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Saint of Death

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: 백작가의 망나니가 되었다 - 유려한 | Lout of Count's Family | Trash of
the Count's Family - Yulyeohan
Relationship: God of Death/Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo, Choi Han/Cale Henituse |
Kim Rok Soo, Alberu Crossman/Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo
Character: Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo, God of Death (Trash of the Count's
Family), Choi Han, Alberu Crossman, Eruhaben (Trash of the Count's
Family), Ron Molan, Beacrox Molan, Cale's found family, Fredo von
Ejellan, Lee Soo Hyuk (Trash of the Count's Family)
Additional Tags: Yandere, Romance, Dark, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence,
Comedy, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Post-Canon
Language: English
Collections: Lovely works, TrashCountsFamily
Stats: Published: 2022-03-22 Updated: 2023-01-02 Chapters: 4/? Words:

Saint of Death
by Blueicydream


“I think you are asking the wrong question, Cale Henituse. Instead of ‘Why’ ask me ‘What’
you will gain from becoming my saint. A deal of sorts? I have observed that you really like
making them with people.” The God of Death smiled but it felt iffy to Cale.

If Raon was here, he would have mentioned how much it looked similar to the scamming
smile of Cale and the crown prince.

“What will I gain from being your saint?” Cale enquired.

/ Novel Spoilers!!

AU were Cale accepts the God of Death's proposal to become his saint. Chaos ensues


See the end of the work for notes

Deal with Death

The war with the White Star had finally come to an end with the death of the said reincarnator and
resealing of the God of Despair. Cale, who was still resting in a room somewhere in the puzzle
city, stared out of the window. His family seemed to be cautious of his every action thanks to him
stabbing his heart with a dagger. In his defense, he really didn’t have a choice. That was the only
way to kill the White Star!

If only his family knew that he was feeling better than ever. The World Tree’s root, the material
from which the dagger was made from, was something that repeated life and death. It had given
the foundation of those roots to Cale after he had stabbed himself. That foundation of an immortal
had been imbued into his heart. His power of restoration had increased at an extraordinary level
and his health had greatly improved due to it.

The Vitality of the Heart also mentioned Cale living longer than him. The red head did not know if
that was a good or a bad thing but for now, he decided to throw that comment into a corner of his
mind. He had no reason to worry about it anytime soon.

With that taken care of, Cale started dreaming about sleeping in his bed back in the Super Rock
Villa. He was going to spend the next few days doing absolutely nothing. He was going to lay on
his bed, eat food, play with the children and then go to sleep. He wanted to take a short break
before he started enquiring about the Hunters. Cale had a forbidding feeling that he won’t be able
to rest once he starts digging into them.

“Young master-nim”

Cale’s contemplation came to a halt when he heard Ron’s voice calling out for him. The red head
turned to find the butler offering him some lemonade again. Cale wanted to scowl but he took the
drink nonetheless.

‘Scary old man’ Cale thought while drinking his lemonade.

“Human! What are you going to do with this book now? Should we burn it?” Raon asked while
holding the God of Death’s artifact.

The said artifact was a black book named ‘How to Die Peacefully’. Cale had sealed the God of
Despair inside that book by using his embrace ability. Now that God was going to wreath in
despair, sealed forever inside another God’s domain.

Cale was impressed by the God of Death’s capability in being able to subdue another entity inside
his domain. The key word was ‘impressed’. He might be happy with the outcome but he still hated
the God of Death. He had done far too much for him to be forgiven by doing something so minor.
Cale still wished to hit him on his head.

Cale stared at the book in Raon’s hand. It was black in colour and had an air of eeriness
surrounding it. Cale really didn’t want his little dragon to hold something so suspicious. He
wouldn’t be surprised if that God tried to pull something on them. Afterall, they cursed him quite

“Raon, give me that book. Don’t hold that dirty thing in your hands.” Cale said while getting up
and heading towards Raon. He did not want that book anywhere near Raon.

“Okay Huma– huh?” Raon let out a surprised gasp as the book opened up on its own with the
pages flapping furiously. Black light could be seen emitting from the book as it escaped from
Raon’s hold and moved straight towards Cale. Choi Han, who had been standing guard near the
door, tried to stop it but failed.

The open book hit Cale on his face.

‘WHAT THE FUCK’ Cale shouted in his head but couldn't voice his complains as he heard a
familiar voice in his head.

“It's so hard to talk to you, Cale. How about we chat for a little while?”


Cale's words couldn’t come out again as his body felt weak and his vision turned cloudy. He lost
consciousness and fell backwards. Ron had caught him before he landed on the floor and placed
him on the bed. The book which now lay on the floor, was receiving death glares from the three
individuals left in the room.

The God of Death stared at the human sleeping soundly in his realm. His eyes closed peacefully
and his mouth slightly ajar. The God observed that the man looked very gentle without his cold
gaze. The long eyelashes and pale skin made him look very pleasing and lovely. His long red hair
cascaded down, past his shoulders and almost reaching his waist. He noticed that the human had a
really thin waist and looked fragile. Was this the man that was going around and bringing chaos to
humans and Gods alike?

The God Of Death had always found Cale to be very interesting. Even when he was still Kim Rok
Soo, he had a weird way of fighting against fate. The world was never kind to him but he never
faltered. This was a person who escaped the clutches of death. The person whose ending could no
longer be seen by the God of Death himself.

