see the true sensual expression that falls upon Yuuichirou's face.

Yuuichirou chokes on his moans as he holds on tightly to Mikaela's strong body to keep him from
falling. "Mika, Mika, more!" He calls out as his head swings back and forth against the door of the
classroom. He doesn't even care if anyone would be able to hear him at this point. His mind is
completely hazy with all thoughts of Mikaela; his touch, his stare, and his smell, all leading
Yuuichirou into a state of bliss. His erection had already gotten hard once Mikaela started to kiss
his neck, so he feels his climax approaching quickly. "Mika," he mewls breathlessly. "I'm gonna—

Mikaela smirks as he stares lustfully at the brunette. "Go ahead, Yuu-chan. I want nothing more
than to see the dirty look you make when you cum."

At his words, Yuuichirou's body suddenly twitches as he calls out, "Mika, ah!" His hips jerk
forward and his body spasms as he releases, his cum spurting up onto his clothes and into
Mikaela's hand. Yuuichirou continues to hold on tightly to Mikaela to ground himself as he buries
his face into the blond's shoulder, breathing heavily. His whole body tingles with excitement and
satisfaction as Mikaela wraps his arms around him firmly and gently helps him to sit down on one
of the chairs. Yuuichirou's body feels sweaty and hot when Mikaela separates from him to get a
box of tissues. He lets him clean him up as he sits there trying to catch his breath. Mikaela then
kneels in front of him to look at him.

"Are you ready to go out?" He asks, heavenly blue eyes gazing into Yuuichirou's.

"Just a moment," Yuuichirou says shyly.

Mikaela nods. "Did you like it?" He asks, trying to conceal his smirk.

Yuuichirou's face burns red and he looks away from Mikaela's intense stare as he nods yes.

Mikaela chuckles softly. "Just wait until tonight, Yuu-chan."


"How was school? How was your first day, Yuu?" Krul asks as she greets the boys at the door.

"It was good," Yuuichirou says as he recalls the event that took place.

Krul leads them over to the dining room where the servants prepared their after school snack. She
demanded Yuuichirou to tell her everything about his first day and how he liked the school. After
he answered all of her questions and finished his food, Yuuichirou was allowed to leave to go to his

He drops his backpack on the floor and loosens the tie around his neck. He walks over to his closet
to pick out his casual clothes, hanging them on his arm as he walks over to the bed. Yuuichirou
lays down in exhaustion and sighs as he stares up at the white ceiling and envisions more situations
with Mikaela that would lead to him being touched and kissed like he was today. Slowly, his heart
picks up speed and he can feel his groin pulsing as he arouses himself with thoughts of Mikaela’s
cold gaze staring at him hungrily as he feels up his body. Yuuichirou bites his lip and he doesn’t
realize that his hand is snaking its way to his crotch until there’s a knock at his door. Yuuichirou
jolts and sits back up on his bed. He quickly walks over to the door with dusty pink cheeks and his
shirt and pants still hanging on his arm. Yuuichirou opens it to find Mikaela grinning down at him.
His heart stutters for a moment as he stares up at those blue eyes that watch his every move.

“Yuu-chan, would you like to help me with my studying?” Mikaela asks. He passes his fingers
through his blond bangs that partly covers his eyes alluringly.

Yuuichirou stammers before answering, “sure, but let me change my clothes first.”

Just as Yuuichirou holds the door to close it, Mikaela’s hand is on his arm firmly to stop him.

Mikaela laughs softly. “You can do that in my room.”

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading!! <3

Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

good evening

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Alright, Yuu-chan." Mikaela digs through his backpack as he sits at his desk with Yuuichirou on
the chair next to him. He pulls out a stack of index cards and hands them to Yuuichirou with his
alluring smirk.

Yuuichirou is so caught up in Mikaela's stunning expression that he almost misses him handing
him something. He quickly glances down at the index cards before slowly taking them, not
missing an opportunity to slide his hand against Mikaela's in the process.

Mikaela grins at him before crossing his legs and leaning back. "This is the game we're going to
play," he says before pointing at the cards in Yuuichirou's hand. "These are the key terms I have to
study for my biology test. You just have to say the word that's on the front of the card and I'll say
the definition. If I get the answer wrong, I have to do ten pushups. If I get the answer right..." His
dark eyes gaze into Yuuichirou's in a menacing way as a sickly sweet smile graces his face. "...You
have to take off one piece of clothing." Mikaela's eyes immediately scan Yuuichirou's body.

Yuuichirou suddenly perks up. A shade of red diffuses across his face and he immediately tries to
cover his cheeks. "Why my clothes?!" He asks as he pouts at Mikaela.

"Well, you need to change out of your uniform anyways. Might as well just do it this way," he

Yuuichirou pouts and furrows his brows. "Why do you get to do puships, but I have to get naked?"

Mikaela laughs. "Fine, if it'll make you feel better, I'll take my clothes off for every question I get

Yuuichirou nervously glances to the side, knowing what this game will lead to. But there's a whole
stack of cards, and Mikaela can't possibly know every one of the terms. "Alright," he says as he
nods. Yuuichirou quickly looks through the pile to try and familiarize himself with the vocabulary
words, but doesn't recognize any of them. He pulls out the first card and reads it. "Helicase."

"An enzyme used to unzip and unwind DNA during the process of replication," Mikaela answers

Yuuichirou quickly reads the answer on the back of the card before gawking at Mikaela who
answered it perfectly. His heart beats wildly as he realizes that he has to take off a piece of his
clothing. He gulps as he can clearly feel Mikaela's intense stare on him as he waits for Yuuichirou
to take something off. Yuuichirou exhales as he starts off by sliding his long uniform jacket off his
shoulders and onto the seat. His face is hot as he places the first card on the desk and pulls out the
second one. "DNA polymerase."

Mikaela explains the answer in detail, leaving Yuuichirou with his mouth hanging open as he reads
the answer. He nods, letting Mikaela know that his answer was correct. He clears his throat and
places the card down before he starts to undo the black tie around his neck. A sudden boldness
leaves Yuuichirou staring back at Mikaela as he teasingly tugs at his tie and loosens it before
slipping it down from his neck. He hangs the tie on the back of the chair with his jacket as he
reaches out for another card. "Primase," he reads.

Mikaela crosses his arms on his chest confidently. "An enzyme used to create DNA primers where
the process of replication starts."

Yuuichirou is in mid nod until he realizes Mikaela's mistake. He smirks at the card as he reads it
out loud: "An enzyme used to create RNA primers." Yuuichirou doesn't know what any of this
means, but he knows that Mikaela has finally made a mistake and that he'll have to take off his
own clothing now. He holds the card with two fingers as he sassily places it down, smirking at
Mikaela's fallen smug expression.

Mikaela chuckles softly. "Good job catching the mistake, Yuu-chan. I can tell you're excited for me
to take something off," he says with his smirk plastered back on his face. He still gazes at
Yuuichirou as he simply shrugs off his jacket and hangs it on the back of his chair before leaning
back and sitting in his original position.

Yuuichirou tries not to frown to show his frustration. He was so eager for Mikaela to slowly
unbutton his shirt and peel it off that he forgot that he's still wearing his full uniform as well. He
reads off the next card and Mikaela gets it right. He swiftly takes off his belt as he notices
Mikaela's slightly irritated expression since he still hasn't actually taken off any of his clothes. He
smirks at him and places his belt on the desk; however, his smirk is immediately replaced with a
nervous pout as Mikaela gets the next term correct again. The confident, intimidating pose that
Mikaela sits with leaves Yuuichirou gulping from nervousness he tugs at the collar of his shirt.
Looking away from Mikaela's intense stare, he slowly unbuttons his black dress shirt. His body
becomes hot as he can feel Mikaela's stare as he finally unbuttons it all the way and shrugs it off. A
slight chill causes goosebumps to form on his arms, not from the breeze, but from Mikaela's stare.
He wraps his arms around himself nervously.

Mikaela leans forward, spreading his legs and resting his elbows on his knees, folding his palms in
front of him. "Are you cold, Yuu-chan? Want to sit with me?" He asks as he pats his thigh.

A sudden burst of arousal pumps through Yuuichirou's body at the implication. "No, that's fine," he
mumbles even though he knows he's aching for it. Yuuichirou is left feeling vulnerable and open as
he still tries to cover himself with his arm and picks up another card, all the while feeling Mikaela's
gaze rake over him. The next biology term, Mikaela gets right again, and Yuuichirou is left with a
red and hot face as he undos the button of his uniform pants. He has to be careful because each
slight touch against his crotch or thighs creates a slight brush of arousal as Mikaela watches him
undress. He slips off his pants while biting his lip in embarrassment. He avoids any eye contact
with Mikaela as he sits back down in nothing but his boxers.

Mikaela's smirk becomes wider as he watches Yuuichirou try to avoid him as he sits naked in front
of him. Just one more question, and Yuuichirou will have to take off his boxers, fully exposing
himself in front of Mikaela just for his pleasure and amusement.

Mikaela laughs quietly. "Yuu-chan, you look so sexy," he purrs as his eyes greedily take in
Yuuichirou's small, soft and toned body. Yuuichirou's skin is clear and smooth, just waiting for
Mikaela to mark him all up with delicious sucks and bites, just like his neck. Mikaela's stomach
turns and his legs become tense at the thought. Yuuichirou is so vulnerable and exposed in front of
him, Mikaela can pounce on him at anytime, and, knowing the brunette, he'll be fully accepting of
it; holding him, grabbing his hair while moaning and calling out Mikaela's name. The whole
fantasy causes him to lick his lips, almost not hearing Yuuichirou say the next word.


Mikaela smiles, knowing he has won. "An enzyme used to seal the backbone and fragments of
DNA," he recites with ease. He sees Yuuichirou flinching and stuttering with his movements. He
can tell how nervous the brunette is from having to take off his boxers in front of him. "How
about," Mikaela interrupts his movements, "instead of taking off your boxers, you have to sit on my
lap and make a new adjustment for the rest of the questions I get right? That way you won't have to
be embarrassed," he smiles.

Yuuichirou looks surprised at the request. Sitting in Mikaela's lap won't be as bad as having to sit
there with no underwear on. He's been aching to sit in his lap and be held, but he makes himself act
like he doesn't want it. "Pervert," he mutters. He sticks his tongue out at him when Mikaela laughs.
Yuuichirou stands up to sit down on Mikaela's thigh and drapes an arm around his neck to stabilize
himself. He still tries to avoid eye contact with him, but he finds himself enraptured with those
sapphire blue irises staring up at him in satisfaction. His back immediately straightens when he
feels Mikaela's arm curving around to hold his waist.

"Next question?" Mikaela asks with a smirk.

Yuuichirou reaches to the pile of cards. "Okazaki fragments."

Mikaela explains it spot on. Yuuichirou gets a sudden bolt of confidence as he sits higher than
Mikaela. When he recites the answer word-for-word, Yuuichirou places the card down and he
immediately changes his position on Mikaela's lap, just as he said. He can tell Mikaela is surprised
from the way his arms lift up to let Yuuichirou shift around as he watches him. Yuuichirou brings
his knees up onto the seat, straddling Mikaela as they both stare at each other. Mikaela leans all the
way back on his chair again and places his hands on Yuuichirou's waist firmly, trying his best not
to grin in satisfaction. The sudden boldness of Yuuichirou causes a great surge of pleasure to
course through his body. His breath hitches in his throat when Yuuichirou wraps his arms around
his neck and inches closer to him to press their chests together as he arches his back. Their faces
stay frozen right in front of each other, neither moving an inch. They can feel each other's warm
breaths ghosting along their faces and they can see every lustful desire that have been plaguing
them ever since Yuuichirou came. Mikaela can't think of anything other than this beautiful, half-
naked boy sitting on his lap so seductively.

"Next question?" Yuuichirou asks, mocking Mikaela with a smile.

Mikaela smirks back up at him. Before Yuuichirou can reach to the index cards, Mikaela starts to
run his hands up Yuuichirou's smooth, bare back. He feels Yuuichirou shudder at the soft, ghosting
touch that stimulates the tiny sensitive spots. He stares up intensely at Yuuichirou's expression;
biting his lip while closing his eyes at the pleasure. Mikaela glides his hands to Yuuichirou's waist
and slowly moves them down, feeling every soft curve.

Yuuichirou squirms slightly around in Mikaela's lap. His breathing gets heavier as Mikaela strokes
his hands around his sensitive body, making him go aflame. His touch burns him and Yuuichirou
desires more of the flames. He releases the smallest of whines as his breath remains shaky and
unstable. He reaches over to the desk to grab a card and reads it out loud before suddenly moaning
out. His mind buzzes and stirs as Mikaela starts to pass his hands over Yuuichirou's nipples. The
sensitivity causes Yuuichirou's body to shake and tremble as he tries to contain his moans, but
fails. He arches his back even more to press his chest closer to Mikaela's hands, craving for his
long, slender fingers to play around with him some more. "Mika, yes," he whines as Mikaela starts
to rub and pinch at his nipples. His body jerks with the more attention he pays to them. "Ah!"
Yuuichirou calls out when Mikaela presses and rubs them with his thumb. His head tilts up in
pleasure and his mouth remains hanging open.

Mikaela stares up at him in hunger. He's been holding back for days, and all he wants is to mouth
Yuuichirou's whole body until he's a writhing mess under him, begging him to go further. He wants
Yuuichirou's taste to soak his tastebuds, to lick all across his chest and neck. Mikaela's breathing
gets faster at all the thoughts. He eyes Yuuichirou's sexy expressions made from just him gently
touching his body. Mikaela bites his lip as he leans forward and latches his mouth onto one nipple.
He sighs when he hears Yuuichirou's loud moan and feels the sudden hand fisting his hair. He
swirls his tongue all over Yuuichirou's nipple, sucking and licking at it as hard as he can.

Yuuichirou's body spasms as he feels Mikaela's tongue working at a sensitive area. His moans are
loud and whiny as he presses Mikaela's body closer to his own. His breathing gets heavier and
whimpers get louder as the blond starts to nibble on him, making Yuuichirou shudder and gasp
with pleasure. Yuuichirou starts to subconsciously grind his crotch against Mikaela's stomach. His
thighs press together, locking on Mikaela's thighs tightly. "Mika, Mika," he chants as he grasps a
fistful of thick blond hair and pulls on it. The masculine groan Mikaela releases causes a shiver to
course down his spine. "Ah, mmh!" He moans as Mikaela's mouth starts to trail deep, wet kisses up
to his collarbone. Yuuichirou can't contain his squirming on Mikaela's lap as he starts to nibble and
kiss all over his neck. He opens his eyes slightly as Mikaela feasts on him. "Mika," he groans, "you
have to study." Even though that’s the opposite of what he desires, Yuuichirou still wants the blond
to do well.

Mikaela laughs against Yuuichirou's neck. He lifts his head and crashes his lips against
Yuuichirou's, kissing him harshly before resting their lips together. "How can I study when you're
sitting here naked on my lap, begging to be ravished." He smirks at Yuuichirou's deep blush.

"Mika," he whimpers, trying to get some relief. He hears Mikaela laughing again and he looks
back up at him.

"Yuu-chan, I'm the smartest student in my grade. I get the highest marks on my science and math
tests," he explains as he gazes up at Yuuichirou with mesmerizing eyes. "I already know all of this
stuff," he gestures to the stack of cards. "I just wanted to get you naked and frustrated," he smirks.

"What?!" Yuuichirou exclaims as he scowls at Mikaela. He knew the game was going to end
sexually, but he just thought it would be a bearable way to study. Yuuichirou groans. "Well, you're
going to finish what the hell you started," he pouts.

The shadow of Mikaela's fringe darkens his eyes in a frightening way as he smirks up at
Yuuichirou. "Of course, Yuu-chan. I would want nothing more." He gently pushes Yuuichirou
back to stand up. He pulls their bodies together, running his hands all along Yuuichirou's smooth,
soft back and connects their lips in a wet kiss. He slowly moves them to the bed before pushing
Yuuichirou down on it. He grins down at Yuuichirou's small, naked form finally laying on his bed,
the beautiful form contrasting with his goose-white comforter. He kneels down on the mattress,
watching Yuuichirou's nervous expression as he crawls to him with a menacing stare and settles
between his legs. He immediately presses his hands against Yuuichirou's hot skin to feel all around
his body; the curves of his waist and the bumps of his ribs. He relishes in the quivering of
Yuuichirou's body and desires for him to be overwhelmed with pleasure. "Yuu-chan," he purrs, his
tone dripping with lust. "You don't know how badly I've just wanted to devour your body ever
since I met you."
Yuuichirou bites his lip to keep his mouth closed and contain the moans, but ends up humming and
whimpering whenever Mikaela's soft hands would tease around sensitive areas. He releases his lip
and lets out a breathy moan at Mikaela's words as he imagines Mikaela releasing his desires on
him, and finally it will actually happen. "Mika, I need you," he whimpers as his green eyes plead to

"Of course, Yuu-chan," Mikaela hums as he runs his hands down Yuuichirou's soft thighs. He
leans down and nibbles at Yuuichirou's lips to get them swollen and plump. He ignores the
brunette's groan when he doesn't give him the kiss he wants. Instead, Mikaela drags his pink lips up
his smooth cheek and to his ear. He licks around and sucks gently at his earlobe before finally
kissing Yuuichirou's ear fully. His body on Yuuichirou's controls the squirming, and Mikaela
finally pins Yuuichirou's arms down to stop him from covering his mouth. Yuuichirou releases a
chain of moans as he tries to press his ear closer to Mikaela's face.

"Mika, Mika," he chants as he starts to lift his hips up, seeking some sort of friction to relieve the
throbbing in his boxers. He connects his hips with Mikaela's and they both groan from the sudden
pressure. Yuuichirou continues to rock his hips up and Mikaela starts to trail down to Yuuichirou's
neck, sucking and licking all over the previous bruises that he made.

"Yuu-chan," he groans sensually, in a way where his pruriency melts into the form of his voice,
dripping like sweet honey. His strong grip holds Yuuichirou's hips still before he suddenly grinds
down hard onto him. His spine chills as Yuuichirou yells out his name in bliss.

Yuuichirou starts to tug and pull at Mikaela's clothing, needing the feeling of hot skin against his.
He impatiently starts to unbutton Mikaela’s white uniform dress shirt. Once he finishes opening it,
Mikaela quickly sits up and peels it off. He smirks at the lecherous way Yuuichirou admires his
toned body. He takes Yuuichirou's wrists and brings his hands up to Mikaela's chest before slowly
running them down all the way to his pants.

Yuuichirou's fingertips are splayed as he lets Mikaela drag his hands down his body, feeling the
smooth bumps of his muscles and the scorching dampness from being pressed against him.
Mikaela stops once Yuuichirou's hands are on his pants, right in front of his crotch. His grip
loosens as he lets Yuuichirou shyly undo his button and slide the zipper down. Yuuichirou boldly
presses his palm against Mikaela's hard bulge before he can slide his pants off. He watches Mikaela
lean his head back and groan as Yuuichirou continues to firmly press his hand against his crotch.

"Yuu-chan," Mikaela groans sexily as he looks back down at Yuuichirou and rolls his hips
sensually into his palm.

A sudden rush of pleasure shoots its way down Yuuichirou's body as Mikaela's hips softly grind
against his hand. He can't take any more of the pressure that is aching to be released. He grabs
Mikaela's arm and whimpers as he pulls him down. He wraps his legs around his waist and
securely locks his arms around Mikaela's shoulders so that he can't move away from his anymore.
He scowls at Mikaela's amused smirk.

"Yuu-chan, who knew you'd be so desperate for me?” He teases as he grazes his lips against
Yuuichirou's cheek, softly kissing it. "You're so precious," he smiles against his cheek. Mikaela
reaches down in between their bodies and grips Yuuichirou's length. His own dick throbs at the
loud, sexy moan next to his ear.

"Ah, yes, Mika," Yuuichirou shamelessly pleads as his hips start to buck up once Mikaela starts to
stroke him. His head is tilted back in pleasure and his body heats up fast, especially with Mikaela's
sticky body pressed up against him. "Mika, Mika, please!"
"What do you want, my Angel," Mikaela purrs against his neck.

"Faster, Mika," Yuuichirou pants breathlessly.

He bites down hard on his skin to create yet another bruise. "Anything for you." Mikaela's grip
against Yuuichirou's length tightens and he starts to stroke him faster. Once Yuuichirou's voice
starts to crack from the pleasure, he decides to take both of their lengths into his hand to press and
stroke them together.

Both boys let out a needy cry. They’re scorching and are throbbing against each other as Mikaela
starts to stroke them together. They start to kiss, panting against each other's lips as their tongues
tangle together.

Mikaela separates to watch Yuuichirou's expression, completely absorbed in the pleasure. "Are you
having fun, Yuu-chan?" He asks with roughness to his voice. "Do you like playing with your
brother?" His dark eyes bore down into Yuuichirou's with possessiveness.

Yuuichirou frantically nods his head, a shudder running through his body from Mikaela’s
suggestive talk. A thrill courses all over him from the thought of doing this with his brother, even if
they’re not blood-related. He’s lost in the feelings that Mikaela is giving him. He feels his face
redden even more from Mikaela staring at him so predatorily. "Yes, I love it!" He calls out. He
becomes breathless and his body starts to tense and clench up. He cries out as Mikaela's hand
moves faster and he suddenly spurts his cum all over them, screaming Mikaela's name.

Mikaela finally comes undone at the call of his name and he releases his deep groans right next to
Yuuichirou's ear so that he knows just how much he affects him. He tries not to collapse on the
brunette, but his arms are too weak to hold himself up or move. Yuuichirou pulls him down so that
he's resting on him, but not putting his full weight on him. Mikaela rests his head against
Yuuichirou's chest as they both try to catch their breaths. Yuuichirou's face is red and hot, and his
body feels sticky and moist against Mikaela's skin; however, he finds the feeling the most sexiest
and the most intimate. He shyly brings his arms up and starts to thread his slender fingers through
Mikaela's golden hair, softly combing and stimulating his scalp. He looks down to see Mikaela's
eyes flutter shut before opening again to stay awake. Yuuichirou smiles at the sight; he almost
looks like a child trying to fight his sleep. "Mika, are you tired?" He asks teasingly.

Mikaela opens his eyes fully and rubs at them. "No," he says stubbornly. He lifts himself up, using
all of his strength to hold himself up above Yuuichirou. Their gemlike eyes stare into each other.
Yuuichirou looks up at him with curiosity and shyness, while Mikaela looks down at him with an
intense, emotionless stare. Yuuichirou's heart pounds mercilessly when he sees Mikaela's eyes flick
down to his lips before coming back up to his eyes. His lips start to tingle, like Mikaela left a mark
on it just from his gaze. He almost gasps when his dark eyes trail back down there. Before he
knows it, Mikaela starts to lean in slowly, still staring at his pink lips, and they meet in a soft
contact. Just as quickly, Mikaela gently pulls away so that their mouth linger together, and then
finally pulls off of Yuuichirou.

Mikaela crawls to the edge of the bed and quickly slips on his sweatpants and sweatshirt before
crawling back in and burring himself underneath the covers. He sighs as he reaches over for his
phone on the nightstand, and rests his other arm under his head. Mikaela starts scrolling casually
through his phone as his body is stretched out under the blankets.

Yuuichirou sits up confusedly. He looks over to Mikaela who quickly got comfortable after such
activities that they did. He doesn't know if he's supposed to leave Mikaela alone and go back to his
room, or if he's allowed to stay with him. All of him is craving and needing the warm feeling of
Mikaela holding him. He feels attached to him now, and feels like all he wants is constantly be by
Mikaela’s side as he claims him and protects him against others. Yuuichirou just stays where he is
on the bed, looking around aimlessly until Mikaela says something.

"Do you want to take a nap with me, Yuu-chan?" Mikaela asks, barely glancing away from his

Yuuichirou’s nervousness shows through his face as his cheeks become pink. He nods shyly after a

Mikaela nods. "Your clothes are over there on the chair. Unless you want to lay with me naked,"
Mikaela smirks, finally looking at him.

Yuuichirou stammers on his words before grumbling and walking over to his clothes. He feels
awkward walking around naked, and he feels gross from the stickiness on his stomach. He figures
that they can shower after they've slept. Yuuichirou quickly slips on his clothes and crawls back
onto the bed. Mikaela doesn't even move as Yuuichirou awkwardly lifts up the blanket and lays
down with him. Once half of his body is under the blankets, Mikaela reaches his arm out, signaling
for him to come closer without looking away from his screen. Yuuichirou moves closer until he's
right against him and he lays down, head resting on Mikaela's bicep as the blond's arm wraps
around him. He stays still, watching Mikaela scroll through his social media. Eventually, the
smooth breaths that tickle his hair soothes him into a light sleep. His eyes shut loosely and his
dreams immediately unravel as he's held tightly by Mikaela's warm body.

Mikaela quickly checks his messages as Yuuichirou rests cutely on his arm, tucked into him. He
finally sets his phone down on the nightstand and fully covers himself with the thick comforter. He
turns so that him and Yuuichirou are facing each other, and presses him against his chest
protectively after admiring his angelic features. Although the boy is rough, hyper and persistent,
his rested face shows a peaceful, delicate side. His dark hair is feathery and is brushed along his
tan skin. Instead of vibrant green eyes, he shows off his thick lashes. Yuuichirou's soft, pink lips is
the last he sees before Mikaela's eyes close naturally, a soft imprint of Yuuichirou’s face still stuck
in his mind.

Chapter End Notes

Woowww sorry for such a late chapter :,’( It’s been a really busy month: a math test,
biology test and biology midterm last week, an art history final this week and a
biology test on Monday ;^( By the way, the words that Mika was studying was what I
was studying for the test lol I’m so mad
Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

A soft hum of the heavy wind can be heard through the window and into the large home. A light
rain has started, but Yuuichirou can barely hear the patting of the drizzle as he walks through the
wide hallway. He looks over to the windows that adorn the entire wall of the traditional Japanese
home. Looking through, he watches the green-blue colors of outside; the rain causes the hidden
garden in the middle of the U-shaped house to glimmer from the water, while leaves and branches
sag from the weight. Yuuichirou enjoys this quiet, turquoise weather. He makes his way around
the house to the living room where the rest of the family is. Once he enters the large, open-spaced
room, he sits down next to Mikaela on the sofa.

Krul and Ferid sit across from all three boys. They set down their items in hand before Krul speaks
up, "Boys, Mahiru-san will be coming over soon with Mitsu and Shinoa to meet Yuu." She turns to
Yuuichirou who smiles shyly. "Yuu, Mahiru-san is a very close friend of mine. Her son, Mitsu and
her sister, Shinoa are your's and Mika's age. I told her a while ago that we adopted you and she's
been very excited to meet you ever since," she says, smiling at Yuuichirou sweetly.

Yuuichirou nods and grins back at her warm expression. Krul's expression suddenly changes and
Yuuichirou's smile drops. She looks over to Mikaela, Lacus and René. Her eyes have become dark
and narrow and her face has become completely expressionless, but frightening.

"Boys," she says flatly, no emotion in her voice. "I better not see a recreation of what happened the
last time they visited." Her tone is stern and threatening.

Yuuichirou watches the boys nod quickly.

Lacus looks over at Yuuichirou with an amused expression. "Yuu, the last time Mahiru-san came to
visit, Mitsu and Mika got into a fight!" He slouches back into the couch while clutching his
stomach and laughing.

"Shut up, Lacus," Mikaela hisses as he glares at his brother with cold eyes.

"I can't even remember what they were fighting over, but me and René cheered them on!"

Yuuichirou glances over at René who's sighing and nodding his head before looking back at
Mikaela. His icy cold eyes are boring into Lacus and his lips are curled in a snarl.

"Lacus, that was not funny, it was embarrassing for Mahiru-san and I. We bring her into our house
and only cause her trouble and discomfort. Something like that better not happen again, Mika,"
Krul says sternly.

"It won't, mother," Mikaela says through his gritted teeth. He still glares at Lacus.

"Now, go change into decent clothes. They should be here soon," Krul dismisses then.

Mikaela stands up before anyone else and leaves the room, his anger being louder than his light
footsteps. Yuuichirou watches Mikaela's back as he silently storms away, and then looks over to
everyone in the living room before standing and catching up with the infuriated blond. Yuuichirou
can tell he's especially mad because he's not slowing down for Yuuichirou to walk with him, and
his expression isn't softening at the sight of him.
"Mika," he says to get his attention. Yuuichirou tries to hold on to Mikaela's arm to calm him
down, but the blond shoves it away. Yuuichirou almost stops in the middle of the hallway in shock.
Mikaela has never resisted him. They continue to walk in silence with Yuuichirou trailing behind
him until they approach Mikaela's bedroom. Yuuichirou slips in right behind him before he can
slam the door shut in front of him. He walks over to Mikaela's bed, sitting on it and silently
watching the blond angrily peeling off his sweatshirt and tossing it onto the ground before
rummaging through his closet.

"Mika, why are you so mad?" He asks as he lays back against Mikaela's pillows. "Was your fight
with that guy really worth all this drama?"

"He just really pisses me off, Yuu-chan," Mikaela hisses as he emerges from the closet with his

"What were you two even fighting over? You, like, never even talk to anyone, so what was there to
fight about?" Yuuichirou laughs softly at the idea of them fighting over a math or science problem.

"I can't even remember," Mikaela murmurs stubbornly as he sharply turns around to head to his
bathroom in order to avoid Yuuichirou's laughs.

Yuuichirou groans. "You're such a drama queen, Mika!"

Mikaela scoffs at him as he walks back into the room with a hairbrush and tosses it on the bed.
"He's a charismatic guy," he admits, "he's friendly and talks to everyone," Mikaela mumbles as he
slips the kimono off of the hanger, "so he'll probably makes friends with you really quick."

Yuuichirou smirks at Mikaela's statement. He walks across the bed on his knees to Mikaela and
drapes his arms around his neck. "Mika," Yuuichirou stretches his name. He presses his lips
against Mikaela's, feeling his arms wrap around his waist. "Are you jealous like how you were with
that Crowley guy?" Yuuichirou smirks, but it soon turns into a wince at the sudden tight grip on his
waist. He glances at Mikaela to see his teeth bared with a snarl and angered dark eyes.