The individual who shouldn’t exist was lying unconscious and helpless in front of the entity that
had tried to take away its very being. The God of Death extended his hand to stroke those pale
cheeks and then-

Cale felt a cold breeze touch his cheek. He opened his eyes, still feeling light-headed and observed
his surroundings. He was in a dark room with only one table lamp illuminating the place he was
resting on. Cale realized he was lying on a glass desk. A desk that was very similar to the ones in
his office back on earth. Was he back? Something inside him had started to panic at the thought of
having returned to his world. After everything….

“You have finally woken up?”

Cale heard a low voice. He hadn’t sensed the presence of anyone around him when he woke up.
This person had been sitting there motionless, waiting silently.

[Clap, Clap]

Two loud claps and the room lit up like someone had switched the flip. Cale’s surroundings indeed
looked like an ordinary office. A square room filled with files and papers. The windows were
covered with black curtains which explained why the room felt so dark. Nothing could be seen
through those curtains and no one could look inside. There was only one other desk placed in the
room other than the one that Cale was occupying. Cale realized that he must have been pulled into
another dimension by the God of Death.

The desk that the other man was sitting on was much bigger and looked rather comfortable. It had
intricate designs at its edges and was equipped with various objects and files. Cale’s face turned
weird when he looked at the man, sitting on that desk. It was not because he had seen something
odd but on the contrary, he had just seen something very striking.

“The God of Death” Cale uttered with a blank face.

“In the Flesh” The God answered cheekily

“I see” Cale just stared at the man in front of him. His eyes observing him as if they were recording
his every moment.

“What’s wrong?” The GoD asked as Cale continued to gaze at him.

“You are very……handsome?” Cale answered, still sporting his blank face.

The God Of Death looked like everything other than death. The GoD had a copper complexion
which shined bright and looked healthy like it was taken care of with utmost care. His silver hair
complimented and enhanced his skin and eyes. He was tall and had an air of authority around him.
The outline of his physique was visible through the tight sweater and cotton pants that reminded
Cale of the fashion from earth. He really looked like a sculpture chiseled to perfection and
demanding to be praised. This man had visuals that would make the dragons look like lizards.

“Are you surprised, Cale Henituse?”

“Mmm I wasn’t expecting this.” Cale answered truthfully. This was the GoD that had caused him
so much headache and hence, always imagined him as an annoying gremlin.

“What? Were you expecting to see something scary or holy looking?” The God of Death chuckled
as he stared at the red head in front of him.

Cale felt a shiver go up his spine at the low chuckle of the GoD. Cale had heard his voice a couple
of times before but it sounded different. He remembered it being a bit more high pitched. A voice
that greatly annoyed him in the past. The present version of his voice was much lower. Cale
couldn’t help but feel mesmerized. It was so pleasing to the point that Cale would love to hear it

“I had not imagined much of anything but this- I never expected you to look so humane yet other-

“Are you cursing me again?” The GoD asked furrowing his brows at the thought of being sworn in
his own domain.

“No. It’s a compliment.”

The God of Death raised one of his eyebrows at Cale’s answer.

‘Hooo this man is in front of a God and is thinking about something so nonsensical. How
interesting.’ The GoD thought as he wondered if Cale had any sense of danger. The red head was
standing without any fear or reverence in front of a being much more powerful than him. Yet, Cale
was just staring at him, observant and calculative.

The GoD found those reddish brown eyes to be quite enticing. He wanted those eyes to show him
different emotions. Why? The GoD couldn’t tell. He just knew his chest felt weird at the sight of
those cold eyes.
“I see, Do you like this appearance of mine?” The God of Death teasingly asked Cale who
maintained his eye contact.

“Is this why you called me here?” Cale countered.

“Well no-”


Silence. Cale and the God of Death just stared at each other in silence.

A sweet scent suddenly permeated through the air. Cale looked down to find a cup filled with
brown liquid. Cale recognized it. This was something he had back on earth.

‘Chocolate?? Is that actually hot chocolate?’ Cale thought as he stared at the cup and then the God
of Death who was smiling at him.

“Is that so? That’s the first time I have received a compliment from you. I generally only hear you
swearing at me.” A cup similar to Cale’s appeared in the God’s hand.

‘This God seems to enjoy being praised’ Cale made a mental note as he picked up the cup too.
Cale wasn’t worried about drinking the liquid in it. If this idiotic entity wanted him dead, he
wouldn’t have to go out of his way to make him a cup of hot chocolate.

The God of Death laughed at Cale’s action and continued, ”how about it? Want to become my

“You think I want to?”

“You can stare at me however long you want to if you become my Saint.” The God Of Death
answered humorously.

“Yeah no, that’s not enough. Especially after all the bullshit you put me through.” Cale replied in
his usual calm tone but the God of Death could still feel the bite in it.

“Mmm I am not in control-”

“Then what the fuck are you in control of?” Cale asked, still maintaining his expression.

“Well, you may get to know if you become my saint” The God of Death said with a smile dancing
on his lips.

“Why are you so dead set on making me your saint?” Cale asked. He had been curious about it for
a while now. What benefit did the God of Death have from making him a Saint? Sure, his
popularity would sky rocket in the Western and Eastern Continent but a God's power was not
dependent on their followers. There was the part where he had escaped death a bunch of times but
shouldn’t that make the God of Death angry rather than wanting him to be his Saint.

The God of Death stayed quiet. He also was not sure why he wanted this human, who always
swore at him, to become his saint. The GoD at first was just curious. He liked humans who were
able to change their fate but this curiosity had turned into something else as he continued to
observe Cale. This man had something different about him. Something very alluring.

The God of Death wanted him and he didn’t care about breaking the shackles placed on him by the
“I think you are asking the wrong question, Cale Henituse. Instead of ‘Why’ ask me ‘What’ you
will gain from becoming my saint. A deal of sorts? I have observed that you really like making
deals with people.” The God of Death smiled but it felt iffy to Cale.

If Raon was here, he would have mentioned how much it looked similar to the scamming smile of
Cale and the crown prince.

“What will I gain from being your saint?” Cale enquired.

“I will promise you two things.”

“Two things?”

“One, I will tell you the location of where Lee Soo Hyuk was reborn.”


“Two, I will make a soul contract promising to keep your family safe forever.” The God of Death
continued ignoring the surprised Cale.

“Huh?! Keep them safe. I am sure they will be able to handle it even without a God's help.” Cale
said mockingly.

“I won't be so sure if I were you.”

“What nonsense are you spouting?” Cale asked, annoyed. He found this GoD to have a talent in
speaking gibberish.

"They are going to die Cale. Each and every one of them." The God of Death replied.

His family dying? Impossible. Yes it would be extremely hard but Cale was sure if they planned it
just right, they could hit the hunters from the back. The God of Death could see the disbelief in
Cale’s eyes and continued with his explanation.

“Hunters, they are stronger than what you have imagined. Choi Han would have to practice for
another thousand years to catch up to them.” The God of Death stated simply.

“There is no way they are that powerful. During the Sealed God’s test we were able to injure them
even though they caught us by surprise” Cale retorted.

“Hmm Yes I saw but that’s because they were wary of Choi Jung Gun plus they just couldn’t blow
their cover completely. You were at an advantage but the next time you meet them, you won’t have
it anymore.”

“I am sure we can come up with something instead of taking help from a fucking God of Death.”

“I thought you liked to win with an overwhelming advantage.”

“Can you give me that?” Cale's voice carried his agitation. He really wanted to hit the man on his
head right now.


"And how can I trust you?"

"I already mentioned about making a soul contract. At the very least, it will become impossible for
me to harm your family. If I break it, I won’t have any power to exist and my soul will disappear
forever. Pretty trustworthy don’t you think?”

The God of Death continued replying to every question asked by Cale. He didn't seem angry or in a
hurry. It was like this was just a game for him. This made Cale feel even more iffy about making a
contract with this man.

The God of Death saw the red head's uncertainty and decided that he needed to show Cale what
was waiting for him. He needed to show Cale that the God of Death was necessary for his survival.

“Do you want a taste?” The God of Death smirked.

“Taste of What??” Cale asked, feeling more unsettled every time the God of Death opened his

“A taste of power held by the entity known as the God Of Eternal Rest.” The God of Death spoke
as he got up and moved towards where Cale was sitting. Cale was honestly anxious at the God's
actions but did not show it on his face. Cale looked up at the man who was now standing in front
of him. His beautiful dark eyes made Cale want to squirm in his seat but he resisted the urge to just
do that and instead maintained eye contact.

“I am not becoming your saint. I want to live a slacker life with my family.”

“If you continue on this path then you will live a very lonely slacker life”

“Fucker you are really pushing your luck.” Cale’s replies were getting angrier and his eyes were
shaking. He really didn’t want to hear another word from any of these Gods. All they wanted was
to play with the humans under them.

The God of Death placed his hand on top of Cale’s head as if he was going to bless him. Cale tried
to resist but it was of no use. His ancient powers were not responding to him in this realm and Cale
did not have enough strength to overpower a GoD. Cale felt a slight tingling at the spot that was
touched by the God of Death and then an overwhelming sensation of coldness struck him.


“Don’t reject it, Cale Henituse. I promise you that it won’t harm you.”

‘Atleast physically’ The God of Death did not say that out loud.

‘Fuck it hurts.’ Cale thought as he felt like the insides of his brain being played with and his vision
turning blurry for the second time today. Then, he saw images. He saw images of his family dead.
Their bodies mangled and with faces filled with pain. Cale felt like throwing up. This was more
horrible than anything that he had seen in the Sealed God’s test. This was way beyond despair.
This was death.

“Stop it, please ju- STOP” The images were getting more grotesque. The faces of his family kept
flashing in his mind. He couldn’t take it. He couldn’t take it anymore. Tears started to fall from his
eyes and he did not know if it was because of the images or the numbing pain he was feeling in his
brain. This pain was even worse than when Mila had fixed his plate.

The God of Death finally let go after a few moments. Did he need to show Cale all of this for so
long? Not at all. He just couldn’t stop after seeing the cold Cale Henituse shedding tears. It was
pretty. Very pretty.
“So, would you like to become my saint Cale Henituse?” The God of Death asked, smiling.

“Fuck you” Cale replied with all the venom he could muster.

The God of Death stared at Cale who still was not ready to bend. He opened his mouth to speak but
blood started to pour out.