"Don't even mention his name, Yuu-chan," Mikaela hisses with a cold tone. "He won't even be
allowed to look at you as soon as we get back to school."

A tingle travels down Yuuichirou's spine and elicits a spark, causing him to slightly shudder. The
rough sound of Mikaela's possessive voice, and body behavior causes his palms to sweat as he
grips Mikaela's bare shoulders nervously. He subtly bites his lip and glances away shyly. A part of
him wants to keep talking about Crowley just to see what Mikaela would do, but he doesn't go on
with it. Yuuichirou keeps looking down until Mikaela grips his chin softly and lifts his head up.

"Did I scare you, Yuu-chan?" He asks gently. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." He tucks his head down
to nuzzle Yuuichirou's neck softly, showing his affection before lifting his head again.

Mikaela's angelic grin causes Yuuichirou to stare for too long before he forces himself out of his
daze. "I'm not scared, Idiot-Mika!" He crosses his arms stubbornly and pouts, but Mikaela just hugs
his waist tighter and presses them close together. Yuuichirou has to force himself to ignore the fact
that the blonde doesn't even have a shirt on. He tries to ignore the feeling of Mikaela's smooth,
warm skin all over him.

"'Stupid-Mika'?" He laughs. "Where did that come from?"

Yuuichirou wonders about how that nickname seems so familiar and smooth on his tongue, like it's
a regular thing he used to say. Realization suddenly hits him. "When I was at the orphanage there
was a boy who was much older than me. He was a teenager at the time and I always looked up to
him, but I'd never admit it," he laughs softly. "He was always so cold to me and I was to him, but I
guess that's how we showed that we cared for each other. Anyways, I would get so frustrated
whenever he would tease me that I would just call him Idiot-Guren, and that was just my nickname
for him!"

Mikaela nods before knotting his eyebrows. "Guren?" He asks before he's cut off by a knock at the

"Mika-san, the guests are here. Do you know where Yuu-san is?" Her voice is muffled behind the

"He's here with me. We're coming," Mikaela calls out before letting go of Yuuichirou and quickly
slipping on his kimono. "You should go get ready, Yuu-chan."

Yuuichirou whines like a child as he throws himself back onto Mikaela. The blond quickly catches
him and tries to shove him off, but Yuuichirou grips him tightly.

"Yuu-chan," Mikaela says sternly, but Yuuichirou is no longer affected by his serious tone.

Yuuichirou suddenly lifts his head and they stare at each other for a moment before Yuuichirou
crashes his lips onto Mikaela's. He kisses him quickly before hopping off the bed and running out
of his room.

Mikaela is left standing there, still staring at the door in confusion before chuckling lightly. He
makes sure his clothing is on properly and checks himself in the mirror. When he feels confident
with his appearance, he walks out of his room and steps over to Yuuichirou's. The pouring rain
immediately catches his eye as he notices how grey and drenched the outside looks from the large
window covering the whole hallway. He wonders how Mahiru even traveled the long distance
from her house to theirs. Mikaela tries to open Yuuichirou's door, but it's locked. He knocks on it
twice before Yuuichirou opens it.

"Can't you stay away from me for even five minutes?" He teases.

Mikaela playfully scowls at him before grabbing Yuuichirou's waist and pulling him flush against
his body. Yuuichirou is already dressed in his kimono, and Mikaela finds the thin fabric wrapped
around his slender body to be irresistible. He leans forward and gently nibbles Yuuichirou's bottom
lip, trying to get a taste as he pokes his tongue out, but Yuuichirou quickly pushes him back.

"We can't do that now," he murmurs in embarrassment, face already flushed. Yuuichirou heads
straight to the door, reaching for the doorknob to exit the room before his wrist is caught.

"Yuu-chan, your hair isn't even combed," Mikaela huffs in disappointment.

Yuuichirou suddenly turns back around with wide eyes. Mikaela shakes his head at Yuuichirou's
completely messy and wild dark hair as he runs past him into the washroom to dig around for a
comb. Mikaela walks up to the doorframe and watches the brunette frantically combing his hair,
trying to get the stubborn locks of hair to fall smoothly on his head instead of sticking straight up.
Mikaela laughs breathily at the sight of Yuuichirou struggling to comb his hair. He walks up to
him as Yuuichirou scowls at him and snatches the hairbrush before guiding him to his bed. He sits
Yuuichirou down on the mattress and kneels on it to gently comb his hair. He fetched a small
bottle of hair gel from the washroom and massages it into the thick dark strands so that the
flyaways calm down.
"Alright, done. I never thought I would have to do your hair like you're a five year old," Mikaela
says as he tosses the brush onto Yuuichirou's bed.

Yuuichirou glares at him as they walk out of his room. "Hey, it's just my stupid hair acting up."

Once they arrive just outside of the living room, Yuuichirou glances up at Mikaela, only to see his
soft, friendly expression replaced by a stern, emotionless façade. They walk into the living room as
their guests stand up to greet them.

"We're sorry to keep you waiting," Mikaela says as they all bow down to each other.

"Mika-kun, it's alright," Mahiru chirps as she walks closer to the blond. She revels in how much
he's grown and how tall he is as Yuuichirou awkwardly stands next to him.

Krul and Ferid finally stand up to introduce Yuuichirou. Krul encourages Mahiru's son and sister to
come to them. "This is Amane Yuuichirou," she introduces with a modest smile, "Our new adopted
son. Yuu, this is Mahiru-san, my longtime dear friend. This is her son, Mitsu," she points to the
blond teenager who is Yuuichirou's and Mikaela's age; however, he's slightly more muscular and
taller than Mikaela, making him seem intimidating even with his friendly smile.

Yuuichirou quickly glances up at Mikaela who's looking away in annoyance, not fazed in the
slightest by the intimidating stature of Mitsu. Mikaela's level of confidence is significant part of
Yuuichirou's heavy attraction towards him.

"And this is her younger sister, Shinoa who is also your age," Krul continues.

Yuuichirou smiles at Shinoa's small wave. Although she's his age, she's quite shorter than the rest
of them. Her appearance strikingly resembles that of her older sister's; they both obtain a lavender
hair color with a colored bow pining it back, and similar facial features.

"It's nice to meet you," Yuuichirou says modestly as he bows down.

Throughout the rest of the afternoon, the two families have been gathered around in the living
room, chatting and laughing with each other over the missed time. Yuuichirou enjoys talking with
Shinoa, bringing up new shows and manga that they're watching. He makes sure to try and include
Mikaela into the conversation; however, the blond simply nods and turns away at the remarks that
Yuuichirou makes. Eventually, Mitsu joins in on their conversation, making it even more exciting.
Yuuichirou now understands how Mikaela said previously that Mitsu is charismatic and friendly.
He can easily backup a statement or add on to what anyone else has said, making the conversation
even more intricate.

Yuuichirou enjoys his time around his three new family members, even though Mikaela just sat on
his phone most of the time. Once it came time for Mahiru to leave, Ferid pointed out at the sudden
heaviness of the rain. It pours down, banging against the roof and windows as hail falls down with
it. The garden is soggy and drooping while the concrete is flooded by pools of puddles.

"You can't possibly drive all the way back home in this weather," Ferid says in concern.

A worried expression crosses Mahiru's face as she glances at the dark grey weather. "It would
really be unsafe to drive with all this rain." She bites her lip as she turns back to Mitsu and Shinoa.
"Would you kids mind staying for longer?"

Both nod their heads.

Mahiru turns back to Krul and Ferid. "Thank you two very much for opening your homes like this
to us." She bows.

Just before they sit back down, a sudden strike of lightening hits the earth, brightening the room
for less than a second before the ground is vibrated by a violent clap of thunder. Everyone in the
room gasps at the unexpected sound, holding onto each other from the quick startle.

"A thunderstorm," Lacus points out as he gazes outside.

Mikaela clicks his tongue in annoyance. He doesn't mind Mahiru or Shinoa; it's just Mitsu that has
been capturing most of Yuuichirou's attention.

Yuuichirou looks up at him before realizing that he's holding Mikaela's arm from the thunder. He
quickly lets go and glances around awkwardly. Once everyone settles again, Yuuichirou exclaims.
"Come on, guys, I'll show you my manga and shows!"

Shinoa and Mitsu follow Yuuichirou as he leads them to his room. Mikaela watches their backs as
they start to disappear around the corner. He sighs and walks their way, but doesn't intend on going
with them. All three of them are already in Yuuichirou's bedroom, and he can hear their excited
screaming. He glares at the closed door that's keeping him out of Yuuichirou's room, while he let
others in except for him. Mikaela shakes his head in annoyance and storms into his own room. He
sighs as he sits on his bed, sheets messy from Yuuichirou's bouncing around. He can hear their
loud chatter from the wall that they share, and is displeased with how happy and excited they all
sound. Mikaela lays down on his bed, pondering about Mitsu. He's fine if it's Yuuichirou, Shinoa,
and Mitsu together in the same room, but if Yuuichirou was alone with either one of them, Mikaela
wouldn't hesitate to throw himself at them if they so much as say something snarky. Mikaela
groans as he turns over on his side, wondering how he's grown so emotional towards Yuuichirou.

Just as he's about to admit something to himself, he hears Yuuichirou's door softly shutting.
Mikaela quickly gets up from the bed and opens his own door quietly to peak outside. Shinoa's
blue skirt bounces as she walks away from their rooms, almost frolicking down the hall. Mikaela
suddenly realizes that Yuuichirou is in his room, alone with Mitsu . Once Shinoa is out of sight,
Mikaela cautiously steps over to Yuuichirou's room and presses his ear against the door. He can
only hear their murmurs and mumbles, as well as a few laughs. Another wave of jealousy hits him
at the thought of Yuuichirou revealing his precious giggle and smile to someone else. Mikaela
almost growls at the thought and without thinking, knocks loudly on the door. Yuuichirou opens it
a moment later and beams at Mikaela.

Mikaela stands awkwardly at the door, not knowing that he was going to unexpectedly knock on it.
"Do you mind if I join you, Yuu-chan?" He finally asks through gritted teeth.

Yuuichirou doesn't seem fazed by the roughness in his voice. "Of course, Mika. I didn't ask you
earlier because, you know," he laughs sheepishly, referencing the fight.

Mikaela sighs. "It's fine," he mumbles and steps in before closing the door. He meets his cold, dark
eyes with Mitsu's and stalks towards them while continuing to hold his gaze like a threat.

"Hey, Mika. I haven't seen you in a while," Mitsu smiles and waves.

Mikaela simply jerks his chin up as a greeting and sits down on the ground next to Yuuichirou. His
laptop is out, as well as a pile of manga, presenting it to Mitsu. After listening to them ramble
while Mikaela continues to stare coldly at the other blond, Yuuichirou stands up.

"I'm gonna go down at get something to drink, do you guys want anything?" He asks as he
stretches his arms up.
Mikaela nods after Mitsu gives him a request. He watches Yuuichirou leaving before blankly
looking back in front of him at the wall. The sigh Mitsu gives causes Mikaela to look over at him.

"Damn, he's cute," he remarks while smiling.

Mikaela's heart misses a beat and his chest starts to rise and fall with anger. He forces his mouth to
not form a dangerous snarl that bears his teeth. "Excuse me?" He asks with a heavily threatening

"Do you think I could get with him?" Mitsu asks enthusiastically.

Mikaela's muscles tense and he straightens his back to make him appear taller. "No, you can't," he
hisses with a low growl.

Mitsu clearly notices Mikaela's suddenly terrifying expression. "Yo, what's wrong?" He asks
frantically. "Oh, it's because he's your brother, so it's awkward to talk about him like that," he

Mikaela tries to calm his breathing as he continues to glare at Mitsu, questing his stupidity.

"Man, I'm really hoping to make a move on him. He's just so sexily irresistible," he describes
lewdly. "I can't imagine what fantasies I'll get tonight." He looks up at the ceiling dreamily.

"Don't you fucking say shit like that," Mikaela hisses as he attempts to pounce towards Mitsu


Mikaela glances towards the door, freezing in his position. "Yuu-chan," he says quietly as he
watches Yuuichirou slowly step towards them.

Yuuichirou eyes Mikaela suspiciously as he hands Mitsu a can of soda. He watches Mikaela staring
at Mitsu and watching him scooting closer to Yuuichirou. When he turns his head to his left, Mitsu
is right up next to him. Mitsu quickly loosens the tension in the air and pulls out some of the books
from the pile Yuuichirou has above them on the bed. Mikaela still doesn't join in their
conversation. Instead, he continues to glare at Mitsu as he attempts to charm the brunette. His lip
curls into a slight snarl at the thought of him having lewd thoughts and images about Yuuichirou.
Only Mikaela is allowed to see the real thing; to see Yuuichirou's gorgeous, delicate body; to be
able to touch the smooth skin under his clothes; to see his bright eyes filled with desire and
passion. Only Mikaela, does Yuuichirou belong to.

As darkness starts to further take over the sky, the rain still pounds down on the roof and windows,
threatening to break the house down. Krul has provided Mahiru and Shinoa with clothes to sleep in
as she guides them to the guest bedrooms. Lacus insisted on Mitsu sleeping in his room, making
Mikaela weary of him being so close to Yuuichirou's room, even if his is in between. After he
changes into his regular t-shirt and shorts for the night, Mikaela gathers his backpack and
textbooks, turning off the light in his room and stepping over to Yuuichirou's. He opens the door to
Yuuichirou laying on his bed, phone in hand. Yuuichirou glances up at him.

"What're you doing?" He asks

Mikaela shuts the door behind him, but doesn't lock it. He sets his belongings down on the desk.
"I'm sleeping with you tonight," he says with his usual expressionless look. He stares at
Yuuichirou's face gradually turning pink.
"W-what do you mean?"

Mikaela stalks over to the bed, his expression remaining the same. He sits on the bed right in front
of Yuuichirou and brings their faces close together. "Don't be dirty, Yuu-chan," he teases.

Mikaela's straight face is what drives Yuuichirou to insanity the most. The fact that he can fluster
Yuuichirou effectively without a hint of emotion spikes the heat through his body.

"I wanted to study, but I also want to be with you, so I'll study in here for a bit and then I'll come to
bed." He raises his hand to cup Yuuichirou's cheek and kiss his lips softly. His main goal is
actually to watch over Yuuichirou, to make sure that Mitsu doesn't enter his room during the night.

Yuuichirou nods. Mikaela sits up from the bed and walks to the desk to sprawl his papers and
books out. Yuuichirou crawls to the other side of the bed and rolls off to step over to the window.
He bends the blinds to look outside, the window bleary with the all the raining streaking down it.
He sighs at the depressing weather and walks over to where Mikaela sits at his desk. Satisfaction
forms within him from the way that Mikaela has his belongings in Yuuichirou's room and is using
it like it's his own. He lets his heart lead him behind Mikaela to wrap his arms around his neck and
rest his chin on his thick, golden hair, not listening to his mind telling him how shy and stubborn
he should be.

"Yuu-chan," Mikaela says with a gentle laugh. His chest always warms and tingles at Yuuichirou's
small actions, causing him to feel nervous in an exciting way.

"Mika, what are we?"

Mikaela opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. His mind is blank at the
question. He holds onto Yuuichirou's arms to softly pry them away as he spins the chair around. He
holds onto Yuuichirou's shoulders to get him to sit down on the bed while he rolls the chair to the
foot of the bed in front of him. He bites his hip nervously and doesn't look into Yuuichirou's
confused, innocent eyes.

"Honestly, Yuu-chan, this whole thing with us started because I was going insane from how
beautiful you were. My uncontrollable desire is what started it," he explains, still too ashamed to
look into Yuuichirou's eyes. "All I wanted was to ravish you and make you a mess, which I
succeeded in." He smirks. "I thought the idea of having this forbidden, hidden, sexual relationship
was so thrilling and I was addicted to it, I was addicted to you. And I never intended on gaining
feelings from this, to be honest. But through this whole experience, I've grown so soft towards you,
and only you," he says quietly. Mikaela takes a chance and glances up at Yuuichirou who's looking
down at his shirt. "I've only ever been this caring, nice person around you. I'm sure you've noticed
that by now," he laughs softly. "I don't know how, but you really brought out a whole new

Yuuichirou's eyes flicker up back to Mikaela's. He smiles gently at his confession.

"I want to be your boyfriend, Yuu-chan."

Yuuichirou is taken aback slightly. "Boyfriend?" He whispers with a scarlet red creeping up to his
ears. He shies away for a moment, feeling jittery and nervous with excitement. He nods his head
rapidly while bouncing on the bed and laughing. He dives towards Mikaela and throws his arms
around his shoulders, squeezing him tightly. "I've had a crush on you since I met you," he
confesses as quickly as he can to make sure Mikaela can't comprehend what he just said.

"Oh, really, Yuu-chan? I never noticed," he says sarcastically. "Because your face never blushed
hard whenever we were together. And you never shied away whenever I would touch you even in
the slightest." He smirks as Yuuichirou tries to hide his face in his neck.

"Mika," Yuuichirou whines against his shirt. He sits up and pouts at the blond before crawling
back to the center of the bed and goes back on his phone.

Mikaela crawls after him and plucks the phone out of his hands. He quickly places a finger on
Yuuichirou's mouth before he can start screaming. Mikaela leans down and replaces his finger with
his lips. They gently caress their mouths together before Mikaela pokes his tongue out to trace it
along Yuuichirou's bottom lip. He bites on it roughly and pulls it before releasing it from his teeth.
Yuuichirou immediately opens his mouth wide and unexpectedly devours Mikaela's lips. Their kiss
gets messy in a matter of seconds, with Mikaela pressing his face down to dive his tongue deeper
into the brunette's mouth, completely taking control of him. He tightly wraps his arms around his
waist to press their bodies even closer. Their heads move back and forth as the smacking sound of
their lips gets louder. Mikaela groans in Yuuichirou's mouth once whines and whimpers start
spilling from the brunette's lips.

"Yuu-chan," Mikaela breathily moans against his wet lips. He licks the outline of Yuuichirou's
bottom lip, down to his chin and into the crevice of his neck.

Yuuichirou shudders at the ticklish feeling and tilts his head up to increase the pleasure of
Mikaela's tongue on him. He releases unpredictable moans once Mikaela starts to place wet kisses
all along his sensitive neck. "Mika," he whines as his back arches when the blond starts to nibble
on his collarbones.

Mikaela suddenly pulls back and smiles at Yuuichirou's frustrated pout. He climbs off of
Yuuichirou and kneels on the bed, despite the brunette trying to grab him and pull him back. "I
have to study," he says as he holds back Yuuichirou's arms and stands up from the bed, walking
over to the desk.

He hears Yuuichirou murmur insults to himself and laughs silently. For the next couple hours,
Mikaela has been vigorously studying for his next text, occasionally glancing over his shoulder to
see a peaceful Yuuichirou bunched up in the blankets, sleeping soundly. He lets himself smile each
time he sees Yuuichirou's messy form laying on the bed. Just as Mikaela turns back around to grab
his pencil, he hears the creaking of the door. His expression immediately stiffens, and all emotions
of joy and love completely diminishes from his mind. He spins the chair around and crosses his
arms against his chest, making himself seem threatening and intimidating. His cold eyes bore into
the door as it slowly opens. Mikaela tries to control his breathing as he watches Mitsu's form
entering the room, not even noticing him. He bares his teeth when Mitsu turns around and jumps
from surprise when he sees Mikaela staring at him.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Mitsu whispers before glancing at Yuuichirou laying still in
his bed.

Mikaela doesn't answer his question. His menacing aura creates a painful tension for Mitsu as he
stands up and stalks over to him. Mikaela stands right up in front of him, glaring straight at him
with a snarl. "What are you doing?" He asks in a low, frightening whisper.

Mitsu stammers on his words, only irritating Mikaela further. Before he knows it, Mikaela gets
ahold of the front of his shirt and pulls him up to his face.

"Just the sight of you here in Yuuichirou's room makes me want to deck your face," Mikaela
whispers through his teeth. "Yuuichirou is mine, and if even look at him in a vulgar way, I won't
hesitate to do what I did to you the last time you were here."
Mitsu's eyes are wide with fear and shock. "What the hell do you mean he's yours?" He asks
quietly as he tries to shove Mikaela off of him, causing them both to stumble back.

Mikaela rushes towards him again, his eyes burning with a need to get his hands on Mitsu. "I mean
he belongs to me, and you are not to go near him again. If I see you even glance at him in any type
of way, I will break you face." Mikaela reaches over to open the door and shoves Mitsu out who's
glaring at him.

"Are you saying you're dating your own brother?" He asks in disgust.

Mikaela merely gazes coldly at him, his head tilted down so his bangs create a shadow over his
eyes. He shuts the door on him and waits until he hears Mitsu walking back to Lacus' room.
Mikaela sighs as he walks back to the bed, gasping softly at Yuuichirou's bright eyes peering at
him in the darkness. The brunette stays silent as he watches Mikaela approach him. Mikaela
reaches down to pull the blanket off of his neck, eyeing the couple healing bruises left. His eyes
flick back up to Yuuichirou's and he observes his tired, delicate face. Mikaela gently cups
Yuuichirou's cheek with his palm and strokes it with his thumb. He rests his knee on the bed and
throws his other leg across Yuuichirou to straddle him. Yuuichirou continues to silently stare up at
him, a wide variety of emotions swimming through his mind, but Mikaela is seizing them all. The
blond's thighs press against Yuuichirou's as he leans down and hovers their lips over each other.
Although they're both silent, their eyes scream to each other with what they need. Their faces are
barely an inch away from each other; Mikaela can feel the heat of Yuuichirou's breath against his
mouth. Both of them continue to stay frozen until Mikaela can't control himself any longer and
closes the small gap by smashing his lips onto Yuuichirou's.

Yuuichirou softly gasps from the roughness of the kiss. He forces his arms out from under the
blankets and wraps them around Mikaela's shoulders. Instead of the blond gently tracing his tongue
against Yuuichirou's lips like he usually does, Mikaela instead forces his mouth to open and
plunges his tongue inside. They both groan as Mikaela suddenly grasps Yuuichirou's cheeks to
force his mouth open as he licks all over. Yuuichirou releases needy whines into Mikaela's mouth,
causing him to shudder in delight. Once he closes his lips on the brunette's, Yuuichirou moans out

Mikaela releases Yuuichirou's jaw and moves both arms down to squish between Yuuichirou's
back and the bed to press them close together. Their lips continue to slide along each other's
roughly. Mikaela bites down hard at any given time, causing Yuuichirou to tense his whole body in
exhilaration and press Mikaela's face closer to his.

Yuuichirou's fingers are intertwined with his silky blond hair, pulling and fisting it to cause
Mikaela to groan against his mouth. Yuuichirou's body immediately tingles as he feels Mikaela's
tongue roughly running along the roof of his mouth. He can't keep up with the kiss, but the wet
sounds of their lips connecting and disconnecting makes his back arch thrillingly. He holds on
tightly to Mikaela's hair to press himself closer and to kiss him harder. Goosebumps arise on
Yuuichirou's skin from Mikaela's satisfied groan that vibrates through his body.

Suddenly, Mikaela forces Yuuichirou's arms off of him and holds them down over his head onto
the pillow. He holds on tightly to Yuuichirou's body as his hands are now trapped in Mikaela's
strong hold. A wave of possession hits him when he hears Yuuichirou whimpering at being held
back and he lunges forward again to connect their lips. He enjoys the feeling of Yuuichirou's body
squirming and his neck straining to get even closer to Mikaela's face now that he can't push himself
up with his arms. He pushes his own saliva into Yuuichirou's mouth as he forces his tongue as far
as it can go. He suddenly breaks the kiss with a loud smack and stares down at Yuuichirou with a
possessive gaze.
"Tell me, Yuu-chan, if that idiot had been successful in making a move on you, would you flirt
back?" He asks in a low whisper.

Yuuichirou's back arches in excitement at the sound of his voice. At the same time, he forms that
familiar intimidation and fear he has when Mikaela gets jealous; one of his favorite feelings.
Yuuichirou nods timidly with wide eyes staring up at him.

Mikaela leans down to nuzzle Yuuichirou's neck affectionately. "Good boy," he purrs and smirks
when he feels Yuuichirou shudder.

Mikaela latches his mouth onto the smooth neck and places wet kisses all along it. He's still
holding Yuuichirou's arms back, but he presses their bodies even closer, just barely feeling their
groins touch through the blankets. Mikaela growls at the blockage. He releases Yuuichirou's arms
for a moment to shove the blanket off of him. Yuuichirou's small body finally lays directly
underneath him. Mikaela grabs his plush thighs and forces them apart to settle in between. He leans
down and grinds their hips hard, all the while pinning Yuuichirou's arms back down.

Yuuichirou's mind is hazy with all the sudden actions that are piling pleasure into him. He moans
and whimpers from Mikaela's hot breath and kisses all along his sensitive neck as he attaches his
lips there once again. A shudder forms all along his body as the blonde bites and licks to create
deep marks.

"You're mine, Yuuichirou," Mikaela hisses and bites down hard on his neck.

Yuuichirou moans at his full name being growled so roughly, and then almost calls out when he
feels Mikaela's teeth digging into his skin. He lunges his face forward to muffle the sound in
Mikaela's hair. "Mika, Mika," He chants and arches his back to make him more alluring.

Mikaela makes sure the hickeys he's making replaces the older ones and are bright and clearly
visible to anyone who thinks they can touch or even think of what's his. He lifts his head back up to
kiss Yuuichirou tenderly, fully open mouth.

Yuuichirou sighs and moans softly over and over again as Mikaela massages his lips with his own.
He sticks his tongue out more, demanding for attention and mewls when Mikaela gives it just what
it needs: he sucks and bites on it, making the brunette jolt in pleasure. Lastly, Mikaela sucks hard
on his bottom lip. Yuuichirou squirms and tries to free his arms so he can hold on tightly to
Mikaela. Instead, he submissively relaxes his tense arms and wraps his legs around Mikaela's
waist. He strains his neck to bring his face closer to Mikaela's mouth, showing him how desperate
he is.

Mikaela leans back and admires the light bruise that's now on Yuuichirou's wet, pink lips. "Tell me
who you belong to, Yuu-chan.”

"Mmh, you, Mika," Yuuichirou moans in a haze.

"Me," Mikaela confirms as he brings his lips to Yuuichirou's forehead, placing a soft kiss on it. He
gazes into Yuuichirou's eyes, his hands still holding Yuuichirou's arms back. They smile at each
other for a moment before Mikaela suddenly bucks his hips into Yuuichirou's. He watches the
brunette's expression immediately morph into euphoria. Mikaela groans at the site before biting his
lip to control himself.

Mikaela dives into Yuuichirou's neck again and places even more deep kisses along his
overstimulated neck. He feels Yuuichirou squirming underneath him as he trails his lips down to
his collarbones, licking all over them before biting. Mikaela roughly shoves his hand underneath
Yuuichirou's t-shirt to feel the smooth, hot skin and stimulate him further. Mikaela shudders at
Yuuichirou's high-pitched keens and whimpers. He drags his nails down Yuuichirou's waist and
feels the curve of his body as he bends to get closer to Mikaela's hand.

"Ah, Mika!" Yuuichirou whines when Mikaela lifts his shirt up all the way and latches his lips onto
his nipple. Yuuichirou shudders and jolts violently at the overwhelming pleasure that Mikaela is
forcing into him. Yuuichirou calls and cries out his name over and over again, driving Mikaela
even crazier.

"You belong to me, Yuuichirou," he growls against his skin as he shucks off Yuuichirou's pants
and boxers. Mikaela presses their bodies together, enjoying Yuuichirou being half naked beneath
him while he's still fully clothed. Yuuichirou starts to pout and tug at his shirt, however, so Mikaela
sits up to peel it off of himself. He also leans down to take Yuuichirou's off, discarding it
somewhere on the floor. Mikaela slips out of his pants and boxers. He strokes his length a couple
times just to ease the tension before he lays back down on Yuuichirou and grinds their naked
erections together. They moan in unison at the hot contact and start to rub against each other
desperately. Yuuichirou rolls his head to the side to avoid Mikaela's gaze until a hand is in his hair
and is pulled up roughly.

"Look at me," Mikaela demands.

Yuuichirou gasps and shudders from the stimulation on his scalp. They watch each other as
pleasure settles on their faces when Mikaela grasps both their erections in one hand. He strokes
them both fast, and their faces start tensing and mouths start opening to call each other's names out.

"Mika, Mika, I'm so close," Yuuichirou pants.

"I know, Yuu-chan," Mikaela groans as he teasingly slows down his pace and picks up speed
again. "Me too."

They both buck their hips into Mikaela's hand, desperate to see each other completely lost in

"Mika!" Yuuichirou bites his hand to silence his voice as he comes undone first, releasing all over
his stomach and Mikaela's hand, jolting from the pleasure.

Mikaela pants and stares down desperately at Yuuichirou until he pulls his head down to slam their
lips together. Yuuichirou's hand sneaks down between their stomachs to grasp Mikaela's length.
Mikaela lets go of himself and throws his head back at Yuuichirou's soft hand stroking him

"Y-Yuu-chan," he groans as Yuuichirou leads him to his climax, their cum mixing together and
making the mess between them even thicker. Mikaela's arms start to tremble and he releases his
weight on Yuuichirou, gently falling on him.

They lay in silence, continuing to pant as Mikaela’s head is rested on Yuuichirou’s bare chest. He
weakly sits himself up and reaches over for a tissue to clean themselves. Yuuichirou pulls the
blanket over himself as Mikaela settles next to him, holding onto his small body.

“Did you come to my room ‘cause you knew Mitsu was going to come?” Yuuichirou asks quietly.
His head is tucked under Mikaela’s chin.

“You’re mine, Yuu-chan. I’ll always protect you.”

Chapter End Notes

Just so you guys know, this will be the last chapter until mid-June since this is a
religious month (Ramadan). I don’t want to write this nasty thing during this time lol
so I’ll be on hiatus for a month. Usually, I’ll write an extra chapter in advance and post
it half way, but this chapter took a while to write.

Anyways, thanks for reading and please stick around!! This chapter is extra long and I
couldn’t leave you guys hanging, so extra sexy time :) I’m most likely still updating
my other fics though. Also, my birthday is tomorrow on the 18th ;D
Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

Okkk I know said I’d be back mid-June? Wellll it’s mid-July :D Ugh, sorry for not
coming back sooner. I’ve been working on and off on this chapter since.

Anyways, a lot has happened in the past couple months. I turned 18 the day after the
last update, I went up 10% in math, I failed my bio final : ) and I graduated high
school. I’m not too worried about biology though because I still got an alright mark.
You know, as I’ve been writing this story, there are a lot of times where Mika and
Yuu are studying and it just happens to be biology, as well as the same unit as what I
was learning and at the time to help me study :,) aaa ok I got into one of the top
Canadian universities, so there’s that too I hope ur proud children. Idk why I’m telling
you all of this lol bye.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Mmh, Mika."

The wet sounds of slurping and squelching fill the wide hallway of Mikaela and Yuuichirou's
home. They stand in the middle of the hall, with Yuuichirou pressed up against the wall next to a
window. Mikaela's fingers are threaded into his dark hair and he pulls on it the hotter the kiss gets.


They groan each other's names out against their moist lips. Their breaths linger around their faces
as tongues start to intwine. Yuuichirou shudders and tries to press up against Mikaela even more.
His eyes are shut tight and he's completely lost in the lewdness of the kiss before realization comes
upon him and he tries to back away from Mikaela. The blond, however, is impatient and strongly
desires for Yuuichirou to obediently stay under him as he ravishes and brings him to utmost
pleasure. When Yuuichirou tries to push back against his chest and move his head away, Mikaela
glares impatiently at him.

"Yuu-chan," he warns.

The tone in his voice causes Yuuichirou to shiver. He pants heavily as he tries to keep his voice
still, "Mika, we can't do this here." He looks around at the wide, empty hall.

"Everyone's in the dining room," Mikaela groans as he tucks his head into Yuuichirou's neck and
starts targeting his kisses there.

Yuuichirou arches his back, trying to get closer to him, also trying to fight back his desires. "But
still," Yuuichirou tries to reason. "What if they unexpectedly—ah—come back," he tries to fight
back his moans, but fails as Mikaela starts to nibble purposefully in the sensitive spots that he's
memorized. "Mika!" Yuuichirou tilts his head back against the wall to give him more space to do
as he pleases, losing control of his thoughts. Right now, all that matters is their bodies pressed up
against each other.

"Mika," Lacus calls out.

Yuuichirou's eyes shoot open and he gasps. His hands immediately push Mikaela back as the blond
stumbles away from Yuuichirou with a squelch from where they were connected. They both stare
with wide eyes at the end of the hallway. Empty.

"Get Yuu, we need to go!" Lacus yells from across the house.

Mikaela and Yuuichirou breathe heavily from the sudden panic. Yuuichirou glares at Mikaela who
simply smirks at him.

"See? We almost got caught."

"That's what makes it thrilling Yuu-chan," Mikaela says as he reaches down to pick up his
backpack. He walks away with the bag hanging off his shoulder. "Keep your phone on during
class," he instructs as he passes Yuuichirou. "We're continuing this at school."

Yuuichirou dreadfully sits in the uncomfortable chair, leg shaking in anticipation of the text
message Mikaela should be sending him. He's been anticipating it all morning, but hasn't received
any notification. Yuuichirou starts to wonder if Mikaela is really going to drag him into another
classroom, like last time, or just tease him the whole day so that he can really indulge in him later.
With a flushed face, Yuuichirou finds both options appealing. He frustratingly bites at his thumb
and stares out of the window, completely ignoring the teacher's lesson.

He's also too embarrassed to admit that he's been half-hard since the morning when Mikaela
couldn't stop touching him, and has been hiding it by not tucking in his school uniform shirt. If
Mikaela ever calls him out to an empty classroom, Yuuichirou already knows he's going to yell at
him for a few minutes first, before grabbing his shoulders and slamming their lips together. He can
just imagine the blond reacting right away; lacing his arms around Yuuichirou's waist to press them
even closer together. Yuuichirou presses his thighs together to ease the throbbing between his legs
as he imagines Mikaela laying him down on a row of desks and climbing on top of him.

The sudden vibration on the desk causes his body to jolt from the surprise as he quickly looks
down at his phone.

Kimizuki, 09:34 AM
"Why do you look even more like an idiot today?"

Yuuichirou huffs and turns around to glare at the boy a row behind him. He turns back to rapidly
type on his phone with a snarky comment. He turns around and smirks when Kimizuki gives him a
glare. Yuuichirou dismisses him and turns back to the window, still anxiously waiting for
Mikaela's call for him. When his phone continues to buzz with messages from Kimizuki, he turns
around to give him another glare and ignores the texts; he doesn't want to disturb the vivid
fantasies of Mikaela that he's having.

Once the bell rings for the next class to start, Yuuichirou sighs as he stands up from his desk and
checks his phone once again. He scrolls past Kimizuki's messages to try and find one from
Mikaela, but fails. He strolls out of the classroom with his backpack hanging from one shoulder
and walks down the hall to his locker. Yuuichirou carefully slides the knob of the lock into place
before opening it and shoving his books carelessly inside. Just as he reaches to take one out, he
gasps at the feeling of a pinch on his bottom. Yuuichirou whirls around, ready to throw a fist, but
instead finds himself glaring at Mikaela's teasing grin.

"You. You said that you would take care of what you started once we got to school!" He points his
finger at Mikaela.

"Aw, Yuu-chan," Mikaela coos as he subtly leans in closer to Yuuichirou with his eye-catching
smirk. "Have you been waiting for that long? The school day isn't over yet. For all you know I
could just call you to meet me during the last few minutes." His grin widens as Yuuichirou's
frustration becomes even more prominent. "You should try and hide your problem better, Yuu-
chan." Mikaela’s gaze flickers down to the brunette’s crotch.

Yuuichirou gasps and looks down, only to see that his shirt is covering it just fine. He glances back
up with a scowl at Mikaela's subtle laugh.

"Don't worry, Yuu-chan." Mikaela reaches up to tuck a lock of hair back from Yuuichirou's face.
"If you wait patiently long enough, I'll reward you."

With that, Mikaela walks away with the flow of the crowd and onto his next class. Yuuichirou
watches him desperately, imploring with his eyes for Mikaela to come back and grab his hand, to
drag him into a classroom and impatiently pin him against the door as their lips fervently collide.
His face becomes hotter and he forces himself to remain calm, knowing that if he just waits, the
reward Mikaela will give him will be worth it. Yuuichirou shuts his locker and walks dreadfully to
his class, making sure his shirt is properly covering his crotch and holding his books in front of it
just to make sure.

As Yuuichirou settles in his desk, he pulls out his folders and various papers for the class, as well
as a pen so that he can actually get to work. Sitting around and staring at the wall for ninety
minutes will only make him even more frustrated, so actually paying attention and doing
something during class will cause the time to fly by faster. Feeling like a genius, Yuuichirou
proudly copies down notes as the teacher writes on the board and finds himself surprised with how
his understanding of the subject changes when he actually pays attention during class. Having been
poorly homeschooled as he was in the orphanage caused him to completely lose interest and
motivation for learning; so now that he's been handed an expensive education so suddenly, it's
difficult to gain the curiosity and inspiration that a normal teenager would have.

As Yuuichirou writes down the last few words for his notes, the bell rings and he looks up at the
time, not believing that lunch time approached so fast. He packs up his belongings before checking
his messages; still none from Mikaela. Yuuichirou walks to the cafeteria and joins his friends at the

"Yuu-kun, your shirt is untucked.”

Yuuichirou nods to him and smiles. "Thanks, Yoichi. I did it on purpose."

"Why would you try to look like an idiot on purpose?" Kimizuki asks as he casually takes a bite of
his food.

Yuuichirou, provoked, raises his fist in the air, ready to launch it at Kimizuki across the narrow
table before his arm is caught.

"Please stop creating a scene," the blond murmurs before letting go of Yuuichirou's arm.

"Don't mind them, Mitsuba," Yoichi laughs nervously. "They're not actually going to hurt each

"Yeah," Yuuichirou tilts his chin up arrogantly. "I would never unleash my wrath on Kimizuki's
weak face. That would make me a bad friend."
Kimizuki slams his palms on the table, ready to stand up until one of them speaks up with a high-
pitched voice that makes him cringe.

"So!" She exclaims as she claps her hands to bring the attention towards her.

"Shinoa, can you please not scream in my ear?" Kimizuki pleads as he settles back down.

Shinoa merely giggles before continuing. "What is the real reason as to why your shirt is untucked,
Yuu-san? I've never seen this rebellious behavior from you in my life,” she performs dramatically.

"You've known me for, like, six months," Yuuichirou says through his mouthful of food. "And I
was just too lazy to tuck it in today," he lies as he stares down at his food to avoid their suspicious

Shinoa purses her lips as she stares the top of Yuuichirou's head before she smirks. "Could it be,"
she starts, "that you have a boner?"

Yuuichirou's head shoots up and he gawks at her before she starts laughing. Yuuichirou’s heart
almost fell to the floor, thinking she had somehow seen through his shirt.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" She says through her cackles.

Kimizuki suddenly scoffs. "I'm not surprised if he did have one, judging by how he looks at
Mikaela." Kimizuki smirks at Yuuichirou's suddenly reddening face.

"Mikaela?" Yoichi repeats in fascination. "You like Mika-senpai?"

Yuuichirou starts stammering on his words and his hands start to shake as he tries to scoop up his
rice with his chopsticks. "What?" He exclaims with terrible acting. "Why would I like an
upperclassman?" He nervously takes a bite of his food, hoping he can quickly change the subject.

"Because," Yoichi says, "Mika-senpai is so handsome. He catches the eye of many students here.
There's no need to be shy, Yuu-kun.” Yoichi smiles sweetly at him with his round eyes.

Yuuichirou stares at Yoichi, eyebrows tense and mouth parted. He would never have thought that
his friends even payed attention to Mikaela. He knew that Mikaela was certainly popular and that
his looks transcends all those in the school, but he just never thought about how the others think of
the blond. "Yoichi, you're calling him by his nickname. How do you know him? And what the hell
do you mean he’s yours?” Yuuichirou asks wearily, trying to ignore the slight surge of jealousy
that Yoichi somehow knows Mikaela, and possibly more than he does. He also remembers that no
one even knows that they're legally related, not having told anyone just for the sake of privacy and
seeing as no one really needs to know and probably doesn't care. He also thinks that if anyone were
to find out that they were dating, he would be ambushed by all of Mikaela’s fangirls. He figures
now that if others in the school did know that he was related to Mikaela, he would immediately
become popular since Rene and Lacus are as well.

Yoichi's face takes on a pink color. "He used to tutor me last year. I would go to his house and we
spent an hour together each week." Yoichi sighs dreamily as he recalls. "That time spent with him
was always the best hour of my week. Even though he's so cold and emotionless with anyone he's
with, that's kind of what attracts everyone to him, I guess."

Yuuichirou glares off to the side. His body becomes jittery with the urge to scream that Mikaela is
his alone; that he has sat in Mikaela's lap, stripped him, felt him, and seduced him. At the same
time, he's shocked that Mikaela has never even told him this information even though he knows
that Yoichi is friends with him. Yuuichirou doesn't let himself be distracted from the jealousy that
is building inside of him. At this moment, he wants nothing more than for Mikaela to message him,
demanding to meet him in a classroom right now. Yuuichirou would run there, he would enter the
classroom and become more than pliant and submissive as Mikaela grabs his hips roughly and
presses them together. Yuuichirou would let himself be played with and teased all for Mikaela's
pleasure. He would whisper dirty things in his ear while pulling on his golden hair. Most
importantly, Yuuichirou would trail his lips along Mikaela's pale neck while sucking and biting
anywhere he can to leave the brightest mark. He would also tilt his head back so that Mikaela can
do the same as they claim each other. He wants this all to happen right now as Mikaela is still in
the minds of his friends. Once they finish in the classroom, he would want Mikaela to send him out
into the hallway with his body sweaty and burning from his touches, and carry on with the rest of
the day as if nothing even happened. Yuuichirou would come back to his friends and they wouldn't
even know that this boy that they're fluttering about at the moment had just ravished Yuuichirou
and pleasured him to the peak.

Yuuichirou doesn't realize how long he's been fantasizing until he feels a light, but prominent kick
on his shin. He flinches before glaring at the giggling girl. "What the hell, Shinoa?"

"Calm down, cherry boy, it wasn't that hard," she laughs and covers her mouth with her hand.

Yuuichirou's face twists into confusion. "Cherry boy?"

Shinoa perks up. "Yeah, because you got all red and nervous and spaced out as soon as we started
talking about Mikaela-senpai," she says with a smirk.

Yuuichirou gawks at her before stammering on his words. He waves his hands around to disagree
with her, almost knocking the food off of the table.

"Could it be," Yoichi starts, "that you like Mika-senpai?"

Yuuichirou nods his head too quickly. "No! I don't even know him!" He lies. "Whatever, I'm
leaving," he says as he stands up.

"Fine, fine, fine! We're joking, just sit down!" Shinoa calls out.

“Yoichi has a huge crush on him, so I don’t think you should even think about being with him,”
Mitsuba suggests.

Yuuichirou groans and grumbles to himself before sitting down again. He grabs his phone and
tries to distract himself with, trying to ignore the throbbing heat within his groin, as well as his
heart. Yoichi can crush on Mikaela all he wants, but Yuuichirou is the one who has truly captured
him. At the same time, he doesn’t want to upset Yoichi if they’re ever caught. He has to make sure
that his friends are never around when Mikaela feels like teasing him during school. Mikaela will
surely kill him at this point, with how horny he is. Yuuichirou ignores the group's gossip and jokes
as he scrolls through his phone, until a message pops up from Mikaela. Yuuichirou almost gasps
and immediately clicks on the notification to read it.

Mika, 12:05 PM
You're doing so well, Yuu-chan. Just a little while longer and I'll fulfill all the fantasies you've had

Yuuichirou's mouth goes dry and his heart rate excels as he reads the message. He looks up from
his phone to find Mikaela looking at him from his table. Yuuichirou's lips part and he can feel
himself throbbing even more from the small, subtle smirk on Mikaela's face that's only meant for
him to see. Yuuichirou quickly looks back down at his phone before his friends notice their
interaction. He also starts to wonder how Mikaela knew what was exactly in Yuuichirou's mind. Is
his face that red at the moment? Can Mikaela tell that he's been having fantasies of him all day?
He's cut off from his thoughts as the bell suddenly rings, indicating that lunch is over. He packs up
his bento and stuffs it in his bag before standing up.

"Yuu-san, do you want to skip the next class with us?" Shinoa asks.

Yuuichirou doesn't know when Mikaela will call for him, so it's better to stay away from the group
so that they don't become suspicious or spy on him. "No, it's fine. I've actually figured out that
paying attention in class is useful! I'll see you guys." He waves at them before setting off to his
next class.

Yuuichirou tries to force himself to pay attention, but his mind cannot be separated from the aching
in his pants. He's grown impatient and irritable and doesn't want to pay attention to the teacher
when he has something much more important to take care of. He keeps up with his notes, quickly
jotting them down as a distraction until he feels his phone vibrate under his thigh. He bites his lip
and makes sure the teacher isn't looking before pulling it out. His heart drops through his body as
he reads Mikaela's message.

Mika, 12:30 PM
Yuu-chan, meet me at N203

Yuuichirou tries to think of where that classroom is located. Nonetheless, his hand automatically
shoots up and he asks if he can go to the washroom. Yuuichirou tries to remain cool, but he still
rushes out of the classroom. The obnoxious squeaking of the marker gliding along the whiteboard
dulls down as he shuts the door. Yuuichirou's heeled shoes click clack through the wide polished
corridor as he adjusts the too tight necktie of his school uniform. His body is already becoming
giddy and excited as he anticipates what is about to happen when he steps through the classroom
that Mikaela's in. This part of the school has been undergoing construction since Yuuichirou
arrived. Now, all that's left is the painting and it isn’t being worked on today, to both boys'

As Yuuichirou strolls through the abandoned hallway, he looks out for the classroom until he sees
Mikaela standing there on his phone, leaning against the door. Yuuichirou's knees are weak and his
palms are sweaty from the buildup of anticipation throughout this entire day. He slowly approaches
Mikaela until he's caught his attention, dark blue eyes flickering down at him. The brunette's
breathing becomes rapid when Mikaela smiles at him and stands up straight, almost towering over
him. Yuuichirou flinches when the blond's hand wraps around to his waist as he guides him into
the classroom. As soon as they step inside, the door is shut and Yuuichirou is pulled against it. A
gasp falls past his lips as his back hits the door and his body is pressed against Mikaela.

Suddenly, Yuuichirou feels a soft warm heat fall upon his lips and he immediately moans at the
tingling that he's been craving all day. They move their lips together in the same rhythm, smacking
hard against each other as they try to satisfy their burning desire that has been pent up for hours.
The sudden feeling of having his mouth taken over in such a rough way already starts igniting
sparks in Yuuichirou's gut. He whimpers to seduce and encourage Mikaela into kissing him harder.
He doesn't want Mikaela to hold back, and he knows that he won't. Today, he wants to be
completely taken in the middle of the classroom.

As a response to Yuuichirou's sudden boldness, Mikaela starts sucking on his plump top lip,
reddening and swelling up before biting hard. The sounds coming from Yuuichirou's lips vibrate on
his own and they enter his mouth, only for him to create and hear
Yuuichirou groans at the bite and sticks his tongue out to lick all over Mikaela's mouth. Yuuichirou
whimpers beneath the tall, older boy and feels his legs about to collapse when his knees start
wobbling. He can't control the sweet sounds spilling from his mouth as Mikaela strokes their
tongues together and increases the moistness in his mouth. Mikaela's arms wrap tighter around
Yuuichirou's slender waist and squeezes. Yuuichirou gasps at the pleasurable stinging, causing
Mikaela to grip tighter and rub his hands up and down the clothed waist, knowing exactly what he
wants to do with the smaller boy.

Yuuichirou's abandoned mind slowly focuses back together before he whimpers, "Mika". He
pauses to take a sharp breath when Mikaela moves his face down to his neck to bite and suck at it.
Pleasurable chills spike through his body at the feeling of Mikaela's soft lips invading such a
sensitive area so roughly. "Wait, Mika. We're at school." Not that he wants this moment to end.
Although the thrilling feeling of doing something so vulgar in the school is what heightens the

Mikaela takes a hard bite from Yuuichirou's neck and sucks on the reddening patch of skin.
"Haven't you ever wanted to do it in school?" Mikaela mumbles against his smooth neck before
placing wet kisses along it. He straightens his back more to tower over Yuuichirou's small, slender

Yuuichirou bucks his hips up subconsciously when he feels the wet tongue all over his neck. His
head rolls back against the door, lost in the feeling of Mikaela's mouth against his neck; licking,
sucking, and biting.

"No, you pervert," he manages to pant out. But he lets out a loud moan when Mikaela dips his
tongue into the hallow spot between his collarbones. "Maybe," he says breathlessly.

"It'll just be ten minutes, my angel," Mikaela purrs out. He knows what his pet names do to
Yuuichirou, and he knows it worked when he hears a small whimper next to his ear. Since he's not
fighting back nor falling silent, Mikaela continues to pleasure the smaller boy and pulls off the coat
and unbuttons Yuuichirou's dress shirt. "Besides, you've been such a good boy, waiting so
patiently." Mikaela smirks against Yuuichirou's skin when he feels the tremble course through him.
His lips travel up to his jaw, nipping and softly kissing. "You definitely deserve a reward right
now," he whispers before he crashes his hips against Yuuichirou's, grinding against him.

"Mika!" Yuuichirou calls out as his knees tremble and his hands grab at Mikaela's clothes to keep
himself up. He unknowingly starts grinding his hips against Mikaela's desperately, raising a leg to
wrap around his waist to press himself even closer. Mikaela's lips have now attached to his ear,
sucking and biting at the lobe before he feels the blond's strong hands grab the thigh against his
waist and squeeze it hard.

Despite his arms trembling and feeling heavy, Yuuichirou brings them down to grab Mikaela's shirt
and untuck it from his pants. As soon as his crisp white shirt comes out, Yuuichirou doesn't
hesitate to impatiently tug at the buttons and almost rip the shirt. Once his shirt is open just
enough, Yuuichirou's fingers splay around Mikaela's hard abdomen, his warm hands gliding along
his stomach and chest roughly. Mikaela groans against Yuuichirou's jaw and gently nibbles on it
while pressing his hips closer to Yuuichirou's as a reward. The way that Mikaela holds Yuuichirou
right against his body, smothering him with sensual touches and kisses sparks even more of an
emotional attachment to the blond.

Once Mikaela has managed to unbutton Yuuichirou’s shirt as well and slip the pants off his shaky
legs, Mikaela undos his own belt and zipper before pulling his hard member out. He leans down to
latch his mouth onto Yuuichirou's nipple as the brunette lets out a loud cry. He feels Yuuichirou
twitching from the sparks of stimulation and he moves his hand to play with the other one. When
they're red and swollen just how he likes them, he leans further down to lick across Yuuichirou's
navel and stomach, reaching his sharp hip bones. He goes down onto his knees and sucks and bites,
leaving blossoming bruises just above the waistband of his boxers before he peels them off.

Yuuichirou gasps and moans with all his breath and tugs on Mikaela's long, golden locks. He hears
Mikaela's low groan and Yuuichirou shudders, arching his back and bringing his hips closer to
Mikaela's face.

Through his hazy mind fogged with lust and desire, Yuuichirou turns his head towards the door
right next to them. "Someone— ah! Someone might come in," Yuuichirou pants.

Mikaela halts his licking Yuuichirou's stomach and stands up to come face-to-face with his
boyfriend. "No one comes here, Yuu-chan," he groans out with a groggy voice. Mikaela straightens
his back and fixes his shoulders, showing that he's not letting them end this moment any time soon.

Yuuichirou slightly presses his back further to the door and makes himself smaller. He's always
been intimated by the handsome and intelligent boy, but Mikaela finds ways to soothe him from
that; however, when it comes to these activities, Mikaela likes to show heavy dominance and
emphasize on his intimidation.

"Even if they did, they would know that you're all mine and that no one but me is allowed to touch
you." Mikaela's breath ghosts all along Yuuichirou's neck, sniffing him as his voice comes out in a
seductive whisper.

Yuuichirou whimpers and grabs onto Mikaela's broad shoulders. Mikaela hooks his hands beneath
Yuuichirou's knees and lifts him up easily, pressing their bodies even closer together. He stares
with wild eyes at the smaller boy, his deep green, half-lidded eyes, his black-as-night messy hair
and the smooth, skin shiny with his saliva. As well as the fact that Mikaela is fully clothed while
Yuuichirou is almost completely naked, with just his thin white shirt hanging from his shoulders as
he’s held helplessly in Mikaela’s arms. No one can make Yuuichirou look or feel like this. Mikaela
growls and kisses Yuuichirou's lips hard, hearing a high pitched, satisfied moan. Yuuichirou
increases the passion and sucks on Mikaela's tongue.

"Mika, more," Yuuichirou moans, lost in his conspicuous desires. "I want everything," he begs,
"right now."

Mikaela groans and feels his length throb with every sound that falls from his boyfriend’s mouth.
"Are you sure, Yuu-chan?" He asks breathlessly against his lips. "I can give you everything, and I
want to give you everything, but I also want to make sure you're okay with this." Mikaela leans
back to examine Yuuichirou's recked face.

"Mika, I've been wanting this since the beginning. I want all of you, I want to be with you,"
Yuuichirou pleads. He suddenly pauses and he shyly glances away from Mikaela's bold eyes. "I-I
prepared myself this morning," he confesses with a shaky voice and shuts his eyes as he cringes.

Mikaela stares at him for a moment, impossibly aroused from even the smallest things that
Yuuichirou says and does. This isn't small, however. He suddenly smirks at Yuuichirou's burning
red face. "Are you that desperate for me?" He asks teasingly. "That you have to use your fingers to
imitate my dick?" Mikaela laughs softly at Yuuichirou’s blushed and innocent look. “I want to be
with Yuu-chan, too.” He leans forward and kisses the tip of his boyfriend’s nose.

Yuuichirou whines in embarrassment and ducks his head into Mikaela's shoulder. His arms and
legs wrap tighter around him. He grips Yuuichirou's thighs tight while trying to line his painfully
hard length into Yuuichirou. Mikaela leans in and gently places kisses all along his cheek and
forehead to relax him. They've both been horny since this morning so Mikaela painfully uses all of
his strength to wait for Yuuichirou to get used to the sudden intrusion of his dick entering him.
Once Mikaela is inside of Yuuichirou's tightness, he almost squeaks at the pain of being stretched
open, but sighs satisfyingly.

Mikaela starts off with a slow pace for Yuuichirou's sake. The burning heat and friction causes him
to groan lowly in Yuuichirou's ear. He presses Yuuichirou even further against the wall so that
they're even closer together, savoring each inch of him. No longer holding back like he has been all
morning, Mikaela hisses through gritted teeth. "Are you ready, Yuu-chan? For me to pound you
like I've been wanting to for months?"

Yuuichirou's moans get louder and his whines become needier as he rapidly nods. "Yes, Mika,
please," he pleads desperately, arms clutched around the blond's neck tightly in anticipation.

Mikaela curses and groans before he pounds into Yuuichirou's small body and watches how he
bounces up and down along the wall. Yuuichirou lets his voice fall free and moans loudly with
each thrust before he has to bite his hand to contain them. When Mikaela gets harder and deeper,
Yuuichirou's voice gets higher and he drops his head back against the wall with a thud, mouth wide

"Do you like your special prize, Yuu-chan?" Mikaela emphasizes by thrusting his hips slower, but
still hard. "This is what happens when you're a good boy."

Mikaela watches possessively at Yuuichirou's behavior, getting even harder and banging into him
stiffer as their hips slap together. He feels Yuuichirou's death grip on him, trying not to fall. He
leans forward to bite at Yuuichirou's neck and suck at it, leaving brand new hickies to accompany
the ones from previous nights.

"Mika, faster, I'm so so close," Yuuichirou whines.

Yuuichirou's breathing gets short and rapid as his thighs tingle and he lets out a loud sigh, painting
his and Mikaela's stomach with white. He grabs ahold of Mikaela's thick, blond hair to pull at it
and feels him pulling out quickly to mix his release with Yuuichirou's while groaning into his ear

They remain in the same position, breathing heavily, Yuuichirou resting his head on Mikaela's
shoulder and Mikaela holding him tightly. "Yuu-chan, are you okay?" He asks softly, breathless.

Yuuichirou lifts his head from Mikaela's shoulder, and blond almost gasps from the stunning,
glowing aura of Yuuichirou. His shy eyes peek at him before looking away quickly. He nods
timidly. Mikaela continues to stare at the beauty in his arms. His chest is heaving and his arms are
burning, but the last thing he wants to do is to set Yuuichirou down.

"Yuu-chan," he whispers. His lips feel as if they're moving on their own. Mikaela leans forward
and rests his forehead on Yuuichirou's. "I love you," he sighs.

Yuuichirou feels his breath and his heart stutter. He can feel the heat radiating from Mikaela and
he's never felt anything more comfortable. Has he ever let someone come so close in contact with
him physically or emotionally? It's only Mikaela that has been able to place his hands on his skin
and make him feel safe. Yuuichirou closes his eyes and leans into Mikaela's forehead touch. "I
love you, too," he whispers with a small laugh.

Mikaela smiles against his lips. His heart leaping at the sight of Yuuichirou's smile. Although he
sees it everyday, it's like it's a whole new smile each time. He leans forward and softly kisses
Yuuichirou's shy pout. He sets Yuuichirou down on the floor before groaning as he stretches his
arms out in front of him to relieve the aching.

Yuuichirou laughs sheepishly as he picks up his pants. "Sorry, I'm a little heavy."

Mikaela smiles down at him. "You're not. You're the right size, just for me to pick up." He reaches
down and zips up his pants, as well as buckling them.

Once Yuuichirou slips on his trousers, Mikaela reaches over and cleans Yuuichirou’s stomach with
tissues that were in his backpack before he buttons his shirt for him and redoing his tie.
Yuuichirou's cheeks color pink and he glances away as Mikaela straightens his clothing out and
steps back to observe him.

"We should probably go to the washroom to fix ourselves," Mikaela suggests as he laughs at
Yuuichirou's wild hair. "Do your hips hurt?"

Yuuichirou shakes his head. "Not really, but they're just a little bit sore. Not painful."

"Good. I want you to be reminded of what we just as you sit through class." Mikaela smirks at
Yuuichirou's flushed face as he sticks his hands in his pockets and walks towards the door.

Yuuichirou huffs and he trails behind Mikaela, his jacket hanging on his arm. He starts adjusting
his tie as they open the door and exit out of the classroom.

"You didn't tie it properly," he complains to the blond.

Yuuichirou undoes it and reties it as he walks out with Mikaela behind him.


Yuuichirou and Mikaela's disheveled, flushed, and glowing appearance leaves nothing a secret as
they both turn around and come face-to-face with his group of friends staring back at them in

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading and sticking around!!1!1! I CANNOT write sex scenes because I
feel so shameful ahaha. I hope you enjoyed this after such a long break.
Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

Ok I totally forgot that I left with a cliff hanger :x IM SORRY

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Yuu-kun," Yoichi whimpers as he stands slightly behind Shinoa.

Yuuichirou stares at each one of his friend's confused and upset expressions. His lips are parted as
he inhales to quickly make up an excuse, but nothing is able to come out. He sighs quietly before
stammering on his words and averting his eyes, not wanting to look at his friends in this moment.

"Yuu, you better fucking speak or we're walking away."