“Ahh I have kept you here for too long. Looks like the world and other Gods are not happy. So,
what is your answer Cale Henituse?” The GoD asked as he wiped the blood away with the sleeve
of his sweater.

Cale remained silent and just stared into nothingness.

“Hmm did I break you?” The God of Death mumbled.

“Can you save them?” Cale asked after a short spell of silence.

“Yes, I have a few methods to destroy the hunters but you have to become mine before I share
them with you."


“Mmm Okay what Cale?” The God of Death teased further.

He was enjoying this.

“I will become your fucking Saint but if you dare to lift a finger against my family, I will destroy
you.” Cale words were filled with hate. He hated it. He hated this so much but he would do
anything to save his family. He didn't want anyone to be in pain. He won’t allow the future he saw
to become reality.

The God of Death smirked.

Soul Contract
Chapter Summary

“Mmm I really don’t trust you.” Cale said.

“Can’t blame you on that. I have been really mean to you so far.”

“So, you were aware.” Cale mocked as he placed his hand on top of the contract.

“I am generally very kind to my Saints” The GoD answered

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Cale stared at the God of Death who was smirking at him. The GoD seemed to be enjoying his
little victory after being rejected so many times.

‘He really is a persistent God,’ Cale thought, ‘but as long as we are on the same side it doesn't
matter. I will hit him in the back later when everything is taken care of.’

The GoD chuckled at the insolent eyes of his future saint and walked back to his desk.

“Don’t look at me like that. I only showed you the truth. Staring daggers at me won’t change that.”
The GoD said as he took out a paper from one of the many files in his desk.

“You can read the contract before signing it, Cale Henituse.” The GoD spoke as he passed the
paper over to Cale.

“This is?” Cale asked as he took the paper. He didn’t have to actually read the content itself as the
moment he touched it, information flooded into his head.

The paper was a soul binding contract. It bound Cale to the God of Death as his Saint and didn’t
allow him to bow to any other God or Demon. In return, the God of Death would provide powers
to his saint and guide him. The God of Death shall not try to harm anyone allied with his Saint and
the Saint wouldn’t do anything against the God of Death. If the contract is broken then the God of
death will have to pay with his power of existence while the saint will lose any of his God given

“A soul contract. It is like the Vow of Death but stronger so it can be used even among the Gods.”
The GoD explained.

“Hmm this contract….its odd” Cale stated.

“You don’t like something in it?”

“One, there is no mention of my duties as a Saint. What will you do if I just slack off instead of
creating churches for you or whatever the saints do.”

“I have no interest in such unnecessary things, “ The GoD chuckled as he answered, “If I cared
about that, then I could have easily made your world filled with my churches. It's annoying to have
so many people praying and asking for my help anyway.”

“Then what do you want me to do as your saint?” Cale asked, confused. He thought that this GoD
would start giving him annoying tasks like cursing someone or destroying anyone against his
church but there was nothing.

“Haven’t I already mentioned it in the contract? The only person you will ever worship is me. You
cannot be with any other God or Demon no matter what they offer you.” The God stated simply.

“That’s all, you just don’t want me to talk to other Gods?” Cale was feeling unsettled with the
GoD’s answers.

“Ha! You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew how many of them want you. They are like flies
buzzing around and trying to touch something that they don’t deserve” The GoD sneered.

‘Looks like he really doesn’t like the other Gods’ Cale noted and looked back down at the contract.
Other than joining hands with the God of Death and maybe being disliked by other entities who
don’t like him, there wasn’t much to lose.

“How do I sign this contract? With my blood or something?” Cale asked. That's how they always
did in the fantasy novels

"Why is self harming your first option?" The GoD asked with a weird expression on his face.

"First? what do you mean? I don't like pain at all. I would never try to harm myself if I have other
choices." Cale spoke. The GoD expression became even weirder.

"What an immoral saint. Already lying to his God."

"I am not lying and you are the one who forced me to be a saint. I never asked for it!" Cale really
felt offended by the GoD's words.

“If you have nothing more to say then place your hand on top of that paper” The GoD said as he
moved towards Cale again.

Cale flinched. He really didn’t want to go through that cold feeling again. The GoD saw his saint
worried expression and quickly assured him,

“Don’t worry, it won't feel anything like the last time. It will be….different”

“Mmm I really don’t trust you.” Cale said.

“Can’t blame you on that. I have been really mean to you so far.”

“So, you were aware.” Cale mocked as he placed his hand on top of the contract.

“I am generally very kind to my Saints” The GoD answered and placed his hands on top of Cale’s,
"You just have a tendency to bring out the worst in me."

"Me? Why? I just stand still and do nothing." Cale said. He felt the cold hands on top of his own. It
really was not as bad as before.

"Standing still? Do you even know the meaning of that? One of these days...." The GoD stopped
himself from saying further.
"One of these days what?"


The GoD ignored Cale's questioning gaze and started chanting his spell. Dark coloured energy
which was most probably the GoD’s divine powers started surrounding them.

Cale felt a warm sensation surrounding him. The feeling was like the one he felt when his mother
had hugged him as a child. The redhead almost wanted to scold himself at the thought but then the
warmth slowly seeped into his body, it made him feel really secure and sleepy. It truly felt
comfortable. His head, which had been hurting since having a taste of the GoD’s power, felt at
peace. Even the images of his family's dead faces, did not seem as grotesque. They were all still
dead but they looked like they were in peace. Resting calmly, finally released from all their pain
and suffering.

‘This is the true form of Death’ Cale thought. An eternal rest without anyone disturbing you. You
don’t have to do anything or worry about anything. It sounded so much like his slacker life.

The divine power finally settled down and the contract disappeared into nothingness,

“Congratulations on becoming the Saint of Death, Cale Henituse.” The GoD said, looking at his
saint. The contract had connected their souls together and they were much more aware of each
other’s existence.

“It's not too bad.” Cale answered cheekily.

“I’m glad you think so,” The GoD answered, “I have a present for you my lovely saint.”

“Is it money?” Cale asked, ignoring the endearing term used by the GoD.

“Ha! You really love money, don’t you? It's something much better though.” The GoD lifted his
hands and concentrated his divine powers into his hand. A necklace with a dark blue jewel
appeared as the spiritual energy cleared out.

“What’s that?” Cale asked.

“It’s an artifact that will help you move around freely. The necklace will stop your divine powers
from leaking out but if you use them in front of others, then I can’t help you.” GoD answered.

“Hoooo you are helping me with hiding the powers too?”

“It will be too troublesome to deal with other Gods right now. The eyes of other Gods are
observing you through their Saints.”

Cale thought of Jack and Cotton who were the Saints of different Gods. Also, Cage who would
most probably cause a ruckus once she knows about him becoming a Saint.

‘Yeah that would be troublesome’

Cale extended his hands asking the GoD for the necklace but the God of Death just ignored his
hands and moved behind him.

“I will help you put on the necklace.” The GoD said.

“I can do it myself.”
“I know" GoD said but still moved away from Cale's point of view to his back to help Cale put the
necklace on.

Cale could feel the necklace being placed around his neck. It was cold but comfortable. His hair,
moved to the side, allowing the GoD to clasp the necklace. The GoD's hands seemed to linger
longer then they should near his nape but Cale didn't comment on it. The hands didn't feel cold
anymore but warm.

‘Maybe it's an effect of the contract’ Cale thought.

“All done” The God of Death finally said and moved in front of Cale.

“Thank you,” Cale replied.

“I would love to have you here for longer but I can feel the pressure of the world around me. They
really don’t like it that you have been here for so long.” The GoD said as he coughed up blood
again. This time more than before.

Cale felt angry seeing that blood for some strange reason.

“I won’t have enough power to communicate with you for the next few days but I will send short
messages through my book.” The GoD said, ”You should return to your family too.”

Cale nodded as he too didn’t want to have any more of those weird thoughts and feelings. He now
understood why Jack was so influenced by the Sun God’s dislike for dead mana in the start. The
contract with the Gods was seriously scary.

“Goodbye my lovely saint.” The GoD said as he smiled and Cale’s world turned dark again.

Cale opened his eyes back in the room laying on a bed. He felt his shirt wet on one of his sides and
immediately realized that the little dragon was crying laying beside him. He lifted his hand and
patted its head.

Raon felt a warm hand on top of his head and immediately relaxed. His human was back and he
was fine.

“Human, how could you faint with just a book slapping you? How can you be so weak? I can’t
leave your side even for a moment.” The dragon spoke as it took out an apple pie from its spatial
dimension. His human always asked for food whenever he woke up so he had gotten into the habit
of storing a bunch of them with him. Cale didn’t feel hungry but he happily ate the sweet apple pie.


“You unlucky bastard”

Cale heard the voices of Choi Han and Eruhaben calling out for him. He turned his face to look at
them. Choi Han was standing at the door with his expressionless face. He truly looked vicious with
one of his hands placed at the hilt of his sword ready to draw it at any time. Cale did not want to
deal with him right now. Not when Choi Han looked like he wanted to ask a hundred questions.

“What problem did you get into this time you unlucky bastard?” Eruhaben finally broke the
silence. Eruhaben, who was sitting on a chair beside Cale’s bed, had been called over by a crying
Raon when Cale fainted. Cale stared at Eruhaben who looked much livelier after drinking the water
from the ancient artifact.
“Nothing special, Eruhaben-nim. There is nothing to worry about.” Cale lied as he had no intention
of telling his family about what happened with the God of Death yet.

“Do you really think we would believe that?” Eruhaben gave him a look of disbelief. Raon and
Choi Han had the same look and all of them were glaring at him as if demanding for him to explain
exactly what happened.

“The God of Death………just annoyed me to become his saint again and thanked me for sealing
the God of despair. Looks like the sealed God had been causing them a lot of trouble so he was
really grateful. That’s pretty much the gist of what happened.” Cale said. He was glad that his
acting skills were good or he would have been caught in his lies by now.

“Did he do anything else?” Choi Han asked this time. He really did not believe that what Cale said
was the entire story.


“....if there is anything else-”

“I know Choi Han”

Choi Han nodded but he knew better than to trust Cale. Eruhaben and Choi Han slowly nodded
their heads in silent agreement to keep a watch on the red head who they knew to always get into
unwanted troubles.

Cale did not see their exchange as he was concentrating on Raon who was ready to burn the black
book into ashes.