Yuuichirou's eyes quickly dart up to Mitsuba's narrowed eyes and lips in a scowl as she glares
harshly at him. "It's not how it looks!" He quickly stammers, defending himself with his hands in
front of him.

"It's exactly how it looks," Mikaela says, calmly.

Yuuichirou gasps and turns to the blond. Mikaela's expression is blank and unreadable as he simply
watches the group in front of him.

"M-Mika," Yuuichirou starts quietly before he's cut off.

Kimizuki steps forward. "We just want an explanation, Yuu." He looks down and wraps his arm
around Yoichi's small form.

Yuuichirou almost whimpers from Yoichi's broken expression. The smaller boy's eyes are glassy
and face is red with embarrassment and freight. Yuuichirou can even see the slight tremble in his
lips. He suddenly becomes hyperaware of everyone's eyes on him; all expecting a perfect answer.
He can soon feel his own arms shaking and he tries to avert his eyes anywhere else from his
friends. Yuuichirou suddenly feels a weight on his shoulder, and notices Mikaela's arm draped
around it.

"I am Yuu-chan's boyfriend," Mikaela announces.

Yuuichirou winces at the soft gasps he hears from the group.

"Yuu-kun, is it true?" Yoichi forces out, his eyes round and expectant as he watches Yuuichirou.

Before Yuuichirou can even say anything, Kimizuki suddenly speaks up. "How could you do that
to Yoichi?" He exclaims.

Yuuichirou doesn't even realize that he's slowly taking steps back in defense until Mikaela firmly
presses himself against him.

"You lied to us big time, Yuu," Mitsuba says. "You literally just told us you don't even know who
Mikaela is, and then we catch you making out with him in a classroom?" Mitsuba expresses in

"Actually, we just had sex," Mikaela states.

"Mika!" Yuuichirou exclaims.

"What the fuck, Yuu?!"

"Look," Yuuichirou starts frantically, "Mika and I have been together for longer than I've even
known you guys! How was I supposed to know about Yoichi's feelings?"

"You should've just revealed it in the beginning then instead of making up lies, Yuu-san," Shinoa

Yuuichirou pauses before looking down in shame. "I didn't want to hurt Yoichi."

"Well, you've hurt him even more now." Mitsuba says.

Yuuichirou stays silent, simply staring at the ground as if everyone will disappear spontaneously
once he looks back up. He's tempted to glance up at Mikaela, but he's determined to end this
conflict by himself, until he feels Mikaela take a step forward while still holding him.

"I apologize for all the inconveniences that have just happened," Mikaela says. "It's not Yuu-chan's
fault for any of this, so please don't blame him. There is a reason why we didn't want our
relationship revealed, so please keep it a secret from others."

"It is his fault because he clearly knew how Yoichi felt," Kimizuki interrupts.

Mikaela raises a brow and looks down at the boy with hopeless eyes. The last time he had seen
him, Yoichi's eyes were a bright olive green that beamed at him annoyingly every time he came
over to be tutored. The blond caught on quickly that Yoichi had some sort of attraction towards
him, judging by the innocent blush that would dust his cheeks every time they were together. Once
Yoichi no longer needed to be tutored, he figured that the crush would die down, and he never
thought of it afterwards. Mikaela didn't realize that it's only been getting stronger since. Even
though Mikaela is popular with his otherworldly appearance and his cold attitude, now that his
heart and body belongs to Yuuichirou, he finds it awkward when he's in the presence of someone
who is after him.

Mikaela continues with his expressionless gaze as he looks down at Yoichi, though he softens his
eyes before starting, "Yoichi, I'm sorry, but—"

"Don't worry about it Mika-san," Yoichi nods his head, continuing to stare down at the ground in
embarrassment. He wipes his eyes gently with the sleeve of his uniform jacket before shrugging
Kimizuki's arm off of him and walking away from the group.

Yuuichirou watches him with his lips parted as the small brunette doesn't even turn to glance once
at him. He turns back to the squad and notices Mitsuba and Kimizuki glaring at him before they
also leave, a few paces behind Yoichi. He watches silently as Mitsuba grabs Shinoa's arm and pulls
her with them. Not one more single glance, not even a glare, is thrown back at him as they silently
walk away from the dark, empty hall until disappearance. But Yuuichirou continues to watch the
corner of the hall as if they'll walk back into sight.

"Yuu-chan," Mikaela says softly after a few moments of agonizing silence. He finally lets his stern,
cold gaze drop from his face as he grasps Yuuichirou's shoulders and turns the brunette to look at
him. He frowns at the pitied look on Yuuichirou's face and his eyebrows point up in sympathy.
Mikaela lifts his hands to gently cup Yuuichirou's damp cheeks, still slightly sweaty and flushed
from their coupling in the classroom.

Both their hair is still a mess and Yuuichirou feels grossed out with the feeling of his appearance.

"I just wanna go home," he says quietly.

Mikaela nods. He leans forward and places a firm kiss to Yuuichirou's hair. Yuuichirou turns
around and they both walk out of the hall. Mikaela notices the brunette slightly limping as they
now enter the living part of the school.

"Are your hips sore?" He asks, regretting being so rough with Yuuichirou on his first time.

Yuuichirou nods his head. "Just a little, but it's not too bad."

"Should I carry you?"

Yuuichirou staggers away from him in embarrassment. "N-No, idiot."

Mikaela laughs softly, hoping to lift Yuuichirou's mood. He moves closer to Yuuichirou and wraps
his arm around his shoulders. "I promise, Yuu-chan, when we get home, I'll cuddle you properly,
like how I'm supposed to do on our first time." He tilts his head down and nuzzles his face into
Yuuichirou's soft hair as they walk out of the school. Yuuichirou's lips curve up into a gentle smile,
momentarily forgetting about the conflict that has just happened.

"I'll take care of you through everything," Mikaela whispers.

Yuuichirou's face and chest heats up from Mikaela's soothing words. He can feel his heart beating
slowly, but hard from his lover's voice. He leans into Mikaela and gently rests his head against his
shoulder as they stroll across the street and to the path leading to their home.

Yuuichirou watches as their house comes into view. He notices that there are no cars in the
driveway, and Lacus and Rene are still in school, meaning nobody's home. That fact excites
Yuuichirou; that they can be alone together without the anxiety of someone walking in on them
being intimate. At the same time, Yuuichirou feels too drained and overwhelmed to do anything
more with Mikaela than just lay in bed together. He sighs in exhaustion, his heart heavy from
having just disappointed all of his friends and losing their trust. They reach the front door and
Mikaela unlocks it before guiding Yuuichirou up to their rooms.

"I'm going to change and then I'll be here with you," Mikaela informs, then steps out of
Yuuichirou's room.

The brunette tiredly loosens his tie and slips it out of the collar of his uniform shirt. He takes his
time slipping off his uniform and tugging on his regular lounging clothes. Mikaela enters his room,
wearing similar clothing just as Yuuichirou steps out of his washroom. Mikaela immediately walks
over to Yuuichirou's small, tired form and gathers him in his arms to hold. His grip on Yuuichirou's
waist is firm to hold him close to himself. Yuuichirou leans heavily against him, his head resting
on Mikaela's shoulder and his arms wrapping around his neck. They stay silent and still as Mikaela
rubs his hand up and down Yuuichirou's back before gently pulling away.

"Let's lay down, Yuu-chan," he suggests. He smiles at Yuuichirou's small nod.

Mikaela guides Yuuichirou over to the bed and pushes the blanket down for the brunette to crawl
in before he goes in after him. Yuuichirou immediately clings onto him as Mikaela pulls the covers
over their bodies to get warm. One of his arms rests under Yuuichirou's body as his head rests on
Mikaela's chest. They lay there in silence, enjoying just the sound of their breathing.

"Mika, I'm sorry for everything that happened today," Yuuichirou admits quietly.

Mikaela turns so that his lips touch Yuuichirou's forehead. "Yuu-chan, none of this is your fault.
I'm the one who didn't look at all the risks just so that I could have sex with you at school. It's my
fault for making you wait to the point where we had to do it somewhere where we could get
caught, and we did. I wouldn't blame you if you hated our first time."

Yuuichirou suddenly gets up from Mikaela's chest and holds himself up with his hands to look
down at Mikaela sternly. "I don't regret it at all, Mika. I love you, and I love how we showed it to
each other, no matter where we were. I guess it's both of our faults for not paying attention to the

Mikaela's eyebrows tense and points up as he reaches to place his hand on Yuuichirou's cheek.
"But I'm the one who planned it out. I wanted to take you in the classroom. I should've been more
careful, or even just have known better." He reaches up to place his other hand on Yuuichirou's
cheek, holding his face. "You don't have to worry about anything, my love. I'll fix all of this. I'll
make sure your friends are no longer mad at you, and realize that it was me who told you not to tell
them about us." He pulls Yuuichirou's face down and kisses his nose. "I'll take care of you."

Yuuichirou opens his mouth to say something, but Mikaela quickly hushes him.

"Your body needs rest now," Mikaela says as he gently pulls Yuuichirou back down to lay against
him. "Go to sleep, I'll be right here."

Yuuichirou groans softly as he settles down, tucked against Mikaela's body. He didn't realize how
badly his body needed to be relaxed after being in such uncomfortable positions. Yuuichirou's eyes
become heavy and he lets them slip shut before dozing off to the scent of Mikaela.

"May I speak with you?"

Mitsuba and Yoichi turn their heads around, and Kimizuki and Shinoa look up from the cafeteria
table. Mikaela doesn't seem fazed by all four of them staring at him in different ways; Mitsuba and
Kimizuki glare once they recognize his blond hair, Yoichi makes eye contact with him before
quickly looking away, and Shinoa merely stares at him plainly. Mikaela clears his throat softly as
they stay silent and look up at him expectantly.

"It's about a few days ago," he begins.

"We know what it's about," Mitsuba spits out before she turns around and rests her elbows on the
table, dismissing him.

Mikaela would like to glare at her, to let his resting intimidating and frightening expression break
through this almost friendly facade that he's put on, but he knows that if he does that, they'll never
really listen to him. He sighs in irritation, trying to suppress the feeling of grabbing one of them by
the hair and forcing them to listen to him. He doesn't care if he has anyone's permission, he's going
to go straight into it. "It's not Yuu-chan's fault that he didn't tell you what was going on between
us," he states. He walks over to the bench and sits next to Mitsuba, but far enough to show that he's
not apart of their little group. Mikaela looks over to the rest of them. "So you shouldn't be mad at
him in any way. He did nothing wrong."

"We're his best friends," Kimizuki defends. "He should've told us."
"I'm his lover and I've known him longer. He'll naturally listen to me first." He watches the group
flinch at the word 'lover'. "He didn't even know about Yoichi's feelings until a few days ago."
Mikaela continues to keep his stern, serious face.

"Why the hell couldn't he have just told us?" Mitsuba asks.

"Yeah, wouldn't it have been easier to just tell us instead of creating this whole mess?" Shinoa
speaks up.

Mikaela looks away in irritation, he feels his brows tensing and his fists clenching. "Do you think
he didn't say anything for fun? That he just wanted to see what would happen if we were caught?
Yes, I told him to keep it a secret, but he would've done so anyways. You don't understand the
situation we're in, nor will you ever understand it."

Yoichi finally speaks up with a quiet voice, "why can't you just tell us? Yuu is our best friend, so
we'll at least try to understand." His face is pink with embarrassment.

Mikaela sighs, tired of the persistence of the group. "We're brothers," he states.

He keeps a straight face as the squad suddenly perks up and stares at him from his confession.

"I—" Mitsuba tries to speak, her mouth hanging open to form words. "That's not what I was
expecting," she says and looks down at her food, clearly trying to process Mikaela's confession.

Mikaela glances to the other three, staring at their surprised faces. Everyone's still speechless
before he adds, "Not real brothers, but Yuu-chan was adopted into my family months ago. We
started becoming involved with each other since before he legally became my brother."

Kimizuki glances up at him. "That's—That's still fucked up," he spits.

Mikaela snarls at his comment and stands up threateningly in front of Kimizuki. "Don't say shit
about our relationship. There is nobody who makes Yuu-chan happier than me, and I don't care
who he is to me. He will always be mine," he says roughly

Kimizuki, slightly stunned, narrows his eyes at Mikaela. Every one of their faces displays a
different emotion, but the most common one is the irritation of Mikaela claiming one of their best

"I don't know why I'm explaining this to you," Mikaela stands up. "All I came to do is tell you that
this isn't Yuu-chan's fault. But either way, we don't care about your opinions." Mikaela walks off,
disappearing as he turns the corner to exit the cafeteria.

He starts making his way up to the library where Yuuichirou waits for him, thinking that Mikaela's
gone to get something from his locker. The blond walks inside the library and spots Yuuichirou
hunched over his papers. He allows his lips to curl up softly into a smile. As Mikaela approaches
the table and sits down, he wants nothing more than to kiss Yuuichirou's cheek as a greeting, but he
has to hold himself back.

"That took long," Yuuichirou says as he watches Mikaela settle down.

"I ran into some of my friends on the way," Mikaela lies.

Yuuichirou turns back to his work. "Alright, let's just get this done and over with. I'm not wasting
my lunch time for nothing."
"It's your fault for leaving it to the last minute."

Yuuichirou pouts at the blond. "It's your fault for distracting me at home."

Mikaela smirks subtly at him. "You're the one who begs for those distractions, Yuu-chan."

Yuuichirou starts to stammer and he quickly looks away from his boyfriend. "S-Shut up, idiot-

Mikaela looks away as well with a light laugh, but continues quietly. "Don't worry, I'll distract you
some more once we get home."

"Shut up. Just help me get this done." Yuuichirou shoves his math homework to Mikaela as the
blond takes the pencil and starts explaining, making sure Yuuichirou doesn't unexpectedly zone out
or get distracted.

Just as Mikaela's mid-sentence, he glances up at Yuuichirou, but a group of colorful haired students
catches his eye. His eyes flick over to them as they suddenly enter the library. Mikaela stops
speaking and quickly looks over to Yuuichirou who's watching him with confusion.

"Lets continue this upstairs. It's much more quiet," Mikaela suggests, skillfully hiding his panic.
He's not in the mood for Yuuichirou's friends to see them and come over to talk. After speaking
with them, all he's wanted is to just be alone with his boyfriend.

Yuuichirou throws his head back childishly. "Fine," he groans.

He lazily packs up his papers and supplies as Mikaela makes sure the brunette won't see his group
of friends. "Come on," he says absentmindedly, keeping an eye on them to make sure they don’t
turn their heads.

Yuuichirou stands up and Mikaela walks behind him as they make their way to the second floor of
the library. As expected, there are only a few students scattered around, all keeping to themselves.
They settle at a table and Yuuichirou pulls his belongings back out. Mikaela, anxious, watches the
stairs as if Shinoa and the group will appear from it at any moment. A small part of him starts to
feel possessive over Yuuichirou, like if they see him, they're going to want to take him away from
Mikaela. He slightly snarls at the thought, still glaring at the stairs.


Mikaela's suddenly taken away from his persistent thoughts.

"Yes, Yuu-chan?" His voice has subtle traces of roughness as he watches Yuuichirou intensely.

"Uh, are you alright?" the brunette asks. "You're the one zoning out now."

Mikaela smiles at him. "I just remembered that there's actually a book that might help you," he lies
before standing up. "It should be up here." Mikaela walks away from the table and gestures for
Yuuichirou to follow.

Yuuichirou groans at the thought of a book about math. He reluctantly stands up and follows
Mikaela to the aisles of books. Mikaela walks into a random one, not intending to find a book at all.

Yuuichirou looks around at the books in confusion. "This is fiction—"

Mikaela suddenly pushes Yuuichirou against the large bookstand and presses close against him. He
leans down to hover over his neck, breathing on it. Yuuichirou feels the metal shelves digging into
his back. He raises his hands to grip Mikaela's biceps and his face suddenly becomes hotter than
before; he can just feel how red he's getting.

"Mika," he stammers. "What the hell are you doing?" He shudders once he feels Mikaela's breath
on his sensitive neck, and he tilts his head up in submission.

Mikaela traces his lips lightly against Yuuichirou's skin, all the way up to his jaw. "I need to show
everyone who you belong to," he whispers roughly.

Yuuichirou gasps at his tone of voice, as well as the soft lips suddenly pressing roughly against his
skin. "M-Mika” he calls out softly, remembering where they are. His grip on Mikaela's jacket
tightens as he feels a hot, wet tongue sliding along his neck. He gasps at each rough kiss and suck
as he presses his body closer to Mikaela. "We're in the library," he pants out.

Mikaela digs his teeth into Yuuichirou's skin and moans softly at the shudder he feels from the
smaller boy, and the persistent tugging for him to get closer. "But you seem to be loving it, Yuu-
chan," he purrs. Mikaela continues to suck at his neck, nipping sensitive areas and licking it over.
His mind goes crazy with the feeling of Yuuichirou hanging onto him, pressing him closer as he
claims the smaller boy all to himself.

"Mika,” Yuuichirou mewls out as quiet as he can. His eyebrows furrow as he concentrates on the
hot pleasure that Mikaela constantly gives him. He feels Mikaela biting and sucking on every spot
that is hypersensitive on his neck and jaw until the blonde slowly pulls away.

Mikaela raises his hand to trail his fingers along Yuuichirou's cheek, the other still gripping his
waist tightly. "Who do you belong to?" Mikaela asks with a dark voice.

Yuuichirou pants softly against his lips, their faces so close. "Mika," he whispers. A surge of thrill
runs down his spin and he continues, "I belong to Mika."

A smirk forms with Mikaela's handsome features and he leans his head forward to close the small
space between them. Yuuichirou's lips are immediately captured by the blonde. They moan in
unison when Yuuichirou opens his mouth wide for Mikaela's pleasure. The blond gladly slides his
tongue around such a familiar space, somewhere only he's allowed to be in.

"Mine," Mikaela mumbles against Yuuichirou's hot lips. He breaks away to kiss wetly down
Yuuichirou's jaw and back to his neck where he creates another dark bruise. "Yuu-chan is all mine


Mikaela immediately breaks away from Yuuichirou and they both stand there staring at the group
who's watching them in shock. Yuuichirou is still pinned against the bookshelf and Mikaela is still
holding him, but he made space once they heard someone call Yuuichirou's name. The brunette
quickly lets go of Mikaela and pushes him back. He stands up straight and tries to straighten his
jacket as he avoids eye contact with any of them. A flashback to last week when his friends caught
the two of them coming out of the classroom creeps into his mind. Yuuichirou quickly glances at
Yoichi. He can't begin to even try to feel how Yoichi must’ve been feeling throughout this whole
week. Although he's truly upset that he keeps causing a heart wrenching pain to his friend,
Yuuichirou doesn't want to admit that a small part of him might be mad or even jealous that Yoichi
could even think that he could have Mikaela.

"Why the hell do we keep finding you guys doing some perverted thing at school?" Kimizuki tries
not to yell in the quiet area of the library.

Yuuichirou looks down in shame before Mikaela replies.

"Why the hell are you looking for us?" He asks with his usual stern look. He reaches his arm
around Yuuichirou's shoulders and pulls him close against him to emphasize his possession. "You
won't be speaking with Yuu-chan unless it's an apology."

Yuuichirou manages to make eye contact with Yoichi whose eyes flicker down to his neck and
then back to the ground almost instantly.

"Apology? What the hell do we have to apologize for?" Mitsuba says.

"You two are the ones who kept an important secret from us, and broke Yoichi's poor heart into
pieces. Do you two have any idea how he must be feeling after catching you do shit with each other
twice?" Kimizuki speaks up.

"We were both clueless to Yoichi's feelings, how could we have known—" Mikaela gets cut off.

"You weren't clueless, Mika-san," Yoichi suddenly speaks up. "I knew that you knew about my
feelings, and you didn't even say anything." His face scrunches up as he tries to fight back his tears.

Mikaela raises a brow, his face still straight. "What would you have wanted me to do about it? I
clearly expressed that I wasn't interested. Is it my fault if I don't share the same feelings with you?"

Yuuichirou suddenly steps forward, but Mikaela's grip on his shoulder subtly becomes tighter,
telling him to not go any further from him. "To be fair, Yoichi, I never knew either. And I never
even wanted you to get hurt. If I had known, I would've—"

"You would've what?" Yoichi asks. He wipes his sleeve across his red cheek. "You would've
broken up with Mika-san? You would've stayed away from him? I don't think that's what you
would've done."

Yuuichirou opens his mouth to say something, but he still hasn't even formed his words. "It's not
that easy, Yoichi. I can't really just get rid of Mika," he murmurs.

"I know," Yoichi says. "You two are brothers. Brothers who are trying to get away with dating
each other."

Yuuichirou gasps and looks up at Mikaela, realizing that he told them. He turns back to Yoichi.
"Yoichi, you have to promise you won't tell anyone. Please."

Yoichi smiles at him despite the tears that stain his lips. "I don't even care anymore, Yuu-kun. I
don't know how long you two have been together, but Mika-san told us how it all started."

Yuuichirou's face burns even redder. Their relationship started sexually, and Mikaela must've told
them that.

"Mika-san must really love you and be attracted to you to be doing these things at school." Yoichi
finishes and turns around to leave, not even waiting for the others who quickly turn around to
follow him.

Yuuichirou steps forward. "Wait," his voice comes out as a whisper, one only Mikaela can hear as
the group descends down the stairs.
"Yuu-chan," Mikaela says softly as he leans down to kiss Yuuichirou's cheek.

Before his lips can even touch him, the brunette shoves Mikaela away and faces away from him.
Mikaela stands there stunned, with his arm still out where it was resting on his boyfriend.
Yuuichirou sighs and turns around.

"I'm sorry, Mika. I just don't know what to do," he whimpers.

Mikaela frowns as he watches Yuuichirou curl in on himself, but he gives him his space. “I would
take you home, but I think we’ve skipped too much already. There are only two more classes left
for the day, and I know you can get through them,” he says gently.

Yuuichirou nods slightly and turns around to walk back to their table. They both sit back down and
Mikaela immediately grabs the pencil to start explaining Yuuichirou’s math homework. The
brunette tries to pay attention, but all that runs through his mind are his disappointed friends
glaring at him, crying because of him.

Chapter End Notes

I love conflict between yuu and the squad.

Anyways, tomorrow is my first day of university sahAHSHbs

Chapter 8
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Did you think we wouldn't have ever found out at all?"

Mikaela had been sitting at his desk as normal with his pencil scratching along the surface of the
paper, flying through math problems. He hadn't heard the knock at the door at first, but then he
glanced up. He turned his head when he heard the creek of the door of his bedroom being opened,
only to see a mischievous face from Lacus and a bored expression from Rene until Lacus finally
spoke. "Excuse me?" Mikaela replies.

"Your relationship with your precious Yuu-chan," Lacus smirks at him as he walks into Mikaela's
room, uninvited, with Rene following after him. "I'm disheartened that you'd keep such a secret
from your dear brothers." Lacus places his hand on his heart dramatically, though the sly grin stays
glued to his face.

Mikaela's eyebrows tense as he glances back down at the paper, hidden from their sight. His heart
beats irregularly with anticipation at the realization that they've found out. "What are you on about,
Lacus?" Mikaela asks tiredly, succeeding in masking his panicked state.

"See? I told you you're over exaggerating," Rene speaks up to Lacus.

"No, no. Our dear Mikaela just doesn't want to admit it to us."

The blond can hear the smirk in his voice. He wonders if this is how Yuuichirou feels when he
constantly teases him. Mikaela's grip on his pencil tightens and he knows there's no point in hiding
it anymore. He spins around in his chair to face his brothers. "How the hell did you find out?" He

"Please, Mika, the way you two look at each other is practically enough to give the whole thing
away," Lacus says. "Rene didn't see it, but I knew right away something weird was going on
between you two."

Mikaela's glare disappears gradually.

Lacus suddenly smiles joyfully. "How cute, you and Yuu-chan," he laughs.

Mikaela's face tenses again. "Don't call him Yuu-chan," he demands sternly.

Lacus beams and clings onto his older brother, who tries shrugging him off. "Look, Rene, he's

Mikaela sighs in irritation and closes his eyes for a moment. "What're you going to do now, then?"
He asks. "You've found out that two of your brothers are in a forbidden relationship. Are you

Rene speaks up, "Why would we be disgusted?" He asks. "Yuuichirou's not blood related to you,
and he started living with us before he even legally became our brother."

"You fell in love with him when he moved in with us, right?" Lacus asks.
Mikaela's face gets hot from Lacus's question, mostly from the fact that he could tell he was in
love. The blond nods.

"Then it's not really your fault that you're in love with your 'brother'." Lacus adds, raising his arms
to make finger quotes.

"I guess I wasn't even worried about it at all. Until I realized it's going to be too difficult to live our
lives like this." Mikaela says quietly.

"What do you mean?"

Mikaela leans back in his chair and looks out the window on the other side of the room. He's
always tried to avoid this thought that persistently pokes into his mind. He has tried to not pay
attention to it, hoping it'll finally disappear. This method has worked and he hasn't allowed himself
to think too much about it. Until now as he realizes he's going to completely ponder upon that
dreadful thought, knowing he'll regret it. "If everybody knows that Yuu-chan and I are together,
then we can't tell anybody that we're legally brothers. If everybody knows that we're brothers, then
we can't tell anybody that we're together," he explains. "We're always going to be hiding something
because naturally, this is wrong. Even if we tell everyone that we're not really related, it'll still be
seen as gross to other people. It could get us into trouble, and because our family is so well known,
it could get mother and father into trouble as well. We would dishonor them."

Lacus tries to say something, naturally trying to uplift his brother, but he doesn't know what. He
would tell Mikaela not to worry about what others think, but he's right that it could get them into
trouble from the school, as well as their parents from other powerful families. No one would want
to do business with them if others were to find out about Mikaela and Yuuichirou.

Mikaela sulks his head, mind pounding at the feeling of finally letting himself reflect on that
horrible thought. His heart pains for a second. "We've kind of already gotten into that situation.
Yuu-chan's friends found out about us and they're really mad. Although I don't care about them or
what they think, Yuu-chan is really upset about it because they won't talk to him."

"How did they find out?" Rene asks.

Mikaela blushes hard. His heart almost leaps and he stammers on his words. "We kind of did
something at school," is all he says.

Rene lifts a brow suspiciously. He's never known his brother to do anything too seriously bad that
could ruin his reputation as one of the highest achieving students in the school. "Did what?"

Mikaela wonders if he should say the full truth, or lighten it down a little bit. Maybe if he tells
them the truth, they'll yell at him and he'll fully understand to never do it again since he's been
having thoughts lately of doing even more with Yuuichirou at school. "We had sex," he murmurs
under his breath while looking down at his hands.

"Mika, what?!" Lacus exclaims. "At school? Are you insane?!" He leans forward and stares at
Mikaela with a shocked expression.

"Do you know what could've happened if it happened to be another group of friends who found
you guys?" Rene adds.

"I know, I know." Mikaela raises his hands defensively. "I wasn't thinking when I planned it all
out. I was just," he pauses, "really horny."

"Your horniness is going to get you two and mother and father in huge trouble, not even because
you're brothers, but because you had sex at school," Rene says.

"I'm disappointed as well, but honestly proud, Mika, good job," Lacus nods approvingly until he's
hit in the head by Rene.

"So what're you going to do now?" Rene asks. "Just keep in mind that if you want to stay with Yuu,
you'll have to tell mother and father one day. As well as everyone we know."

Mikaela sighs. "Thinking of that just stresses me out even more." He looks down at his lap, trying
to think, but simply can't let himself imagine him and Yuuichirou separating. "There's literally only
one thing to do about this, and I think you both know what that is," he says quietly, still not looking
at them.

Lacus frowns at Mikaela. "I don't think you need to go that far. Maybe you two should just think
about the relationship. Individually."

"Yeah," Rene adds. "Tell Yuu to spend a couple days to think about your relationship, and then
share what you guys have to say to each other. It's likely that he could come up with solutions to
some of the problems you guys are having now."

Mikaela nods his head. "Yeah," he says, though he just now realizes that there's no way it's
possible for them to be in a relationship without sacrificing the status of his parents and themselves
as their children; and the risk of getting in trouble from the school as well as the law. "I just have to
think of a way to say it to him," he says out loud, though more to himself.

Rene silently stands up, but Lacus remains seated on the bed, frowning at his younger brother's
heartbroken expression. "Good luck, Mika," he says as he stands up and follows Rene out of
Mikaela's room.

Once he hears the door shut, Mikaela leans back in his chair and tilts his head back all the way. He
stares at the blank, empty ceiling, hoping it'll reveal something to him, anything that could help
him in this moment of decision. Nothing appears in front of Mikaela's blue eyes but blankness. The
process of even coming up with something to say to Yuuichirou is too overwhelming, and his mind
starts to spin. He doesn't think there's any possible way he could say to his boyfriend that they need
to take time apart to think about their relationship. What would they even think about? There's no
other option but having to break up and still see each other every day, sleep in the room next to
each other every night. The pain of being torn away from Yuuichirou, Mikaela's entire world,
would only increase day to day. He would always be there, sleeping in the room next to him,
residing under the same roof, walking the same halls. But he'd always be out of Mikaela's grasp,
forbidden to touch.