“Human, should we burn this black book? It dared to slap you. I was going to burn it before but
goldie gramps stopped me.” Raon spoke as he held the book up. His human always loved swearing
at the Gods so he most probably will feel happier after hitting the book a couple of times.

“No, leave the book alone. I…… have some use for it later.” Cale said as he stared at the book. It
no longer had the eerie atmosphere around it, rather it felt rather amiable.

“Are you sure, human? You just fainted because of it. It might behave if we hit it a few times.”
Raon said.

‘Vicious’ Cale thought and replied to the worried dragon,

“That won’t happen again, Raon.”

“Hmm okay Human, but I will destroy it if it does something like that again.”

“......Alright” Cale agreed.

“Cale, are you sure everything is okay with you?” Eruhaben asked still looking worried.

“Yes, Eruhaben-nim”

“I see”

“Maybe a bit hungry”

“Ha! Alright. I will go and ask Vicross to cook you something.”

“Thank you Eruhaben-nim”

“Don’t mention it you unlucky bastard.” Eruhaben left the room. Choi Han remained on guard near
the door and Cale decided to leave him there.

He looked at the black dragon still looking at the book cautiously and patted his head as he spoke,

“Raon, give me the book.”

“Be careful, human”

“Sure” Cale answered without much thought and took the book.

Cale stared at the book for some time and felt weird how weirdly comfortable he felt with it. He
flipped the book open and he stared with his eyes wide open. There were new words written into
the book.

{Hello my little Saint, if you want to meet your former Team Leader, head towards the Endable

‘Endable Kingdom?’

{Ohh and as a gift for my lovely Saint, I have given your team leader his memories as Lee Soo
Hyuk. You can thank me later ♡}

‘WTF is up with the heart’ He snickered but decided to ignore it. He had much more important
things to take care of then the childish antics of a god.


“What is it, human?”

“Connect me to Fredo.”

Chapter End Notes

Cale is going to flip the Endable Kingdom

Alver is going to have a new headache

and the author is very thankful for all the kudos and comments ヽ(^o^)ノ
Chapter Summary

“Why are you here?”

“Stay away from that child who was chosen by the Sun.”

Chapter Notes

Alberu = Alver

Beacrox = Vicross

Author is trying to use the official translations for this AU and will mention them in
the notes to avoid confusion


“Duke Fredo, I am not your son.”

“Hoooo look at my son going against his father. I raised you so lovingly and you treat me like this.
I feel hurt.” Duke Fredo fake cries which makes Cale feel agitated. He decided to ignore the
vampire’s actions and continued with the conversation.

“Get ready, we will be leaving for the Endable Kingdom soon.”

“.....Did you kill Uncle White Star?”

“Maybe Count Hubesha will do a better job at being the King….”

“Hahaha son I was joking.”

“How is Count Mock and the rest of the elves feeling right now?” Cale enquired.

“They seem to be going through the last stage of Grief right now.” Duke Fredo answered

“Bring them with you to the Endable Kingdom.”

“Endable Kingdom?”

“It is time for you to become the King.” Cale answered


Cale and Duke Fredo talked about a few more things before ending the call.
Cale lay back on his bed as he wondered how he would find his former team leader among the
variety of races present in the Endable Kingdom. He wondered how old Lee Soo Hyuk must be
now. Lee Soo Hyuk had died years before Cale transmigrated into this world but he had to take
into account the difference in time between the earth and this world.

‘Hmmm It's useless to think about it right now. I’ll know it’s him when I see him. Atleast, with his
past memories, he might be able to find me first’ Cale thought as he decided to take a quick nap.

It was still quite early to sleep but he wanted to enjoy his quiet and lazy time as much as possible.
The Children and Choi Han didn’t seem to have any intention of disturbing his slumber so Cale
gladly accepted the peace.

Cale closed his eyes as a smile appeared on his face but that smile quickly turned into a frown.

The inside of his head was chaotic thanks to the voices of his Ancient Powers causing a ruckus.

- Cale! There is something very weird in here

- I-I can’t do anything to it. Its not really causing any problems….Infact its…its making your plate
even stronger!!

- Should I burn it?

The voices of the scary Giant Cobblestone, Vitality of the Heart and the Fire of Destruction could
be heard.

‘My plate is becoming stronger? Is this due to me becoming a Saint?’

Cale was sure that the God Of Death had something to do with this but didn’t feel like explaining it
to the Ancient Powers. They’ll most probably settle down in a few minutes anyways. The redhead
closed his eyes letting the chaotic sounds of his Ancient Powers drown into his unconscious.

He felt the bed shift and a little dragon took its place beside him. Cale reached out his hand to pat
Raon and settled into the warmth of the bed, letting sleep come over him.

“Has he fallen asleep?” Eruhaben and Vicross entered the room while bringing in food for Cale.

“Yes.” Choi Han answered.

“Goldie Gramps, The Human is hiding something!”

Raon communicated with Eruhaben using his mana. He did not want the weak human to wake up

“Haaa that unlucky bastard.” Eruhaben moved towards the bed and stared at the redhead who
seemed to attract all sorts of trouble.
“I will go and get some fresh meat for young master-nim.” Vicross said as he left the room with
the tray of food. His young master needs to eat well for all the shenanigans he was going to get

“I will….go and inform Your Highness about what happened today.” Choi Han spoke as he left the
room behind Vicross.