Mikaela exhales, completely forgetting and disregarding his homework laying on his desk. He
stands up from his chair and his feet trudge over to the bedroom door, his mind doing its best to
stop him, but it can't. Before he knows it, he's standing in front of Yuuichirou's bedroom, slowly
lifting his arm and knocking on the door. Normally after knocking, Mikaela would invite himself
into Yuuichirou's room. But this time, it feels too informal and something a regular brother
wouldn't do. It feels like ages before Yuuichirou opens the door. Although Mikaela feels
completely dull and empty, once he catches a glimpse of Yuuichirou's face beaming up at him with
a wide smile placed on his precious face, Mikaela can't help but smile back despite the ache in his
heart. He walks into his boyfriend's room and shuts the door before stepping towards Yuuichirou.
Mikaela stands for a moment to just watch him, trying to stall. He gently places his hands on his
cheeks and rubs his thumbs subtly along the smooth skin. Mikaela tries to savor Yuuichirou's
glimmering emerald eyes that look up at him with passionate love. He knows that he'll never be
able to look into his eyes again without feeling like he's being torn apart after this.
"Yuu-chan," he whispers. He can feel Yuuichirou's soft breath against his lips. "I have to talk to

Yuuichirou nods with an innocent smile. A smile that doesn't know what Mikaela is about to say.
A smile that doesn't know it's about to disappear and turn into a sulking mess once Mikaela leaves
the room. The blond wants to savor it for a moment, to just stare at the glowing expression of his
boyfriend that's directed to only him. Mikaela doesn't think he'll be able to say anything with his
lover's beautiful face staring at him expectedly, as if he'll share some good news with him and all
will be well.

"It's serious, Yuu-chan," Mikaela says, "I don't know if I'll be able to say it if you keep looking at
me like that." Mikaela laughs softly, but that only makes his heart ache more. When will be the
next time he'll be able to laugh with Yuuichirou again?

Yuuichirou glances away awkwardly. "Oh, what is it then?"

Mikaela lets go of Yuuichirou's face and steps away from him. He turns around to walk to the bed,
taking the moment where his face is out of sight to bite his lip anxiously.

"You know, Yuu-chan, mother and father consider us as brothers, obviously," he starts. He sits at
the edge of the bed and Yuuichirou joins him. "That means that we wouldn't be able to tell them
that we're together." The blond gazes down in his lap, too terrified to look at Yuuichirou's
expression. "At school, no one really knows our relationship, but if they found out that we were
dating, we wouldn't be able to say that we're brothers. If they found out we were brothers, we can't
say we're dating." Mikaela winces as he continues, "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Yuuichirou looks over at his room in thought. He doesn't know why Mikaela's bringing up this
point. "That we can't tell anyone about our relationship as brothers and as boyfriends?" He says
confusedly, not too sure of the answer.

Mikaela looks up at Yuuichirou and nods. "Not quite, Yuu-chan. We wouldn't be able to keep it a
secret forever. I mean, your friends already found out and they had an intense reaction to it.
Imagine if it were someone else we're not close to who found out." Mikaela leans in closer to
Yuuichirou. "We could get in huge trouble, Yuu-chan. We wouldn't be accepted by anyone, they'd
all think we're..." he hesitates, "...gross."

Yuuichirou is taken aback for a second. "Who the hell cares what everyone else says? I don't give
a damn about what they would think of us."

"It's not just that, Yuu-chan, we could get in huge trouble from the school since this relationship is
basically illegal. We go to a prestigious school, and controversial things like this isn't taken
lightly." Mikaela closes his eyes and tenses before looking over at Yuuichirou and finally saying,
"Yuu-chan, I love you so much,” his heart aches at his own words, “You’re my entire world, you
make me so happy just by thinking about you. My entire day is made when I see your smile every
morning, knowing that it’s only directed towards me. I love it when you come into my room and
come to me whenever you’re upset or confused.” Mikaela exhales and closes his eyes, not wanting
to see Yuuichirou’s expression. “But we can't be together anymore."

At Mikaela's words, Yuuichirou feels as if he had just ran at full speed into a wall. The feeling
crashes through his body and all he can do is stare at Mikaela in shock, like he just imagined this
conversation. His voice almost shakes from the shock as he finally speaks. "You think other
people's opinions matter more than us?"

"No, Yuu-chan." Mikaela fully turns his body towards Yuuichirou and nods his head frantically.
"It's not about their opinions, it's about having to live in secret for the rest of our lives or being
disowned and dishonored from the school and from the two people who are giving us both love,
comfort, and protection for the rest of our lives. Mother and Father are powerful in the business
world. If anyone found out that their two sons are in a forbidden relationship, they could be ruined.
I would do anything for you, Yuu-chan, but we need to think about what this could do to our

An unsettling mix of rage, fear, and anguish runs through Yuuichirou's bones. He can feel his body
almost begin to tremble from this overwhelming feeling as Mikaela continues to explain why they
can't be together. At the same time, he thinks about his boyfriend’s point. Krul and Ferid freely let
Yuuichirou live in their house, feed him, clothe him, and let him have an education, and the way he
would repay them is by destroying their reputation and dishonoring them. Yuuichirou feels his
eyebrows tense as his eyes start to sting, trying to hold back the obvious tears. "I don't want to
leave you," he chokes out. He doesn't dare look at Mikaela with his broken expression.

Mikaela sighs from the pressure of having to hold back his own tears. Once he sees Yuuichirou
breaking down in front of him, Mikaela still tries to remain strong for the both of them, but a few
hot tears roll down his cheeks uncontrollably. "Please don't cry, Yuu-chan," he says ironically. He
would rather all the pain go to him instead of any being in Yuuichirou's heart at all. Mikaela sniffs
before leaning forward and raising his arms to embrace Yuuichirou, but the smaller boy backs

Yuuichirou stands up and turns his back towards Mikaela as he wipes his tears. He remains
standing in front of the bed for a reason unknown to him. He simply just wants to hide himself
while in such a vulnerable state.

"Yuu-chan, we don't have a choice—"

"I know, Mika," Yuuichirou says sternly.

Mikaela, slightly taken aback from Yuuichirou's tone, collects himself by wiping away his tears as
soon as they fall and straightening his back. He breathes heavily to steady his voice. "Why are you
acting like this is my fault?" He asks.

"I didn't say that," Yuuichirou says with the same tone, still turned away from him.

"But you're showing it." Mikaela stands up, just a few paces behind Yuuichirou. "I'm sad about
this, too, Yuu. Do you think I wanted for all this to happen just so that we could break up? I never
once even had the idea of leaving you because I love you so much. The least you could do is turn
around and fucking look at me." Mikaela breathes heavily.

Yuuichirou turns around, but mostly out of anger. Mikaela’s slightly aggressive tone punctures his
heart. He also clearly noticed how Mikaela didn't add the "-chan" to the end of his name. "We
break up and now you're going to talk to me like that?" He exclaims.

"We break up and now you're going to start acting like this?" Mikaela spits back.

Yuuichirou huffs in frustration as he storms closer to Mikaela. "Is this how you're really like when
you're not dating someone?" He fumes.

"I don't know, was I like this when you moved in? Or am I like this now because you're so fucking
infuriating and I've had to hold back?"

Yuuichirou almost gasps at Mikaela's harsh words, but he refrains from showing any shock. "If it's
infuriating being with me," he says through his teeth, "then don't ever come near me again!"

Mikaela snarls at Yuuichirou, his glare cold enough to leave anyone cowering away. He's
somewhat satisfied seeing the slight fear in Yuuichirou's eyes when he curls his lips and narrows
his eyes in a harsh expression. Mikaela doesn't say another word as he turns to stride to the door,
slamming it shut before going back to his own bedroom.

Mikaela grabs his thick hair in hands and pulls it back, trying to release some of the anger. His
breathing is heavy as he grits his teeth and paces around his room uncontrollably. Suddenly, the
realization that him and Yuuichirou completely ended it with anger and hatred dawns upon him.
He didn't think it would be that quick, and he didn't expect to start arguing with Yuuichirou.
Mikaela feels a sharp ache in his heart, causing him to clutch at his chest and sit down on the bed.
He knits his eyebrows together as he feels his eyes stinging from tears. He wipes them away as
soon they fall down. It's not his fault that Yuuichirou suddenly started changing his tone at him
when Mikaela was clearly trying to be careful and sensitive. He was doing everything the right
way, it was Yuuichirou who unfairly started getting mad at him.

Mikaela clicks his tongue and glares down at the floor. This isn't his fault, it's Yuuichirou's and if
the brunette is in his room right now sulking and crying, that would be his own problem,
something he did to himself. Mikaela nods his head in irritation before standing up to change his
clothes. He's planning on going to bed a little early today in order to try and stop the regret that's
stabbing him over and over again.

Mikaela turns off the light switch, leaving his room completely dark except for the lamp that's
lighting a small portion of his desk where he was working. Mikaela decides to leave it on, he finds
some sort of comfort in the small light. He's afraid that if it's too dark in his room, he'll start to feel
isolated, like Yuuichirou is miles and miles away from him and he'll never have a way to tell him
he loves him again.

Yuuichirou almost sleeps through the alarm clock that's beeping right at his head. He felt restless
last night once Mikaela left his room in anger. His own intense feelings has caused him to stay up
all night, not being able to shut his eyes or lay still. Yuuichirou's body had been trembling and his
mind was pounding from the mix of overwhelming emotions he felt after just being broken up with
from someone he wanted to spend his entire life with. The brunette doesn't know at what time he
managed to fall asleep, but he can tell it had only been just a few hours before his alarm clock was
to go off.

As Yuuichirou opens his heavy, swollen eyes, he reaches an arm over to his bedside table to
blindly turn off the obnoxious beeping of the clock. Yuuichirou stays laying on his bed, not caring
if he leaves with his brothers or if he's late to class. No amount of detention or scolding could be
more difficult to handle than his heart clenching at the thought of Mikaela. No matter how hard he
tries to think of something else, a strong sense of guilt and pain constantly throbs through his body.
Why did he act so unfairly towards Mikaela when he was right the entire time? Yuuichirou was so
conflicted with his feelings that he let it out with anger, which only caused his boyfriend to become
angry as well. It's all his fault that this all happened in the first place. He created all of this; if he
hadn't accepted his invitation to live with this family, he would've never been involved with
Mikaela and grown attached to him. They both would've never had to go through this pain of
separating after gaining an intense love between them.

Yuuichirou slowly sits up, forcing his body out of bed and trudging to his washroom to get ready
for school. He doesn’t want to see or interact with Mikaela, too embarrassed and guilty to even pass
by him on the way to the kitchen. As a result, Yuuichirou takes his time in the washroom despite
the fact that he’ll probably be late to school.

Once Yuuichirou finishes cleaning up and dressing in his uniform, he realizes that he’s only a short
amount of time off schedule. He sighs, knowing he’ll have to encounter his now ex-boyfriend.
Yuuichirou’s stomach starts to knot and he becomes antsy at the thought. He doesn’t want to show
his face out of shame, guilt, sadness. Normally, Mikaela would pop into his room once in a while
during the process of getting ready for school. He would remind Yuuichirou to pack certain items
or randomly test him on concepts that’ll be on an upcoming test. Yuuichirou and Mikaela would
walk to school together with Rene and Lacus trailing behind them. On the way back home they
would hold hands if Lacus and Rene would be leaving at a different time.

Yuuichirou feels his chest ache at the memories, knowing they will never again be able to act out
their love. He could continue gazing with affection at Mikaela’s bright blue eyes, but he’ll never be
able to reach out and stroke Mikaela’s cheek with his thumb. He’ll never again be able to walk up
to Mikaela and simply wrap his arms around his waist, while the blond would hold him tightly
against him, neither wanting to let go at any time. Yuuichirou stands in front of the door, his
forehead pressed against it as he closes his eyes from the pain of the nostalgia.

Despite living together, residing in bedrooms right next to each other and attending the same
school, they will be worlds away. Not speaking or interacting in any way. If they can’t be together
as lovers, how could they be together as friends and endure the pain of knowing that friends can’t
hold each other as they sleep?

Yuuichirou sniffs, not realizing that tears have been sliding down his cheeks. With a shaky breath,
Yuuichirou wipes them away and stays standing in front of the door for a moment to regain his
composure. He can feel the absolute need to cling onto Mikaela and cry into his chest, begging him
to forgive him and to come back with him. He can feel his body close to trembling if he doesn’t
release these pent up emotions, but he tries his hardest to fight it back and go through the day
without shedding a single tear. What would be the point in crying over Mikaela if he knows they
would never be able to be together? He can’t disrespect and disown the people who have given
him a home and shown him love by destroying their reputation just from being in love with their
adopted son.

Yuuichirou exhales heavily as he finally turns the knob of his bedroom door and steps out. He
doesn’t even glance up to see if anyone’s in the hallway. He simply shuts his door and walks with
his head down. He tries to quickly walk past Mikaela’s door with his heart pounding, but just as he
reaches it, the door is opened. Yuuichirou almost jumps from what he didn’t want to happen. He
takes a step back towards the wall when he sees the expression on Mikaela’s face.

Mikaela, too, hasn’t had the ability to get his mind off of Yuuichirou and how he’ll be able to
continue with the rest of his days without those green eyes beaming up at him with affection.
However, his mind and heart is much more solid than Yuuichirou’s. Although he’s going through
anguish on the inside, he knows how to perfectly conceal on the outside.

As Yuuichirou stares at him in shock, a look of heartbreak evident on his face, Mikaela merely
glances down at him with a stern, cold expression. He disregards Yuuichirou just as fast and
throws his backpack over his shoulder before shutting the door and stepping past the brunette as if
he wasn’t even there.

Yuuichirou watches him in disbelief. How could Mikaela have absolutely no reaction to seeing
him? Did he not care in the slightest that they will never have the chance of being together again?
He did sound pained last night while he was trying to explain it to Yuuichirou, but now it seems
that he’s completely over it; like Yuuichirou never even mattered at all.

“Mika,” Yuuichirou whispers, barely even audible as he watches Mikaela’s back turning the corner
of the hall, disappearing from his sight.

Chapter End Notes

This is like exactly the same scenario as my “Knight in Shining Armor” fic djdjdjs
Chapter 9 Part 1
Chapter Summary

Part 1/3

Chapter Notes

There are quite a few brief time-skips and one longer one in this chapter.

Yuuichirou strolls through the hallways of the school just as lunch begins. For the past week, he's
been going home for lunch as he has no one to hang out with, no one to comfort him. Everyday
when he wakes up, the dull pain in his heart is what he's greeted by. When he makes eye contact
with Mikaela, he feels his heart shattering and sending shards flying all throughout his body to give
him even more anguish. Yuuichirou thought about telling his friends that him and Mikaela have
broken up, but he's scared that they'll be happy about it and won't do anything to help how he's
feeling. Normally, Mikaela would come get him at lunch and they would spend time together. But
now, he has no one to make him feel like he's not completely alone and helpless. Although he still
feels the guilt of causing Mikaela to get angry at him, Yuuichirou himself is still irritated with how
the blond has been treating him lately.

When Yuuichirou tries to look at him with a soft expression, Mikaela merely glances down at him
as if he's a peasant and turns away like he couldn't be bothered. When they cross paths at home, the
blond will purposely knock his shoulder into Yuuichirou's while looking down at his phone. When
Mikaela sees that Yuuichirou is alone at school, they will make eye contact and he'll simply walk
away. The way that Mikaela shows that he doesn't care anymore makes Yuuichirou think that he
never even cared. That maybe he just wanted to get closer to Yuuichirou so that they could finally
have sex after months of teasing and fooling around. He doesn't understand how it doesn't hurt the
blond that he's acting this way, when to Yuuichirou it feels like his heart is being ripped right out
of his chest.

Yuuichirou soon realizes that this is how Mikaela interacts with everyone, not just him. He has
watched the way the someone will approach the blond, and he'll give them the same cold, distant
look. Yuuichirou understands now they're just supposed to treat each other like strangers, even
when they're adoptive brothers.

Before lunch ends, Yuuichirou tiredly walks back to school. He hasn't been able to sleep properly
ever since they broke up. He constantly seeks the warmth and protection of Mikaela laying next to
him. His heart yearns for it. As he walks towards the school, he senses someone approaching him
from the corner of his eye. Yuuichirou turns his head, almost startled as he watches the older boy
with red hair walking towards him. Crowley flashes him a sly grin as he walks closer to
Yuuichirou, all alone looking like a scared baby animal. Yuuichirou's aware of how vulnerable he
looks, especially when he's been sulking by himself for so long.

"Good morning, Yuu," Crowley purrs with a blissful voice.

"Morning, Crowley-senpai," Yuuichirou says quietly, bowing his head slightly.

"Where's Mikaela? I haven't seen him over-protecting you in a while," Crowley says with a playful
smile tugging at his lips.

Yuuichirou's throat goes dry, trying to swallow nervously at the sound of Mikaela's name.
"Actually, me and Mika aren't really..." he trails off, not knowing how to word it and not really
sure if he even wants to say it.

"Ah," Crowley responds, "You two broke up, then?"

Yuuichirou feels his face go hot and he knows he's gotten red. He quickly looks down at concrete
to try and make something up. "We were never really...going out," he lies, feeling a stab to his
heart as he forces those words out. Like their relationship had meant nothing the whole time.

The bell suddenly rings, catching the attention of all the students hanging out outside. Yuuichirou
looks over at the school before turning back to Crowley to smile at him as a way to show he's
leaving. Before he can even step a way, Crowley speaks up.

"Can I take you to your class?" He asks as he smiles down at the shorter boy.

Yuuichirou would've never expected for someone like Crowley to be so well mannered and
spoken. In his eyes, Crowley looks like someone who would prey on any freshman, just to tease
and toy with them before humiliating them. Especially on his first day of school when Crowley
approached him. Although he wasn't rude, he was still standing closer to Yuuichirou than any
stranger would. He could tell, though, that the redhead was trying to agitate Mikaela when he
interfered with their conversation by reaching over to touch Yuuichirou's shoulder. He figures that
Crowley likes to annoy Mikaela since the blond does have strong responses.

Yuuichirou nods. "Sure," he laughs nervously before they walk together towards the school.

He finds it awkward as they walk in silence towards the building before Crowley generously opens
the door for him to enter the crowded school. Even with the loud chatter and banging of lockers
from all the halls, there's a painful silence between them that Yuuichirou is pretty sure only he
finds it awkward.

"This way," he says as he leads Crowley through the halls.

When he turns around, he thought he had lost the older boy until he sees that he ran into someone
he knew and is quickly chatting with him as he tries to keep moving forward. Yuuichirou almost
chuckles at Crowley trying to stop talking to his friend so he can continue on with him. The
brunette reaches his arm out to grab Crowley's wrist and tug on him.

Crowley turns his head as he feels his arm being pulled and smiles back at Yuuichirou. He quickly
waves to his friend before turning back and letting the younger boy guide him to his classroom
while still holding onto his wrist.

As they approach the classroom, Yuuichirou lets go of Crowley's arm, not even realizing that he
had been holding it in a tight grip through the hallways. His cheeks tinge pink slightly as he tries to
avoid Crowley's gaze.

"Uh, thanks for dropping me off," he laughs nervously, looking off to the side.

"I know you didn't need me too, Yuuichirou, but I just wanted to make sure you weren't alone," he
says with a laugh. "I'm not as big of an ass as Mikaela makes me out to be, you know?" He smirks.
Yuuichirou rapidly nods his head. "No, I didn't think that!" He lies.

Crowley simply laughs at Yuuichirou's reaction from being teased. "Meet me tomorrow in front of
the school in the morning, Yuuichirou."

Yuuichirou's heart beats nervously in his chest at the fact that he won't have to be alone in the
mornings anymore since he has basically lost all of his friends. He's had no one to hang out with or
to confide in, making him feel absolutely unwanted and painfully lonely. Yuuichirou nods his
head. "Call me Yuu," he says before finally walking into his class just before the final bell rings.

"I've noticed both of you haven't even glanced at each other in a while. Did you tell Yuu you
wanted to take a break?"

Mikaela freezes his motions as he hears his brother speaking behind him. He had been packing his
bag to get ready for school, his mind after all these days still unable to process the fact that he has
to agonizingly live his life without Yuuichirou to hold and to love. Every night when he goes to
sleep and every day when he wakes up Yuuichirou is never not on his mind. Especially the distinct
image of his teary bright eyes.

Mikaela continues to pack his belongings, not turning around to face Lacus as he answers simply,
"We broke up." His grip on his bag tightens and his eyebrows tense even further the longer he
senses Lacus standing at the door frame.

"Oh, you went that far, huh?" He says with empathy.

"It doesn't matter anymore," Mikaela abruptly says through his teeth. "We can't be together, there's
no point in crying about it every single night," he growls as he aggressively shoves his notebook
into his bag before turning around to face Lacus. He knows he was just talking to himself, and he
can't help but become angry at everyone else. He hasn't even spoken properly to his friends ever
since him and Yuuichirou separated. Mikaela parts his lips to apologize to Lacus, but Yuuichirou
suddenly comes into sight, right behind his brother at his bedroom door.

"I'm going to school early today," Yuuichirou quickly says, mostly to Lacus before trying to
scramble away.

"What, why?" Lacus asks before he can escape, grabbing onto the handle of his backpack to pull
him back.

"Huh?" Yuuichirou asks, trying to stall. "I'm meeting someone."

"Who?" Mikaela asks abruptly, suddenly interested in the conversation as strides towards the door.

Yuuichirou is almost shocked from Mikaela actually speaking to him for once in days. He actually
missed the sound of his voice even though it only sounds angry and demanding in the moment.

"Why does it matter to you?" Yuuichirou asks with the same fire.

"Who are you meeting, Yuuichirou?" Mikaela walks towards the door, revealing his cold glare.

Yuuichirou's heart stutters from the sound of his full name being hissed through Mikaela's teeth so
roughly. It would've caused a deep fear to blossom within his chest if he never knew that Mikaela
never uses violence to settle anything.
"I don't see how it's any of your business since you want nothing to do with me," Yuuichirou hisses

Mikaela huffs. "When the hell did I even say that?" He fumes.

"You didn't have to say it, I can clearly see it, you piece of shit."

Mikaela feels the words strike right through his chest, leaving him dumbfounded as he watches
Yuuichirou leave from his sight. He can't speak for a moment even though his mind is pleading
him to yell back at Yuuichirou, telling him he never once wanted to separate, he never wanted to
let Yuuichirou fall from his arms.

Lacus watches in surprise at the bickering going on between the two before Yuuichirou storms
away. He glances over at Mikaela who's staring in shock straight out the door where Yuuichirou
was. "Mika," he says quietly, not even sure of what to say next. He opens his mouth to attempt to
soothe his younger brother, but Rene comes up behind him.

"Lacus, Mother needs your help," the eldest brother says before quickly disappearing.

Lacus nods before glancing back at Mikaela once and leaving the room.

Meanwhile, Yuuichirou storms through the hallway, heading to the kitchen to quickly pick up
something to eat. His eyebrows are tense and he doesn't glance anywhere expect for in front of

"Yuu," Krul says as she notices his tense expression, "Are you alright?"

Yuuichirou picks up a piece of fruit. "I'm fine. I'm going to school early to meet a friend. I'm
leaving," he quickly says before zooming through the hallway and out the door.

Yuuichirou feels his chest aching from the way he left Mikaela just standing there shocked at his
words. The ablaze blue anger in his eyes when he kept asking who Yuuichirou was going to go
meet stays in his mind. He feels guilty that he's about to go meet someone that Mikaela was trying
to protect him from because of jealousy. He wonders what would happen if he made sure that
Mikaela knew he has started becoming friends with Crowley. Would Mikaela become jealous like
last time and try to protect him as he lashed out on the older boy? The thought makes his body
jittery with anticipation to find out what would happen. He doesn't admit that he would hope for
Mikaela to get mad over their relationship. But at the same time, Yuuichirou doesn't think he
would be able to use Crowley like that just to get a reaction from Mikaela. Yuuichirou might just
have to keep this a secret from the blond and from his brothers.

Yuuichirou briskly walks to school, excited that he finally has a friend that he can hang out with.
Maybe Crowley will invite him to hangout with him during lunch. Yuuichirou won't be alone
anymore. As he approaches the school, he feels his heart almost miss a beat from the excitement of
seeing Crowley. He spots the red hair and smiles subtly to himself. He also finds him chatting with
a couple of his other friends.

"Crowley-senpai," he calls out to catch the older boy's attention.

Crowley turns around and smiles as Yuuichirou walks closer to him. "Good morning, Yuu."

"Good morning," Yuuichirou replies before glancing over at the two girls next Crowley.

"Ah, this is Yuuichirou, a first year," Crowley introduces to them. "Yuu, these are my friends,
Chess and Horn."
Yuuichirou bows his head to them as they smile in adornment at him.

"He's so cute, Crowley!" Chess exclaims as her purple curls bounce on her shoulders.

Yuuichirou's cheeks turn red slightly at her comment and he chuckles and glances down shyly.

"He's blushing, Horn, look!" Chess exclaims as she grabs Horn's arm and shakes her.

"Yes, I see," Horn says with a much calmer voice.

Her hair, Yuuichirou notices, is a considerably lighter color than Mikaela's. Yuuichirou mentally
scolds himself. He doesn't want to think about Mikaela when he's with his new friend.

"Stop embarrassing him, girls," Crowley says before turning back to Yuuichirou. "Do you want to
go to the library, Yuu? I have some homework I need to catch up on."

Yuuichirou nods his head. "Sure."

They step into the school together which is starting to slowly fill up with students. Crowley leads
them up the stairs into the almost empty library. Voices are hushed and Yuuichirou notices that
they're stared at by a few people. He tries not to look back at them, but can't help but wonder if
there might be something on his face or if they just think he's weird.

Once they sit down at a table, Crowley takes out his books before Yuuichirou whispers to him,
"Why are they staring at us?"

Crowley glances up at the few people who are still watching them. "Don't mind them. They've just
never seen us together, so it's weird for them."

Yuuichirou nods subtly. He knows how popular Crowley is, so he can see how everyone would
think it's unusual that he's hanging out with a new first year student. Though, it's difficult to not
look back at the obvious glances that the other students are giving him.

"I'm surprised you didn't get any of these stares when you were with Mikaela," Crowley smirks.
"He's pretty well known as well."

"We didn't really hang out much during school," Yuuichirou says as he rubs his neck awkwardly.
"Can we not talk about Mika?" He asks with a small laugh.

Crowley's grin disappears and he looks at Yuuichirou. "Oh, yeah, sorry."

Yuuichirou makes eye contact with him and smiles as he nods his head. "It's fine."

Their eye contact isn't broken for a few moments. They sit there frozen for just a few seconds,
staring right at each other and unable to look away. He suddenly realizes how close they're sitting
together, he never noticed it when they both sat down at the beginning. But now Yuuichirou feels
as if he can see his reflection in Crowley's ruby red eyes.

"Excuse me."

Yuuichirou jolts from the sound right next to him. He quickly breaks eye contact with Crowley and
glances up to see a boy looking down at his chair. "Oh, sorry," he says as he pulls his chair in and
the boy passes behind him.

He looks back Crowley who's grinning at him before he rummages through his bag to pull out his
"Is this why you brought me here? To help you with your homework?" Yuuichirou asks with a
smirk. "Because if so, I'd be of no help, I can't even do my own."

Crowley laughs as he starts writing. "No, no," he says. "I just wanted some company. It's nice
talking with you, Yuu."

Yuuichirou's faces tinges pink at the cheeks and he looks away from Crowley with embarrassment.
"It's nice finally having someone to talk to during school. Mika and I never hung out during school,
and my friends are kind of mad at me about something. I haven't had anyone to hang out with in

Crowley frowns at him. "You can hang out with me during lunch, if you want," he suggests. "We
don't have to be with my friends since they're a couple years older than you and might make you
uncomfortable," he laughs.

Yuuichirou frantically nods. "Can I? I mean, with you only. Third years are weird...and old," he

Crowley glares playfully at him. "I'm old to you?"

Yuuichirou laughs. "Here, let me put my number into your phone, grandpa," Yuuichirou says as
Crowley hands him his phone.

Yuuichirou taps at it for a few seconds before setting it back on the table as Crowley continues
with his homework. He eventually pulls out his own homework from last night. Yuuichirou refused
to do it because of how badly his heart aches at night when he's alone, and how his motivation has
plummeted ever since Mikaela broke up with him. Usually, the blond would be there with him to
help Yuuichirou with his harder homework. Mikaela, at first would get irritated if Yuuichirou
didn't understand the concept the first time he'd explain it, but eventually Mikaela would be patient
and understanding with him. He would smile at him and praise Yuuichirou whenever he would get
the answer right. But once they separated, Yuuichirou would be sitting at his desk, simply staring
down at the sheet of paper with intimidating math problems scrawled on it. He would place his
pencil on the paper, but had no idea what to write. He needed Mikaela in so many ways.

Now Yuuichirou exhales to relax himself as he reads through the math assignment, trying his best
to remember the lesson from yesterday. He fiddles with his pencil as he stares down at the paper,
almost getting lost in thought.


Yuuichirou looks up at Crowley before nodding his head in dismay. "We're supposed to factor
them, but how the hell do you do that?" He exclaims in frustration.

"Didn't you learn that middle school?" Crowley asks.

Yuuichirou glances to the side. "I never went to middle school," he mumbles, suddenly feeling like
he's not smart enough to be with Crowley.

Crowley knits his eyebrows in confusion. "What? How?"

"I was in an orphanage before I got adopted and came to this school. The education system was
poor, so I quit to start a job and earn money and then I left. This couple found me one day and
adopted me and sent me here!" He says with a wide smile despite reminiscing on his gloomy past.

Crowley nods as he listens. "But you were qualified enough to attend this school?"
Yuuichirou nods. "I'm actually supposed to be second year with Mika, but I had to be put back a

Crowley watches Yuuichirou intently. "Do you need help with your math homework, then? It's
been a while since I've factored polynomials, but I'm pretty sure I can," he trails off as he leans
over to look at the paper.

Through the next few minutes, Crowley reaches Yuuichirou the basic concepts and watches him
do a problem by himself. Before they know it, the bell has rung to signify the start of the day.

"I've never been this early to school before," Yuuichirou says as he packs up his work. "Usually
I'm just trying to leave."

Crowley grins at him as they walk out of the library. "Meet me in cafeteria at lunch," he says as he
flashes Yuuichirou a smirk before separating to go to their classes.