Eruhaben nodded without looking up and continued to examine Cale. His body seemed normal and
he didn’t look like a man who had stabbed his heart a few days ago.
“Haaaaaa” Eruhaben sighed and sat down on a chair beside Cale’s bed while talking to Raon using
his mana.

Cale, on the other hand, was having a dream that made him want to start the war all over again.

“What are you doing here?”

“Is this how you treat your God, my beloved Saint?” There stood the God of Death in his usual
clothes standing in the middle of a dark void, staring back at Cale.

“You are not my God. We are just……partners aiming to attain our own goals.” Cale retorted. He
would rather die than call this annoyance his God. The God Of Death’s face seemed sad for a
moment until the redhead uttered the words ‘patner’.

“Partners? Hmmm that does sound better.” The GoD replied with a smirk on his face.

Cale ignored the GoD’s comment and asked him once again why he was here to annoy him even in
his sleep.

“Sleep is the closest thing to death, Cale.”

“Is that the reason you always annoy Kage during her sleep.”

“Annoy? I don’t annoy that child but give her my divine guidance.”

“Guidance my ass.”

“Watch your mouth Cale”

“Fuck you”

“Come and fuck me yourself, my dear Saint.”



“Why are you here?”

“To give you guidance.”


“Stay away from that child who was chosen by the Sun.”

“Who? Saint Jack?” Cale enquired.

“Well he is someone to keep an eye on for sure but he is not that dangerous. It's the other one you
should be careful of.” The GoD replied.


“Haaaa I’m talking about that idiotic squirrel who always seems to be around you.”

“Squirrel…….the crown prince?”

“Pfft hahahahahaha”

“What's so funny?”

“You might be the only person capable of calling the future King a squirrel.”

“The King has to succumb to death one day too.”

“Yes, yes, Death is ohhhhhh so omnipotent after all.” Cale said sarcastically, making the God of
Death scoff.

“Anyway, be careful with him.”

“Why? He might seem a bit standoffish but he is a pretty good guy.” Cale replied honestly.

The God of Death snickered and turned away from Cale.

“Whatever, but don’t tell me that I didn’t warn you.” With that, the God of Death disappeared
leaving Cale alone in the void.

Cale just stared blankly at the place that the GoD disappeared into before he felt a searing pain
coming from his chest.

“Now what!” Cale lamented at his luck. He hated pain but he seemed to continuously end up in it.

The pain tore Cale away from his sleep, to open his eyes and see blue eyes staring back at him.
“Your Highness, what are you doing here?”

“Just keeping an eye on you.”

“You don’t have to be this…..close.” Alver was leaning way too low and looking at him as if he
was studying something.

“I was just looking at your condition dongsaeng.” Alver stood back up straight and sat on the chair
that Eruhaben had been occupying before.

“Is that so?”

“Do you have something to tell me, dongsaeng?”

“Hyung, let’s go and crown the new King of Endable Kingdom.”

Alver stared at Cale thoughtfully.

“Can you repeat that again dongsaeng?”

“The citizens of Endable Kingdom must be in chaos right now. The person who they considered
their leader sacrificed them for a forsaken God and their nobles are also missing from action. It
would be a good time to bring in Duke Fredo and elevate him to the position of a King.” Cale
spoke to the future king of Roan who was at present staring at him with a look of disbelief.

Alver Crossman just stared at his mischievous dongsaeng who was ready to run into another battle
as soon as one was over.

‘I thought he wanted a slacker life?’ Alver thought as he organised his thoughts.

“You want to strike when the iron is still hot.”

“As expected of the shining sun of Roan King-”


“Yes, Hyung.”

“Cale, did you…..pick up something weird from the Sealed God’s temple?”

“What?” Cale questioned as he stared at Alver weirdly.

“What a disrespectful expression.” Alver snickered as he got up and headed towards his door, “If
there is something, make sure to tell me dongsaeng.”

“I will, your highness.”


“I will, Hyung.”


Alver left the room leaving Cale with a confused expression on his face. The blonde headed back
to his room while a certain mechanical sound spoke to him.

- 'Warning : Another weapon from Earth detected'

Alver’s expression turned complicated listening to the words of his weapon Taerang. His
expression turned darker and darker as he walked through the dark corridor.
Chapter Summary

“What do you think Rok Soo? No, that’s not right. What do you think I am Cale

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The God of Death stared blankly at his empty office room. An office room that seemed like home
and yet so foreign and lonely. Huge stacks of papers everywhere. Papers filled with information
about the beginning and end of various beings all across the various worlds.

“You seem to be causing a lot of chaos single handedly.” A mature voice sounded from the silent
room. A voice that the God of Death was very familiar with but at the same time felt very distant.

“How amusing for you to contact me after so long.” The God of Death mocked.

“You know I have been busy trying to find those idiotic hunters.” The voice replied.

“Indeed.” GoD answered.

“Haaaaa you seem to have taken a lot of damage this time.” The silhouette of a man came into
view from the shadows. A youth who looked no more than nineteen but whose eyes showed
experience of many ages.

“It’s a small price to pay.” GoD answered as he felt the rebound of the world. He had broken the
rules too many times and his body felt like it was on fire from all the restrictions placed on him.

The youth walked towards the small communication device that showed the image of a certain
redhead making a complicated expression.

“Move, you are blocking my view” GoD growled. He had been watching his saint before a certain
someone had decided to barge into his office.

“Do you think he can do it?” The youth asked.


“Maybe? Are you risking so much for something that you are not even sure of?”

“I am. It is better than sitting around and waiting for something to happen.” GoD said as he shifted
his gaze towards the youth, “Don’t you agree, Choi Jung Gun?”

“The other Gods are not happy with your decisions” Choi Jung Gun stared back.

“They would be crying blood if they knew the full extent of our plans.” GoD replied.

“Don’t lump me in with you.”

“Ha! Don’t act so innocent.” GoD said as he went back to looking at the small screen of the
communication device.

“Haaaaa I will be leaving for the next world tomorrow. I can hopefully meet those hunter bastards
over there.”

“Good Luck” GoD replied nonchalantly as the youth disappeared.

GoD stared at his Saint in the small empty office room.

Would the light shining from the screen be his salvation or his destruction?

No one knew


Cale had a complicated expression on his face.

He was right now in the Endable Kingdom staring at a pit filled with dead mana. The air was filled
with what looked like miasma and had made the entire place uninhabitable.

Human this is really tragic

Cale nodded his head to Raon’s voice.

“That White Star should seriously be brought back to life and killed again multiple times.” Choi
Han spoke. Cale did not dare to turn around and see the expression on Choi Han’s face. He knew it
was most probably very frightening.

“It would be nice to kill him each time with a different torture method.” Ron added

‘Vicious’ Cale thought as he ignored his party and stared at what was going around him.

Endable Kingdom, right now, was akin to a Ghost town. There was no more the hustle and bustle
of all the creatures of the dark running around. This was truly the ‘Despair’ that the sealed God
thirsted for.

Duke Fredo, to his credit, had already stabilised the situation after the chaos that the White Star and
his minions had caused. He had taken all the remaining citizens out and had taken them to a place
of safety. Count Hubesha had also assembled her black knights and was making sure that everyone
was being taken care of. Order had been brought back to the old residents of the Kingdom but the
expression of betrayal and grief was evident in everyone’s faces.

Count Mock, on the other hand, had a distant look on his face. The Dark elves of the Endable
Kingdom had lost the most in this war. He wanted to have a higher position but he was left with

Cale stared at the stupid face of the Count before bringing his attention back to the pool of black.
The group had found a huge amount of dead mana placed in one of the buildings where White Star
used to reside.

- Should I burn it?

The Fire of Destruction asked. Cale nodded and a rose gold light could be seen emitting from his
hand. Soon, a bunch of successive lightning bolts fell on the dead mana. Slowly the dead mana in
the pit seemed to deplete and the miasma in the air decreased.

- Cale, something is….wrong?

- Should I eat this?

- Why? Why are you consuming this Cheapskate??

- The only thing I consume is money!! I don’t know why this is happening??

The voices of Super Rock, The indestructible Shield, The Sound of the Wind and the Fire of
Destruction continued to talk in panic.


- Cale, something is weird! Stop using the cheapskate’s power!”

As soon as the voice of Super Rock finished speaking, the ashes of the dead mana within the pit
started rising and heading towards Cale. Before he could react, the ashes surrounded him.

- I - I can eat this. I can consume the dead mana. Cale, use my powers to summon trees.

Cale immediately formed the indestructible shield around him and then started to summon trees
around him. Slowly branches rose, breaking the ground underneath him. The flora that surrounded
him started to consume the dead mana and wilt away. For the people on the outside, all they could
see was multiple trees popping out of nowhere and completely surrounding Cale.

Choi Han and Raon tried to get close to Cale but the branches seemed to not leave any space for
another life to pass through.

- Glutton! What are you doing! Don’t consume that energy. A normal human can’t have that in
their body.

- I- I can’t stop anymore!!

- The xxxx do you mean you can’t stop anymore. Should I xxxxx xxx so you can xxxx xxx

- ………..


A moment of silence was achieved in Cale’s mind after the words from the Sky Eating Water.

Cale watched as the dead mana continued to be absorbed by the Glutton’s powers. He had already
realised that this was most probably due to his contract with GoD but he still felt uncomfortable
when he thought about how this dead mana was created. He was about to pull back the glutton’s
power when he suddenly felt something approaching him.

- Who? Who is cutting of my branches??

Just as he heard Glutton's voice, a row of branches were clearly cut off to show a red eyed man
staring back at him.

“Rok Soo, Why do I always find you trapped in something?”

“Team Leader..” Cale stared at the man and was awestruck.

‘This person……..really was too beautiful.’ Cale thought in his head.


“You are a…” Cale looked at the scythe that was used to cut through the branches and then the
black wings adoring the man.

“What do you think Rok Soo? No, that’s not right. What do you think I am Cale Henituse?”

“Reaper, You are the Grim Reaper.”

“100 points dongsaeng” The red eyed man stared back at him with a smirk on his face.

Chapter End Notes

Happy New Year Everyone!! Life had lots of up and downs during 2022 but we all
have made it through. Let's continue to fight for our happiness and goals in 2023!
Fighting Everyone.

End Notes

English is not my first language so constructive criticism is always welcomed.

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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