Yuuichirou sighs heavily as he finally takes off the heavy weight of his backpack and sets it on the
floor. He falls down onto his bed in exhaustion, laying there and staring at the ceiling. Feeling
completely relaxed, he doesn't want to move from his bed; just to curl up in the blankets and fall
asleep for the evening. Yuuichirou notices how relaxed he's been feeling lately. Just almost two
weeks ago when Mikaela broke up with him, Yuuichirou couldn't even find the strength to get out
of bed and make it to school. He couldn't find the purpose of letting himself be exposed to the
world while everyone is oblivious to the internal pain he's going through. Without Mikaela,
Yuuichirou felt completely isolated and unwanted. It was always his boyfriend who told him how
much he mattered to him, always grabbing at him to hug him, or sneaking into his room to lay with
him at night. Yuuichirou still misses all of it. His heart yearns for the touch and smell and comfort
of Mikaela; however, he has found it easier to be able to look forward to the next day.

Ever since Yuuichirou accepted Crowley as a friend and hung out with him during lunch and after
school, Yuuichirou has been able to somewhat tuck away his pain and distract himself with the
older boy. Although it will always linger in his mind; the guilt, the loneliness of not having
Mikaela with him, Yuuichirou is able to feel like he finally has a friend to talk to about anything.
He no longer feels lonely and distant at school, all because of Crowley.

At the same time, Yuuichirou still hasn't talked about Crowley to Mikaela yet, and he doesn't think
he ever will. Mikaela has been giving him his regular cold and distant looks whenever they happen
to make eye contact during dinner or passing each other on the way to their rooms. The fact that
Mikaela still doesn't even look like he's been affected by the break up like Yuuichirou has been,
pains the brunette even more. He doesn't even want to look at Mikaela's distant expression
whenever they're near each other.

Today after school, Crowley met up with Yuuichirou in the library to help him with his homework.
For the past week, Crowley would take time out of his day to help Yuuichirou with his math or
science, just as Mikaela used to do. Yuuichirou lays on his bed as he recalls the conversation they
had not even an hour ago:

"I just multiply this with the numbers in the brackets, right?" Yuuichirou mumbled as he spoke
more to himself than the older boy.

Crowley hummed in response as he took his eyes away from the paper and onto Yuuichirou. The
brunette senses it and shoots his head up to look at Crowley with a pout.
"It makes it harder to do when you're staring at me," he pointed out and narrowed his eyes at

The upperclassman grinned at him. "I can't help it, Yuu, you're just too cute."

The glare automatically disappeared from Yuuichirou's face as his cheeks turned pink and his
heart almost stuttered from the compliment. He looked away shyly back down at his paper as he
formed the slightest smile at his lips before laughing shyly.

The brunette sighs again at the thought, still staring up at the plain ceiling that's giving him images
of Crowley that makes his chest flutter. At the same time, the guilt plunges over him because he's
still devastated about Mikaela. Yuuichirou sits up and plans on distracting himself with the rest of
his homework. He dreads the fact that he knows that these thoughts will stay lingering in his mind
even as he goes to bed, but he forces himself to deal with it and continue on with his day.

Yuuichirou works throughout the night on his assignments and various projects, feeling satisfied
that he's actually beginning to understand despite skipping a couple years. He uses his energy on
trying to complete and understand the questions instead of spending it on thinking about how much
he needs Mikaela. By the time he finishes the work, his eyes start to feel heavy and his shoulders
slouch more than usual. Yuuichirou sets his pencil down and slides the chair out from the space in
the desk to stand up. He peels off his clothing as quick as he can, feeling a chill from the cold
weather before he slips his pajamas on and craws into bed.

Instead of trying to go to sleep, Yuuichirou picks up his phone and starts scrolling through social
media, the bright screen causing his eyes to squint despite it being on the lowest setting. As he
checks his messages, he glances at his conversation with Crowley. The last text sent was over an
hour ago. He then tries to find Mikaela's, having to scroll down before catching it. Yuuichirou
notices that he's still left the heart emoticon next to Mikaela's name. He stares at it for moment,
remembering when he put it there and how Mikaela got flustered when he saw it. Yuuichirou
inevitably smiles at the thought, but quickly catches himself and stops grinning.

Mikaela is only a room away, they share a wall, but Yuuichirou feels like they've been parted with
miles and miles in between them. He wonders if Mikaela is laying awake as well, wishing that his
bed could be warmed with both of their body heat. Yuuichirou quickly scrolls away from Mikaela's
contact name. He doesn't want to put himself in such a bad mood right before going to bed.
Yuuichirou taps on Crowley's name and brings up the keyboard.

Good night ♡

He looks at the screen for a moment with his thumb hovering over the send button. He can't tell
whether he should delete the heart or not, but Crowley has been using it once in a while.
Yuuichirou pushes away his hesitation and sends the message as is, his heart beating harder for a
second as it delivers. He immediately exits from the application, suddenly feeling embarrassed and
not wanting to see the message. He tries to busy himself with social media before a message slides
down on the top of the screen a few minutes later.

Night, Yuu ♡

Yuuichirou bites his lip, feeling even more embarrassed. His heart feels like it's banging in his
chest as he reads the message over and over. He turns off his phone and sets it next to him, trying
to get rid of the fluttering feeling in his stomach. Yuuichirou reaches over and sets his phone back
on the bedside table. He lays on his side, staring at the empty part of the bed. Even though he's
flustered by Crowley at the moment, his heart still aches for Mikaela as he closes his eyes and
reaches out to fist the sheet lightly, silently calling for him.

Mikaela lays in his bed, staring up at the ceiling with blank, dull eyes and contemplating whether
he should skip school for the third time this week, or just pick up his despair and go. Although his
body within the blankets is warm, his heart feels icy cold, never to be thawed out now that
Yuuichirou is out of his life. He has barely spoken to anyone since it happened almost two weeks
ago. His friends have noticed and his brothers have given him space, but all Mikaela really needs is
Yuuichirou again. He wishes he could've rewound time and went back to when he was in
Yuuichirou's room, holding his face as he gazed sadly into his emerald eyes. He would've pushed
back his inner-self telling him that they need to break up. He would've kissed Yuuichirou and
never let him go so that they could love together in secret. But Mikaela knows that would've been
the worse decision. He already made it clear to Yuuichirou how it would be unhealthy for them to
keep everything a secret.

What bothers Mikaela the most is that Yuuichirou thought it was his fault. He thought that Mikaela
wanted this and was mad at him. A heavy sense of guilt washes over him like he'd just been bathed
by a wave. He hasn't been able to pull himself out of his despair and melancholy. Being one of the
highest achieving students, Mikaela rarely skips class, but now his body feels like it's being
physically weighed down by this panic, guilt, and agony.

He hears the door of Yuuichirou's room opening and eventually footsteps passing his bedroom.
Never again will the brunette step into Mikaela's room. Mikaela sighs heavily in exhaustion as he
lifts the blanket off of himself and forces himself to sit up and get ready for the day.

Mikaela slowly made it through the morning, but he noticed how Yuuichirou always leaves
slightly earlier than the rest of them. He was curious, thinking Yuuichirou simply wanted to do his
best to avoid being with him. That is, until Mikaela arrived at school and happened to enter the
library. He walked up to the second floor where it's usually emptier and quieter, only to spot
Yuuichirou and Crowley sitting at a table together. There are papers scattered in front of
Yuuichirou, but none of them are looking down at the table. Instead, they're looking at each other's
eyes. Chatting and smiling with each other.

Mikaela feels his heart threatening to burst out of his chest from the rage of seeing Crowley sitting
so closely to Yuuichirou who is smiling back at him. Mikaela suddenly starts to breath heavily and
he fists his hands as he silently walks over to them.


Yuuichirou had been telling Crowley an embarrassing story before he jolts from suddenly hearing
his nickname that only one person uses. His eyes widen from the terrifyingly calm tone of voice as
he still stares at Crowley, too scared to look behind him. He watches as Crowley's eyes flicker
behind him and a wide, mischievous smirk appears on his face. Yuuichirou makes a face of
confusion for a second before he forces himself to turn around and now see the rage in Mikaela's
eyes instead of feeling the tension of it in his back. The brunette's eyes, however, immediately
move down to the ground when he sees how terrifyingly blank Mikaela's face is. All the emotion
the blond usually shows in his eyes, while the rest of his face is cold, intimidating, and unreadable.
Yuuichirou, however, can see the rage emanating from his blazing eyes.

"What the hell are you doing with him?" He asks calmly, but with a hint of venom in his voice
that's meant to scare both boys sitting at the table.

"What does it matter to you?" Yuuichirou fights back, pushing away his intimidation. The only
way Mikaela could hurt him is emotionally.
"It matters because I've told you once not to go near him," Mikaela spits out, not even wanting to
say Crowley's name as he glares harshly at him.

"'Him'?" Yuuichirou repeats as he points to Crowley. "He's the only one out of all of you who has
helped me go through the pain of what you did, Mika."

Mikaela grits his teeth together. He almost forgets that they're in public, but luckily with no
audience upstairs. "What I did? Yuu-chan, I told you—" He fumes before he's cut off.

"I know, I know, you've told me, but you don't act like that's the reason," Yuuichirou says as he
now stands up. "All you've done since you broke up with me is ignore me and glare at me every
time we make eye contact. You act like I never even mattered, you haven't helped me or comforted
me in any way that could make me feel better."

Mikaela closes his eyes and knots his eyebrows in irritation before opening them again. "That's
because you were acting like bitch when I told you why we couldn't be together."

Yuuichirou is taken aback from Mikaela's statement. He had prepared to say something, but
Crowley suddenly stands up and walks around the table to stand in front of Mikaela. "Hey, you
don't need to be calling Yuu anything like that." He says.

"You're not apart of any of this, Eusford," Mikaela spits out.

"Actually, I am. Being Yuu's most trusted and least judgmental friend at the moment, he's already
told me what happened," he says, slipping his hands in his pockets to irritate Mikaela even further.
"And, as expected, I'm the only one he can confide in."

Mikaela grits his teeth and bares them at Crowley before he quickly turns to Yuuichirou. His heart
feels like it's shredding into pieces at the moment, but he has to fight back the blistering pain and
the tears that are threatening to spill from his eyes

"Yuu-chan," he hisses. "Come home, now."

Yuuichirou glares at him. "Why the hell would I do what you say? I'm staying with Crowley."

Mikaela, for a split second, almost becomes vulnerable. His eyes loose their intensity for the
smallest moment as he notices the sadness in Yuuichirou's. Just as fast, he gains his stern look
again. He gives Yuuichirou a final glare before walking away from them and descending down the
stairs. He sets his destination to home. Mikaela knows that he doesn't have the energy to talk to
anyone or learn anything today. That's the whole reason he left Yuuichirou up there with Crowley.
He would never have walked away like that, but Mikaela can physically feel the pain of his chest
contracting and squeezing down on his heart as hard as it can. He can feel his eyes start to swell up
as he tries his hardest to hold the hot tears back.

Mikaela quickly walks back home. Once everyone he knows is out of sight, one then two then
three thick tears roll down his cheeks. His vision becomes blurry as more tears start to form and
covers his face. Mikaela sniffs and lips tremble as he quickly tries to wipe his eyes. Once he arrives
home, he barges through the front door, ignoring the maids and ordering them to leave him alone.
Mikaela journeys through the large house until he finally arrives at his room before throwing his
back pack on the floor and slamming the door shut. He sits down at the edge of the bed to try and
calm himself down. Mikaela grabs at his hair to stabilize himself as he sobs into his lap. He’s angry
and he's jealous that Crowley has gotten so close to him already. Mikaela knows the exact reason
why Crowley is even bothering to get so close to Yuuichirou in the first place. It's how he lures in
all his prey; he finds them at a vulnerable point and grows close to them, making them think that he
cares about them and then will start to develop a crush on him. Then, Crowley will take them back
home and have sex with them as they still believe that it's romantic. He’ll play around with their
feelings until finally, Crowley disposes of them; deletes their number and never talks to them

The thought of him doing that to Yuuichirou makes him fist his hands tightly in rage. Mikaela will
protect Yuuichirou from Crowley in all ways. Crowley doesn't care about Yuuichirou, all he wants
is his body and just that thought alone causes Mikaela to want to strangle him. He feels his body
jittering with rage and jealousy. Nobody is allowed to be so close with Yuuichirou except for him.
Mikaela grits his teeth as he tries to calm himself down.

The blond lays down in his bed and stares up at the ceiling just like every night when his heart
feels empty. Though this time it's feels like Yuuichirou physically drained the life out of him. He
can't help the muffled sobs that falls past his lips in anguish as he covers his mouth with his arm.
With blurry, swollen eyes, Mikaela sits up and starts peeling his uniform off. He puts on more
comfortable, lounging clothes and crawls back into bed, burying himself in the blankets. His head
starts pounding and all of a sudden the light in the room seems too bright. Mikaela covers himself
with the blankets, not intending on ever coming out. The heat, darkness and numbing pain
surrounding him eventually lulls him into a sleep with dreams where Yuuichirou's hateful eyes
haunt him.
Part 2
Chapter Summary

Part 2/3

Chapter Notes

There is a non-consensual foreplay scene.

NOTE: This is an immediate continuation of last chapter. I’d recommend going back
and just reading the last one or two paragraphs and then reading this one since it starts
right from where we left off :))))

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Mikaela dozes off and wakes up again only to fall back asleep. This pattern has been occurring ever
since he broke up with Yuuichirou. He has had disturbed rests all throughout the night, causing
him to lose a significant amount of sleep. Mikaela's eyes burn slightly as he forces himself awake
and pulls the blankets down from his face, squinting at the light. After a moment of waking up,
Mikaela climbs out of his bed and walks groggily over to his washroom.

After washing his face with icy cold water to fully wake himself up, Mikaela checks the time on
his phone, noting that he slept almost the whole school day away and that Yuuichirou should be
home by now. When he gains enough energy to be able to face the brunette, Mikaela exits his
room and steps over to Yuuichirou's. It was easy until his heart starts leaping and his stomach starts
to churn as he stands in front of the door. He slowly lifts his hand up and hesitates before knocking.
Instead of entering as he normally would've done, they're not dating anymore so it would be
improper for Mikaela to barge in. Mikaela is lost in thought about what he's going to say. He
doesn't even know why he's come here to Yuuichirou's room, his body just led him here and calls
out for Yuuichirou. His arm is still in the air as he inhales and knocks on the door. Mikaela's mind
starts buzzing, wondering what he's even going to say and how he's going act despite Yuuichirou
being mad at him. His mind suddenly goes blank when the door is opened and he's greeted by the
most beautiful face he's ever seen.

Mikaela's heart aches at the sight of Yuuichirou so close to him. Out of impulse, he almost reaches
up with both hands intending on cupping Yuuichirou's cheeks and holding his face. Before his
arms can move halfway up, he quickly brings them back down to his side. He's so used to touching
Yuuichirou intimately at any moment he can. His favorite is holding onto Yuuichirou's face so
delicately and gently as they gaze at each other with warmth arising between them before softly
bringing their foreheads together. Mikaela breaks out of his daze as Yuuichirou stares at him,
waiting for him to say something.


"What do you want now?" Yuuichirou cuts him off.

Mikaela loses the soft side that always dominates him whenever he's with Yuuichirou. "I want you
to stay away from Crowley," he demands.

Yuuichirou almost completely shuts the door on the blond, but Mikaela reaches out and forces it
open. He steps in while watching Yuuichirou's face and closes the door behind him, still not
breaking eye contact.

"You don't know Crowley like the rest of us do," Mikaela says sternly.

Yuuichirou's face suddenly loses its confident look as Mikaela speaks and he keeps stepping back,
away from the anger radiating from the blond.

"Even ask your friends, Yuu, they'd approve of Crowley less than me. You do not know what he's
done in the past and how he lures in new kids like you," he says roughly.

"What the hell are you talking about, Mika?" Yuuichirou asks. "Crowley is the only who has been
nice to me and has actually made me feel like I'm not alone anymore!"

"Of course he is because that's apart of his entire act. All he wants you for is your body," Mikaela
says in disgust, "And I will NOT let him even think about touching you in any type of way," he

Yuuichirou groans. "You're just jealous, Mika. Stop making up this crap and mind your own
business." His heart breaks with every word he's forced to say.

Mikaela almost reaches forward and grabs Yuuichirou's shirt to make sure he listens to him clearly.
He holds himself back, not wanting to frighten the brunette. "Has he flirted with you yet?" He asks


"Has he flirted with you, Yuu-chan?"

Yuuichirou's cheeks turn a shade of pink, and that just about answers Mikaela's question. "Maybe,"
he mumbles.

Mikaela grits his teeth in rage. Just thinking about Crowley trying to lure Yuuichirou in causes a
rush of adrenaline to course through his body, getting ready to tear him to shreds. "Have you flirted
back," Mikaela asks with a slight growl, too afraid to know the answer.

Yuuichirou stays silent and pouts as he crosses his arms, and Mikaela takes that as a yes. He can
feel his heart snapping into two. "You like him?" He asks quietly, suddenly calmer than before.

Yuuichirou looks up, catching the sadness in Mikaela's voice. He stares in shock at the completely
broken expression on his face. His body yearns to reach out and hold Mikaela and to be held back,
but he has to force himself from doing so. His eyes start to burn as he imagines himself lunging
forward and holding as tightly as he can to the blond, how he would start sobbing in his chest from
how much he's missed him. "I don't know," he replies back.

The tension of anger and jealousy is gone and now full of anguish for Mikaela. The thought of
Yuuichirou being romantic with someone else makes his sanity loosen and loosen until it's
completely gone. His breathing gets heavier, but he tries to contain himself. "I don't want you to
ever go near him again, Yuuichirou," Mikaela growls through his teeth as he stares at Yuuichirou
with ablaze eyes.
Yuuichirou almost stumbles back from the force of his words and watches him in shock.

"He's just trying to use you for your body!" Mikaela steps forward intimidatingly.

"Like you did?" Yuuichirou asks as he stays in his spot, not letting himself be afraid of Mikaela's

Mikaela is taken aback and he stares at Yuuichirou in shock. His lips are parted, in preparation for
snapping back at Yuuichirou, but he has nothing to say to what just fell from the brunette’s lips.
"When did I ever...?" He asks quietly as he stares into Yuuichirou's glimmering eyes.

"That was the whole reason we started getting close to each other, wasn't it? You wanted my body
since the beginning," Yuuichirou recalls.

Mikaela shakes his head. "That was different—"

"How is that any different? Using me is using me, Mika. We didn't even have feelings for each
other," Yuuichirou snaps.

Mikaela grits his teeth, his anger settling back. "It's different because we both wanted each other.
You knew you wanted me too," he informs. "It's also different because I wasn't manipulating you
into getting close with me so that we could fuck."

Yuuichirou's eyebrows tense as he stares hard at Mikaela. "Crowley is not manipulating me."

Mikaela exhales heavily in order to calm himself down. "What the hell would you know about
him, Yuu? You came to this school how many months ago? And he's just now starting to become
friends with you once I leave your side. He literally captured you at your most vulnerable point.
How can you not see that?" He asks. "He's known to do these things, Yuu." Mikaela's heart pumps
fast from the tension of the argument. "And if he ends up doing something to you, don't come
running to me," Mikaela finally says with a calmer voice, but rage in his eyes. He no longer carries
the passion in his voice or eyes to keep Yuuichirou protected. "I've tried to warn you and protect
you, Yuu-chan." Mikaela finally walks off and doesn't glance back at the brunette as he leaves to
his own bedroom.

Yuuichirou swallows thickly as he watches Mikaela disappear into his room. The intensity of his
words ring in his head and he slams the door shut. He knows that Mikaela is protective of him, and
hearing the blond say that he's giving up on protecting him, causes a slight fear to arise within his
chest. He thought that Mikaela would be saying these things about Crowley so that Yuuichirou
would come back to him. But now Mikaela is doing the opposite and growing farther away from

Yuuichirou chews his lip, his mind everywhere and not being able to set on a single idea of what's
going on. He walks over to his bed and sits down as he picks up his phone. He immediately goes to
his messages with Crowley and his thumbs twiddle as he thinks of what to say to him.

Mika keeps saying things about you.

He types before sending it. Yuuichirou turns off his phone and walks over to the desk to continue
his work. Although he tries to distract himself with his homework, the brunette keeps looking up
and glancing at his phone over and over to see if his phone lit up. His leg bounces under his desk in
anticipation until finally his phone buzzes. Yuuichirou immediately drops his pencil and grabs it to
read the message from Crowley.

Like what?
He stares at the message for a moment. He doesn't want to repeat exactly what Mikaela said.

Bad things

Is all he types before sending it. Instead of picking up his pencil and continuing his homework,
Yuuichirou spins around in his chair, watching as the bubbles pop up that indicates that Crowley's

Of course he would. Mika doesn’t like me. Don’t listen to what he says.

Yuuichirou sighs, not knowing who to listen to anymore. He walks back to his bed, suddenly
feeling exhausted and too distracted from all that's going on in his mind. He sets his phone next to
him as he lays down. He doesn't plan on going to sleep, but Yuuichirou needs to try and clear his
mind or he'll feel like the thoughts going through his head will seep out and drown him. He's
broken out of his daze when he feels the vibration of his phone.

Do you want to come over to my house?

Yuuichirou does feel excited about Crowley's invitation. His heart and his stomach suddenly starts
to flutter at the thought of going to Crowley's house. His mind rids itself of any of the conflict that
has just happened, and he even smiles as he gets out of bed. He stands at the edge as he types his
response before Crowley replies that he'll pick him up right now. Yuuichirou quickly grabs his
jacket and packs his homework to work on it at Crowley's house. He realizes that he's overexcited
and got ready too early when Crowley just sent the message and has probably not even left his
house yet. Yuuichirou sits down at his desk and waits with a jittery leg and pulls out his phone to
pass the time, as well as getting rid of the voice in his head telling him not to go.

Crowley stands up from the couch as he receives Yuuichirou's response of wanting to come over.
His teeth are gritted in irritation from the younger boy telling him that Mikaela is saying things
about him. Crowley already knows what Mikaela would be saying, he would probably be trying to
protect him as he knows exactly what Crowley has done in the past. Fortunately for him,
Yuuichirou is completely oblivious and desperate enough for a friend that he let Crowley into his
life almost instantly. The brunette made it easier than it has ever been.

Crowley makes his way to his room to grab his car keys and jacket. He pulls open the drawer to his
bedside table to make sure he's got everything he's going to need later. Although Crowley feels like
seducing Yuuichirou today, he also thinks that Yuuichirou would be expecting it because of what
Mikaela might've told him. He sighs in irritation as the blond is always in his way. He could've
indulged in his cute, sexy friend sooner if it hadn't been for Mikaela. Crowley's just hoping that
Yuuichirou is broken enough to allow him to finally do what he's been wanting to do. Low in his
stomach, he feels the heat of excitement at the though of finally bringing Yuuichirou to his house
that's completely empty besides him.

He quickly gets in his car and makes it to Yuuichirou's house once he sends him the address.
Crowley waits in the driveway as he watches Yuuichirou locking the front door and running over to
his car. He smiles as Yuuichirou opens the door and steps inside.

"What's the backpack for?" He asks as he backs out of the driveway.

"We can do homework at your house, I have some math I need to do," he pouts.

Crowley scoffs as he watches the road. "We are not doing homework, Yuu. It's Saturday and there's
a day off on Monday." He glances over at Yuuichirou. "Besides, when have you ever wanted to do

Yuuichirou groans. "I just want to get it over with. And if we're going to be spending time together,
why not tutor me, huh?" He says excitedly, beaming at Crowley.

Crowley smiles as he watches Yuuichirou from the corner of his eye. He can easily admit that the
brunette is adorable and charismatic, but he only wants him one way. He never lets himself get
attached to anyone that he wants to fuck.

"How about you stay the night?" Crowley suggests. He can already feel the low buzz of arousal
within his body as his mind just slightly imagines Yuuichirou laying on his bed.

Yuuichirou blushes at his invitation and looks out the window to hide his face. "I don't have any of
my clothes," he says.

"You can wear mine."

Yuuichirou parts his lips to say something, but he doesn't. He wants to decline, suddenly feeling
cautious of what Mikaela was saying earlier. At the same time, he wants to completely rid his
thoughts of Mikaela. He wants to do the exact opposite of what his ex-boyfriend wants just to show
him he's wrong.

"I'll think about it," Yuuichirou says. He doesn't even know if he's comfortable enough around
Crowley to sleep at his house.

Once they pull into the driveway of Crowley's house, Yuuichirou gawks at the large size. He
knows that they’re enrolled in a prestigious school for students of high ranking families, but he's
still amazed that people live in such luxurious houses when all his life he's been living in a
rundown orphanage. Even at Krul and Ferid's house, he's thankful everyday for being able to reside
in such luxury. They both step out of the car and make their way to the grand front door.

"So if we're not going to do our homework, what're we going to do?" Yuuichirou inquires as he
walks behind Crowley into the house.

Crowley smirks mischievously to himself as he looks down and slips his shoes off. He knows
exactly what they'll be doing once Yuuichirou settles down in his home. He'll make sure he'll have
the brunette completely begging for him. He turns around to face him. "I have video games—"
Crowley's cut off as Yuuichirou suddenly jumps in his face, catching him off guard from his
excitement. He almost stumbles back as Yuuichirou hops around excitedly.

"Yes, let's play games!" He exclaims before almost running off further into the house until he
realizes he doesn't know where anything is.

Crowley settles him down from his excitement as he chuckles and places his hand on Yuuichirou's
lower back to guide him to the living room. He feels the brunette tensing from his hold, but he
keeps it there and makes his grip a little firmer. Once they enter the large, spacey living room,
Yuuichirou sits down on the couch next to the older boy as he turns on the TV and gaming
console. He hands Yuuichirou a controller after arguing over which game to play. Crowley lets
Yuuichirou win in order for him to stay in a good mood for the rest of the time he's here.

For the next couple hours, they play round after round, laughing and arguing and Yuuichirou
almost fake crying in order to win. Crowley playfully ruffles Yuuichirou's hair as the brunette
would blush cutely and try to ignore him. Crowley notices that he actually likes Yuuichirou for
who he is. He's funny and pleasant to be around. But his lust for the younger boy overpowers any
other feeling. Since he saw Yuuichirou on his first day of school, Crowley wanted him. It was too
hard when Mikaela was so protective of him. But now, with the emotionless and pesky blond
completely out of the picture and Yuuichirou desperate for comfort, Crowley has been given the
perfect chance.

Both Yuuichirou and Crowley have managed to gradually scoot closer and closer to each other as
time passed by as they were playing games. They're close enough now that their arms are pressed
together, but Yuuichirou pays no mind to it. He continues happily playing his game until his
character dies again.

"We should probably do our homework now," Crowley suggests as he looks over at the younger

Yuuichirou groans and leans back against the couch. "When I was in the mood to do it, you didn't
want to," He points out with a pout.

Crowley laughs softly at his underclassman's display. "You're too cute, Yuu," he comments as he
leans towards him. Crowley's voice suddenly becomes low. "You're making it harder and harder
for me to not pounce on you." He continues to lean forward until Yuuichirou has to lean back in
order to not have their bodies pressed together.

Yuuichirou's face flushes and his body becomes frozen as he watches Crowley leaning closer and
closer to him. Yuuichirou has to place his elbow back on the couch in order to not lie down from
how close Crowley is to him. "W-what do you mean?" He stammers nervously, throat going dry
from the fear of realization.

"You know what I mean, Yuu," Crowley replies as he's almost on top of the smaller boy.

Yuuichirou sees a terrifying glint in his eyes. "Crowley-senpai, I don't think we should do this," he
says quietly as he tries his hardest to keep his voice from trembling in fear. He almost glances to
the side to call out for Mikaela, only to realize he's not there. And Mikaela won't be there for him
once he goes home. He tried to warn Yuuichirou until he was completely fed up. Yuuichirou bites
his cheek anxiously and he tries his hardest to hold back the tears that are about to pool in his eyes.

Crowley's arm wraps around Yuuichirou's waist skillfully and he presses their bodies together,
almost groaning when he feels the warmth of his underclassman's small body. "Why not?"
Crowley responds. "This is all I've been waiting for since I first saw you, Yuu." He leans his head
down to Yuuichirou's neck and mouths along his smooth skin. "You're too cute and I can't wait to
finally see how cute your body will be as well," he murmurs roughly as he starts to suck on
Yuuichirou's neck.

Yuuichirou gasps when he feels Crowley's lips tickling his sensitive skin unpleasantly. He tries to
squirm and pull him away, but Crowley has him in his strong grip. "Wait," he begs as he still
struggles when he feels a tongue on his skin that doesn't belong to Mikaela. His body shivers in
disgust at the feeling. "I'll do anything else, just not this," he breathes heavily.

Crowley laughs lowly before pulling away to look at his face. "Sorry, Yuu, but I've been waiting
too long for this. Weren't you starting to like me like this anyways? You might enjoy it more if you
think about that," he suggests as he leans back down and sucks harder on his neck.

Yuuichirou's heart hammers against his chest, not from excitement. All he can think about is
calling out to Mikaela, all he's thinking about is his ex-lover somehow knowing he's in danger and
barging into Crowley's house to pry him off of Yuuichirou's body. If only Crowley wasn't
significantly taller and firmer than him, Yuuichirou could wriggle and fight against him. Before he
knows it, he's gasping at the pain of Crowley's grip around his waist and hot tears have
uncontrollably seared down his face. His arms don't stop trying to push Crowley off of him as
much as he can, but he barely even budges.

When Crowley gets annoyed with Yuuichirou tugging and squirming, he grabs his wrists and pins
them above his head. Yuuichirou's body is finally flat against the sofa, so now Crowley can press
their bodies together more comfortably. With Yuuichirou's arms pinned it's harder for him to move
around and try to get out of Crowley’s grasp while it's easier for him to roam his lips around
Yuuichirou's body. He starts to trail his lips up to Yuuichirou's jaw and finally to his mouth where
he forces his tongue inside.

Yuuichirou groans in protest as he becomes nauseous from the feeling of Crowley forcing himself
upon him. He tries to bite down on Crowley's tongue, but the older boy quickly grabs his jaw with
one hand to force it open, while the other hand is still holding his wrists together. Yuuichirou
almost completely gives up in fighting back until they hear the front door suddenly opening.
Crowley gasps as he looks up towards the sound. Although they're not in view of the front door,
Crowley quickly gets off of Yuuichirou and he sits back, breathing heavily and adjusting his

Yuuichirou takes the chance to stand up and bolt out of the living room, ignoring Crowley calling
his name. He runs to the foyer to find Crowley's parents staring at him in shock. Tears spill down
Yuuichirou's cheeks one after the other and his body trembles as he runs past the two adults. Once
he's outside, he turns back to face them.

"What kind of son have you raised?!" He shouts to them, wiping his face roughly with his sleeve.
He watches as they stare at him in disbelief and shock. When Crowley suddenly enters, all their
eyes land on him.

"How many other people have you manipulated and assaulted?!" He yells, making sure his parents
knows exactly what was just happening.

Yuuichirou turns back around, not looking for an answer, and runs as fast as he can. His house isn't
far from Crowley's, but his waist, wrists, and jaw hurts from being held onto in an iron grip. The
journey seems like years as his eyes are blurred over and over again from the constant tears. He
checks behind him periodically out of anxiety to make sure no one's following him. Yuuichirou lets
out a sob when he catches sight of his driveway. His heart and mind is yearning for Mikaela, to be
held and comforted and to tell him everything that just happened so that the blond can become
possessive of him again. He wants to be in his arms and protected. Yuuichirou feels his stomach
dropping repeatedly from all that has happened. He sprints into the driveway and almost crashes
into the door from how fast he was running. With trembling hands, Yuuichirou digs into his
pockets to pull out his key, only to realize they're in his backpack and he left his backpack at
Crowley's house. His heart drops at the fact that all of his belongings are still there. Yuuichirou
knocks over and over again until the door is finally opened. The sight of Lacus, a familiar and safe
face is too overwhelming and he lunges forward, holding onto his torso tightly as he buries his face
into the shoulder of his older brother.

Lacus stumbles back from the force of Yuuichirou flying towards him. His arms are raised in shock
at Yuuichirou holding onto him so tightly and his shirt becoming damp. He hears Yuuichirou
whimpering into his shoulder, but Lacus is still too stunned to move. Eventually, he lowers his
arms and embraces his younger brother awkwardly since they've never made such intimate contact
"Yuu?" He asks. "What's wrong? What happened?" Lacus asks worriedly as he tries to look at
Yuuichirou's face.

The younger boy doesn't want to spill the shameful situation he was just in. He's too embarrassed
that he almost got molested by someone Mikaela was warning him about. Yuuichirou can't stop
trembling in Lacus's hold. Although it's comforting to be in the arms of someone close and familiar,
Yuuichirou can't find it satisfying. There's something missing even though Lacus is genuinely
worried about him. His quiet sobs continue to roll off his tongue as he grips his older brother's
hoodie tightly.

"Can you please tell me what happened, Yuu? Are you hurt?" Lacus asks with a gentle voice as he
rubs Yuuichirou's back at an attempt to soothe him.

Yuuichirou nods his head and lets out a shaky breath. "I can't," he whimpers into Lacus's clothes.

"What if I take you to Mika?" He asks cautiously. He knows they broke up, but he also knows that
their feelings for each other hasn't decreased in the slightest. Yuuichirou is most likely to calm
down if he’s with the blond.

"N-no!" Yuuichirou exclaims and he pulls away from Lacus. He can't face Mikaela now. He
doesn't know what the blond would say or how he would act if he were to know that exactly what
he said would happen, actually did happen. "I can't tell Mika," he whispers as he wipes his face
with his sleeves.

Lacus watches him in confusion. "Why not?"

Yuuichirou pauses for a moment before parting his lips and sighing shakily. "He warned me about
something and it's exactly what happened," he admits in utter defeat; shoulder slumped and eyes
staring at the ground in shame.

Lacus watches as Yuuichirou's face suddenly scrunches up and his eyes begin to overflow with
tears again as he lets out a sob. Lacus grabs his shoulders to pull him back into an embrace. The
least he could do is comfort Yuuichirou as much as he can if he's not going to tell him what exactly

"I don't think Mika will be angry with you, if that's what you're worried about," Lacus informs. "He
cares about you too much to simply rub it in your face that he was right and you were wrong. Plus,
he's not even like that."

Yuuichirou almost gets excited when Lacus tells him that Mikaela cares about him. If it weren't for
the image of Crowley on top of him that's haunting his mind and permanently implanting itself
there, he would've been happy.

"If you're still afraid, I can go there with you, to his room," Lacus suggests. He already knows that
the only way Yuuichirou will open up and get better is if he's with Mikaela.

Yuuichirou wants to see the blond, he wants to be held and protected by him. He's just ashamed of
what happened and afraid to admit it to him. Either way, he's going to have to face him at some
point. And right now, Lacus is offering to go with him. He hesitates before nodding and lets Lacus
lead the way to their bedrooms.

There are still tears subtly rolling down his face as he stares at the white door of Mikaela's room.
Lacus stands off to the side and waits as Yuuichirou slowly brings his hand up to knock. Almost
immediately the door is opened, but Yuuichirou doesn't avert his eyes up to look at Mikaela.
"Yuu-chan," Mikaela says quietly once he sees the terrible state that Yuuichirou is in; his eyes are
red and swollen, there are stains of tear streaks along his cheeks, and his hair is more ruffled up
than usual. "Yuu-chan what happened?" He asks in a worried and strict tone, making sure
Yuuichirou actually tells him. Mikaela grabs his shoulders and pulls him closer so that their faces
are close enough together for him to read his eyes.

Lacus watches as Yuuichirou finally glances up at him. He knew that the younger boy would only
allow himself to be handled by Mikaela. Lacus quietly leaves back to his bedroom.

Yuuichirou's eyes start to sting again as the intensity of Mikaela's stare breaks him down. He
slumps, letting Mikaela's grip on his shoulders keep him up as his face becomes hot and wet again.
"I went to see Crowley," he sobs. He feels empty, naked, like he just wants to curl up to hide
himself from any judgmental eyes. But when he looks into Mikaela's eyes again, he doesn't see
anything harsh.

That's all Yuuichirou needed to say for Mikaela to understand. He pulls Yuuichirou forward to
collide with his body, holding him as tightly as he can. He hears and feels Yuuichirou's cries get
louder as he buries his head in Mikaela's sweatshirt. Yuuichirou feels so small and delicate in his

"H-he came on top of me," Yuuichirou sobs out. "I couldn't move,” he explains, spelling it al out to

Mikaela suddenly grits his teeth hard. His grip on Yuuichirou becomes tighter and he stares at the
door ahead of him with a glare that could cut through it. His mind buzzes with rage at the thought
of Crowley even touching Yuuichirou in the slightest without his permission. But the fact that
Crowley was on top of him, likely ravishing him causes Mikaela's body to almost jitter with
adrenaline, getting ready to fight. His mind comes up with all the ways he could make Crowley
suffer for what he's done to Yuuichirou.

Mikaela is brought back to reality as he feels Yuuichirou trembling in his hold. He nuzzles his face
into the shorter boy's hair comfortingly and he rubs slow circles into his back. "No one will hurt
you now, Yuu-chan. I'm protecting you. None of this was your fault." He whispers loving and
uplifting words close into Yuuichirou's ear to make sure he hears clearly. "You're with me now."
Mikaela feels the spot on his shirt becoming soaked with Yuuichirou's tears. He continues to caress
Yuuichirou's back and uses his other hand to run his finger through his dark hair soothingly. Their
warmth mingles together, causing their intimacy to become heightened.

In this moment, it feels like they were never even separated to begin with. It feels like they're still
lovers as they embrace each other desperately, having not felt this warmth since they broke up.
Yuuichirou clings onto Mikaela, not intending to ever let go. Automatically, when he was pulled
into the blond's arms, everything felt right again. He knew that's where he belonged, in his

Mikaela guides them over to his bed and they sit down at the edge, Yuuichirou completely leaning
his body on Mikaela, and Mikaela accepting it. His lips are naturally rested against the top of
Yuuichirou's head as if he's placing kisses along it.

Once Yuuichirou's cries become calmer and he eventually becomes quiet with a few whimpers, the
brunette glances up shyly at Mikaela's warm and welcoming eyes. He's missed this side of him
more than anything. The side that he only shows to Yuuichirou.

"I don't know what to do with myself," he admits with a weak voice from his crying.
Mikaela runs his fingers through Yuuichirou's thick hair, watching as the brunette closes his eyes
from the pleasure of the subtle stimulation. "There's nothing you need to do, Yuu-chan. Just to rest
and heal and that's it," he says with a low, gentle voice that he knows will calm Yuuichirou down.

"I should've listened to you. I'm so stupid for not seeing the signs that you kept showing me,"
Yuuichirou scolds.

Mikaela immediately nods his head. "Yuu-chan, none of this was your fault. Don't even think for a
second that you're the reason this happened. The only reason it did is because there are disgusting
people out there like him." Mikaela doesn't even want to say his name, worried that he'll become
infuriated and frighten Yuuichirou.

The brunette rests his head against Mikaela's chest, feeling completely natural. His grips around his
torso has loosened, but his whole body is leaning against Mikaela for support. "I want to take a
shower," he whispers. "I feel disgusting. Like I can't take his hands off my skin." He starts feeling
more comfortable with talking to Mikaela freely.

"You're not disgusting. I'll make sure you'll never even think about him, Yuu-chan," Mikaela
promises as he tilts Yuuichirou's chin up to look at him. "You can take a shower and I'll be right
here waiting for you." He wants desperately to lean forward and kiss Yuuichirou's red lips. They
call for him, begging for him to kiss them again and again just as how he used to.

Yuuichirou rubs at his eyes before nodding. He hesitantly separates from Mikaela's body,
immediately regretting it as now he's left cold and feeling empty without his touch. "Can you stay
in my room so you're there when I come out?" He asks shyly.

Mikaela smiles at the adorable sight as he nods and stands up with Yuuichirou. They leave
Mikaela's room to enter Yuuichirou's. The blond feels like he hasn't been here in years. As
Yuuichirou gathers his towel and clothing and enters the washroom, Mikaela sits down on his bed.
He thinks about all the times he used to sneak into Yuuichirou's room at night so that they could be
together. Or when Yuuichirou would be doing his homework at his desk and Mikaela would want
to simply be in his presence and lay down while scrolling through his phone. Mikaela lays down
and relives those moments again as he pulls out his phone.

Yuuichirou strips off his clothing and he stares at himself in the mirror. It's as if he can see the
lines where Crowley traced his hands. And on his neck, seeing it for the first time, a dark purple
bruise from how hard he was sucking and biting. Yuuichirou shivers in disgust and tries to rub at it
as if it were fake. He whimpers as the mark doesn't come off, it's real and it's going to be there for
days, reminding him over and over of what happened. The mark was low enough that it was
covered by his clothes, so Mikaela never saw it. Although Yuuichirou wants to scrub his body
endlessly until he can no longer feel Crowley's touches, he suddenly feels lonely again and his
body calls out for Mikaela to touch him instead; to replace the disgusting feeling with his loving
and sensual touches.

Yuuichirou grabs the towel and ties it around his waist before opening the door and peeking out.
The sight of Mikaela laying in his bed and on his phone is nostalgic. "Mika," he calls out
nervously, his cheeks tinging pink.

Mikaela glances up to Yuuichirou and he sits up expectantly.

Yuuichirou avoids eye contact with him. "C-can you take a shower with me?"

Mikaela feels his own face heat up at Yuuichirou's request. He doesn't know whether it's innocent
or not, but Mikaela doesn't hesitate to agree and walk over to the washroom. He's excited, to finally
see Yuuichirou's skin again and to touch him, but he's also prepared to control himself to step back
whenever Yuuichirou wants him to.

Mikaela shuts the door behind him while still watching Yuuichirou, his body looking small and
shy. He's already naked so Mikaela undresses as well. To his disappointment, Yuuichirou turns
around to give him the privacy he doesn't need. Mikaela wants Yuuichirou to watch him teasingly
peel his clothes off like how he used to when they were together. After stripping himself, he places
his hand on Yuuichirou's shoulder, noticing how soft and warm his skin is. He turns Yuuichirou
and can't help but admire and rake his eyes over Yuuichirou's lean form. He shamelessly indulges
in the sight as Yuuichirou's cheeks get red until he suddenly stops, noticing a dark mark on his
neck that he doesn't remember making. Whatever hickey he could've given Yuuichirou over two
weeks ago would've disappeared by now.

Mikaela almost growls from his throat as he glares at the hickey on Yuuichirou that was given by
someone else. He's suddenly determined to have his hands all over Yuuichirou's body to rid him of
the feeling of Crowley's and to kiss his body harder so that his own marks appear darker.

"Yuu-chan," he says lowly, causing Yuuichirou to whimper from the sensual tone. "I'm going to
make sure you never feel his touches again, physically or mentally," he declares and holds
Yuuichirou's wrist gently to guide him to the shower.

He opens the glass door and they step in before he shuts it and turns the water on. As the water
starts to become warm, Yuuichirou steps into it and lets it soak his hair and chest. Mikaela joins
him and we watches Yuuichirou as he closes his eyes. The blond reaches up to hold onto
Yuuichirou's shoulders, his eyes averting to the dark mark on his neck.

Mikaela breathes heavily, his face becoming hot from either his arousal or the burning water. "Can
I touch you, Yuu-chan?" He asks, watching as his green eyes open. "Can I get rid of all of his
touches from your body?"

Yuuichirou gulps. He suddenly notices how close they really are. His body has been deprived of
this, of Mikaela's touches. He wants nothing more than for the blond to replace the feeling of
Crowley's hands and lips on his. Yuuichirou shudders in disgust at the thought of it. He quickly
nods. "I keep feeling him on me, Mika. I only want to feel you." he whimpers.

Mikaela's body sparks at Yuuichirou’s words. His hands travel to his cheeks to cup his face and lift
it up to look at him. "I promise, I'll make him pay for what he did," he whispers before slotting
their lips together.

They both hum in unison at the most pleasant feeling they've missed. Just the simple action of a
kiss is one of the ways they expressed their love. Now, finally being able to indulge in it, they both
desperately open and close their lips, sucking and biting. The force of Mikaela's kiss on Yuuichirou
causes Yuuichirou to stumble and he's backed up against the wall. Mikaela groans as he loses
himself, sucking on Yuuichirou's lips and plunging his tongue into his mouth as he presses him
against the cold, damp wall of the shower.

Mikaela's hands slide towards Yuuichirou's waist, grasping it tightly and relishing in the feeling of
finally being able to hold Yuuichirou. Their lips stay attached to each other as Yuuichirou whines
in Mikaela's mouth, licking around as much as he can as well, both deprived of each other’s tastes.
He arches his back in pleasure when Mikaela's hands travel around his body and rests at his
sensitive lower back. Their lips squelch one more time and Mikaela's tongue exits Yuuichirou's
mouth in order to travel along his jaw.

Mikaela's body almost trembles, feeling too overwhelmed. After over two weeks of not being able
to love Yuuichirou physically in any way, he wants to show Yuuichirou exactly how much he
missed him. Though, Mikaela knows he's going to have to take his time with that. Right now is
only about claiming Yuuichirou again and making him feel safe with his touches and words and
kisses. Mikaela leans down to suck at Yuuichirou's defined jaw and nip at it. His mind is buzzing
with possession, wanting to claim Yuuichirou in every way, to make him untouchable to any other
other man. He intends on leaving as many marks as he can.

Chapter End Notes

No smut for uuuuuuuuuuu ;D

Part 3
Chapter Summary

Part 3/3

Chapter Notes

NOTE: This is another immediate continuation of last chapter. If you need to, I’d
recommend rereading the last couple paragraphs from last chapter.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yuuichirou jolts and trembles from the pleasure that hasn't been satisfied in weeks, causing his
body to become extra sensitive. He knew he missed Mikaela's hands all over him, but he didn't
realize how desperate he was for it. Yuuichirou lets out small whines and whimpers as Mikaela
causes his body to go aflame.

"Mika," he whispers, catching the blond's attention. He looks into Mikaela's stunning eyes that he's
missed gazing into. "Please be gentle."

Mikaela nods and cups Yuuichirou's face. "Of course," he replies. He will be everything that
Crowley wasn't when he forced Yuuichirou to submit to him. The thought alone causes his body to
jitter with rage, but he must hold back. He doesn't want to take it out roughly on Yuuichirou.

Mikaela leans back in to pepper light kisses along Yuuichirou's neck. He nips and sucks at his
delicate skin, leaving small hickeys all over it, out of jealousy and possession. Finally, he stares
with a harsh glare directed exactly at the one bruise that wasn't created by him. He's disgusted by it,
disgusted that Crowley could even think about touching Yuuichirou in the first place, and then
forcing it upon him. He leans in and bites a patch of skin right next to it, being careful to not be too

Yuuichirou holds onto Mikaela's body tighter and he gasps and moans at the feeling of the blond's
tongue circling along a sensitive spot, sucking and biting at it. His mind is foggy with the sole
feeling of Mikaela's mouth on him and his hands exploring his body all over again.

"You're mine, Yuu-chan," Mikaela growls against his skin as he sucks harder.
Yuuichirou shudders at the possessiveness in his voice and he moans loudly from Mikaela working
at his neck. "Mika... Mika," he chants in whispers over and over again. "Yours," he whimpers. "I'm

Mikaela groans against his neck as he finally releases the tender patch of skin and observes it with
pride. The love bite he's left is significantly larger than the bruise that Crowley forcibly gave.
Mikaela is completely satisfied; he left his mark all over the brunette's neck and he pleasured
Yuuichirou at the same time, causing him to just slightly forget about Crowley's unwelcome

"I love you, Yuu-chan," Mikaela finally says breathlessly.

His arms wrap around Yuuichirou's waist to hug him as he connects their foreheads like how he's
been craving every time he sees the brunette.

"I didn't know what to do with myself anymore," Mikaela admits, his voice trembling. "I was so
lost without you." A single tear escapes the corner of his eyes and his breathing becomes difficult
and shaky with all the steam around them.

"Mika." Yuuichirou closes his eyes, tears starting to spill again at the sight of Mikaela's. "I missed
you so much, I just couldn't admit it. I wanted to be mad at you, and I wanted to be held by you.
Every minute I wanted to be with you, but I messed up so bad." He bites his cheek to stop from
sobbing again.

"It's alright, Yuu-chan," Mikaela whispers close to his lips. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Yes I did." Yuuichirou pulls away to look Mikaela in the eyes. "I blamed you for something you
couldn't control. I was mad at our situation, not you. But I ended up taking it out on you, making it
seem like it was your fault." Yuuichirou sniffs and he gulps the lump in his throat. "You were just
trying to look out for us and our family, you were trying to make sure your parents' business wasn't
in danger. I was the one being selfish," he admits. "I'm so sorry for how I was that night, how I
lashed out on you when you were just trying to protect us. And how I acted towards you everyday
after that. I was completely rude and so deaf to everything you were saying to me."

Mikaela nods his head gently as he gazes lovingly at Yuuichirou. "It really hurt that night, for you
to think that I never loved you. It killed me, Yuu-chan, that you thought I wanted to break up with
you." Mikaela pauses and he takes time to admire Yuuichirou's face. "But I'll always forgive you. I
love you too much to even think about letting you go."

Yuuichirou lunges forward to close the small space that was between them. "I missed you so
much, Mika," he whimpers into Mikaela's damp chest.

The water has been hitting the blond's back this entire time, shielding Yuuichirou from it, but now
he feels the hot water pounding against his arms that are wrapped to Mikaela's back. Mikaela's grip
on his waist gets tighter and he embraces him back. "I missed you too, Yuu-chan," he murmurs
against his skin.

After moments of standing in the shower with their arms wrapped around each other, letting the
thick steam of the water surround them, Mikaela speaks up in a more serious tone. "Yuu-chan, can
you tell me everything he did to you? How did you escape?"

Yuuichirou's body which was still aroused from Mikaela's kissing starts to settle down. He tenses
in his hold as Mikaela mentions the situation, but he feels the blond starting to rub his back
soothingly and placing light kisses along his shoulder for him to relax.

"He—we were playing video games," he starts, his face still tucked away into Mikaela's neck,
feeling enveloped and protected. "And then he started saying how much he wanted me." He
shudders at the memory and takes his time to speak. "Then he just started leaning over me...and
came on top of me."

The more Yuuichirou explains, the angrier and more possessive Mikaela feels. Nothing he has ever
felt has transcended these emotions as he listens to Yuuichirou with pain in his voice and a tremble
in his body. All caused by one person that Mikaela will rip apart until he's no longer recognizable.

"You don't have to to be embarrassed, Yuu-chan," Mikaela coos. "I will never judge you about this,
or anything else."

"He-he started kissing me," Yuuichirou continues, feeling just a little more confident at Mikaela's
words, and he hides his face further in the crook of Mikaela's neck. "On my mouth and neck," he

"On your mouth...?" Mikaela repeats and trails off. He leans away from Yuuichirou, just enough so
that only their faces are separated. He gently places his thumb on Yuuichirou's lip and rubs it. "He
dared to place his filthy hands and mouth on your body," Mikaela points out calmly, but with a hint
of a growl in his voice. "He did things only I’m allowed to do." Mikaela takes his eyes off of
Yuuichirou's lips and focuses back on his large, green gems. "Please, Yuu-chan, let me claim you
again. You belong to me."

Yuuichirou nods his head. "I only want you, Mika. I don't want to feel anything else but you."

Mikaela suddenly leans forward to connect their mouths again. He groans as Yuuichirou
submissively opens his mouth to let Mikaela in. The blond trails his tongue all over Yuuichirou's
mouth, desperate to exchange his saliva so that Yuuichirou can only taste him. He sucks on the
brunette's tongue and swallows his moans as their lips move together in unison.

"Mh, Mika!" Yuuichirou exclaims as Mikaela starts to suck and bite at his lips.

"Keep calling my name, Yuu-chan. Only my name," Mikaela groans as his lips trail to Yuuichirou's

Yuuichirou moans as he feels the blond's tongue running up his jaw and near his earlobe. "Mika.
Mika," he chants as Mikaela starts to suck on his ear.

Yuuichirou's face moves closer to Mikaela's mouth, seeking more pleasure from it. After he bites
and nips at the shell of Yuuichirou's ear, Mikaela separates to gaze at him again. There was
nothing more that he desired than to be able to looking into Yuuichirou's eyes and see love and
passion. He can't get enough now that he has it. He cups Yuuichirou's face while still panting from
the exhilaration of being able to touch and kiss him so intimately after so long. Stroking his cheeks
with his thumbs, Mikaela speaks up, "We should actually shower now. I think I've done enough to
your neck." He smirks teasingly as his eyes flicker down to all the dark love bites scattered around
Yuuichirou's neck, as well as the largest one that's right next to the disgusting mark that Crowley

Yuuichirou nods in agreement, his face flushing a little at the excitement of seeing the marks
Mikaela left on him once he looks in the mirror later. Mikaela steps away from him, allowing the
hot water to meet with his skin delightfully. Yuuichirou sighs in content as he soaks himself in the
water, allowing Mikaela to join in as well.

After relaxing in the steamy heat, Mikaela pours shampoo into his palm and orders the brunette to
turn around. He massages his fingers and palms into Yuuichirou's scalp, noticing the younger boy
immediately relaxing and loosening his shoulders at his touch. Mikaela continues to massage the
shampoo into Yuuichirou's hair and makes it as long and pleasurable as possible for his lover.
After rinsing it out with Mikaela raking his fingers through Yuuichirou's hair to get all the suds
out, Yuuichirou tries to grab the bottle to do the same to Mikaela, but the blond quickly snatches it.

"I want to make sure you're completely calmed and relaxed after all that you've been through
today," Mikaela says gently.

Yuuichirou pouts as the water runs through his hair, flattening it and slicking it to his face and
neck. "But I want to make you feel good, too."

Mikaela smiles in gratitude at him, his eyes full of endless of love for the boy. "This is about you.
You deserve to be pampered." He leans in and kisses Yuuichirou's forehead softly. "We can take a
shower together again soon and you can do the same to me." His back already chills in pleasure at
the thought of Yuuichirou massaging his head with the sweet smelling shampoo.

Yuuichirou nods as Mikaela starts to smear body wash on his palms. The brunette almost gasps as
he feels Mikaela's slippery hands start to glide all over his body firmly. He takes shallow breathes
as Mikaela pushes him closer to properly rub the soap on his back. The blond's teasing hands glide
down to Yuuichirou's ass and squeezes. He smirks when he hears the shorter boy whimpering and
leaning his head against his chest.

After teasingly rubbing his hands all over Yuuichirou's soft body with the sweet smelling soap,
Mikaela rinses him off, making sure all the suds are washed away. The blond didn't really need the
shower, he was only there because Yuuichirou needed him for company and comfort. Once
Yuuichirou is washed up, he turns off the water and they both step out. There's only one towel in
the washroom, so Yuuichirou rubs himself with the soft, fluffy fabric and Mikaela ventures out of
the washroom and searches for a clean towel in Yuuichirou's closet.

They finally dress back into their clothes. Yuuichirou changes his entire outfit in order to try his
best and move on from the traumatic situation for now. He slips a comfortable hoodie over his
head and straightens it. In a matter of seconds, he shoots his head up and narrows his eyes as he
stares at nothing in front of him, suddenly realizing something.

"I forgot my backpack at Crowley's house," he says to Mikaela, his voice going limp. His heart
hammers. He doesn't think he can go back to that house again and walk into the living room and
look at the couch as if the entire scene of Crowley on top of him were happening again. "I-I can't
go back there," he pleads and fists his hands into Mikaela's clothes.

Mikaela grasps Yuuichirou's wrists gently and pulls them away to let go of his hoodie. He still
holds them as he says, "Don't worry. I'll get it for you. Just stay here and rest."
Mikaela almost steps away until Yuuichirou grabs his wrist to pull him back. "Wait, don't leave

Mikaela watches him, his body looking so small and frail and frightened. Mikaela nods and guides
Yuuichirou to the bed. They lay down together under the blankets, something they haven't done in
a while. Yuuichirou immediately rests his head on Mikaela's chest and wraps his arm around his
torso. "Stay with me until I fall asleep," Yuuichirou mumbles into Mikaela's clothing.

Mikaela gazes affectionately down at him and nods, letting Yuuichirou settle into the crook of his
arm. With his head rested back in the headboard, Mikaela pulls out his phone. He immediately
goes to his messages and finds his chat with Lacus. He fills his older brother in on what just
happened. Mikaela quickly receives a message back, showing Lacus' surprise and anger. They
agree on going to Crowley's house, not only to retrieve the backpack.

Mikaela listens closely to Yuuichirou's breathing after a while, hearing him inhale and exhale
consistently and deeply. He carefully lifts Yuuichirou's arm that's on his stomach and moves it. He
then gently pulls out his arm from underneath Yuuichirou's head and silently and slowly gets out of
bed. The warmth of Yuuichirou's body heat is still on that half of his own body and he gains
comfort from it. Mikaela grabs the pillow from the other side of the bed and tucks it beside
Yuuichirou so that he can continue cuddling something in his sleep and won't detect that Mikaela is
gone. He fixes the blankets to make sure his lover is as comfortable as possible before finally
leaving the bedroom and journeying to the living room. His face has morphed from content and
loving to a threatening scowl that almost catches Lacus and Rene off guard.

"Do you know where Crowley lives?" Mikaela asks with a stern voice, his eyes brows tensed.

"Yeah, let's go," Lacus says.

"I'm going, too," Rene speaks up as he stands up from the couch. "I'm not letting that bastard get
away with what he did to Yuu," he declares with a low, threatening voice, unusual to his normal

All three of them exit the house and pile in Lacus' car. The short drive is tense as they all think
about every possible way to make Crowley go through enough pain as possible for the time they'll
be at his house.

Lacus and Rene were friends with Crowley since they met him in their first and second year of high
school, respectively. Lacus used to beg Rene to stay by his side during his first week of high school
when he didn’t have friends. Crowley had almost all his classes with Lacus, so naturally they
started talking and eventually he would bring him to hang out with Rene during lunch. Rene
eventually left the two, wanting to finally hang out with his own friends, and so Crowley and Lacus
started forming their own circle. They caused trouble in the hallways, would get sent to the
principle's office, and even tried smoking for the first time in the forest behind the school. Their
group was close and started to become popular through out his grade. Crowley was wanted by all
the girls who were heavily attracted to his strong body and bad boy persona.

Although Crowley and Lacus were friends in their first year, by the time the next school year
came, they didn't have any classes together. But that didn't end their friendship. Crowley started
becoming even more popular as he exceeded in academics and joined extracurricular activities. He
used to spend time in the gym at school and girls would gather at the window to try and watch him
work out. Crowley became more arrogant as more people gave him attention. He was apart of
clubs and he would join their cliques, leaving Lacus and their group of friends behind.

As girls almost worshipped the ground he stepped on, Crowley started discovering that he could
get them to do anything. He would tell them how beautiful they were, he would flatter them and
make them blush. Then, he would bring them home. It wasn't long before everyone started to know
what exactly he was doing; manipulating boys and girls in order to sleep with them. Although, he
never lost his status. Crowley started to prey on freshman who knew nothing of him except that
many people were lusting after his good looks. He was given all the attention and getting laid as
much as he wanted, until he discovered Lacus' little brother.

Suddenly, everyone was going mad about the blond-haired, blue-eyed boy in his first year.
Mikaela was a magnet. Although his expression was constantly cold and unbothered, he was
attracted by everyone, as well as feared. This only excited the girls and boys going after him. An
even prettier bad boy who's intimidating, quiet, and shy had come to the school and the students
were paying more attention to him than to Crowley. As a result, Crowley hated him already. He
would never say so directly to his face, though. He tried to get close with the blond so that later on
he could destroy his reputation, but Mikaela was way too hard to break into. He barely spoke and
only gave glares. Crowley started to threaten him, to make sure he enjoyed his short lived fame
because it's turning right back to Crowley soon. Mikaela didn't care about any of it. He was
unbothered. But Crowley wouldn't let him go. After threatening him for a while, he started to
become sickly sweet to him and annoy him just for a reaction.

There was finally a balance between the two. They were both the most attractive and admirable
boys in the school. Mikaela became irritated with Crowley's teasing and annoying him. They hated
each other, but none of them showed it which irritated them even more.

Right now, all Mikaela can think about is pressing his nails into the skin of Crowley's neck.
Digging them in and twisting until Crowley can no longer take it and thrashes his arms around to
save himself. Mikaela's jaw clenches even tighter that it almost hurts as he catches sight of
Crowley's house. All of them are thinking of ways to tear at Crowley's skin and to make him pay
for what he did to Yuuichirou.

Lacus parks the car in the driveway and they all step out, immediately storming to the front door in
a trio. Mikaela raises his arm to bang on the door, but his bicep is caught by Rene who lowers his
arm. The older boy instead knocks casually.

"He'll probably know it's us," he explains.

When the door is opened, Mikaela almost gets ready to pounce until he catches sight of the older
woman. Movement in the background catches his eye and he spots Crowley. Mikaela bears his
teeth and he almost lunges forward and pushes the woman out of the way if both Lacus and Rene
hadn't held him back.

"You piece of shit," Mikaela hisses through is teeth as he tries to shove himself out of their grasp.

Crowley comes to the door, seemingly unafraid. Another man follows behind him and quickly
comes between Mikaela and the woman. "Are you here because of the other boy, Yuuichirou?"

Rene confirms, and recaps what had happened to Yuuichirou in the arms of Crowley. All the while,
the woman starts to shed a few hidden tears and turns to Crowley.

"Crowley, is this true? Is what Yuuichirou said earlier true?" She asks with an almost shaky voice.


"How do you have the audacity to even look at us, Crowley?" His father asks. "How long has this
been going on?" His voice raises.

Crowley refuses to look down in shame. He opens his mouth to say something, but he's cut off

"Who knows how long he's been manipulating innocent students and molesting them," Lacus spits
out. "Your son is known for messing around with the younger students, and that's exactly what he
did to our brother," he almost growls, bearing his teeth as all three of them glare sharply at

"He could've been raped if you hadn't shown up," Mikaela grits through his teeth, trying to calm
his voice as he speaks to Crowley's parents.

In an instant, the back of his father's hand meets the side of Crowley's cheek with a hard slap.
Everyone stares wide-eyed at the growing red mark on Crowley's face before he quickly covers it
with his hand in pain.

"How dare a molester steps into my house. You've dishonored all of your ancestors!" His father
roars. "And for what? What did you gain from doing this to young students?"

Crowley doesn't speak as he looks down at the ground, face hidden from everyone at the door as
he cradles the side of his face.

"We're going to report him," Rene adds. "He'll still continue to do this if he's not locked up."
There's a slight roughness in his voice.

"Crowley," his mother pleads. "Why?" She simply asks, watery eyes trying to look into her son's.
"You've destroyed your whole future. You've scarred innocent teenagers."

"He's no longer welcome in this house," his father says with an almost quivering voice as he places
his hand on his wife's back.

"But—" Crowley starts before he jolts as Mikaela pounces towards him.

The blond punches him with a solid fist on the same spot that his father struck him. Crowley's
knocked to the ground, yelling in pain. Mikaela crouches over him. "I could've killed you if I
wanted," He hisses only loud enough for Crowley to hear. "I could've broken each of your
disgusting fingers that touched Yuuichirou one by one," he threatens with a glare so bright and
powerful that Crowley doesn't even dare look up at him. Suddenly, Mikaela's pulled off of Crowley
by his brothers. "Where is Yuuichirou's backpack?" He demands.

Crowley doesn't speak, afraid that the sound of his voice will come out as a whimper and he'll be
humiliated even further. He points to the living room, head still sulked down as he wipes a bit of
blood from his lip.
Mikaela storms past him, almost tempted to kick him down to floor, but he holds himself back. He
walks over to the living room, spotting Yuuichirou's backpack and quickly taking it before
immediately exiting the house, leaving everyone else behind as if the scene were frozen.

"I'm sorry that you found out this way, Mr. and Mrs. Eusford. We'll be letting the principle know
of what Crowley's been doing and bring justice to the students who have been victims," Rene says
before he follows Lacus and Mikaela to the car, his expression flat and tired, but his voice is more
passionate than usual.

Lacus drives off and each one of them can feel the heavy tension in the car, especially coming from
Mikaela. The blond almost radiates anger as he thinks about everything he could've possible done
to Crowley but didn't. His skin is flushed and burning from the adrenaline rush when he pounced
on Crowley, and his jaw hurts from grinding his teeth so hard. He clutches the handle of
Yuuichirou's bag tightly, not even wanting anyone but him to touch it.

They finally arrive in the driveway of their home, and Mikaela immediately bursts out of the car
and enters the house. He quickly makes his way across the large house and to Yuuichirou's
bedroom where he cautiously opens the door. To his relief, the brunette is still tucked away
underneath the blankets with Mikaela's replacement, the pillow, next to him. Immediately,
Mikaela's mood is lifted and his body relaxes from its tense and defensive state from earlier. He
sets the backpack down near Yuuichirou's desk before crawling into bed with him. He's still too
riled up to be able to fall asleep, but he takes the place of the pillow and tucks Yuuichirou's head
below his arm.

Mikaela simply stares in front of him for a few moments, enjoying the rhythmic and soft sound of
Yuuichirou's breathing, as well as the feeling of his warmth from under the blankets. With one
hand, he holds Yuuichirou against him and with the other he turns on his phone and scrolls through
various applications. His mind and body start to somewhat calm down as Yuuichirou
subconsciously settles against him. The weight of the smaller boy next to him is reassuring;
Yuuichirou is here protected by him and unharmed. Yuuichirou still loves him. The thought rings
through his mind. For these past couple weeks, he thought he would never cross Yuuichirou's mind
again. That they would be forced to live together, but they could never again be together. He
thought Yuuichirou was furious and disgusted with him this entire time.

Mikaela's forced from his thoughts when he feels his lover stirring against him and whimpering.
He looks down at Yuuichirou to see his eyebrows knitted in distress and his jaw clenching and
unclenching. His legs move slightly beneath the blankets and his breathing becomes erratic.
Mikaela sits up as he realizes that Yuuichirou must be having a nightmare. He gently shakes
Yuuichirou's shoulder and eventually shakes his body when the brunette doesn't respond.
"Yuu-chan," he calls out softly as Yuuichirou's eyes start to peak open.

Yuuichirou's jaw hurts from grinding it so hard and his heart is still banging in his chest as it had
been in his dream. He perks up at Mikaela's familiar voice and he looks up into his eyes. The
fondness and gentleness of his eyes is a contrast to the ones that were displayed in his dream.
Yuuichirou sits up and leans heavily against Mikaela, wrapping his arms around his torso and
burying his face in his chest. His shoulders tremble slightly as he recalls his nightmare and how
real it felt.

Mikaela immediately embraces Yuuichirou, fully surrounding him with his warmth and love so
that he feels as comfortable as possible. He soothingly rubs Yuuichirou's back as he feels his small
body shaking and his shirt becoming damp.

"Did you have a dream about what happened earlier?" Mikaela murmurs.

Yuuichirou releases a shaky breath and nods subtly against Mikaela's chest. He holds on with tight
fists to his shirt, wanting to be as close as possible to Mikaela to feel protected and loved.

Mikaela hums in understanding. He tucks his head down to gently kiss the top of Yuuichirou's ear.
"You don't have to worry about that now. I'll always protect you," he declares.

After a moment of leaning against Mikaela and simply basking in the comfort, Yuuichirou pulls
away, but just enough so that they can see each other properly. He watches the wide, bright,
beautiful eyes of his lover watching him intently. Yuuichirou sighs softly in relief, thankful that
he's here with Mikaela.

Yuuichirou swallows down his nerves and embarrassment as he speaks up, "I-I want to be with you
again." He shyly peaks up at Mikaela.

The blond simply grins at him in adornment, enraptured by how perfect Yuuichirou is. "I want to
be with you, as well," he whispers as he looks so deeply into the emerald eyes of Yuuichirou that
he can see his own reflection. "Will you be my boyfriend, Yuu-chan?" Mikaela laughs softly as
Yuuichirou's cheeks and nose suddenly turns red.

Yuuichirou nods enthusiastically and lunges forward to hug him tightly again. His head rests
against Mikaela's shoulder and arms are wrapped around his neck. He feels Mikaela pressing their
bodies closer together. All those days that his body ached to be held like this, it all disappears.
Chapter End Notes

Comments are motivating !!! Thank uuuuu for reading :)))

Chapter 12
Chapter Notes

On HiAtUs TiLL mId DeCEmBeR

Yuuichirou sighs through his nose as his mind starts to awaken, slowly becoming conscious. He
doesn't open his eyes, but he already knows his surroundings; and coming to that realization, he
doesn't want to move an inch and disturb the calming atmosphere of him and Mikaela. Currently,
he's laying on his side with Mikaela's front pressed against his back and the blond's arm draped
heavily around his body, embracing him. Yuuichirou shrinks up, wanting to get even closer to his
boyfriend and seeking to be warmer. He blindly leads his hand to Mikaela's wrist that's near his
face and he grasps it gently. Not yet ready to open his eyes, Yuuichirou stays enveloped in
Mikaela's hold as his mind starts to slowly drift away into sleep again.

Mikaela's nose is tickled by Yuuichirou's soft, but messy hair and wakes him up just slightly. He
shakes his head lightly to get rid of the feeling before he pulls Yuuichirou closer, seeking the
burning heat from the brunette. Mikaela's arm is colder than the rest of his body, making him
uncomfortable. He realizes that the blanket is pulled down just enough so that his and
Yuuichirou's arm is exposed to the chilly draft in the room. He tiredly grabs the thick comforter
and pulls it up to Yuuichirou's chin so that they're both fully enveloped. The feeling of every inch
of Yuuichirou's body touching his comforts him to the point where his body starts to relax again,
making him even more tired. Though his grip on his boyfriend doesn't loosen.

He feels Yuuichirou gently grasp his wrist and his heart feels even more at ease. Mikaela can tell
by how cold and grey it is in the room that it's freezing outside. As his mind starts to become less
hazy from sleep, he can hear the muffled rain slamming against the window and strong wind
howling. The perfect weather to spend the day cuddling, he thinks.

As Mikaela fully shuts his eyes, he feels Yuuichirou shifting around in his hold. He peaks them
open, letting just a bit of bright blue show as he watches Yuuichirou turning around and settling his
head against Mikaela's chest. The blond moves his arm so that his hand is on Yuuichirou's head
and he slowly and soothingly strokes his hair. He feels Yuuichirou's arm draped around his torso.
For a few glorious moments they're pressed against each other as they embrace one another and lay
peacefully in the silence. The only noice is that of their soft breathing and the muffled rain outside.
Mikaela's hand slowly stops its movements on Yuuichirou's hair as he finally falls back to sleep

Mikaela awakes again to a brand new position. This time, his head is rested on Yuuichirou's chest
and his arm is draped on his stomach. He's completely satisfied waking up for the second time and
still cuddling Yuuichirou. He sighs and moves his head around a little to get comfortable again.
When he feels fingers running through his hair, Mikaela looks up to see Yuuichirou already awake
and on his phone.

"Good morning," Yuuichirou smiles when he notices Mikaela's eyes on him.

Mikaela's heart flutters when he's greeted by Yuuichirou's gorgeous smile first thing in the
morning. "Good morning," he replies with a whisper, his voice too raspy to speak up. Yuuichirou's
hand has moved to Mikaela's shoulder, but the blond reaches up to guide it back to his hair, silently
asking him to continue playing with it. He hears a small laugh coming from Yuuichirou before he
continues to thread his fingers through the thick, blond hair. Mikaela shuts his eyes as his neck
forms goosebumps from the pleasure.

"You know, I woke up this early to start studying, not so you could lay on me," Yuuichirou

Mikaela gently laughs, his eyes still closed and enjoying the treatment on his head. "Since when
did you start studying?" He replies playfully. He groans in pain when his hair is tugged on too

"When I started almost failing my classes, that's when!" Yuuichirou exclaims.

"When did you start failing?" Mikaela asks lazily as he adjusts himself so that they're laying side-
by-side. He doesn't wait for an answer and instead leans in to start kissing Yuuichirou's cheek,
down to his neck.

Yuuichirou tries to swat Mikaela away, but the blond only tugs him closer and tucks his head into
his neck. "I'm not actually failing, I'm just close to it," he says. "And it started when you stopped
tutoring me," he mumbles.

"So it's my fault then..." Mikaela states and trails off before he bites Yuuichirou's neck hard.

He hears a groan and smirks against his skin before sucking and kissing at the same spot to soothe
it. He gently caresses Yuuichirou's neck with his tongue and lips, kissing any skin his mouth can
find. The small gasps and moans released from his lover encourages him to continue. Mikaela
passionately mouths at his sensitive neck. The bruise that Crowley made is starting to finally fade
after a few days since he forced it there. The blond persistently bites and marks up Yuuichirou's
neck at the sight of it. The more he thinks about it, the angrier he gets. Mikaela pushes the blanket
away slightly to climb on top of Yuuichirou and press their lower bodies together. He holds himself
up by his elbows on either side of his boyfriend's head and leans up to press their lips together
roughly. He licks along Yuuichirou's lips until they're opened and immediately plunges his tongue
inside his favorite place. He groans against Yuuichirou's lips as he devours his boyfriend, licking
and claiming every where he can access.

Yuuichirou moans and arcs his body into Mikaela's, naturally seeking contact. He wraps his arms
around the blond's neck as his mouth is intruded with a warm tongue. Every lick causes him to
whimper and squirm underneath Mikaela."Mika," he whimpers weakly as the blond starts to suck
at the corner of his lip. Yuuichirou tries pushing back, but he finds himself gripping Mikaela's
clothing at the same time. "I need to start," he whines.

Mikaela leans up to look at the pout on Yuuichirou's face. He forms his own stubborn pout before
sighing, "Fine." Mikaela moves himself off of Yuuichirou's body until the brunette is suddenly
cuddling up against him like how they were when they woke up. He looks down in shock as
Yuuichirou rests his head on Mikaela's chest and snuggles against his arm. "What happened to
getting up?" Mikaela asks playfully.

"You're so warm and soft," Yuuichirou replies and throws his leg over Mikaela's. "I can't stay

Mikaela feels his cheeks heat at Yuuichirou's compliments. He stays quiet from embarrassment
and Yuuichirou notices when he looks up at him and smirks knowingly. "Shut up," Mikaela
murmurs and turns his head away.

After they argue about whether Yuuichirou flustered Mikaela or not, the blond finally pushes his
boyfriend off of the bed. Yuuichirou grumbles as he drags himself to the washroom to clean up.
Mikaela gets up as well and exits Yuuichirou's bedroom to step into his own. He cleans up and
changes his clothes before sitting at his desk and quickly catching up on any unfinished work for
the weekend. Once he completes it, he walks back over to Yuuichirou's room to see the younger
boy hunched over at his desk and doing his work for the first time.

"How long are you going to be?" Mikaela asks as he shuts the door behind him and walks over to
his boyfriend.

Yuuichirou shrugs. "I have to redo some assignments because I got low marks."

"Do you need help?" Mikaela walks over to the desk to glance over Yuuichirou's work.
Yuuichirou nods and Mikaela brings over a chair into his room and settles next to him. They go
over practice questions and Mikaela tests Yuuichirou multiple times until he understands the topic.
To both of them, this feels like how they were when their relationship was just starting out. Back
when they both had an obvious attraction towards each other and sexual tension would intoxicate
them whenever they were alone. Mikaela would regularly tutor Yuuichirou and Yuuichirou would
test Mikaela on whatever would be written down. Once they broke up, however, they had to try
and let go of the habits that would bring them closer together.

As Yuuichirou finishes up his last few questions, Mikaela's mind scrambles from place to place as
he wonders if he should tell Yuuichirou what's currently on his mind. He bites his lip and bounces
his leg as he tries to word it. And even harder, getting the words past his mouth. He decides he
should do it once Yuuichirou is finished to not get him distracted from his work. Mikaela watches
anxiously as the pencil moves, he pays attention to the suddenly irritating sound of the scratching
against the paper. He pries his eyes off of it and focuses on Yuuichirou's soft, tanned hand; his skin
glowing against the white paper. Mikaela thinks of how any part of his boyfriend can instantly
calm him. The blond jolts when Yuuichirou suddenly pushes his chair back.

"Finished!" He exclaims.

Mikaela nods and smiles at him. "I'm proud of you, Yuu-chan."

Yuuichirou, suddenly feeling affectionate after being parted from his lover for so long, lunges
forward to throw his arms around the blond. He embraces him sweetly and Mikaela hugs him back
just as tight. Yuuichirou leans his head back to look into his lover's bright, blue eyes and smiles at
him. "You're the best, Mika!"

Mikaela laughs softly at his childish compliment. "I'll always help you, Yuu-chan," he replies.

Yuuichirou separates himself from the blond and he spins around in his seat. "What do you want to
do now?"

Mikaela takes a deep breath out, preparing to vocally express what has been bothering him, making
him jittery and feeling guilty. He reaches out to stop the chair from spinning and turns it so that
Yuuichirou is facing him. He glances at the brunette's confused expression before finally opening
his mouth to speak about what has been on his mind. "I'm going to tell Mother about our
relationship, Yuu-chan."
He suddenly feels like he's initiated the same exact conversation they had over two weeks ago that
led to their breakup. Mikaela immediately regrets saying anything, dreading what's about to come

"I think you should," Yuuichirou agrees.

Mikaela’s lips part in subtle surprise and looks up at him. "You do? I'm glad you do. I don't want to
start what happened last time. I think Mother will know what to do."

Yuuichirou nods. "Even though it's kind of awkward," he chuckles.

Mikaela smiles sweetly and reaches to place his hand on top of Yuuichirou's. "It probably will be,
but we'll have each other."

Yuuichirou looks away in worry. "What if...what if she doesn't accept us?"

Mikaela shakes his head. "She loves us too much to simply kick us out of her house or do
something bad to us. She cares about us and even if she doesn't accept us, I'm sure she'll come up
with a way for us to all be happy," he suggests. "You don't have to worry about it, Yuu-chan," he
says gently. Mikaela reaches up to grasp Yuuichirou's chin to face him. He looks him straight in
the eye. "I won't let anything bad happen to us ever again. Losing you again would be the end of
me. I wouldn't be able to live," he confesses.

"Neither would I," Yuuichirou whispers and looks down solemnly.

Mikaela forces himself to smile for Yuuichirou's sake. He doesn't want his lover to be upset in the
slightest. "There's no need to worry," Mikaela chirps and smiles brighter when Yuuichirou's
brilliant eyes look up at him. "Should we...should we tell her now?"

Yuuichirou hesitantly nods and he stands up, determined to get through this as fast as they can so
that it's not eating at him any longer. "Let's do it."

Mikaela watches with slight shock at Yuuichirou’s determination as he stands up and makes his
way to the door. The blond quickly follows him out of the room and down the hall. They both can
sense how nervous they are as they walk quickly to the other side of the house. The tension is
heavy and Mikaela can't stop fiddling with the hem of his shirt and wrinkling it. Just before they
walk into the living room, they look at each other. Yuuichirou nods his chin and he steps forward.
Mikaela quickly reaches out and grabs his shoulder to stop him.

He takes them away from the living room and whispers to Yuuichirou. "What if I just do it? She
might be more open with me since I've been with her longer," Mikaela suggests.

"Are you sure? I want to be there with you," Yuuichirou replies.

Mikaela nods. "It'll be fine. Just go back to your room and I'll handle this." He smiles sweetly at
Yuuichirou for encouragement.

Yuuichirou hesitates for a second before he nods. Mikaela watches as he walks away and
disappears down the hall. The blond takes a deep, shaky breath. His muscles are randomly jerking
from anticipation and he bites his lip compulsively, causing it to become sore. After pacing around
for a few seconds to stall and to try to lift up his courage, Mikaela dives in and walks into the
living room before he can stop himself.

He spots Krul sitting on the couch and reading a book. Mikaela nervously walks up to her and sits
down, avoiding her gaze when she looks up at him in question. "Mother," he starts. Mikaela clears
his throat to avoid a shaky voice. "Yuu-chan and I are dating," he spits out. Mikaela turns his head
away from her and winces, cringing hard. He doesn't even turn to look back at her, too

"What?" Krul asks.

Mikaela bites his lip, keeping his face hidden. "I-I just said it," he responds.

"I don't think I heard you right.”

"Yuu-chan and I are dating," he repeats quietly.

Krul doesn't say anything for a small moment which causes Mikaela's heart to pound against his
ribs in fear.
"What do you mean dating?"

Mikaela finally gathers up his courage and turns to her. He looks at her, but not in the eye.
"Mother, Yuu-chan and I don't see each other as brothers. We never have. Since the moment I saw
him, since before we became brothers, I was in love with how he looked. A few months ago I
started to fall in love with how he is. We've been dating since. We don't want to be brothers,
Mother, we're in love with each other."

Krul puts down her book and she processes everything her son has said. "You've been dating each
other behind our backs this entire time?"

Mikaela nods shamefully, looking down at the ground. He suddenly starts to think that this is going
to go terribly wrong. He can hear it in his mother's voice, the disapproval. Before he knows it, his
throat is closing up and his vision is becoming blurry. "I'm sorry, Mother, but I can't live without
Yuu-chan. Every time he's not around me, I feel like half of myself has been ripped away. Like
everything is dull and meaningless. But when we're together, he makes everything better. He's so
gentle and so playful, he makes me feel so warm and comfortable. I'm sorry, Mother. I love him."
Mikaela shuts his eyes hard as hot tears spill out.

"Mika," Krul whispers. She sits up and watches him as she tries to think of what to say. "There's no
need to apologize for having a treasure in your life. This is very unexpected of course, but I guess it
would be very hard to see Yuu-kun as a brother when he's been here for such a short while."

Mikaela wipes away his tears with the sleeve of his shirt and listens intently to what she's saying.

"I'm not blaming or accusing you of anything. What you two feel for each other is valid."

"M-Mother," Mikaela whimpers, overwhelmed with his feelings.

"Although it would greatly harm your reputation at school or for our business since Yuu-kun is
legally your brother and introduced to everyone as such. I suppose once you are both eighteen and
don't legally need a guardian, you can make your relationship public."

Mikaela suddenly looks up at her. "W-We can be together?" He asks in disbelief.

Krul nods. "It'll be strange for some people who already know you two as adoptive brothers to
suddenly see you in a relationship, but I suppose we could just think of that later? There's still a
year before you two turn eighteen."

Mikaela nods frantically and he dives in to hug his mother. "Thank you," he mumbles against her
shirt. "I really can't live without Yuu-chan."

"I understand," she coos and pets Mikaela's hair.

After Krul consoles Mikaela, he gratefully thanks her and bows to her before leaving the living
room. His body is giddy and anxious again, but in a whole new way. He's excited to tell
Yuuichirou that they can still be together and that they'll always be together. Once he reaches
Yuuichirou's room, he stands in front of the door, trying to calm his heart and his shaking hands.
Mikaela reaches for the doorknob and enters the room to see it empty. The fan and light in the
bathroom is on, however, and the blond can hear the shower running.

He walks over to the washroom and gently tries to open the knob, but it's locked. Mikaela reaches
into his pocket and takes out a coin. He slips it in between the slot of the lock and turns the gear.
He puts the coin back and cautiously opens the door. The glass of the shower is all fogged up and
Mikaela can tell that Yuuichirou's facing the other way, so he quickly snatches the brunette's
clothes and towels before slipping back and shutting the door. He smirks to himself and places the
clothing and towel on the bed, sitting next to it and waiting for his boyfriend to roam out of his

After busying himself on his phone for a little while, Mikaela hears the water stop and the shower
door opening. His heart is giddy and his body is already feeling pleasure as he imagines
Yuuichirou coming out and finding him. Mikaela sits at the edge of the bed and waits.

When Yuuichirou steps out of the shower, he's surprised to notice that his towel and clothing are
no longer on the hook he left it on. With his arms covering his body from the chilly air against his
wet skin, Yuuichirou opens the bathroom door and almost jumps when he catches Mikaela sitting
at his bed and staring at mischievously. With him wet and naked and simply standing there for
Mikaela's pleasure, he tries to make himself small.

"M-Mika," he says with a start and tries to back up into the washroom and cover his body with the

Mikaela smirks at him and lifts up the towel in his hands. "Are you looking for this?"
Goosebumps form all over Yuuichirou's body, and not just from the cold. He nods timidly and tries
to hide himself further out of shame.

"Come here," Mikaela demands.

The brunette knows what this is going to lead to and his hormones are getting ahead of himself. He
nervously walks over to Mikaela and stands in front of him, the water from his body leaving a trail
behind him. He reaches for the towel but Mikaela holds it further away. He watches as the blond
drops it behind him before grabbing Yuuichirou's waist and pulling him closer. Still sitting on the
bed, Mikaela leans forward and licks the drops of water rolling down Yuuichirou's toned stomach.
He feels it quivering under his tongue at the unexpected stimulation.

"M-Mika," Yuuichirou whines in embarrassment as he holds onto his boyfriend's shoulders.

Mikaela starts to place loving kisses around Yuuichirou's navel, tasting the shower water and soap
that the brunette just used. His eyes flick up to see Yuuichirou's pink cheeks and shut eyes. Mikaela
stands up and grabs the towel behind him. He wraps the soft fabric around his body and gently pats
him dry.

Yuuichirou opens his eyes and relaxes when he feels Mikaela softly rubbing the towel against his
body to dry him. He closes his eyes and scrunches his face when the blond drapes the towel on his
head and rapidly moves it around to dry his sopping hair.

After completing his goal to pamper Yuuichirou a little bit, Mikaela wraps the towel around his
cold body again and hugs him. Yuuichirou's arms are trapped under the towel, but he wants to
warm him as much as he can. "I have good news," Mikaela whispers softly into Yuuichirou's ear.

Yuuichirou suddenly pulls back and holds the towel on his own. His eyes are bright and expectant
as he stares up at Mikaela. "What? What did she say?" He asks as he bounces his knees up and

"Once we're eighteen, we don't legally need a guardian which means that you and I won't be
brothers. We can make our relationship public next year, Yuu-chan," Mikaela explains. "But for
now, we'd need to keep it a secret or it'll mess up a lot of things."

Yuuichirou shakes his head and smiles at him. "As long as we're able to be together without lying
to Mother and Father, I couldn't be happier. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, Mika."
Mikaela is stunned by Yuuichirou's words of devotion. He can feel his face getting hot and he
suddenly becomes shy in front of Yuuichirou. "I want to, as well," he says as he smiles down at
Yuuichirou and holds his face gently.

Yuuichirou beams up at him before looking over to the side shyly. "I should probably put on my
clothes. The ones you stole." Yuuichirou glares at him playfully.

Mikaela laughs. "Go ahead," he says as he hands Yuuichirou his clothing and sits down on the bed,
and watches him intently.

"D-Don't watch me do it!" Yuuichirou exclaims and holds his towel tighter around his body.

"I'd much rather watch you undress for me, but this'll do," Mikaela chimes with a smirk. "Shouldn't
we celebrate the good news, Yuu-Chan?" He asks mischievously.

Mikaela stands up and strides over to Yuuichirou like he's his prey. He snatches the clothing out of
his hands and throws it on the bed again. Mikaela shucks the towel off of Yuuichirou's body and
he grabs the brunette's stunned face and slams their lips together. He moans as he shoves his
tongue inside Yuuichirou's mouth and immediately takes over the area like he always does. He
sucks and nips at Yuuichirou's lips, kissing him even harder as the brunette starts to let out his own
whines of pleasure. Mikaela ducks his head down and licks a strip of Yuuichirou's neck, feeling his
boyfriend submissively tilting his head to give him more access.

"Mmh, my Yuu-chan tastes even better after a shower," Mikaela moans into his neck, smirking
when he feels Yuuichirou fisting even harder into his clothes.

The blond kisses Yuuichirou's lips again, persistently shoving his tongue into his mouth to claim as
much as he can. Mikaela holds Yuuichirou's naked, vulnerable body against himself. His hands
slide down along his boyfriend's soft back, intending on going lower and lower.

Until a knock at the door interrupts their activity.

"Yuu-kun?" Krul calls out from behind the door.

Yuuichirou pushes Mikaela away from him in panic and quickly runs to the bed to gather his
clothes. "One minute!"

Mikaela heads to the door as Yuuichirou gets dressed and he peaks out to face his mother. "Yuu-
chan's changing," he informs.

"And you're in there with him as he does so?" Krul asks with an eyebrow raised.

Mikaela's jaw almost drops and his face becomes hot. "I was quickly getting something from his
room," he lies terribly, awkwardly laughing.

Finally, Yuuichirou comes to the door and opens it wider to greet his adoptive mother.

"I'm guessing Mikaela told you about our discussion?" Krul asks.

Yuuichirou nods. "He did, and thank you so much for your blessing, Mother. I truly can't even
imagine how I would survive in the slightest if I didn't have Mika with me. He's helped me with so
much." Yuuichirou becomes flustered and he tries to avoid eye contact with Mikaela out of

After discussing more about their relationship, Krul leaves their bedroom and Yuuichirou shuts the
door. Him and Mikaela lounge for a bit on the bed, sometimes having mindless conversations and
sometimes enjoying the silence as they focus on their phones. Mikaela sets his phone down next to
him and he leans over to bring his body over Yuuichirou's. Mikaela straddles him and snatches the
phone out of the brunette's hands.

"Why are you always so horny?" Yuuichirou exclaims and pouts at him.

Mikaela smirks at Yuuichirou, a shadow from his bangs covering his eyes to make the blue of his
irises even darker. "Because that's just what you do to me every time we're together, Yuu-chan.
You're so gorgeous and sexy, my body only knows how to react in one way when I'm with you."
Mikaela's voice suddenly becomes deeper. "Should I show you?"

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